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ERIC EJ1135218: Do Employees' Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Affect the Organizational Citizenship Behavior?: Turkish Context PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1135218: Do Employees' Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Affect the Organizational Citizenship Behavior?: Turkish Context

Journal of International Education and Leadership Volume 6 Issue 1 Spring 2016 http://www.jielusa.org/ ISSN: 2161-7252   Do Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Affect the Organizational Citizenship Behavior? : Turkish Context Mukaddes Yeşilkaya Peruzet Aydın Kafkas University The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between employees’ perceptions on authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior. In this context, it was carried out a research on four-hundred public employees. The data from this study were analyzed via an appropriate statistical program and evaluated. Based on the findings from the analyses, there were positively and significant relationship between the participants’ perceptions on authentic leadership and organizational citizenship behavior; it was determined that perceptions on authentic leadership have affected the organizational citizenship behavior meaningfully. Key Words: Authentic leadership, perception of authentic leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, managerial psychology, organizational behavior. Authentic Leadership self, process information objectively and The term itself was used in different behave according to their true inner values, variations around the theme including self- emotions, and moral standards (Li et al, 2014: made reflection in the approaches of western 250). As authentic leaders are well aware of philosophers; for instance, being the true-self their shortcomings, in turn they work harder to one was meant to be himself or herself and not overcome these, because they are aware of life- following the lead of the crowd; and to make long personal development for a leader individual choices so as to take responsibility (George, 2003: 12). on their own, having one’s own experience of Authentic leaders model behaviors, thoughts, emotions and beliefs (Fusco, motivating followers to spark self-discovery 2015:132). that enables development of wisdom, Authentic leadership (AL) is a kind of autonomy, and a host of attitudes globally leadership consisting of inspiration and similar to the leader, while still being unique to promotion of the positive psychological the follower (Jacques et al, 2015: 391). potentials by highlighting the moral and ethical Moreover, AL fosters greater self-awareness, component of behavior (Lopez et al, 2015: 59). balanced processing of information, an AL is considered as a “a pattern of leader internalized moral perspective, and a relational behavior that draws upon and promotes both transparency on the part of leaders working positive psychological capacities and a positive with followers, enabling their positive self- ethical climate, to foster greater self- development (Gatling, 2014:28). awareness, an internalized moral perspective, George and Sims (2007: 31) argue balanced processing of information, and authentic leaders are “genuine people who are relational transparency on the part of leaders true to themselves and to what they believe in; working with followers, fostering positive self- at the same time, there is mounting evidence development” (Avolio et al, 2005: 321). that an authentic approach to leading is Authentic leaders, who have a deep sense of desirable and effective for advancing the Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  human enterprise and achieving positive and Organizational citizenship behavior in enduring outcomes in organizations (George, organization basically depends on the social 2003:12). Authenticity has a substantial exchange theory; namely, the workers focuses influence on how one lives one’s life; on fulfilling the organizational expectations furthermore, authenticity on the part of leaders (Dwivedi et al, 2015: 41; Chhetri, 2014: 171). influences not only leaders’ own well-being, This is the reason why the workers try to fulfill but also influences their followers’ well-being these expectations via organizational and self-concept (Ilies et al, 2005:374). citizenship behavior is related to the Specifically, it could be defined that authentic perceptions about that the organization will leadership as a pattern of leader behavior that look after their interest (Chiaburu, 2015: 708). draws upon and promotes both positive Based on the carried out studies, it was psychological capacities and a positive ethical found that the leaders have an important effect climate, to foster greater self-awareness, an on encouraging to organizational citizenship internalized moral perspective, balanced behavior (Koning and Kleef, 2015:490). The processing of information, and relational encouragement and development of this kind transparency on the part of leaders working of behavior in organization are crucial for with followers, fostering positive self- increasing the organizational facilities (Pour, development (Walumbwa, 2008:95). Self- 2010:369). In this context; the organizations awareness, for example, is particularly reassure to go beyond what they have awarded important because demonstrating that one is the behaviors so as to drive their challenging aware of one’s strengths and weaknesses helps potential (Dekas et al, 2013:220). one to be true to oneself and is critical to being The theory of organizational citizenship authentic (Tondock, 2015:11). Balanced behavior basically refers to a five-factor model processing is that objectively analyze all or components (Podsakoff et al, 2013: S89): relevant data before coming to a decision Altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, (Kernis, 2003:14). An internalized moral refers conscientiousness, and civic virtue According to an internalized and integrated form of self- to Organ, altruism or selflessness is related to regulation (Zhu et al, 2015:86). Relational the practice of concern for welfare of others; transparency refers to presenting one’s courtesy is to veil the fault of others and is all authentic self (as opposed to a fake or distorted about using your good manners to people near self) with others to share information and us; sportsmanship describes employees who expressions of one’s true thoughts and feelings are willing to tolerate difficulties in the while trying to minimize displays of workplace that are intended to improve the inappropriate emotions (Gardner et al, 2005: organization, abstaining from unnecessary 357). complaints and criticisms. (cited by Kark, 2007: 199). Based on the results of researches; Organizational Citizenship Behavior on one hand, conscientiousness, sometimes The most common definition used for referred to as compliance, reflects the genuine organizational citizenship behavior was by acceptance and adherence of workplace rules, Dennis W. Organ. According to him, regulations, and procedures; on the other hand, organizational citizenship refers to the civic or voice behavior uncovers ideas and supplementary behavior; not referring to the insights that could improve the interface voluntariness and formal reward system in the between employees and customers as well as organizations (cited by Astakhova, 2015:361). optimize products and services (Hemdi et al, That is to say; this mentioned voluntariness is 2012: 160). not related to the definition of the work or is not as a requirement of the role in the Relationship between Authentic Leadership organization (Chwalibog, :20), Furthermore it and Organizational Citizenship Behavior should be seen as sincere behaviors exhibited Up to now, it has been seen that there are (Fournier, 2008:13). Not only do these kinds of numerous researches on the reasons affecting behaviors affect the performance of the both the performance of individual, group and workers; but these could be also distinguished organization. There is a common point of these with the uniqueness and differences qualities researches, thorough which it was carried out (Oh et al, 2015: 1010). what affects the individual in an organization and what directs or manages their 2 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  attitudes/behaviors. Particularly, the main Research Design theme of the researches is on the fact that employees have a positive or negative Population, Sampling and Data Collection perception towards their senior managers. The boundary of this study is limited to the Based on this view, it could be said that the employees in public. As being difficult to leadership approaches of managers cause to determine enough data on the population from develop the different attitudes in employees. the related population, the population size is Recent studies pointed out that authentic 399 participants (Sample Size Calculator, leadership could positively influence employee 2015), and unrestricted sampling was used. attitudes, behavior and work outcomes, such as The data were collected from the employees organizational commitment, employee’s job via 430 questionnaire forms in contemplation satisfaction, trust, creativity, performance, of missing data. In turn, data collection engagement and organizational citizenship resulted in 418 questionnaire forms responded behavior (Hsieh & Wang, 2015: 2329-2330). completely; but 18 questionnaire forms, which On the other hand, in the literature; there are were lack or contained of bad data were different studies analyzing to determine the omitted. Thus, the analysis of this study was relationship between the different manners of done according to the results of 400 leadership; for instance transformational questionnaires. (Arslantaş and Pekdemir, 2007), charismatic It was used “Authentic Leadership (Zehir et al., 2014), servant (Kwak & Kim, Questionnaire (ALQ)” adapted to Turkish 2015), ethics (Mon and Shi, 2015), spiritual culture, done the reliability and validity test by (Wu, 2015), situational (Lou & Liu, 2014), Tabak et al (2012) so as to measure the and interactive (Cetin et al., 2012) and authentic leadership perception. This self- organizational citizenship behavior. However, assessment questionnaire consisting sixteen the literature put forward that there have been items is designed to measure the authentic rather limited studies aiming to analyze and to leadership (AL) by assessing four components determine the relationship between the manner of the process: relational transparency (RT), of authentic leadership and organizational internalized moral perspective (IMP), citizenship behavior balanced processing (BP), self-awareness The literature has documented the studies (SA), and by comparing the scores on each of (Song and Seomun, 2014; Valsania et al, 2012; these components, it could be determined Walumbwa et al, 2008) on the relationship which are his/her stronger, and which are between authentic leadership and his/her weaker components in regard to the organizational citizenship behavior; one of overall authentic leadership scores. It could be them was carried out over the job satisfaction interpreted the authentic leadership score (the (Tonkin, 2013) as a variable. At all studies total score) using the following guidelines: mentioned above; it was found that there was a very high = 64-80, high = 48-64, low = 32-48, relationship between authentic leadership and and very low = 16-32. Scores in the upper organizational citizenship behavior. ranges indicate stronger authentic leadership, The main aim of this study was to analyze whereas scores in the lower ranges indicate the relationship between employees’ weaker authentic leadership. perceptions on authentic leadership and The original Organizational Citizenship organizational citizenship behavior. Based on Behaviour Checklist (OCB-C) was a 42 item the above information, the following instrument designed to assess the frequency of hypothesis were proposed: organizational citizenship behaviours H = There was a significant, but positively performed by employees. OCB-C was used in 1 and significant relationship between a study carried out by Bolat ve Bolat’s (2008). employees’ perceptions on authentic leadership It has since been refined and shortened first to and organizational citizenship behavior 36 items and then to the final 20 item scale by performed by them. different researchers; for instance, Ehnhart, Evans, Love, Liao and Reis. The OCB-C was specifically designed to minimize overlap with scale of counterproductive work behaviour, a limitation noted in prior scales (Dalal, 2005; Spector, Bauer, & Fox, 2010). This scale 3 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  (OCB) by assessing five components of the group. The scores of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin process: altruism (A), courtesy (Cr), (KMO) was analyzed to determine the sportsmanship (S), conscientiousness (Cs) and appropriate sample size, and next, Bartlett test civic or voice behavior (CV). Separate of Sphericity was used to determine whether subscale scores can be computed that reflect the data was multivariate normal distribution acts directed toward the organization that before exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was benefit the organization (OCBO) and acts used to determine the validity of the scales and directed toward co-workers that help with the distribution of factor. Hereafter, work-related issues (OCBP). The OCB-C uses confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was a 5-point frequency scale ranging from 1 = performed to verify the factor structure of a set Never to 5 = Totally Agree. Scores are of observed variables. In addition, it was done computed by summing responses across items. the analyses for extreme value distributions A total score is the sum of responses to all (outlier), normality (multivariate), items; the low is 20 points, the high one is 100. multicollinearity, and sample size. Methods for Analyze Findings It was used SPSS 20 and LISREL 8.80 statistical programme to analyze the collected Findings on Sampling data. Cronbach's alpha, appropriate for the A total of 400 participants (140 female and used likert-type scales, was used for a measure 260 male) participated in this study. of internal consistency of the used scales via an Descriptive statistics by genders was shown appropriate statistical computer program, that below at Table 1. is, how closely related a set of items are as a Table 1: Demographic Information on Sampling N % Gender Female 260 65 Male 140 35 Marital Status Single 266 66,5 Married 134 33,5 Age 20 > 5 1,3 21-30 135 33,8 31-40 121 30,3 41-50 98 24,5 51> 41 10,3 Education Primary School 7 1,8 High School 66 16,5 Associate Degree 112 28,0 Bachelor’s Degree 174 43,5 Master’s Degree 34 8,5 Doctoral Degree 7 1,8 Experience 1-10 195 48,8 11-20 110 27,5 21-30 80 20,0 31 > 15 3,8 Title Civil Servant 341 85,3 Deputy Director 24 6,0 Director 35 8,8 Other 3 0,8 Total 400 100 4 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  Analyzed the Table 1 above, it was seen Alpha). As for Organizational Citizenship that 33,8% of participants are between 21 and Behaviour Checklist (OCB-C), it was .926. 30 ages and most of them are married (66,5%). Moreover, nearly half of the sampling Findings on Confirmatory Factor Analysis participants (48,8%) are work experienced (CFA) between 1 and 10 years. 43,5% of them are Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a graduated from a bachelor’s degree and 85,3 % statistical technique used to verify the factor of them are civil servants. structure of a set of observed variables. CFA allows to test the hypothesis that a relationship Findings on Scale Reliability between observed variables and their Cronbach's alpha, appropriate for likert- underlying latent constructs exists. In this type scale, was used for a measure of internal context, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) consistency of the used scales via an was used to study the relationships between the appropriate statistical computer program, that set of observed variables and a set of is, how closely related a set of items are as a continuous latent variables (Kline, 2011; group. It was considered to be a measure of Brown, 2006). Based on the results of analysis scale reliability. In literature, it is accepted on a shown below at Figure 1, the factor scores of reliability score of 0.70 or higher in order to ALQ is observed χ2=283,18, df= 98, p= 0,000 use a psychometric instrument (Morgan, and RMSEA= 0,069. The scores of test of 2004:122). It was found that internal model fit to another indices were given in consistency of Authentic Leadership detail at Table 2 below. Questionnaire (ALQ) was .926 (Cronbach’s Figure 1: CFA Scores of Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) Based on these results, it could be said that properties of the underlying construct being CFA scores of Authentic Leadership measured is that the scale related to this Questionnaire (ALQ) indicate acceptable variable is structurally valid and is compatible model fit; on the other hand, a function of with the resulted four-factor. 5 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  Table 2: CFA Fit Indices Scores of Authentic Leadership Questionnaire (ALQ) Fit Perfect Fit Acceptable Fit Model Result Measures RMSEA 0<RMSEA<0,05 0,05 ≤ RMSEA ≤ 0,10 0,069 Acceptable Fit CFI 0,97 ≤ CFI ≤1 0,95≤ CFI ≤ 0,97 0,98 Perfect Fit GFI 0,95 ≤ GFI ≤1 0,90≤ GFI ≤ 0,95 0,92 Acceptable Fit AGFI 0,90 ≤ AGFI ≤1 0,85≤ AGFI ≤ 0,90 0,89 Acceptable Fit NFI 0,95 ≤ NFI ≤1 0,90≤ NFI ≤ 0,95 0,97 Perfect Fit NNFI 0,97 ≤ NNFI ≤1 0,95≤ NFI ≤ 0,97 0,98 Perfect Fit (Soucre: Schermelleh-Engel and Moosbrugger, 2003:36). CFA Scores of Organizational Citizenship indicates unacceptable model fit, the factor Behaviour Checklist (OCB-C) was found as structure cannot be confirmed, an exploratory χ2=436,01, df= 157, p= 0,000. Score related to factor analysis is the next step. In this context, the structure was calculated as RMSEA= Path Diagram related to the OCB-C construct 0,050. Accordingly, the CFA analysis has validity is shown in Figure 2 following. confirmed the factor structure. If the analysis 6 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  Figure 2: CFA Scores of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Checklist (OCB-C) According to the CFA scores of OCB- the five components was well defined by C and CFA Fit Indices Scores in Table 3, its items. CFA Scores was found as acceptable overall fit. Accordingly, the CFA analysis has confirmed the factor structure and stating that they “confirmed that each of Table 3: CFA Fit Indices Scores of Organizational Citizenship Behavior Checklist (OCB-C) Fit Perfect Fit Acceptable Fit Model Result Measures RMSEA 0<RMSEA<0,05 0,05 ≤ RMSEA ≤ 0,10 0,067 Acceptable Fit CFI 0,97 ≤ CFI ≤1 0,95≤ CFI ≤ 0,97 0,98 Perfect Fit GFI 0,95 ≤ GFI ≤1 0,90≤ GFI ≤ 0,95 0,90 Acceptable Fit AGFI 0,90 ≤ AGFI ≤1 0,85≤ AGFI ≤ 0,90 0,87 Acceptable Fit NFI 0,95 ≤ NFI ≤1 0,90≤ NFI ≤ 0,95 0,97 Perfect Fit NNFI 0,97 ≤ NNFI ≤1 0,95≤ NFI ≤ 0,97 0,98 Perfect Fit Findings on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Structural equation modeling, or SEM, is a Normality: It was calculated the scores of very general, chiefly linear, chiefly cross- Shapiro-Wilk to determine whether the sectional statistical modeling technique. Factor research data are normally distributed; analysis, path analysis and regression all therefore, the total scores for each sub-scale represent special cases of SEM, and it is were normally distributed. However, the scores practically confirmatory, rather than of Shapiro-Wilk, which are under 0,05 are exploratory, technique to determine whether a normally distributed not if the number of data certain model is valid although SEM analyses is too large (Tabachnick and Fidell, 2007). often involve a certain exploratory element Multicollinearity: It refers to the presence (Asil, 2010). Following is summed up and of highly inter-correlated predictor variables in presented the results related to the hypothesis regression models, and its effect to invalidate Extreme Values: Extreme value theory, some of the basic assumptions underlying their originating with Fisher and Tippett (1928), mathematical estimation (Asil, 2010). Even serves as an alternative approach to model with variance inflation factor (VIF) values that extrema. Instead of estimating the parent greatly exceed the rules of 4 or 10, it could be distribution from observations, we accept the often confidently drawn to the conclusions fact that the parent distribution is unknown. An from regression analyses. How confident it immediate consequence of the Extreme Value could be depended upon the t-values and/or Theorem is that under mild conditions, the confidence intervals. The practice of limiting distribution of properly standardized automatically questioning the results when the minima (or maxima) extreme values has a VIF is greater than 4, 10, or even 30 is generalized extreme value distribution. In this inappropriate. Using VIF for this purpose is as context, the data was converted to Z points inappropriate as questioning studies that are while determining the extreme values; then the based on R2 values that are less than “the rule y mahalanobis distance was calculated. of 0.40.” (Kline, 2005; Büyüköztürk, 2010; Asil, 2010). It is determined after the statistical 7 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  analyzes that there were no a high degree of perceptions of organizational citizenship multi-collinearity. Based on the mentioned behaviour and the variances of authentic above, it could be proposed to carry out a leadership questionnaire, the following is given factor analysis (Büyüköztürk, 2006). the indices calculated as χ2=41,24; df= 25, p= According to the findings (Figure 3) via 0,000. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) on Figure 3: Path Diagram referred to the relation between Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour It was determined that there was a perfect fit - measures RMSEA (0,40), CFI (0,99), GFI based on the theoretical bases- between (0,98), AGFI (0,96), NFI (0,99) and NNFI Authentic Leadership and Organizational (0,99) when analyzed the fit scores of indices Citizenship Behaviour in terms of all (Table 4). Table 4: Evaluation of CFA Fit Indices Scores Fit Perfect Fit Acceptable Fit Model Result Measures RMSEA 0<RMSEA<0,05 0,05 ≤ RMSEA ≤ 0,10 0,040 Perfect Fit CFI 0,97 ≤ CFI ≤1 0,95≤ CFI ≤ 0,97 0,99 Perfect Fit GFI 0,95 ≤ GFI ≤1 0,90≤ GFI ≤ 0,95 0,98 Perfect Fit AGFI 0,90 ≤ AGFI ≤1 0,85≤ AGFI ≤ 0,90 0,96 Perfect Fit NFI 0,95 ≤ NFI ≤1 0,90≤ NFI ≤ 0,95 0,99 Perfect Fit NNFI 0,97 ≤ NNFI ≤1 0,95≤ NFI ≤ 0,97 0,99 Perfect Fit Based on Figure 3, it was determined that of authentic leadership over organizational there was a significant effect of the perception citizenship behavior when evaluated the fit 8 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  indices (Table 4). Additionally, the next, Bartlett test of Sphericity was used to corresponding figures for the dependent determine whether the data was multivariate variable can then be examined in relation to the normal distribution before exploratory factor increasing series for the independent variable. analysis (EFA) was used to determine the In this way we get a picture that the correlation validity of the scales and the distribution of coefficient of 0.40 indicates a strong positive factor. Hereafter, confirmatory factor analysis correlation between authentic leadership and (CFA) was performed to verify the factor organizational citizenship behavior. This structure of a set of observed variables. In strong positive correlation among them is that addition, it was done the analyses for extreme an increase in one’s authentic leadership value distributions (outlier), normality perception will affect the organizational (multivariate), multicollinearity, and sample citizenship behavior with an increase of 0,40. size. Hence, based on this picture and findings, it Cronbach's alpha, appropriate for likert- could be said that H was proved. This result type scale, was used for a measure of internal 1 supports the researches in different countries consistency of the used scales via an aforementioned in some parts of this study. appropriate statistical computer program, that is, how closely related a set of items are as a Conclusions group. It was considered to be a measure of scale reliability. In literature, it is accepted on a Throughout many decades did numerous reliability score of 0.70 or higher in order to researches have pointed out that some attitudes use a psychometric instrument (Morgan, employees have developed towards their 2004:122). It was found that internal organization could lead to very important consistency of Authentic Leadership results upon individual, group and Questionnaire (ALQ) was .926 (Cronbach’s organizational performance. These attitudes Alpha). As for Organizational Citizenship were developed and shaped sometimes by Behaviour Checklist (OCB-C), it was .926. individuals themselves and variables related Based on the findings, it was determined organizations. Especially when considered in that there was a significant effect of the terms of organizational management, it could perception of authentic leadership over be given different examples for these organizational citizenship behavior when variances; for instance, institutionalization, evaluated the fit indices. Additionally, the organizational culture, organizational structure, corresponding figures for the dependent implemented management style, working variable can then be examined in relation to the conditions or managers leadership style. As increasing series for the independent variable. their sense and mood is the basis for the In this way we get a picture that the correlation behavior in the organization, the fact that the coefficient of 0.40 indicates a strong positive powerful strategies should be acquired to the correlation between authentic leadership and manager and should be took under control is organizational citizenship behavior. This essential in terms of the effective strong positive correlation among them is that organizational strategy an increase in one’s authentic leadership The aim of this study is to analyze the perception will affect the organizational relationship between employees’ perceptions citizenship behavior with an increase of 0,40. on authentic leadership and organizational Hence, based on this picture and findings, it citizenship behavior. In this context, it was could be said that H was proved. This result 1 carried out a research on four-hundred public supports the researches in different countries employees. It was used SPSS 20 and LISREL aforementioned in some parts of this study. 8.80 statistical programme to analyze the According to this finding, depending on a collected data. Cronbach's alpha, appropriate picture in which employs work with the for the used likert-type scales, was used for a managers, who are self-awareness, balanced measure of internal consistency of the used processing of information, an internalized scales via an appropriate statistical computer moral perspective, and a relational program, that is, how closely related a set of transparency, it could be said that virtues, e.g. items are as a group. The scores of Kaiser- altruism, conscientiousness, loyalty (overlap Meyer-Olkin (KMO) was analyzed to with sportsmanship) civic virtue and courtesy determine the appropriate sample size, and 9 Employees’ Perceptions on Authentic Leadership Yesilkaya & Aydin  are more exhibited into different levels of Author Biographies category depth. This proves the theoretical expectations MUKADDES YEŞİLKAYA was born in and hypothesis of this study. This study will Ankara which capital of Turkey. She studied enhance and facilitate the further researches Business Management at Cumhuriyet aiming to evaluate the organization effect over University Faculty of Economics and the behavior of employees. Administrative Sciences and had Business Theory of authentic leadership has grown Master Degree at Kafkas University Institute considerably since its initial conceptualization, of Social Sciences. Then she had Management yet the vast majority of studies done in the area and Organization Doctorate Degree at Ataturk rarely upon a question or a research University Institute of Social Sciences. Now framework: how do the models of authentic she is an Asistant Professor in department of leadership affect the organization with pros Management and Organization at Kafkas and cons. On contrary, there are rarely University Faculty of Economics and researches aiming to determine the ways, with Administrative Sciences. which authentic leadership could be taught to the managers and developed it on them. This PERUZET AYDIN was born in Kars in point of view will be fruitful and meaningful Turkey. She studied Business Management at propose for the further researches. Kafkas University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Now she is studying for Business Master Degree at Kafkas University Institute of Social Sciences. References Arslantas, C. Cuneyt ve Isıl Pekdemir (2007) cross-cultural meta-analysis”, “An Empirical Study on the Management International Review, Associations among 55, 707-736. 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