GARON C. SMITH Building Civic Engagement Capacity An Introductory S Chemistry Example E V I T C E P S R WHATARETHEEXPECTATIONSfor me, as a chem- gagement in our teaching, focusing it through the E istry professor at a public, research-intensive uni- lens of our disciplinary specialties, we help our P versity, to “do a good job” within the teaching institutions uphold this public trust. We develop component of my fac- the capacity in our students to become active in ulty line? Am I doing a their postgraduate communities and careers. good job if my students satisfactorily master “Training the chemical principles and problem-solving tech- Relevance niques according to the department’s overall cur- The pedagogic modification needed to simul- next generation riculum plan? That’s a start. And it would be taneously meet departmental and campus-wide of citizens” dandy if I could weave some of my current re- agendas is at the heart of the SENCERinitiative was the search into the course, right? Maybe I could (Science Education for New Civic Engagements collective vision even get some students to consider a major in and Responsibilities), launched by AAC&Uand chemistry! Striving to meet such criteria, I underwritten by the National Science Founda- that gave birth would certainly not be indicted by my colleagues tion (NSF). NSFsupports programs which use to many for neglect of duties.But everything I’ve listed so complex, unsolved public issues to frame a institutions far is a parochial list of outcomes to which I can course—HIV-AIDS, genetic engineering, toxic sub- aspire, unnecessarily confined to department- stances in the environment, and sustainable en- level visions. ergy supplies/lifestyles to name a few. It brings With a slight paradigm shift, not only can I immediacy to the science concepts needed and better meet the department’s needs, but I can the available tools taught within a course. The also address the university’s corporate responsi- idea is to get students to ask questions such as: bility to make education socially relevant. Rele- “Which air pollutants in our community pose vancy is important in seeking funding for our the most serious health threat?” and “Who re- institutions. If we expect the public to continue leases them?”or “How can we work as a commu- investing in science and higher education, it is nity to get the biggest health gain for the time more critical than ever that students connect the and money we invest?” The coursecontent content of our courses to its role in public issues. stands squarely between the questions and the In fact, “training the next generation of citizens” answers. Students must navigate the course con- was the collective vision that gave birth to many tent if they are to reach some resolution to such institutions. University mission statements still questions. reflect this sentiment1. If we champion civic en- While stimulating civic engagement among students is a lofty goal, the rub, you say, is, “How GARON SMITH is professor of chemistry at the do you add more to your already overstuffed University of Montana. course without taking away some content?” This 40 LIBERAL EDUCATION SUMMER 2004 University of Montana is a pivotal question, especially if you are a “civic ten try to keep a lightness to the class atmos- C I engagement pioneer” within your academic unit phere as well. Here are a few illustrative exam- P and you teach an introductory course in a multi- ples: O T semester sequence. Colleagues expect students (cid:127)Conversion between metric and English units: coming into their course sequels to have already If a slug uses 0.10 mL of mucus to travel 1.0 D E mastered an agreed-upon set of topics. This arti- meter, how many miles per gallon does the R cle briefly outlines some strategies that I have slug get? (Answer: 24 mpg.) U successfully implemented to infuse elements of (cid:127)Heating and cooling curves: If a bird needs 5 T A civic engagement into my large, first-semester grams of water each day, how much energy E chemistry course (enrollment usually about does it save by finding open water in the win- F 450), without sacrificing traditional content. ter instead of eating snow? (Open water: 190 The selection of appropriate illustrative exam- cal to warm to body temperature; snow: 615 ples and recurrent themes in my lectures sets cal to warm to body temperature, or 3.3 times the stage for civic engagement. Then, an extra- more energy.) credit mechanism entices students to sample at (cid:127)Nuclear chemistry: Sticks encased in mineral least some civic activity outside the classroom. deposits just north of Yellowstone National Park were carbon dated to establish how long Civic engagement in the classroom metal-laden waters have been flowing into the For the past eight years I have retooled my intro- Lamar Valley. If the C-14 count in the min- ductory CHEM151 course at the University of eral-bound sticks is 45 percent that of living Montana so that students must increasingly con- sticks of the same species, how long ago were nect the course content and themselves to the the sticks cemented in place? (Answer: 6,500 world outside of the lecture hall. I layer civic en- years ago.) gagement into as many facets of my course as I can: (1) incorporating public issues into my sam- Making room for civic engagement ple problems; (2) offering extra credit for calcu- Once I capture the students’ interest through lations that extend the lecture material into relevant sample problems, I shamelessly use ex- local problems; (3) inviting the students to par- tra credit as a civic engagement hook to cajole ticipate in policy hearings; (4) encouraging stu- them into donating out-of-class time toward ex- dents to volunteer for relevant ploring topics further. Extra credit is built into community-service projects. the weighted-average formula I use to compute I view every sample problem I work, every ap- the overall course average. The formula, which plication I relate, as yet another opportunity to is deceptively simple, has three terms, each of engage the students and help them appreciate which serves a different role: why this particular course is a prerequisite for quizzes (25%) + hour exams (50%) + final exam their majors. I take advantage of public issues (25%) that are most likely to capture the specific inter- term 1 term 2 term 3 ests of my student audience. CHEM151 is the The overall course grade is based on a 600 first semester of a one-year, non-major’s survey point system: 150 points for the quiz term, 300 of general, organic, and biochemistry. The points for the hour exam term, and 150 points course is for students in disciplines that require for the final exam term. The interaction among grounding in chemical principles and an under- the three terms or components is what allows standing of biochemical processes, e.g., forestry, me to subtly exert influence on the class in dif- wildlife biology, pre-nursing, physical therapy, ferent ways. Regular attendance in class is forced medical technology, exercise physiology, sports by the quiz term. The ultimate accountability for medicine. Given these demographics, I instantly overall course content is contained in the final garner their attention by connecting the con- exam term. But the middle term, the one for cepts I am teaching to topics such as toxic chemi- hour exams, lets me draw them into giving out- cal releases and their health impacts, side time to the course. conservation biology, water quality and fishery While exams serve their traditional role in impacts, sustainable timber harvests, prescribed evaluating student mastery of course concepts burns as a forest management tool, diabetes and problem-solving skills, the exam portion of (prominent among our Native American stu- the formula is where I tabulate extra credit for dents), and performance-enhancing drugs. I of- out-of-class civic engagement activities. Since I 42 LIBERAL EDUCATION SUMMER 2004 I want to ensure keep the best three of four one- there are voices, nity, Missoulian’s drive 1.3 mil- C hour exams, 300 points is the comfortable lion miles a day just within our I P maximum score for the hour small, mountain-bound city and with science, O exam term. Throughout the se- release more than 1 million T whenever community mester I offer a wide variety of pounds of fossil fuel CO per 2 D supplemental engagement activ- discussions occur. day.) E ities for students to earn points I work toward My favorite extra credit takes R U that can be directly added on to students out into the commu- this goal in making T their hour exam point total. nity to advocate for policy: at- A my students Through this extra credit, there tending public hearings, writing E is a redemption mechanism for scientifically competent letters to the editor or elected F a subpar performance, so I feel civic agents officials, testifying at public no compunction to relax the hearings, or participating in vol- rigor of my exams. (But I usually strive for an av- unteer mentoring—math/science tutoring in af- erage of 75 percent so as not to trounce any pos- ter-school programs (Flagship Project) or itive attitudes that may be developing toward in-school programs (McKinney Tutors) for chil- the physical sciences among a generally insecure dren of latch-key families, homeless families, or population.) families whose battered mothers seek refuge. Some exam extra credit is simply an optional Why am I, a chemist, interested in public pol- assignment through which the day’s lesson is ap- icy? I want to ensure there are voices, comfort- plied to a community issue. For example, when I able with science, whenever community teach chemical stoichiometry, the massrelation- discussions occur. I work toward this goal in ships among substances in a chemical reaction, making my students scientifically competent my lecture illustration quantifies the local pulp civic agents. Isn’t a hallmark of our democratic mill’s carbon dioxide releases. At its conclusion, I heritage the notion that decisions grow out of a point out that the mill’s CO emissions are biomass community dialogue? Shouldn’t we be training 2 derived. For extra credit,I have the students our students about how decisions get made? compute how many pounds of fossil fuel CO are There is some extra effort (i.e., time) thatmust be 2 emitted from the collective driving of motor ve- invested to get a complete buy-in by the students. hicles in our city. To do this, I supply them with Unless they see through their own participation the latest traffic-count statistics. (As a commu- that the out-of-class activities are worth the ef- Smith at local K-12 SUMMER 2004 LIBERAL EDUCATION 43 S University of E Montana V I T C E P S R E P fort, they will be less than enthusiastic. It is also It has been a great experience this semester, important to personally witness some of their and I am looking forward to continuing the tu- “extra-credit” altruism. This was often painless toring next semester. for me, as many of the county- and state-level The fact that Matt had to digest the CHEM151 policy hearings offered as extra-credit options course material for Julian validates in my mind were heard by policy boards on which I hold a that the tutoring activity is germane to course seat. If they testified, I was there to take their goals and that it promotes deeper learning for comments. my student volunteers. With mentoring, in particular, strong bonds Extra credit is awarded at the rate of three often arise between my student tutors and their points per hour for out-of-class activities. Given young charges. Some donate more than thirty the weighting factors in the overall course for- hours over the course of the semester. Many con- mula, six points (or two hours of community ac- tinue to volunteer in the following semester tivities) are required to raise the course average when there is no built-in extra-credit motive; by 1 percent. Students are hooked into pursuing they simply cannot imagine abandoning their extra credit on three counts. First, there are protégés. For instance, Matt Phifer, a sophomore those who do the extra credit to build up a cush- Spanish major who took CHEM 151, in an extra- ion as insurance against a stumble later in the se- credit report wrote: mester or as a mechanism for coasting, once the I have been participating in the McKinney tu- desired grade level seems assured. Second, stu- toring program for about 7 weeks now and dents do extra credit after a bad exam result. Fi- have seen improvement in Julian [the stu- nally, the remainder of the class gets drawn into dent]. Julian seems to favor science over his the “extra-credit chase” after they see their class- other subjects. He has a basic understanding of mates accumulating points. I prominently post the other subjects, but seems interested more weekly spreadsheets that include an “EEC”col- in my chemistry class than his own homework. umn that tracks “exam extra-credit” points 44 LIBERAL EDUCATION SUMMER 2004 If we want to where the positive impact is prompt our students that most administrators will be S only too apparent. to become civically receptive to one’s initiating E some personal efforts in this di- V engaged, what better I Participation rection. Judith A. Ramaley, as- T place than at How much do students take ad- sistant director at the NSF C vantage of the exam extra- the beginning of their Education and Human Re- E P credit course feature? During college careers sources Directorate, said, “The S fall 2002, 375 of 412 students major challenge facing contem- R E participated in someform of ex- porary higher education is to P tra credit and averaged 9.6 points apiece. In fall enhance its relevance and connectedness to the 2003, with increased effort to engage students, issues and problems faced by the broader society, 381 of 410 students averaged 12.2 points of ex- as these problems are defined by community tra credit. Most students earnedpoints via a com- members and not by academics independently of bination of lecture extension exercises and the views of others.” community involvement. Most invested about If we want to prompt our students to become three hours outside of class in off-campus activi- civically engaged, what better place than at the ties. Thus, the class was responsible for con- beginning of their college careers, in introduc- tributing almost 1,150 hours of community tory courses, before they know any better? Ide- involvement—a gift to the city leveraged by a re- ally, they will exit the course with the quired chemistry course. expectation that this is the way all college Occasionally, a student gets wise to my courses work. And what better place to deliver weighted average formula and tries to “blow me the experience than in large, required, under- out of the water” with extra credit. I don’t panic. graduate survey courses? It is efficient and en- I smile and then exempt them from the final sures that a high percentage of students get a exam. Without exception these are very engaged taste of civic engagement. It draws favorable at- students who would have gotten an A without tention to one’s department from both the ad- extra-credit options. So they get their A, and I ministration and the community. Lastly, a little get to let them savor the taste of “good citizen- civic outreach by a sizable number of students ship.” adds up to a great benefit for our local commu- Do the students feel exploited? Not in my ex- nities. We do well to inculcate the perception perience. Cathy Crane, a post-baccalaureatestu- that higher education is a good thing to have in dent returning for a second degree in exercise the neighborhood. ■■ physiology, shared her opinion of the civic-action options in an unsolicited email: To respond to this article, e-mail [email protected], I also really enjoy the way you use extra with the author’s name on the subject line. credit. It encourages people to pull their heads out of the sand, out of their books, out of televisions, and out of their “You-know- NOTE whats” in order to do something productive. 1 As a case in point, here is an excerpt from the mission Very inspirational. Thanks again. statement of my home institution, the University of Montana-Missoula: “Through its graduates, the Uni- versity also seeks to educate competent and humane Summing up professionals and informed, ethical, and engaged citi- The prescriptive plan I have just summarized for zens of local and global communities.” my introductory chemistry course is but one ex- ( ample of how to build civic capacity into a course. There are many other models for this kind of approach at institutions around the country. Surfing the Web using “civic engage- ment” as the subject reveals dozens of papers, presentations, and workshops that describe cur- ricular reforms or pedagogic innovations that draw students into exploring current, real-world issues. The National Science Foundation has ar- ticulated the importance of civic engagement, so SUMMER 2004 LIBERAL EDUCATION 45