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ERIC EJ1156214: A Comparative Analysis of Contracted versus Alphabetical English Braille and Attitudes of English as a Foreign Language Learners: A Case Study of a Farsi-Speaking Visually Impaired Student PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1156214: A Comparative Analysis of Contracted versus Alphabetical English Braille and Attitudes of English as a Foreign Language Learners: A Case Study of a Farsi-Speaking Visually Impaired Student

Rosenblum, L. P., & Amato, S. (2004). Prepa- graphemes for each character of the English ration in and use of the Nemeth braille code alphabet, which consumes a lot of space, re- formathematicsbyteachersofstudentswith sultinginbooksthatareverylong.Contracted visual impairments. Journal of Visual Im- braille, on the other hand, uses 189 contrac- pairment & Blindness, 98(8), 484–498. tions, many of which represent whole words Schroeder, F. (1989). Literacy: The key to with one grapheme (the, can, and people, for opportunity. Journal of Visual Impairment example),whichhasledtoshorterpublications. & Blindness, 83(6), 290–293. Thecreationandutilizationofcontractedbraille has had an effect on the education of visually Ann P. Gulley, B.S., math and sciences student impaired students. As a result, there has been services coordinator, doctoral student, Learning extensive research in this area. Center, Auburn University at Montgomery, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124; e-mail: Lee and Hock (2014) investigated the ef- [email protected],Ph.D.,assistant fectofusingcontractedbrailleonthespelling professor,CollegeofEducation,AuburnUniversity proficiency of visually impaired students in atMontgomery,7400EastDrive,Montgomery,AL 36117;e-mail:[email protected], a bilingual setting. Through doing quasi- B.S.,graduatestudent,SamuelGinnCollegeofEn- experimental research, they concluded that gineering, Auburn University, 1301 Shelby Center, the most frequent errors were grapheme sub- Auburn,AL36849;e-mail:[email protected] stitution and direct translation of syllables of gan C. Prickett, undergraduate student, Learning the first language. Troughton (1992) stated Center, Auburn University at Montgomery; e-mail: [email protected],Ph.D.,as- that the students who learn contracted braille sociateprovostandprofessor,AuburnUniversityat later in school show a better performance in Montgomery;e-mail:[email protected]. readingskillsthanthosewholearnedcontrac- tions earlier. Wall Emerson, Holbrook, and D’Andrea (2009), on the other hand, con- Practice Report cludedthatifvisuallyimpairedstudentslearn contractionsatanearliertime,theywillshow better performance in their reading skills. AComparativeAnalysisof IntheeducationalsystemofIran,inwhich ContractedVersusAlphabetical Englishisaforeignlanguage,thedurationof EnglishBrailleandAttitudesof primary school is six years. After that, these EnglishasaForeignLanguage English as a foreign language students enter Learners:ACaseStudyofa high school and start to learn English during Farsi-SpeakingVisually an additional six-year period. In years seven ImpairedStudent andeight,Englishtextbooksareembossedin MohsenMobaraki,SaberAtashNazarloo, alphabetic English braille; but, for the next andElahehToosheh four years, these books are prepared in the E ducation is an absolute right of all human contracted form. Visually impaired students beings,especiallyintoday’sworld,andthere inIranusealphabeticbrailletoreadandwrite isahugeresponsibilityonthoseteacherswho in their own mother tongue (Farsi). Con- work with learners with disabilities. A very tracted braille is, therefore, a foreign concept specialkindofeducationisneededforpeople to these students. who are visually impaired, and braille is one In Iran, the exposure of students who are method that is utilized by individuals to ac- learning English to contracted braille in high cess educational materials. schoolhasaffectedthereadingskillsofthese There are two kinds of braille, alphabetic students.Thepresentresearchersinterviewed andcontracted.Inalphabeticbraille,thereare four teachers regarding the teaching of 471 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2017 contracted braille to English as a foreign lan- covered.Hisvoicewasrecordedwhenhewas guagevisuallyimpairedhighschoolstudents, reading text, and a stopwatch was used to and they also made some changes to the cur- measurehowlongitlasted.Afterimplement- riculum followed by the teachers. Since it is ing the alphabetic braille test, teaching con- difficult for students to memorize a large tractedbraillestarted,withinstructionoveras amount of contractions quickly, all parties many sessions as the alphabetic one (second agreed that contracted braille needs to be phase). In this phase, we taught the same taughtasearlyasthefirstyearofhighschool materialbutincontractedcode,andatestwas to Farsi-speaking students learning English. given after 20 sessions. Due to the time- The present study aims to scrutinize the consumingprocessofteachingthelargenum- effects on reading fluency of learning con- berofbraillecontractions,wehadtolimitour tracted English braille. To do so, we taught project to teaching selected contractions to alphabeticandcontractedbrailletoavisually make the teaching sessions equal. The mate- impaired 12-year-old school boy to examine rials used in this period were adopted from the degree of impact of teaching either of Interchange by Richards (2005), converted these two codes on his reading fluency. into braille notation, first into alphabetic and second into contracted. METHODSANDMATERIALS Visually impaired Iranian students learn al- RESULTS phabeticFarsibraillefromtheverybeginning, Based on the words correct per minute with no knowledge of the contracted form of (WCPM) formula (University of Texas at braille that exists in English. During years Austin, n.d.) we measured the fluency and seven and eight, the students start learning accuracy rate in each phase, counting the alphabeticEnglishbrailleand,inthenextfour number of correct words per minute and years,theylearnthecontractedform.Thesub- per second and finally calculating WCPM. ject of our research was a 12-year-old student Through calculating the total number of er- (yearsix)whoseprimarymethodofreadingand rors of the first and second phase, we calcu- writingwasalphabeticFarsibraille.Hehadno latedthewordswhichhadbeenreadcorrectly otherdisabilityandhadnobackgroundknowl- (WC) as follows: edge of the English language. The practical aspect of the study presented (Totalnumberofwords)–(totalnum- herewasconductedintwophases,alphabetic ber of errors) (cid:6) WC and contracted. Alphabetic English braille First phase (alphabetic braille): 74 – wasfirsttaughttothestudentforthreemonths 6 (cid:6) 68 in 128 seconds (first phase) in two one-hour sessions per Secondphase(contractedbraille):74– week, each lasting one hour for 20 sessions total. (We had intended hold 24 sessions, but 4 (cid:6) 70 in 120 seconds duetotheparticipant’sreluctanceandfatigue, some sessions were missed. Since we were By dividing WC by the total number of notabletohave24sessionsinthefirstphase, seconds,wegotthewordscorrectpersecond we decided to have the same number of ses- rate and multiplied that number by 60 to get sions in the second phase.) To correct errors, the WCPM rate. When reading alphabeti- the student was asked to review the lessons cally, the student read 68 out of 74 words andreadthemaloudineachsession.Tomea- correctly in 128 seconds. In contracted sure his reading fluency, a test was given in braille,heread70outof74wordscorrectlyin alphabetic braille based on what was already 120 seconds. He read 31 correct words per 472 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2017 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved Table1 outcomeswasthatthewordshavingsh,ch,and Thetypesoferrorsmadebythestudentduring th sounds were read incorrectly in the alpha- thealphabeticalbrailletest. betictest,whereastheywerereadcorrectlyin Word,substitution Omissions the contracted one. As a matter of fact, these Question,goestion Noomissions sounds have somewhat difficult spellings but Write,wit are easier in contracted braille in this regard; School,shool consequently, the student could read them Washes,washes correctly in the contracted format. This out- Ate,eat come is similar to what Harley, Truan, and The,she The,they Sanford (1997) concluded. They stated that sh,th,andch,includingablendedsound,can be much easier for visually impaired learners minute in alphabetical braille, and 34 correct to spell in contracted form. words per minute in contracted braille. Comparing alphabetic and contracted As shown, the reading speed in the second groups,HongandErin(2004)concludedthat phaseisfaster,andthepercentageofspelling the first one had fewer errors and the errors errorsisalsolowerthaninthefirstphase,but were unconscious (since, to the present re- the difference between the first and second searchers, they were considered as mistakes phases is not large. Through determining due to lack of concentration, fatigue, and WC in each phase, we divided them by the stress). The results of the contracted test in totalnumberofwordsinthepassagereadto this paper were the same as those of the calculate the accuracy rate for his reading alphabetic test carried out by Hong and Erin as follows: (2004).Afterthetwotestswereadministered, First phase: 68WC/74 (cid:6) 0.91% accuracy weaskedtheparticipanttostatethesourceof Second phase: 70WC/74 (cid:6) 0.94% accuracy theerrors,andhesaidthatthesourceoferrors was lack of concentration and also the diffi- DISCUSSION culty of memorizing the contractions. The data analysis indicated that substitutions Although Troughton’s study (1992) indi- inthefirsttest(alphabeticbraille,seeTable1) cated that reading speed is faster when the and omissions in the second one (contracted text is in alphabetic code, the present study braille, see Table 2) were the most frequent came to a different conclusion. The results spellingerrors,despitethefactthattheformand were in line with those of Lee and Hock’s the content of the two tests were the same. It (2014) in English as a second language con- was shown that during the contracted test the text, which said that contracted braille has a participant omitted the stand-alone words (a significant influence on the spelling profi- formofcontractionwherethefirstletterstands ciency of visually impaired students. forthewholeword)suchasbutandcan(chang- As mentioned before, learning contracted ingintobandc),butreadthemcorrectlyinthe braille in Iran is a concern for high school alphabetic form. One of the other interesting students.Duringtheteachingprocess,weno- ticed that the participant was willing to learn Table2 contracted braille because of its ease of read- Thetypesoferrorsmadebythestudentduring ing and writing. Although the difference be- thecontractedbrailletest. tween these two kinds of braille was so neg- Word,substitution Omissions ligible, the collected data in this study Have,has Can illustrated that reading skill can be positively En,enough But affected through using contracted braille. 473 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2017 CONCLUSION impaired(2nded.).Springfield,IL:Charles C Thomas. In the educational system of Iran, English as Hong,S.,&Erin,N.J.(2004).Theimpactof aforeignlanguagevisuallyimpairedstudents earlyexposuretouncontractedbrailleread- learn English during the six-year period of ing on students with visual impairments. high school. In years one and two of high JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness, school, they learn English in alphabetical 98(6), 325–340. braille,butinthenextfouryearsincontracted Kederis, C. J., Siems, J. R., & Hayes, R. L. form. After studying the effects of teaching (1965). A frequency count of the symbol- alphabeticalandcontractedbrailletoanEng- ogy of English braille grade 2, American lish as a foreign language visually impaired usage. International Journal for the Edu- schoolboy, we noticed that contracted braille cation of the Blind, 15, 38–46. Lee,A.A.,&Hock,K.E.(2014).Theimpact has some advantages over the alphabetical of contracted British braille code on the form. spelling proficiency among pupils with vi- Thisstudyshowedthatlearningcontracted sual impairments in a bilingual setting. braille has a positive effect on the reading Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia: Sultan skills of visually impaired students who are Idris University of Education. learningEnglishasaforeignlanguage.Com- Richards, J. C. (2005). Interchange (3rd ed.). paredwithalphabeticbraille,improvingread- New York: Cambridge University Press. ingskillsandsavingagreatdealofspaceare Troughton, M. (1992). “One is fun”: Guide- amongtheadvantagesofthecontractedform. lines for better braille literacy. Brantford, As a consequence, it is recommended that Ontario: Dialatype. University of Texas at Austin. (n.d.). Cal- educationplannersputmoreemphasisonthis culating reading fluency. Austin, TX: Au- code in visually impaired students’ curricu- thor. Retrieved from https://buildingrti. lum. Teaching contracted and alphabetical utexas.org/sites/default/files/documents/ codes simultaneously or teaching contracted Calculating_Fluency.pdf braille for teaching English to visually Wall Emerson, R., Holbrook, M. C., & impaired students for whom English is a for- D’Andrea, F. M. (2009). Acquisition of eign language is much better than teaching literacy skills by young children who are contracted braille after being exposed to the blind: Results from the ABC braille study. alphabetical form for a long time. JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness, 103(10), 610–624. REFERENCES Mohsen Mobaraki, Ph.D., associate professor, Gardner,R.(1980).Onthevalidityofaffective Department of English, University of Birjand, SouthKhorasanProvince,Birjand,A78,97175615, variables in second language acquisition: Iran; e-mail: [email protected]. Saber Conceptual and statistical considerations. AtashNazarloo,M.A.,part-timetranslatorandEng- Language Learning, 30(2), 255–270. doi: lish teacher, Department of English, University of 10.1111/j.1467-1770.1980.tb00318.x Birjand, Iran; e-mail: [email protected]. Harley,R.K.,Truan,M.B.,&Sanford,L.D. Elaheh Toosheh, M.A., part-time translator and English teacher, Department of English, University (1997). Communication skills for visually of Birjand, Iran; mailing address: No. 52, 65 Mo- impaired learners: Braille, print, and lis- darresStreet,Birjand,SouthKhorasan9718711591, tening skills for students who are visually Iran;e-mail:[email protected]. 474 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2017 ©2017AFB,AllRightsReserved

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