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Preview ERIC EJ720377: A 21st-Century Model for Identifying Students for Gifted and Talented Programs in Light of National Conditions: An Emphasis on Race and Ethnicity

A 21st-Century Model for Identifying Students for Gifted and Talented Programs in Light of National Conditions: An Emphasis on Race and Ethnicity by Thomas Oakland and Eric Rossen S chools began providing serv- GT programs are intended for gap between the Soviet Union and ices for gifted and talented students who display exceptional U.S. in science and technology. Prior (GT) students in the 1860s qualities, whose needs are not suffi- to the Act’s ratification, only six states (DeLeon & VandenBox, 1985). ciently served in regular education had legislation addressing the needs However, GT programs in public programs, and are likely to benefit of GT students. With NDEA fund- schools did not become common in from special education and related ing, services for GT students reached the United States (U.S.) until about services. Although GT programs pre- an all time high and were found in all 100 years later. Terman’s (1925) sumably are intended to meet stu- states (DeLeon & VandenBox, 1985). scholarship helped establish standards dents’ needs, support for the for GT programs when he identified programs is highly dependent on Legal Basis for GT intelligence as an important, perhaps whether they meet local, state, and Programs the most important, marker of gifted national needs. students, and he suggested they The federal government high- The federal government has should score among the top 2% on lighted the importance of educating offered several definitions for GT stu- nationally standardized intelligence GT children following the Soviet dents. The Marland Report tests. These standards for identifica- Union’s launch of its first satellite in (Marland, 1972) may have had the tion continue in many locations. For 1957. Congress passed and the most influence on GT programs example, 73% of school districts rely President implemented the National (Bireley, 1995). It listed six qualities on standardized measures of cognitive Defense Education Act (NDEA) in that often are cited as options for GT abilities when identifying GT stu- an effort to educate exceptional stu- programs: general intellectual abili- dents (Heward, 2000). dents for the purpose of closing the ties, specific academic aptitudes, cre- 56 fall 2005 • vol 28, no 4 A 21st-Century Model forIdentifying Students for Gifted and Talented Programs ative or productive thinking, leader- impoverished, and otherwise at-risk leadership, and/or performing and ship ability, ability in visual or per- students. Note that no federal defini- visual arts) before making their selec- forming arts, and psychomotor tion requires the use of national tions (Heward, 2000). abilities. A 1998 survey found a num- norms when selecting GT students Changes within the U.S., includ- ber of states omitted the psychomotor for GT programs. ing its public education system, chal- abilities category in their definition Education is largely a state func- lenge the manner in which districts (Shaunessy, 2003). tion. Thus, federal definitions may be offer GT services. Issues pertaining to The Javits Act (1988), derived adapted by individual states, resulting possible program changes are dis- from the Elementary and Secondary in differences in state definitions cussed below. Education Act, underscored the (Shaunessy, 2003). importance of “high achievement capa- Race/Ethnicity bility in areas such as intellectual, creative, Current Status and Social Class artistic, or leadership capacity, or in spe- of Programs for GT cific academic fields” (National Students The U.S. is a nation composed Association for Gifted Children, largely of immigrants or their ances- 2004). An estimated 81% of school dis- tors. People from more than 220 The most current definition tricts in the United States (currently) countries reside temporarily or per- (USDE, 1993) significantly broadens offer GT services (Mansfield & manently here. Immigration contin- the scope of GT programs and is Farris, 1992). Approximately 37 ues, with more than 15% of the U.S. intended to embrace more students of states currently have legislation for population having entered the coun- color and those from low-income GT education, while only 26 states try within the last 10 years (United families. have full or partial mandates to serve States Census Bureau, 2001a, Children and youth with out- GT students (Information Center on 2001b). standing talent perform or show the Disabilities and Gifted Education, In many nations, students from potential for performing at remark- 2002). Although the process used to middle class homes generally attend ably high levels of accomplishment identify GT students may differ private schools, and students from when compared with others of their somewhat between school districts, it lower class homes generally attend age, experience, or environment. typically relies on GT committees public schools. In contrast, the U.S. These children and youth exhibit composed of teachers, counselors, strives to have its public school sys- high performance capacity in intellec- and administrators to establish both tem serve students from every class tual, creative, and/or artistic areas, the process and standards for GT and race/ethnicity. The proportion of and unusual leadership capacity, or identification. Although some school a school district’s resources provided excel in specific academic fields. They districts identify students in kinder- to students who differ by social class, require services or activities not ordi- garten, most initially identify stu- race/ethnicity, and thus by educa- narily provided by the schools. dents in grades 2 through 4. tional need has been used as an index Outstanding talents are present in The process initially depends of its commitment to this important children and youth from all cultural heavily on teachers nominating stu- principle. Black and Hispanic stu- groups, across all economic strata, dents they believe have not been dents generally have received a and in all areas of human endeavor served sufficiently in regular education smaller portion of resources devoted (USDE, 1993). programs and who are likely to benefit to GT education than others. Its emphasis on potential and from special education and related Students from most minority capacity for performing at remarkably services. Parents and peers also may be groups typically are underrepresented high levels together with the expecta- invited to participate in this nomina- in GT programs. When examined in tion that children and youth from all tion process. GT committees typically closer detail, we find that, compared cultural groups and across all economic consider existing data (e.g., class to White students, Asian/Pacific strata will be included in GT pro- grades, work samples, teacher reports) Islanders are one third more likely to grams underscores the desire of the and collect additional information on be in GT programs, while Blacks and federal government to be more the nominees (e.g., from measures of Hispanics are less than half as likely to responsive to the needs of minority, intelligence, achievement, creativity, be in such programs (National gifted child today 57 A 21st-Century Model forIdentifying Students for Gifted and Talented Programs the proportion Research Council, 2002). More sources (Feldhusen & Heller, 1986). specifically, approximately 7.5% and Teachers’ knowledge of students’ of students 10% of White and Asian students achievement is especially keen. receiving GT respectively are identified for place- Although teachers serve as an ment in gifted programs. However, invaluable resource, they may not be services is approximately 3% and 3.5% of Black properly engaged in the nominating inconsistent with and Hispanic students are identified process (Ford, 1996) and may be as gifted (Information Center on biased when estimating academic current national Disabilities and Gifted Education, potential among students who differ 2003). Thus, the proportion of stu- by race/ethnicity (National Research population dents receiving GT services is incon- Council, 2002). Moreover, teachers distributions sistent with current national who serve the poorest students may population distributions and their be the least qualified (Associated and their trends. trends. The relatively small percent of Press, 2004). Exclusive reliance on Black and Hispanic students engaged teacher nominations may contribute 1994; National Research Council, in GT programs is a concern to edu- to underrepresentation of minority 2002; Shore, Cornell, Robinson, & cators and others nationally (National students. Reliance on parents of Ward, 1991), with Blacks and Research Council, 2002). minority children also may have its Hispanics scoring lower than limitations in that their referral rates Asian/Pacific Islanders and Whites Possible Causes are lower than those of White parents (Jensen, 1980; Sattler, 2001). As a for Racial/Ethnic (National Research Council, 2002). result, programs that prioritize intel- Disparities A process that allows self- and peer- lectual abilities and rely heavily on nominations helps broaden the nom- intelligence test data are likely to have The lower percentage of Black inated pool somewhat. fewer Black and Hispanic students and Hispanic students in GT pro- than those that focus on other quali- The Grade in Which grams is due to multiple causes, ties (Ford, 1996). Nomination meth- the Nomination Process Begins including failure to be nominated, ods based on specific educational the grade in which students first are needs seemingly lead to greater racial- nominated, the qualities that consti- The grade in which students first ethnic equity (National Research tute the GT program, information are nominated also may impact the Council, 2002). number of minority students nomi- considered during the screening process, and the use of national nated for and thus included in GT Qualities That Are Screened norms. These five issues are reviewed programs. More minority students below. are identified when the identification Once nominated, students typi- process focuses on students in the cally are examined in some detail. Failure to Be Nominated lower grades than in the higher grades Ideally, the identification process mir- (National Research Council, 2002). rors the activities and goals of the GT The nomination process has a This seemingly holds true whether program (Ford, 1996). significant impact on disproportion- standardized tests or checklists based The screening process often relies ate representation. Those not nomi- on personal characteristics are used. heavily on intelligence test data. nated typically are not considered by Intelligence and achievement test the GT committee and thus are not Qualities That Constitute data correlate highly and thus are eligible for GT programs. the GT Program used in GT programs to assist in Teachers have the most contact identifying able students. The corre- with students, are most knowledge- Tests of intelligence are used lation between intelligence and able about them, and typically can widely to screen GT students. Data achievement is approximately .50 provide more comprehensive infor- from these tests generally display reli- (Sattler, 2001). Thus, approximately mation about student performance able and measurable racial-ethnic dif- 25% of the variance associated with than that obtainable from other ferences (Herrnstein & Murray, achievement is attributable to intelli- 58 fall 2005 • vol 28, no 4 A 21st-Century Model forIdentifying Students for Gifted and Talented Programs gence. This figure, 25%, although scholastic performance and the quali- students often adjust their criteria for substantial, indicates 75% of the vari- ties students bring to schools. admission into GT programs, know- ance associated with achievement is Substantial differences in achieve- ing that their more able students are attributable to qualities other than ment exist between states, presum- not well served in many regular edu- intelligence. Moreover, measures of ably due to such qualities as cation classes. The use of lower cut intelligence provide little direct infor- differences in race, social class, school scores is one method to adjust mation about one’s passion for learn- resources, and curriculum (Lee, national norms to better reflect loca- ing, persistence, learning styles and 1998). tion conditions. For example, cities strategies, and other qualities that For example, scores from the that have large numbers of low per- may contribute to academic success. Scholastic Ability Test are consider- forming students may establish lower In that intelligence test data tend ably higher in some states (e.g., North cut scores on intelligence test data for to be lower for Black and Hispanic Dakota and Iowa) than in others GT program entrance (e.g., the 84th students, reliance on them may pre- (e.g., Georgia and South Carolina; percentile rather than the 97th or clude otherwise qualified students National Center for Education 98th percentiles). Thus, for them, the from being selected for GT programs Statistics, 2001). Students in some use of local rather than national stan- (Rosenfield, 1983). Thus, the use of a states (e.g., Hawaii and Mississippi) dards is more viable. broader set of data-gathering meth- read at significantly lower levels ods (e.g., information from students, than those in other states (e.g., A Focus on Public their parents, and peers acquired Connecticut and New Hampshire; Education in the 21st through interviews, checklists, behav- NAEP, 2001). Furthermore, achieve- Century and Implications ioral observations, and measures of ment tends to be higher in suburban for GT Education classroom performance) that focus on than in inner-city schools. interactions among intellectual abili- Teachers base their instructional ties, task commitment, and creativity activities on classroom and school As a publicly supported institu- (Renzulli, 1978), special abilities, norms, not on national norms. For tion, public education is expected to nonintellective qualities, environ- example, those teaching lower achiev- respond to high priority public needs mental conditions (Tannenbaum, ing students generally modify their at all levels of government. At the fed- 1983), and on exceptional problem- activities by providing a less rigorous eral level, the President and Congress solving skills (Maker, 1993; curriculum and slower paced instruc- expressed their clear support for Sternberg, 1988) may be needed tion, as well as establishing lower aca- improving students’ academic devel- when identifying minority students demic standards in light of classroom opment, initially in reading and later (Boatman, Davis, & Benbow, 1995). norms. Students who display a pas- in mathematics and science, through We also need to recognize the best sion for learning and high achieve- the No Child Left Behind Act predictor of future performance is ment are not served well in these (NCLB; 2001). The driving force prior performance on a similar task classrooms and thus are likely to need behind the NCLB and the NDEA is (Sattler, 2001). Thus, future aca- a GT program. similar: to help ensure our country’s demic attainment is best predicted Programs for GT students are future. from information on past and current intended for students whose needs are Student achievement is lower in academic attainment. not sufficiently served in the district’s the United States than in many other regular education programs and who industrialized countries (Organisation Use of National Norms may benefit from related services pro- for Economic Co-operation and vided through local resources. In that Development, 2003). This poses a The use of national norms for considerable differences exist nation- threat to our nation’s future and leads selecting students for GT programs ally in the rigor of schools’ curricula to a clarion call for swift and decisive assumes students’ qualities are nor- and students’ academic attainment, action to address this problem. While mally distributed and somewhat effective GT programs develop poli- the NDEA was intended to develop equally represented throughout our cies and practices based on local con- talent needed to combat the Soviet states and cities. This assumption is ditions. States and cities that have threat, the NCLB is intended to untenable. States and cities differ in large numbers of lower performing develop talent needed to maintain our gifted child today 59 A 21st-Century Model forIdentifying Students for Gifted and Talented Programs competitive edge internationally in force and thus high wage earners. In whether these standards are being met education, science, technology, and contrast, states and cities with prevail- at state, school district, individual the military and to create an educated ing low student achievement are school, and individual student levels. workforce that will ensure good likely to have higher levels of unem- The academic performance of minor- domestic jobs. Thus, GT programs ployment and a lower paid workforce. ity students is receiving close atten- that support federal education efforts Their jobs increasingly are being out- tion. under the NCLB by helping to sourced and performed by those While the act does not address develop high levels of achievement working in low-income countries. GT programs directly, its implica- among our most able students are The development of GT programs by tions for GT programs are clear. All needed. state and local education agencies can programs within a school district can The demographic nature of our help by providing a well-educated be expected to help support the nation’s student population is chang- labor force for local needs and creat- NCLB’s goal to demonstrate annual ing. Students increasingly are more ing a magnet that attracts quality yearly progress in students’ achieve- likely to be minority, especially industry. ment. Due to budget constraints, Hispanic, and to come from lower school districts are downsizing, even income families (United States Implications for GT eliminating programs, including GT Census Bureau, 2001a, 2001b). Programs in the 21st programs that do not support their These changes may foretell lower lev- Century major goals. Thus, to survive, GT els of academic achievement among programs may need to emphasize students in light of well-established achievement and to de-emphasize The promotion of students’ aca- group differences in intellectual and intellectual ability, creativity, leader- demic and civic development, as well academic abilities (Herrnstein & ship, and/or performing and visual as regular school attendance consti- Murray, 1994; Jensen, 1980). arts. The strongest advocacy for GT tutes education’s prevailing goals. Educators are dedicated to the programs may be found in aligning Among the three, the importance of principle that quality education pro- them with more prevailing school promoting students’ academic devel- grams can materially improve programs (e.g., NCLB). opment has been highlighted by the achievement. There is support for the Intelligence also is likely to be de- NCLB. Virtually every state and belief that the combination of a class emphasized because it is somewhat school district is committed to mak- of passionate learners engaged in a tangential to achievement and ing the goals of the NCLB a reality. challenging and enriched curriculum highlights racial/ethnic differences. The NCLB redefines the federal presented by dedicated teachers who Moreover, in part because of a height- role in K–12 education. Its broad goal utilize appealing instructional meth- ened interest in achievement, the pro- is to close the achievement gap ods results in high levels of achieve- between low and high achieving (e.g., gram’s description together with ment (Darling-Hammond, 2000). minority and majority) students methods for nominating and screening Programs for GT students are needed while helping all students reach are likely to focus more on achieve- to help improve achievement among higher state-approved academic stan- ment, and local norms will be used to Black and Hispanic students, espe- dards through the following four select students. cially those who are educated along- reform principles: research-based side low achieving peers. reforms, accountability for results, Program Description The need to be competitive edu- flexibility and increased local control, cationally also is important at state and expanded parent options and The GT program should state its and local levels. States and cities often education. goals clearly and develop nomination, develop a reputation based on the The NCLB requires states to screening, and selection processes that quality of their education as seen in develop high academic standards reflect its program goals. For exam- student achievement. Locations along with annually administered ple, a GT program that has advanced known for their academic excellence academic assessments aligned with levels of achievement as its goal, ini- develop a positive reputation and are these standards. The assessments are tially in reading and later in math and better able to attract and keep indus- to provide multiple, current, reliable, science, should develop nomination, tries that require an educated work and valid data for use in evaluating screening, and selection methods that 60 fall 2005 • vol 28, no 4 GT programs help ensure the identification of stu- & Lozano, 1984) and may decrease dents who currently are not well are most likely the likelihood of bias when making served academically in regular educa- to survive, even educational decisions (Stewart & tion, who need special education and Kaminski, 2002). Although the flourish, when related services, and have the ability development of local norms may they help support to benefit from a GT program’s cur- require additional time and resources, prevailing broader ricula and instructional methods. their value is thought to outweigh education efforts, their costs. Furthermore, various ref- Nominations including the erences exist to assist in their develop- ment (Habadank, 1995; Kaminski & promotion Given a district’s focus on Good, 1998; Stewart & Kaminski). of achievement achievement, its nomination process Steps for their calculation are out- must help identify students who are in light of the lined in Table 1 on page 63. not well served in regular education NCLB. and need special education and Conclusions related services. Reading is likely to Literacy Skills (Stewart & Kaminski, be prioritized first while math and 2002). Nationally normed achieve- GT programs are most likely to science will follow. A nomination ment measures have two possible lim- survive, even flourish, when they help process that first informs, then edu- itations: They may assess skills and support prevailing broader education cates, and then encourages teachers, abilities inconsistent with a school’s efforts, including the promotion of parents, and students to become curriculum, and they inform test achievement in light of the NCLB. engaged is likely to identify students users about how students compare to Furthermore, effective GT programs who constitute a pool who deserve peers nationally, not their peers develop policies and practices based greater scrutiny through screening. locally. Unless a school’s curriculum is on local conditions. Thus, efforts are Moreover, the nomination process consistent with the test content and needed that focus more on achieve- should begin as early as feasible and the school’s population is representa- ment and less on intelligence, leader- no later than the second grade. tive of the nation, the test informa- ship and/or the performing and visual tion may be inadequate, even invalid. arts. Given a stronger emphasis on Screening Local norms may provide more achievement, existing methods used accurate information when GT com- to nominate and screen students for The best predictor of future aca- mittees are committed to identifying GT programs should be reviewed and demic success is one’s past and cur- students who have not been served may need to be revised. Additionally, rent level of success. Thus, students’ sufficiently in regular education pro- the use of local norms is likely to bet- achievement should be screened grams and who are likely to benefit ter serve many districts. GGGGCCCCTTTT closely. Additionally, qualities associ- from special education and related ated with achievement also should be services. Local norms provide more References screened, including students’ passion accurate information about how stu- for learning, persistence, dedication, dents are performing within their own and self-discipline. curriculum compared to their peers Associated Press. (2004, December 19). Report: Poor get least-fit locally. Attempts to make local deci- Norms sions based upon national compar- teachers. The Gainesville Sun. isons should be questioned when a Bireley, M. (1995). Identifying high We are likely to see a decided district’s characteristics differ from ability/high achievement gifted- movement away from national norms prevailing national characteristics. ness. In J. L. Genshaft, M. and toward the use of local norms. Local norms are likely to better Bireley, & C. L. 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