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ERIC EJ1148459: Case Study: The Capstone Project at Chelsea High School PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1148459: Case Study: The Capstone Project at Chelsea High School

Case Study: The Capstone Project at Chelsea High School Priti Johari Capstone projects serve as the centerpiece for an assessment system that values problem-solving and frames assessment as learning opportunities for students and teachers. Chelsea High School educates practices into their own vision for 1,560 students in Chelsea, education rather than merely follow a Massachusetts. As a gateway path of compliance with district and district, Chelsea Public Schools state mandates. In 2012, we decided to welcomes and educates all students and develop our own authentic formative families. English is a second language assessment system aligned to the for 87 percent of the student popula- Massachusetts Frameworks and state tion; one third of our students are standardized tests (MCAS) in 2012. designated as English language learners We strive to integrate performance (ELLs). assessment into everyday work, including teaching, evaluation, coach- Every January and May for one ing, training, and faculty meetings. We week, we break from our traditional, have shifted our mindset to viewing four-periods-a-day bell schedule and assessment as a learning opportunity in the fast pace of a typical high school and of itself – for both students and day. We slow everything down and ask teachers – and have adopted the Chelsea High School students to come phrase, “learning by doing.” For exam- in by appointment to present on a ple, the science lead commented: topic in which they have particular expertise: their own learning. This In the past, I used to think that presentation is their capstone. students needed to completely understand certain scientific facts first, in order to be able to solve SHIFTING THE MINDSET authentic scientific problems. But in Chelsea High School illustrates how practice, I seldom let students try schools can integrate new policies and those scientific problems, because Priti Johari is the principal of Chelsea High School in Chelsea, Massachusetts. 44 Annenberg Institute for School Reform students never showed a complete who they are as learners. Using their understanding of the relevant facts. work, revisions, and rubrics as evi- Once we switched to performance dence, students articulate and analyze assessments, I saw that students are their growth throughout the school capable of learning scientific facts at year, noting specific challenges and the same time as they are solving a triumphs. problem. As a matter of fact, I think During one presentation, a sophomore that their learning is enhanced: if enthusiastically explained why he students see that they need to solve performed poorly on a first-quarter an engaging, authentic problem, they history assessment, and how he used will be more motivated to learn the his rubric and teacher feedback to facts needed to solve the problem. improve his writing and analysis. This assessment system has been a long Another student detailed his process time in the making. Our transforma- for decoding a new piece of music and tion is a result of sustained work how he might, going forward, apply around a coherent vision as well as a the same technique to his algebra deliberate investment in our capacity to course. Performance assessments give purposefully collaborate across lines of students the opportunity to apply new authority. The process involved many content knowledge and skills. Capstone steps: building structures and skills for allows space for “meta-cognitive collaboration, articulating a “Vision of learning,” where students can step the Graduate,” unpacking the Massa- back, reflect, and modify their approach.1 chusetts Frameworks, writing lesson Performance assessments are different plans and designing performance tasks, from traditional tests. A CHS alum sharing those plans, giving each other shared: feedback, calibrating on common rubrics, and collectively examining A test shows if you know obvious student work. Every step has involved facts, but when I did something like individual teachers, department lead [the historical argument essay], it teachers, instructional coaches, actually made me take the time to administrators and curriculum coordi- concentrate. I was able to really nators in development of the overall think and really understand and dig assessment system as well as key through all these [historical] docu- curricula such as department rubrics ments so I could really understand. and performance assessments. The inclusion of reflection and revision as part of the cycle adds rigor, allowing ASSESSMENTS AS LEARNING for a second, meta-cognitive level of OPPORTUNITIES FOR learning. A current senior commented: STUDENTS QPAs are good for me as a student, Throughout the year, students work on because I am not only developing using quarterly performance assess- skills in class but also developing ments (QPAs) to demonstrate their skills as a person. Capstone gives me understanding in courses ranging the opportunity to reflect on myself across English Language Arts, Pre- as a person. Calculus, Painting and Drawing for Realism, and World History. Capstone presents students with an opportunity to review and revise their QPAs, 1 For more on meta-cognitive learning, cement their learning, and reflect on see https://lincs.ed.gov/programs/teal/guide/ metacognitive. Priti Johari VUE 2017, no. 46 45 TEACHER LEARNING AND The process of creating departmental COLLABORATION rubrics has been a critical step across all content areas. The visual arts lead QPAs and the capstone project are also recounted: learning opportunities for CHS teachers. Successful implementation of As a group, we were able to identify QPAs or capstone does not come from the most valuable artistic habits we purchasing materials, programs, and wanted our students to have. We new assessments; it comes through realized that skills in reflection, sustained conversation with and criticism, and process were often pre- among teachers grounded in student viously marginalized at the expense work. A learning system where of artistic technique. Now, because assessment and instruction are inte- the rubric requires us to evaluate the grated requires an investment in other types of skills, they have been job-embedded professional develop- integrated much more fully into ment to support the teacher learning to instruction and daily practice. effectively implement the new standards. The teacher added that the benefits are We are creating a collegial space and significant for teachers and students: building a school culture through Students who are able to more content-based Professional Learning independently follow an artistic Communities (PLCs), which meet process and think critically make weekly during the school day and are better artwork. Plus, these skills are led by instructional coaches and transferable to other subjects. administrators. Within the PLCs it is not only okay for teachers to put their When considering common rubrics and work on the table and engage in public common assessments, some teachers learning; it is required. Teachers engage may worry that this kind of collabora- in co-construction of lessons or QPAs, tion may have a negative impact on lesson rehearsals, and data conversa- their autonomy or creativity in the tions rooted in student work to explore classroom. However, having shared what proficiency in the standards endpoints has not resulted in uniform means, what students understand and units or lesson design; every teacher can do, and what the task design must be responsive to the students in allowed students to demonstrate. front of him or her to determine how to help them reach these common For example, in a recent PLC, a group goals. The work is often perceived as of algebra teachers grappled with how more collective because there are to design an exit ticket that would common expectations and language demonstrate if students understood and, in turn, shared dilemmas and that all points that satisfy a particular solutions developed and owned by the equation are on the graph of the line. entire team. They wanted to design a question that had multiple solution pathways and In Chelsea, the work has been empow- checked for conceptual understanding, ering for teachers and students. As one not just mathematical fluency. PLCs teacher noted: allow teachers, instructional coaches, I also appreciate how the specific and administrators to foster a culture language in rubrics helps students of collaboration, inquiry, and public with goal setting and provides learning across grade-levels, content concrete feedback. They are able to areas, and traditional authority lines. clearly see why they are being scored 46 Annenberg Institute for School Reform at a “developing” level rather than Recently I looked at some of the “proficient” because the rubric reflection activities and evaluation language is so clear and specific. methods I used in my own instruc- tion in the years before redesign. It As a result, students can talk about was clear to me then how much themselves and their academic knowl- better my teaching has become. I am edge and soft skills in a way that puts asking more difficult questions, them in control of their learning and holding students more accountable futures – and allows them to see a way for high-quality responses, and giving forward. One CHS senior said: them more robust and better-quality Performance assessments are feedback. different than regular tests because For more about Chelsea High School, actual tests do not ask how you visit https://www.chelseaschools.com/ prepared for it. [A] performance cps/schools/high-school.htm. assessment gets in depth, it talks about how you prepare for the test and what skills you used. Perfor- mance assessments impacted me as a student by getting to know what my flaws were. The work of creating and completing “ meaningful performance assessments is not easy and requires shared commit- ments from both teachers and students. “I believe that capstone is a renewing Even with that in mind, the ELA lead reports: experience for teachers and students alike. I’ve seldom had a student who didn’t Personally, I’ve found that it helps me to get seem to genuinely enjoy talking about their learning, particularly the “ to know students on a deeper level as accomplishments they’re most proud of. I believe that capstone is a learners and as people, and it has helped to renewing experience for teachers and students alike; it allows us to think build a sense of community and support in about what we’ve accomplished (and how) and to set goals for future my classes.” teaching and learning. Personally, I’ve found that it helps me to get to — Chelsea High School teacher know students on a deeper level as learners and as people, and it has helped to build a sense of community and support in my classes. The shift in our understanding of students and actual student learning also, necessarily, leads to shifts in teacher learning. As one teacher reflects: Priti Johari VUE 2017, no. 46 47

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