JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2006, 39, 299–321 NUMBER3 (FALL2006) TRANSFORMATIONS OF MATHEMATICAL AND STIMULUS FUNCTIONS CHRIS NINNESS STEPHENF.AUSTINSTATEUNIVERSITY DERMOT BARNES-HOLMES NATIONALUNIVERSITYOFIRELAND,MAYNOOTH AND ROBIN RUMPH, GLEN MCCULLER, ANGELA M. FORD, ROBERT PAYNE, SHARON K.NINNESS,RONALD J.SMITH,TODDA.WARD,AND MARC P.ELLIOTT STEPHENF.AUSTINSTATEUNIVERSITY Following a pretest, 8 participants who were unfamiliar with algebraic and trigonometric functions received a brief presentation on the rectangular coordinate system. Next, they participated in a computer-interactive matching-to-sample procedure that trained formula-to- formulaandformula-to-graphrelations.Then,theywereexposedto40novelformula-to-graph tests and 10 novel graph-to-formula tests. Seven of the 8 participants showed substantial improvementinidentifyingformula-to-graphrelations;however,inthetestofnovelgraph-to- formula relations, participants tended to select equations in their factored form. Next, we manipulatedcontextualcuesintheformofrulesregardingmathematicalpreferences. First,we informed participants that standard forms of equations were preferred over factored forms. In a subsequent test of 10 additional novel graph-to-formula relations, participants shifted their selections to favor equations in their standard form. This preference reversed during 10 more testswhenfinancialrewardwasmadecontingentoncorrectidentificationofformulasinfactored form.Formulapreferencesandtransformationofnovelmathematicalandstimulusfunctionsare discussed. DESCRIPTORS: value, preference, mutual entailment, combinatorial entailment, trans- formation offunction _______________________________________________________________________________ Many mathematical functions have graphs ticalrelations.Inotherwords,allowingstudents thataretransformationsofalibraryoffunctions to‘‘see’’thetransformationsthatoccurwhenan on Descarte’s rectangular coordinate system. equation is modified in its particular character- Historically, transformation of graphs of func- istics (Larson & Hostetler, 2001) helps the tions has been a major component of many learner to understand families of functions and levels of algebra as well as of more advanced their relations to each other. This can be courses in mathematics. Showing students how particularly beneficial in showing how transfor- a variable changes in defined stages has been mations are applied to mathematical functions a dynamic learning tool in training mathema- onthecoordinateaxis,andhowtheequationof a function can be systematically modified to Portionsofthispaperwerepresentedatthe31stannual transform the graph of any function (Sullivan, convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, 2002). Chicago,May2005. Nevertheless,instructionalstrategiesaimedat Correspondence concerning this article should be directed to Chris Ninness, School & Behavioral Psycho- training transformation of mathematical func- logy Program, P.O. Box 13019, SFA Station, Stephen tions have been circumvented in many high F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas 75962 school and college intermediate algebra classes (e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2006.139-05 (R. Huettenmueller, personal communication, 299 300 CHRIS NINNESS et al. June 25, 2005). This is somewhat surprising in to be needed, and indeed recent research has that, traditionally, many state assessment in- begun to address this issue (Ninness, Rumph, struments of algebra have included questions McCuller, Harrison, et al., 2005; Ninness, regarding transformation of functions (e.g., Rumph, McCuller, Vasquez, et al., 2005). This Texas Education Agency, 2002), and most work has drawn directly on some of the Algebra I textbooks (e.g., Kennedy, McGowan, procedures and concepts used in various types Schultz, Hollowell, & Jovell, 1998; Saxon, of research on stimulus relations (e.g., Lane, 1997) and intermediate algebra textbooks Clow, Innis, & Critchfield, 1998; Leader & (e.g., Larson & Hostetler, 2001) emphasize Barnes-Holmes, 2001; Lynch & Cuvo, 1995) the importance of exposure to these concepts. and in particular on relational frame theory Moreover,thissubject matteris often addressed (RFT;Hayes, Barnes-Holmes, & Roche, 2001). in varying degrees of complexity within college One of the core postulates of RFT is that much algebra (e.g., Larson & Hostetler, 1997), of human relational responding, including trigonometry (e.g., Smith, 1998), precalculus mathematical reasoning, is established in the (e.g., Sullivan, 2002), and calculus (e.g., form of generalized relational operants through Finney, Weir, & Giordano, 2001) textbooks. appropriatehistoriesofmultiple-exemplartrain- Concurrently, math performance in the United ing (e.g., Y. Barnes-Holmes, Barnes-Holmes, States has been in a state of continuous lag Smeets,Strand,&Friman,2004).Infact,awide behind most of the countries in the industrial- range of new training protocols using stimulus ized world. Findings from the Programme for relations are beginning to appear in the applied International Student Assessment (PISA, 2003) literature. For example, Rehfeldt and Root study indicate that 15-year-old students in the (2005) confirmed that a history of relational United States are performing at a disappointing responding generated requesting skills among 3 level in fundamental math concepts when adults with severe developmental disabilities. In contrastedwiththeircounterpartsinotherparts addition, 1 of the participants demonstrated of the industrialized world. For example, the tacting and textual behavior. Rehfeldt and Root United States ranked 24th of 29 countries with speculate that establishing derived relations has regard to mathematics literacy. Moreover, the the potential togenerate novelforms ofrequest- PISA study indicated that 25% of American ing and perhaps a wide range of complex verbal students performed below the lowest possible skills. According to RFT, there are many such level of competence in mathematics. This lack relational operants (or relational frames), but of fluency in the fundamentals of basic they all possess three defining behavioral prop- mathematical operations has migrated into erties: mutual entailment, combinatorial entail- postsecondary education, where more than ment, and the transformation of stimulus one in three college students must enroll in functions. It is important that the latter should a remedial math program prior to taking not be confused with the mathematical variety, college-level courses (Steen, 2003). transformations of graphs of functions. Both From the perspective of behavior analysis, it types of transformations are detailed below. seems likely that the omission of component The concept of mutual entailment refers to math skills would contribute to a cumulative the derived relations that may obtain between dysfluency in prerequisite and related problem- two stimuli or events. For example, if a given solving skills (see Binder, 1996, for a discussion stimulusisrelatedtoanothersuchthatStimulus of cumulative dysfluency). Consequently, ap- A is the same as Stimulus B, then the derived plied behavior-analytic methods for training relation—B is the same as A—is mutually transformationofmathematicalfunctionsappear entailed. The concept of combinatorial entail- TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS 301 ment refers to derived relations among three or relation between ‘‘stuiver’’ and a ‘‘dubbeltje’’ more stimuli. For example, given that A is the wasthe‘‘opposite’’ofthatofsimilarcoinsinher opposite of B and B is the opposite of C, C nativeland,shemightwellderivethata‘‘stuiver’’ same as A and A same as C are defined as is twice the value of a ‘‘dubbeltje.’’ Moreover, combinatorially entailed relations. Among whilestilloperatingunderthecontrolofsuchan many other possibilities (e.g., greater than or inaccurate rule, if given an opportunity to select less than), it might be that A is the same as B oneofthetwocoins,thissameindividualislikely andBisthesameasC,inwhichcaseAremains to show a preference for the physically larger the same as C (and vice versa) as combinato- ‘‘stuiver.’’Here,thespecificvaluefunctionofthe rially entailed. There are virtually an unlimited coins transforms in accordance with their re- number of ways in which stimuli or events spective contextual cues (verbal descriptions of might be mutually or combinatorially entailed, their relative value) and independent of any and many of these may result in comparisons direct training or reinforcement addressing the other than sameness. Nevertheless, in all cases, monetary systems involved. mutually and combinatorially entailed relations Inthesamewaythataparticulardiscriminative constitute a relational network, and when such stimulus may control a class of unique responses a network has particular stimulus functions, the in alternating contexts, a particular rule that functions of other events in that network may describesacontextmayalteraclassofresponses, transform or alter in accordance with the but only in the context defined by the rule. derived relations. Informingachildthatwhensheisinaparticular country, coins are the same as or the opposite of Transformation of Stimulus Functions similar coins in her native land may control her The concept of transformation of stimulus preference for those coins, but only for the function refers to the changes that occur in the duration of her stay in that country. The rules behavioral functions of stimuli based on their function as a form of instructional control, but participation in a particular relational network. onlyconditionally.Althoughtheaboveaccountis In the present study, transformation of stimulus only a theoretical example, it has practical function addresses how networks of newly implications for training several types of mathe- learned relations may become preferred over matical relations. The current study focused on others. As a practical matter, consider the the transformation of preference functions for following brief example from Stewart, Barnes- specific relational or mathematical networks. Holmes, Hayes, and Lipkens (2001). Perhaps Transformation of Mathematical Functions an English-speaking child has learned that a nickel has a particular type of financial value When graphs of functions change by the addition (or subtraction) of terms within in relation to a dime, formulas for those functions, they are said to and furthermore has learned the arbitrary compar- transform. Collectively, these techniques are ativerelationofsize,suchthatwhenofferedanickel or a dime she will avoid the physically larger nickel often described as transformations of graphs of topickthearbitrarily‘‘larger’’dime.Ifwhenvisiting functions(Larson&Hostetler,2001).Critically, theNetherlandsthechildisprovidedcontextualcues the concept of relating relations may be for the derivation of a relation between a ‘‘stuiver’’ important in developing a behavior-analytic anda‘‘dubbeltje,’’thatisanalogoustothatbetween anickelandadime(e.g.,‘‘stuiveristodubbeltjeas understanding of the transformation of math- nickel is to dime’’) then she may now derive that ematical functions. When a student successfully a‘‘stuiver’’ishalfthevalueofa‘‘dubbeltje.’’(p.77) learns to relate a particular graph to a particular Conversely, if in the above example, the child formula, for example, this involves more than were to be informed (incorrectly) that the simply relating two discrete stimulus events. 302 CHRIS NINNESS et al. Both the graph and the formula are composed (Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, Harrison, et al., of multiple stimuli that relate to each other in 2005), participants took part in an MTS specific ways, so relating graph to formula thus procedure in which they received training on involves relating one set of relations to another particular standard formula-to-factored formula set of relations. andfactoredformula-to-graphrelationsasthese For instance, many functions have graphs formulas pertain to reflections and vertical and that interrelate in their various types of vertical horizontal shifts. Participants demonstrated and horizontal shifts, reflections, compressions, combinatorial entailment by identifying stan- andstretches.Asoneexampleofamathematical dard formula-to-graph relations and showed transformation, the addition of a positive high levels of accuracy in identifying 40 novel constant inside of the argument shifts the transformations of graphs of mathematical functiontotheleft(negativedirection),whereas functions. The fact that the participants were the subtraction of a constant inside of the capable of identifying novel transformations argument produces a shift to the right (positive indicated that they had not simply learned to direction). For many students, horizontal relate formula and graphs as discrete stimulus transformations run contrary to expectation, events. Instead, they had learned to relate the and many students have difficulty learning to relations contained within the graphs and identify graphed representations of such trans- formulas to each other, and this relating of formations when displayed individually or in relations was then applied to the novel trans- multiple combinations of horizontal and verti- formation problems. The present study sought cal shifts. Pilot research in our laboratory to extend this research. suggests that horizontal shifts are especially In most mathematical textbooks, equations difficult for many students when the argument of functions are illustrated in standard form, entails a negative xpcoefficient and a negative starting with the highest degree term and constant (e.g., y ~ ffi{ffiffiffiffixffiffiffiffi{ffiffiffiffiffiffi4ffiffiffi). However, our continuing with terms in descending order. previous investigations have demonstrated that (Dependingonthefunction,sometextsreferto training students to factor via matching-to- this as the general form of the equation.) In sample (MTS) procedures allowed them to contrast, factored equations are written as the learn horizontal shifts more efficiently and to products of lower degree expressions, and they derive more complex transformations for are most often used for explanatory purposes or a much wider range of formulas and graphed to demonstrate the derivation of various analogues. mathematical relations (Sullivan, 2002). For example, Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, To delineate the present study from our Vasquez, et al. (2005) employed a series of previous work in this area, in the present MTS procedures in training formula-to-graph investigation we attempted to expand our relations. Participants were tested on 36 novel analysis to include novel graph-to-formula variations of the original equations, and most relations as well as the transformation of demonstrated substantially improved perfor- stimulus functions of formulas. Unlike most mance. Participant error patterns were identi- laboratory research in the area of derived fiedwiththehelpofanartificialneuralnetwork stimulus relations (e.g., Dougher & Markham, system called the self-organizing map (Koho- 1994; O’Hora, Roche, Barnes-Holmes, & nen, 2001). Subsequently, revised software was Smeets, 2002), the current investigation at- developed to remediate errors, and participants tempted to address contextual control by showed improved performances in identifying manipulating verbal instructions that address mathematical relations. In a follow-up study novel mathematical relations. First, as in our TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS 303 previous research (Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, were undergraduates or graduate students at Harrison, et al., 2005; Ninness, Rumph, Stephen F. Austin State University.Participants McCuller, Vasquez, et al., 2005), participants were recruited from various academic programs were given a brief lecture, followed by comput- by way of prearranged agreements with profes- er-interactive training on the relations between sorstoofferthisopportunitytotheirclasses.All standard formulas and more easily understood participants received five test points on their factored formulas as well as factored formulas final examination for taking part in the and their graphical representations. MTS pro- experiment. There were 70 tests of novel cedures were used to assess mutual entailment relations in total. Each participant was paid and combinatorial entailment, and participants a maximum of $8.00 for the entire experiment, wereprobedoveranarrayofnovelandcomplex with 10 cents per correct response during the formula-to-graph relations. However, unlike assessment of novel relations (i.e., the first 60 any of our previous studies in this area, items) and 20 cents per correct response during participants also were probed on 10 novel the last10trials.Aftercompleting thestudy,all graph-to-formula relations, in which two of the participants were debriefed and compensated six comparison items were correct. One of the according to the number of correct responses correct formulas was arranged in standard form they provided in the assessment of novel and the other in factored form. Then, we formula-to-graph and graph-to-formula rela- attempted to transform participants’ preference tions. All sessions were conducted in rooms of for particular forms of correct answers by the university that remained free of external informing them that mathematicians prefer to diversions throughout the course of the exper- express equations in standard rather than iment. factored form. Finally, we implemented a con- trol condition in which the experimental Apparatus and Software contingencies were altered by informing partic- Participantswereseatedindividuallyatatable ipants that they would receive increased finan- in a small session room containing a Hewlett cial reward for selecting correct equations Packard Pavilion ze5170 (Pentium 4 2-GHz represented in the factored form rather than processorwith512MBRAM)laptopcomputer the standard form. thatdisplayedbothmathematicalequationsand graphicalrepresentationsofequationsonawhite background. A Labtec AM 252 microphone METHOD adjacent to each computer was conspicuously Participants and Setting attached to a side port of the computer. After obtaining informed consent and ad- Training and MTS procedures and the re- ministering a pretest to determine individuals’ cording of responses were controlled by the familiaritywithvariousmathematicalfunctions, computer program, which was written by the the experimenters dismissed anyone who dem- first author in Visual Basic 6 and C++. The onstrated any prior knowledge of transforma- software provided math instructional tutorials, tion of mathematical functions. Correctly displayed graphs, and recorded the accuracy of answering more than three of 15 pretest items responses throughout all phases of the study. precluded an individual from participating in The experimental sessions were conducted on the experiment. the laptop with an attached infrared mouse. Ten participants (9 women and 1 man), ranging in age from 19 to 35 years, began the Design and Procedure experiment, but 2 did not complete the entire After a brief pretraining presentation (Stage training and testing sequence. All participants 1),theparticipantwastakentothecomputerin 304 CHRIS NINNESS et al. anindividualtreatmentroomforStage2,where the experimenter read rules regarding square computer-interactive training was conducted. root operations from the screen and answered As in Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, Harrison, et questions, but only to the extent that the al. (2005), participants were trained and tested questions pertained directly to sample-to-com- onA-BandB-Crelationsandtheassessmentof parison items(A-B or B-C). The relationsof B- mutually entailed (B-A and C-B) and combi- A, C-B, A-C, and C-A were not addressed. natoriallyentailed(A-CandC-A)relations.The Step 1: Provide A-B rules. In pretraining A-B computer program then assessed the participant rules,theexperimenterexplainedthatanegative on 40 novel relations between formulas and the coefficient of x inside the argument of the graphs of these functions. standard form of a formula often makes At the conclusion of the assessment of novel graphing the function more complicated and formula-to-graph relations, participants’ prefer- that the standard form of the formula can be ences for factored and standard forms of the factored to remove any negative signs that equations were assessed. In this phase, we preceded the x variable. It was explained that attemptedtoproduce an experimentalanalogue factoring the standard formula makes it more of the transformation of stimulus functions, or conducive to graphing techniques. change in formula preference, by way of In this narrative account of A-B relations, providing contextual cues in the form of verbal standard formulas were samples, and factored rules that described a mathematical preference formulas served as comparisons. For instance, for particular types of formulas over others. In participants were shown a basic square root attempting to examine the transformation of function in its standard form and how to stimulus functions, rules were used to establish express it when a negative one coefficient is contextual control over the discrimination of factoredoutoftheargument.Inthepretraining correct formulas from the comparison array of and computer training phases, we used the incorrectformulas.Participantswereexposedto words ‘‘negative sign’’ rather than ‘‘21 co- comparison items with four incorrect formulas efficient’’ because most of our participants had and two correct formulas. One of the correct no familiarity with the latter term. formulas was represented in standard form and Step 2: Provide B-C rules. Because partici- the other in factored form. After participants pants were unfamiliar with the Cartesian respondedto10graph-to-formulacomparisons, coordinate system, the experimenter noted that they were given verbal rules indicating that the horizontal number line is identified as the x equations of graphs are preferred when they are axis and that the vertical number line is called represented in their standard form. Subsequent the y axis. Participants were told that various to responding to a set of 10 graph-to-formula types of formulas were called functions and comparisons, we implemented a control condi- could be employed to produce graphs. Using tion in which we told participants that they PowerPointH slides, the experimenter read rules would receive supplemental reinforcement explainingthatanegativesigninsidetheradical (20 cents rather than 10 cents) for selecting or the parentheses reflects the graph over in the correct comparison formula in factored (about) the y axis and that a negative sign form rather than standard form. outsidetheradicalortheparenthesesreflectsthe Stage 1: Pretraining on basic mathematical graph down in (about) the x axis. Likewise, relations.Theexperimenterprovidedapretrain- aconstantvalueaddedorsubtractedoutsidethe ing lecture to participants individually using radicalortheparenthesesmovesthegraphupor PowerPointH illustrations of the rectangular down the y axis in the same direction as coordinate system. As illustrated in Figure 1, indicatedbythesign.Theillustrationsandrules TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS 305 Figure 1. Stage 1 included giving rules and rules with exemplars by way of a PowerPointH presentation. Stage 2 involvedcomputer-interactive conditional discrimination MTS training. provided on the slide presentation were identi- Here, B represented the factored formula, and cal to those of the computer-interactive MTS C was one of six possible graphical representa- procedures that followed this presentation. tions of B. Again, using the laser pointer, the Step 3: Provide A-B exemplar. Participants experimenter identified the correct comparison wereexposedtoaninstanceofanA-Btestscreen. itemdisplayedonthescreen.(TheA-BandB-C In this illustration, A was represented as PowerPointH illustrations were not the same as a standard square root formula and B as one of those used in Stage 2 for the actual computer- six factored square root formulas, or compar- interactive training.) isons. The experimenter told participants that As in Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, Harrison, the same type of screen image would be used et al. (2005), all participants were given the duringthecomputer-interactivetrainingsession. same15-minpretrainingpresentationregarding Usingahandheldlaserpointer,theexperimenter the basics of the rectangular coordinate system identified the correct comparison item. and the relation between the square root Step 4: Provide B-C exemplar. Participants formula and its graphical representation. Fol- were exposed to a slide of a B-C test screen. lowing the presentations, participants were 306 CHRIS NINNESS et al. escorted to the session room, and the experi- posed the participant to the entire MTS menter demonstrated a point-and-click re- protocol, starting from the beginning. sponse on a sample screen and made sure that Step 1: Train A-B relations, test A-B. As in the participants could perform this type of Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, Harrison, et al. response independently. Participants were told (2005), computer-interactive training of A-B that mathematical rules would be posted on included the following details. As the program various screens and were directed to read these displayed a mathematical rule on each training rules into the microphone adjacent to the screen, the computer instructed the participant computer each time the program instructed to read this rule into the microphone. For them to do so. example, the participant read a rule indicating Stage 2: Training and testing of mathematical that the standard form of the square root relations. Before beginning the experiment, all formula can be factored to remove any negative participants were advised that at various points signs that precede the x variable. After reciting duringthesession,thecomputerwouldinstruct each rule twice, the participant clicked ‘‘next’’ them to stop responding. At that time, they to advance to the screen that assessed A-B were to contact the experimenter, who was performance (see Appendix A). Unlike the located in an adjacent office. Stage 2 involved previous training procedures employed in conditional discrimination MTS training; the Ninness, Rumph, McCuller, Harrison, et al. program presented the participants with visual (2005),thecomputerprogramdidnotgenerate displays in the form of mathematical rules and any audio output expressing the rules displayed emphasized that these rules should be stated on the screen, nor did we attempt to record aloud by reading them into a microphone. participants’ reading of the rules displayed on Thus, participants read and practiced the the computer screen. behaviors specified by mathematical rules. After Step 2: Train B-C relations, test B-C. The training and assessing standard formula-to- same MTS procedure was used to train and test factored-formula (A-B) relations and factored- B-Crelationsbutfocusedonrulespertainingto formula-to-graph (B-C) relations, participants factored equations and their graphs. Rules were tested for mutually entailed formula-to- regarding reflections and vertical andhorizontal formula (B-A) relations and graph-to-formula shifts associated with various functions on the (C-B) relations. Then, the combinatorially coordinate system were displayed and then read entailed relations between the standard form aloud by participants. For example, the screen of the formulas and their respective graphs (A- displayed solid blue lines to represent the basic C), as well as the graphs of the functions and square root functions and dashed red lines to the original standard formulas (C-A), were illustrate transformations of the square root tested. functions that occurred when the formulas For samples and comparisons, formula size changed. These rules described mathematical was set at 24 using Times New Roman font. relations such as, ‘‘Negative sign inside the When displayed as samples, graphs were radical is reflected over in the y axis. A positive approximately 2 in. square on the computer constant inside the radical or the parentheses screen;however,whendisplayedascomparisons moves the function in the opposite direction in groups of six, they were reduced to along the x axis.’’ (The program used the words approximately 1.5 in. square each. On any ‘‘over in’’ rather than the conventional ‘‘about’’ occasion during which a participant emitted an based on pilot testing feedback that indicated incorrect response, the program randomized all thisphrasingwaseasierformanyparticipantsto comparison elements on all screens and reex- understand.SeeAppendixBforanillustration.) TRANSFORMATIONS OF FUNCTIONS 307 After these rules were displayed twice, the participant clicked ‘‘next’’ to advance to the screenthatassessedB-Cperformance.Although the assessment screens varied the specific values oftheconstantswithintheformulas,thecorrect answers were always obtainable by performing in accordance with the previously displayed rules. Step 3: Test B-A, test C-B, test A-C, and test C-A. This step assessed the mutually entailed B-A and C-B relations and the combinatorially entailed relations between the graphs of the functions and the original standard equations Figure 2. A square root function where A2 is in (A-C).Also,thecombinatorialrelationsbetween standard form, B2 is in factored form, and C2 is the the standard forms of the formulas and their graphical representation of thisfunction. graphs (C-A) were tested (see Appendix C). All mathematical rules, formulas, and graph- ended, and the participant was compensated, ical representations for horizontal and vertical debriefed, and excused from the study. shiftsaswellasforreflectionsinthexaxisandy Assessment of novel formula-to-graph relations. axis were trained according to this protocol. In After demonstrating mutual entailment and total, the program trained and tested two combinatorial entailment on both versions of versions of the square root function and two the square root functions and both versions of versions of the common logarithmic function. thecommonlogarithmicfunctions,participants Figure 2 illustrates the trained and assessed weretestedonnovelrelationsbetweenformulas relations addressing the log function A2, B2, and their graphs—specifically, 40 complex and C2. Following the trained (A-B and B-C) variations of the trained mathematical formu- relations, the program tested the mutually la-to-graph relations. For each test item, the entailed (B-A and C-B) relations and combina- participant attempted to match a new formula torially entailed (A-C and C-A) relations. with a graph from a selection of six graphs not Correction procedures and mastery criteria. previously used during any training and Mastery of the basic mathematical relations assessment screens. (Within any MTS test, the required the participant to complete one error- comparison graphs were all the same type of less sequence of all four classes of related mathematical function; for instance, a sine mathematical functions. This included six formula was only compared against variations MTS tests (A-B, B-C, B-A, C-B, A-C, and of sine graphs.) No accuracy feedback or C-A) within each class of functions. Therefore, reexposure to training was given during assess- mastery required 24 consecutive correct identi- ment of novel formula-to-graph relations. This fications of the formula-to-graph and graph-to- task required participants to identify graphs formula relations. Participants who made MTS relating to formulas with new combinations of errors during the assessment of relations were positive and negative constants inside and returned to the beginning of the program; the outside the arguments of 40 new mathematical program randomized all comparison elements functions. These novel formula-to-graph assess- before reexposing participants to the MTS ments included multiple combinations of protocol. If a participant required more than reflections and vertical and horizontal shifts five reexposures to the protocol, the program for complex logarithmic, square root, exponen- 308 CHRIS NINNESS et al. Figure3. Oneofthe40testsofnovelformula-to-graphrelations.Thesolidlinesrepresentthebasiccubefunction(y 5x3),andthedashedlinesindicatethepossibletransformationwhentheformulabecomesmorecomplex.Aparticipant whoidentifiedanovelvariationoftheformulathatincludedanegativeconstant4withintheargumentandanegative constant 4 followingthe argument would select Casthe correct comparison item. tial, square, cubic, tangent, and sine functions. Figure 3 illustrates one of the 40 novel PerformingtheseMTStasksdidnotrequirethe formula-to-graph tests. The solid line on each participant to become familiar with the dynam- of the six comparison graphs represents the ics of each type of mathematical function. basic function prior to transformation. The However, successful performance did require dashed line shows the graph produced by the the participant to identify new and complex novel formula. When given the formula for combinations of reflections and shifts as they a cube function with a negative constant 4 occurred among a wide array of diversified inside the argument (shifting right) and a neg- functions. In effect, this task involved relating ative 4 outside the argument (shifting down), specific relations expressed within the formula participants who answered correctly chose C as to specific relations illustrated within the the mathematical transformation of this func- graphs. tion.