Faculty Teaching Practices and 2017 CELT Vol X Perceptions: Comparative Analysis celt.uwindsor.ca www.stlhe.ca Based on Time Spent Lecturing Gülnur Birol, Adriana Briseño-Garzón, Andrea Han University of British Columbia DOI: 10.22329/celt.v10i0.4750 The University of British Columbia-Vancouver (UBC-V) implemented a campus-wide survey of faculty teaching practices and perceptions. All 11 Faculties participated, resulting in a total of 1177 responses for an overall response rate of 24%. We compared response patterns of faculty who reported spending less than 25%, between 26-50%, between 51-75%, and more than 75% of classroom time lecturing. Using this breakdown, we analysed survey responses related to in and out-of-class practices and expectations for students, use of teaching assistant time, participation in professional development opportunities, and perceptions of whether the institution valued teaching. Participants across quadrants reported employing a wide range of teaching methods irrespective of years of experience and class size. Our findings outline the range of teaching practices employed by faculty at a large research-intensive Canadian institution and may provide baseline information for institutions of similar scale and focus. O ver the past decade, there has been considerable faculty reported that 80% of class time was devoted interest in understanding the most prevalent to lecture. Studies by Lammers and Murphy (2002) instructional practices in higher education, as well as and Smith, Vinson, Smith, Lewin, and Stetzer their relative impact on student learning (Ambrose et (2014), both of which compared survey responses to al., 2010; Bain, 2004; Buskist & Groccia, 2011; observations of classroom practice, concluded that Nilson, 2010). It has been reported, for instance, that both instructor estimates and observed practices were despite the growing body of research lauding the in high agreement and lecture remains the primary impact of non-lecture based instructional practices on method of instruction at the universities studied. learning, lecture continues to be the dominant A number of studies have explored why practice in many university classrooms (Freeman et faculty select lecture as the primary mode of al., 2014; Michael, 2006; Prince, 2004). In 1980, instruction (Henderson, Beach, & Finkelstein, 2011; Blackburn, Pellino, Boberg, and O’Connell surveyed Miller, Martineau, & Clark, 2000), and it has been faculty from 24 institutions and found 78% of faculty suggested that it is unlikely a single factor that reported lecture as their principal instructional determines what instructional practice a faculty method. This finding was echoed by Thielens (1987) member chooses to implement (Lammers & Murphy, who surveyed over 800 faculty at 80 U.S. institutions, 2002). Instead, it is believed that there is a complex exploring the percent of time spent lecturing in relationship between instructor factors, discipline relation to variables such as academic discipline, factors, and class factors that may lead faculty to gender of the instructor, and class size. Overall, choose specific instructional methods (Henderson, 27 Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. X Beach, & Finkelstein, 2011; Miller, Martineau, & impact on the decisions faculty make about teaching Clark, 2000). For instance, Blumberg (2011), Boice practices. In addition, several studies have found a (1992), and Kane, Sandretto, and Heath (2002) positive relationship between class size and the use of indicate that many faculty have little or no formal lecture (Lammers & Murphy, 2002; Smith et al., education on instructional practices or methods to 2014; Thielens, 1987). However, Smith et al. (2014) prepare them for university teaching and, studied only STEM disciplines and found a wide consequently, rely on what is referred to as an range of teaching practices were employed to “apprenticeship of observation” during their years as supplement lecture in both large and small enrolment students (Lortie, 1975). As a result, experience as a courses. student may be one of the most influential factors It is important to note that there is evidence shaping faculty instructional choices (Hiebert & that suggests lecture may be equal or superior to other Stigler, 2000), leading faculty to “teach how they instructional practices when the objective is learning were taught, using largely passive lectures” factual information (Bligh, 2000; Costin, 1972) and (Blumberg, 2011, p. 27). According to Goffe and that lecture “can be as effective as any other Kauper (2014), little personal exposure to non-lecture instructional strategy so long as it is appropriately based instructional methods may result in faculty suited to the intended learning outcomes and is lacking the confidence to try other instructional pedagogically planned and delivered” (Saroyan & practices and a perception of the risk as a barrier to Snell, 1997, p. 102). In addition, Lammers and implementation. In addition, faculty beliefs about Murphy (2002) found faculty who lectured more teaching, such as whether the goal of teaching is often made more efficient use of classroom time knowledge transmission or facilitating learning, likely compared to those employing active learning also influence which practices they choose. Faculty techniques, where 15% of classroom time was spent who believe the goal of teaching is knowledge on non-instructional activities. Furthermore, research transmission are more likely to lecture and those has indicated that significant student learning most believing the purpose is facilitating learning are more likely results when faculty employ a variety of likely to employ active learning (Kane et al., 2002). instructional practices, rather than relying exclusively Faculty beliefs about the efficacy of instructional on one approach (Bligh, 2000; Costin, 1972). methods also influence their decision regarding which Regardless of effectiveness, there is a teaching practices to employ in the classroom with tendency in the literature to classify instructors as faculty generally adopting the practices they feel will relying almost exclusively either on lecture or on best help students learn (Ballantyne, Bain, & Packer, active learning (Smith et al., 2014). Many previous 1999). In their 2014 study of 340 economics studies of instructional practice focus on how broadly instructors, Goffe and Kauper found that one-third or extensively lecture is employed by faculty believed students learned best from lecture. (Blackburn et al., 1980; Thielens, 1987), without It has also been hypothesized that certain exploring the prevalence of other instructional course characteristics, such as discipline or class size, practices (Lammers & Murphy, 2002). Further, most lead faculty to lecture for efficiency (Goffe & Kauper, studies of active learning techniques tend to classify 2014). Theilens (1987) found the percent of time faculty as either employing said techniques or spent on lecture was higher in disciplines such as the lecturing exclusively (Smith et al., 2014), ignoring the physical sciences, life sciences, and mathematics. Also, possibility that faculty regularly employ a range of Ballantyne et al. (1999) and Smeby (1996) concluded practices. Even the Higher Education Research that academics in technological disciplines spend Institute Faculty Survey (Eagan et al., 2014), which much of their time on lectures, whereas those in the aims to provide institutions with a “comprehensive, humanities are more likely to include seminars and research-based picture of key aspects of the faculty tutorials in their teaching practices. In her review of experience”, provides only limited insight into how the literature, Newmann (2001) concluded that extensively various instructional practices are used. disciplinary culture and knowledge have a direct While the survey does ask faculty if they have engaged 28 Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions in a variety of instructional practices, it does not ask better support faculty by identifying possible areas for about the amount of time dedicated to each. It is professional development. We also discuss whether clear, however, the tendency to portray faculty as our findings mirror those from studies conducted in either lecturing exclusively or not at all paints an other institutions and contexts and whether inaccurate and overly simplified portrait of teaching instructional practices university-wide mirror those in at the university level (Smith et al., 2014). the already well-documented STEM field. It is worth noting that most existing research on faculty instructional practices focuses on either institutions in the United States (Blackburn et al., Methodology 1980; Lammers & Murphy, 2002; Smith et al., 2014; Thielens, 1987), or in STEM fields (Smith et al., Data regarding faculty teaching practices was 2014), or assesses the efficacy of specific practices collected in the fall of 2014 at the University of (meta-analysis in Freeman et al., 2014; Michael, British Columbia Vancouver Campus (UBC-V), a 2006; Prince, 2004), rather than exploring the broad large research-intensive institution, which enrols range of practices employed by faculty in the course approximately 40,000 undergraduate and 10,000 of their teaching. Additional research exploring graduate students. The development of the 2014 teaching practices across a broad range of disciplines UBC Teaching Practices Survey was a collaborative and in institutions beyond the Unites States could effort between the Science Centre for Learning and add to our overall understanding of postsecondary Teaching (Skylight) and the Centre for Teaching, teaching and learning. What is more, research seeking Learning and Technology (CTLT). As described in to portray a more accurate understanding of the range Briseño-Garzón, Han, Birol, Bates, & Whitehead of teaching practices employed by individual faculty (2016), this survey was mainly intended to gather could add meaningful complexity to a currently information to measure the impact of institutional overly simplified picture of postsecondary teaching. initiatives aimed at improving the effectiveness and In this paper, we supplement existing efficiency of teaching and learning. Also, the goal of research on teaching practices by exploring data from the initial data analysis was to explore the overall a broad range of disciplines at a large, research- teaching climate at UBC in order to inform strategic intensive Canadian institution. We employ a planning and decision making, both campus-wide primarily quantitative approach to provide a detailed and within Faculties. description of the range of teaching practices The final instrument was the result of a employed and the perceptions related to those comprehensive review, integration, and modification practices. Specifically, we address the following of the Lasting Education Achieved and Demonstrated research questions: (LEAD) survey, run on both the Vancouver and (1) Is there a range of instructional practices Okanagan UBC campuses in 2008, and of related employed across the university or do specific surveys used in various institutions across North practices emerge as dominant? America. The survey was modified with input from (2) What are the implications of minimal and faculty from across disciplines, representatives from extensive time lecturing on other the Provost Office, UBC Associate Deans with instructional practices and faculty teaching and learning responsibilities, and staff expectations? members from UBC teaching and learning support (3) Are there differences in uptake of centres. Once a final version of the survey was professional development and perceptions of validated by faculty and approved by university institutional support for teaching among leadership, institutional ethics review and approval faculty who spend minimal and extensive was sought to conform to research standards of ethics time lecturing? and integrity (BREB # H14-01879). This paper We seek to better understand what teaching presents a secondary analysis of the original data practices are employed in our context so we might 29 Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. X collected under the aforementioned ethics protocol. Data Analysis The survey instrument consisted of two sections, the first asking about teaching practices The 2014 UBC-V Teaching Practice Survey collected employed in the participant’s largest enrolment, 1177 valid, consenting participant responses across all lowest level course, and the second asking about 11 Faculties at UBC-V. The institutional response perceptions of teaching practices and institutional rate was approximately 24%, ranging from 14% to support for teaching. The instrument contained 30 68% across Faculties. The sample size was confirmed questions, primarily multiple choice or Likert scales. to be representative of the UBC-V population when Three open-ended questions provided participants an compared with the data on faculty track and rank opportunity to share insights about the encountered from UBC’s Planning and Institutional Research challenges to teaching, factors of improvement, and Office (Figure 1). suggested changes that could have a positive impact In response to research literature on their teaching practices. For a detailed description characterizing faculty as either exclusively lecturing or of the original study, survey deployment strategy, exclusively relying on active learning approaches, we inclusion criteria, and participant recruitment please built on the methodology employed by Smith et al. see Briseño-Garzón et al. (2016). The survey instrument can be accessed by emailing the (2014) who found most faculty employed a variety of corresponding author at [email protected] while instructional practices. For the purpose of the present an overview of the findings of the original study can analysis and in the survey instrument itself, the term be found at http://ctlt.ubc.ca/resources/tps-report/. ‘lecturing’ is broadly defined and includes other In addition, the qualitative sections of the survey are passive learning activities such as watching a video. extensively analysed and discussed elsewhere The dataset was divided into four segments or (Briseño-Garzón et al., 2016). The present article quadrants based on participant responses to the represents a secondary analysis of the quantitative question “Please indicate the approximate percentage data originally collected, for which time spent of instructional time spent by instructor or TA lecturing was used as the main variable of interest to presenting content (which includes lecturing, provide further insights. showing a video or performing a demonstration)”. Adjunct Professor Sessional Lecturer Lecturer Professor of Teaching Senior Instructor Instructor 1 Emeritus/Emerita Full Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Number of Faculty (%) Figure 1 Participant rank and stream (BLACK) compared to UBC Vancouver population, as reported by the Planning and Institutional Research Office as of October 31, 2014 (GREY) 30 FACULTY TEACHING PRACTICES AND PERCEPTIONS In this paper, we combined “lecturing, showing a effectiveness of various teaching practices, and video or performing a demonstration” and referred to perceptions of institutional support for teaching. them as “lecturing”. The four quadrants were the following: • Quadrant 1: 0-25% of time spent by Results and Discussion instructor or TA on lecturing • Quadrant 2: 26-50% of time spent by After dividing the responses into four quadrants based instructor or TA on lecturing on the reported percent time spent lecturing (Table • Quadrant 3: 51-75% of time spent by 1), it is apparent that considerably more survey instructor or TA on lecturing participants spend minimal time lecturing (quadrant • Quadrant 4: 76-100% of time spent by 1) than those who reported lecturing extensively instructor or TA on lecturing (quadrant 4). There is also a notable increase in the Only those participants who consented to average class size across quadrants. participate in the study and reported a total time for all activities equaling 100% are included in this analysis; this equals 891 responses across 11 Faculties. Class Size and Course Level Descriptive statistics were generated for all multiple choice and Likert-scale questions. Once Participants in this study reported a wide range of participants were grouped in quadrants, we class sizes in each quadrant as evidenced by the large conducted a comparative analysis of survey responses standard deviations (Table 1). Our analysis indicates (one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey HSD) by a weak positive but significant correlation between quadrant in order to explore the ways in which class size and percent of time spent lecturing teaching practices and perceptions vary between (Pearson’s r = 0. 278, p < 0.05) for the aggregate data participants who spend minimal and extensive time (Figure 2a). Lammers and Murphy (2002) found a lecturing. Specifically, we examined differences in stronger correlation between class size and the percent course characteristics and faculty demographics, both of time the instructor was the “only one actively in-class teaching practices and expectations for out- involved” (Pearson’s r = 0.45, p < 0.001). Smith et al. of-class student activities, responsibilities assigned to (2014), whose research was limited to STEM fields, teaching assistants, participation in professional reported a slightly weaker correlation between class development opportunities, perceptions of the Table 1 Distribution of participants across quadrants Quadrant Time Lecturing Number of Participants Average Number of Students (%) (+/- St. Dev.) 1 0-25 264 62 (+/-71) 2 26-50 239 78 (+/-81) 3 51-75 240 107 (+/-86) 4 76-100 148 132 (+/-101) 31 Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. X 100 100 ) 90 ) 90 % % 500-level g ( 80 s ( 80 or higher rin 70 ant 70 400-level u p ct 60 ci 60 300-level Le 50 rti 50 t a 200-level en 40 f P 40 p o S 30 r 30 100-level e e m 20 b 20 m Ti 10 u 10 N 0 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 1 2 3 4 Class Size (Number of Students) a b Quadrants Figure 2 Distribution of class size and courses taught by participants size and the percent of time spent presenting Faculty Teaching Experience and (Pearson’s r = 0.401, p < 0.05). Analysis of the UBC- Stream V data for Science only indicates an even weaker positive but significant correlation between class size Years of teaching experience (Figure 3) reported by and percent of time spent lecturing (Pearson’s r = 0. participants was equally distributed across quadrants 216, p < 0.05). The difference between these studies and included representation in all options offered, and our results might be due to the fact that the ranging from less than one to 20 and more years. The Lammers and Murphy study was conducted at a mid- distribution of participants across UBC-V’s two size US institution and Smith et al.’s study was based tenure streams, one emphasizing research and the solely on STEM courses at one small US institution, other emphasizing teaching, along with contract while the data in our analysis is from a large, research- faculty is presented in Figure 4. We found that all intensive institution and is institution-wide including quadrants have roughly the same distribution across multiple disciplines. the categories provided for years of teaching The distribution of the course levels across experience, with faculty having between 15 and 19 quadrants is shown in Figure 2b. Although the years of experience showing the most variation across percentage of upper-level courses (400- and 500- quadrants and that there was no relationship between level) was slightly higher in quadrant 1 than others, years of teaching experience and the use of lecture. 100-level courses are relatively evenly distributed However, there was a significant difference in the across quadrants. Since upper-level courses tend to distribution of research and contract faculty between focus on analysis and synthesis of knowledge, this quadrants 1 & 3 and 1 & 4. As the percent of time finding is consistent with earlier findings reporting spent on lecturing increased (from quadrant 1 to 4), that lecture may be more appropriate in lower level the number of research faculty represented in the courses where the objective seems to commonly be quadrant significantly increased while the number of the learning of factual information (Bligh, 2000; contract faculty significantly decreased. There was no Costin, 1972). We hypothesize the fairly flat statistical difference in the distribution of teaching distribution of 100-level courses across the quadrants faculty across quadrants. reflects the widespread focus in higher education on the first-year experience. 32 Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions 100 20 or more %) 90 fifteen to nineteen ( s 80 ten to fourteen t n a 70 five to nine p ci 60 one to four ti ar 50 less than one P f 40 o r 30 e b m 20 u 10 N 0 1 2 3 4 Quadrants Figure 3 Distribution of participants by years of teaching experience Perceptions of Effectiveness of Participants across all quadrants were more likely to agree or strongly agree that “active learning Active Learning and Lecturing was an effective way to promote student learning” than to agree with the same statement in relation to We asked participants about their perceptions of lecture (Figures 5a and 5b). However, we see opposite active learning and lecture for the promotion of response patterns for these two questions. student learning. Our survey did not provide a Participants in quadrant 1 are considerably more definition of the term “active learning” because of the likely than those in quadrant 4 to strongly agree that variety of practices employed in disciplines and “active learning is an effective way to promote student concerns a definition would be constraining. learning” (74% versus 41%) (Figure 5a). While ) 100 % s ( 90 Teaching t 80 n Research pa 70 ci 60 Contract ti ar 50 P f 40 o r 30 e b 20 m u 10 N 0 1 2 3 4 Quadrants Figure 4 Distribution of participants by stream1 1 A significant difference (one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD, p < 0.05) between quadrants 1 & 3 and 1 & 4 regarding the number of research faculty and contract faculty. No significant difference in the number of teaching faculty across quadrants. 33 Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. X Active learning is an effective way Lecturing is an effective way to promote student learning to promote student learning Strongly 100 Disagree ) % Disagree ( s 80 t n Neutral a p ci 60 Agree ti r a P Strongly f 40 o Agree r e b m 20 u N 0 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 a b Quadrants Quadrants Figure 5 Perceptions of the effectiveness of active learning and lecturing participants in quadrant 4 are considerably more the delivery of content with the implementation of likely than those in quadrant 1 to strongly agree that active learning techniques as the most prevalent “lecture is an effective way to promote student challenges faculty face. A combination of these factors learning” (34% versus 8%) (Figure 5b). could explain why, despite the overwhelming positive It is notable, however, that participant perception of the value of active learning, faculty do perceptions of the effectiveness of lecture and active not broadly implement active learning techniques learning do not necessarily align with their practices. (Briseño-Garzón, et al., 2016). Despite devoting 75% or more of their classroom time to lecture, 19% of participants in quadrant 4 do not agree with the statement “Lecture is an effective In-Class Teaching Practices way to promote student learning”. In addition, despite spending minimal time lecturing, 39% of Overall, participants reported dedicating an average those in quadrant 1 agree and strongly agree with of 46% (SD +/-28) of classroom time to lecturing. lecture being an effective way to promote student Few participants reported spending more than 90% learning. Further, 82% of participants in quadrant 4, of their time on lecturing (4%) and only 16 despite spending the vast majority of their classroom participants (< 2%) reported using lecture exclusively. time lecturing, either agreed or strongly agreed that Participants were also asked to report percent active learning was effective. This echoes the findings of time on other in-class activities including class of Goffe and Kauper (2014) who report some faculty discussion, student-led activities, problem-solving, choose to lecture despite beliefs that other practices peer review, and assessments. As expected given the may be more effective. There could be practical relationship between these variables, the average reasons for not choosing active learning techniques. percent time spent on in-class activities other than In our previous study, the qualitative responses to the lecturing decreased as the percent time spent on question “Briefly describe what you consider to be the lecturing increased (Figure 6). Participants in all four biggest challenge to your teaching” revealed workload quadrants reported using most of their non-lecture and lack of time, increasing class sizes, and balancing time for “whole class or small group discussion” with 34 Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions the reported percent of time decreasing even across quadrants, quadrant 4 spends a proportionally across quadrants 1 to 4. A similar considerably larger proportion of non-lecture time on pattern was noted in the other categories, with the assessments (~28%) compared to quadrant 1 (~7%). exception of “Students completing assessments”, Looking at the distribution of remaining time within which showed a relatively flat distribution across a quadrant and across activities, we see that categories and had an overall average of 5% of time participants in quadrant 1 reported a variety of with a standard deviation of 6.3. activities with each practice averaging more than 5% To account for the relationship between of the remaining time. Consistent with Smith et al.’s lecturing and the other variables, we recalculated the (2014) observation of a wide range of teaching average percent time spent on in-class activities practices being employed by faculty, we also see all outside of lecturing (i.e., 100 minus % time spent on categories reported in quadrant 4. However, there is lecturing = remaining time for other in-class a greater variation in the time spent in different activities) (Figure 7). Based on this analysis we find, categories with a minimal proportion of remaining even though quadrant 1 dedicates approximately time spent on the categories characterizing students as 25% more classroom time to discussion, quadrant 4 knowledge makers (“student led activities”, 6%) and spends proportionally 6% more of the remaining as a source of expertise (“peer review and feedback”, classroom time on discussion. Further, while the 1%). overall percent time spent on assessment is roughly 35 Quadrant 1 %) 30 Quadrant 2 s ( Quadrant 3 s a Cl n 25 Quadrant 4 t i n e p S 20 e m Ti 15 10 5 0 Whole class/small Student-led activities Solving Peer review and Assessments (e.g. test group discussion problems/producing feedback or quiz) work in groups/individually Figure 6 Average percent time spent on in-class activities (lecturing not shown)2 2 Significant difference (one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD, p < 0.05) between most quadrants for all activities except for peer review and feedback for quadrants 3 & 4, and for assessment for quadrants 1 & 2, 1 & 3, 2 & 3, 3 & 4. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. 35 Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, Vol. X 45 Quadrant 1 40 Quadrant 2 ) 35 Quadrant 3 % s ( 30 Quadrant 4 s a Cl 25 n t i 20 n e p 15 S e 10 m Ti 5 0 Whole class/small Student-led activities Solving Peer review and Assessments (e.g. test group discussion problems/producing feedback or quiz) work in groups/individually Figure 7 Average percent time spent on in-class activities (lecturing not shown), recalculated to exclude lecturing time from the total (i.e., 100 - % time spent on lecturing = remaining time for other in-class activities) Expectations for Students Out-of-Class worksheets” that do not contribute to a course grade. Across the remaining activities listed, we see a clear pattern emerge in the responses for Participants were also asked to indicate the activities they expected students to complete outside of class participants within quadrants (Figure 9). Participants in quadrants 1 and 2 were more likely than (Figures 8 and 9). There was no significant difference across quadrants in participants reporting the participants in quadrants 3 and 4 to expect students to complete any of the activities listed, with the most expectation for students to review material with no assessment of understanding before class. However, dramatic differences in expectations for “group assignments” (a difference of 44% from quadrant 1 to there was a significant difference (one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD, p < 0.05) between most quadrants 4), “reflective writing” (a difference of 43% from quadrant 1 to 4), and “individual projects/work” (a regarding expectations for students to review material with assessment before class, except quadrants 1 and difference of 35% from quadrant 1 to 4) (one-way ANOVA, Tukey HSD, p < 0.05). The difference in 2 and quadrants 1 through 3 (Figure 8). Given the percent of participants in quadrants 1 and 4, choosing role pre-class assessments play in flipped or just-in- from a variety of out-of-class activities, suggested a time teaching, this may suggest participants in clear distinction between the two groups in their quadrants 1 through 3 implemented these practices expectations for how students will spend their time more often than participants in quadrant 4. outside the classroom. Participants in quadrant 1 Interestingly, we see a different pattern in the expected students to engage in a variety of out-of-class reported expectations regarding “problem sets, activities, whereas participants in quadrant 4 were homework or worksheets” that do and do not most likely to expect their students only review contribute to a course grade. Here, participants in materials or solve problem sets. We found these quadrant 1 were markedly less likely to expect responses consistent with their in-class responses in students to complete these compared to participants that participants in quadrant 1 consistently employed in other quadrants. There was no significant more student-centred teaching practices. difference across quadrants in the expectation for students to complete “problem sets, homework or 36