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Preview ERIC EJ746299: Addressing the Achievement Gap between Minority and Nonminority Children: Increasing Access and Achievement through Project EXCITE

e s s i n g t h e A c hievement Gap Bet r d w d e A y a n d Nonminority en o r i t Chil n d i r M e n Increasing Access and Achievement Through Project EXCITE by Paula Olszewski-Kubilius The Achievement Gap has existed since the 1960s. The dis- cans, Latinos, and Native Americans Between Minority and parities closed somewhat through the Among Top Students in the United late 1980s after which progress in States at All Levels of the Education Nonminority Children achieving parity slowed. Comprehen- System” (Miller, 2004). sive statistics illustrating the dispari- The reasons and causes for the The most significant educational ties between minority and nonminor- achievement gap are many and varied. problem in the U.S. is the fact that the ity students in terms of many different They include poverty; lack of access to achievement of minority children lags indices of academic achievement are supplemental educational programs behind that of nonminority children. documented in the College Board and other educational tools, includ- This is true whether one is talking Report “Reaching the Top” (1999), ing technology; poor quality schools, about suburban or urban school sys- which uses data from the National including underprepared teachers; tems and low-income or high-income Assessment of Education Progress low teacher expectations due to bias families. On almost every indicator of (NAEP) study. A similar report that achievement including grades, stan- documents the achievement gap spe- and racism; low levels of parental edu- dardized achievement tests, college cifically for minority and nonminori- cation and involvement; cultural and attendance and completion, minority ty gifted children was recently released language differences; negative peer children do not achieve at the same from the National Research Center influences; geographic mobility over levels as nonminority children. on the Gifted and Talented and is ti- the summer months; and lack of tacit The “achievement gap” between tled “Promoting Sustained Growth in knowledge about higher education minority and nonminority children the Representation of African Ameri- (Arnold, 1993; Ford, 1996). 28 spring 2006 • vol 29, no 2 e s s i n g t h e A c hievement Gap Bet Minority Children and ing Aanddd rfeisxsiningg tthhee Aacchhiieevveemmeennt t gGaapp Bechtwildeerenn M hinaoveri tyb eacnodm Neo namvaiinlaobrliet y rCeh-ildren r d w d e Gifted Programs between minority and nonminor- cently in large part due to the federal A y a n d Nonminority en ity students. These have included Javits program, although most often o r i t Chil One of the contributing factors early childhood and preschool pro- this is about increasing access to gifted M in dre to the achievement gap, particularly grams such as Head Start, supple- programs rather than achievement in n mentary educational programs, and them. A notable exception is Project for top students, is that children of programs aimed at comprehensive Synergy (Borland & Wright, 1994), color are underrepresented in gifted school reform (College Board, 1999). in which economically disadvantaged, programs (Bernal, 2002; Borland However, even potentially gifted kindergarten chil- & Wright, 1994; Ford, 1996; Ford dren from New York City were iden- & Harris, 1999; Gallagher, 1994; proven or promising school-level tified and provided services to enable Grantham, 2003; Maker, 1996; Mor- strategies tested with minorities them to eventually place into school- ris, 2002). They are less likely to be have targeted disadvantaged stu- based gifted programs. Demonstrated nominated by teachers as potential dents who are at risk of being positive effects of the intervention in- candidates for gifted programs (Ford, low achievers. These strategies cluded significant gains on standard- Harris, Tyson, & Trotman, 2002) and have typically not been explic- ized tests after a full year of involve- if nominated, less likely to be selected itly designed to promote high ment in the program (e.g., children for the program (Saccuzzo, Johnson, achievement among disadvan- moved from the bottom quarter to & Guertin, 1994) particularly when taged minorities, nor have they the top third compared to the norm- traditional measures such as IQ and targeted middle and high SES ing population on tests of reading and achievement tests are used for identi- minority students. (College mathematics) and gains in IQ scores. fication (Ford et al.). A considerable Board, p. 23) amount of literature in the gifted field One direction educators have Project EXCITE deals with the issue of altering identi- taken to close the achievement gap fication procedures to increase minor- among gifted students is supplemen- Project EXCITE was developed ity students’ access to gifted programs tal educational programs that are and implemented specifically to raise (Baldwin, 1994; Bernal; Borland & growing in number, particularly for the achievement of gifted minority Wright; Ford; Ford & Harris; Frasier, urban school children. students in a large suburban school 1987; Hiatt, 1994; Sarouphim, 1999; district of Chicago so that they could VanTassel-Baska, Johnson, & Avery, One thing we do know, however, qualify for advanced programs and 2002) with proposals being put forth is that many high-achieving stu- accelerated tracks in high school in for using performance-based assess- dents from all racial and ethnic mathematics and science. ment measures based on Gardner’s groups are beneficiaries of extensive theory of multiple intelligences (e.g., formal and informal supplemen- Achievement Gap in the School Baldwin; Sarouphim) or other models tary educational opportunities over District (VanTassel-Baska et al.), and nonverbal time, many of which are provided ability assessment such as the Naglieri directly or paid for by their par- Evanston Township High School Nonverbal Ability Test or Raven’s Ma- ents. We also know that some of (ETHS) is a large suburban (popu- trix Analogies Test (Ford et al.; Naglieri the most academically successful lation > 75,000) high school in the & Ford, 2003). Some of these efforts groups in our society have created a Midwest. It serves a diverse popula- appear to be successful (see Naglieri & network of supplementary oppor- tion of students consisting of 45.6% Ford; VanTassel-Baska et al.), although tunities for their children that Caucasian, 43.7% African American, might best be described as a parallel controversy about them still exists. 7.1% Latino, and 2.5% Asian. ETHS educational system (College Board, has always been known for the rich- 1999, p. 25) Programs for Narrowing ness of its curricular offerings, which the Achievement Gap Some data regarding the effects include Advanced Placement (AP), of supplemental gifted programs de- honors, and regular and vocational There have been numerous inter- signed specifically to boost the aca- classes. The science department of- vention programs aimed at address- demic achievement of gifted minority fers a special program known as the ggiifftteedd cchhiilldd ttooddaayy 22 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children Chem/Phys Program. In this pro- in closing the academic achievement Peer pressure was another factor gram, Advanced Placement Chemis- gap, the program had to devise strate- that had to be addressed. Students try and Physics are taught as an inte- gies that would deal with the major should be able to grow up believing grated science to accelerated students factors that affect student achieve- that it is very normal to be a minor- with a marked talent for mathematics ment including expectations for ity and academically successful. Role and science. In general, only students achievement, peer pressure and peer models were needed if positive changes in the upper 5% of the student popu- support for achievement, parental and were to be made in students’ percep- lation of the high school are invited family support for achievement, and tions and expectations of themselves. to join the Chem/Phys Program. A access to supplemental educational Successful minority high school and small portion of students in this ad- programs and opportunities. For ex- college students were recruited to vanced program are involved in sci- ample, the program had to bolster serve as role models for the Project ence research for the National Science existing support structures within the EXCITE children to help them visu- Talent Search Competition initially family and school and create new ar- alize the path they were expected to known as the Westinghouse Science eas of support (e.g., a peer group) that take and to prepare for. They served as Talent Search and now known as the would foster and promote high aca- teaching assistants for afterschool ses- Intel Science Talent Search. Although demic achievement among students. sions, tutored selected students, and the mathematics department does not Parents had to be integrally involved spoke to students and parents about have a similar program, it does offer if Project EXCITE was to succeed, their experience of achieving in high advanced math courses such as BC and their participation was as vital as school. In addition, Project EXCITE Calculus and Multivariable Calculus. that of the students. Parents needed students were grouped within classes Although the school has been ra- to set very high expectations for in their middle schools to encour- cially integrated since the late 1960s, achievement, monitor and assist stu- age peer support and camaraderie for the number of minority students in the dents with homework, and make sure achievement and to inoculate students advanced math and science classes is students were attending extra enrich- against negative peer pressure. very small. Minority students make up ment classes on Saturdays and in the Finally, Project EXCITE had to only approximately 5% of the students summer. Parents needed to become ensure that the children and families in the accelerated Chem/Phys Program. aware of the opportunities, programs, had the same access to educational ad- They also make up only about 11% of and strategies that middle- and up- vantages as other segments of society. the students in the Multivariable Cal- per-middle class nonminority parents That would include supplemental, culus and 8% of the students in the BC use to provide educational advantages outside-of-school educational pro- Calculus classes (data for 2002). and access, and they had to use those grams for gifted students, as well as There is a wide disparity for other opportunities for their child. technology tools such as home com- indices of academic achievement be- Teachers had to recognize the puters and educational software, so tween minority and nonminority stu- children’s abilities and respond by that students could compete success- dents, including grades and placement setting high expectations, providing fully for placement in advanced and in tracks; the majority of Black and La- appropriately challenging work in accelerated programs. tino students are in regular classes (J. class, and creating an environment Levinson, personal communication, within their classroom that rewarded Project Partners January 28, 2004). Project EXCITE and recognized high achievement. was created to address this gap in Though Project EXCITE took place Project EXCITE is a collaborative achievement that results from poorer largely outside of school walls, class- program of Northwestern University, access to and preparation for advanced room teachers were invited to at- a major, private university, through classes for minority students. tend and assist with after-school its Center for Talent Development sessions, were given curricular ma- (CTD); Evanston Township High Strategies Used to Help Close terials used in afterschool sessions, School District; and the elementary the Achievement Gap were informed of students’ progress school district in the suburb. Each of in Saturday enrichment classes, and the partner institutions contributes It was recognized very early that participated in the advisory board funds, personnel, and other resources if Project EXCITE was to succeed for the project. (e.g., space) to the project. 30 spring 2006 • vol 29, no 2 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children Project Goals enthusiasm for learning mathematics the Saturday Enrichment Program and science; and (e) come from fami- (SEP) at the CTD, which also consist The general long-range goal of lies that have limited experience with of 8–10 talks annually by experts in the program is to close the gap in aca- higher education (i.e., children would gifted education. Project coordinators demic achievement between minority be first-generation college attendees). meet with parents upon request, typi- and majority students by bolstering Students had to meet all criteria with cally to deal with parental concerns the achievement and success of gifted the exception of (e). Students were about an individual child. Other minority children. The specific long- not selected on the basis of family kinds of sessions are held with parents term goal is to increase the number income and there is an unknown as needed. For example, as families re- of minority students in the advanced range of socioeconomic status (SES) ceive a home computer as part of their math and science programs at the levels among Project EXCITE partic- participation in Project EXCITE, high school such as the Chem/Phys ipants, although most students were training classes on Internet use and program and AP and honors classes. perceived to be of low to modest word processing have been offered. Currently, the program is pursuing the family incomes. The rationale behind Peer Support. To provide role following immediate goals to achieve the decision not to use low income as models for high-achieving, success- the general and specific long-term a qualifying criterion was the research ful minority (and nonminority) stu- goals: (a) the identification of minor- cited previously that showed that the dents, high school students are used ity children in early elementary school achievement gap between minority as helpers in the afterschool classes for (by grade 3) with talent and ability in and nonminority children exists at all third graders and at the parent meet- mathematics and science; (b) the pro- SES levels, even high ones. ings. These high school students assist vision of supplemental educational EXCITE students with completing opportunities to ensure that selected Program Components the afterschool learning activities by students complete algebra and have a leading small groups. They also serve significant science laboratory experi- There are several key components as tutors for students who need extra ence by the end of eighth grade; (c) of Project EXCITE aimed at address- help, meeting students after school in increased support for high achieve- ing the major factors contributing the local library or on Saturdays. ment and talent development through to the achievement gap. These four Project EXCITE students are significant and sustained interactions components are parent education and cluster grouped together in classes with older student role models and support, peer support, academic en- within their elementary and middle with teachers and other adults; and richment, and individualized talent schools after the third-grade year to (d) the cultivation of a positive peer development. encourage support and bonding. Stu- culture in the elementary and middle Parent Education and Support. dents attend parent meetings to hear schools by encouraging the formation Project EXCITE uses school-based motivational speakers consisting of of a supportive group of peer program parent meetings and seminars for successful minority leaders from the participants. the education and support of Project community and high-achieving mi- EXCITE parents. Three parent meet- nority students. Eligible Students ings are held each year by the staff of Academic Enrichment. Project Project EXCITE. Motivational speak- EXCITE students participate in aca- Students become eligible for the ers and experts in the talent develop- demic enrichment activities begin- program in the third grade if they (a) ment of gifted minority students are ning in grade 3 after school or in the are from the underrepresented minor- invited to speak to parents at these summer. Third graders participate in ity groups in mathematics and sci- meetings. These talks focus on ways afterschool sessions held at the high ence; (b) have the potential to achieve in which parents can cultivate high school, consisting of integrated math at high levels as demonstrated by their achievement, create a home environ- and science experiments. Students ability to think critically and engage ment that supports achievement, and in grades 4, 5, and 6 take classes on in problem solving; (c) demonstrate work with schools to ensure that stu- Saturdays through the CTD’s Sat- the ability to work beyond their cur- dents are performing at high levels in urday Enrichment Program (SEP). rent grade level; (d) demonstrate a school. Parents are also invited to at- These consist of two 8-week sessions high level of interest, curiosity, and tend parent workshops organized by of Saturdcaoyn ctilnasuseeds oinn fpaalgl ea n??d winter. gifted child today 31 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children SEP is designed to offer enriching and meet with parents as requested typi- board members (representatives from challenging courses to students from cally about achievement and school the high school, elementary schools, preschool to ninth grade. In grade 4, performance issues. middle schools, university, and dis- Project EXCITE students are grouped trict-level administrators); 5 school together in a special Saturday class to Evaluation Activities liaisons (principals or teachers); 4– promote friendships and connections 8 instructors for Project EXCITE between Project EXCITE students Since the program has been im- classes (teachers from high schools who come from five different schools. plemented, the elementary school and elementary schools); 2 psycholo- Beginning in grade 5, students choose district has changed the tests that it gists (from the two middle schools); a math or science class from the ar- uses to assess districtwide achieve- 8–10 students (high school student ray of classes offered in the SEP. The ment. They have used a well-known mentors or aides); and 1 contact per- EXCITE students can opt for courses norm-referenced test, then online son/translator for Hispanic families. only in math and science. Participation tests in key academic areas, and now in the fall and winter session of the SEP rely primarily on state-level, criterion- Selection Procedures is mandatory for Project EXCITE stu- referenced tests. We have collected for Project EXCITE dents but participation in the spring any kind of test information available SEP session or summer programs of the from the district on Project EXCITE Project EXCITE has been in Center is optional (prior to grade 6). students, but no one test has been existence for 5 years. Each year, a new Beginning in the summer of grade 6, used consistently across the 5 years of cohort of third graders is recruited students are also required to participate the program. Currently, performance into the project. For the most part, in the CTD summer program as com- on state-mandated tests is all that is recruitment has been conducted as muters. Summer classes are either en- available, and these are used only to follows. Firstly, third-grade teachers richment or accelerative (e.g., Algebra identify areas of weaknesses among in five elementary schools were asked for sixth and seventh grades) in nature our students—so as to provide ad- to nominate minority children who in the areas of language arts, science, ditional tutoring if needed. All fifth they perceived as talented in science mathematics, social science, and the graders are given a district-designed and mathematics. Nomination proce- fine arts. Project EXCITE students can test to assess their readiness to study dures varied by school; some schools choose either a math or science sum- prealgebra in grade 6 or 7 (in prep- did this in a group meeting of teach- mer course from the array of courses aration for algebra in grade 7 or 8). ers, while others left it up to the prin- offered to students at their grade level. Scores on this test qualify students for cipal. Secondly, teachers completed a Project coordinators assist students in the accelerated math program called form for each nominated student that selecting an appropriate course. Gateways Math. A test designed by asked them to rate students’ prob- Additional Support. Additional the high school is given to all students lem-solving skills, verbal reasoning supports are provided to Project EX- after the completion of algebra to as- and analytical skills, work and study CITE students as needed. These have sess mastery of algebra and placement habits, conduct and behavior in class, included a review class held in the into geometry. In addition, students’ interest in the subject area, and fam- spring on Saturdays to help fifth grad- performance on math chapter tests ily support for school achievement. ers prepare for a district administered and the end-of-the-year math cumula- Thirdly, nominated students were prealgebra placement test; supplemen- tive test, as well as report card grades, given the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability tal classes in the summers for students are regularly monitored and collected Test (NNAT) in an afterschool or who were not working consistently at by Project EXCITE staff. in-school session. The students with grade level in reading or mathematics; the best scores in each cohort were monthly, in-school lunch meetings of Project Staff accepted into the program, which sixth grade students who qualified to meant that most students had a stan- study prealgebra to encourage peer Project EXCITE involves 32–36 ine of 6 or higher on the Naglieri support and increase motivation and experts who monitor and assist the Test, received a positive recommen- commitment; and individual refer- EXCITE students with their academic dation from the school regarding rals for other kinds of professional progress. Staff members consist of 2 work habits, achievement, ability, and services. The program coordinators project cocoordinators; 10 advisory interests, and performed at a “reason- 32 spring 2006 • vol 29, no 2 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children ably high level” on the state-level cri- ity, some of those students were low ity students enrolled in Algebra terion-referenced (Illinois Standards on reading skills or math skills that Honors in a fourth middle Achievement Test [ISAT]) or stan- impeded their success in the program. school. dardized norm-referenced (Iowa Test Therefore, we added the ITBS into • Of the first cohort of 19 fifth of Basic Skills [ITBS]) tests the dis- the assessment. We then selected stu- graders, 12 (80%) qualified to be trict was using at the time. There was dents who had either a high NNAT placed in prealgebra in grade 6 no absolute criterion for “reasonably coupled with good achievement on on the basis of a district test given high level.” Generally, we used 80% the ISAT or ITBS, or relatively high to all fifth graders. In the previ- as a cutoff for performance on a achievement on the math and reading ous year, only three minority reading or math subtest of the ITBS subtests of the ITBS. The changes in students qualified for prealgebra or a “meets” or “exceeds” standard the identification procedures resulted from the four schools. Thus, the for performance on a subtest of the in more students with high (stanines 12 students represented a 300% ISAT. A selection committee consist- of 8 and 9) scores on the NNAT increase in the number of minor- ing of representatives from each of the and students with more even profiles ity children who qualified for partner institutions reviewed all stu- across math and verbal abilities that advanced math in the district. dent information and made selections are relevant for success in advanced • Of the second cohort of 14 fifth from nominated students for each courses of study. graders, 5 (36%) are in the regu- cohort. On average, students were 8.6 lar math program, and 9 (74%) years old at the time of recruitment. Increasing Access were placed in prealgebra. There is no information available for students’ SES levels except that Table 1 shows the number of stu- In summary 74–80% of the stu- of the students currently enrolled in dents nominated for Project EXCITE dents in each of the first two cohorts Project EXCITE, 48.7% are on free each year, the number and percentage qualified for placement into prealge- or reduced lunch and 51.3% are not selected, and reasons for attrition. In bra in grade 6, which puts them on (R. Blair, personal communication, general, while we lost a fair number of track to complete algebra by grade 9. April 13, 2004), although this may students each year, it was not because be an underestimate as students may of lack of performance in the program Improving Achievement be reluctant to use free lunch even if or lack of interest, but typically due they are eligible. to family mobility. We did suspend The EXCITE students are re- Over the years, we have tried to one student from the program for bad quired to take Saturday classes refine the selection criteria and proce- behavior, but even this student can through the fall and winter sessions of dures based on our experiences with return to the program if, after coun- the CTD Saturday Enrichment Pro- the students. In 2004, we invited all seling, his behavior improves. gram. With rare exception, students minority students in grades 3 at the Project EXCITE has definitely have complied and participation has five elementary schools to take the increased the access of minority chil- been excellent. Although students do NNAT (rather than relying on school dren in the district to advanced classes not receive grades for the Saturday nominations, which we worried such as algebra. classes, a review of narrative reports missed some truly gifted students). on performance prepared by their Students then took the test on a • In two of the middle schools, teachers showed that achievement Saturday morning. We reasoned that Project EXCITE seventh grad- within the Saturday classes has also only students whose families really ers make up half of all minor- been good for most students and that valued the program would make sure ity students enrolled in Algebra generally the EXCITE students have they were at the testing session on Honors. fared comparably to the other gifted Saturday and thus this procedure • In a third middle school, 80% of students within the program. Thus served as a proxy for assessing paren- all the minority students enrolled far, only a few students, fewer than tal support. In addition, we were not in Algebra Honors are Project five, were reported to have had prob- wholly satisfied with the NNAT, EXCITE students. lems, either in terms of behavior or because, while it identified students • Project EXCITE students make academics, in their Saturday classes, continued on page ?? high on nonverbal reasoning abil- up two thirds of all the minor- and these were temporary in nature. gifted child today 33 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children Achievement in the summer class Of the 12 students who entered from achievement by peers and par- was good to excellent. Students who prealgebra in grade 6, 9 did well ents who were ambivalent about them took Algebra 1 received grades of B enough in to continue on to algebra being in the program and not strongly or higher and completed an entire se- in grade 7, and 3 went on to Prealge- supportive. They both remain in Proj- mester of work in 3 weeks. They held bra 2 (Prealgebra 1 covers the first half ect EXCITE and can still complete al- their own in this fast-paced, acceler- of prealgebra and Prealgebra 2 covers gebra before grade 9. We have tried ated class. Students who took enrich- the second half). Two of the nine stu- to assist one family by recommending ment classes in the summer had posi- dents placed in algebra failed to main- and finding affordable counseling, tive evaluations from teachers. Some tain a grade of C in the first semester but the family has thus far not taken students initially obtained low quiz and were dropped back to Prealgebra advantage of this resource. grades but worked hard and improved 2. The remaining seven are on track In addition, 88% to 100% of their grades to an excellent level by to complete Algebra 1 and geometry each cohort of students (third graders, the end of the course. before they enter high school. Both of fourth graders, etc.) was deemed pro- The achievement of Project the students who were dropped were ficient by the school district in reading EXCITE students in school, as evi- very bright and capable; one got a and mathematics based on curricu- denced by grades in prealgebra and stanine of 9 on the NNAT. Their low lum-based assessments conducted by algebra, has been variable (see Table performance was due to psycho-social the district. This far exceeds district 2). factors such as being distracted away averages for minority children. Table 1 Statistics for EXCITE Cohorts Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Nominated 48 71 71 60 131 Selected 24 19 27 24 21 Percentage 50% 27% 38% 40% 16% Tests Used NNAT NNAT, ITBS NNAT, District NNAT NNAT and (given by dis- Online Test ITBS (given by trict) EXCITE staff) Dropped 5 5 8 5 None so far Reason - 1 moved out - 3 moved out - 4 moved out - 3 moved out Dropped of town of town of town of town - 1 changed to - 1 no reason - 1 never began - 1 not minority private school given participation - 1 no reason - 1 conflict with - 1 changed to - 1 not minority given religious prac- private school - 1 changed to tice private school - 1 family con- - 1 dropped flicts due to excess - 1 no reason absences given Note. NNAT = Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test; ITBS = Iowa Test of Basic Skills. 34 spring 2006 • vol 29, no 2 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children Because some students were get- when this was not required, additional cessing and accessing the Internet. We ting grades of C or lower, tutoring sessions of the Saturday Program, and also began to provide technical assis- was arranged for them. Currently 4 the talent search program. tance to families in their homes. fifth graders, 1 sixth grader, and 5 Some of the students are not seventh graders are receiving individ- Some Continuing Areas achieving at the level they should ualized tutoring from NU undergrads of Challenge given their tested abilities, particularly and graduate students and students in math and science. As reported ear- from the high school. Students received a home com- lier, we have found tutors for several puter as part of participating in the students, and we have also instituted Some Unanticipated Effects EXCITE program. However, only a some major changes in the structure of few students were really knowledge- the academic enrichment provided to One unanticipated outcome of able about using them, and they were students. Specifically for fifth, sixth, the program has been the extent to not being used at home. Students and seventh graders, students will which parents have used the Center were not connecting to the Internet attend a special Project EXCITE class for Talent Development for additional to check out the EXCITE Web site (rather than the SEP) on Saturdays in program opportunities beyond those nor were they using their e-mail ac- the fall that will provide enrichment provided by Project EXCITE for their counts, also paid for by the project. to bolster and complement their in- children, including siblings of EX- As a result, we began to offer evening school math program. Part of this CITE students. Parents have involved and Saturday classes for parents and class will also be spent on building their students in the summer program families to assist them with word pro- students’ computing skills so they Table 2 Grades of Sixth- and Seventh-Grade Students (Cohorts 1 and 2) in Project Excite Seventh graders Algebra Prealgebra I Prealgebra II Regular sixth- grade math A 1 4 2 B 2 1 1 C 4 1 D 1 1 Dropped (2) Sixth graders 3 1 1 A 2 2 B 1 2 C 1 D gifted child today 35 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children can more effectively utilize the home of our students, a talented athlete, Ford, D. Y., & Harris, J. J., III. computers that the project provides to was for a time unenthusiastic in his (1999). Multicultural gifted edu- them. Students who are achieving at a participation in Project EXCITE, pre- cation. New York: Teachers grade of B or above in their in-school ferring basketball to Saturday classes. College Press. math class can enter the regular SEP in However, through continued work Ford, D. Y., Harris, J. J., III, Tyson, the winter and spring terms and choose with his very supportive and con- C. A., & Trotman, M. F. a math or science class of their own lik- cerned mother, he is now showing a (2002). Beyond deficit think- ing. Because we felt that the district’s very strong performance in his algebra ing: Providing access for gifted science program was weak, we were class. As we conduct Project EXCITE, African American students. reluctant to place EXCITE students we continue to learn about the factors Roeper Review, 2, 52–58. into an accelerated science class in the that contribute to the achievement gap Frasier, M. M. (1987). The identifi- CTD Spectrum program as originally and what is needed to close it. GCT cation of gifted Black students: planned. Instead, the summer program Developing new perspectives. between sixth and seventh grade will References Journal for the Education of the be held at the high school and will con- Gifted, 10, 155–180. sist of one week of physics, one week Arnold, K. D. (1993). Undergraduate Gallagher, J. J. (1994). Current of biology, and one week of chem- aspirations and career outcomes and historical thinking on edu- istry and will be heavily laboratory of academically talented women: cation for gifted and talented based. EXCITE students will still have A discriminant analysis. Roeper students. In P. O. Ross (Ed.), the opportunity to participate in the Review, 15, 169–175. National excellence, a case for Spectrum program during the summer Baldwin, A. Y. (1994). The seven developing America’s talent: An after their eighth-grade year. plus story: Developing hidden anthology of readings (pp. 26– We have seen some of our best talent among students in socio- 40). Washington, DC: U.S. students falter in their achievement economically disadvantaged envi- Department of Education. due to difficult family situations, ronments. Gifted Child Quarterly, Grantham, T. C. (2003). Increasing peer influences, and other complex 38, 80–84. Black student enrollment in gifted situations. We have done a number Bernal, E. M. (2002). Three ways to programs: An exploration of the of things to counteract this, including achieve a more equitable repre- Pulaski county special school referring individual families for coun- sentation of culturally and lin- district’s advocacy efforts. Gifted seling, constituting a support group guistically different students in Child Quarterly, 47, 46–65. for students within their schools, and GT programs. Roeper Review, 24, Hiatt, E. L. (1994). Promises to keep: connecting families with community 82–88. The story of Project Promise. experts on minority achievement. This Borland, J. H., & Wright, L. (1994). Gifted Child Quarterly, 38, 85–88. kind of individualized support is abso- Identifying young, potentially Maker, C. J. (1996). Identification lutely critical to students’ success. While we feel that Project EXCITE gifted economically disadvan- of gifted minority students: A has increased minority students’ access taged students. Gifted Child national problem, needed changes to accelerated and advanced programs, Quarterly, 38, 164–171. and a promising solution. Gifted we have learned that accomplishing College Board. (1999) Reaching the Child Quarterly, 40, 41–50. high achievement commensurate with top: A report of the national task Miller, L. S. (2004). Promoting sus- students’ abilities within those pro- force on minority high achievement. tained growth in the representa- grams is more difficult. More support Retrieved October 15, 2003, from tion of African Americans, Latinos, is needed to overcome the pull of peers http://www.collegeboard.com/ and Native Americans among top away from achievement and to help research/abstract/1,,3876,00.html students in the United States at students and families remain focused Ford, D. (1996). Reversing under- ALL levels of the education sys- on high achievement. Yet, we are bol- achievement among gifted Black tem. Storrs, CT: The National stered by the fact that many students students: Promising practices and Research Center on the Gifted remain on track and some have been programs. New York: Teachers and Talented, University of rescued from underachievement. One College Press. Connecticut. 36 spring 2006 • vol 29, no 2 Addressing the Achievement Gap Between Minority and Nonminority Children Morris, J. E. (2002). African American multifaceted approach. San Diego, STAR. Gifted Child Quarterly, students and gifted education: CA: San Diego State University. 46, 110–123. The politics of race and culture. Sarouphim, K. M. (1999). DISCOVER: Roeper Review, 24, 59–62. A promising alternative assessment Author Note Naglieri, J. A., & Ford, D. Y. (2003). for the identification of gifted Addressing underrepresentation minorities. Gifted Child Quarterly, This article is based on the fol- of gifted minority children using lowing article: 43, 244–251. the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability VanTassel-Baska, J., Johnson, D., Test (NNAT). Gifted Child Olszewski-Kubilius, P., Lee, S. Y., & Avery, L. D. (2002). Using Quarterly, 47, 155–160. Ngoc, M., & Ngoc, D. (in press). performance tasks in the iden- Saccuzzo, D. P., Johnson, N. E., & Closing the gap between minor- Guertin, T. L. (1994). Identifying tification of economically dis- ity and nonminority achieve- underrepresented disadvantaged advantaged and minority gifted ment. Journal for the Education of gifted and talented children: A learners: Findings from Project the Gifted. More Than Three Decades of Leadership and Service • Creative Problem Solving (CPS) • The LoS (Levels of Service) Approach to Talent Development • VIEW: An Assessment of Problem-Solving Style New CPS Distance Learning Module: preview at: www.creativelearning.com/cpsedemo Creative Learning Today Newsletter — Free subscriptions for electronic delivery (PDF format). Send an email message to: [email protected] with the title, “Subscribe to CLT.” Summer Professional Development Institutes in Sarasota: LoS Approach to Talent Development: July 6-8, 2006 CPS in Education: July 10-12, 2006 4921 Ringwood Meadow • Sarasota, FL 34235 • (941)-342-9928 • Fax: (941)-342-0064 Visit us on the web at www.creativelearning.com continued on page ?? gifted child today 3

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