Julie Luft, Steve Fletcher and Brian Fortney Early Recruitment of Science Teachers: Promising or Problematic Strategy This study examines the experiences and knowledge of students who are participating in a recruitment course in a secondary science, mathematics, and computer science teacher education program. The United States currently faces a secondary science, mathematics, and In addition, our findings can assist a shortage of mathematics and computer science teacher education those who are contemplating the science teachers, and the problem program at a large university. By development of such courses to is getting worse. In response to this examining the experiences and consider course goals, the content and concern, several reports have been knowledge of students in such a process of the course, and the means issued discussing the shortage of program, it is possible to understand by which students are recruited into the teachers and suggesting potential the disposition of students who elect course. While our intent is to inform reform and policy measures (e.g., to participate in these courses, and the other science teacher educators about National Commission on Mathematics curricular and instructional aspects that our examination of this unique period and Science Teaching for the 21st impact students who are considering in teacher development, we also hope Century, 2000; National Commission the teaching profession. The findings to demonstrate the importance of on Teaching & America’s Future, provide an additional data source examining the recruitment phase of 1996). Among the recommendations from which to draw conclusions, the teacher education process, and to that have been made, several pertain and thus have direct implications for purposefully contribute to the limited to the preparation of science and those affiliated with similar courses. literature in this area. mathematics teachers at universities Background and colleges. As a result, institutions preparing teachers now offer different Research regarding recruitment pathways for certification, such as one- courses is notably absent in the teacher Ideally, by understand- year programs that offer certification education literature. However, studies and a graduate degree, or programs that ing how teachers pertaining to teacher persistence and allow a content expert to receive on- teacher development exist, and can develop and why they the-job pedagogical training. Another inform those seeking to understand remain in the profes- effort, which has not been discussed issues related to recruitment. Ideally, much in the literature, involves the sion, we can design by understanding how teachers recruitment of students into the develop and why they remain in the recruitment programs educational pipeline. Recruitment profession, we can design recruitment programs precede formal teacher to target students with programs to target students with education programs as a means of potential for longevity potential for longevity and impact in increasing the pool of applicants. the educational environment. and impact in the edu- This study looks at students who are The literature about teacher participating in a recruitment course in cational environment. persistence suggests that a com- SPRING 2005 VOL. 14, NO. 1 41 mitment to teaching and positive that one holds is important in terms of rather than knowledge was more useful field experiences may contribute to learning to implement reform-based in predicting teachers’ classroom one’s decision to have a career in practices. This knowledge base should decisions. education. In a study of graduates consist of an understanding of the The UTeach Program from a secondary science teaching prominent concepts in one’s discipline program, Eick (2002) compared their (Carlsen, 1993; Hashweh, 1987) and The UTeach program at the autobiographies that were written an understanding of the processes University of Texas is a joint effort over time in order to determine trends and nature of science (Duschl, 1987). of faculty and staff from the Colleges related to persistence. Teachers still in Furthermore, this knowledge should of Education (COE) and Natural the classroom (more than three years be connected and accessible to the Sciences (CNS), along with local since graduation) expressed interest in teachers, to prepare secondary science, science and teaching and/or recognition mathematics and computer science about the rewards of working with teachers for the state of Texas. students. A study conducted by As a program that draws upon Beliefs guide instruc- Marso and Pigge (1997) followed different knowledge bases, the tional decisions, influ- potential K-12 teachers in order to program coursework consists of explore factors that led to persistence ence classroom content and pedagogical courses at in the field. After seven years only the University of Texas and field management, and 51% of the population had made the experiences in surrounding school transition to the teaching profession. provide a lens through districts. Collectively, the different Those making the transition at the which to understand components of the program provide secondary level were very or almost students with content courses that classroom events. certain about becoming teachers early support their degree majors, classroom in their teacher preparation program and field experiences in various forms and they decided to pursue teaching science teacher (Gess-Newsome, of instruction, and opportunities to prior to graduating from high school. 1999). learn about different knowledge bases Neither their academic aptitude nor Ultimately, science teachers need in teaching. During each of these their perceived effectiveness as a to understand both the structure experiences students explore issues teacher was related to their transition to and the nature of their discipline, related to equity, technology, inquiry, teaching. An earlier study by Chapman as well as have the ability to select and translating theory into practice. (1984), which collected data from and translate content into learning The recruitment courses, which are teacher education graduates, sought activities. But a sound knowledge referred to as Step 1 and Step 2, are to determine how administrators could base is not enough; the beliefs that a unique parts of the UTeach program. deter the attrition of new teachers. teacher holds directly impact his/her These one-credit courses focus While the data revealed a limited classroom practices (Pajares, 1992). primarily on recruitment, but they also impact by administrators in terms of Beliefs guide instructional decisions, provide field experiences in which retaining teachers, it was found that influence classroom management, students teach science in a reform- persistence was linked with an early and provide a lens through which based manner. In Step 1, students learn commitment towards teaching and to understand classroom events. In how to teach three different elementary positive field experiences during the fact, beliefs may be more important science lessons from a popular kit. preservice program. than knowledge when considering a In Step 2, students again draw upon The research literature is rich with teacher’s classroom practice (Pajares). the lessons in a science kit and learn discussions of the many aspects of the For example, Ernest (1989) found that to teach three different reform-based professional development of teachers, two teachers with similar knowledge middle school science lessons. During including the knowledge base and but different beliefs taught in different their field experiences, the cooperating beliefs of teachers. For secondary ways. Ultimately, he suggested that teacher gives feedback to the students science teachers, the knowledge base an understanding of teaching beliefs on their instruction. 42 SCIENCE EDUCATOR Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, Methods the teaching profession was a primary seniors, and post-baccalaureate interest are noted as “primary.” Participants students are informed about these Students who are participating in courses though written invitations, Randomly selected students in Step the Step 1 courses for reasons other orientation booths, announcements, 1 courses, who indicated that they than being a teacher are listed as brochures, and COE and CNS were science majors, were contacted “secondary.” This will be discussed advisors. Students who complete Step through e-mail about participating in further in the Findings section. 1 or Step 2 can be reimbursed for the the longitudinal study of secondary tuition associated with these courses, science teachers at the University Data Collection and Analysis and they can apply these credits to of Texas. Of the students who were Interviews – To collect background their degree plan. Typically, more than contacted, 17 indicated a willingness and experiential information from the half of the students who complete Step to participate in the study. Table 1 gives students participating in this study, 1 and Step 2 continue in the UTeach a brief overview of the students who semi-standardized interviews were program. comprise this study. conducted twice. The first interview In addition to the typical presentation occurred during Step 1 and the second Study Context of demographic data, information interview took place in the following The findings that are reported is also provided that pertains to the semester. Berg (1998) states that a here represent one aspect of a larger student’s reason for considering a semi-standardized interview involves study, which is being conducted at the career in education. Students who a number of predetermined questions University of Texas. The larger study indicated in their first interview that that address the research goals and looks at the development of beliefs, practices, and Table 1. various knowledge bases Students in Step 1 of secondary science Student Gender Year in Major Current status Reason for teachers throughout their school after Step 1 teaching teacher preparation pro- course gram and during their first 1. Male Junior Biology Dropped Secondary years in the classroom. 2. Female Senior Physics Primary This study is following 3. Male Freshman Biology Secondary 17 students in the UTeach 4. Female Junior Chemistry Primary program from Step 1 through their second year 5. Male Junior Biology Secondary in the classroom. 6. Male Sophomore Bio/Pre-med. Dropped Secondary This first examination 7. Female Sophomore Biology Secondary of the study data spe- 8. Male Junior Chemistry Primary cifically explores the first 9. Female Sophomore Biology Primary semester of the UTeach 10. Female Junior Biology Primary students, focusing on 11. Male Freshman Biology Primary 1) the circumstance of their recruitment, 2) their 12. Female Senior Biology Moved to Primary belief and knowledge elementary profiles as related to program teaching, and 3) their 13. Male Junior Geology Secondary salient experiences in 14. Female Senior Chemistry Primary a UTeach recruitment 15. Female Junior Biology Secondary course. 16. Male Junior Chemistry Primary 17. Male Senior Chemistry Primary SPRING 2005 VOL. 14, NO. 1 43 that are presented in an order and participating in this study viewed responses were examined by one of language appropriate for the people in teaching and learning in a secondary the authors and coded to depict the the study. The interviewer can digress classroom, as well as what underlying participating students’ views of the or probe beyond the predeveloped beliefs impacted their instructional nature of science as contemporary questions in order to gain a further decisions. Questions used to capture (i.e., science as tentative and a human understanding of the topic discussed. the UTeach students’ beliefs, for construct) or traditional (i.e., science We included questions beyond typical example, included: How do you think as procedure that accurately depicts demographic data. For example: How your students will learn best? How do the natural world). We added a third did you decide to enroll in the UTeach you think you will know when your category called naïve, which means program? How is the UTeach program students understand? How will you that the views of students straddle helping you become a secondary adapt your teaching to best represent both or neither domains. Details about science teacher? What has led you the discipline of science? All of the the coding process for contemporary to believe that you may want to be a interviews lasted 45 to 90 minutes, and traditional views of science can teacher? were audiotaped, and were conducted be found in Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, & by one of the authors of this paper. Lederman. The audiotaped interviews were Artifacts – Artifacts were collected coded by faculty and graduate students from the UTeach students to capture The students’ reasons familiar with the coding process their experiences during Step 1. The (see Luft & Roehrig, accepted). students were specifically asked to for considering the Each coded interview resulted in the share documents that best represented education profession eight questions being categorized as their development as a teacher. ranged from finding traditional, instructive, transitional, The documents were copied and responsive, or reform-based. placed in the student’s file, while the a degree that allowed Traditional and instructive responses originals were returned to the student. them to work with represent teacher-centered beliefs, These documents were integrated while responsive and reform-based appropriately and accordingly into people and science, to responses represent student-centered the findings. dissatisfaction with the beliefs. Transitional responses indicate Findings courses and instructors beliefs that are teacher or student- centered, as they can be focused on The findings from this initial in their current science conceptual knowledge or aspects of analysis of the data address three areas, or engineering relationships between a teacher and which ultimately provide some insight program. his/her students. into the recruitment of students into Views of the nature of science teacher preparation programs. interviews – During the Step 1 The responses of the students were semester, participants in the study Recruitment circumstances examined and categorized in order to completed the Views on the Nature Students looking for alternatives determine trends that existed among of Science—version C questionnaire enrolled in Step 1. The UTeach the participants. Points in the data that (VNOS-C) (Abd-El-Khalick, Bell, program uses a variety of methods represented salient findings are shared & Lederman, 1998). Questions in the to inform students about the Step 1 in the Findings section. VNOS-C were designed to elicit views courses. Students receive letters or Belief interviews – Teacher beliefs about the tentative and subjective brochures, are referred by academic were captured using an interview with nature of science, the role of society advisors, are contacted in high school, eight open-ended questions. Students and culture in science, the difference or find out about the program through were interviewed during the Step 1 between observation and inference, the web or a fellow student (Dodson, semester and the following semester. the role of theories and laws in 2002). The students in this study The wording of the interview protocol science, and the role of creativity and elected to participate in the program sought to elicit how the students imagination in science. The VNOS-C after talking to a friend, seeing an 44 SCIENCE EDUCATOR advertisement, or talking to an advisor. a career in education in order to in education. For example, when These recruitment events came at a work with children and to share their students were asked to discuss their time when the student was interested in understanding and enjoyment of role as a teacher, they spoke about their looking at other career options, which science. Some of these students had high school or university instructors takes us to our second point regarding prior experiences as tutors, coaches or and the special attributes of these recruitment. teachers, which sparked their interest teachers. This is not surprising, as Students were more advanced in in education. Students who were clas- the UTeach students had not typically their coursework. The Step 1 course sified as having a secondary interest in experienced or explored student- was developed with the goal of pro- education were interested in teaching centered instruction in-depth, nor viding freshmen or sophomores with in order to improve the instruction of had their beliefs about teaching been classroom experiences. However, evolution, live in a town with family actively and purposefully challenged the program is configured so that stu- members, have a flexible career, or fill with the intent of forming student- dents can participate in Step 1 at any the period of time before their entry centered beliefs. Table 2 shows the in time in their university career. In into another professional program. beliefs data for each student and the our study, most of the students were Students held primarily teacher- overall percentages in each category. more advanced in their coursework centered and transitional beliefs. Students expressed limited views and were actively considering another The beliefs held by the students of the nature of science. The students major. They did not plan to pursue a were typically teacher-centered and in this study revealed traditional degree in education initially, but it transitional. Based upon the examples views about the nature of science on was now an option for a variety of provided by students, these beliefs their VNOS-C and belief interviews. reasons. The students’ reasons for related to their prior experiences Even though the students enjoyed considering the educa- tion profession ranged from finding a degree Table 2. that allowed them to Students’ beliefs work with people and Student Traditional Instructive Transitional Responsive Reform-based science, to dissatisfac- 1. • •••••• tion with the courses and instructors in their 2. ••• •••• current science or en- 3. • ••• •• • gineering program. 4. • •• •••• Participants in the 5. • ••• ••• program 6. • ••••• • Students were in- 7. ••••• •• volved in education 8. • ••• ••• for different reasons. 9. •• •• ••• The students in our 10. • ••• ••• study were catego- rized as either having a 11. ••• •• •• primary or secondary 12 •• • •• •• interest in education 13. • •• •••• (Table 1), and there 14. •• •• •• • was clearly a mix of 15. ••• •••• both. Students who 16. ••• •••• were classified as hav- ing a primary interest 17. • ••• • • • in education wanted Percentage 12% 36% 45% 5% 2% SPRING 2005 VOL. 14, NO. 1 45 science, it was clear that their prior experience. Some students spoke Discussion & Conclusion experiences in science had not initiated about the relationships that they found This initial look at the recruitment a consideration for a more progressive in the program, which consisted of aspect of a teacher education view of science. Most notably, most support and encouragement offered program provides a unique glimpse students did not view science as by the Step 1 instructors as well as at the students who participate in such tentative, considered science and the advisors of the UTeach program. courses, and the experiences that may society to be interactive, nor did Others spoke about their relationships be built into such courses. Even though they describe scientists as bringing with classmates, which allowed them this study is limited in duration and creativity and biases to their research. to have peers with whom to discuss focused on students in one type of Table 3 provides an overview of each their experiences in teaching and in the program, several points will be useful student’s views of selected areas in the UTeach program. The relationships the to those who are contemplating the nature of science (agreement with a students experienced allowed them to development of recruitment courses. statement aligns with a contemporary feel connected to the program and to Three important topics stand out view of science). other students. For most of the students from our data. First, the students this was an important experience. who were juniors and seniors in our Experiences related to Step 1 Field experiences were a positive feature in the early recruitment course. Each student in Step 1 valued the opportunity to teach different Table 3. lessons from a science kit in an Students’ views of the nature of science elementary classroom. In fact, when Student Science as Experiments are Science as In following asked to share an artifact that best tentative and not the only way culturally and a process, represented their development as a empirical that scientists socially impacted scientists not build new always have teacher, each student provided the knowledge accurate evaluation form filled out by his/her conclusions cooperating teacher. As students 1. N N D D elaborated on these documents, 2. N D A N they indicated that the teaching experience was important because 3. N A D N it allowed them to experience the 4. N D N N enjoyment of helping students learn 5. N D N D about an idea in science, share their 6. A D A D knowledge with students, and see that younger students were easy 7. N D D N to manage. Most of the students 8. A D D D considered their initial teaching 9. N D D D experiences to be successful and 10. N D A D based these conclusions on their 11. N D D D own observations and the feedback provided by the cooperating 12. N N A D teacher. 13. N D A D Relationships were important 14. N D N D to students in their recruitment 15. A D D D course. Students in the Step 1 16. N D D D courses valued relationships as they pertained to their educational 17. N N D N A-Agrees with statement; D-Disagrees with statement; N-Naïve answer 46 SCIENCE EDUCATOR program indicated more interest in a community, and were not challenged education as a career and a greater to consider their current educational level of commitment than did the Clearly, teacher prepa- ideologies. Studies suggest that freshmen and sophomores in our beliefs and knowledge are important ration programs—from study. It may be that freshman and in learning to teach, and that they are the first courses to sophomores graduated too recently difficult to change (Gess-Newsome, from high school and were not yet student teaching—need 1999; Pajares, 1992). Clearly, teacher ready to consider a career in secondary preparation programs—from the first to consider the beliefs education, or they may not have had courses to student teaching—need to the kind of educational experiences and knowledge that consider the beliefs and knowledge that might influence their interest in the students hold. that students hold. Such programs field. This is not to say that freshmen should be crafted to help the student and sophomores should be excluded develop a way of thinking and teaching from recruitment courses. They should 1984; Eick, 2002; Marso & Pigge, that reflects current reform-based be included, but for reasons other than 1997). Students in our study with a efforts in science education. fostering an interest in education. higher level of commitment tended In terms of influencing student Second, there are clearly two groups to have prior experiences in education beliefs and knowledge, the Step 1 of students who were considering a that were sustained over time and course described in this study may career in science education. At this that occurred in a variety of settings. not have lived up to its potential. time it is difficult to describe how Thus, it may be a better approach to Ideally, the Step 1 course could serve either the primary or secondary groups recruit certain students early in their as an initiation point for examining will persist in terms of becoming academic career, rather than inviting all beliefs about teaching and the nature teachers. However, of these student students to participate in the courses. of knowledge. However, those who groups, those with primary interests With more deliberate recruitment design recruitment programs should talked about how prior experiences in measures, those who are currently consider whether they have a mission education influenced their decision to involved in some form of teaching to educate students about the reforms. consider education, while only those (e.g., tutoring, coaching) or who had If this is an objective, then recruitment with secondary interests in education positive educational experiences, programs need to stress reform-based left after the first course. Third, the can be sought out. Students who are instruction by targeting the beliefs and field experiences were valued by all considering education early or later in knowledge of these potential teachers. students and did not appear to be a their educational career will find the Failure to address these areas may factor in their decisions to leave or program in time. reinforce the traditional and didactic continue with the program. Students A more complex issue surrounding beliefs and knowledge that students who enjoyed the teaching experiences recruitment courses pertains to the bring to the program. Juniors and felt it confirmed their decision to knowledge and beliefs of entering seniors in the program will have enter education, while those who students. Most of the students in this limited time to confront or develop had a less than satisfying experience study held beliefs and knowledge that their beliefs or knowledge in regard were still committed to staying in the were not conducive to reform-based to reform-based instruction. program. teaching. While Step 1 provided In light of these observations, an experience in teaching that was Final Comments we might place more emphasis on a reform-based, the course itself was not As the title of this paper implies, student’s commitment to education, and designed to impact student knowledge recruitment can be a promising his/her prior educational experiences, or beliefs. All of the students in this strategy for increasing the pool of when determining who participates in study valued the teaching experience, teachers in mathematics and science. a recruitment course. Several authors but none described how it altered However, when teachers do not enter have discussed students’ level of their beliefs about teaching or their or persist in the profession, or when commitment as important in terms knowledge in the field. In fact, students the beliefs and knowledge levels of of persisting as a teacher (Chapman, felt affirmed as teachers and as part of the students are not fully considered, SPRING 2005 VOL. 14, NO. 1 47 recruitment can be problematic. Given Dodson, M. (2002). UTeach program Marso, R. & Pigge, F. (1997). A longitudi- the financial and personal cost involved evaluation & student characteristics nal study of persisting and nonpersist- in recruitment programs, it is important handout. Austin, TX: UTeach Col- ing teachers’ academic and personal lege of Natural Sciences, University characteristics. Journal of Experimen- to consider the population at hand. of Texas. tal Education, 65(3), 243-54. Recruitment program administrators Duschl, R.A. (1987). Abandoning the National Commission on Mathematics and must strategically recruit teachers and scientific legacy of science education. Science Teaching for the 21st Century develop programs in a manner that Science Education, 72, 51-62. (2000). Before it’s too late. U.S. De- addresses the teachers’ entering beliefs Eick, C. (2002). Studying career teachers’ partment of Education: Washington, and knowledge level. Ultimately, well- personal histories: A methodology for DC. designed recruitment programs alone understanding intrinsic reasons for ca- National Commission on Teaching & will not solve the shortage, but they do reer choice and retention. Research in America’s Future (1996). What matters hold out the promise of a bright start Science Education, 32(3), 353-72. most: Teaching for America’s future. in the teacher education process. Ernest, P. (1989). The knowledge, be- New York: Columbia University. liefs, and attitude of the mathematics Pajares, M. F. (1992). Teachers’ beliefs References teacher: A model. Journal of Educa- and education research: Cleaning up a tion for Teaching, 15, 13-34. messy construct. Review of Educational Abd-El-Khalick, F., Bell, R. L., & Gess-Newsome, J. (1999). Secondary Research, 62(3), 307-332. Lederman, N. G. (1998). The nature teachers’ knowledge and beliefs about of science and instructional practice: subject matter and their impact on Julie A. Luft is an Associate Professor of Making the unnatural natural. Science instruction. In J. Gess-Newsome and Secondary Science Education in the Depart- Education, 82(4), 417-36. N. G. Lederman (eds), Examining ment of Curriculum and Instruction, at the Berg, B. L. (1998). Qualitative research University of Texas, Austin. Her research pedagogical content knowledge (p. 51- methods for the social sciences. Need- interests include the development of beginning 94). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer ham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. secondary science teachers and secondary Academic Publishers. Carlsen, W. S. (1993). Teacher knowledge science teacher education. Correspondence Hashweh, M. Z. (1987). Effects of subject concerning this article may be sent to <jluft@ and discourse control: Quantitative matter knowledge in the teaching of mail.utexas.edu>. evidence from novice biology teachers’ biology and physics. Teaching and classrooms. Journal of Research in Sci- Teacher Education, 3(2), 109-120. Both Steven Fletcher and Brian Fortney are ence Teaching, 30(5), 417-481. Luft, J., & Roehrig, G. (accepted). Captur- science education doctoral students at the Chapman, D. W. (1984). Teacher ing science teachers’ beliefs through the University of Texas, Austin. Steve continues retention: The test of a model. Ameri- interview process. National Associa- to follow the students in this study, while can Educational Research Journal, tion for Research in Science Teaching Brian completed this research as part of an 21(3), 645-58. meeting. internship. 48 SCIENCE EDUCATOR