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ERIC EJ725246: Assessing Object-to-Picture and Picture-to-Object Matching as Prerequisite Skills for Pictorial Preference Assessments PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ725246: Assessing Object-to-Picture and Picture-to-Object Matching as Prerequisite Skills for Pictorial Preference Assessments

JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2005, 38, 543–547 NUMBER4 (WINTER2005) ASSESSING OBJECT-TO-PICTURE AND PICTURE-TO-OBJECT MATCHING AS PREREQUISITE SKILLS FOR PICTORIAL PREFERENCE ASSESSMENTS THERESA M. CLEVENGER NEWENGLANDCENTERFORCHILDREN AND RICHARD B. GRAFF NEWENGLANDCENTERFORCHILDRENAND NORTHEASTERNUNIVERSITY Tangible and pictorial paired-stimulus (PPS) preference assessments were compared for 6 individuals with developmental disabilities. During tangible and PPS assessments, two edible items or photographs were presented on each trial, respectively, and approach responses were recorded. Both assessments yielded similar preference hierarchies for 3 participants who could matchpicturesandobjectsbutdifferenthierarchiesfor3participantswhocouldnot.Reinforcer assessments verified that items identified as high preference on PPS assessments functioned as reinforcers only forparticipants withmatchingskills. DESCRIPTORS: pictorial preference assessment, preference assessment, reinforcer assess- ment _______________________________________________________________________________ Identifying the necessary prerequisite skills evaluated in thepreference assessmentswith the for pictorial paired-stimulus (PPS) preference actual objects with 100% accuracy. Preference assessments would help clinicians to determine assessment procedures were identical across if these procedures would be effective for the tangible and PPS assessments with the excep- individualswithwhomtheywork.Inonerecent tion of the stimulus type (tangible items vs. study, prior to administering tangible, verbal, pictures). The ability to match pictures to and PPS assessments, a discrimination skills objects was predictive of correspondence be- assessment was conducted (Conyers et al., tween tangible and PPS assessments; however, 2002); performance on the discrimination tests individuals who could not match pictures to predicted preference outcomes with each assess- objects were not included in this evaluation. ment type. More recently, Graff and Gibson Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (2003) compared hierarchies of preferred determine the level of correspondence between stimuli generated by tangible (Fisher et al., tangible and PPS assessments with individuals 1992) and PPS assessments with 4 participants who could and could not match pictures and who could match pictures of the items to be objects. Portionsofthispaperwerepresentedatthe29thannual convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, San METHOD Francisco. Appreciation is extended to Mike McSweeney andRickShawfortheirassistancewithdatacollection.We Participants and Setting arealsogratefultoRichardFoxxandseveralreviewersfor All participants attended a residential school. their helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript. Tommy (age 12, Fragile X syndrome and ReprintsmaybeobtainedfromTheresaM.Clevenger, developmental delay), Matt (age 13, autism), New England Center for Children, 33 Turnpike Road, and Jeffrey (age 9, pervasive developmental Southborough, Massachusetts 01772. doi:10.1901/jaba.2005.161-04 disorder) communicated using pictures, limited 543 544 THERESA M. CLEVENGER and RICHARD B. GRAFF sign language, and limited vocal speech. Sam the larger number and multiplying by 100%; (age13),Mark(age13),andKatie(age16)had agreement was 100%. beendiagnosed withautismandcommunicated with limited sign language. Stimulus preference Preference Assessments assessments(10 minlong)andreinforcerassess- FoursessionsincludingbothtangibleandPPS ments (5 min long) were conducted at the assessmentswereconductedwitheightitemsper schoolor residence, two to fivetimes perday, 1 child.Toallowforpossibleshiftsinpreferenceto to 5 days per week. affect each assessment similarly, each session Picture-to-object(P-O)and object-to-picture consisted of a block of 14 tangible trials and (O-P) matching tests were conducted prior to ablockof14PPStrials;theorderoftrialsvaried and following the study, using the same objects across sessions. Across allsessions, each stimulus and pictures used in the preference assessments. was paired with every other stimulus twice (a Pre- and posttests consisted of eight trials of total of 56 trials for each assessment). P-OmatchingandeighttrialsofO-Pmatching, Tangible assessment. Tangible assessments using a discrete-trial format with a three- were based on the paired-stimulus procedure stimulus comparison array; samples and com- described by Fisher et al. (1992). Eight pre- parisons varied across trials. Mean accuracy on viously consumed edible items were used with both tests was 94% for the matching group eachparticipant.Oneachtrial,twostimuliwere (Tommy, Matt, and Jeffrey) and 29% for the placed approximately0.5 m apartand 0.3 m in nonmatching group (Sam, Katie, and Mark). front of the individual. The positions of the stimuli were counterbalanced across trials. Response Measurement and Interobserver Following each approach response, participants Agreement were allowed to consume the selected item. For tangible and PPS assessments, approach Pictorial assessment. PPS assessments used responses (picking up an edible item or photographs of the same items used in the touching a photograph) were recorded with tangible assessment. The procedure for the PPS paper and pencil. Preference hierarchies were assessments was similar to the procedure for then developed based on the mean percentage tangible assessments, except that two photo- of trials in which each stimulus was approached graphswerepresentedtotheparticipantoneach across sessions. Two observers independently trial(tangibleitemswerenotvisible).Following recorded data in 50% of sessions for all a touch to a photograph, the experimenter participants across both assessments. An agree- presented the corresponding tangible item. ment was defined as observers recording the same stimulus approached on a trial. Interob- Reinforcer Assessments server agreement was calculated by dividing the Reinforcer assessment tasks included silver- number of agreements by the number of ware sorting (Tommy and Matt), index card agreements plus disagreements and multiplying stamping (Jeffrey), placing toys in a container by 100%; mean agreement was 98% (range, (Sam and Katie), and stringing beads (Mark). 93% to 100%). Following each reinforcer Two sets of tasks were used in each session, assessment, the number of completed products identical except for their colors. Tasks were was counted. A second observer recorded placed on a table 1 m apart, and task position permanent-product data during a mean of varied across sessions. Baseline and reinforce- 94% of sessions across participants (range, ment (Sr+) conditions were presented using an 80% to 100%). Interobserver agreement was ABAB design for 5 of 6 participants. Matt calculated by dividing the smaller number by demonstratedsomecolorpreferencesduringthe PICTORIAL PREFERENCE ASSESSMENTS 545 Figure1. Stimulus-preferencehierarchiesforbothtangibleandpictorialpreferenceassessmentsforparticipantswith object-pictureandpicture-objectmatchingskills(Tommy,Matt,andJeffrey,leftpanels)andwithoutobject-pictureand picture-object matching skills (Sam, Katie, and, Mark, right panels). Solid bars depict the results of the tangible assessment; striped bars depict the results of the pictorial assessment. Spearman rank order correlation coefficients are noted. Stimulidenoted withan asterisk wereused inreinforcer assessments. 546 THERESA M. CLEVENGER and RICHARD B. GRAFF Figure 2. Response rates across sessions for participants without object-picture and picture-object matching skills (Sam,Katie,andMark). PICTORIAL PREFERENCE ASSESSMENTS 547 first Sr+ phase, so an alternating treatments for participants without matching skills. In phase was substituted for the second Sr+ phase. addition, there was more responding on the Prior to each session, the experimenter physi- taskassociated withthemost preferredstimulus cally prompted participants to engage in each derived from the tangible assessment compared task and immediately delivered the edible item to responding on the task associated with the associated with that task (no food was delivered most preferred stimulus derived from the PPS prior to baseline sessions). Then, the experi- assessment (see Figure 2). menter told the participant once to complete One possible explanation for these results is the task and stated which edible item was that O-P and P-O matching skills may be availableforresponding(itemswereplacednear prerequisites for using PPS assessments. It is each task). In the first session, 3 of 6 partici- also possible that our results could be related to pants responded consistently on a fixed-ratio the history of manding with pictures present in (FR)1schedule,so thereinforcement schedules the matching group and absent in the non- for these participants were gradually thinned matching group. Future research should exam- within that session. The schedules in place at inewhetherteachingmatchingskillsorteaching the end of the first session were used in subse- generalized manding to individuals without quent sessions (range, FR 1 to variable-ratio 5). matching skills would alter the effectiveness of APhase:Baseline.Duringbaseline,taskswere PPS assessments for these individuals. placed in front of the participant. The exper- Having only 3 participants in each condition imenter stated at the start of the session that it limits the generality of this study as well as the wastimetocompletethetaskandthatnoedible internal validity of the group comparison. In itemswereavailableforcompletingthetask.No addition, this study did not assess the use of stimuli were presented for responding. picturesrepresentingcommunity-basedorsocial BPhase:Reinforcement(Sr+).Duringthefirst activities;edibleitemswereusedfortheireaseof Sr+ phase, the highest ranked item on each deliveryandtoallowustoevaluatemorequickly assessment was randomly assigned to a colored theassociationbetweenmatchingrepertoiresand task. When both assessments yielded the same PPS outcomes. Future research should evaluate top-ranked item, the first and second ranked therelevanceofdifferentprerequisiterepertoires items were included. In the second Sr+ phase, with the types of protracted events that require the edible items associated with each task were pictorial preference assessments. reversed. REFERENCES RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Conyers,C.,Doole,A.,Vause,T.,Harapiak,S.,Yu,D.C. T., & Martin, G. L. (2002). Predicting the relative Figure 1 depicts the preference hierarchies efficacy of three presentation methods for assessing generated by the tangible and PPS assessments. preferencesofpersonswithdevelopmentaldisabilities. The hierarchies generated for participants with Journal ofAppliedBehavior Analysis, 35,49–58. Fisher, W., Piazza, C. C., Bowman, L. G., Hagopian, L. matchingskillsweresimilarforbothassessments P., Owens, J. C., & Slevin, I. (1992). A comparison (see Figure 1 for correlation coefficients). of two approaches for identifying reinforcers for Therefore, it was not surprising that the personswithsevereandprofounddisabilities.Journal of AppliedBehaviorAnalysis,25,491–498. reinforcer assessments for participants with Graff,R.B.,&Gibson,L.(2003).Usingpicturestoassess matching skills indicated that items identified reinforcersinindividualswithdevelopmentaldisabil- as highly preferred on both tangible and PPS ities. Behavior Modification,27,470–483. assessments functioned as reinforcers (data avail- Received November 22,2004 able from the authors). By contrast, the out- Final acceptanceJuly 14,2005 comes of the two assessments were dissimilar Action Editor,Gregory Hanley

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