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Using Statistical Process Control to Enhance Student Progression Mark D. Hanna, Professor Department of Finance and Quantitative Analysis Georgia Southern University Statesboro, Georgia Nilesh Raichura, Graduate Assistant Department of Finance and Quantitative Analysis Georgia Southern University Statesboro, Georgia Ednilson Bernardes, Associate Professor Department of Finance and Quantitative Analysis Georgia Southern University Statesboro, Georgia ABSTRACT Public interest in educational outcomes has markedly increased in the most recent decade; how- ever, quality management and statistical process control have not deeply penetrated the manage- ment of academic institutions. This paper presents results of an attempt to use Statistical Process Control (SPC) to identify a key impediment to continuous improvement in the academic setting and to facilitate continual improvement of instructional performance. An illustration from an undergraduate degree program in business administration is provided. INTRODUCTION • “rather than obtaining feedback from students in the form of course critiques at During the 1990s Total Quality Management the end of the course, institute feedback (TQM) was a hot topic among American busi- throughout the course. ness professionals. Companies adopted TQM, in many cases with a great deal of passion. Ad- • apply statistical methods to detect the herents promoted widespread adoption – not presence or absence of ‘out of control’ just in industry but also in the public sector. conditions in the education system. Universities and university systems were not only • as role models, faculty should practice TQ encouraged to adopt quality management by ex- in the conduct of courses, performance of ternal stakeholders such as boards of trustees and research and interactions with students, advisory councils, but also pursued the approach staff, and colleagues. because they had funding concerns and a need to “do more with less”. AACSB International, a • the university should become a model of premier worldwide accrediting organization for a TQ focused organization; in so doing, colleges of business, convened a major conference students’ expectations will become the of business school and industry leaders to facili- expectations of their employers…” (Gitlow, tate adoption of quality management practices in et al., p. 6, 1994) business. Among the recommendations of that With these, and other, recommendations in convention were the following points on improv- hand, AACSB funded the development of a 231 ing the teaching/learning process: page curriculum resource guide for quality man- Journal of Learning in Higher Education 71 Mark D. Hanna, Nilesh Raichura, & Ednilson Bernardes agement. Similarly, in the last decade various agement efforts directed toward student reten- studies have discussed the application of quality tion, progression and graduation (RPG). These management principles to higher education (e.g., efforts are becoming increasingly important as Baile and Bennett, 1996; Ensby and Mahmoodi, our society is becoming more and more efficiency 1997; Mehrez et al., 1997; Vazzana et al., 1997; and value conscious. As student cohorts progress Willis and Taylor, 1999). However, although from the freshmen to senior level, some individu- assessing educational processes is necessary for als are lost due to attrition. While there may be continual improvement of educational outcomes, many factors that play a role in student attrition, institutions of higher learning seem to stand in including student characteristics and institu- need of examples demonstrating actual applica- tional practices, attrition does cause reduced ef- tion of quality methods in their environment and ficiency and lost opportunities in the educational greater expertise in the techniques to perform system. As such, RPG represents a significant such assessment. For example, Lawrence, et al. family of performance measures for universities (2008, p. 453) seeks to “stimulate thinking about today, and will likely continue to grow in impor- the application of a proven quality management tance. methodology to academic settings where formal Retention, Progression and Graduation are terms improvement programs such as six sigma are not that have been operationally defined by the Inte- commonly found.” grated Postsecondary Educational Data System W. Edwards Deming, a leading proponent of (IPEDS). Specifically, a first time freshman is quality management and the practice of continu- a degree-seeking undergraduate who enters col- ous improvement, promoted an improvement lege for the first time in the fall term or who has cycle known variously as the Shewhart cycle, graduated from high school within the same cal- Deming cycle, PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) Cy- endar year of that fall term. Cohorts are groups cle, or PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle (Evans of first time, full time, degree-seeking freshmen and Lindsay, 2002). Like TQM, this approach who enter a specific university during a given fall has been widely used in industry, however has term. A university’s retention rate for a given not deeply penetrated the administration of in- cohort is defined as the percentage of that group struction in American universities (Mergen et that returns to the same institution the follow- al., 2000). While there is great interest in im- ing fall. Many universities focus primarily on provement and innovation, continuity of effort freshman retention, meaning this statistic is not seems to be lacking. It is at least possible that always tracked as the cohort matures into their this continuous improvement practice has not third year and beyond. Progression, however, is penetrated academic administration because of monitored throughout the academic career of a lack of awareness of the way in which statisti- the cohort. Progression is defined as the fall co- cal control of processes can be used to establish hort who progress to the next classification by an understanding of the range of outcomes one the subsequent fall. The rate of progression for a might expect under normal circumstances and a cohort in a given fall would be reflected in a his- baseline for ongoing improvement. Conversely, togram presenting the percentage of students in statistical control may not be widely applied in each classification. Graduation rates are defined academic administration because continuous im- as the percentage of a fall cohort that graduates provement – in a form such as the P-D-S-A cycle by the summer of their sixth year. While the is not practiced. Regardless, statistical process above describes an entry cohort based methodol- control is ideal for capturing educational process- ogy, Lee and Buckthorpe (2008) present an exit es such as retention-progression-graduation, be- cohort method. For study programs in a more- cause it focuses not only on measuring outcomes, or-less steady state operational situation, their but also, and importantly, on measuring process- method has the benefit of providing a current in- es, and on prevention of nonconformance rather dicator of the current state of affairs in a course of than ex post detection. (Montgomery, 2000). study, rather than requiring a lag of several years while an entry cohort progresses. In addition, it More recently, improvement efforts at universi- has been tested over several years and “has proved ties have come in the form of enrollment man- 72 Spring 2012 (Volume 8 Issue 1) Using Statistical Process Control to Enhance Student Progression to be a robust method” of calculating non-com- 4. Attainment of uniform quality even pletion rates. though inspection test is destructive, The measurement and use of RPG has recently 5. Reduction in tolerance limits where become quite pervasive among global universi- quality measurement is indirect. ties. In the U.S., it is used by the National Col- legiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to monitor Shewhart noted that “it is often more economi- athletic programs and ensure that universities do cal to throw out defective material at some of not field athletes who are not making academic the initial stages of production rather than to progress. The consequence of not meeting the let it pass on to the final stage where it would NCAA’s RPG targets for an athletic team is a re- likely cause the rejection of a finished unit of duction in the number of scholarships that may product.”(Shewhart, 1931, p. 28) Shewhart’s be offered to members of that team. Similarly, perspective, which has now been validated by university systems around the world have used nearly a century of industrial practice, was that RPG or non-completion rates as a way of evalu- “by eliminating assignable causes of variability, ating the relative effectiveness of their member we arrive at a limit to which it is feasible to go in institutions and to establish performance bench- reducing the fraction defective.”(Shewhart, 1931, marks. They have also adapted their funding p. 28) Shewhart developed SPC as a method for formulas to financially reward institutions that identifying the assignable causes of variability – meet RPG targets and penalize those that do not. those that affect a process at sometimes but not at others - so that they could be removed. The In this paper, we present the results of a project control charting techniques associated with SPC that seeks to address the resistance of academic are now widely used in business and other public environments to the use of continuous improve- organizations. However, they are far less preva- ment techniques. The project involves developing lent in university administration of instructional an illustrative example of Statistical Process Con- processes. trol (SPC) applied to the supervision of instruc- tion. Our example shows that SPC is effective While there are substantial differences between in demonstrating the need for standardization the factories addressed by Shewhart’s research of course outcomes prior to efforts at continu- in the early 20th century, and universities in the ous improvement. It also illustrates the impor- early 21st century, the outcomes envisioned by tance of SPC in any improvement cycle that may Shewhart are now being openly promoted in be used by academic administrators who seek to public higher education policy in the United fulfill the AACSB mandates described above, es- States. In higher education: tablish a continual improvement process for the 1. The call for “reduction in the cost of in- courses they supervise, and/or address demands spection” is reflected in concerns about for improved RPG. the rapid growth in assessment require- ments and the cost associated with this STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL growth. SPC was first proposed by Walter A. Shewhart. 2. The call for “reduction in the cost of In the context of the mass production of parts rejections” is reflected in efforts by ac- used by his employer, Shewhart (1931, p. 34) sug- crediting and funding agencies to assure gested that SPC would lead to at least five favor- able outcomes, which he labeled: RPG, or reduce non-completion rates. It is also reflected in the prevalent at- 1. Reduction in the cost of inspection, tempts among undergraduate programs 2. Reduction in the cost of rejections, to create “first year experience” programs that demonstrably enhance RPG. 3. Attainment of maximum benefits from quantity production, 3. The call for “attainment of maximum benefits from quantity production” is re- Journal of Learning in Higher Education 73 Mark D. Hanna, Nilesh Raichura, & Ednilson Bernardes flected in the widespread expectation of seen as indicators of the presence of some “special access to higher education and financial cause” acting on the system of interest. support for the same. In addition to single points outside of the con- trol limit, the presence of special cause variation 4. The call for “attainment of uniform may be indicated by patterns of observed values. quality even though inspection test is Examples of such patterns are “two out of three destructive” is reflected in the fact that consecutive points more than two standard de- the decision to hire a specific graduate viations away from the mean on the same side of cannot be redone. One primary current the center line”, “or four out of five consecutive emphasis of virtually all accrediting points more than one standard deviation away agencies seems to be on program assess- from the mean on the same side of the center ment. This reflects the need to ensure line”, or “a predictable (i.e., seasonal”) pattern”, that instructional processes consistently or “13 points in a row within one standard devia- tion of the mean”. Hence, to facilitate the use of attain program objectives. such “rules of runs”, control charts often depict 5. The call for “reduction in tolerance “one-sigma” and “two-sigma” zones in addition limits where quality measurement is to the control limits. These are helpful in inter- indirect” is reflected in the assessment preting the chart. practices of university administrators In this paper, the specific SPC tool we utilize is and in the use of grades, transcripts, the p-chart. These charts are used to monitor the and psychometric testing by corporate proportion of entities with a specific characteris- human resources professional who seek tic in a given sample. To draw p charts, samples to predict applicant performance in are drawn from the population and the propor- specific types of jobs. tion of entities exhibiting the characteristic of interest (p) for each sample is calculated. The Just as it may be more economical to reject non- average proportion ( p ) for all samples is cal- conforming parts during early stages of produc- culated using the values from each sample. Given tion, so too in higher-education it may be more a group of m samples, the estimate of the sample economical to no longer enroll a student (lack- average proportion, p, can be calculated using ing in aptitude or motivation) at an early stage the formula, of their university experience than to allow that m student to progress in a program that they are ∑ p i unlikely to successfully complete. p = i=1 m Statistical control charts have been used for many years to monitor the performance of busi- ness and manufacturing processes (e.g., Kumar The standard deviation (σ ), a measure of varia- p and Gupta, 1993; Harris and Ruth, 1994). A tion, is used to derive various control limits with- control chart is comprised of a center line, an in which sample proportions are expected to fall. upper control limit (UCL), and a lower control The standard deviation (σ ) is calculated using p limit (LCL) and sample values that are plotted the following formula, against these. The center line is simply the ex- pected value for the statistic being observed. In p(1− p) σ = the U.S., it is common to use “three-sigma” limits p n – meaning the control limits are three standard Where: deviations away from the mean being observed. σ = Estimate of the standard deviation The UCL and LCL represent the extent to which p of the sampling distribution of one might expect the statistic being observed to proportions vary under normal circumstances. Therefore, observed values outside the control limits are p = Estimate of the sample average proportion 74 Spring 2012 (Volume 8 Issue 1) Using Statistical Process Control to Enhance Student Progression n = sample size between year 2000 and 2008 was studied and analyzed for this purpose. Data for students en- Average proportions and standard deviations cal- rolled in summer classes, web courses and other culated in this manner can be used to construct a satellite campuses was eliminated to remove p-chart in the following manner. unique populations that could skew the results. Center line = p The results for the universe of students enrolled during this period were used to determine the 1 sigma boundaries = ( p ±σ ) p average proportion ( p) of students progressing. 2 sigma boundaries = ( p ± 2σ ) The proportion (p) progressing in a given semes- p ter, and the appropriate control limits for that 3 sigma limits = ( p ±3σ ) p semester were determined using the results for The 3 sigma limits are referred to as the Upper all of that term’s enrollees. Hence, our control Control Limit (UCL) and Lower Control Limit limits vary by semester. (LCL). When the sample size is held constant, The effort focused on academic performance of σ will also be a constant and the boundaries p students in five courses, which all business stu- and control limits will be straight lines. When dents are required to complete. These are taken in the sample size varies, σ will also vary, and the p sequence between the second and final semester recommended approach to handling this situ- of the undergraduate business degree program. ation is to utilize these varying the boundaries These courses are also generally understood to be and limits. (Duncan, 1986) Sample proportions the sequence (or critical path) that is most likely are plotted on the control chart along with the to impact a student’s time to graduation. Thus, applicable center line, boundaries, and limits. this project focused on explaining progression Depending on the location of plotted values the and graduation related instructional issues – par- control chart relative to the boundaries and lim- ticularly, we needed to discover if special causes its, conclusions regarding the presence of special of variation in pass rates can be identified and in- cause variation can be made utilizing the inter- vestigated using SPC. Since a letter grade of “C” pretation rules alluded to above. or better is required for a business student to pass in each of these courses, the proportion of stu- APPLYING SPC TO AN dents achieving a grade of “C” or better was cal- ACADEMIC SEQUENCE culated for each of the five courses during spring and fall semesters for the time period between Analysis of student academic performance in a spring 2000 and spring 2008. P-charts from the sequence of core classes, with the help of statis- data analysis for five courses under consideration tical control charts, helps explain the impact of are shown in Figures 2 through 6. From Spring, instructional factors on retention, progression 2000 through Spring, 2008 these courses dem- and graduation. The academic performance of onstrated substantial variation in the average the students enrolled in the undergraduate busi- proportion of students achieving a grade of “C” ness degree program of the College of Business or better (Figure 1). Administration at Georgia Southern University figure 1 Figure 1: Average proportion of students who passed a given course average ProPorTion of sTudenTs who Passed a given course MGNT 3430 p = 0.846 MATH 1232 BUSA 3131 BUSA 4131 p p p = 0.608 = 0.699 = 0.943 BUSA 3132 p = 0.736 Journal of Learning in Higher Education 75 1 Mark D. Hanna, Nilesh Raichura, & Ednilson Bernardes MATH 1232 this control chart. In fall 2002, the proportion of students passing the course was significantly Math 1232 is a Survey of Calculus course and it is lower than mean value ( p). Similarly the pro- the first class in the critical sequence. Two things portion of students passing the course is signifi- are obvious from the control chart (Figure 2); cantly higher than upper control limit (UCL) in first there is an overall upward trend in the pro- spring 2007. The proportion of students passing portion of students passing the class and second the course is slightly higher than the upper con- there is a wide range in the semester proportions trol limit in Spring 2008. Investigations of rea- observed. These run from 0.496 to 0.735 with a sons for poor student performance in Fall 2002 mean proportion of 0.608. The department chair may give us insight into what does not work in suggests “the spring results are better because MATH 1232, whereas investigations of assign- most of the students take College Algebra in the able causes for improved student performance in fall and then Survey in the spring.  Fall semesters the Spring of 2007 and 2008 may help us identi- probably involve off-semester students who failed fy what does work particularly well and could be previously and transfer students.” One possible institutionalized to improve student progression cause for the upward trend includes an increase by improving pass rates in this course in future in admissions standards. It is also possible that semesters. the higher rates recently observed are a result of greater university attention to the first year expe- BUSA 3131 rience, and/or improved coordination and staff- ing of the class. It appears that the improvement BUSA 3131, the second class in the critical se- in pass rates does not simply reflect a relaxation quence, is a Business Statistics course. This chart of standards in this course, because this could (see Figure 3) has a mean proportion ( p) of lead to lower pass rates in subsequent courses. 0.699 and the proportion (p) for given semesters There are three points of specific concern on ranges from 0.589 to 0.782. There is a significant figure 2 P - Chart for MATH 1232 - Survey of Calculus 0.75 m er en t 0.7 v gi a n e i urs0.65 Term Proportion o Average Proportion c he Lower 3σ Bound ng t 0.6 Upper 3σ bound ssi Lower 2σ Bound a s p Upper 2σ bound nt Lower 1σ Bound de0.55 u Upper 1σ bound st of n o orti 0.5 p o Pr 0.45 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring S S S S S S S S S Term 76 Spring 2012 (Volume 8 Issue 1) Using Statistical Process Control to Enhance Student Progression figure 3 P - Chart for BUSA 3131 - Business Statistics erm0.78 n t e v gi a n se i0.73 Term Proportion ur o Lower 3σ Bound c he Upper 3σ bound g t Average Proportion n si Lower 2σ Bound pas0.68 Upper 2σ bound s nt Lower 1σ Bound e d Upper 1σ bound u st n of 0.63 o orti p o Pr 0.58 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring S S S S S S S S S Term variation in proportion (p) from Spring 2001 chart – the pattern simply reflects the impact of to Spring 2006 indicating presence of some as- organizational dynamics and staffing policies. It signable causes and a lack of control over stu- suggests the importance of remaining with the dent performance in this course over this given current approach to staffing the course. It should period, whereas the proportion has been less be noted that it is far easier to adjust the rigor of variable (staying close to the center line) after the class - and the consequent pass rates – than Spring 2006. This reduction in variation most to reduce the variation in pass rates. Hence, the likely reflects a change in the staffing approach accomplishment of the department chair who used in the course. Due to a reorganization of introduced the staffing model currently used the departmental structure of the college, this is very significant, both for this course and for course has been administered in two different staffing of other courses. Based on the fact that departments and by four different department virtually all doctorally qualified faculty in busi- chairs over the period charted. Prior to 2003 ness disciplines have received adequate training the department was prone to a heavy reliance on in basic business statistics, many would argue temporary and adjunct faculty and had substan- against a requirement that quantitative analysis tial turnover of tenure-track faculty. The result- faculty be used exclusively to staff the core service ing wide variations in semester pass rates reflect course in statistics. However, it is clear from our the lack of continuity among instructors. Upon experience, and this control chart, that unifying re-alignment of departments in the fall of 2003, the instructional corps with this requirement has the new supervisor for this course relied on a beneficially reduced variation in the proportion mix of faculty from economics and quantitative of students passing this class. methods. Finally, beginning in the fall of 2005, a third department chair consolidated staffing BUSA 3132 of the course with quantitative methods faculty and this practice has since continued. While BUSA 3132 is called Quantitative Analysis, and there are points outside of the limits on this covers topics such as forecasting, queuing, deci- Journal of Learning in Higher Education 77 Mark D. Hanna, Nilesh Raichura, & Ednilson Bernardes figure 4 P - Chart for BUSA 3132 - Quantitative Analysis 0.85 m er n t ve 0.8 gi a n ss i Term Proportion a cl Average Proportion e 0.75 h Lower 3σ Bound g t n Upper 3σ bound si as Lower 2σ Bound p ents 0.7 ULopwpeerr 12σσ Bboouunndd d stu Upper 1σ bound of n ortio0.65 p o Pr 0.6 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring S S S S S S S S S Term sion analysis and linear programming. BUSA be seen from the control chart (Figure 5) that se- 3131 is a prerequisite to BUSA 3132. As the p- mester averages of the passing proportion range chart for BUSA 3132 shows (Figure 4), there is from 0.785 to 0.913 with an overall average of obvious variability from semester to semester 0.846. The proportion of students passing the with only one semester where the proportion (p) class falls within the control limits for each se- is outside the lower control limit. The proportion mester. The staff teaching this course has been ac- (p) of students who pass this course ranges from tive with one another in a “teaching circle.” It is a low value of 0.642 to a high of 0.812, with a possible that the ongoing and consistent interac- mean proportion ( p) of 0.736. In addition to tion among this instructional cadre is a primary an out of control point for fall 2007 of 0.642, factor in the observed degree of control over stu- this chart exhibits an interesting pattern follow- dent pass rates. ing the fall of 2004. Namely, the proportions for BUSA 4131 Spring semesters are consistently higher than the proportions for Fall semesters. This could reflect BUSA 4131, Strategic Management, is the last either a staffing pattern or a different mix of stu- course in the sequence. Semester proportions dents in the spring (with more second attempt- of passing students in this course range from a ers). Indeed, given that two new tenure-track minimum value of 0.883 to a maximum value of faculty members were added to the staffing of 0.981 with a mean of 0.943 (Figure 6). The pro- this class in the fall of 2004, it seems likely that portion, 0.883, for fall 2000 is outside the lower staffing plays a role in the observed pattern. control limit of 0.889 for that semester. Given that this is eight years prior to the construction of the control chart, and all of the faculty who MGNT 3430 taught the course in that semester are no longer MGNT 3430 is an operations management affiliated with the university, it is difficult to de- course for undergraduate business majors. It can termine the cause of this point. Three possibili- 78 Spring 2012 (Volume 8 Issue 1) Using Statistical Process Control to Enhance Student Progression figure 5 P - Chart for MGNT 3430 - Operations Management 0.95 m er n t e v gi a 0.9 n s i term Proportion s a cl Average Proportion e h Lower 3σ Bound ssing t0.85 ULopwpeerr 23σσ Bboouunndd a s p Upper 2σ bound ent Lower 1σ Bound d stu Upper 1σ bound n of 0.8 o orti p o Pr 0.75 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring S S S S S S S S S Term figure 6 P - Chart fot BUSA 4131 - Strategic Management m er n t e v a gi0.97 n se i Term Proportion our Average Proportion c e Lower 3σ Bound h g t Upper 3σ bound n si Lower 2σ Bound s pa Upper 2σ bound nts 0.92 Lower 1σ Bound e ud Upper 1σ bound St of n o orti p o Pr 0.87 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring Fall pring S S S S S S S S S Term Journal of Learning in Higher Education 79 Mark D. Hanna, Nilesh Raichura, & Ednilson Bernardes ties arise. First, it is possible that the point would courses. For this reason, it may be more economi- not have seemed unusual at the time (if one were cal and beneficial to set higher standards (which looking at a chart with pass rates from 1992 to may cause lower pass rates in the lower level 2000), the average proportion of students pass- classes such as MATH 1232, in order to improve ing may have been lower. Second, it is also pos- the passing proportion in later classes as well as sible that the faculty and administration at the quality and efficiency of the overall university time were aware of some special cause variation system. Alternatively, it may be effective to as- and responded appropriately. Third, because the sure a good quality of the raw material (namely percentage passing the course is so high, and the student preparedness) by raising the entrance number taking the course in that semester was standards. This should have an effect on the pass relatively small, it would have taken only one less rate in the first course of the sequence and may failing grade to bring the point within the con- actually reduce variability throughout. If either trol limit. Hence, there is a small risk that a Type of these alternatives seems unrealistic due to cur- I error is made in concluding the process was out rent policies, maybe a leveling remedial course for of control when in fact it was not. less prepared students should be a requirement, before they enroll in their first academic classes in the sequence. A recommendation of adjust- SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION ments to course rigor, such as suggested above, Just as Shewhart (1931) demonstrated lower de- however, needs to be predicated on the ability fect levels where there was superior statistical to control. As we have seen, statistical control control of processes, our study of variation in has not yet been demonstrated for most of the pass rates for an academic sequence shows that courses in this sequence. Hence, there is a funda- academic courses with lower pass rates exhibit mental need to establish statistical control of the less statistical control. This demonstrates the val- instructional processes – demonstrated through ue of SPC as a tool for academic administrators limited variability in semester to semester pass- who seek to improve RPG. From a control chart- ing proportions – before our university may ef- ing perspective, the specific proportion (p) of stu- fectively pursue this academic strategy aimed at dents who pass (shown on the control charts) is retention. This recognition is a second benefit of not as significant an issue as is the wide variation our research. in this proportion found from semester to semes- In the context of a management process such as ter in certain courses. Unless the special causes of the Deming cycle, ongoing use of statistical con- these inconsistencies in pass rates are eliminated, trol charts enables a department chair to estab- it is very difficult to utilize an approach such as lish a reasonable range (benchmark) for pass rates the PDSA cycle to continuously improve student in any course of interest. This benchmark can be pass rates (and hence progression) through strat- established through an S-D-S-A cycle (Standard- egies applied to the instructional process. Illus- ize – Do – Study – Act). The Deming Cycle for trating this point is one of the primary benefits continuous improvement of processes which have of this paper – particularly given the lack of pen- been standardized utilizes four stages: Plan – Do etration of SPC in academic administration. – Study – Act. During the plan phase, instruc- Student progression through our critical se- tors for a given course would identify any changes quence of courses is analogous to progress of ma- they intend to make to their pedagogy for a given terial through manufacturing processes. When term (e.g., new book, new assignments, different students enter this critical sequence, those lack- topics, altered pedagogy, etc.). The do phase oc- ing in aptitude and ability get filtered out and do curs as the course is taught: instructors would not move to the next course in critical sequence. maintain records of student performance as well This means that students with relatively better as information regarding student receptivity to aptitude and abilities progress to the next course, the new approach. Control charts would be most thereby increasing the student performance in helpful during the study phase, which would in- the subsequent courses. This is one common ex- volve determining the impact of the change. A planation for the increase in passing proportions course change that led to improved learning, as observed as retained students move to higher level documented both by an improved pass rate and 80 Spring 2012 (Volume 8 Issue 1)

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