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Preview ERIC EJ1164750: Design and Assessment of an Introductory Geomicrobiology Course for Non-Geology Majors

Design and Assessment of an Introductory Geomicrobiology Course for Non-Geology Majors B. Hernández-Machado1, Lilliam Casillas-Martínez1,2 ABSTRACT Recent discoveries about the role of microorganisms in the establishment of the geological conditions in the planet have lead to the development of courses in Geomicrobiology. Unfortunately, most courses are designed for students with a strong Geology background, which is a limitation for universities that lack such courses. To overcome this limitation at our university, we have designed a special topics course entitled Introductory Geomicrobiology that was offered for the first time to undergraduate stu- dents from the Biology, Marine Biology and Microbiology Programs. To attract non-geology majors the course included topics such as description of Early Earth ecosystems, search for geo-biological signa- tures and current approaches in the search for extra-terrestrial life forms. An active learning environ- ment was fostered throughout the course through different activities including oral reports of research papers in the subject, followed by Gallery Runs and class discussions. Our assessment strategies, both formative and summative, revealed that such presentations were an effective way to introduce students to eight main concepts of Geomicrobiology. Student performance was stronger in group discussions than individually, with Gallery Runs as the preferred class discussion technique. Overall, our assess- ment system proved that the design of the course was effective in teaching Geomicrobiology to non- geology majors. INTRODUCTION programs, this is not necessarily the case in Geomicrobiology is the study of the role that Microbiology programs. The requirement of a microbes play or have played in specific Geology course to teach Geomicrobiology geological processes (Ehrlich 2002). Although imposes an important curricular constraint to Geomicrobiology studies has been around since non-geology majors that are interested in this 1887 with the initial discoveries by Winograsdky emerging field. To overcome this barrier at the regarding H2S reduction by Beggiatoa, the field University of Puerto Rico, Humacao (UPRH) has received wider recognition in the last decade Campus, we have taken advantage of the Special due to discoveries about the influence of microbial Topics Course to offer the first Introductory activities in shaping the habitable part of our Geomicrobiology course in Puerto Rico. The planet (Des Marais 1991). Stromatolites as the design and implementation of the course was earliest geo-biological signatures and the search supported through an NSF Research in for life forms in Mars are among these important Undergraduate Institution (RUI) in discoveries that are quite appealing to students Geomicrobiology. (Des Marais 1991). As a response to this trend, new and diverse interdisciplinary programs such Research Description of the at Undergraduate Institution (RUI) in Geomicrobiology as Interactive Geosciences (University of The RUI in Geomicrobiology is an educational Connecticut), Geology with Environmental initiative that is part of a Microbial Observatory Emphasis (Miami University), Geology and (MO) proposal established at the Cabo Rojo Geophysics (Louisiana State University), salterns in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico. The Cabo Geological and Atmospheric Sciences (Iowa State Rojo Salterns Microbial Observatory (CRSMO) is University) and Earth and Planetary Sciences dedicated to identifying the microorganisms (Washington University in St. Louis) have been present in the crystallizing ponds and microbial established. All of these programs share a mats that prevail at the location. Beyond the mere Geomicrobiology course to introduce main identification of the organisms, we study their concepts of the field. While a Geology course is a possible role in the geological transformations prerequisite for the majority of the that take place at the locations with special Geomicrobiology courses in Geology-related interest in the microbial mats communities 1 Biology Department, CUH Station, University of Puerto Rico- (Casillas et al., 2005). Due to their colored layers Humacao, Humacao, PR 00791 2 [email protected] and the sticky nature of the top layers, these Hernández-Machado and Casillas-Martínez - Geologic Research Using Soil Geomorphology 23 microbial mats are quite appealing to our GEOMICROBIOLOGY INTRODUCTORY undergraduate students from different COURSE backgrounds (i.e., Geology, Microbiology, Marine Student population Biology and Biology). By dissecting the mats the A total of 13 undergraduate students enrolled students are able to visualize the direct contact of in the Introductory Geomicrobiology course. microorganisms and the minerals associated to Forty-six percent of the students attending were them. We have recently reported the use of the majoring in Biology, 38% in Microbiology and microbial mats as tools for promoting active and 15% in Marine Biology. Interestingly, only one of effective learning of basics concepts in the students had taken Geology or a Geology Geomicrobiology (Ríos-Velazquez et al., 2007). In related course before (Coastal Geomorphology) this study the students attended a series of and four had never taken a Microbiology course. workshops and described the following aspects as Since no pre-requisite courses were required for the most important outcomes of their taking the course, the student population participation in the RUI program: (a) the consisted of sophomores, juniors and seniors. opportunity to study and learn about new and different sciences disciplines, (b) the use of Main concepts and learning goals of the microbial mats to integrate different science course disciplines, and (c) the capacity to work in The Introductory Geomicrobiology Course multidisciplinary teams to learn from their peers’ was designed to give students a broad overview disciplines’ backgrounds (Ríos-Velázquez et al., of major topics or concepts in the field. These 2007). topics were reduced to: In addition, to conduct research projects and • Role of microbes in geological transformations attend several workshops during the academic of our planet year, students from the RUI program also • Early Earth ecosystems and the importance of participated in summer experiences at the Marine microorganism in the establishment of life on Biology and Integrative Geosciences Departments our planet from the University of Connecticut (UConn) in • Microbial diversity of ecosystems that Avery Point. In the summers of 2003 and 2007 simulate Early Earth development students have attended intensive • Search for geological signatures in our planet Geomicrobiology workshops consisting of a week • Search for biological signatures in other of lectures and experimental work. The planets experiments conducted included microscopic • Regulations regarding possible contamination analysis of microbial mats, setting up enrichments with extra terrestrial life forms for sulfate reducers and methanogenic organisms • Survival and resistance of life forms in extra from the anoxic layers of the mats, in situ gas terrestrial simulated environments measurements and determination of oxygen • Conditions necessarily for extra terrestrial life profiles from sediments around UConn. At the end of the workshop the students were The main learning goal of the course was to responsible for presenting their findings in oral read, present and discuss recent research presentations. Further information on the investigations that cover these eight topics, so as CRSMO research and educational initiatives can to provide the students basic knowledge about the be found via the internet at the web page of the role microorganisms exerts over geological RUI program (www.uprh.edu/~salterns). transformations in our and other planets. This As mentioned, to complement these goal was met through an active learning educational efforts we offered a Special Topics environment where students discussed some of Course in Geomicrobiology to undergraduate the major geological transformation of students from the UPRH. The course was microorganisms (i.e., carbonate formation and designed to introduce students to the field of dissolution) as well as some of the methodologies Geomicrobiology using eight main topics ranging currently used to detect extraterrestrial life forms. from role of microbes in Early Earth to the search An example of the latter was a detailed of possible extraterrestrial life. In this work, we explanation of how X-Ray diffraction analysis describe the objectives, structure and assessment help discern the biogenicity of certain minerals by of this new Introductory Geomicrobiology Course their patterns. specifically designed for non-geology majors. The structure of the course was essential to help students understand these main concepts. On 24 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 57, n. 1, January, 2009, p. 23-32 Figure 1. Summary of educational strategies used in the Introductory Geomicrobiology course of- fered to non-Geology majors. the first day the PI provided a lecture about Rico. The paper was useful to describe some Geomicrobiology and its important implications molecular tools needed to analyze the community in the Early Earth development. As four of our structure of an ecosystem. For example, we students have never taken a Microbiology course discussed techniques for DNA extraction, PCR before, in this lecture we exposed our students to amplifications, construction of genomic libraries general Microbiology concepts such as the sterility and the use of phylogenetic analysis to determine and aseptic techniques required for the growth of community structure. Once the students were microorganisms and requirements of media to familiar with microbiology and molecular support growth. concepts of the papers discussed we then In subsequent classes students began the concentrated on the discussion of more discussion of review papers such as Erlich, 1999 to complicated scientific journals with techniques explain basic concepts of Microbiology and the such as X-ray diffraction to analyze minerals, different mineralization reactions that take place differences among minerals from biological in the microbial world, with special emphasis on origins and the set-up needed for experiments the diversity of microbial forms that are that simulate extraterrestrial conditions. responsible for them. To help students become familiarized with microbial diversity analyses we Course structure then selected one publication that relates The structure of the course centered around a microorganisms and their geological Journal Club format in which each student was transformations (Casillas, et al., 2005). This assigned a research publication. Although the publication was selected because it presents basic selection of articles was voluntary, each and general information, it is easy to comprehend publication was restricted to the eight major for students of all backgrounds and it was Geomicrobiology topics and concepts previously conducted in an ecosystem that they are quite discussed. The first day of the course the students familiar with because it is located within Puerto received an introductory lecture about topics such Hernández-Machado and Casillas-Martínez - Geologic Research Using Soil Geomorphology 25 Bloom’s Taxonomy Learning Skill Example of the type of question presented Mention two bacteria species that precipitate calcium Knowledge recall of facts carbonate in natural environments. understanding and stating key Explain how the precipitation of minerals in Earth is Comprehension concepts or main ideas related to the search for extraterrestrial life. Which changes you need to your current methods if applying knowledge in new ways and Application by microscopic observation of the samples you only in novel situations found pieces of their membranes? Compare the different types of crystals produced by breaking down information into key bacteria and explain how you can differentiate them Analysis components, finding evidence among other crystals (non biological origin) previously study in class. Given that researchers found that at higher concentration of salts, there was a decrease in combining elements in a novel way, Synthesis bioprecipitation by the bacteria, design an experiment proposing alternate solutions to prove that this phenomenon is due to a lower number of living bacteria. Table 1. Examples of Gallery Run questions about Geomicrobiology organized according to the cognitive level at which students were engaged using Bloom’s taxonomy. as; What is Geomicrobiology? and Which are the the class in an oral presentation supplemented most important biogeological transformations on with PowerPoint files. As shown in Figure 1, each our planet? The purpose of this lecture was to presentation consisted of the basic elements of a make sure that all students starting the course had common scientific article such as introduction, similar knowledge about Geomicrobiology, methodologies, results, discussion and major independently of their background or year of conclusions. study. At this initial lecture we also explained to To help the students become familiarized the students the format to be followed in their oral with the main authors that wrote the publication, presentations and discussed the main criteria to we requested that they looked for a picture of the be used for their evaluations in the presentation facilities where the research took place as well as and the course. The course evaluation was personal aspects of the researchers such as prior described in a syllabus given to the students on education and hobbies. Consequently, as part of the first day of classes. The overall evaluation of their introduction, each student had to mention the course was obtained from the presentation, something particular about the first author or with a 50% value, attendance, with a 10% value, group leader of the publication. and participation was worth 40% of the grade. They also were asked to provide background Methodologies in the main topic to be covered in their presentation. Some of the students provided Educational strategies information about the characteristics of the Early To promote an active learning environment Earth and atmospheric conditions at the during the Geomicrobiology course we used two stratosphere. Others answered questions such as; main strategies: oral presentations of a recent Which are the most resistant life forms on Earth?, publication in the subject followed by a Gallery What is the difference between a mineral and a Run activity or a short examination (quiz). We rock? used quizzes to compare the student learning Another unique feature of the presentation acquired independently by each student with the schedule is that in the methodologies section each knowledge acquired during the Gallery Run. student was responsible for describing the basic After each activity we conducted a period of operation of each one of the instruments needed discussion to clarify any remaining doubts. for the study. For example, students needed to describe how scientists were able to mimic Structure of oral presentations conditions in the stratosphere using a Each student was responsible for presenting combination of gamma and UV radiation; other an assigned scientific journal article to the rest of students described the main characteristics of the 26 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 57, n. 1, January, 2009, p. 23-32 Criteria 4 3.5 3 2 1 Average Score Organization 4 6 1 1 1 43/13=3.31 Content: depth and accuracy content 3 4 4 1 40/13=3.10 Research effort 3 5 4 41.5/13=3.20 Use of communication aids 6 1 4 39.5/13=3.04 Use of language; word choice 4 3 5 41.5/13=3.20 Eye contact 4 5 3 42.5/13=3.27 Audience interaction questions and answers. 5 3 4 42.5/13=3.27 Length of presentation 7 2 2 1 42/13=3.23 TOTAL AVERAGE SCORE 3.20 Table 2. Students’ evaluation results for oral reports. Since many of the scores were between 3 and 4, a 3.5 column was added for tabulation purposes (4=exceptional, 3=good, 2=satisfactory, 1=needs improvement). Numbers inside table represent number of students who obtained a specific score. materials used for the insulation modules used for The leader encouraged participation and kept the Caenorhabditis elegans outer space trips group focused on their main task, the recorder (Szewczyk et al., 2005). wrote group responses on paper sheets and No special requests were imposed in the prepared the final answer written report, and the sections regarding the discussion of results, reporter presented a summary of the group’s discussions of such findings and the presentation thoughts on a question to the class. The roles of the main conclusions of the work. Time for the were alternated between each team member oral presentation was limited to 20 minutes for throughout the course. To ensure that all students each student. At the end of each presentation, the played all three roles, cards with an illustration students had up to ten minutes to ask questions alluding to the role were prepared and hung regarding the journal discussed. To encourage around each student’s neck. On the back of each student participation a bonus point was added to card the student wrote her/his name and the date each student that articulated a question in the she or he performed each specific role. Each week discussion period. Indeed, a fundamental the professors in charge of the course verify that component of the course was the class discussions the students were indeed conducting a different held after each oral report. We encouraged role. The professors were also responsible for discussion in informal and formal ways. writing the questions based on the publication Informally, students were stimulated to ask their discussed that day, and ensured that the questions own questions about the material presented by addressed higher-level thinking skills according their peers. Formally, they participated in a class to Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, 1956) (Table 1). discussion technique called Gallery Run, which is Once the reporter presented their summary to the a sped-up version of the Gallery Walk (Francek, question asked, we had another period of 2006). In a traditional Gallery Walk students have discussion in which all ideas and concepts were about 5 minutes to answer each question, but in discussed and doubts were clarified. the Gallery Run student only have a maximum of three minutes at each station. Description of quizzes Short exams or quizzes were randomly given Description of Gallery Run activities after some oral presentations. Quizzes consisted In Gallery Run, students from different of a similar number of questions as those utilized backgrounds (Biology, Microbiology and Marine in Gallery Runs; however, each student had to Biology) were arranged into teams of three or answer them individually. The time allowed for four. Each team was provided with a different answering the questions was the same and they colored marker to write the answers to questions were written according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy about the presentations on one piece of paper. (Bloom, 1956) as were those used in the Gallery Before the activity, the roles of a leader, recorder Run activity, Similar to Gallery Run activities, and reporter were assigned to group members. once the students answered the questions, they Hernández-Machado and Casillas-Martínez - Geologic Research Using Soil Geomorphology 27 were discussed in order to clarify any concept or allowed enough space for the student to explain idea that they had not understood. her/his answers. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES RESULTS An important aspect of the course was to The main learning goals of the Introductory determine the extent to which students met the Geomicrobiology course for non-geology majors learning goals, as well receiving their feedback were: (1) for students to present and discuss regarding the activities implemented. research studies about the role of microorganisms Consequently, we developed specific strategies in the geological transformations of our planet as based on both formative and summative well as (2) understand the adaptations required assessment. Formative assessment strategies for the establishment of extraterrestrial life. To provide an immediate evidence for student meet both goals we used a series of educational learning and give the opportunity to improve it. and assessments strategies and in this section we Summative assessment, on the other hand, present our major findings. evaluates a particular activity to determine student’s skills, knowledge or effectiveness of the 1. Oral presentations in a Journal Club format activity itself (Suskie 2004). were an effective way to introduce non-geology majors to the Geomicrobiology field. All the students Formative assessment enrolled in the course conducted an oral Formative assessment included all the class presentation on an assigned publication following discussion techniques, including the two sessions a Journal Club format. Each student was of questions asked by the students after their evaluated utilizing eight main criteria. Oral presentations and after the Gallery Run/Quizzes. reports rubrics’ global average scores were 3.20 Such sessions help the students reinforce and/or (80%), with much of the evaluation relying clarify any doubts they had concerning the article between good and exceptional (Table 2). The presented that day in class. Furthermore, we used highest scores (>3.20) were reported in student quizzes as an additional instrument to detect organization, audience interaction, questions and student understanding of the material presented answers and maintenance of eye contact during in class. Three criteria were used to assess the the oral presentations. Students’ explanations of quality of student written answers, both in concepts and theories were accurate with few Gallery Run and in quizzes: concept errors in information, meaning that the students understanding, use of scientific language and were able to read, understand and communicate clarity of thought. data regarding introductory concepts in Geomicrobiology. Summative assessment Summative assessment included the scoring 2. Student performance was stronger in groups rubric designed for the oral presentations and a than individually: Gallery Run versus Quizzes. Gallery Run questionnaire to measure student Concept understanding, use of scientific language achievement and instructional effectiveness. As and clarity of thought were stronger in the mentioned before, students’ understanding as answers given by the students as a team in the well as their ability to communicate science Gallery Run activity than those given individually effectively in their oral presentations was in quizzes (Table 3). Total score value for all assessed. Oral reports were ranked from written questions in Gallery Run was 103.73, exceptional, good, satisfactory, to needs while a total of 85.07 was obtained for improvement, on a scale from 4 to 1. individually answered questions. Since all The Gallery Run activity was formally questions were always answered in the Gallery evaluated by the students at the end of the course Run activity but not on quizzes, when computing using a thirteen question survey previously these total points, the two Gallery Run synthesis described for Gallery Run activities (Francek, questions were omitted since this type of question 2007).. The survey was anonymous, non-graded was not asked on quizzes. and consisted of thirteen questions. Only two questions were open questions (question 1 and 2) 3. Gallery Runs were more effective in promoting and the rest were general observations to be class participation than individual sessions of evaluated by the student using a rubric (from questions. To increase student participation we question 3 to 13). Questions seven and eight offered a bonus point for each question 28 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 57, n. 1, January, 2009, p. 23-32 Gallery Runs Quizzes Criteria 1 2 3 4 Total Mean Value 1 2 3 4 Total Mean Value Concept 133.2/4= 29 112.5/4= 30 32.5 36 34.7 28.25 29.25 26 understanding 33.3 28.13 Use of scientific 143/4= 116.5/4= 33 39 32 39 32.5 27.5 29.25 27.25 language 35.75 29.13 Clarity of 138.7/4= 33 39 32 34.7 29.25 25.75 28.75 27.5 111.25/4=27.81 thoughts 34.68 Total 103.73 85.07 Table 3. Total scores values for students’ written answers to questions from the Gallery Runs vs. quizzes according to the three criteria: concept understanding, use of scientific language and clarity of thought. Maximum numeric value is 117. formulated by students after each oral questionnaire that only when quizzes were presentation. Only seven students in the course discussed by the professor during the question asked questions and each student had an average session was he able to understand the material to number of 3.5 questions throughout the course. the degree he did with Gallery Run activities. Questions were basically of two types: those in Summarizing other answers from the which students wished to reinforce their questionnaire, all students (100%) indicated that understanding about a particular graph or table they would like to participate in another course presented; and those with which they sought a utilizing Gallery Run activities in the future. The deeper explanation of a concept or theory. Even Gallery Run activity was favored by the students though a bonus point was granted for each due to its multiple advantages such as its ease of question made, half of the class never asked a use, its quite dynamic nature, its allowing for question. This contrasts with student behavior collaborative work, and that it provides an reported during Gallery Runs, where students opportunity for more complete discussion as well were eager to talk and discuss the material. as a deeper understanding of the publication assigned. 4. Gallery Runs were the preferred class discussion Eighty-five percent of the students agreed that technique used in the course. the wording of Gallery Run questions was clear, A questionnaire was used to asses the while 15% was neutral (question 9). Regarding relevance of Gallery Runs as a discussion the timing for discussing each topic at the learning technique in the course. All students agreed that stations (question 10), 69% agreed that they had the technique was easy to use, that the enough time to discuss each topic at learning instructions for participating in the Gallery Run stations but 23% was neutral and 8% disagreed. activity were clear, and that it really encouraged collaboration among the students (more than with DISCUSSION other class discussion techniques). They also We have described the objectives, structure commented that through Gallery Run discussions and assessment of a new undergraduate course they gained a more complete understanding of designed to introduce non-geology majors into the topics presented (Table 4).. the field of Geomicrobiology. One of the Interestingly, when the students compared achievements of the course was to expose Gallery Runs to quizzes, they highlighted that the students to major topics and concepts in technique provided a deeper understanding of the Geomicrobiology throughout different activities journal assigned in class due to the opportunity to which were far from the traditional lecturing work collaboratively, learn from their peers and teaching style. Because we were aware that none share ideas (Table 4).. When they answered of our students have a background in Geology or questions individually their understanding was Geochemistry, we needed to make sure that they not as complete. One student mentioned on the were not only exposed to the new information but Hernández-Machado and Casillas-Martínez - Geologic Research Using Soil Geomorphology 29 Questions Response • Provides for group discussion • Participation in different roles 1. What did you like about Gallery Run? • It is dynamic • Provides for a deeper understanding of the topic discussed Lack of time to discuss each topic at the learning stations 2. What did you dislike about Gallery Run? To inform orally 3. The directions for the Gallery Run were clear. I know 100% Agree what to do to successfully complete a Gallery Run. 4. We worked more collaboratively than with usual class 100% Agree discussion techniques. 5. During the Gallery Run, all group members 100% Agree participated. 6. During the Gallery Run, my group listened 100% Agree respectfully to one another. 92% Agree; 8% Neutral • With Gallery Run ones gets a better understanding of the 7. I gained a better understanding of the topic using topic because answers to questions are discussed with peers Gallery Run than through the oral report alone. • Gallery Run is effective in clarify any doubt about the topic Explain your answer. • Gallery Run is a dynamic discussion technique and because of that it is more easy to recall the information as with listening to an oral report alone 100% Agree 8. I gained a better understanding of the topic using With Gallery Run ones gets the opportunity to share and Gallery Run than when answering the individual set discuss ideas with peers, helping to gain a better understanding of questions alone. Explain your answer. of the topic than when you have to deal with it by yourself 9. The wording of Gallery Run questions was clear. 85% Agree; 15% Neutral 10. I felt we had enough time to discuss each topic at 69% Agree; 23% Neutral; 8% Disagree learning stations. 11. Gallery Run was easy to use. 100% Agree 12. My overall experience with Gallery Run was 100% Agree satisfactory. 13. I would like to participate in another Gallery Run. 100% Agree Table 4. Student responses to questionnaire for Gallery Run evaluations. also that had the opportunity to process it. To exceptional is the best indicator (Table 2). engage students and enhance their learning Students felt quite comfortable with their experience we promoted, from day one, an active presentations, were able to maintain eye contact learning environment. and answered most of the questions. The first way to actively involve the students Nevertheless, in some instances we observed that in the course was for them to present oral reports students lack the knowledge to explain molecular on a current scientific journal article about techniques that are relevant to the field. For Geomicrobiology. The oral presentations example, in the presentation of the article encouraged students to read, present and discuss Community Structure, Geochemical recent Geomicrobiology research regarding eight Characteristics and Mineralogy of a Hypersaline major concepts in the field. Our results showed Microbial Mat, Cabo Rojo, PR, the student failed that the students acquired the necessarily skills to include an explanation of the T-RLFP technique and basic knowledge for presenting an oral report used to assess changes in the microbial in the Geomicrobiology science field, our main community structure in their presentation, as well learning goal. The fact that our students’ oral as not mentioning the mineral composition of the reports rubric scores ranged between good and mats (Casillas-Martinez et al. 2005). Fortunately, 30 Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 57, n. 1, January, 2009, p. 23-32 the discussion of the articles by the professors at dealing with these types of questions on their own the end of the course provided an opportunity to (McConnell et al. 2005). Since discussion is supplement information omitted in students’ superior to lecture for promoting higher-order presentations and to correct such difficulties. thinking skills involving analysis, evaluation and Another way we promoted active learning synthesis (Kelly 2004 and Johnson and Mighten during the course was to encourage both non- 2005), a discussion technique such as Gallery Run structured and structured discussions. According could be implemented as a regular activity in to Bonwell and Eison (1991, in-class discussion is other science courses to help students develop one of the most effective strategies for promoting such skills. active learning. Indeed, the assessment of our Another advantage of using Gallery Runs is structured discussions using the Gallery Run the multiplicity of roles (leaders, reporters and/or technique revealed superior student participation recorders) in which the students are able to and improved the quality and quantity of their develop both oral and written skills. As students answers to written questions when compared to needed to participate as reporters in each group at quizzes. Student answers to written questions least one time, they develop skills such as correct provided us with direct evidence of their ability to technical writing of relevant scientific parameters understand information about Geomicrobiology (i.e., units for total radiation, pressure, how to through three different criteria: concept report cell death during a mission or total understanding, use of scientific language and bacterial counts after the vessel returns). In the clarity of thought. As previously reported role of speakers, even the more introverted students did better answering questions when students were encouraged to participate, a task they work in teams rather than individually, that helps their self-confidence increase. One of resulting in more complete and coherent answers the most important outcomes of the Gallery Runs (Table 3). This was also true regardless the was that the students were able to work as cognitive level that the question involved multidisciplinary teams. Even though students (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis were from different backgrounds (Biology, or synthesis). For example, when an analysis-type Marine Science and Microbiology) they were able question on a quiz asked students to make to effectively communicate and share knowledge inferences about the considerations for from each field in order to answer the questions. successfully conducting an experiment based on The capacity to work on multidisciplinary teams the discussion of a journal article describing how is very important in Geomicrobiology, where Caenorhabditis elegans survived atmospheric teamwork of professionals from different breakup of STS-107, Space Shuttle Columbia backgrounds is virtually mandatory (Rios- (Szewczyk et al. 2005), students showed difficulty Velazquez, 2007). arriving at a logical answer individually. Similar As a result of our assessment, we can types of experimental approaches were conclude that most of our non-geology major questioned when discussing prior journals during students learned basic Geomicrobiology concepts Gallery Runs and the students had no problem in even though our University does not possess a responding successfully. Indeed an improvement Geology Course in its curricula. Such a limitation was observed when students answered analysis- can then be overcome if an active learning type of questions as groups. We have previously environment in the classroom is implemented determined that students working in groups in using oral reports and discussions as main class Gallery Runs posses a more complete activities. As previously reported, class understanding of the material as a direct result of discussions not only contributed to keep the the active discussions of the students on the team excitement in the class but also promoted than when they worked on their own (Ríos- scientific literacy, which was an important goal Velázquez et al. 2007). Student’s evaluations we needed to accomplish (McConnell et al. 2003 obtained through the questionnaire and the and Burbach et al. 2004). Our course provided an evaluation of the course activities concur with effective environment for learning such findings (Table 4). Geomicrobiology, especially for non-geology The lack of an educational setting in other majors with very little background in the subject. courses where higher-order thinking tasks are routinely assigned and assessed to encourage Acknowledgments cognitive development could be one of the Special thanks to Prof. Elizabeth J. Hodges reasons why students present difficulty when from the University of Puerto Rico-Humacao for Hernández-Machado and Casillas-Martínez - Geologic Research Using Soil Geomorphology 31 her comments on the manuscript. This work was Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 53, n. 4, p. 462- supported by a Research at Undergraduate 470. Institutions (RUI): Cabo Rojo Salterns Microbial Rios-Velazquez, C., L. Casillas-Martinez and P.T. Visccher, 2007, Learning Geomicrobiology as a Observatory grant, MCB-0455620, from the Team Using Microbial Mats, a Multidiciplincary National Science Foundation. Approach, Journal of Microbiology and Biology Education, v. 1, p. 28-35. REFERENCES Suskie, L., 2004, Assessing Student Learning, Bolton, Bloom, B.S., 1956, Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. MA, Anker Publishing Company, Inc. p. 52-53. Book 1: Cognitive Domain, New York: Longman, Szewczyk, N.J., Mancinelli, R.L., Mclamb, W., Reed, D., Green & Co. Blumberg, B.S., and C.A. 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