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Preview ERIC EJ734224: Training and Work Organisation: An Action-Research Study in a Sales and Distribution Company

Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 63 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL Training and work Alda Cristina Bernardes Master’s degree in organisation: Occupational Sciences, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa; An action-research study in a sales and Manager and Training Officer at El Corte Inglés in Lisbon distribution company Albino Pedro Lopes Associate Professor of Human Resources, Department of Management, ISCTE. Introduction and monitored in a cyclical process, guar- anteeing that learning occurs in a work con- This article is based on a master’s disserta- text and that the organisation is being con- tion in Occupational Sciences entitled “Train- stantly improved. In this age of uncertainty, ing and the Organisation of Work: an Action to ensure employees’ performance, organ- Research Trial in a Sales and Distribution isations have had to ensure that work situ- Company”, completed at the Instituto Su- ations are also teaching situations, accord- perior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empre- ing to Le Boterf (1989) - always with a view sa(ISCTE) in 2003. to permanent improvements in economic and social performance and a reduction in In this project, the concept of training goes dysfunctions. far beyond the traditional models based This study seeks to define a on traditional education and formal train- This project could be defined as a transition method of designing work- ing courses or schemes. It also goes far from a system of training schemesto one of linked training, based on day- beyond the idea of training by catalogue, in action training(Le Boterf, 1987): training is to-day work practices and the which a series of people enrol with the in- no longer based on programmes or cours- collaboration between all those tention of learning something when given es that are defined and structured at the out- involved. From diagnosis to a choice of existing defined, structured cours- set and organised without prior analysis and evaluation, no training is de- es. without considering the interests of all par- signed or given without con- ties. Training not only focuses on an as- sidering the opinions and in- We regularly find that the results of training sessment and study to identify the problems, terests of the parties involved. courses are not measured, whether or not but also on existing knowledge and prac- The method used is based on there has been a change in practices or in tices. It is all identified by the involvement action research (AR) and on the organisation. This is because, on one of the parties, while the training objectives the cyclical process that char- hand, other statistics take into account oth- are defined on the basis of the real situation acterises it: planning - acting er aspects such as the number of courses in the field and on work practices. - observing - reflecting. Train- given or trainee satisfaction and, on the oth- ing officers take on a new role er hand, because training is designed out of But learning should not only occur during here: they become facilitators context, without taking into account real the training scheme; it should be become a and the driving force behind problems and the actual people involved. part of practice so as to serve as a basis training practices. for ongoing improvement. The idea is to go The conclusion is that there Training should not be based only on a choice from a training model that is centred on the are reasons for considering of courses. Rather, it should be clearly ori- individual to one that is aimed at the learn- more dynamic approaches in ented towards demand, towards meeting the ing organisation. The implementation of this the design and organisation real needs of a particular setting and its peo- project will mean that training is organised of training, based on research ple. As a means, not an end in itself. It should on the basis of existing problems and needs and reflection and with the be defined on the basis of real problems and or on the interests and knowledge expressed participation of all parties in- situations that are being regularly assessed by the individuals themselves. When devis- volved. Cedefop 63 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 64 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL ing action training, it is important to draw than the criterion of representativity. The out each person’s knowledge and introduce idea was to use the complex, concrete situ- this individual knowledge into that of the ation in which the scheme took place and group and organisation. then, after understanding it, set out princi- ples of action. In this case, problem solving The first part of the article refers to the the- involved everyone’s participation and the oretical fields inherent in the subject of the training officer, a researcher, was the co-pro- study and also addresses action research, ducer of change and knowledge. which is used here both as a research method and for training purposes. All the research The second part of the article first address- is based on a real, concrete situation: the es the process that brings out a new train- design and organisation of ongoing training ing paradigm. It is necessary to analyse (technical aspects and knowledge of the the limits of the traditional training model, product) for sales assistants. It is a case study which was based on the instrumental, adap- of a large department store in Lisbon (1), tive perspective of training processes with in which each of its departments has the structured courses and a vision of humans characteristics of a small retail outlet and the as being programmable. In fact, in many whole is a true network of small business schemes designed in the past, more thought units. was given to means than to results; at the heart of the training were the trainer and his The subject of sales also has implications in or her command of the contents. Today, it terms of training. Being in direct contact with is important not only to bring training close the customers, sales assistants are a strate- to the workplace but also to bring the work- gic group for the company. According to a place to training. In this increasingly close study conducted by Cedefop (1995:14), what link, what matter is results in actionnot re- is necessary and “increasingly to be found sults of the scheme. In linking training situ- is training aimed at improving knowledge ations and work situations, we recognise of products and employees’ attitudes and work situations as being instructive. More- behaviours, in order to improve the com- over, each person is considered to have a pany’s image”. training potential gradually created through their knowledge and personal experience Because of work organisation changes and and interests. It is this fount of knowledge, increasingly well-informed customers, it is experiences or attitudes that it is important necessary to have well-trained, customer- to bring out in each person and place at the oriented sales assistants who are specialised service of a whole community. in the products they sell. The question is how to achieve this most effectively. We can- We then classify the types of schemes and not focus only on jobs or only on people how they were implemented in this organ- when the aim is to increase work skills. isation. We give the results of some case studies: forms of training put into practice, The article describes the method followed linked with work and following the same in designing and organising effective train- method, based on the cyclical process char- ing which takes into account conditioning acterising action research. factors in the organisation of work. There are sales assistants who work in shifts and In the third part of the article, we reflect on there are others who work part time; there the impact of the study on the organisa- are highly specialised sales areas with only tion and make suggestions for future re- (1) The company is well established in its country of origin, Spain. It has a small number of sales assistants while there search. more than 70 stores with 1.5 million is a shortage of specialists in some retail ar- items on sale and a net surface area eas. Creativity is required and it is necessary Theory of more than 820 000 m2. The Lis- bon store was opened in late 2001 to design the training to go far beyond tra- and has a sales area of 60 000 m2 ditional classroom courses. The study is based mainly on the construc- and 1 900 employees. It is not only tivist model of training, theories on the qual- the first in a network that the com- pany plans to open in Portugal but The explanation of the whole process and ifying and learning organisation and the the- is also a milestone for the group the understanding and reflection of the ory of human relations. as it is its first international foray. scheme do not refer to a law or a theory but The training departments in Spain and Portugal answer to the compa- to an understanding of this particular situ- The action training project implemented is ny’s Human Resource Directorate. ation. In this project, the criterion for defin- based on trainee-oriented training, on train- The company has its own training ing practices is therefore more important ing rooted in the work itself, and on train- facility at each of its stores. Cedefop 64 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 65 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL ing oriented towards reflection and research in this company to help training officers, into practices, involving the exchange of ex- trainers and participants or their supervisors periences between people. These principles develop their abilities and to foster an atti- are included in the assumptions of the con- tude of self-questioning. structivist training model, as they are based on the idea that occupational practice is, Methods used in itself, an important way of constructing knowledge. The experience of specialists The study is based on reflection about and reflection on their practices take prece- the reality and concrete practices in the or- dence. The subjects build on their own knowl- ganisation of training. It was supported by edge through direct intervention on the ob- the use of a research diary. Different meth- ject. ods were used to organise the different forms of training in the various phases of Learning organisations often employ the con- the process. cept of “working for projects”. The project team is not formed according to the chain Interviews and questionnaires with of command, but brings together the skills feedback needed to solve a problem. Qualifyingcom- panies and learning companies (2) are al- In this study, all the training is based on ways evoked in the dynamics of change, problem solving and is part of an AR loop which, in turn, is associated with the idea in which the situation to be changed is of progress. A qualifying company is one analysed and assessed on the basis of the that improves individuals’ skills; a learning needs felt by the employees themselves. company develops collective skills (3). In the case of classroom training, the sit- (2) The double-loop learning con- uation is identified and assessed on the ba- cept developed by Argyris and Schon Human relations theory suggests the on- sis of a questionnaire answered by sales (1978:140) is similar to the cyclical going improvement in practical knowledge, assistants and their supervisors. The ques- AR process. The learning process is cyclical and has discovery - inven- including of low-skilled workers, has a tionnaire is drawn up on the basis of a pre- tion - production - generalisation key role to play in increasing productivity. liminary assessment made by the training phases. The receivers of training are not just objects officer or researcher on the basis of meet- (3) Le Boterf (2004:167) addresses of teaching but subjects with whom others ings and conversations with supervisors, the nature and development of col- work and who analyse themselves. Training buyers and suppliers. In the second, feed- lective skills and says that the gains in productivity or performance of a is thus aimed at the integral development of back, phase, the information gathered is work unit or group are based more the adult. The action research method itself analysed by the Training Department and and more on the interaction between is also based on a humanist conception: peo- sent to the trainers, who then use it to de- members of a working group and on the quality of the relationships ple are valued and supported in developing cide on training subjects and contents. The developing between them. their skills and abilities. questionnaires were used in 10 different (4) Kirkpatrick’s model was chosen technical or product training courses for 72 as it was the most common and The process used to evaluate training was sales assistants. recognised by training practitioners based on Kirkpatrick’s four-level model of and specialists, although it has been criticised by many authors. In 1955, training evaluation (1998) (4), in which dif- Where on-the-job training was concerned, Philips proposed a level of evalua- ferent dimensions of training can be assessed. the trainer herself used an evaluations scale tion different from the four men- Level 1 measures satisfaction, level 2 assesses for several parameters with 78 sales assis- tioned, referring to return on in- vestment (ROI) to determine to what learning, level 3 evaluates behaviour and tants from 16 different sales areas, before extent the impact achieved justify transfer to the work context and level 4 meas- and after observing them in their actual work the investment made. In 1987, ures results for the organisation. environment. Brinkerhoff suggested a different level, in which he included the di- dactic assessment phase. Holton III Action research (AR) as a training During assessment of training by project, we (1996) and Swanson and Holton III method also used semi-structured interviews with (2002) have criticised the four- level model because it focuses on the managers of floors involving clothing al- reactions in relation to performance The purposes and functions of AR can vary terations, with the seamstresses in the serv- results. On the other hand, Holton considerably. It may be used for investiga- ice studio, with sales assistants and with III (1996:6) says that Alliger & Janak in 1989 considered that the cause- tion, research or action purposes and its despatch operators. effect involved in the different lev- function may be critical or one of action, els of the taxonomy had not yet been with a view to achieve change and specif- Problem solving with experiments in demonstrated. Swanson and Holton III (2002) said that Kirkpatrick’s mod- ic training purposes. As training is aimed at the field el was a results valuation model and change, both individual and collective or suggested a results assessment sys- company changes must be considered. AR The loop that characterises AR consists of tem as part of a process consisting of four components: a process, re- as a training strategy is to be implemented an integrated cycle of activities in which each sults areas, a plan and tools. Cedefop 65 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 66 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL phase learns from the previous one and de- solutions from the outside, the specialists di- termines the next one. Generally speak- rectly investigate the problems placed be- ing, the process begins with a general idea fore them in order to find partial or total so- or a situation that needs improving. After lutions. This helps the specialists to achieve deciding the scope of action and conduct- a better understanding of the problems and ing preliminary reconnaissance of the field the possibilities for intervention. The or- of action, the researcher or trainer draws up ganisations to which they belong can then a plan of action. S/he defines ways of mon- change the way they work, question their itoring the effects of the first step, the strat- culture and rethink their relations with the egy to be used and the circumstances in community, and the community’s knowl- which it will be used in practice. Data are edge of both the professional group and the gathered from each step implemented and company’s community is enriched. then described and assessed. This assess- ment provides the data that will be used There is always permanent iteration and in- to prepare a new plan, and so on. Kemmis teraction between the research and the ac- and Elliott (1982), quoted by Winter (1989:13), tion, and knowledge is produced by chang- regard the process as a loop between the ing the existing circumstances. Training by analysis of practice (essential for bringing research can be achieved with different strate- about change) and the implementation of gies and activities which, after an analysis changed practices (essential for increasing of practices in the field, lead to training, understanding). through which knowledge is manifested and situations are changed. All the authors whose works we researched agree that AR involves participation, col- Evaluation method laboration, knowledge acquisition and so- cial change. The researcher achieves these During on-the-job training, one question- aims by implementing a loop consisting of naire was given to the 16 supervisors of the planning, acting, observing and reflecting. 16 sales areas and another to the 78 partic- The purpose of AR is not so much to elim- ipating sales assistants eight week after the inate the problem but to develop the situ- beginning of the follow-up. After the same ation: thus, small steps in the right direction period, the trainer who had done the mon- by those involved are all valued. itoring filled in her on-the-job observation forms, assessing the different items for each These four elements or cycles of the spiral participant and comparing them with the as- (5) (planning, acting, observing and re- sessment made at the beginning of each sales flecting)are based on the idea that, in each assistant’s follow-up. cycle, the researcher plans before acting and reflects on findings and methods after In the simulations during classroom train- acting. The reflection at the end of each ing, one questionnaire was given to the 10 loop fuels the planning for the next loop. supervisors of 10 different areas and anoth- As a result, something is learnt in each of er to the 72 participants (although only 48 these phases. In other phases, we confirm from seven different areas answered), 2 to previous learning or find that the proposed 3 weeks after attending the course. An in- learning is inappropriate. This is what formal questionnaire was given to training Gummesson (1991), quoted by Dick (1993:14), providers after the same period. says is a hermeneutic spiral, where each turn of the spiral builds upon the under- In training by project - specifically training (5) For Kemmis and McTaggart, quot- standing flowing out of the previous turn. in clothing alterations - one questionnaire ed by Dick (1997), the phases of the Each research cycle therefore corresponds was given to the five different apparel ar- typical spiral or cycle are as follows: to the underlying action in individual re- eas, to three despatch operators and 12 sales 1a) deciding what questions we want to answer. If it is the first stage of flection. After each cycle, the planning, ac- assistants from the alteration team, four the process, it can be a broad ques- tion and reflection are criticised. And this is months after the teams went into action tion like “how does this system done as the data and documentation are on each floor. work?” 1b) deciding who to ask and how to ask. 2) Asking (acting) 3a) gathered for the AR itself. checking the information gathered After-sales information on the number of 3b) interpreting the information 3c) While action training is designed to solve events, customer complaints and costs of checking that the choice of partici- pants and the method of gathering existing problems, AR is used as a means of garments was also gathered before and af- information are suitable 3d) check- obtaining information about a situation in ter the project. ing the data and interpreting them order to act on it. Instead of waiting for with the applicable literature. Cedefop 66 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 67 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL Changing the training paradigm: The problem arises later, during evaluation, from training scheme to action when we want to find out whether in fact training knowledge and practices have been acquired and whether they have been transferred to This action training project emerges as a re- work situations. It is not always easy to gath- sult of a strong wish to reorganise the com- er data in the field that can clearly be at- pany’s existing training model in order to tributed to training. For one thing, im- help bring about ongoing, in-depth organ- provements may not be exclusively due to isational change, in the sense given by Quinn training, in that there are always many con- (1996). In this sense, it means going beyond tributing factors. At the same time, ques- the research process and, for the writer’s tionnaires for participants and supervisors - professional practice, represents an oppor- the easiest and most practical means of get- tunity for critical reflection. ting feedback, which should be used in any case - only reflect individuals’ experiences. In terms of company training techniques, I It is therefore important to know not only have been working on training design and the results and the product of the training, now intend to take a critical view of the way but also the way in which these results were in which training has been organised in the actually achieved. company. The idea of this self-criticism exercise is to define a valid model for the The method used in the project seems ap- company based on a process to be applied propriate in that there is constant monitor- to all training coordination, thus providing ing and dialogue between training design, a prospective as a well as a retrospective trainers, supervisors and participants, which picture. go beyond the training itself. The whole project was born out of my re- What is at stake here is a change in the flection, initiated by the training technique process, the creation of a new model; a new and supported by field notes and my re- way of designing, organising and evaluat- search diary, on my own daily practices. The ing training that was already being done result emerging from my reflection and read- in the company. We also feel that the situa- ing was a series of ideas and possible dif- tions described do not exhaust all the pos- ferent ways of doing, analysing and organ- sibilities for designing training linked with ising, which were first put into practice dur- work. ing my work activities. This concept of demand-based training stip- The idea of the project is to test a concept ulates that the design of all training is based of training design by means of a cyclical on the needs and interests of individuals and process, with the final goal of its serving of the organisation. We assume that training as a basis for the organisation of training in must have measurable results (some harder the company. In order to achieve this, we to measure that others). These must be known not only defined a form of action for dif- and analysed and used not only as output ferent training situations based on needs and but also as an input for ongoing training and objectives, we also implemented the mod- work process improvement. We also assume el in a series of training courses. All the ex- that training should be assessed, not on the amples have a point in common and that is basis of the number of courses given or the the fact that the working environment was number of training hours per employee, but used in some way in all of them in order to of tangible results for each individual or activate the training situation. Another com- group, in terms of the organisation and of mon feature is the fact that we tried to achieve work processes. the production-mobilisation-acquisition of knowledge (Barbier, 1996), by inviting the While before training was merely classroom target population to get involved. courses, with this project it becomes de- velopment in formal, non-formal and infor- The main goal set for the Action Training mal contexts. While courses were once or- Project is to ensure that technical training ganised in modules and on the basis of con- produces results in terms of knowledge, skills tent, the idea now is to base the content and or organisation of work, on the basis of the the process in which the training occurs on objectives defined. how work is organised. The definition and structure of the training depends on what is Cedefop 67 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 68 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL happening in the whole work context, what ipate developments in the organisation of is there, the difficulties, the needs, the prob- work. The proposed project assumes a re- lems, the (ab)normal situations and on what duced focus on Training as a department people already know. and a room, seeing it more in terms of ac- tion, context and individuals, with a view to In the past, there was absolutely no flexi- building a learning organisation (7). It also bility; in simulations, the training providers focuses on measuring results at the differ- merely “gave” another course on the basis ent levels mentioned above. of the model and programme that they al- ready had. Conversely, this project is based Implementing the different types on an empirical, inductive approach. In the of action old model, the trainees learnt the theory and went on to put it into practice. In the cur- Another purpose of this study was to or- rent model, the idea is for classroom train- ganise training into three different types, ac- ing to ground, systematise and consolidate cording to Barbier’s classification (1996) (8). knowledge and learning that participants It is not a question of deciding which of have already gained from practice. General them is best or most valid. They must be considerations will thus be inferred from sit- considered on the basis of each situation. uations experienced by the participants rather No type of training is better than any other. than from theorising. Ideally, they should be complementary. They are all useful and necessary and this study According to Lesne (1984), in the past, train- gives an appropriate description of how to ing was based on the transmission of knowl- design, organise and assess them, always in edge,in which the trainer was the transmit- connection to work, in order to guarantee ter of knowledge in an asymmetrical rela- their success and suitability to different sit- tionship,and action was taken in isolation, uations. without considering the department with all its members. Action training is intended to Training in work situations develop the effectiveness of a group through the development of all its members. For this This concept of training is designed to con- to happen, we must encourage the sharing struct a personalised training path in a wide of knowledge and know-how, self-training variety of work areas implemented in ac- and working groups. cordance with the type of work organisa- tion. Although it all takes place in the work- Indeed, in the recent past, training in the place, some training happens on the job, company was based on and practically lim- while other training is separated from it. ited to a trainer-trainee relationship, where- Training aims not only to perceive the work as action training aims at a multidirectional process and work relations in general but relationship including internal parties (train- also to acquire content by placing it into re- er, supervisors, buyers, sales assistants and al situations. The need for this training is a (6) External bodies include suppli- ers as businesses and as trainers; co-workers) and external parties (6) (sup- result of the constant influx of new sales as- customers, to the extent that we take pliers, customers, competitors, trainers...). sistants to each of the areas. into consideration the training and knowledge that sales assistants can acquire in their relations with the Another aspect that separates this project Training in worksituations(Barbier, 1996) customer, (although analysing it is from the old training model is the relation- as part of this project includes all technical not one of the purposes of their job); ship with know-how. Before, it was a ques- training in dressmaking, focusing on prac- and competitors, in that some train- ing can be held on the supplier’s tion of using knowledge, while now the idea tices with a trainer in a work context. Nev- premises with the participation of is to construct know-how. There is now a ertheless, the model is equally valid for train- the competition’s employees also. decisive commitment to experienced indi- ing involving tutoring, generally during (7) According to Senge (1990), there viduals who are agents of change. In addi- the recruitment phase. In each type of train- are five disciplinesthat can con- tion, it is the employees themselves who de- ing, work situations and context are used to tribute to the systemic thought in- herent in learning organisations: fine or suggest the training subjects. activate and accompany learning. “adoption of systemic thought”, “fos- tering personal mastery of one’s own This change in paradigm includes the ac- Instead of a trainer providing content to a life”, “challenging prevailing men- tal models”, “creating a shared over- ceptance of the new role that training has passive trainee, here it is the employees all vision” and “promoting learning to play in the organisation. It should begin themselves who actively seek information - in a team”. with a rethinking of its role in the Human and thus themselves generate, rather than (8) Training during work situations, Resources Department and in the organisa- just use, know-how. This requires getting training from work situations and tion. This has to do with the need to antic- the participants to learn how to learn and training in actual work situations. Cedefop 68 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 69 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL how to reach into know-how that has hard- situation and then, together, they decide on ly been formalised, as a way of taking part a score of 1 to 10 depending on each area. in the joint transformation of people and work - their performance and their organi- ❑ The trainer indicates the objective for sation. each parameter. Strategies and activities (the- oretic and practical assignments, PC exer- This type of training is intended to get in- cises, local support with customers,...) are dividuals to construct and absorb know-how defined on the basis of each individual’s from the instruments, contents and process- knowledge, needs and interests. es of their own work. No immediate, direct change in work situations is expected. There ❑ The trainer monitors each individual and is, we hope, a lot of know-how that can be reformulates their follow-up plan. mobilised in their current work situation or transferred to a similar situation. The ba- ❑ After eight weeks of follow-up, the train- sic technical and vocational know-how is er gives the sales assistant a grade. acquired by using the work situation and the work is the starting point for the train- Training from work situations ing. Training given from work situations (Bar- Once a person is recruited and evaluated by bier, 1996) consists in occasional formal train- the trainer, an assessment (9) is made on the ing courses, meaning, in this case, classroom basis of items defined for each sales area. simulations. Their purpose is to improve spe- The trainer and trainee both then identify cialised knowledge or knowledge of the their current knowledge of each item. The product. Training is triggered usually by work trainee is informed of the objective that is situations and products sold; it is usually ad- set for each item, depending on the area or ministered by specialists or trainers sent the job to be done. After that, trainer and by suppliers. Training is scheduled on the trainee define lines of work and support so basis not only of individuals’ interests and that she or he can achieve this goal. motivations but also of the specific rea- sons for providing it, which are discussed As this process involved over 400 sales as- in advance with the supervisor and buyer. sistants from five different floors in dress- The training is designed and oriented on the making alone, it proved necessary to hire a basis of the knowledge expressed (not on- trainer just for these subjects. This became ly on doubts but also on individuals’ per- possible when a dressmaker who was also ception of the products). The work contents an experienced trainer joined the Training in each area are used as training tools, as Department. The process consisted of con- the intention in the classroom is to rebuild tinuously analysing work situations and prac- and finalise knowledge. We try to recreate tices with all those involved, in order to pin- the work situation; sales assistants’ time in point training needs. the classroom is intended to improve or cor- rect their practices in work situations. In this type of training, the target popula- tion’s training goals and paths are mapped Organising the training requires advance out - but only partially. They emerge pro- preparation involving participants, supervi- gressively from work situations and can sors, buyers and the suppliers themselves. include moments of non-formal training with The training officer is there to encourage the trainer, self-training or even informal on- and mediate the process, watching the signs the-job training. These situations are pro- from all parties, always intent on ongoing vided for but not planned, given that we are improvement. We always start with reflec- talking about personalised training paths in tion on the results of previous training so which each participant has his or her own that they can be used to plan subsequent rhythm, needs, interests and motivations. courses. Individuals are asked to reflect on their practices. The trainer monitors the sales assistants, from (9) This assesses not only knowledge identification to evaluation, as follows: The planning phase of each simulation takes but also know-how. To do this, the trainer watches the sales assistant into account employee awareness. People work or, if this is not possible, gives ❑ The trainer joins the sales assistant to be often do not realise what they know or what him or her the assessment ques- monitored and makes an assessment of his they can or cannot do and this is an ob- tionnaire. The grade given to the trainee should be defined jointly by or her knowledge and know-how in a real stacle to developing skills. The training is the trainer and trainee. Cedefop 69 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 70 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL intended to help the sales assistants become curs because the employees involved are aware of their abilities. They have to par- both the subject and the means of the change ticipate and experiment until they can ac- we want to bring about. The people who knowledge their abilities and use them - intervene and are formally asked to speak even if only unconsciously and sponta- are deeply involved. The didactic aspect neously. comes from the work method itself, which is the main content of the training. The di- Internal and external partners contribute to dactic process comes from something that this process. The trainers not only point out already exists, from work practices used by what is all right but also what can be im- different groups, each with different expe- proved; they observe what people do or do riences. In the crossroads of know-how and not know. Before the training, they will have situations information is exchanged and new had access to the sales questionnaires as- know-how is built. This results in an on- sessing the sales assistants’ knowledge. The going teaching process, one which focus- questionnaires and other information tell the es not on the content but on the process it- training officer and trainer what the sales as- self - the interaction between the players. sistants know best, what they know less and The point is to bring about changes in be- what they do not know at all. The training haviour or attitudes rather than merely to officer outlines the training, establishing transmit knowledge. goals, methods and strategies (practical in nature whenever possible) on the training The example given for this type of training formto be sent to the supplier’s trainer, who also had to do with apparel but in this case will fill in the remaining fields. This ensures it dealt with the management and organisa- that the training is planned on the basis of tion of garment alterations. It began with the goals and interests of all those involved. some meetings, first informally with certain An assessment is made three to four weeks people, and was then extended to super- after the training, when the supervisors and visors on the apparel floors. The result was the participants in the training answer ques- a working group called the Alterations Pro- tionnaires. ject. In the first phase, the group drew up a single apparel-related document for the whole Training in work situations (training store. The group has been meeting once a by project) month, always keeping minutes. It con- sists of a technical body (hierarchy and du- Cases of training in work situations (Bar- ties directly related to the problems and so- bier, 1996) are devices aimed at the pro- lutions), the group of the teams involved, duction or modification of working meth- which are operational, and the training de- ods with a view to better collective effec- partment as coordinator and moderator. Later, tiveness. All the players involved should it was found that there were other problems have the opportunity to speak, either to de- that needed solving. So there was a second scribe their work and the problems that they round to establish an Alterations Teamwhich come up against or to help find solutions to would be responsible on each floor for the problems. This is called training by proj- enforcing the rules drawn up by the group. ect, because it leads to the development of It had become clear that training needs to individuals as a whole and also because it be done at team and group level and involve uses work methods and processes that are work situations. similar to project methods. The groups that are formed (according to the need to For the assessment, questionnaires were giv- solve different problems) meet more or less en to supervisors and participants and da- regularly. The meetings precede the train- ta was gathered comparing incidents and ing, which will be based on the observation complaints before and after the training by of and reflection on them. In this situation, project. the learning comes from the individuals as the builders of know-how. No one push- Analysis and discussion of results es know-how on them; it is only necessary to encourage them to think about the way After the action training model had been they work for knowledge to emerge. implemented, supervisors and others (train- ers, suppliers, training officers) found that Training in its usual sense is not the main the knowledge of almost all the sales as- purpose of these meetings. Training oc- sistants had improved, that this type of train- Cedefop 70 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 71 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL Results in the four levels of evaluation (Kirkpatrick’s model) Type of training 1. Reaction to training 2. Learning 3. Transfer 4. Results in the company Work-context training in 100 % of the sales assistants con- 98 % of the sales assistants said that In the supervisors’ opinion, 95 % More people trained in less time apparel sidered the exercises useful and 78 they learned more. For the super- of the sales assistants applied the without leaving their work stations. % very useful, because they were visors, there were improvements in things they learned in the training. related to their work. They preferred all performance parameters in at For the trainer, all improved in all on-the-job training. least 60 % sales staff. assessment parameters. The sales staff’s performance went up 2 to 3 points on a scale of 1 to 10. Technical product train- When asked orally after the train- The supervisors said that the knowl- For the supervisors, the sales abil- Where results were concerned, no ing in simulations ing, their reactions were generally edge of 95 % of the sales assistants ity of 60 % of the sales assistants increase in sales was recorded due highly positive. Opinion 2-3 weeks improved and 98 % of the partici- improved, multitasking improved to the difficulty in isolating variables after training. 59 % suggest more pants said that they learned things in 30 % and versatility in 22 %. 77 and contamination by other factors practical training, 38 % lasting longer that they could use in their work. % improved their arguments. Aver- (fairs, campaigns and promotions). and 19 % with later support in the age performance before was 5.6 store. and after was 7.9. Training by project - “Al- No questions asked about it but 58 % of the sales staff and 67 % 100 % of the despatch operators be- Incidents in the store with or with- terations” there was 100 % attendance at the of the despatch operators said that gan to respect standards, 40 % of out the presence of the customer monthly meetings where repre- they learnt something. the supervisors learnt about the cir- reduced from 5.1 % (at the end of sentatives of each floor were pres- cuits and over 60 % improved their the 1st month of the project) to 1.1 ent. relationship with an outside work- % (4 months later). shop, supplier. ing had a practical application, that the Another aspect that distinguishes this proj- knowledge acquired was used on the job ect from the company’s previous course- and that - in the opinion of all the sales as- based training model was that there were sistants assessed by the supervisors in sim- fewer training sessions. In training by proj- ulations or in their jobs - their performance ect, we work on actual work practices and had improved. training and work are fully integrated. With on-the-job training, transfer and monitor- The results were different for each of the ing is immediate; there is no need to take types of training identified and the training people away from their jobs for training. course given because the problems and goals Less time is needed for classroom simula- were also different. Not only the form of tions, while reflection before and after train- training, but also the strategies and activi- ing prepares and continues the learning ties differed in each case. Nevertheless, in process. all of them we followed a model based on a cyclical process, close to the action re- It is therefore a model that aims at rational- search method. In addition, all of them as- ising training times, with no time wasted on sume that the training meeting itself is a mo- useless information (usually included in pro- ment for reflection on the training. There- grammes just to fill the schedule defined or fore, before each training session, there is a imposed at the beginning). This model is ef- need for preparation and reflection, which fective, produces results for work and for must also continue after the training. So here the organisation and reduces training times, we have a new role in the organisation for making it more efficient. The form and con- the training department and its practition- text of the training obviously have to be ad- ers. They must first ensure that everyone justed to existing conditions and needs. participates, that the trainees and work prac- tices are the focal point of the training, and This project seems to have made an impact, that the others become reflective profes- albeit limited, outside the company, i.e. sionals. The training department instils cu- regarding suppliers and their own train- riosity, generates research and creates know- ing staff. This way of applying training was how as a way of reaching a more abstract new to many of them, and opened up a new knowledge. way of understanding training. For those who had never offered training, this new Evaluating the results in the light of Kirk- way was appealing, helpful and attractive. patrick’s four levels (1998), we obtain the For the old hands, it at least showed them data shown in the above table. The result that there were other ways of organising of this training method was that training sit- training. From courses that were all defined uations were integrated with work. This was from the start and structured on the basis of what we wanted to happen in order to achieve the product itself or the way the trainer or- some changes in work practices. ganised the information, we moved on nec- Cedefop 71 Journal EN Nr 34.qxd 19-07-05 15:02 Page 72 VOCATIONALTRAININGNO34 EUROPEANJOURNAL essarily to tailor-made training. Thus the Where the targets of the training were con- training path followed corresponded to the cerned, it was important to confront them needs and interests of the training’s customer (as suppliers, buyers, supervisors or sales system (Lopes, 2002), with the trainee as the assistants) with a preliminary analysis of the focal point. results of training. Their response may help understand whether the original idea is cor- Often, the training department was the first rect. But we cannot rely completely on the to get suppliers, supervisors, sales assistants targets, as they tend to see things in their and the department store together. Gener- own way and this may hinder their ability ally we found that the suppliers saw them- to stand back and analyse the situation. selves as partners. After the training was completed they often came to tell me about In evaluating, it is essential to recognise how the changes they had noticed in the sales difficult it is to obtain internal results and in- assistants’ performance . dicators. This is why in classroom training we use self-evaluation or evaluation by oth- Reflection about the study ers that is based only on people’s percep- tion of actions. We were not able to conduct Difficulties and resistance evaluations as often as we would have liked. The more short training sessions are offered, The first difficulty encountered was the ac- the more difficult it is to evaluate them sys- tual design of the action research as a train- tematically. We also have to take into ac- ing strategy, given the shortage of studies count that the sales assistants are asked to on the subject. assess their knowledge in a questionnaire they fill in before each act of training. The Getting people to behave as thinking prac- supervisors are asked for their cooperation titioners and to be responsible for their own before and after training, in the identifica- training, so that the training does not be- tion and assessment phase. It would be un- come a transmissive exercise, was extremely thinkable, in the two or three weeks after difficult. Neither was it easy to involve the simulations, to ask everyone for an evalu- different partners, who are not usually called ation of all the training. As some of the train- upon to get involved in training. Another ing processes would overlap, we would even problem is that transmissive training and run the risk of getting the wrong evaluation. school training is deeply rooted in tradition. The attitude of many trainers when teach- Some limitations ing is one of lecturing; they uncritically ac- cept the idea that their job is to ‘teach’ The limitations of this study had to do main- and ‘train’ others, whose job is respective- ly with methods and results. Where meth- ly to learn. ods were concerned, the study was not rep- resentative of all ways of organising train- When trainers are suggested by suppliers or ing and may not be adaptable to all com- even by brand promoters, it is also neces- panies. We are not claiming, therefore, sary to define how they should be selected. that the results and conclusions can be gen- Should we choose specialists who are fa- eralised, given the diversity of situations and miliar with the production and manufacture circumstances. of the products or should we prefer prac- tised sales assistants who know from expe- A considerable limitation was the fact that rience what questions customers ask and are the people who conduct the evaluation are closer to the work culture of the sales as- judges and parties at the same time. The sistants being trained? evaluators (supervisors or trainers) may run the risk of unintentionally ignoring or min- Another difficulty was the fact that there imising negative aspects in which their re- were several parties involved throughout a sponsibility is involved. It also impossible process that took place during work time. for them not to be influenced by their own Often, only with persistence did we get the experience and the relationship they have supplier trainers to collaborate. Buyers, too, with the people they are evaluating. The in- were not always available to collaborate in ternal evaluation may therefore not be enough the joint advance activities needed to pre- to assess the results and the functioning of pare the training. a training session or system. Cedefop 72

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