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Preview ERIC EJ1163965: College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perceptions of Social Supports That Buffer College-Related Stress and Facilitate Academic Success

Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3), 251-268 251 College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Perceptions of Social Supports that Buffer College-Related Stress and Facilitate Academic Success Robert A. LeGary, Jr.1 Abstract This exploratory case study examined the reports by advanced undergraduate students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) of perceived social supports that buffer college-related stress and facilitate academic success. The sample for this study was comprised of 10 advanced undergraduate students who self-identified as having ASD. These participants were enrolled at seven colleges from three states in New England. Two methods of data collection were employed: a paper-and-pencil survey and a semi-structured, in-person interview. Quan- titative and qualitative research methods were applied to analyze the data from the surveys and interviews. Overall, participants perceived that they received emotional, instrumental, and informational support that helped to buffer college-related stress and facilitate academic success. The sources were primarily family members, friends, and professors. Implications and recommendations for higher education in planning and programming for students with ASD are discussed in addition to suggestions for future research. Keywords: Autism spectrum disorder, higher education, social support, college stress, academic success As the prevalence rate of autism spectrum dis- Myles & Simpson, 1998). Thus, more and more order (ASD) has substantially increased over the young adults with ASD who have successfully com- past decade, more and more students with ASD are pleted high school are eligible to enter postsecondary entering postsecondary institutions. As of 2016, the education settings (Camrena & Sarigiani, 2009). Center for Disease Control (CDC) released the cur- According to a national longitudinal study con- rent prevalence rate of autism in children as 1 in 68 ducted by the U.S. Department of Education, 47% with no change since the previous report in 2014. As of young adults with ASD had enrolled in a postsec- early identification of ASD has increased, educational ondary institution within six years of graduating from and life outcomes for children and youth with ASD high school (Sanford et al., 2011). Once students have improved significantly given the protections and with disabilities receive their high school diploma or related services required under the Individuals with reach the age of 21, their rights and protections under Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) of IDEA are terminated. The federal legislation relevant 2004 (Hurewitz & Berger, 2008). Students with dis- to postsecondary institutions are Section 504 of the abilities and ASD have greater access to education- Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with al opportunities, and, therefore, significant strides in Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990. These policies have identifying and implementing effective educational paved the way for greater access for students with strategies and interventions have been implemented disabilities to postsecondary education institutions (Hart, Grigal, & Weir, 2010). Much of the research and influenced supportive program development and on students with ASD has focused on the primary and a heightened awareness of accessibility and disabil- secondary education levels (Glennon, 2001; Smith, ities on campuses (Madaus, 2011). The Americans 2007) with the respective strategies and practices for with Disabilities Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008 those developmental levels (DuCharme & Gullotta, and Standards for Accessible Design of 2010 further 2013; Iovannone, Dunlap, Huber, & Kincaid, 2007; broadened the interpretation of disabilities and in- 1 The Learning Clinic 252 LeGary; College Students with ASD creased ease and protection for postsecondary stu- cial and communication interaction, and restrictive, dents with disabilities, especially those with ASD, to repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities have access to accommodations. (American Psychiatric Association, [APA], 2013). Although students with ASD may enter college For this study, the advanced undergraduate students and receive accommodations under federal law, the with ASD who were recruited to participate self-re- graduation or completion rates are discouraging and ported that they had no intellectual or language im- problematic. Within six years of leaving high school, pairment, held an average to above average Verbal In- only 35% of those students with ASD enrolled in telligent Quotient (IQ), and matriculated at four-year postsecondary education graduated or completed universities. Academic success, in this study, was their programs (Sanford et al., 2011). Thus, postsec- defined by students’ self-reports of their grade point ondary students with ASD are less likely to complete averages (GPAs), courses attempted and completed, their college programs compared to students with no and matriculation status beyond the first year. disabilities. This lower rate of completion for col- lege students with ASD not only indicates a need for Stress Related to the College Experience for Students earlier transition planning (Chiang, Cheung, Hickson, with ASD Xiang, & Tsai, 2012), but it also suggests a higher Transitioning and adjusting to a postsecondary probability of lack of college success and an increas- educational setting can be stressful for any student, ing need for support once these students are attending with or without a disability. The ongoing adjustment college (Hendrickson, Carson, Woods-Groves, Men- to the postsecondary environment for students with denhall, & Scheidecker, 2013). ASD presents compounded challenges and stressors This exploratory case study examined the reports related to the academic and non-academic settings by advanced undergraduate students with ASD of (Glennon, 2001; VanBergeijk et al., 2008). Based on perceived social supports that buffer college-related brain imaging research studies, individuals with ASD stress and facilitate academic success. College stu- have been shown to be more susceptible to increased dents in general, and college students with autism and variable levels of stress throughout the day than spectrum disorder (ASD) in particular, often experi- are individuals without ASD (Lytle & Todd, 2009). ence high levels of stress specific to academic com- Moreover, individuals with ASD tend to have co-oc- mitments, lack of time management skills and study curring diagnostic features of generalized anxiety and skills, peer relationships, and group living (Glennon, social anxiety (VanBergeijk et al., 2008; White, Bray, 2001; Misra, McKean, West, & Russo, 2000; No- & Ollendick, 2012). votney, 2014; VanBergeijk, Klin, & Volkmar, 2008). Glennon (2001) explicated the two major as- Researchers (Dennis, Phinney, & Chuateco, 2005; pects—relative to the characteristics of ASD—of the Rayle & Chung, 2007) have also reported that college postsecondary setting that present the most stressful students from marginalized backgrounds perceive challenges: social relationships and activities and ac- their family, friends, faculty, and classmates as infor- ademic demands. Given the multidimensional defi- mal sources of social support as described by House cits related to social pragmatics and judgment, theory (1981). Similar to other students with disabilities, of mind, and executive functioning, the ASD diagno- students with ASD are more likely to be marginal- sis significantly competes with an individual’s ability ized within the college environment, in and out of to negotiate the social landscape, relate to others pos- the classroom, and experience higher levels of col- itively, manage stress, and adapt to novel social situ- lege stress (Troiano, Liefeld, & Trachtenberg, 2010). ations (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, Moreover, perceived social support has been shown & Clubley, 2001). to ameliorate perceived stress and relate positively to Relatedly, students with ASD have reported that academic success for college students (Bryan & Sim- the most stressful situations were becoming involved mons, 2009; Smith & Renk, 2007). in intimate relationships, disclosing their diagnosis More specifically, this study focused on students to roommates, dating, and calling classmates on the who were enrolled beyond the first year at four-year phone (Glennon & Marks, 2010). These challenges universities in New England and have ASD. ASD are pervasive throughout the postsecondary environ- encompasses a group of developmental disabilities ment where there are a variety of social situations defined by the symptom categories of impaired so- with complex demands. Another study (White et al., Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3) 253 2011) investigated the relationship between ASD and Simmons, 2009; Dennis et al., 2005; Heiman, 2006; social anxiety disorder—as co-morbid diagnoses and Lombardi, Gerdes, & Murray, 2011; Smith & Renk, co-occurring conditions—and the findings suggested 2007). Therefore, the research clearly suggests that significant overlap of social anxiety and exacerbated perceived social support by college students with and social skill deficits and social avoidance when pre- without disabilities buffers stress inherent in the col- sented with increased anxiety. The findings of these lege experience and helps with academic success. research studies indicated a higher level of suscepti- Yet, there is limited research focused specifical- bility for students with ASD to social stressors related ly on undergraduate students with ASD who perceive to the postsecondary environment. social supports as helpful in buffering stress inherent Similar to residential living, the classroom en- in the college student role and contributing to aca- vironment also presents social stressors for students demic success. Although there have been studies in- with ASD that may impede their academic perfor- volving college students with learning disabilities and mance. Classroom group activities are particularly their perceptions of social support fostering academic stressful for students with ASD who have difficulty success (Heiman, 2006; Kowalsky & Fresko, 2002; with reading verbal and non-verbal cues, social reci- Lombardi et al., 2011), there is limited social support procity, and perspective taking (Glennon, 2001; Van- research focused specifically on the reports of un- Bergeijk et al., 2008). The composition of student dergraduate students with ASD. Additionally, social groupings, academic task demands, and the expecta- support research over the past decade has focused pri- tion of reciprocal dialogue in these group activities re- marily on postsecondary students who are first gen- quire interpersonal skills that are of a primary deficit eration, of minority status, or with learning disabil- area for students with ASD. In fact, the level of sup- ities (Bryan & Simmons, 2009; Dennis et al., 2005; port and accommodation required within the class- Heiman, 2006; Smith & Renk, 2007; Lombardi et al., room, especially in the case of group work, goes be- 2011). A study focused exclusively on postsecondary yond the typical supports provided for other academic students with ASD may fill a gap in the knowledge activities, such as testing or note taking. The com- base and give voice to these students regarding their bination of co-morbidity and neurological atypicality perceptions of social support from a range of sources associated with the ASD diagnosis presents a unique including family members, peers, and college faculty susceptibility to stress for these individuals who carry and staff. this diagnosis (VanBergeijk et al., 2008). Thus, the This type of case study may not only contribute to increased social, organizational, and work demands the overall knowledge base of social support, but may of the college experience in and out of the classroom also provide insight into the experiences and percep- pose innumerable challenges for students with ASD tions of advanced undergraduate students with ASD. who require classroom and social supports that ame- Similar to the literature on social support, studies fo- liorate stress and compete with academic success. cusing on students with ASD in postsecondary insti- tutions are few and typically provided tertiary strate- Research on Social Support and College Students gies and accommodations instead of empirical results with ASD based on self-reporting (Adreon & Durocher, 2007; Research studies have revealed that there are sig- Shattuck et al., 2012; Smith, 2007). These studies nificant positive relationships between college stu- also placed more emphasis on the transition from dents’ reports of social support from informal sources secondary to postsecondary education instead of the and their academic success (DeBerard, Spielmans, ongoing postsecondary experience of students with & Julka, 2004; Friedlander, Reid, Shupak, & Crib- ASD. Most important, this study may provide voice bie, 2007; Smith & Renk, 2007). Researchers have and agency to those college students with ASD, in shown that college students who perceived they have their own words, based on their self-reports (Madria- received social supports are more likely to manage ga, 2010). stress and attain academic success (Skowron, Wester, The perceptions of informal social supports by & Azen, 2004). Empirical studies have also suggest- students with ASD may translate into more struc- ed the importance of informal social support sourc- tural social supports that postsecondary institutions es, such as family members and peers, as reported by could incorporate into their student services program- college students, in buffering college stress (Bryan & ming and faculty and staff professional development 254 LeGary; College Students with ASD uniquely related to students with ASD (Adreon & port, the emotional demands and social reciprocity Durocher, 2007; Dente & Coles, 2012; Glennon & with more personal relationships are not necessarily Marks, 2010). For example, training faculty on in- a prerequisite in order to receive social support. Dif- structional and social approaches and implementing ferent types of social support can be received from student peer-mentoring programs for curricular and a variety of sources outside of network membership co-curricular strategies could provide those structural that impacts postsecondary academic success. supports specifically for postsecondary students with Emotional support. For House (1981), emo- ASD (Wolf, Brown, & Bork, 2009). To this aim, an tional support was the most important and is defined empirical understanding of the types, sources, fre- as a type of support based on the provision of care, quency, and importance of social supports that buffer concern, love, and trust from one person to another. college-related stress and facilitate academic success House asserted that the receipt of emotional support for advanced undergraduate students with ASD may was only as effective as in how it was perceived. Ex- inform best practice, policy, and programming in both amples of emotional support for students with ASD curricular and co-curricular settings. include actively listening and conveying a sense of concern, caring, and trust proactively before prob- Social Support Framework lems arise (VanBergeijk et al., 2008). Social support theory, with its operationalized di- Instrumental support. There is a clear contrast mensions, has been empirically supported by numer- between emotional support and instrumental support ous studies conducted since the 1970s in settings from insofar that instrumental support is defined as ben- childcare facilities to factories (LaRocco, House, & eficial behaviors provided to help someone in need. French, 1980). It naturally lends itself to the college Academic accommodations, such as distraction-free setting where there are a myriad of stressors related testing environment or a note-taker, and posted sched- to academic performance similar to those in an em- ules and rules in the residence halls are excellent ex- ployment setting. The buffering, or moderating, ef- amples of instrumental support for students with ASD fect of social support mitigates the impact of stress for (Lytle & Todd, 2009; Wolf et al., 2009). high-stress groups of people (House, 1981). House’s Informational support. Unlike instrumental conceptualization of social support is more soundly support, informational support is predicated on the based on the buffering effect toward stressors as per- precept that information provided to a person may be ceived by individuals than are other models (Cohen used by that person to help him or herself. Provid- & Wills, 1985). Additionally, House placed a strong ing information that is directly impactful in one’s life emphasis on the subjectivity of perceptions of indi- could convey a sense of caring and be directly helpful viduals when evaluating types and sources of social in someone’s attainment of success, such as passing support in particular settings. a test or obtaining a job. Suggestions for informa- The tenets of House’s (1981) framework, oth- tional support for students with ASD include sharing er than the dimensions of types and sources, are the information about the campus layout/map, hours of informal, non-intimate relations, the importance or operation of the bookstore and dining hall, and key value, and the quantity or frequency of supports. bulletin boards with important announcements (Glen- House suggested that informal, non-intimate supports non, 2001; Wolf et al., 2009). (sources and types) have significant buffering effects Appraisal support. Similar to informational on stress in a workplace setting outside of the more support, appraisal support involves the transmission formal, intimate interpersonal relationships. In the of information from one person to another. Appraisal case of advanced undergraduate students with ASD, support is comprised of information directly relevant this social support definition allows for providers of to a person’s self-evaluation. Given that self-monitor- social support to comprise a broader group of people ing and self-estimation skills are difficult for students who may not be intimately related to these students. with ASD, providing self-assessment opportunities Students with ASD, based on presentation of traits as- with peer or adult feedback in a proactive approach sociated with this diagnosis, lack social reciprocity, can be very beneficial to these students (Freedman, theory of mind, and empathic/perspective-taking con- 2010). The theoretical lens of social support theory, nections with others (Olney, 2000; Wenzel & Rowley, as conceptualized by House (1981), provided an ef- 2010). With House’s conceptualization of social sup- fective framework for examining the perceptions of Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3) 255 social support by advanced undergraduate students the researcher contacted the individual by email or with ASD that buffer college-related stress and foster phone to arrange a mutually agreed upon date, time, academic success. and location to administer the survey and conduct the interview during the same meeting. Appointments Method were made on a first come, first served basis. Once a date was set, the researcher emailed each participant a A case study design was utilized for this explor- copy of the survey and the interview questions along atory investigation of the phenomenon of social sup- with the confirmation of the date, time, and location port as perceived by advanced undergraduate students of the meeting. The goal was to recruit a total of 10 with ASD within the context of the college experi- advanced undergraduate students with ASD. Fol- ence. The case study approach is the most suitable low-up emails were sent to participants following the for addressing the what, how, and why questions of survey and interview meetings in order to acknowl- research inquiry (Yin, 2014). This investigation of edge and thank them for their participation and to re- advanced undergraduate students with ASD, who are mind them of their rights as outlined by the informed also a previously understudied population, was con- consent form. sidered a revelatory case because it could potentially elucidate their perceptions of the types and sources of Participants helpful social support during the college experience. The sample for this study was comprised of 10 ad- vanced undergraduate students who self-reported as Sampling Process having ASD. These students attended seven different The sampling approach for this study used an four-year universities in the New England region and overall purposeful sampling strategy (Creswell, were recruited using a network sampling approach. 2013). The type of sampling, in addition to being pur- The first 10 viable candidates were selected for this poseful, was non-random. Network sampling, a meth- sample. As students who completed their first year od of non-random sampling, is a technique based on of college, they would have a broader understand- the social networks of multiple individuals who con- ing of their college experiences beyond the transition nect the researcher with participants who have direct experiences and of their academic success in contin- experience with the phenomenon under investigation ued matriculation. Six of the 10 participants reported (Bryman, 2008). By design, this sampling technique working part-time. Six reported living at college, ei- not only involves the judgment of the network pro- ther on or off campus, and four stated that they lived fessionals who assisted in recruiting potential partic- at home. Table 1 contains the demographic informa- ipants, but the judgment of the researcher since he tion about this sample. outlined specific characteristics of participants to be sampled purposefully. Data Collection Activities Upon approval of an Institutional Review Board This case study design included a two-method (IRB), the researcher commenced recruitment by con- approach for data collection. Study volunteers were tacting professionals affiliated with autism advocacy asked to complete a paper-and-pencil survey and to organizations and college autism support programs participate in an in-person interview. Procedures asso- to post flyers and share information about this study ciated with quantitative and qualitative research were with potential participants who were attending four- used to analyze the data, which consisted of survey year universities in New England. Once participants data and verbatim transcripts of in-person interviews. contacted the researcher for more information, they Survey. Each of the participants completed the were recruited via a series of three emails. The first College Stress and Social Support Survey ([C4S]; email was sent to the participants with an invitation to 2014), one of the tools for data collection developed participate and a description of the study along with by this researcher (Appendix A). This survey was the informed consent form as an attachment. The adapted from and informed by The Child and Ado- two follow-up emails were sent one week apart to lescent Social Support Scale developed by Malecki, non-respondents only. As soon as an individual re- Demaray, and Elliott (2000). Under the direction of sponded affirmatively to the researcher’s request for this researcher’s dissertation advisor, a small-scale participation and signed the informed consent form, pilot was conducted involving three advanced under- 256 LeGary; College Students with ASD graduate students who self-reported having ASD and that protocol without compromising House’s model. were not part of this study’s participant sample. This The questions in the semi-structured interview guide pilot study provided data on clarity, reasonableness, addressed House’s four dimensions of social support. and efficacy of this survey instrument. The first section, which focused on college stress, Data Analysis was comprised of five items that probed for kinds of The researcher analyzed the data as a sequential college-related stress. Each item required the partic- process that allows the researcher to collect, manage, ipant to select a number on a six-point scale which and organize data. Then, this process continued with best described the extent to which they experienced the researcher engaging with the data by reading and the occurrence described by each statement. reflecting which led to describing, classifying, and The second section of the survey instrument in- interpreting. Finally, the data was presented to elu- cluded a table requiring the respondents to place an cidate the relationship between the survey and inter- “X” in the boxes that best reflected the types and view data. sources of social support that they perceived helped Analysis of survey data. Preparation of the data one to be successful in college. The table, including for analysis started with the review of each survey for the types and sources of social support, were adapt- completeness and legibility. Then, each survey was ed from House’s (1981) social support framework (p. labeled with a number for subsequent identification 23). Emotional, appraisal, informational, and instru- (i.e., P-1, P-2, P-3, etc.). Responses to items 1-5 from mental supports were listed horizontally at the top the first section of the survey (i.e., “College Related of the table. The sources of social support included Stress”) were treated as frequency numerical data and significant other, family members, classmates, room- entered into an Excel spreadsheet for analysis. Each mates, friends, professors, college staff, counselors, row of the spreadsheet represented a participant and co-workers, and work supervisors. They were listed was coded with the participant number, as described vertically at the left side of the table. The respondents earlier. The columns represented the items and were identified as many types and sources of social support numbered accordingly. Item responses were entered as they desired. as numbers. Frequencies per question item were Interview. The second method of data collection computed based on ratings. was a topical in-person interview. The focus of the For the second section of the survey (i.e., “So- interview was an exploration of the types and sources cial Support”), responses were tallied by participant of social support perceived by advanced undergradu- with each one’s selection, as marked by an “X,” of ate students with ASD that buffered college stress and type of social support (i.e., emotional, appraisal, in- facilitated academic success. The format and ques- formational, or instrumental) and source of support tions for this semi-structured interview protocol were (i.e., significant other, family members, classmates, based on the method developed by Flanagan (1954) friends, professors, college staff, counselor, co-work- known as the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). Ac- ers, or supervisor). These data were entered into an cording to Flanagan, the CIT method is “a procedure Excel spreadsheet. Each row of the spreadsheet repre- for gathering certain important facts concerning be- sented the source of support while each column repre- havior in defined situations” (p. 335). sented the type of support. The frequencies of selec- Using the CIT method (Flanagan, 1954) during tions of type and source of support by participant were the interview, the researcher described the topic of so- entered as numbers, 1-12, in the spreadsheet. Lastly, a cial support under investigation and asked the respon- descriptive analysis was conducted on the data of both dents to remember and describe a memorable event sections of the survey to describe the sample. The re- that was particularly stressful. Then, the respondents sults of the survey were presented in narrative and tab- were asked to describe: (a) what led up to the situ- ular forms respective to each section and as a whole. ation, (b) what they did that was especially effective Analysis of interview data. Advice and sugges- or ineffective, (c) the outcomes of their actions, and tions provided by Creswell (2009, 2013) and Licht- (d) why they felt the actions were particularly effec- man (2013) guided the interview data analysis pro- tive. Flanagan’s CIT method for the interview proto- cess. The main procedures included preparing and col was appropriate because the types and sources of organizing the data, generating themes, coding the social support (House, 1981) can be integrated into data, offering interpretations in notes and memos, Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3) 257 and presenting the results. A verbatim transcript was competed with the researcher’s first impressions or created from the digital recording of each individu- category formations and provided a counterbalance al interview. The transcript had wide margins and or different perspective on a category or pattern. The ample space between the interviewer’s comments results were organized according to the concepts or and the interviewee’s comments to allow for cod- themes that emerged and the types and sources of so- ing and analytic notes. The interviewer’s questions cial support perceived by the participants that buffer and comments were also highlighted to provide clear college-related stress and facilitate academic success. differentiation between the interviewer’s comments The themes and sub-themes were presented and rep- and the interviewee’s comments. In order to protect resentative quotes from participants were included. confidentiality, transcripts were free of names and any other identifiable information. The same label Results assigned to the individual survey was also assigned to each interview transcript for ease of reporting Study participants’ reports of the social supports data. Digital recordings and written transcripts were they perceived helped to buffer college-related stress catalogued, filed, and stored in the researcher’s se- and facilitate academic success revealed that emo- cured office for the duration of the study to ensure tional support was the most frequent type of support that each participant’s confidentiality was protected. received, with family members cited as the primary Participants were given the opportunity to review provider. Participants also revealed that professors their transcripts for accuracy. and friends were perceived to provide a high level Following the organization of the data, the re- of instrumental and informational support. Overall, searcher began the process of analyzing data by participants perceived that they received emotional, reading each transcript multiple times to get a sense instrumental, and informational support that helped of its whole and details before breaking it down into to buffer college-related stress and facilitate aca- parts. The data analysis process included coding, demic success and the sources were primarily family categorizing, and conceptualizing (Lichtman, 2013). members, friends, and professors. Table 3 details the Coding involved chunking text data by phrases, sen- sources and types of social supports reported by the tences, or paragraphs and labeling those categories participants. with a term. These segments of text that appeared to be salient to the purpose of the study were color-cod- Experiencing College-related Stress ed with different colored highlighters with similar The analyses of the survey and interview data re- text segments coded with the same highlight color. vealed that all of the study participants (N = 10) ex- A code chart was created to identify and define the perienced college-related stress some of the time or units as they emerged, and notes and memos were more often. The data from the survey responses in- written to capture impressions. Categories, themes, dicated that six of the participants experienced stress and concepts with corresponding coding were re- from trying to balance coursework with self-care al- fined and modified as many times as necessary, and most always or always. Additionally, five of the par- redundant units were eliminated. ticipants reported that they experienced stress related During the summarization of the coded data, the to day-to-day performance of tasks related to their constant comparative method, which involved induc- courses almost always. Response means for the stress tive category coding while simultaneously comparing items ranged from a high of 4.30 (SD = 1.19) for item all topics or concepts, was used to determine similar 4, “I experience stress from balancing coursework or distinctive characteristics of categories (Ary, Ja- with personal responsibilities” to a low of 3.40 (SD cobs, Sorensen, & Walker, 2014). Through this meth- = 1.56) for item 1, “I experience stress from being a od, new categories emerged and similar categories college student.” Table 2 displays the number of par- were combined for greater meaning and understand- ticipants who identified which items were perceived ing. Conversely, the discrepant data analysis meth- to be sources of college-related stress. od, which allowed the researcher to identify negative During the interviews, participants talked most or discrepant units that were contrary to the main about experiencing stress related to being a college categories or topics, provided additional refinement student. Participants also provided examples of stress and revision of categories and themes. This method related to day-to-day performance of tasks related to 258 LeGary; College Students with ASD their courses. Data from the surveys and interviews members and friends were both identified as provid- suggested that daily hassles were the least significant ing the most emotional support. During the inter- source of stress. views, all of the participants described instances in For example, Participant-1 was clear that doing which they perceived emotional support that buffered the actual homework was not a source of stress, but college-related stress and facilitated academic suc- the self-imposed pressure of doing better on the up- cess. Similar to their survey responses, the partici- coming exam in order to increase his overall grade pants spoke most often about family members being was experienced as intense stress that also increased their source of emotional support. his co-morbid anxiety: As an illustrative example, Participant-7 ex- pressed the importance of receiving social support I think it’s because when I start really stressing from his mother during exam time or when he was out about a particular topic, my ability to learn the confronted with a challenging class. He described a subject dramatically drops off. Then, I start get- situation during the semester prior to this interview ting stressed out and I start feeling ill, physically. when he was overloaded and he said, “I really broke And then I run the risk of not being able to go to down and I had a lot of stuff overdue and I didn’t feel class or something. comfortable approaching my teachers about it.” He further emphasized, “It got me overwhelmed and I He articulately described a psychosomatic response was really, really stressed out.” He described how he to stress and anxiety related to the performance pres- contacted his mother and she was encouraging, car- sure to meet a certain level of achievement. ing, and reassuring by telling him, “You don’t need to Referring to unexpected change and the lack of be a perfect student. You’ve come a long way since chunking strategies (i.e., breaking information into high school.” Notably, this student identified that smaller parts for understand) on the part of the pro- during his contact with his parents, their validation of fessor, Participant-6 described an extremely stressful his abilities and encouragement allowed him to feel experience due to a change in professor mid-semester more comfortable to talk with other people, such as and his subsequent adjustment struggle: friends and professors, about his stressors. Referring to emotional support from his parents, This was the last semester. I was taking an En- Participant-3, in his junior year at a Vermont college, glish course, and I’m not really great at it. But, stated that he reached out to his parents when he was I was taking an English class, and I was doing taking a class where the professor provided little struc- okay. Then, the professor left midway through ture and guidance. He described his frustration that the semester and this other professor [did] not like the professor allowed students to be self-directed and my learning style. It was like work as quick as that this approach was not helpful since he required possible, and she wanted to get as much in as pos- clear expectations and guidance. He said, “I vented sible and didn’t really break it down. to my parents about it and they didn’t have much to say; just part of life and part of college. I really don’t According to this participant, the new professor talk to my friends about that type of stuff.” Even seemed to be moving through the material at a rapid though this student reported that his parents provided pace, had limited to no office hours, and presented listening as a type of emotional support, he differenti- information in an overwhelming manner This par- ated between his parents and friends by noting that he ticipant explained how the large chunks of material was not able to share this stressful situation with his presented at once with no checks for understanding friends, but he shared it with his parents. from students increased his stress level and negative- ly impacted his performance on quizzes and exams. Instrumental Support The analyses of the survey and interview data Emotional Support revealed that participants (N = 10) perceived instru- The analyses of the survey and interview data re- mental support that buffered college-related stress vealed that all ten of the participants perceived emo- and facilitated academic success. In the survey, tional support that buffered college-related stress and professors (n = 7) were identified as providing the facilitated academic success. In the survey, family most instrumental support with college staff (n = 5) Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, 30(3) 259 and family members (n = 5) following. During the they perceived receiving informational support that interviews, all of the participants described instanc- helped buffer college-related stress and foster aca- es in which they perceived instrumental support that demic success. However, their reports of the sources buffered college-related stress and fostered academic of informational support only focused on four differ- success. Similar to the survey responses, they spoke ent sources (i.e., family members, friends, classmates, most often about professors (n = 6) being their source and professors) out of the ten provided. of instrumental support. For Participant-2, his college advisor was an im- In identifying his preferential source of instru- portant source of informational support when he was mental support, Participant-8 explained the access struggling with time management and assignment and benefit of seeking out his professor for help: deadlines. He explained, “My advisor helped me get it all figured out and planned out. She’s like, ‘You’ve In terms of classroom support and help, I usu- just got to start attacking it and stuff and stop thinking ally don’t use student services. I usually go to about it.’ I was like, ‘That’s right!’” the professors, which [sic] I have classes with because I know they’re teaching the exact same Appraisal Support thing that I’m trying to learn. They’re making the The analysis of the survey data indicated family test, they’re the ones assessing my understanding members (n = 7), friends (n = 7), and professors (n = of the materials and if I really want to understand 6) were perceived as providing the highest incidences something, I prefer to go to the source of it. of appraisal support. The analysis of the in-person interview did not yield any significant findings about In this case, the participant preferred and actively appraisal support buffering college-related stress and sought out the professor who was teaching the class fostering academic success. in which he required additional help with the materi- al instead of going to student tutoring services at the Discussion university. Participant-6 described his mother and a very Study participants indicated that they experienced close family friend as sources of instrumental support stress related to college and being a college student. during the semester for an English class. He assert- This finding is consistent with the research literature ed that his professor had no office hours and did not that indicated that college students with ASD often make herself approachable (e.g., verbally or by body experience high levels of stress related to the decrease language) based on his perceptions of her demeanor. in routine and structure associated with the university Consequently, he said, “Well, I went to my mom and experience (Glennon, 2001; Misra et al., 2000; Van- anything that she could do to help, she did. I had to Bergeijk et al., 2008). The findings in this investiga- basically breakdown everything I had gone over in tion are also consistent with other studies that have the semester, so she kind of understood what to do to reported that students with ASD are academically ca- help. She knows I’m a visual, hands-on kind of guy, pable, but have difficulty succeeding in college due so if you can break it down that way, I learn instantly.” to the stressors associated with daily demands of the Participant-6’s mother understood that her son was a course vis-à-vis their challenges in planning, organiz- visual learner who required smaller chunks of infor- ing, social interactions, and time management (Dil- mation presented in order for mastery to be achieved. lon, 2007; Pugliese & White, 2014; VanBergeijk et al., 2008). Informational Support Emotional support was identified as buffering col- The analyses of the survey and interview data lege-related stress and facilitating academic success revealed that the all participants perceived informa- most frequently by study participants, with family tional support that buffered college-related stress and members cited as the primary source. This investiga- facilitated academic success. In the survey, family tion’s findings related to emotional support are similar members (n = 9) followed by classmates (n = 8) and to previous studies in that emotional support has been professors (n = 8) were identified as providing the identified as important to the success of college stu- most informational support. During the interviews, dents (Block, 2002; Dennis et al., 2005; Skowron et only five participants described instances in which al., 2004). This study’s finding that family members, 260 LeGary; College Students with ASD and parents in particular, were an important source of vey ([C4S], 2014) that was administered in this study emotional support is consistent with the research of could be used to inform disability services program Bryan and Simmons (2009) in which family support evaluation and to guide academic support planning was identified as the utmost source of support con- for students with ASD. The findings of the present tributing to academic success. Regarding emotional investigation provide rich information about the types support from friends, the findings of Friedlander et al. and sources of social support that helped to buffer (2007), like the findings of the present study, indicat- college-related stress and foster academic success. ed that social support from friends instead of family College administrators would do well to gather simi- members contributed to academic success. Similarly, lar data at their respective institutions. college students with learning disabilities (Lombardi College administrators should formally review et al., 2011) revealed that family members and friends the purpose and efficacy of the tutorial and advise- were a significant source of social support that helped ment centers regarding the services and program- with academic success and retention. ming provided to students with ASD with the aim of Instrumental support was identified as buffering personalizing those supports to their specific needs. college-related stress and facilitating academic suc- Some of the findings related to instrumental support cess second most frequently by study participants, indicated a lack of access or a lack of effectiveness of with professors cited as the primary source. The liter- the formal student support services, such as the tutor- ature is replete with a variety of types of instrumental ing and advisement center and the access abilities of- support that fosters academic success for postsecond- fice. Based on the study participants’ interview data, ary students with ASD (Ackles, Fields, & Skinner, college administrators should focus on the training of 2013; Dillon, 2007; Freedman, 2010; Taylor & Col- college staff and student-tutors on how best to work vin, 2013; Wolf et al., 2009; Zager, Alpern, McKeon, with students with ASD. Hours of operation for these Maxam, & Mulvey, 2014). formal support services should be variable, accom- Informational support was identified as buffering modate student schedules, and provide personal ap- college-related stress and facilitating academic suc- pointments after an initial meeting. cess third most frequently by study participants, with Given the high frequency of professor support, family members cited as the primary source. The college administrators should develop a long-term, types of informational support, such as time manage- formalized professional development plan for faculty ment tips and college staff information, provided by and staff about best practices for instructing and inter- family members and college staff were described by acting with students with ASD. This recommendation other researchers as beneficial (Ackles et al., 2013; is based on the finding that professors were perceived Dillon, 2007; Glennon, 2001). to be a key source of social support, and they are the Appraisal support was identified as buffering individuals with whom students have the most sig- college-related stress and facilitating academic suc- nificant academic interactions. University staff and cess least frequently by study participants, with fam- faculty who have expertise with students with ASD ily members and friends cited as the main sources. and learning differences, such as disabilities office Overall, study participants perceived they received staff and faculty from the education and psycholo- social support that helped to buffer college-related gy departments, could provide professional devel- stress and facilitate academic success and the sourc- opment sessions focused on best practices related es of this support were primarily family members to social skill and executive functioning challenges and professors. characteristic of an ASD diagnosis. Additionally, college administrators and disability service pro- Recommendations for Higher Education viders should consult with the office of international Administrators students and professors with specific multicultural To better understand the challenges that students expertise in the provision of supports and outreach with ASD experience, college administrators would efforts for students with ASD who are also culturally do well to gather data from their respective institutions and ethnically diverse. on these students’ perceptions of the social supports For professional development related to students that buffer college-related stress and foster academic with ASD, Universal Design for Learning [UDL] success. The College Stress and Social Support Sur- (Meyer, Rose, & Gordon, 2014) principles should

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