JOURNALOFAPPLIEDBEHAVIORANALYSIS 2005, 38, 463–467 NUMBER4 (WINTER2005) ASSESSING THE FEASIBILITY OF USING CONTINGENCY MANAGEMENT TO MODIFY CIGARETTE SMOKING BY ADOLESCENTS JOHN M. ROLL FRIENDSRESEARCHINSTITUTE Cigarette smoking is a leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Many smokers initiate this dangerous behavior during adolescence. This report describes a contingency managementinterventiondesignedtoinitateandmaintainaperiodofabstinencefromcigarettes by adolescent smokers. Results suggest that the intervention was generally successful and that further investigation ofthistopic is warranted. DESCRIPTORS: adolescents, contingency management, cigarette smoking _______________________________________________________________________________ Many current cigarette smokers used tobacco and 10% report current frequent cigarette for the first time prior to reaching 18 years of smoking; Centers for Disease Control, 2004). age (Centers for Disease Control, 1998). Treatments for this dangerous behavior are Compared to nonsmokers, current adolescent urgently needed (e.g., Balch et al., 2004; smokers are significantly more likely to report Henningfield, Michaelides, & Sussman, 2000; useof illicitdrugs, polysubstance abuse, current Prokhorov, Hudmon, & Stancic, 2003; Suss- alcohol use, and episodic binge drinking (Ever- man, Lichtman, Ritt, & Pallonen, 1999). ett,Giovino,Warren,Crossett,&Kann,1998). Unfortunately, methods such as nicotine Estimates indicate that two thirds of all replacement, which are useful in assisting adults adolescents have smoked one cigarette by the to stop smoking, may not be well suited for use age of 18, 15% smoke every day, and 11% of with adolescents (e.g., Henningfield et al., 2000; high school seniors smoke at least 10 cigarettes Hurt et al., 2000; Prokhorov et al., 2003). One per day (Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, method that may be useful in modifying this 1998; Stanton, Lowe, & Gillespie, 1996). perilous behavior is contingency management, Among adolescents who are current smokers, a scientifically based behavior modification 64% wanted to stop smoking and 55% had technique that has been successful at initiating tried to stop in the past year (Stanton et al.). abstinence from a variety of drugs of abuse Smokingrateshavedeclinedamonghighschool among adult drug users (e.g., Higgins & Silver- students over the past few years, but these rates man, 1999; Petry, 2000). The use of this remain uncomfortably high (i.e., 58% report technique among adolescent substance users has lifetime smoking, 27% report current smoking, been less thoroughly researched (see Roll & This work was supported by NIDA DA13941 and Watson, in press, for a review). Our group Friends Research Institute. Preparation of this article was conductedapilotstudywith adolescentcigarette supported,inpart,byNIDAGrantsR01-DA017407and smokers that suggested that contingency man- R01-DA017084. I thank Sharlyn Prakash and Joy Chudzynski for theirroles inthis study. agementmightbeeffectiveinhelpingadolescents Early results from the study were presented at the terminatesmoking(Corby,Roll,Ledgerwood,& College on Problems of Drug Dependence and the Schuster, 2000). As a follow-up to that initial AssociationforBehaviorAnalysis(Roll&Watson,inpress). Address correspondence to John M. Roll, Washington experiment, the current report describes a small- State University, Washington Institute for Mental Illness scalestudydesignedtofurtherassesstheutilityof Research & Training, P.O. Box 1495, Spokane, Wash- using contingency management in the treatment ington99210(e-mail: [email protected]). doi:10.1901/jaba.2005.114-04 of adolescent cigarette smoking. 463 464 JOHN M. ROLL Participants and Settings theyhadearned(seebelow)duringthisbrief(5- This report presents data from 22 adolescent to 10-min) session. Participants were contacted cigarette smokers who reported a desire to quit for a follow-up visit 1 month after the in- smoking and who participated during the 1st tervention ended, and were asked to provide week of a 4-week intervention. Thirty-one a CO sample for which they were given a $10 individuals started the baseline interviews, but voucher, regardless of the CO level. 10 did not begin the intervention and were not Thirty-eightpercentofthegroupwasfemale, included in this analysis because they did not and 62% was male. The mean age was participate in the contingency management 16.5 years. Fifteen were Caucasian, 4 were Hispanic, 2 were African American, and 1 was phase of the trial. Participants were randomly Asian American. All participants were daily assignedtooneoftwoconditions:abstinence(n 5 12) or attendance (n 5 10) (described smokers, reported a desire to quit smoking and having tried to quit, on average, twice. below). All participants, regardless of group Participants had been smoking, on average, for assignment, provided two baseline carbon 4 years. The study was conducted at a research monoxide (CO) samples on the two Fridays laboratory and clinic located in southern preceding the 4-week contingency management California. All participants provided assent phase of the trial. During these 2 weeks, and their legal guardians provided consent for participants were instructed to smoke in their participation. normal fashion. CO samples were obtained by having participants blow through a small hand- Group Description held device that provided immediate feedback Abstinence group. Participants in this group (Bedfont). This is a commonly used technique earned vouchers, redeemable at a local de- for measuring recent cigarette smoking (Society partment store, worth $5 every time they for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco Sub- provided a CO sample that met our criterion committee on Biochemical Verification, 2002). forrecentabstinencefromcigarettes(,6 ppm). Although it is true that this technique does not Inaddition,iftheywereabstinentallweek,they guaranteedetectionofallcigarettesmoking,itis received a bonus voucher which was worth $10 still a well-accepted means for detecting recent the 1st week, $20 the 2nd, $30 the 3rd, and cigarette smoking, and it correlates strongly $40 the 4th. Failure to abstain all week resulted with cigarette smoking (Deveci, Deveci, & in a reset of the amount of the next available Ozan, 2004). During a 4-week intervention bonusvoucherto$10.Thisscheduleofvoucher phase, participants in both groups received disbursement incorporates those components educational material about the dangers associ- shown in prior studies to be effective in ated with smoking and were told to use their promoting and maintaining abstinence (e.g., ‘‘willpower’’ to quit smoking. Participants were Roll & Higgins, 2000; Roll, Higgins, & instructed to use their willpower because this is Badger, 1996; Roll et al., in press). what participants in other contingency man- Attendance group. This group was identical agement interventions have attributed their to the abstinence group except that participants ability to abstain from drugs to (e.g., Silverman in this group earned vouchers worth $5 every et al., 1998). All participants provided a daily time they attended a scheduled session and breath sample for CO analysis at approximately provided a CO sample, regardless of what the same time each day. In addition, partici- the CO sample was. In addition, if they pants responded on 4-point scales that mea- attended all sessions in a given week, they sured ‘‘desire to smoke’’ and ‘‘physical need to received a bonus voucher that was worth $10 smoke.’’ Participants also received any vouchers the 1st week, $20 the 2nd, $30 the 3rd, and ADOLESCENT SMOKING 465 Figure 1. Total percentage of participants who completed the 4-week intervention (upper left), percentage of participantswhoprovidedCOsamplesof,6ppmfortheentire4-weekintervention(upperright),percentageofCO samples ,6 ppm provided during the 4-week intervention and at the 1-month follow-up (lower left), and mean CO levelsduring baseline andintervention weeks (lowerright). *p ,.05. $40the4th.Failuretoattendallweeklysessions follow-up visit (abstinence group 5 66%, resulted in a reset of the amount of the bonus attendance group 5 80%, Fisher’s exact test, voucher to $10. p , .05). The percentage of participants who It is important to note that participants in remained continuously abstinent throughout both groups could earn exactly the same the 4-week intervention differed significantly amount of vouchers. The only difference was between groups (abstinence group 5 50%, that the vouchers were contingent on absti- attendance group 5 10%, Fisher’s exact test, nence (i.e., CO ,6 ppm) or attendance. p , .05) (Figure 1). The percentage of CO samples that met the abstinence criterion differed across groups during the 4-week RESULTS intervention (abstinence group 5 73%, atten- There were no between-group differences in dance group 5 54%, Fisher’s exact test, p , retentionwith83%oftheabstinencegroupand .05) and at the 1-month postintervention 90% of the attendance group completing the follow-up (abstinence group 5 66%, atten- entire intervention (Fisher’s exact test, p . .05) dance group 5 40%, Fisher’s exact test, (Figure 1). More participants in the attendance p , .05). For these analyses, missing samples grouppresentedfora1-monthpostintervention were considered positive. 466 JOHN M. ROLL Overall mean CO levels differed between during the intervention once they had obtained conditions (t 5 2.346, df 5 5, p , .05). Post a clinically relevant period of abstinence (i.e., hoc comparisons and visual inspection reveal 1 week) than were those in the attendance that these differences all occurred during the group. This suggests that contingency manage- interventionphaseandnotinthebaselinephase ment may be useful in maintaining abstinence (Figure 1). The percentage of group members once it is initiated. This is further supported in who obtained a continuous week of abstinence the follow-up data, in which a greater percent- at any point during the intervention was high age of participants in the abstinence group for both groups (abstinence group 5 83%, providedaCOsamplethatmetthecriterionfor attendance group 5 86%); however, the abstinence. percentage of participants who relapsed (i.e., The verbal behavior of the participants also whoprovidedaCOsample.5 ppm)following provides support for the observation that that week of abstinence was significantly lower participants in the abstinence group were in the abstinence group (12%) than in the smoking less than those in the attendance attendance group (50%) (Fisher’s exact test 5 group. Participants in the abstinence group .303, p , .05). Finally, participants in the reported higher levels of craving and physical abstinence group reported less desire to smoke need for cigarettes than did those in the (M 5 2 6 0.001 on a 4-point scale) than did attendancegroup,possiblysuggestingthatthose participants in the attendance group (M 5 1.7 in the abstinence group were experiencing 60.08;t52.05,df519,p,.05).Similarly, stronger withdrawal symptoms than those in participants in the abstinence group reported the attendance group. a greater physical need to smoke (M 5 1.7 6 Limitationstothisstudyarethesmallsample 0.03) than did participants in the attendance size and the relatively infrequent monitoring of group (M 5 1 6 0.05; t 5 10.323, df 5 19, cigarette smoking. The small sample size is p , .05). justifiedbecausebothretentionratesandresults are consistent across measures and the study is DISCUSSION a pilot study. Carbon monoxide was measured These results suggest that contingency man- daily because of practical concerns. It would be agement can reduce smoking among adoles- difficult to measure it more frequently in cents. Both groups reduced their smoking from a group of active adolescents or to use a more baselinelevels,presumablyduetothestructured invasive measurement strategy (e.g., urine, focus on their smoking, the educational mate- plasma, or saliva collection for other biochem- rial concerning the dangers associated with ical markers) in a cessation program that was smoking, and the frequent CO monitoring. both acceptable to adolescents and could be However, those in the group who received easily delivered in most community settings. vouchers contingent on abstinence were able to Therefore, some measurement sensitivity was decrease their smoking more than those who sacrificedtobegintogatherfielddataaboutthe received vouchers contingent on attendance. use of the technique. Nevertheless, the mea- Thisdecreasewasreflectedinseveraldependent surement time frame used in this study permits measures, including (a) more continuous absti- the possibility of surreptitious smoking (e.g., nence, (b) the percentage of CO samples that smoking immediately after one day’s CO met the abstinence criterion during the in- measurement would not likely be detected on tervention, and (c) lower mean CO levels the next day’s measurement). However, the during the intervention. In addition, those in combined measures of abstinence both during the abstinence group were less likely to relapse treatmentandatfollow-up,aswellastheverbal ADOLESCENT SMOKING 467 reports that showed greater withdrawal symp- withdrawalsymptomreliefandcarbonmonoxideand toms in those in the abstinence group, suggest plasma cotinine levels. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 154, 337. that the intervention was effective in modifying Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Bachman, J. G. the smoking behavior of this group of adoles- (1998). National survey results on drug use from the cents. In support of this strategy, others have Monitoring the Future study, 1975–1997 (NIH Publication Nos.98-4345 and 98-4346). Rockville, reported using infrequent CO monitoring for MD: National Institute onDrug Abuse. practical reasons (e.g., Shoptaw et al., 2002). Petry, N. M. (2000). A comprehensive guide to Although the current findings suggest that contingency management procedures in clinical settings. Drugand AlcoholDependence,58, 9–25. contingency management may provide a poten- Prokhorov,A.V.,Hudmon,K.S.,&Stancic,N.(2003). tially effective treatment for adolescent cigarette Adolescent smoking: Epidemiology and approaches smoking, the current findings should be viewed for achieving cessation. PediatricDrugs,5,1–10. Roll, J. M., & Higgins, S. T. (2000). 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