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Ministry of Education. vocational training that is separate the vocational training process • Working with authorities in Egypt to from the current labor law. This is (PPIU, 1997). issue a separate law that regulates needed due to the special nature of References Bode, R., & Sayed, A. (1997, October). Solving the workforce needs in the Arab Republic of Egypt: An Egyptian-German partnership. Paper presented at the 30th annual conference of the National Association for Industrial Technology, Atlanta, GA. Country monograph. (1995). Cairo, Egypt: German Foundation for Technical Cooperation. Mubarak-Kohl Project progress. (1997, July). Mubarak-Kohl Project Newsletter, 2, 1–12. Project Policy Implementation Unit. (1997, November). Strategic action plan: Mubarak-Kohl initiative. Cairo, Egypt: Author. Stockman, R., & Leicht, R. (1997). Implementing a dual vocational system in Egypt. Eschborn, Germany: German Foundation for Technical Cooperation. Dr. Mohamed N. Abou-Zeid is an Engineering Assistant Professor at the American University of Cairo and member of the Mubarak-Kohl Project for Technical Education in Egypt. Dr. Rudolf K.E. Bode is the German Chief Advisor of the Mubarak-Kohl Project for Technical Education in Egypt. Eng. Ali A. Sayed is the Head of the Project Policy Implementation Unit of the Mubarak-Kohl Project for Technical Education and the Advisor of the Egyptian Minister of Education for International Affairs. 2. Does the Recent Literature in Technology Education Reveal the Profession’s Direction? by Jane A. Liedtke A review of the research literature in Publishing is one activity indicative nology education (or combinations, technology education conducted by of a community of scholars. Thus, there technology with education, technol- Zuga (1994) included dissertations and should be a direct relationship between ogy and education, etc.) yielded a large research literature published between what research is conducted and what number of articles and books with little 1987 and 1993 that focused on tech- articles are appearing in our journals to no relationship with what our profes- nology education and technology and as ERIC documents. It may come as sion would view as technology educa- teacher education. She summarized the no surprise that this relationship is a tion. Because the databases are using research as follows: very weak one. Given the size of our descriptors that are not narrowly de- profession, little research is being con- fined or specific to our profession, our • 50 percent of the research is devoted to ducted and even less research is being literature is lost to the outside world curriculum status, development, and published. Those who do publish are seeking to find information using ac- change. writing about those subjects that tend to cepted library search tools. This does • 63 percent focuses on secondary be the current “hot topic” (the Internet, not mean that our literature is not “out education • 53 percent studies teachers/teacher robotics, design briefs, etc.) and less there” to be found. What it means is educators. (p. ix) about the “heavy issues” in technology that it is mostly confined to ERIC and education (technology education as a only those library databases that search Under what Zuga (1994) described discipline, technological literacy, peda- a very broad range of journals (includ- as “Unfulfilled Promises,” a key state- gogy for and learning of technology, ing those within our field). ment was made: attitudes, external groups to the profes- What journals are related to our sion such as parents and school admin- profession? Many journals and maga- A concern and goal of the field has been istrators, etc.). zines serve the broad spectrum of topic to establish a discipline of technology Status of literature in technology areas related to technology education. education and with that to fulfill the goal education. Literature on technology Brauchle, Liedtke, and Loepp contrib- of creating technological literacy. What is interesting is that no research has been education has been narrowly confined uted a list of more than 100 technology- done to this end. No discipline was to a few journals and ERIC documents. related journals that are well suited to created and none may ever be able to be A search of the library databases found the field. It is included in Preparing created given the nature of people’s that in ERIC many documents (mostly Manuscripts for Professional Publica- involvement and use of technology. curriculum materials) are catalogued tion in Technology Education (Brauchle Disciplines are formed when communities of scholars working together under technology education descrip- & Liedtke, 1997). Domestic and inter- can agree that such a discipline exists. tors. However, in searching databases national professional associations as Technology educators are but a small for periodical literature and subject well as trade and technical organiza- part of the community of scholars who searches for books, the descriptor tech- tions provide a wealth of resources for are technologists. (p. 66) 67 technology teachers. For the purpose of pose of this article. The most recent 12 research versus those based on re- this article, five publications were re- issues (as of Winter 1996) for each search). viewed that are most specific to tech- publication were examined with the • Professional Issues (leadership, nology education and where most of exception of the Journal of Technology mentoring, recruitment, minorities). the literature consistent with the phi- Education, where nine issues were re- • General Interest (the Internet, grant losophy of technology education is viewed. Three hundred and thirty-two writing, partnerships, resources). found. articles were categorized by the classi- • Others (articles that are not technol- What are the key journals in tech- fications given below: ogy education). nology education? The Technology • Philosophy of Technology Education Table 1 provides a sense of what has Teacher (ITEA), the Journal of Technol- (such as technology education as a been published in these publications ogy Education (ITEA), the Journal of discipline, standards for technol- and thus what represents the majority of Industrial Teacher Education (NAITTE), ogy education, technological lit- our current literature. Technology edu- the Journal of Technological Studies eracy, history). cation articles represented 67% of that (EPT), and TIES magazine are consid- • Curriculum and Instruction Informa- which was published therein. Of the ered to be the main sources of literature tion (such as program design, con- 222 technology education articles, in the field. Classroom teachers of tech- tent and structure, mathematics- 22.5% were related to technological nology education and technology science-technology interface, de- systems and the curriculum organizers teacher educators review these sources livery, interdisciplinary approaches, of communication, manufacturing, con- for information on curriculum and re- outstanding or model programs). struction, transportation, and biorelated search. In addition, the annual Year- • Facilities (instructional laboratories technology systems. Many articles books of the Council on Technology and equipment). within this classification were about Teacher Education are considered to be • Technological Systems (such as com- new technological developments and leading sources of information on their munication, manufacturing, con- applications in technology education. respective subjects. Magazines such as struction, transportation, biorelated Some of these articles related exciting Tech Directions are popular among technology systems). technology content that could easily be teachers due to the nature of their distri- • Student Activities (student-centered adapted to classroom instruction by bution. activities and “how to do xyz” in competent technology teachers. How- What are we reading in the jour- the classroom with students, stu- ever, the classification of student activi- nals? A review of the five publications dent organizations). ties only represented 3.6% of the ar- identified was conducted for the pur- • Research (articles about conducting ticles. The perception that The Tech- nology Teacher and TIES magazine have a lot of “how to” articles for class- Table 1 room teachers is not the case. These two publications contain the largest Number of Articles Published in Five Publications Based on Classifications number of articles that are focused on Given technology systems. Curriculum and instruction informa- Publication* tion (21% of the articles) was a major Classification TTT JTE JTS JITE TIES Totals area within the publications. This is consistent with Zuga’s (1994) review of the research literature which showed Philos. of T. E. 12 5 9 3 0 29 that 50% of the research conducted Curric. & instruc. 10 11 12 5 9 47 Facilities 2 0 0 0 6 8 was related to curriculum development, Technological sys. 17 0 6 0 27 50 status, and change. More of the curricu- Student act. 7 0 0 0 1 8 lum research conducted should be pub- Research articles 1 0 0 0 0 1 lished. The curriculum articles that are Prof. issues 6 9 19 4 0 38 published are dispersed evenly across General interest 12 11 6 4 8 41 Subtotal 220 Other (not T. E.) 0 5 67 38 0 110 the five publications. The third-ranked classification was Totals 67 41 119 54 51 332 that of general interest, with 41 articles (18%). These included articles related Journal and magazine issues examined: to tech-prep, school-to-work topics, The Technology Teacher October 1994–February 1996 n = 12 technology education in other coun- Journal of Technology Education tries, and the like. Professional issues Fall 1990–Fall 1995 n = 9 ranked fourth with 38 articles (17%). Journal of Technology Studies This classification included articles on Summer/Fall 1988–Winter/Spring, 1995 n = 12 minority issues and recruitment, lead- Journal of Industrial Teacher Education Vol. 29 #4 (1992)–Vol. 32 #3 (1995) n = 12 ership, teacher preparation, in-service Ties magazine activities, and similar topics. A large March 1991–February 1995 n = 12 portion of this literature appeared in 68 two journals: The Journal of Technol- many of the philosophical, general in- sociations are also essential to creating ogy Studies (which had the largest num- terest, and professional issues articles a broad range of literature on technol- ber of professional issues presented— applicable to a wide range of profes- ogy education. 19) and The Journal of Technology Edu- sionals. TIES is targeted to a larger What about the science and math- cation (which had the second highest extent toward the classroom teacher. ematics education journals? Are we number of professional issues pre- Forty-three of the 51 articles were class- publishing our efforts at integrating sented—9). This is consistent with the room teacher (K-12) focused. This ac- mathematics, science, and technology leadership and professional develop- counts for 84% of the articles pub- through curriculum projects in these ment mission of Epsilon Pi Tau as an lished. publications? Only three integration international honorary. Very little was written on technology articles appeared in the five technology Philosophical issues in technology teacher preparation. Two prime articles education publications reviewed. With education, standards (Technology for were on teacher preparation curricu- several major national efforts ongoing All Americans), industrial arts versus lum and college student burnout. One in our profession to integrate math- technology education, and technologi- article was concerned with the NCATE ematics, science, and technology, class- cal literacy ranked fifth with 29 articles accreditation process. One could sug- room teachers and teacher educators (13%). The publishing of these topics gest that the technological systems and seem eager (as evidenced by the popu- was primarily in The Technology curriculum topics would relate to larity of such sessions at the ITEA con- Teacher and The Journal of Technol- teacher education in terms of content ferences) to learn more about the suc- ogy Studies. that would be taught once students cesses of these curriculum develop- Articles that met the criteria of “other” entered the profession as classroom ment efforts. were primarily within the areas of voca- teachers. In recent years there is little Is quality the issue or a problem? tional education, trade and industrial literature focusing on the needs of col- Having reviewed as a member of the education, and industrial technology. lege students, college student organiza- editorial review boards for all but one The Journal of Industrial Teacher Edu- tions, and the curriculum for technol- of the five key publications, I can cation had the largest number of voca- ogy teacher preparation. The CTTE Year- honestly say that what is submitted tional and trade and industrial educa- books, while focusing on the public by members of our profession is alarm- tion articles. The Journal of Technology schools, provide outstanding reference ing. What is published, while much Studies had the largest number of in- materials for teacher preparation better than what is submitted, tends dustrial technology articles most reflec- courses. One chapter was devoted to to lack depth or has not been pre- tive of industrial management degree teacher education in each of the year- pared based on extensive research program efforts among the five publica- books for the four curriculum organiz- support. That is not to say that there tions reviewed. The Journal of Indus- ers (communication, construction, are not wonderful, useful articles in trial Technology, which was not re- manufacturing, and transportation) and our journals. It is to point out that viewed, would have exceeded the Jour- the yearbook on the foundations of much of what we do could be better. nal of Technology Studies with the per- technology education. Despite this, It is more likely a reflection on our centage of industrial technology articles there remains a great need for research profession and our background, inter- if it had been included. and articles devoted to issues of teacher ests, and personal attributes. Individu- The CTTE Yearbooks, considered to preparation and certification. als have selected our field over other be valuable literature by our profes- How much of the focus is on guid- professions because they prefer to work sion, have over the same period of time ance counselors, principals, school dis- with technology. They are often not been devoted to communication in tech- trict personnel, parents, business/in- interested in writing and publishing. nology education (1990), technologi- dustry, government, and other This creates a strategic dilemma. Indi- cal literacy (1991), transportation in gatekeepers? Is this a missing element viduals need to conduct research and technology education (1992), manu- in our publications? Two articles were publish—few do as Zuga (1994) pointed facturing in technology education on school-to-work transitions (which out in her research review. Publishing is (1993), construction in technology edu- relate to business/industry as a recipi- an expectation of faculty at higher edu- cation (1994), and foundations of tech- ent of high school graduates). Other cation institutions. People who are not nology education (1995). Of these six than those two articles, there was not successful with their first attempt at yearbooks, 75% of the content is de- one article that focused on this group of publishing often do not resubmit their voted to curriculum and technological important people in the educational publication and may not be motivated systems with 25% focused on philo- setting. Here is a need waiting to be to publish in the future. Alas, a small sophical issues, historical perspectives, met! The profession needs assistance in group of individuals become successful and technological literacy. linking with these key individuals. Class- at publishing. Something must be done. How much of the focus is on class- room teachers and teacher educators We can intuitively wonder: What good room teachers (K-12) versus teacher need models in the literature that pro- ideas and information are we missing preparation? The Technology Teacher vide strategies for working with these out on that people have rolling around and TIES magazine are classroom groups to ensure a positive future for in their heads? teacher oriented. Of the 67 articles pub- technology education. Articles target- Modeling may also be an issue. lished in The Technology Teacher, 34 ing publications within counseling and People tend to model and emulate what clearly target classroom teachers with school administration professional as- exists in the literature regarding writing 69 style, format, and, in some instances, Some possible directions: their publication costs, thus en- topics (acceptable to the journal). • Rewards and incentives for publishing. abling refereed publications to be a What are our focal points for future • Increased opportunities to publish reasonable length. action? refereed articles. How can practitioners help? As Some observations: • Mentorships for publishing (linking technology educators, we have the • Few people publish. young professionals with seasoned opportunity to share our successful • Most research conducted has not been writers). classroom experiences, results of published. • Promote interdisciplinary coopera- master’s and doctoral research, and • Technology education as a discipline tion and study of technology to perspectives on issues facing the pro- must be clearly defined, dissemi- facilitate the acceptance of a disci- fession. Engaging in such activity cre- nated, and operationalized. pline for the study of technology. ates the environment conducive to a • Lack of research base in most litera • Require doctoral research for the PhD community of scholars. Moreover, it ture or lack of depth on the topic(s) degree to have a theoretical base assists others in recognizing technol- is evident. and include experimental method- ogy education as a discipline. It is • Little to no theoretical basis for our ologies. imperative that we assist those who research and thus the literature that • Require publication from dissertations prepare technology education and stems from the research lacks the as a part of doctoral degrees. technology-related journals in deliv- rigor of other disciplines. • Expect publication as a result of grant ering publications that meet the needs • Lack of experimental research (con- activity. of in-service and preservice teachers, trolled research investigations and • Provide increased funding for research teacher educators, school adminis- appropriate data analyses). activity (expanding our reach to trators, parents, and, ultimately, stu- • Lack of literature on technology teacher other types of funding agencies). dents. Beyond that, we must connect education, mathematics/ science/ • Link with colleagues outside our field to those who are on our periphery. To technology interface and interdis- to prepare and publish articles. achieve this end, we must all try to ciplinary approaches, in-service • Involve counselors, parents, and school publish the fruits of our labor and be programs, and certification issues. administrators in our professional diligent about sharing beyond these • Little attention to diversity, minority associations. mainstream publications. recruiting, and retention. • Provide journal subscriptions to other Journal editors are eager to link less • Counselors, parents, school adminis- professionals at our institutions. experienced writers with those who trators, and business/industry and • Encourage minorities and women to can serve as mentors. This process as- their relationship to technology edu- publish and provide support sys- sists the novice in publishing and thus cation have received no attention tems to enable this to occur. increases the pool of individuals con- in our journals. • Seek funding for journals to support tributing to the base of literature that serves the profession. References Brauchle, P., & Liedtke, J. (Eds.). (1997). Preparing manuscripts for professional publication in technology education (CTTE Monograph 15). Reston, VA: Council on Technology Teacher Education. Zuga, K. (1994). Implementing technology education: A review and synthesis of the research literature (Information Series No. 356). Columbus, OH: ERIC Clearinghouse on Adult, Career, and Vocational Education. Dr. Liedtke is a Professor in the Department of Industrial Technology at Illinois State University, Normal. She is currently on leave directing the ISU-CIPG Center for Corporate Training and Consulting, Beijing, China. She is a member of the Gamma Theta Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau and has received the Honorary’s Laureate Citation. 3. Extending the University’s Reach with Technology by Kurt H. Becker Using technology has always been low productivity and to improve the past stem from this problem: The films an integral part of society. Throughout primitive technological tools used by we expected to revolutionize teaching history, the available technologies of teachers. in the 1920s, the radio broadcasts that the time dictated the direction of hu- Our stance toward technology in would bring the world into every school man existence. But, technological de- education—our impressions of what it room in the 1930s, the “new media” of velopments have had a limited impact is, what it is good for, and how we the 1950s and 1960s (television, Super- on education and have done little to should think about it—has long been a 8 film, language laboratories), the pas- change limited access, low quality, and problem. Many of the failures of the sion for programmed instruction of the 70

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