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Preview ERIC EJ1161691: Frequency of First-Year Student Interactions with Advisors

Frequency of First-Year Student Interactions With Advisors Kevin Fosnacht, Indiana University Bloomington Alexander C. McCormick, Indiana University Bloomington Jennifer N. Nailos, Indiana University Bloomington Amy K. Ribera, Indiana University Bloomington Although acknowledged that academic advising retention and satisfaction (e.g., Christian & Sprin- helps students adjust to and deal with the kle, 2013; Kuh, 2008), little is known about the challenges of college, little is known about frequency with which students take advantage of students’ frequency of interactions with advisors. this valuable resource and the way the institutional Using data from 52,546 full-time, first-year setting determines the timing of student interac- students at 209 diverse institutions, we examined tions with advisors. We explored these questions the frequency with which students met with by examining the relationship between first-year academic advisors and the way these interactions students’demographic and academic characteristics vary by student and institutional characteristics. and the number of times they met with advisors We found that the typical first-year student met within the first year. We sought to determine with an advisor 1 to 3 times during his or her first whether these patterns vary by institutional char- college year; however, the number of meetings acteristics. We use the findings to inform the wider varied across student subpopulations and insti- discussion of academic advising and college tutional types. student support. [doi:10.12930/NACADA-15-048] Literature Review KEY WORDS: academic advising, first-year Academic advising evolved as a formal job students, institutional differences, student engage- category in the late 20th century as the result of the ment massification of higher education and the shift of faculty responsibilities from holistic student devel- The most complex in the world, the American opment toward a more exclusive focus on teaching education system comprises colleges and universi- and research (Hemwall, 2008; Self, 2008). Helping ties diversified by type, degree offerings (Lucas, students navigate requirements and opportunities, 1994), and social and economic backgrounds of academic advisors serve an important role in students (McCormick, 2011). As a result of the undergraduate education (NACADA: The Global expanded postsecondary sector, the campus envi- Community for Academic Advising [NACADA], ronment can pose significant social, physical, and 2014). In the 1980s, academic advising was bureaucratic obstacles for incoming students (St. recognized as a distinct role on campus, and CAS John, Hu, & Fisher, 2011). Students often require established specific responsibilities and guidelines guidance from others to navigate the campus, reach for advisors (Cook, 2009). Responsibilities include academic goals, and pursue educational or career assisting students with orientation, course selec- ambitions. White and Schulenberg (2012) argued tion, degree planning, personal development, that academic advisors hold a strategic position for career decisions, and resource access, among facilitating the connection between students’ aca- others (Ender et al., 1982; Gordon, 1992). demic choices and the larger purpose of their Academic advisors may be the ‘‘only individual educational goals. Advisors often guide students the students are obligated to visit three or four through a host of important educational decisions, times each academic year’’ (Ender et al., 1982, p. including those related to course selection, degree 6). planning, personal development, and careers Students benefit from advisors who can share (Council for the Advancement of Standards in knowledge, resources, and support across the Higher Education [CAS], 2014; Ender, Winston, & campus (Self, 2008). Studies of academic advising Miller, 1982). have found that organizational models vary across Despite the importance of academic advising on institutions (Habley, 1988; Lynch & Stucky, 2000). college campuses and the growing body of In a critical study conducted during the early literature showing positive effects of advising on period of modern advising, Habley (1988) found 74 NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 Frequency of Student–Advisor Interactions differences in advising caseloads by institutional individual student experiences, including in-class, type, with advisors at public institutions handling out-of-class, and cocurricular experiences, within nearly twice as many advisees as those in private the peer environment. In addition, it reveals the colleges. ways these environmental factors influence each Because of the relationship between advising other. and student success, students are encouraged to Formal advising interactions, the focus of this meet with their advisors frequently (e.g., Barbuto, study, compose part of an institution’s organization Story, Fritz, & Schinstock, 2011; Winston, Miller, context. Advising is presumed to have value Ender, & Grites, 1984). The exact ways in which because it helps students persist, informs students academic advising influences student persistence of and facilitates access to valuable educational remain unclear despite the research that shows both opportunities, such as internships, that promote direct and indirect effects of advising on student student learning and development, and helps persistence decisions (Kot, 2014; Metzner, 1989; students make informed decisions while in college. Pascarella & Terenzini, 2005; Swecker, Fifolt, & However, students vary in their need for advising Searby, 2013). Academic advising has also been (Conley, 2008; Kirst & Bracco, 2004; McDo- associated with students’ satisfaction, career aspi- nough, 1997). For example, students with a rations, perceptions of a supportive environment, college-educated parent may benefit from parental and campus navigation (Cuseo, n.d.; Drake, 2011; advice about navigating the undergraduate experi- Habley, 1981; National Survey of Student Engage- ence that first-generation students may not receive ment [NSSE], 2014; Smith & Allen, 2014; (St. John et al., 2011). In addition, some Swecker et al., 2013; Trombley & Holmes, 1981; institutions dedicate significant advising resources Winston et al., 1984). Institutional policies can to specific student populations; for example, improve outcomes because some practices, such as special advisors may help ensure that football team proactive or intrusive advising, encourage student members continue to meet NCAA (National contact with advisors (Schwebel, Walburn, Jacob- Collegiate Athletic Association) academic eligibil- sen, Jerrolds, & Klyce, 2008; Schwebel, Walburn, ity requirements (James & Martin, 2012). In Klyce, & Jerrolds, 2012). Despite institutional another case, to retain a diverse student body, efforts, students’ perceptions of advising roles and advisors with special training or lighter caseloads satisfaction with the advising experience vary may be partnered with historically underrepresent- (Christian & Sprinkle, 2013; Kuh, 2008). Students ed students (Lancaster, Smith, & Boyer, 2011). desire accurate information, guidance, and support These examples demonstrate the influence of from their advisors (Allen & Smith, 2008), and the student characteristics prior to college entry, changing composition of the student body chal- institutional practices, separately and in combina- lenges practitioners to tailor advising to meet tion, on the frequency of student interactions with student needs and interests (Cook, 2009; Kennedy advisors. The peer environment may also affect the & Ishler, 2008). student-advisor relationship. The institutional cul- ture may promote students advising one another, Conceptual Framework which might reduce the need for students to We were guided by Terenzini and Reason’s interact with a faculty or primary-role advisor. In (2005) model of college influences on student other situations, students with positive formal learning and persistence, an extension of Astin’s advising experiences may encourage their peers (1993) inputs-environment-outcomes (I-E-O) mod- to meet with an advisor. el that incorporates recent research on the impact of college environments on student outcomes. Study Purpose Terenzini and Reason’s framework retains the input Despite the acknowledged importance of aca- and outcome portions of Astin’s model. However, it demic advising, the literature on advising shows more explicitly identifies the ways college envi- little on the question of the frequency with which ronments influence student outcomes by catego- students meet with advisors and the way student rizing the college experience into two portions: the and institution characteristics contribute to this organizational context and peer environment. The number. The literature that addressed these ques- organizational context includes policies and prac- tions dates from the 1980s and does not represent tices of institutions and specific academic pro- the diverse college student body of today (Habley, grams, cocurricular activities, and faculty culture. 1988) nor does it explain the effect of online Specifically Terenzini and Reason’s model situates advising on organizational delivery of advising. NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 75 Fosnacht et al. Table 1. Sample characteristics compared to U.S. ing undergraduates’ participation in educationally bachelor’s degree–granting student pop- beneficial activities. Because we focused on ulation (%) academic advising during the first year of college, we limited our data set to first-year respondents at United institutions that administered the NSSE, including Characteristic Sample States the optional academic advising module. We Gender excluded students attending special-focus institu- Female 53 55 tions, such as seminaries and art schools, and Male 47 45 part-time students, because we lacked data on Race/ethnicity part-time students’ credit loads. After accounting Asian/Pacific Islander 4 6 for these exclusions, our final data set contained Black 9 12 information on 52,546 full-time, first-year stu- Hispanic/Latino 10 13 dents who attended 209 U.S. bachelor’s degree– White 66 57 granting institutions. International 5 4 Table 1 shows the characteristics of the sample Other race 5 8 and the national population of degree-seeking, Control first-time undergraduates in the fall of 2012 Public 76 65 (NSSE was administered the following spring). Private 24 35 Slightly more than one half of the respondents Carnegie classification (aggregated) were female, which roughly paralleled the Doctoral 48 48 national population. Two of 3 students were Master’s 42 38 White, and Asian/Pacific Islander, African Amer- Bachelor’s 10 15 ican, Hispanic/Latino, and international students Note. U.S. data from the Integrated Postsecondary comprised 4, 9, 10, and 5% of the sample, Education Data System (n.d.) Fall 2012 respectively, and the other students were Amer- sample (authors’ calculations). Sample was ican Indian or Alaska Native, multiracial, or of weighted by sex and institution size. U.S. other (unspecified) racial and ethnic back- column includes degree-seeking, grounds. White students were overrepresented in undergraduate, first-time students enrolled our sample. Approximately 3 of 4 students in the at institutions with a Basic 2010 Carnegie sample attended public institutions, which is a Classification (The Carnegie Foundation higher ratio than the national population. In for Higher Education, n.d.) in one of the addition, according to NSSE, students attending eight primary bachelor’s degree–granting institutions that grant master’s degrees were classifications. Race/ethnicity categories overrepresented in our sample. reflect federal reporting requirements. The outcome measure of our study was based Percentages may not sum to 100 due to on the number of times students reported meeting rounding. with an academic advisor during the school year ‘‘to discuss [their] academic interests, course selections, or academic performance.’’ Response To add to and update the empirical literature on options included exact enumerations from 0 to 5, advising, we exploited data recently collected from plus a final option of ‘‘6 or more’’ (coded as 6). a large multi-institutional survey of undergradu- Student-level covariates included a number of ates. We focused on first-year students, who need student and academic characteristics. We also advising as part of their transition to college. This used data on the following institutional charac- study represents part of a larger effort to investigate teristics: Basic 2010 Carnegie Classification (The the way advising shapes college experiences and Carnegie Foundation for Higher Education, n.d.), outcomes for current undergraduates. selectivity, control, undergraduate enrollment, and expenditures per each full-time equivalent Methods (FTE) student for student services. These variable Data choices were informed by Terenzini and Reason’s We utilized data from the 2013 administration (2005) modified I-E-O model to represent of the National Survey of Student Engagement students’ characteristics upon college entry, the (NSSE). NSSE is a comprehensive multi-institu- organizational environment of the institution, and tional survey examining bachelor’s-degree-seek- individual experiences. 76 NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 Frequency of Student–Advisor Interactions We used multiple imputation by chained We used robust standard errors to account for the equations (MICE) to impute missing data. Allison clustered nature of the data and further adjusted (2001) pointed to multiple imputation as the them to account for the uncertainty of the preferred way to handle missing data, and MICE imputation (Rubin, 1987). In addition, using z outperforms other imputation methods (van tests, we compared the coefficients from the final Buuren, 2007; Yu, Burton, & Rivero-Arias, model to an unimputed model with the same 2007). Because the outcome measure appeared covariates, and only one estimate (Barron’s near the end of a comprehensive survey, and selectivity rating of highly competitive) was approximately 20% of the respondents did not found to significantly differ (p , .05). Because address our dependent variable, we found imput- only 1 of the 52 coefficient estimates was ed data important to our study. We used 20 significantly different and this variable was not imputations to minimize the loss of statistical imputed, we concluded that any difference power (Graham, Olchowski, & Gilreath, 2007) between the imputed and unimputed model was but keep the computation time reasonable. most likely due to chance. Continuous variables were imputed using predic- tive mean matching, while binary, ordinal, Limitations multinomial, and count variables were imputed While the data were relatively unique for using the appropriate form of logistic or Poisson enabling the investigation of advising practices at regression. a large and diverse group of institutions, the sampled institutions had administered NSSE and Analyses the academic advising module, indicating that the We first examined the mean and distribution of administrators at these institutions took affirma- advisor meeting frequency during the first year. tive steps to assess advising practices. Therefore, Because the dependent variable was a count, we the sampled colleges may not be representative of checked the assumptions of the Poisson regres- all bachelor’s degree–granting institutions. sion model to assess whether the Poisson or Also the data on the frequency of advising another count model would be more appropriate interactions were self-reported by students and (Gardner, Mulvey, & Shaw, 1995). Next, we subject to recall bias. The NSSE was adminis- investigated the bivariate relationships between tered during the spring, and we sent reminder e- the number of advisor meetings and a variety of mails to nonrespondents and those who had student and institutional characteristics by re- partially completed the survey encouraging them gressing the number of meetings on each to finish the survey. Therefore, respondents characteristic separately. Finally, we estimated a completed the survey at different time points, series of regression models that controlled for and their input may not capture advising meetings various combinations of student and institutional appointed at the end of the first academic year, characteristics. The first model only featured when advisors often address course planning for student characteristics. The second model also the fall term. In addition, the wording of included all institutional characteristics except for questions may not allow respondents to explain institutional control, and for the final model, we fully the advising interactions via phone, e-mail, added institutional control. The order of the or web-based systems. models highlights the relationships between Although we used the best possible method- institutional control, student service expenditures, ological practices to handle missing cases and and advising interactions. We converted regres- compared the results to an unimputed model, the sion coefficients into incident rate ratios (IRR), missing information on number of advising which are analogous to odds ratios in logistic meetings might correlate with survey nonre- regression and represent the expected multiplica- sponse, placing the results in question. As the tive change in the predicted number of advising survey was administered to students, no informa- meetings associated with a unit increase in the tion about the organization of advising at the independent variable. That is, an IRR of .90 institutions was included, so we could not corresponds to a 10% reduction in the number of examine the way advising delivery might influ- meetings, while an IRR of 1.10 corresponds to a ence meeting frequency. Finally, although we 10% increase. focused on the frequency of advising interactions, We weighted all analyses by gender and we did not investigate the quality or duration of institution size to correct for nonresponse bias. those encounters. For example, an hour-long NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 77 Fosnacht et al. Figure 1. Distribution of full-time, first-year students by number of meetings with an academic advisor meeting between an advisor and student could be often than White students. Compared to students in more substantive and impactful than four 15- the social sciences, arts and humanities as well as minute meetings. biological sciences majors met with advisors more often, and business majors did so less often than Results social science majors. Students with a parent who On average, full-time, first-year students met had earned a doctoral or professional degree (e.g., with an advisor twice during the school year. PhD, MD, JD) met with advisors more frequently According to our findings, 3 of 4 students met than their peers whose parents’ highest earned from 1 to 3 times with advisors (Figure 1). degree was at the baccalaureate level. Students Approximately 1 in 10 students never met with expecting to earn only a bachelor’s degree met with an advisor. advisors less often than students who expected to We next determined the count model most complete a graduate degree or not complete their appropriate for the data. In checking the data degree program to graduation. Students who against the assumptions of the general Poisson primarily received Bs met with advisors slightly linear model, we observed that the outcome did not less often than those who had primarily earned As. feature excessive zeros and that, with a mean and The amount of time spent studying was positively variance of 2.29 and 2.27, respectively, the counts correlated with frequency of advisor meetings. were not overdispersed. We decided to use a Students 23 years or older met less often with general linear model with a Poisson distribution for advisors than those younger than 20 years. In an the analyses. A goodness-of-fit test for the final interesting finding, no significant bivariate rela- model also indicated that this distribution was tionship was found between prior preparation (as appropriate for analyzing the data. measured by SAT score) and the frequency of Table 2 presents the bivariate and multivariate advisor meetings. findings. The first column displays bivariate Our study revealed several institutional charac- associations for the student and institutional teristics associated with the number of advising characteristics examined. Student-athletes met with meetings. Students attending baccalaureate colleg- an advisor approximately 15% more often than es met with an advisor more often than students at nonathletes. In a similar dichotomy, on-campus doctoral institutions. Advising meetings were held students met with an advisor approximately 9% more frequently at the nation’s most selective more frequently than students living off campus. institutions (highly or most competitive). We found Black and international students met advisors more the largest bivariate relationship between 78 NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 Frequency of Student–Advisor Interactions baccalaureate arts and sciences colleges, for which factors were held constant, students 23 years or data showed a 25% greater number of student- older met less often with an advisor than students advising meetings, and doctoral institutions (Table less than 20 years old. In addition, when other 2). On average, students attending institutions with factors were controlled, SAT score showed a fewer than 5,000 undergraduates met with advisors modest negative relationship with the number of more often than their peers at larger institutions. advisor interactions: A 100-point increase in score Student services spending per FTE student was was associated with an estimated 2% reduction in positively related to frequency of advising meet- the number of advisor-advisee meetings. ings, with a 6% greater number of advising In contrast with the findings for student meetings for every $1,000 spent per FTE student. characteristics, nearly all significant bivariate In addition, students at private institutions met with relationships with institutional characteristics did advisors about 19% more often than their peers at not persist in the multivariate models. According to public institutions. Model 2, in which all institutional characteristics Table 2 displays results for the three regression were included, other than control, only a positive models. Model 1 featured only parameters for relationship with service spending per FTE student student characteristics; Model 2 featured student was found. Each $1,000 dollar increase in characteristics and included institutional character- spending was associated with a 3% increase in istics other than control; and Model 3 featured the the number of advising meetings. However, when same information as Models 1 and 2 as well as the the institutional control variable (public vs. private) institutional control variable. Model 3, which was included, in Model 3, this relationship proved included all parameters, showed that when other nonsignificant. According to Model 3, students factors were held constant, many of the bivariate attending private institutions met advisors approx- relationships associated with student characteristics imately 13% more often than their peers at public remained intact, but the magnitude of the relation- institutions (when all other characteristics were ships changed. For example, Model 3 revealed that, held constant). with the other characteristics held constant, student-athletes and on-campus residents met Discussion 8 and 5% more often with an advisor, respectively. The diversity and complexity of the U.S. higher When factors other than race were held constant, education system necessitates that students receive the data suggested that Asian, Black, and interna- advice from informed persons before and after tional students met with advisors more frequently matriculating into college. Students must navigate than White students. Students majoring in the arts an environment that contains substantially different and humanities, biological sciences, and education, requirements, both between and within institutions, as well as undecided students, met more often with that can change over time. In a complex and advisors than did social science majors according unfamiliar environment, advice from peers or to findings when the other student and institutional family members offers insufficient or incorrect characteristics were held constant. Students with a information. Academic advisors help connect parent who holds a doctoral or professional degree students to campus resources that can enrich their met with an advisor 3% more frequently than educational experiences or assist them in overcom- students with a parent holding a bachelor’s degree. ing problems. In addition, advisors can help Students who expected to terminate their college students understand the connections between their experience with a bachelor’s degree were the least educational activities and their long-term goals. likely to meet with an advisor, and students who Because of these important functions, academic did not expect to earn a bachelor’s and who advising has been linked to student satisfaction, intended to pursue an advanced degree met more persistence, and other desirable outcomes (e.g., frequently with an advisor according to the data Barbuto et al., 2011; Winston et al., 1984). when the other characteristics were held constant. Although interactions with advisors are recognized The frequency of interactions with an advisor also as beneficial to undergraduates, little research has varied with students’ grades: Students earning Bs been conducted about the frequency of these reportedly met with advisors less frequently than interactions and the way the number of contacts students earning As or Cs (or lower) grades. The may relate to student and institutional characteris- amount of time spent studying was positively tics. Using data from over 50,000 first-year correlated with the frequency of advisor meetings. students attending 209 institutions, we examined The model demonstrated that, when all other the number of time students met with an advisor NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 79 Fosnacht et al. Table 2. Poisson regression estimates of the number of meetings with an advisor (N ¼ 52,546) Bivariate Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Characteristic IRR IRR IRR IRR Male .99 1.00 1.00 1.00 Student athlete 1.15*** 1.14*** 1.09*** 1.08*** On campus 1.09*** 1.08*** 1.06*** 1.05*** All courses online .91 1.01 .95 .92 Race/ethnicity (Reference ¼ White) Native American 1.00 1.01 1.00 1.01 Asian/Pacific Islander 1.05 1.06* 1.06* 1.05* Black 1.10*** 1.09*** 1.08*** 1.08*** Hispanic/Latino 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 International 1.11*** 1.12*** 1.10*** 1.09*** Multiracial 1.00 .99 .99 .99 Other 1.05 1.06 1.05 1.04 Major field (Reference ¼ social sciences) Arts & humanities 1.05* 1.07*** 1.08*** 1.07*** Biological sciences 1.05** 1.03 1.03 1.03* Physical sciences 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.02 Business .96* .98 .99 .99 Communications .97 1.01 1.02 1.01 Education 1.02 1.04* 1.06** 1.06** Engineering .97 .99 1.00 1.01 Health professions .98 .98 1.00 1.00 Social service professions .96 .99 1.00 1.01 Other major .97 1.02 1.02 1.02 Undecided 1.01 1.05* 1.05* 1.06* Parental Education (Reference ¼ bachelor’s) Less than high school 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.04 High school 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.01 Associate’s/Some college .98 .99 .99 .99 Master’s 1.02 1.00 1.00 1.00 Doctoral/professional 1.07*** 1.05** 1.03* 1.03* Educational Expectations (Reference ¼ bachelor’s) Some college 1.06* 1.06* 1.05* 1.05* Master’s 1.07*** 1.06*** 1.06*** 1.06*** Doctoral/professional 1.13*** 1.10*** 1.10*** 1.09*** Grades (Reference ¼ mostly As) Mostly Bs .98* .99 .98* .98* Mostly Cs or lower 1.02 1.04* 1.03 1.03* Study time (Reference ¼ 10–20 hours/week) Less than 10 hours/week .92*** .92*** .93*** .93*** More than 20 hours/week 1.06*** 1.06*** 1.05*** 1.05*** Age (Reference ¼ under 20 years) 20–23 .97 .98 .98 .98 Over 23 .90* .93* .93* .92* SAT score (100s) 1.00 .99* .98*** .98*** 2010 Basic Carnegie Classification (Reference ¼ doctorate granting)a Master’s granting 1.01 — 1.00 1.01 Baccalaureate—Arts & Sciences 1.25*** — 1.06 1.08 Baccalaureate—Diverse fields 1.10* — 1.06 1.05 80 NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 Frequency of Student–Advisor Interactions Table 2. Poisson regression estimates of the number of meetings with an advisor (N ¼ 52,546) (cont.) Bivariate Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Characteristic IRR IRR IRR IRR Barron’s selectivity (Reference ¼ competitive)b Other .93 — .89 .89 Noncompetitive .92 — .98 .97 Less competitive .98 — .98 .99 Very competitive 1.06 — 1.07 1.05 Highly/most competitive 1.12*** — 1.08 1.07 Undergraduate enrollment (Reference ¼ 1–4,999) 5,000–9,999 .87*** — .95 .99 10,000–14,999 .88*** — .96 1.00 15,000–24,999 .86*** — .96 1.02 25,000–46,000 .88*** — .95 1.01 Student service exp./FTE ($1,000s) 1.06*** — 1.03** 1.01 Private 1.19*** — — 1.13** Constant — 2.27*** 2.45*** 2.42*** Note. IRR ¼ incidence rate ratio. Standard errors adjusted to account for the clustered nature of the data set. Bivariate associations for categorical variables included all other contrasts in the same category. Race/ethnicity categories reflect federal reporting requirements. All results weighted by sex and institution size. aThe Carnegie Foundation for Higher Education (n.d.) bBarron’s Educational Series (2012) *p , .05. **p , .01. ***p , .001. and the correlates of these interactions. We found institutions on student services, over that of public that the typical full-time, first-year student met colleges and universities, accounts for the primary with an advisor 1 to 3 times per school year, and difference in advising interactions across institu- nearly 10% never met with an advisor. tion types. A number of student background and academic A number of possible explanations may account characteristics were related to the frequency of for this finding. Students at private institutions may advisor meetings, but after controlling for student demand or seek out personalized services, such as characteristics, we found almost no differences in advising, because they feel compelled to find the frequency of advising interactions by institu- success or shorten their time to degree and avoid tional characteristics. The exception was institu- accruing the higher costs of tuition. Perhaps tional control: When student and other institutional students at private institutions assess their advising characteristics were held constant, we found that experiences more positively and thus seek them students who attended private institutions reported more often. an average of 13% more interactions with an Private institutions may differ from their public advisor than their peers at public colleges and counterparts in the types of student services universities. Bivariate relationships between insti- financed, and these differences may increase the tutional Carnegie classification, size, and selectiv- frequency with which students consult with ity showed no significance in the multivariate advisors. In an alternative explanation, private analysis, and a positive relationship between colleges and universities may apply higher fees to student services expenditures and the number of provide extensive advising services that differenti- advising meetings observed in Model 2 were ate them from their less costly public competitors. nonsignificant in Model 3, to which private and In contrast, public institutions may rely heavily on public status characteristics were added. Private technology-based advising systems because of control was the only institutional characteristic their large economies of scale, which reduces the shown significant in the final model, and it also need for in-person meetings. Private institutions showed the largest effect. In combination, these may enforce policy on the basis of mandatory (or results suggest that the greater spending by private highly encouraged) student meetings with advisors NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 81 Fosnacht et al. during the first year; for example, students at findings comport with previous research demon- private colleges and universities may need to meet strating that proactive advising practices can with an advisor as a condition of registration. promote greater student interaction with an advisor Because of various possible explanations for (Schwebel et al., 2008, 2012). private-student access to advising, we examined Two findings suggest a bimodal relationship whether students’ ratings of the quality of their between the frequency of advisor meetings and interactions with advisors varied by institutional academic performance. Students expecting to earn control. Students attending private institutions a bachelor’s degree reported less frequent interac- rated the quality of these interactions approximate- tions, on average, than their peers seeking an ly .20 standard deviation units higher than their advanced degree. In another finding, when SAT peers at public institutions. This finding suggests scores and other characteristics were held constant, that students at private institutions are more students who obtained mostly B grades had fewer satisfied with their advisors and that quality of advising interactions during their first college year advising may be one way that private institutions than those who earned mostly As, while those who differentiate the experience they offer from those of had mostly Cs (or lower) grades had more public colleges and universities. interactions than those with mostly As. These Although the data do not reveal the status of results suggest that students who are either advisors as faculty members or professional struggling or achieving at a high level meet with advisors, previous research (Habley, 1988; Lynch advisors more often than the student considered in & Stucky, 2000; Self, 2013) suggested that good academic standing. Although the data do not students at many private institutions are advised reveal the motivations for students to meet with an by faculty members rather than professional advisor, these populations likely had quite different advisors. If the previous research accurately reasons for meeting with advisors. Some first-year reflects the situation, our findings may challenge students expecting to terminate college with a assumptions about the professional academic- bachelor’s degree and who achieve mostly Bs, may advisor model, faculty members’ willingness to comprise the so-called murky middle, who tend to commit time to advising, and their ability to deliver persist through their first-year, but may drop out in effective advice (Selingo, 2014). their second year (or later) (Education Advisory In contrast to our findings for institutional Board, 2014). characteristics, we found that advising interactions varied by student characteristics. Student-athletes, Implications for Research on average, experienced 8% more interactions with This study offers a baseline for understanding an advisor than their nonathlete peers (after other the frequency of student–advisor meetings and factors were held constant). Specialized or proac- highlights several important avenues for future tive advising practices implemented for student- research. The data for the current study did not athletes may explain this finding. To ensure permit analysis on either the reasons for advising compliance with NCAA academic requirements, meetings or the organization of advising at the athletic advising programs encourage student- institutional level, and both types of information athletes’ frequent interactions with advisors re- would help advance the understanding of the data gardless of specific academic need. Likewise, we present. Knowing more about the purpose of outreach programs may explain the reason the advising meetings would illuminate the differ- average frequency for international students’ ences between student characteristics, especially meetings with an advisor was 9% greater than that the apparently bimodal relationship related to of domestic White students (after other factors students’ academic performance. It could also were controlled). Advisors who work with inter- help advance understanding of the mechanism of national students, particularly students in their first proactive advising for helping students to over- year, may proactively encourage students to meet come academic difficulty. with them to monitor their transition into the Evaluations of these data conducted with United States. International students must also knowledge on an institutional organization of meet the requirements of the federal Student and advising might explain differences in the advising Exchange Visitor Information System and may relationships of faculty members and professional need to interact with an advisor to maintain their advisors with students. Furthermore, such assess- visa status or obtain permission to change their ment may help clarify the appropriate caseload courses or work situations. In combination, these for a faculty or professional advisor and situations 82 NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 Frequency of Student–Advisor Interactions in which the benefits of technology offset the the basis of a nationally representative sample of demands of face-to-face meetings. In addition, the institutions may yield interesting results. We impact of special advising programs on identified examined only bachelor’s degree–granting insti- populations, such as student-athletes, may also be tutions, and an important extension into the role revealed. Perhaps most important, additional of advising at community colleges might show research on advising organization may explain distinct patterns that would help advisors at both the practices that distinguish advising at private types of institutions. As a cross-sectional study, institutions. our research does not presume a causal relation- We did not take into account students’ ship between frequency of advising meetings and subjective judgments of the quality and value of student behavior and outcomes. For example, we the advice received from an advisor. Incorporat- found a positive relationship between the amount ing such information would offer important of time students devote to class preparation and nuance to the understanding of students’ choices the number of advising meetings, but these data with regard to advising. For example, some do not reveal whether this relationship reflects the students may elect not to meet with an advisor behavior of motivated, diligent students or the after an unsatisfactory experience, and such a result of interactions with advisors. A longitudi- rational response might inform future practice. nal or experimental design could fruitfully inform Research on extreme cases may prove valu- a variety of questions related to the efficacy and able. For example, 1 in 10 full-time, first-year impact of advising. students (9%) report never meeting with an advisor, and 4 in 10 (24%) did so only once. Implications for Practice Previous analyses of NSSE data indicate that The findings of this study offer implications older, commuting, and part-time students were for practice. Administrators and other advising overrepresented among students who never or facilitators can use the results to identify student only once met with an advisor (NSSE, 2014). To populations who may be less inclined or able to what extent does this pattern represent scheduling take full advantage of academic advising and constraints that limit opportunities to consult with tailor programs to meet their needs. For example, an advisor and what choices were based on the bimodal pattern, whereby students who students’ judgments about the relevance and neither struggle nor excel, interact less often with value of advising for their circumstances? Did advisors, raises questions about whether the students who met infrequently with advisors needs of the murky middle are being adequately realize different academic outcomes than other- met. wise similar students who met more often with Our study suggests that the assertion by Ender advisors? Our results also suggest that certain et al. (1982) that first-year students ‘‘are obligated students may represent a large portion of the to visit [an advisor] three or four times each murky middle students, who persist through their academic year’’ (p. 6) no longer reflects realities first college year, but drop out later (Education at most institutions. If periodic advising meetings Advisory Board, 2014). Would proactive advising are important to student success, then these or other outreach initiatives increase the likeli- results suggest the need for more systematic hood that murky middle students would persist tracking of advising relationships. This important and graduate? information coincides with the changing nature of At the other extreme, nearly 1 in 5 (20%) first- advising in that many students meet with advisors year students met at least 4 times with an advisor, through both in-person and online interactions. In including approximately 1 in 10 (9%) who had addition, the tendency of older and commuter met 5 or more times with their advisors. Who are students to meet less often with advisors (see the hyper-advised and what are their reasons for NSSE, 2014) suggests the need to examine the the advising meetings? Is this group comprised extent that advising arrangements meet the needs primarily of low and high achievers? of these populations. Some research implications involve research design. Although our study involved a large and Conclusion diverse institutional sample of 209 colleges and Academic advising plays an important role in universities, these institutions self-selected by student success by facilitating students’ transition administering the NSSE including the advising to college and ensuring that they are well module. A comparison with research designed on acquainted with course offerings, degree NACADA Journal Volume 37(1) 2017 83

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