ists.” The authors suggest that faculty in pre- education.InternationalJournalofTechnol- service programs need to recognize these ogy and Educational Marketing, 5(1), 1–14. changingrolestiedtocurrenttechnologyused ineducationandrehabilitationandtothebuilt Rona L. Pogrund, Ph.D., associate editor for environment and adjust their curriculum ac- practice, JVIB, and professor, Special Education cordingly. Program, College of Education, Texas Tech Uni- The third practice piece in this issue, by versity,1100West45thStreet,Austin,TX78756; Duane Geruschat, Mark Rankin, and Jessy e-mail: [email protected]. Dorn,“AnIntroductiontoProvidingRehabil- itation to Individuals with Visual Impair- Practice Reports ments Who Are Using the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System,” highlights the training that orientation and mobility specialists need ImprovingObservation prior to working with adults who have re- andPracticumExperiences ceived a retinal chip implant, the Argus II. foraPreserviceTeacher This technology has the potential to enhance withVisualImpairmentThrough the orientation skills of the implant recipient theUseofAssistiveTechnology when community rehabilitation occurs in a structured manner. The article offers sugges- JonathanM.LimaandSarahE.Ivy tions for what this training might encompass O bservationsandpracticumexperiencesare in order to be functional for the user. an integral part of teacher preparation pro- I hope these diverse contributions to the lit- grams, which are necessary to provide pre- erature create some level of cognitive disso- service teachers with opportunities to apply nance as you think about these and other knowledge and skills gained from lectures changesoccurringinthefieldofvisualimpair- and readings to positively affect school-aged mentinthe21stcenturythatmayaffectpreser- students.Althoughpracticumexperiencesen- viceandin-servicetrainingforprofessionalsin compass broad observation and preteaching the field, always with the goal of meeting the opportunities of varied length and focus, the needs of children and adults who are visually context for this paper was a semester-long impaired.Anychangesinourfieldmustnotsac- weekly 2-hour commitment to participate in a rificequality,buttherealsoneedstobearecog- classroom serving at least one student with vi- nition that things may not be able to be accom- sual impairment and additional severe disabili- plishedthewaytheyhavealwaysbeendone.As tiesforatotalof20hours.Thistimewasspent John F. Kennedy once said in 1963, “Change is supporting the student with visual impairment thelawoflife.Andthosewholookonlytothepast toparticipateintypicalclassroomactivities,and orthepresentarecertaintomissthefuture.” conductingessentialassessments—functional visionandlearningmediaassessmentandas- REFERENCES sessment in the areas of the expanded core Dylan, B. (1963). The times they are curriculum (ECC) for a classroom assignment. a-changin’. New York, NY: Warner Bros. Such assessments, especially when completed Kennedy, J. F. (1963, June 25). Address in the withchildrenwhohavevisualimpairmentsand AssemblyHallatthePaulskircheinFrankfurt. additionalseveredisabilities,requirethatteach- Retrieved from http://www.presidency.ucsb. ersofstudentswhoarevisuallyimpairedmake edu Lemoine, P. A., & Richardson, M. D. (2015). detailed multisensory observations. Preservice Micro-credentials, nano degrees, and digital teachers who are visually impaired (that is, badges: New credentials for global higher those who are blind or have low vision) may 587 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,November-December2017 needanassistanttocompletesuchobservations. of students with visual impairments who are Apeer,instructor,orprofessionalatthepracti- themselves visually impaired. Lewis, Corn, cumsiteisoftenneededtodescribestudentand Erin,andHolbrook(2003)surveyed14U.S.- environment characteristics that cannot be ac- basedresidential,resource,oritinerantteach- cessed through touch or hearing. Typically, ers of students with visual impairments who the preservice teacher would ask an assis- are themselves visually impaired regarding tant standing in close proximity to describe their perceived difficulties in the workplace visual aspects of a situation to him or her andtheirstrategiesforresolvingtheseissues. while the preservice teacher may interact Lewisandcolleagues(2003)classifiedthepar- directly with a school-aged student. ticipants based on their primary literacy me- This approach to supporting preservice dium,ofwhichtherewasanequalproportionof teachers who are visually impaired, though braille and print readers. All but two of the effective, has drawbacks that may be most teachers of students with visual impairments apparent when the teacher needs to assess theystudiedhadatonetimeworkeditinerantly. students with visual impairments and addi- Althoughnotidentifiedasthemostcommonor tional severe disabilities. First, preservice persistent difficulty, participants pointed to teachers are often rightly advised to avoid problems with conducting essential assess- discussing a child’s ability in front of the ments, which they overcame with assistance student.Second,studentswithseveredisabil- from others (often paraeducators) and, for ities often have difficulty processing compet- teacherswithlowvision,workingincloseprox- ing stimuli, and they may be overstimulated imity to their students or using optical devices anddistractedbydiscussionamongobservers suchastelescopeswhenapplicable.Theauthors (Smith & Levack, 1996), which may nega- did not report whether the participants worked tively affect the results of the assessment. withchildrenwhohadseveredisabilitiesinad- Finally, classrooms serving students with dition to visual impairment or if certain mea- multiple disabilities often have a large (speak- sures were taken to offset issues related to dis- ing)adultto(non-speaking)studentratio,which traction. However, one participant reported poses a unique challenge for classroom man- using “a series of verbal and touch signals to agement.Basedonanecdotalobservationfrom communicate” with her trained assistant when the authors’ experience in classrooms, it is not discussing information in front of students idealtohaveanadditionalpairofadultstalking (Lewis et al., 2003, p. 163). intheclassroom,whichcanbeapowerfuldis- In addition to this one study, the literature traction to other children and the teacher. on the experiences of educators with visual Currently, there is a gap in research that impairmentsislargelycomprisedofnarrative delves specifically into the topic of assess- pieces related to general education teachers mentsconductedbyteachersofstudentswith whoarevisuallyimpaired.Forexample,Ran- visualimpairmentswhoarevisuallyimpaired dall (2005) described how a young woman themselves. Variations of terminology rang- who was blind from an early age, Angela ing from “teachers,” “professionals,” and Wolf, used compensatory skills in teaching “educators,” coupled with “vis*impair*,” sighted children, including using a ruler and “blind*,”or“lowvis*”acrossmultipleonline tape to help write on the chalkboard, feeling databases including JSTAR, ERIC, and Aca- children’s journals to tell how much students demic Search Complete yielded limited re- have written, having students read aloud their sults that specifically addressed educators work, and calling on students to answer ques- with visual impairments, and only one study tions by drawing names at random. Other ex- wasfoundthatspecificallyexaminedteachers amplesincludetheuseofdogguidesasameans 588 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,November-December2017 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved of effective traveling within the classroom or net creates the potential for unauthorized school,listeningintentlytostudentstomanage users to break into the Internet protocol potentialmisbehaviors,hiringreaderservicesor (IP) address, which may cause concern for usingscreenenlargementorbrailletranscription parents, teachers, or administrators; in addi- assistivetechnologyforaccesstoprint,encour- tion, devices that rely on the Internet can be agingstudentstotakeimportantroleswithinthe susceptible to connectivity issues. If such classroom (for example, writing on the board), bug-in-ear and video-streaming technology hiringanassistantoraparaeducator,orcreating occurred through a secure connection using assigned seating of students to assist in class- Bluetooth (a wireless technology that allows room management (American Association of directcommunicationovershortdistancesbe- Blind Teachers, n.d.; House, 2015; Mendez, tween two compatible electronic devices), 2014). To our knowledge, literature that ad- thus limiting the range of access from unau- dresses the issue of a student’s distraction dur- thorizedusers,thenapracticalsolutionexists ing assessments conducted by a teacher with in providing a distraction-reduced environ- visualimpairmentwiththeassistanceofanother ment for teachers of students with visual im- adult is nonexistent. pairments who are visually impaired them- selves to interdependently and confidentially TECHNOLOGYSOLUTION assess their students. Current technology may offer a solution This technological approach was used in to the issue related to teachers of students the 2015 fall semester in the Visual Disabil- with visual impairments who are visually itiesProgramatFloridaStateUniversitywith impaired themselves conducting essential a preservice teacher of students with visual assessments for this student population. impairmentswhohasextremelylowvision—in Bug-in-ear technology—any means of tele- herpracticumexperiencesservingandassess- communication coaching whereby one or two ing students with visual impairments and ad- peoplecancommunicatewitheachotherusing ditional severe disabilities. During assess- ear-piece devices—has provided successful ments being conducted by the preservice teachertrainingandcoachingineducation(Rig- teacher of students with visual impairments gie,2013;Rocketal.,2014;Scheeler,Congdon, using bug-in-ear technology and video plus & Stansbery, 2010). With this technology, a audio streaming, an onsite observation was supervisingteacherorcoachwouldbeatadis- conducted by the first author along with tancewithintheclassroomoruseawebcamto follow-up interviews regarding the use of this viewtheclassroomfromaremotelocationand technology for completing essential assess- provide one-way guidance to the listener. ments. Institutional review board approval and Similarly,bug-in-eartechnologycanbecom- written informed consent from the participant bined with wireless video and audio transmis- was obtained from the authors’ institution. sion to allow a preservice teacher of students with visual impairments who is visually im- PARTICIPANTANDMATERIALS paired herself to receive information from a The approach of pairing video that is streamed remote assistant. This method would allow live with bug-in-ear technology to assist in the teacher of students with visual impair- practicum experiences was brought about ments to assess students while minimizing through the collaboration between the distraction to the student or others in the authors, the College of Education Informa- classroom. Typically, live audio and video tion Technology Services, Florida State used for coaching purposes is transmitted or University,andthepreserviceteacherofstu- “streamed” via the Internet. Use of the Inter- dents with visual impairments, Corey (pseud- 589 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,November-December2017 onym). The collaboration sought to find a so- probing information, and her assistant could lutionthatwouldimproveCorey’scapacityto then elaborate as needed. conduct essential assessments during her re- Coreywastaughthowtousethetechnology quired practicum. She acquired low vision by the first author during two meetings. The around 2005, at the age of 38, as a result of totalhoursoftrainingwerelessthanthree,and diabetic retinopathy. A surgery in 2006 was this instruction also included a practice session unable to prevent a retinal detachment in her inwhichCoreywasaskedtoreteachanddem- lefteye,renderinghertotallyblindinthateye. onstratetheuseofthetechnologywiththefirst Shecurrentlyhasanunstablevisualacuityof authortoensureshewascompetentinhandling 20/800inherrighteye.Intheyearpriortoour theequipment.Coreywastaskedwithdevelop- investigation,shebecameunabletousevideo ing her own plan for training her assistant re- magnifiers to access print, but she still main- garding the type of visual information she tained some useable bright color vision and wished to receive when observing her student, object detection, which she used to assist her and how she would communicate with her as- orientation and mobility. In the fall of 2015, sistant during practicum sessions. duringCorey’spracticum,herstudentwasan adolescent with low vision and multiple dis- OBSERVATION abilities who was nonverbal and used a Corey’spracticumexperienceslastedfortwo wheelchair for mobility. or more hours each week for 10 weeks be- For bug-in-ear communication, Corey and tween September and November of 2015. herassistanteachworeaMotorolaCLPSeries During that time, she and her assistant used two-way business radio with Bluetooth capac- bug-in-ear technology and video streaming ity. Communication exchanges were relayed consistently to conduct a functional vision through a microphone in the wireless earpiece and learning media assessment; ECC assess- while the sender held down a button on the ment; and to complete the Communication radio.AfreeapplicationcalledLivestreamwas SkillsMatrix(Rowland,2017),anassessment downloadedontoanAppleiPadAir2handheld tool that identifies the status, form, and prog- electronicdeviceprotectedbyanOtterboxDe- ress of early communication to describe a fendercase,whichenabledCorey’sassistantto student’spresentlevelsoffunctioning.Corey view both video and audio in real time as used bug-in-ear technology in the classroom streamed over Bluetooth from a small GoPro during student routines but did not use the Hero 4(cid:2) Black HD (high-definition) camera technology when observing outside play. operated by Corey. Corey and the assistant set Thefirstauthorcompletedoneliveobservation upthecamerapriortoeachassessmentsession ofCoreyusingthetechnology.Duringtheobser- to provide full video coverage of the student. vation,thefirstauthorshadowedCorey’sassistant. Setup options included mounting on a Sony Theobservationoccurredonthefirstdayinwhich VCT-R100 tripod or furniture via various Go- Coreyandherassistanthadaccesstothefullrange Proaccessories(forexample,gooseneckclamps of technology, so setup took longer than antici- or desk clamps) or mounted directly to Corey pated,anditincludedretrainingtheassistanttouse viaaGoProheadorchestmount.Theassistant the Shure headphones, new camera mounts, and would access video and audio from an office newerbug-in-earheadsets.Forapproximately20 separatefromtheclassroom,awayfromCo- minutes, Corey and her assistant collaborated rey and the student. The assistant was pro- whileconductingaUseofSensoryChannelform vided with Shure SE215 headphones for (Koenig&Holbrook,1995),whichisanassess- clearer audio. The bug-in-ear technology al- menttoolusedtodeducetheprimaryandsecond- lowed Corey to ask her assistant for further ary auditory, visual, and tactual behaviors of a 590 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,November-December2017 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved student. The assistant was positioned in an adja- enue to use video streaming and bug-in-ear centofficeandstorageroomconnectingtwoclass- technology during outdoor conditions. rooms,whileCoreywassittingwithherstudentin the student’s classroom. During this activity, the INTERVIEW GoProwasmountedonatripodtoprovideawider Two informal, open-ended interviews were angle of coverage because the observation was conducted. In-person interviews were com- occurringduringastationarymealtimeroutine. pleted separately with Corey and with her There was an approximately one-second assistant. The purpose was to discuss the delay between video and audio coverage of practicality of and users’ preferences for this what was occurring within the classroom. technology and to discuss its potential value Video image quality allowed the assistant to for other educators with visual impairments. capture minute details of Corey’s and her Coreypraisedthistechnologyasavaluable student’s interactions. Using bug-in-ear tech- tool, which she felt increased her indepen- nology, the assistant described to Corey, in dence with assessment because she was able real time, all student behaviors and environ- togetmorereal-timevisualinformationwhile mental events that could only be perceived not distracting the student or having to divert visually.Coreyverballydirectedtheassistant herattentionfromthestudentshewasassess- infrequently to classify and catalogue obser- ing. She said, “I know I have my limitations, vations by whispering into the microphone buthavingthistechnologyhelpsmetodomy that was close to her mouth. Later Corey job.It’slessdistracting[forme,]andkidsare transferredhernotes,whichwererecordedon less likely to get distracted [when I use this a computer word processor by her assistant, technology].” Her assistant noted that com- onto the Use of Sensory Channel form. munication was clear and suggested that in During this brief observational period, the some situations the GoPro could be strapped student was calm and alert during and after totheteacher,whichwouldhelptheassistant the mealtime activity as he interacted with to share the teacher’s frame of reference and Corey. During the observation, only one stu- possibly improve her ability to provide de- dent who peered through the office window tailed information about student behavior. appearedtonoticeCorey’sassistant.Thebug- Both Corey and her assistant believed this in-ear and GoPro technology was unmoved technologywashelpfulandnonintrusive,and andapparentlyunnoticedbyeitherthestudent that it offered a pragmatic approach to assist being assessed or his classmates, and regular educators with visual impairments. daily routines were implemented without ad- ditional distraction. CONCLUSION To provide a comprehensive functional vi- Forthisproject,weidentifiedatechnological sion and learning media assessment, teachers approach to support a preservice teacher of of students with visual impairments must ob- visually impaired students with extremely serve students in a variety of settings indoors low vision to conduct essential assessments and outdoors with different lighting condi- for a learner with multiple disabilities and tions. The first author was unable to observe visual impairment with limited distraction to the technology used during naturally lit out- the child and classroom. The selected tech- door conditions on the day of observation; nologywaspurchasedwithfundsprovidedby however, given the various body mounts that a departmental grant, but it would be rela- can be used with a GoPro camera and the tivelyaffordabletoanindividuallivingonthe short distance range available over a secure average salary of a teacher working in the Bluetoothconnection,therestillexistsanav- United States. In addition, as the demand for 591 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,November-December2017 streaming sports cameras and tablets rises, (2003). Strategies used by visually im- basiceconomicsindicatethatthecostofsuch paired teachers of students with visual im- items should continue to be reduced. Experi- pairmentstomanagethevisualdemandsof mental research is needed to address whether their professional role. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 97(3), 157–168. the technology described in this paper can be Mendez, C. (2014). Life lessons from a tree. usedtodecreasedistractionsandincreasethe NFB:Braillemonitor.Retrievedfromhttps:// qualityofassessmentscompletedbyteachers of students with visual impairments who are bm1404/bm140409.htm visuallyimpairedthemselves.Withthesefac- Randall,K.(2005).Uncommonvision:Blind tors in mind, bug-in-ear technology with live student focuses on her goal to become an audio and video transmission could be consid- elementary school teacher. University of ered as a possible accommodation for teachers Texas at Austin Features. Retrieved from of students with visual impairments who are visually impaired themselves or other types of index.html teachers who are visually impaired. Concur- Riggie,J.L.(2013).Supportingearlychildhood educators’ use of embedded communication rently, other uses of live-streaming video and strategies by providing feedback via bug-in- bug-in-ear communication could prove benefi- ear technology (doctoral dissertation). Flor- cialforotherpreserviceorprofessionalteachers ida State University, Tallahassee. with visual impairments who may need assis- Rock, M. L., Schumacker, R. E., Gregg, M., tance in working with learners with or without Howard, P. W., Gable, R. A., & Zigmond, visual impairments and with or without addi- N.(2014).Howaretheynow?Longer-term tional disabilities for assessment, classroom effects of eCoaching through online bug- management, or academic instruction. For ex- in-ear technology. Teacher Education and ample, live-streaming and bug-in-ear technol- Special Education, 37(2), 161–181. doi: ogycouldbeusedtoassistteacherswithvisual 10.1177/0888406414525048 impairments to notice any type of student be- Rowland,C.(2017).Onlinecommunication havior typically observed visually, such as ste- matrix (website). Portland, OR: Oregon reotypiesorotherchallengingbehaviorsorcane Health & Science University, Design to Learn Projects. Retrieved from http:// technique,allowingteacherswithvisualimpair- ments to provide immediate feedback or rein- Scheeler, M. C., Congdon, M., & Stansbery, forcement to their students. S.(2010).Providingimmediatefeedbackto REFERENCES co-teachersthroughbug-in-eartechnology: American Association of Blind Teachers. An effective method of peer coaching in (n.d.). The challenges of teaching young inclusion classrooms. Teacher Education children in special education (anonymous and Special Education, 33(1), 83–96. doi: interview). Retrieved from http://www. 10.1177/0888406409357013 Smith, M., & Levack, N. (1996). Teaching stu- House, R. L. (2015). Surviving the sixth-grade dentswithvisualandmultipleimpairments:A challenge.NFB:Theblindeducator.Retrieved resourceguide(2ndEd.).Austin,TX:TSBVI. from Koenig, A. J., & Holbrook, M. C. (1995). Learning media assessment of students JonathanM.Lima,M.S.,TVI,COMS,orientation and mobility specialist, Tennessee School for the with visual impairment: A resource guide Blind, 115 Stewarts Ferry Pike, Nashville, TN for teachers (2nd Ed.). Austin, TX: Texas 37214; e-mail: [email protected]. Sarah School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. E.Ivy,Ph.D.,assistantprofessor,FloridaStateUni- Lewis,S.,Corn,A.,Erin,J.,&Holbrook,M. versity,Tallahassee,FL;e-mail:[email protected]. 592 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,November-December2017 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved