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Preview ERIC EJ1160267: Effectiveness of LifeRAFT Undergraduate Helping Skills Training Model

Effectiveness of LifeRAFT undergraduate helping skills training model Elizabeth L. Campbell, Kenzie Davidson & Spencer M. Davidson LifeRAFT, a helping skills training model for undergraduate paraprofessionals, addresses training needs for applied psychology skills for undergraduate psychology majors. LifeRAFT draws from three empirically supported psychotherapy treatments to introduce counselling theory and encourage helping skill progression. Trainees learn practical helping strategies appropriate for paraprofessional use that are drawn from cognitive, behavioural, and emotion-focused therapies and are taught to work interactively with thoughts, actions, and feelings to promote client exploration and transformation. In a study of LifeRAFT’s training effectiveness, 18 undergraduate students received LifeRAFT training. Training effectiveness was explored pre- and post-training using client, counsellor, and observer rating forms. Results suggest that LifeRAFT is an effective method for training undergraduates in helping skills. UNDERGRADUATES NEED effective building at the graduate level (e.g. Harris et training in helping skills but few scien- al., 2014), few methods are ethically appro- tifically based, paraprofessional-level priate for the undergraduate level (Ivey et training models are available. Goal Four al., 2016) and even fewer integrate theo- of the American Psychological Association retical and empirically based intervention (APA, 2013) Guidelines for the Undergrad- (Hill, 2014). Training models that appro- uate Psychology Major sets the expectation priately address basic microskills for under- that undergraduates be trained not only graduates are included in books such as to understand but also apply psychological Essentials of Intentional Interviewing (Ivey et principles. This guideline requires that al., 2016), Helping Skills (Hill, 2014), and undergraduates develop knowledge as well The Skilled Helper (Egan, 2014). These books as active skill building, which can be far more are generally targeted to novice profes- beneficial to students than passive learning sional clinicians, although they note that alone (Lave & Wegner, 1991). This goal the microskills training is also appropriate includes a wide variety of applied competen- for paraprofessional helpers. Intended as a cies commonly addressed in undergraduate basic introduction aimed at clinical profes- psychology courses such as writing and pres- sionals, these models lack specific training entation skills (Goals 4.1 and 4.2; APA, 2007). for how paraprofessionals can systemati- Also stipulated in Goal 4.3 is the ability to cally and appropriately apply these skills to ‘interact effectively with others’ using skills promote change. Furthermore, these models such as listening, attending to and inter- provide a helpful introduction to microskills; preting nonverbal cues, asking questions, however, observers have noted that they do and making interpretations (APA, 2007). not go far enough for what helpers need to These interaction skills are often referred to enact lasting change (Ridley et al., 2011). as helping skills (Ivey et al., 2016). Helping With training models currently available as a skills represent a common area of applied foundation, additional training is needed for psychology that teaches students basic tech- ethical and effective helping. niques of how to listen and talk to a person When interventions are introduced in distress (Hill, 2014). specifically for an audience of undergraduate Although several training models students, they are most often restricted to promote more advanced counselling skill theoretical information about counselling 32 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 Effectiveness of LifeRAFT undergraduate helping skills training model models without a skills-based component in case management, human resources, and a a ‘Theories of Counselling’ course. Course wide range of other helping professions after syllabi with theoretical counselling instruc- graduation; however, they are provided little tions are available from the Society for the preparation in practical strategies (Myers & Teaching of Psychology (STP, 2007). As Dewall, 2015). LifeRAFT provides training a result, students who pursue paraprofes- in practical strategies that are appropriate sional helping fields – more than two thirds for non-clinicians and teaches students of psychology undergraduates in both the appropriate ethical boundaries between United States and the United Kingdom – professional and paraprofessional helping. enter into their fields with little preparation In accordance with Ivey’s microskills (Ball, 2016; Myers & Dewall, 2015). Recent approach (Ivey et al., 2016), the LifeRAFT observers have noted that an approach inte- model asserts that paraprofessional helping grating a broader model of competence with includes skills involved in gathering informa- skills-based training is needed (Ridley et al., tion, basic problem solving, and situational 2011), and APA guidelines (2007) necessitate advice giving. Students are taught to refer that training begins at the undergraduate clients to counselling for ongoing problems level. In direct response to the requirements and more intensive/personal work. Thus, set forth by APA’s Goal Four and the paucity LifeRAFT instructs students in practical strat- of models available, Campbell (2013) created egies as well as ethical paraprofessional prac- an undergraduate helping skills training tice. model: Relief Through Actions, Feelings, and Thoughts (LifeRAFT). Multitheoretical LifeRAFT guides undergraduates in how to LifeRAFT principles support someone in distress by choosing to LifeRAFT is a new method to train under- focus either on the person’s actions, feelings, graduates in theoretically and empirically or thoughts. In doing so, students gain an derived applied psychology skills. LifeRAFT experiential understanding of three distinct provides instruction on how to apply coun- counselling theories, which are presented as selling theories and techniques in an intro- a guiding philosophy for each area of focus. ductory format that is appropriate for The action focal area is intended to intro- undergraduate students’ level of training duce behavioural therapy and is based on and skill. This model was adapted from a Behavioural Activation Therapy (Martell et graduate-level model called Key Strate- al., 2010), the feelings focal area draws from gies Training for Individual Psychotherapy Emotion-Focused Therapy (Greenberg, (KST-IP; Harris et al., 2014) in order to 2002; Greenberg & Watson, 2005), and the teach helping skills appropriate for para- thoughts focal area introduces Cognitive professionals with bachelor’s degrees. Therapy (Beck, 2011). Students are taught LifeRAFT offers several unique training to work interactively with actions, feelings, benefits including ethical appropriateness and thoughts to promote client exploration for nonprofessional helping, a multitheo- and transformation. retical basis, evidence-based techniques, and instruction beyond microskills training. Evidence based LifeRAFT demonstrates to undergraduates Ethical appropriateness the importance of evidence-based practice, LifeRAFT introduces undergraduate which has been identified as a vital consid- students to methods of brief helping that eration for counselling technique (APA, are suitable to their level of training. Bach- 2007). The model draws from three empiri- elor’s level psychology students often enter cally supported psychotherapy treatments, helping fields such as guidance counselling, and the effectiveness of the LifeRAFT model Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 33 Elizabeth L. Campbell, Kenzie Davidson & Spencer M. Davidson itself continues to be studied in order to al., 2014). Although LifeRAFT follows a further emphasise the importance of empiri- somewhat similar progression to KST-IP, cally supported practice. alterations reflect adaptations more appro- priate for a paraprofessional audience. For Beyond microskills example, the KST-IP stages were simplified Helping skills training typically begins and condensed to remove more advanced with microskills training, which introduces psychotherapy interventions; LifeRAFT also trainees to singular helper responses such includes information for the unique needs as open questions, paraphrasing, and giving of undergraduates, such as referring a client advice. Although microskills are effective to a professional. The following stages and for teaching helpers what to say, researchers progression of LifeRAFT described in this have noted that more training is needed section are similar to KST-IP but distinc- to guide them in when and how to use tive for undergraduate-specific helping skills microskills (Ridley et al., 2011). LifeRAFT training. fills that need as a follow-up to basic micro- skills training by providing a structured Stage 1: Join method for using the microskills. LifeRAFT Following microskills training (Ivey et al., employs a ramp up approach where trainees 2016), trainees are taught to begin a helping are instructed to use nondirective, active session by joining with the client through listening skills first and progress as needed active listening. Beginning only with the to influencing microskills throughout a microskills of attending, paraphrasing, and helping interaction. reflection of feeling, trainees’ primary focus is to communicate to the client that they LifeRAFT model hear what he or she is saying, that they LifeRAFT involves four primary stages: (a) clearly see his or her point of view, and join, (b) refer, (c) survey, and (d) trans- they understand his or her world as the form (see Figure 1). These stages are adap- client experiences it. The trainee learns to tations from the graduate-level training help clients feel comfortable while inviting model, Key Strategies Training for Indi- them to talk about their distress in more vidual Psychotherapy (KST-IP; Harris et detail. Figure 1: LifeRAFT Model Components. 34 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 Effectiveness of LifeRAFT undergraduate helping skills training model Stage 2: Refer skills to identify effective actions and reward The second stage involves consideration progress. Trainees are taught to address for referral to a professional. Trainees are actions with their clients when the concern instructed to use open and closed questions they present involves stopping unwanted to ascertain whether the distress is appro- behaviours, meeting needs, and attaining priate for the trainees’ level of helping goals. skills competence, a scope which includes nonlethal, immediate concerns that benefit Feelings from general support. Issues that benefit The feelings focal area draws from Emotion- from professional monitoring and treatment Focused Therapy (Greenberg, 2002; Green- should be referred; these include threat of berg & Watson, 2005). It uses emotion-based harm to self or others, abuse, substance use, skills to explore and express adaptive and mental illness. Trainees are taught how emotions. Trainees are instructed to address to remain calm, to use microskills to identify feelings with their clients when the concerns an appropriate professional, and to facilitate involve emotional catharsis and expres- connecting the client with that professional sion, emotional congruence, and regulating when needed. or expanding the range and intensity of emotional expression. Stage 3: Survey The third stage of LifeRAFT is surveying for Thoughts actions, feelings, and thoughts. Utilizing the The thoughts focal area is based on Cogni- microskills of active listening and questions, tive Therapy (Beck, 2011). It employs cogni- trainees are taught to identify the client’s tive skills to detect errors in thinking and primary concern and the interplay of behav- form more accurate thoughts. Trainees are iours, emotions, and cognitions with the instructed to address thoughts with their presenting problem. Only one area is chosen clients when their concerns involve devel- as the area of focus due to the ease and oping rational beliefs based on objective simplicity of focusing on one facet as well as evidence and motivated thinking that serves the justification from underlying theories. a useful function. Each of the included theories asserts that the presenting issue can be addressed by focusing Stage 4: Transform on one facet of the presenting issue: the The fourth step is transformation through behavioural, cognitive, or emotional compo- the previously chosen focal area of actions, nent. The expectation is that improvements feelings, or thoughts. Within the chosen in one area will lead to resolution in the area, the trainee works with the client other two areas. For example, engaging in through four strategies, also called interven- more functional thinking is expected to tion processes (see Table 1). The four strate- result in more adaptive feelings and effective gies are similar to each focal area and follow actions. Based on the client’s ability, comfort, the same sequence. and interest in discussing each area and the trainee’s discernment of the appropriate Focusing course, the trainee chooses a focal area – The first strategy involves focusing. Using actions, feelings, or thoughts – to pursue a the microskills ramp up approach, trainees resolution to the concern. have used attending, paraphrasing, reflec- tion of feeling, and questions up to this Actions point in the helping interaction and now The action focal area is based on Behav- add focusing to encourage clients to talk ioural Activation Therapy (Martell et  al., specifically about how the chosen focal area 2010). An actions approach uses behavioural impacts their concern. For example, a client Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 35 Elizabeth L. Campbell, Kenzie Davidson & Spencer M. Davidson Table 1: LifeRAFT transformation phase. Intervention processes Actions strategies Feelings strategies Thoughts strategies Focus A-1. Focus on actions and F-1. Focus on feelings and T-1. Focus on thoughts their impact their impact and their impact Identify A-2. Identify ineffective F-2. Identify maladaptive T-2. Identify actions feelings dysfunctional thoughts Experiment A-3. Experiment with F-3. Experiment with T-3. Experiment with ineffective vs. effective maladaptive vs. adaptive dysfunctional vs. actions feelings functional thoughts Generate A-4. Generate effective F-4. Generate adaptive T-4. Generate functional actions feelings thoughts may talk about an argument with his or her guiding the client in thinking through the roommate. Applying an actions approach, a ineffective results of actions, such as avoid- trainee might ask his or her client to discuss ance and gossip, and the effective results what actions he or she has taken since the of other actions such as apologising and argument. Using a feelings approach, a resolving the dispute. trainee might instead ask the client how he or she feels about the argument. Generate The fourth and final strategy involves gener- Identify ating a helpful and healthy resolution. The second strategy involves identifying Trainees add the use of remaining micro- problems in the given focal area that are skills, including interpretation and direc- holding the client back from resolving tives, to motivate their clients toward a new the presenting issue. Depending on the perspective and a healthier direction in an chosen focal area, this may be conceptu- effort to resolve the presenting issue. This alised as ineffective actions, maladaptive most notably involves plans to engage in feelings, or dysfunctional thoughts. Using nonproblematic choices identified previously, the microskills ramp up approach, trainees including effective actions, adaptive feelings, are instructed to add psychoeducation and and functional thoughts. With the actions logical consequences to help guide the approach example for roommate conflict, client in identifying his or her stuck points. the trainee might guide the client in viewing For instance, a client might identify that his or her ongoing distress as a sign that he ineffective actions such as avoidance and or she needs to discontinue avoidance and gossip are worsening the situation after an self-shaming behaviours and to make plans to argument with a roommate. approach his or her roommate in an attempt to move toward reconciliation. Experiment The third strategy involves experimenting Hypotheses with problematic versus nonproblematic This study examined the effectiveness of the actions, feelings, and thoughts. Trainees LifeRAFT model as a supplement to the add the use of more microskills, including microskills training approach (Ivey et al., feedback and confrontation, to guide clients 2016) for training undergraduate students in a pro/con-style evaluation of problem- in supportive counselling skills. We sought atic choices as opposed to nonproblematic to answer the question, is the LifeRAFT choices. In the example of roommate conflict supportive counselling model an effective using an actions approach, this would involve training method for undergraduate helpers? 36 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 Effectiveness of LifeRAFT undergraduate helping skills training model Using a pre-post design, we hypothesised and that was appropriate for the coun- that LifeRAFT training would demonstrate sellor’s level of training. The counsellor significant improvements in helping-skills attempted to address the client’s distress effectiveness compared to no training and by applying the skills and methods learned microskills training from the perspective in class. of the counsellor trainee, the client, and a Research participants were the desig- trained observer. Thus, we developed three nated helpers in the role-playing scenarios. hypotheses: They conducted three videotaped role- 1. Clients will report higher effective- playing sessions throughout the course: (a) ness ratings for LifeRAFT role-playing a natural skills interview at the beginning of scenarios, more than those for untrained the course prior to any training, (b) a micro- and microskills-trained scenarios. skills interview after microskills training 2. Counsellors will report the highest levels but before LifeRAFT training, and (c) a of effectiveness for LifeRAFT-trained LifeRAFT interview at the end of the course helping scenarios. and after LifeRAFT training. After each of 3. Trained LifeRAFT observers will report the three role-playing sessions, the coun- the highest levels of effectiveness for sellor completed the Counsellor Rating Form LifeRAFT-trained helping scenarios. and the client completed the Client Rating Form, as described in Materials below. A Method third-person trained in LifeRAFT completed Participants the LifeRAFT Observer Rating Form for LifeRAFT was created to be accessible to each videotaped role-playing session. paraprofessionals and intended specifically for U.S. undergraduate psychology students. Materials As such, a convenience sample of 18 senior- Client Rating Form level psychology students was used for the The Client Rating Form represented the study. Participants self-enrolled in an upper- client’s perception of the effectiveness of the division undergraduate psychology elective helping session. This construct was assessed course at a small Christian liberal arts univer- using the Client Feedback Form (CFF; Ivey sity in the Northwest. Participants included et al., 2016). The CFF was created to use 16 female and two male college students, with Ivey and colleagues’ (2016) microskills ranging in age from 20 to 23, with a mean training from Essentials of Intentional Inter- age of 21.4 (SD = 0.68). viewing. The CFF consists of eight items, such as ‘the session helped you understand the Procedure issue, opportunity, or problem more fully’ Data were collected throughout an upper- and ‘…you felt heard’. Each item used a division undergraduate psychology elec- 7-point response scale that ranged from 1 tive course. The first half of the 15-week (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). An class was devoted to microskills training, overall client-rating score was calculated as an and the second half was for LifeRAFT average of the eight item responses. Higher training. During both sections of the class, scores indicated greater client perceptions students learned skills and practiced them of session effectiveness and lower scores indi- in role-playing activities during class and cated lesser session effectiveness. Reliability conducted additional role-playing practice and validity information for the CFF is not outside of class. Role-plays ranged from 10 yet available. to 30 min in length. One student was desig- nated the ‘counsellor’ and the other the Counsellor Rating Form ‘client’; the client discussed a real or facti- The Counsellor Rating Form represented tious issue that was causing them distress the counsellor’s perception of his or her Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 37 Elizabeth L. Campbell, Kenzie Davidson & Spencer M. Davidson effectiveness at using microskills in the observer, who was not aware of the counsel- helping session. This construct was assessed lors’ level of training, was instructed to watch using an adapted version of the Microskills the counsellors’ videotaped role-playing Interview Analysis Form (MIAF; Ivey et al., session and to rate their effectiveness using 2016). The MIAF was created to use with Ivey each LifeRAFT strategy. Each strategy used a and colleagues’ (2016) microskills training 7-point response scale ranging from 1 (poor) from Essentials of Intentional Interviewing. to 7 (excellent). An effectiveness rating was The adapted MIAF lists 16 microskills: not given for unutilised strategies. An overall encouraging, paraphrasing, summarisa- observer rating score was calculated as an tion, reflecting feelings, open questions, average of the effectiveness scores of the closed questions, confrontations, reflecting four item responses; any missing scores were meaning, interpretation, reframing, self- removed. Higher scores indicated greater disclosure, feedback, logical consequences, observer perceptions of session effective- information, psychoeducation, and direc- ness and lower scores indicated lesser session tives. Counsellors were instructed to watch effectiveness. The LORF revealed high inter- their videotaped role-playing sessions and rater reliability (ICC = 0.83) for the role- rate their effectiveness using each micro- playing helping sessions (Gary et al., 2014). skill. Each microskill was measured using The LORF has a low number of items and has a 7-point response scale ranging from not been subject to validation studies; there- 1 (poor) to 7 (excellent). An effectiveness fore, validity information is not available. rating was not given for unutilised micro- skills. An overall counsellor rating score was Results calculated as an average of the effective- Effectiveness ratings were compiled for ness scores of the 16 item responses; any the client, counsellor, and observer for missing scores were removed. Higher scores role-playing scenario conditions after the indicated greater counsellor perceptions of counsellor received no training, microskills session effectiveness and lower scores indi- training, and LifeRAFT training. The means cated lesser session effectiveness. Reliability and standard deviations for the client, coun- and validity information for the adapted sellor, and observer ratings are presented version of the Counsellor Rating Form is in Table 2. Mean client effectiveness ratings not yet available. ranged from 5.25 to 6.09 on a possible 1–7 scale, indicating that clients generally agreed Observer Rating Form that all role-playing scenarios were effec- The Observer Rating Form represented a tive. Mean counsellor effectiveness ratings trained third-person observer’s perceptions ranged from 3.26 to 5.15 on a possible 1–7 of the effectiveness of the helping session. scale, indicating that counsellors scored all Observers included the instructor and two role-playing scenarios as slightly less than students previously trained in the LifeRAFT satisfactory to more than satisfactory. Mean model. The three observers reached a observer effectiveness ratings ranged from consensus for each helping session’s score. 1.19 to 4.44 on a possible 1–7 scale, indi- The instructor was not a blind observer; cating that observers scored all role-playing however, the two students were blind to scenarios as poor to slightly more than satis- the client’s level of training. This construct factory. was assessed using the LifeRAFT Observer We analysed our hypotheses using Rating Form (LORF; Campbell, 2012). The one-way repeated measures analyses of vari- LORF consists of four items; each item ance (ANOVA). The first hypothesis stated represents one of the four LifeRAFT trans- that clients would report higher effectiveness formation strategies: focusing, identifying, ratings for LifeRAFT-trained role-playing experimenting, and generating. A trained scenarios, higher than the untrained and 38 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 Effectiveness of LifeRAFT undergraduate helping skills training model Table 2: Means and standard deviations to the counsellor’s level of training, F(2, for effectiveness ratings. 36) = 42.56, p < 0.01, η2 = 0.703. Post hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction revealed Effectiveness rating M SD that no training received the lowest coun- Client sellor ratings (M = 3.26, SD = 1.01), followed No training 5.25 0.89 by microskills training (M = 4.63, SD = 0.78), Microskills training 5.90 0.55 and LifeRAFT training received the highest counsellor ratings (M = 5.15, SD = 0.77), and LifeRAFT training 6.09 0.66 all three training levels showed a statistically Counsellor significant difference (p < 0.01). No training 3.26 1.10 The third and final hypothesis stated Microskills training 4.63 0.78 that trained LifeRAFT observers would report the highest levels of effectiveness LifeRAFT training 5.15 0.77 for LifeRAFT-trained helping scenarios. Observer A one-way within-subjects ANOVA was No training 1.19 0.82 conducted with the factor being the level of Microskills training 1.48 0.46 training and the dependent variable being observer effectiveness rating. The results for LifeRAFT training 4.44 1.35 the ANOVA revealed a significant training effect, indicating that observer ratings did microskills-trained scenarios. We conducted vary according to the counsellor’s level a one-way within-subjects ANOVA with of training, F(2, 30) = 65.55, p < 0.01, the factor being the level of training (no η2 = 0.814. Post hoc tests using the Bonfer- training, microskills training, or LifeRAFT roni correction revealed no statistically signif- training) and the dependent variable being icant differences between observer ratings client effectiveness rating. The results for for no training (M = 1.19, SD = 0.82) and the ANOVA revealed a significant training microskills training (M = 1.48, SD = 0.46; effect, indicating that client ratings did p = 0.58); however, LifeRAFT training was vary according to the counsellor’s level higher than both (M = 1.48, SD = 1.35), of training, F(2, 34) = 6.87, p = 0.003, which was a statistically significant differ- ηp2 = 0.288. Post hoc tests using the Bonfer- ence (p < 0.01). roni correction revealed that no training received the lowest client ratings (M = 5.25, Discussion SD = 0.89), followed by microskills training The purpose of this study was to examine (M = 5.90, SD = 0.55), and LifeRAFT the effectiveness of the LifeRAFT model training received the highest client ratings for training undergraduate students in (M = 6.09, SD = 0.66). All three training supportive counselling skills. All three of levels showed a statistically significant differ- the study’s hypotheses were supported: ence (p < 0.01). Clients, counsellor trainees, and third- Our second hypothesis stated that coun- person observers all gave significantly higher sellors would report the highest levels of effectiveness ratings for LifeRAFT, higher effectiveness for LifeRAFT-trained helping than for untrained and microskills-trained scenarios. We conducted a one-way within- helping scenarios. These findings suggest subjects ANOVA with the factor being the that the LifeRAFT supportive counselling level of training and the dependent variable model is an effective method for training being counsellor effectiveness rating. The paraprofessionals in helping skills. results for the ANOVA revealed a significant In addition to demonstrating effec- training effect, indicating that counsellor tiveness, findings for the third hypothesis effectiveness ratings did vary according revealed that observers reported significantly Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 39 Elizabeth L. Campbell, Kenzie Davidson & Spencer M. Davidson higher effectiveness ratings for LifeRAFT building in helping skills (Lave & Wegner, helping role plays but reported no differ- 1991). LifeRAFT is also the first model of its ence between untrained and microskills role kind that was created exclusively for under- plays. These findings further suggest that graduate use and that integrates multitheo- LifeRAFT is a useful supplement beyond the retical perspectives, utilises evidence-based traditional microskills training approach. techniques, and instructs beyond microskill Study findings were further reinforced by training. LifeRAFT has a great deal to offer narrative reflections by the course instructor undergraduate psychology education. and students about the value of the training as part of the Helping Skills undergraduate Limitations course. The instructor noted that as a result This study offers preliminary support for the of LifeRAFT training, students seemed to use of LifeRAFT for training undergraduates develop a richer understanding of counsel- in helping skills; however, the current study ling process and theory through a skills-based had limitations that need to be addressed. approach. It also seemed to inform their As an initial trial of the LifeRAFT model, future career goals of pursuing the helping the current study lacked rigorous research field in paraprofessional interactions or standards appropriate for randomised as a professional career. Comments from controlled trials typically used to substantiate students highlighted additional gains, such as the effectiveness of psychological interven- increasing interpersonal and communication tions (Lachin, 1988). The sample size was skills: ‘What I learned in the classroom was very small and not representative with only applicable to everyday life’; ‘It has changed 18 participants, only two of which were men. the way I approach situations around me The sample consisted of only one sequence and has made me a better person’. Students of the program with one professor at one also appeared to gain an appreciation for the university and represented a highly homo- counselling field, such as demonstrated by geneous sample of all Caucasian, senior-level the comment, ‘This class solidified and gave students. The narrow range of participants me confidence in my ability to become a limits the generalisability of the results. school counsellor’. Lastly, LifeRAFT training Another limitation of the study concerns and the Helping Skills course may have also the psychometric properties of the effec- helped students gain empathy for those in tiveness measures. Because the client, coun- distress, as evidenced by the comment, ‘I sellor, and observer rating forms were not love people more because of what I learned. I subject to rigorous validation studies, their walked away from this class feeling as though reliability and validity remains in question. I have truly had an education of mind and The Observer Rating Form in particular is heart’. Future research should continue to brief, consisting of only four items, resulting explore the many benefits of incorporating in further uncertainty about its validity. LifeRAFT training in undergraduate courses. Without this data, it is difficult to ensure The results of this study demonstrate that the findings actually represent robust promise that LifeRAFT can uniquely fulfill and consistent confirmation of the LifeRAFT the need in undergraduate psychology model’s effectiveness. education for scientifically based parapro- fessional-level training models. This study Future directions demonstrates that LifeRAFT is an empiri- The LifeRAFT training model would benefit cally validated helping skills training model. from continued research and use. The current It addresses Goal 4 of the APA Guidelines for study represented an initial trial of the model the Undergraduate Psychology Major (APA, that yielded promising results; however, 2007), which requires that undergraduates continued studies that comply with rigorous develop knowledge as well as active skill randomised controlled trial procedures are 40 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 23 No. 2, 2017 Effectiveness of LifeRAFT undergraduate helping skills training model needed (Lachin, 1988). Future studies should LifeRAFT) and the dependent variable being utilize measures with demonstrated reliability the effectiveness rating. Research questions and validity or should examine the psycho- could be expanded to include potential inter- metric properties of existing measures to actions between independent variables, which support that they are reliable and valid meas- might shed light on useful nuances not yet ures of effectiveness. Replication of this study understood. with different populations and more partici- LifeRAFT is new helping skills training pants would also be beneficial to increase model that shows promising initial results. the generalisability of the results. A larger Future practice and research with this model sample size would also increase possibilities is critical to provide students with the highest for more complex statistical analyses. This level of helping skills training our growing study required multiple one-way ANOVAs to field has to offer. investigate changes in client, counsellor, and observer ratings. With a larger sample size, a The authors 3 × 3 factorial ANOVA design would become Elizabeth L. Campbell, Kenzie Davidson & possible with the independent variables being Spencer M. Davidson perspective (client, counsellor, or observer) Whitworth University, Washington, USA. and training level (untrained, microskills, and References American Psychological Association (2013). 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