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Journal of Early Intervention http://jei.sagepub.com Taiwanese Mothers' Perceptions of Parent-Infant Interaction With Children With Down Syndrome Yu-Jun Chen and Jeanette A. McCollum Journal of Early Intervention 2001; 24; 252 DOI: 10.1177/105381510102400402 The online version of this article can be found at: http://jei.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/24/4/252 Published by: http://www.sagepublications.com On behalf of: Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children Additional services and information for Journal of Early Intervention can be found at: Email Alerts: http://jei.sagepub.com/cgi/alerts Subscriptions: http://jei.sagepub.com/subscriptions Reprints: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsReprints.nav Permissions: http://www.sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav Citations (this article cites 15 articles hosted on the SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): http://jei.sagepub.com/cgi/content/refs/24/4/252 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Taiwanese Mothers’ Perceptions of Parent- Infant Interaction With Children With Down Syndrome YU-JUN CHEN Foo-Ying Institute of Technology Taiwan JEANETTE A. McCOLLUM University of Illinois Parent-child interaction is a cornerstone of early intervention. Caution is necessary, however, in transferring models of early intervention developed in one culture to parents from a different culture. It is essential that early intervention be grounded in an understanding of how parents from different cultures might perceive their interactions with their children. The current study analyzed interviews with 16 Taiwanese mothers of babies with Down syndrome. Interviews were analyzed using emergent themes related to perceived benefits of parent-child interaction for children’s development and to parental roles that support these benefits. The perceptions captured in these interviews appear to reflect cultural views of parent-child interaction as well as parents’ perceptions of and adaptations to the characteristics and needs of their babies with Down syndrome. She likes to grab my hair now. When I hold abilities are more directive and controlling her, she grabs my hair.... It really hurts.... with their children (Marfo, 1990; Roach, Bar- But she does it.... I let her play [with it] be- cause at least she wants to grab things. It is ratt, Miller, & Leavitt, 1998), and a primary good for her because, in general, the devel- focus of interaction interventions when young opment of this kind of child is delayed. (Tai- children have disabilities has been to change wanese mother) the characteristics of parent-child interaction to parallel more closely &dquo;ideal&dquo; characteris- In early intervention, birth-3, parent-child tics identified in the literature. Past studies interaction interventions implemented to comparing parents’ interactions with children change the developmental trajectory of chil- with and without disabilities also indicate, dren with disabilities are based on assump- however, that parents of children with dis- tions about the centrality of parent-child re- abilities might hold different perceptions or lationships to the learning and development of values regarding their children (Marfo & Kys- young children (McCollum & Hemmeter, ela, 1988). In addition, cautions have been 1997). For example, certain maternal behav- raised with respect to assuming that the same iors such as sensitivity, responsiveness, and maternal behaviors have similar relationships warmth are thought to facilitate children’s de- to development when children have disabili- velopment, whereas a behavior such as direc- ties (Mahoney, Fors, & Wood, 1990; Marfo, tiveness is often viewed as having negative 1990). Behaviors such as directiveness might effects (Kelly & Barnard, 2000). Past studies represent helpful adaptations to the child’s have shown that mothers of children with dis- needs, and might support the child’s ability to 252 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. participate in and learn from parent-child in- about why and how they interact with their teractions. When children have Down syn- children, early interventions that aim to drome, they might bring characteristics to the change particular characteristics of parent- interaction that call for differing parental be- child interaction run the risk of being per- havior to achieve participation and accom- ceived by parents as less than meaningful or plishment within the interaction (McCollum & even as harmful to their children (McCollum Bair, 1994). & Yates, 2001). A sociocultural perspective raises addition- In our ongoing program of research, we are al cautions with respect to interpreting parent- conducting interviews with mothers from a child interaction without considering the re- number of different cultural backgrounds. To lationships among parental beliefs, parental remain open to important themes in how behavior toward their children, and children’s mothers from different cultures perceive their developmental outcomes (Harkness & Super, interactions with their babies, including their 1996). Caution is especially critical when babies with disabilities, we use a qualitative families are different from those represented approach (Miles & Huberman, 1994). We be- in the developmental research on which the gan this research by interviewing families of goals and processes of most studies of inter- children who were typically developing, to action intervention have been based (Garcia, place mothers’ descriptions of interactions Perez, & Ortiz, 2000; McCollum & Yates, with their babies with disabilities within the 2001). Parents from different cultures draw context of what is typical for their culture. We upon their own cultural belief systems to have engaged in an ongoing process of deriv- make sense of parenting, to set goals for their ing themes and coding interviews, using a re- children, and to make decisions about their search team that includes faculty and doctoral roles in assisting their children’s development students from different cultural backgrounds. (Greenfield & Suzuki, 1998), irrespective of The emergent themes that we have thus far whether their children have disabilities. examined in greater depth relate primarily to Given the diverse socioeconomic, cultural, what parents perceive to be the benefits and and linguistic backgrounds of children and outcomes children gain from parent-child in- families early intervention serves, it is impor- teraction, and the roles that parents perceive tant to understand the types and sources of themselves to play in relation to these out- similarity and difference among families with comes. respect to their parenting. It is also important In one previous set of analyses (Chen, to understand how values and perceptions 1999), we examined interviews with 13 Tai- with respect to parent-child interaction might wanese mothers whose 12-month-old babies be similar to or different from those related to (range: 11-13 months) were typically devel- interaction with children who do not have dis- oping. We found that these 13 mothers viewed abilities, within the same culture. For instance, parent-child interaction as making an impor- in some Asian cultures, having a child with a tant contribution to four primary developmen- disability might be viewed as a punishment tal domains (cognitive, emotional, physical, for sins of ancestors or parents. The child, and social), of which cognitive and emotional therefore, might be considered an object of were the most prominent. Less emphasized shame for the family (Raghavan, 1998). This domains included academic readiness and might influence both the types of interactive adaptive life goals. The primary roles that situations to which the child is exposed and mothers mentioned in relation to these bene- the families’ perception of the goals being fos- fits were those that we called facilitator, di- tered by the interaction. Parent’s ideas about rector, and caregiver. Of somewhat lesser im- appropriate parenting behaviors within the portance were roles that we labeled as play context of parent-child interaction might also partner, entertainer, being a model, and being be related to differing cultural backgrounds. an available presence. By analyzing benefits Thus, without understanding parents’ beliefs and outcomes in combination with associated 253 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. maternal roles, we found that when these 13 the average level of school completion was Taiwanese mothers talked about cognitive out- high school or vocational school (25%), with comes, they were most likely to describe a an equal number of participants (38%) having director or facilitator role, whereas emotional either more (college degrees) or fewer (ele- benefits were most often linked to a caregiver mentary or middle school) years of education. role. Social benefits were linked to a director The children averaged 12.3 months of age role. (Portions of these data, as well as data (range of 7 to 16 months) and 69% were boys more specifically focused on social compe- ( 11 out of 16). Eight of the children were first- tence, have been published in Chen and born. Estimates of the developmental status of McCollum, 2000, and McCollum and Chen, the children were based on a 28-item devel- 2001). opmental checklist completed by the mothers. In the current article, which is based on the Items were selected from the Ages and Stages first author’s dissertation (Chen, 2001), we ex- Questionnaire (ASQ; Squires, Potter, & Brick- amined these same themes in interviews with er, 1995), and were items that the authors felt 16 Taiwanese mothers of babies with Down would be easily observable by the mothers in syndrome. The purpose was to explore wheth- each of the areas of communication, gross er the same emphases on particular outcomes motor, fine motor, personal-social, and prob- and roles would be apparent in the perspec- lem solving. Seven, six, seven, and eight tives of mothers from the same cultural back- items, respectively, were selected from the ground as those in our previous study. Re- ASQ forms for ages 6, 8, 12, and 16 months. search questions were: (a) What developmen- For each item, the mothers checked a box in- tal benefits or outcomes do mothers of chil- dicating whether their children were able to dren with a disability perceive during do the activity in question. The ASQ is written parent-child interaction?, (b) How do these at a 4th-6th grade reading level; for this study, mothers perceive their roles in assisting their the first author translated it into Chinese and children to achieve these benefits?, and (c) a second translator checked the translation. Which roles are mothers most likely to relate The results of mothers’ ratings on this scale to particular benefits? was used for descriptive purposes only; based on the information from this checklist, chil- METHOD dren ranged from 3-10 months of age in their development (average of approximately 7 Participants months). > Sixteen mothers of children with Down syn- drome were recruited through the Organiza- Procedures tion of Parents of Children with Down Syn- Mothers of children with Down syndrome drome and the pediatric departments of four who agreed to participate in this study were tertiary hospitals in Taiwan, representing a contacted by phone to set up a time for the sample of convenience from among families interview. Fourteen of the mothers were in- known to these sources at the time of the terviewed in their homes. Two mothers were study. These mothers were those who gave interviewed via phone because of the diffi- their names to these organizations after the or- culty in arranging personal interviews due to ganizations informed them of the study. Fif- distance. The first author conducted all inter- teen of the 16 mothers were married. The views in Mandarin or Taiwanese and tape-re- mothers’ ages ranged from 21 to 45 years with corded them for later transcription. Interviews a mean of 31.8 years. Seventy-five percent of lasted an average of about an hour, ranging the mothers were not employed outside of from 30-70 minutes. their homes, although 19% of them were wage Mothers were told that the purpose of the earners who worked from their homes. The study was to understand parents’ beliefs about mothers’ educational levels ranged from less parent-infant interaction and play. To establish than 6 years of education to college graduates; an informal atmosphere, mothers were first 254 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. asked to describe a typical day when they terview was used as a data source for exam- were together with their children. After the ining themes, irrespective of the particular warm-up period, mothers were asked to re- section of the interview in which the response spond to two picture vignettes depicting an occurred. (Copies of the interview protocol adult-child dyad interacting with and without are available from the authors). an object. Picture vignettes were line drawings After the interviews, transcripts were sent of a parent and child. The drawings were tak- to mothers as a member-check on the results en from videotaped images, and were made of the interview. Mothers were asked to purposefully vague so that ethnicity was not change or expand the interviews in any way discernible and so that parents could interpret they wished. Eight out of 16 mothers respond- the picture from their own perspective. For ed ; all 8 indicated that there was no need to each picture vignette, questions were present- change or expand the interview. The other 8 ed to the mothers in a specific sequence: mothers did not return the transcripts. There &dquo;What do you think might be happening in were no apparent demographic differences be- this picture, and what similar things do you tween those who did and did not return the do with your baby?,&dquo; &dquo;What benefits do you transcript. After transcripts were translated believe babies get from this kind of interac- into English, another individual fluent in Tai- tion ?,&dquo; and &dquo;What do you believe parents wanese, Mandarin, and English checked the should do during this kind of interaction to translations. help their children achieve these benefits?&dquo; The investigator described the picture vi- Data Analysis gnettes to the two mothers who were inter- Qualitative procedures described by Miles and viewed by phone. The mothers in this sample Huberman (1994) were used to address the re- were also asked to comment on their percep- search questions. The two themes addressed tions of the development and learning of a in this study, developmental benefits and pa- child with Down syndrome as compared to rental roles during parent-child interaction, those of a typical child. At the end of the in- were among the first to emerge from our con- terview, mothers were asked to complete a tinuing analyses, and are the ones that we family information form and the milestone have thus far explored in the greatest depth. questionnaire. Questions on the family infor- Initially, each team member separately read mation and the milestone questionnaire were the interviews to derive potentially important read to the two mothers who were interviewed themes, using a process of constant compari- over the phone. son. This was followed by team discussion As in all of our interviews, our primary fo- and selection of salient themes. To represent cus in this study was on parent-child interac- the two themes described here, categories tion contexts common in early interaction in- have been derived through an ongoing process tervention : face-to-face social interaction and in which subthemes emerging from the inter- joint interaction with objects. Nevertheless, views were developed into categories that ap- probes used to elicit information about parent- peared to capture mothers’ values with respect child interaction within the daily routine often to roles and benefits during parent-child inter- led to information about other important par- actions. Procedures for categorizing data mir- ent-child contexts as well (e.g., going on ror those procedures used to develop the walks together, going together to visit a rela- themes: Members of the research team first tive). Additional topics in the interview also independently read each interview and then included who else interacts with the baby in discuss the interview during a team meeting these ways and information on the mothers’ to achieve consensus. As we work, we remain goals for the child in the future (Harwood, open to other emergent categories or to chang- Miller, & Irizarry, 1995). Within the context ing nuances within categories. This has been of these broad questions, the interview pro- particularly helpful as we read across mothers cess was relatively unstructured. The entire in- from different cultural groups, because it does 255 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Table 1. Categories and Examples: Developmental Benefits From Parent-Child Interaction not force us to apply existing categories that viding opportunities&dquo; within the facilitator might not adequately represent what is being role was expanded to include these mothers’ said. Consistency across mothers and across emphasis on seeking out resources to support time is ensured through a process of summa- their children’s development. The theme of rizing all units of thought under its respective benefits and outcomes across domains took on category. Individual members of the research a more inclusive meaning as well. For in- team then independently read this summary stance, mothers in this sample placed more and subsequently discuss it in a team meeting emphasis on their children’s motor delays and to reach consensus. health issues, whereas previous interviews had All interviews were analyzed using six cat- yielded physical outcomes related primarily to egories related to developmental benefits and safety. Additional themes not salient in pre- seven corresponding to parental roles (see Ta- vious interviews also emerged. Two of these bles 1 and 2). No new categories with respect are examined in a separate paper (McCollum to roles emerged from reading these inter- & Chen, in press). views with mothers whose children had Down Each unit of thought containing a devel- syndrome, although some expansions of opmental benefit or a parental role was iden- meaning were necessary within categories (as tified in the transcript and categorized for type had also occurred when beginning analysis of of benefit and role. A unit of thought (or state- interviews with mothers of different cultural ment) representing a child benefit or a parental groups). For example, the meaning of &dquo;pro- role could range from a few words to two or 256 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Table 2. Categories and Examples: Parental Roles three sentences or even adjacent paragraphs, lowing a probe for more detail, the two re- so long as the same idea was being expressed. sponses would be combined into the same unit For example, each of the following would be of thought. categorized as an emphasis on a cognitive out- For the current study, at least three (but come : &dquo;He is developing concentration,&dquo; more typically 5 or 6) members of the re- &dquo;We should try to talk to him to see if he can search team read the transcript independently, understand, although he can’t understand very at least one of whom was from the same cul- well,&dquo; and, tural background as the mothers. This was fol- I point things out to him, &dquo;This is a car. See lowed by team discussion and consensus on the car is moving. It is going that way.&dquo; I tell the mother’s emphasis in each statement. The him there is a car moving. &dquo;This is a car mov- presence of a team member of the same cul- ing.&dquo; He will imitate. He will be very pleased. tural and linguistic background as the mother I will say, &dquo;Let’s count how many cars are was critical to establishing the content validity there.&dquo; I will teach him, one car, two cars. of our categories across mothers (Chao, 1990; The same unit of thought could also continue Laosa, 1991) and to expanding the team’s un- across successive responses. For example, if derstanding of cultural context. Each inter- the mother continued the same thought fol- view then was summarized under each cate- 257 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Table 3. benefits and outcomes categorized as emo- Frequency and Percentages of Developmental tional or physical were identical (26%), fol- Benefits and Maternal Roles lowed by social benefits (7%). Eleven mothers emphasized benefits related to adaptive living skills (5%) of the total statements). None of these mothers mentioned academic readiness skills as a benefit of parent-child interaction. Parental Roles As shown in Table 3, of the 761 units of thought describing mothers’ roles, 388 em- phasized an indirect role in fostering the child’s learning and development; that of the facilitator (51 % of the total). For example, the mothers in this study emphasized the impor- tance of providing varied opportunities (a fa- cilitator role) for their children to practice mo- tor skills. As one mother said, We do the rehabilitation stage by stage. Now, he needs physical therapy to enable him to walk. Now, the therapy stresses walking and playing on the slide. After we come back from a therapy session, we would...like sometimes at night, his dad would take him walking like gory to check for consistency within catego- using boo-boo car. And sometimes, if he does not have rehabilitation therapy that day, I will ries across mothers. The members of the take him.... I will make him walk ... make research team also read these summaries in- him walk around the house. dependently and then discussed them as a team. Frequency tables were then constructed The caregiver role was the second most com- separately for each mother and subsequently mon role during parent-child interactions for the group, representing responses related (25% of the total statements), followed by a direct teaching role (13%). Finally, 14 moth- to each of the themes of benefits and roles. Units of thought containing both a benefit and ers contributed 72 statements (10% of the total statements) related to entertaining their chil- a role were also summarized into individual and then group frequency displays to analyze dren. Four or fewer mothers described roles associations between benefits and roles. in each of the categories of being a partner, a model, or an available presence. RESULTS Developmental Benefits and Associated Developmental Benefits Roles A total of 739 units of thought containing de- To gain an understanding of the mothers’ per- velopmental benefits or outcomes were de- ceptions of the association between develop- rived from the interviews. Frequencies and mental benefits and maternal roles, matrices percentages for each category are shown in of parental roles by developmental benefits Table 3, along with the number of mothers were developed, including only those thought contributing to each category. Among these units that contained both a valued benefit and statements, four types of developmental ben- an associated role (n = 528). Simple and con- efits were mentioned by at least 15 of the 16 ditional probabilities were calculated for the mothers: cognitive, physical, emotional, and occurrence of each combination. Simple prob- social, with cognitive outcomes comprising abilities were calculated using the total num- the largest percentage (36%). The numbers of ber of combinations, and represent the occur- 258 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. rence of a particular combination within the to be talked about in connection with a direc- total matrix. Conditional probabilities were tor role (probability of .44). calculated using the total number of combi- To determine whether any particular role nations included within the particular out- was more likely to be associated with a par- come, and represent the proportion of times ticular benefit than would be expected from each role was mentioned in combination with its overall distribution across the data set, a the particular type of developmental outcome binomial test was calculated for each combi- being described, out of all possible combina- nation to which at least half (n = 8) of the tions for that outcome. Finally, combinations mothers had contributed. This provided a test that at least half of the mothers (8 or more) of the level of association between specific contributed to were examined for whether as- roles and the benefits with which they were sociations between role and benefit occurred associated, based on the total occurrence of at a level greater than would be expected from each role across all combinations. Statistically their overall occurrence within the sample, us- significant associations were found between ing a binomial test (Bakeman & Gottman, cognitive benefits and both the facilitator and 1986; Kanji, 1995). This provided a measure director roles, between emotional benefits and of whether particular roles were more likely the entertainer and caregiver roles, between to co-occur with particular benefits and out- physical benefits and the caregiver role, and between social benefits and the direct teaching comes than in combination with other benefits role. Statistically significant negative associ- and outcomes. The overall occurrence of roles within these combinations was used as the ations were also found between emotional base rate to answer the question of whether a outcomes and a facilitator role, and between particular role was likely to be associated with physical outcomes and a director role, indi- a particular valued outcome than with other cating that these roles were less likely to be associated with these benefits than would be outcomes, given the overall distribution of roles in the matrix. expected from their overall occurrence in the data set. Thus, mothers clearly viewed partic- As shown in the simple probabilities in Ta- ular roles as being related to particular types ble 4, the most common pairs within the total of benefits and outcomes for their children. set of data included the combination of cog- nitive benefits with the facilitator role (22% DISCUSSION of the total, with comments contributed by all 16 mothers), emotional benefits with the care- The importance of parent-child interaction in giver role ( 11 % of the total, with contributions mediating the development of competence in by 14 of the 16 mothers), and physical bene- children has been widely documented in the fits with the facilitator or caregiver role (16% literature. Cross-cultural studies of parental and 10% respectively, with contributions by beliefs have shown that parents’ interpreta- 15 and 13 mothers). Thus, within the inter- tions of their children’s behavior might be in- views, the most common responses related to fluenced by their beliefs about the nature of these four combinations. early development (Harwood et al., 1995). The conditional probabilities shown in Ta- Furthermore, parental beliefs are also related ble 4 indicate that when mothers talked about to their child having a disability (Skinner, Bai- cognitive or physical benefits, they were most ley, Correa, & Rodriguez, 1999). These be- likely to be talking about a facilitator role liefs then guide how they respond to their (probabilities of .67 and .55, respectively), children’s development (Rodrigo & Triana, whereas when they talked about an emotional 1996). Nevertheless, studies of parents’ be- or adaptive living benefit or outcome, they liefs about the developmental benefits of par- were most likely to be talking about a care- ent-child interaction, and about what parents giver role (probabilities of .38 and .44, re- perceive to be their own roles in supporting spectively). Social benefits were most likely these benefits are lacking. Despite the impor- 259 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution. Table 4. Probabilities for Associations between Developmental Benefits and Roles Note. z-scores were computed only for cells to which at least half of the mothers contributed. *z = or >1.96, p = .05; z = or >2.58, p = .02; z = or >3.3, p = .001; z = or >3.8, p = .0001 260 Downloaded from http://jei.sagepub.com by M Peterson on May 28, 2008 © 2001 Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. All rights reserved. Not for commercial use or unauthorized distribution.

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