Elizabeth J. Glennie, Karen J. Charles, and Olivia N. Rice Teacher Logs: A Tool for Gaining a Comprehensive Understanding of Classroom Practices Abstract for personal improvement. Administra- experiences in the future (Durik & Examining repeated classroom en- tors can use logs to support teachers in Harackiewicz, 2007). Ultimately, the in- counters over time provides a compre- examining practice and setting goals. struction students receive should inspire hensive picture of activities. Studies of and motivate them to pursue STEM ca- instructional practices in classrooms Introduction reers. To connect content to students’ in- have traditionally relied on two meth- The study of instructional practices terests, STEM teachers are encouraged ods: classroom observations, which are in classrooms has traditionally relied on to embed content in real-life practical expensive, and surveys, which are lim- two methods: classroom observations, problems (Community for Advancing ited in scope and accuracy. Teacher logs which are expensive, and surveys, which Discovery Research in Education, 2012). provide a “real-time” method for col- are limited in scope and accuracy. Teach- As the National Science and Technology lecting data on classroom practices by er logs provide a “real-time” method for Council’s Committee on STEM Educa- giving teachers a tool to document and collecting data on classroom practices tion points out, the President’s Council refl ect about specifi c lessons and the by giving teachers a tool to document of Advisors on Science and Technology impact they may have had on their stu- and refl ect about different lessons and (PCAST) concluded that STEM teachers dents. Logs can collect data for review the impact they may have had on their should have “enough content knowledge by teachers, their colleagues, administra- students. Logs can be developed to col- to link STEM to compelling real-world tors, and researchers. These self-reported lect data for review by teachers, their issues, model the process of scientifi c data, collected online repeatedly over colleagues, administrators, and research- investigation, effectively address student a specifi ed period of time, present a ers. These self-reported data, collected misconceptions, and help their students series of snapshots that capture ongo- online repeatedly over a specifi ed period learn to reason and solve problems like ing classroom practices and lesson strate- of time, present a series of snapshots that mathematicians, scientists and engineers” gies. In this article, we describe the use capture ongoing classroom practices and (Committee on STEM Education, 2013, of teacher logs to understand classroom lesson strategies. This type of data col- p. 18). practices by highlighting the kinds of lection can help teachers refl ect on their North Carolina New Schools (NCNS) activities teachers emphasized and their implementation of new practices and along with the New Tech Network (NTN) perceptions of effectiveness. In a Nation- programs at school. Here, we focus on supported the development of STEM al Science Foundation-funded evalua- teachers in schools that have undergone high schools with guidance and profes- tion of a high school reform program, Science, Technology, Engineering, and sional development. The authors worked we used online teacher logs to under- Mathematics (STEM) reform. with NCNS to study a set of schools stand the education delivery in Science, Many practitioners and evaluators that had received support from NCNS. Technology, Engineering, and Mathe- agree that dynamic, interactive instruc- NCNS’s vision for STEM emphasized matics (STEM) subjects in redesigned tional practices are a key component making connections in the fi elds of math North Carolina high schools. We fi nd of Science, Technology, Engineering, and science; meaningfully integrating that teacher logs are an appropriate, and Mathematics (STEM) education. technology; and helping students cul- effi cient, and useful tool for document- Approaches such as creativity strategies, tivate creativity and develop problem ing practice. Teachers can use log data problem-based learning, and learning solving, communication, and collabo- to refl ect on practice, determine areas through design are particularly effective ration skills. NCNS provided profes- of strength and challenge, and set goals for reinforcing STEM-based material sional development to teachers to help (Clark & Ernst, 2007). If instruction mo- them create classrooms with these char- Keywords: instruction, classroom practice, tivates students, then students are likely acteristics. Some schools working with student engagement, pedagogy, problem- to value their educational endeavors and NCNS also received professional devel- based learning, STEM, logs perhaps even seek similar educational opment from NTN. This National Science 88 SCIENCE EDUCATOR Foundation-funded study examines how to RTI’s study as it focused on obtaining demographics, teacher preparation and much these professional development ex- a more complete picture of what teach- licensure, classroom materials available), periences infl uence the daily classroom ers do when teaching math (e.g., what (b) lesson description (content and topics, practices of the participating teachers. We materials they use, how they approach student tasks), (c) instruction (materials developed online teacher logs to obtain instruction) and analyzed the impact of and student engagement strategies), and evidence as to whether teachers routinely interventions on instruction. (d) implementation (teacher refl ection on used instructional practices aligned with RTI’s study examined the characteris- lesson success/progress). Pilot testing of the NCNS and NTN goals and profes- tics of classroom instruction in the STEM the log instrument showed that test sub- sional development. schools and the extent to which it refl ect- jects took between 10 and 12 minutes to ed NCNS goals. We wanted to determine complete a log. Because we would not Teacher Logs the priorities teachers set for instruction, expect general information and classroom When Ball, Camburn, Correnti, Phelps, the variety of activities in which stu- context to change much over the course of and Wallace (1999) conducted a pilot dents were engaged, the way students the term, questions pertaining to general study of the usefulness of teacher logs as used technology in the classroom, and information and classroom context were a web-based tool, they asked teachers to how frequently lessons incorporated vari- asked only on the fi rst log. Sections on the make note of a number of variables that fell ous attributes. Teacher logs provided a lesson description, instruction, and imple- into four main categories: (a) the nature of vehicle for continuously monitoring the mentation were included in every log be- student work, (b) the specifi c activities in pedagogical techniques teachers utilized cause they could vary within each lesson. which students engaged, (c) the teacher’s to engage students in problem solving and We used the logs in two academic years. actions, and (d) the topics and content collaborative practices. Each year, we selected four teachers from covered. The authors found that by docu- each school to complete a predetermined menting classroom practices, such as how Method number of logs. The typical confi gura- students were grouped, what materials they tion included two math and two science used, which types of activities were used Site-Based Implementation teachers; but, when possible, we included to engage students, what the teachers were Because multiple site visits would health, agriculture, and engineering teach- doing, and how the content was presented, have been cost-prohibitive and possibly ers. These options were limited in the small they could form general insights as to the disruptive to the school day, we designed schools participating in this study. Because typical practices employed in the class- teacher logs based on research (cited the research suggested that the usefulness room. In studying the use of logs to de- above) which indicated that these logs of the log data tapered off somewhere termine the quality of instruction, Rowan are an effective way to collect reliable between 10 and 20 logs (Rowan and and colleagues (Rowan, Jacob, & Correnti, data on the frequency with which teach- Correnti, 2009), we set the threshold at 14 2009; Rowan & Correnti, 2009) identifi ed ers use different types of instructional in the fi rst year and 12 in the second year. four dimensions of teacher-student inter- activities when multiple observations are In the fi rst year, we collected logs play that were important to assessing the not an option. Teachers were asked to log from 10 schools, and in the second year, quality of an educational setting. Dimen- about one specifi c class period (e.g., geo- we limited data collection activities to sions they studied included: metry fi rst period, earth science fourth three schools. The Year 1 response rate • Social relationships among stu- period) throughout the study in order varied by school, and some teachers in dents and between students and to provide an ongoing series of snap- some schools did not participate. In Year teacher, shots of that class and the experience 2, RTI collected logs from 12 teachers • Coherence and cognitive demand of its students. To minimize the burden at three schools. We also added face-to- of content, on teachers, the log had only fi ve open- face training and reduced the logging • Pedagogical practices of the ended questions, three of which were only period to one semester, which increased teacher, and asked on the fi rst administration. The response rates. For one third of the logs, • Order and organization of the remaining questions required teachers to we set target dates for completion to co- classroom. rate the lesson attributes on scales from 1 incide with our site visits, and teachers The original research with online logs (low) to 5 (high). Specifi c descriptors on chose when to complete the remainder. (Ball, Camburn, Correnti, Phelps, & the scales varied based on the questions In year 2, we requested a total of 144 Wallace, 1999; Rowan & Correnti, 2009; asked (e.g., “never” to “often,” “not im- logs and received 122.1 Rowan, Jacob, & Correnti, 2009) was portant” to “moderately important”) but validated in elementary school math- always indicated that 1 was the lowest 1 In school 1, all four teachers completed the ematics and reading classes. These stud- rating and 5 was the highest rating. required 12 logs. In school 2, one teacher ies provided the framework in which RTI We designed four sections similar to quit logging after one entry and another developed teacher logs to study selected the dimensions recommended in the ear- teacher logged eight times. In school 3, STEM high schools in North Carolina. lier research: (a) general information and one teacher logged fi ve times, while the Ball’s work was particularly applicable classroom context (teacher and student rest completed the required 12 logs. WINTER 2017 VOL. 25, NO. 2 89 This article focuses on Year 2 because interruptions or shortened periods due Teacher Priorities in Lesson Planning it had more complete response rates. to external infl uences such as school as- In the fi rst section of the logs, teachers The schools included in this year tend semblies, fi re drills, or special programs. responded to a list of lesson attributes, to serve students who were underrepre- By compressing the 12 required logs into rating the importance of each attribute on sented in college and in STEM fi elds. an eight-week period, teachers had less a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high) in develop- Table 1 shows the characteristics of chance to forget and were able to get ing lessons and student activities (Table these schools. into the habit of completing logs. Each 2). We compiled the list from national Two of the schools are in rural areas, school subsequently received a case documents (National Research Council, and one is in a town. By design, these study report, with log data aggregated to 2012; National Council of Teacher of small schools serve fewer than 400 stu- the school in order to provide a picture of Mathematics, 2014) that recommend dents. In all of them, at least half of the instructional practices across the chosen classroom practices designed to engage students are members of ethnic groups classes, rather than a picture of individu- and interest students. This question was underrepresented in college and in STEM al teacher practices. intended to reveal the teachers’ beliefs fi elds, and at least half are eligible for Because teacher logs are repeated sur- and pedagogical practices and was asked free- or reduced-price lunch. One of the veys, we used an internally developed only once, during the initial logging schools (school 2) has faced challenges web-based survey tool for teacher log- session. Teachers rated the importance attracting and retaining highly qualifi ed ging. The survey tool required “emp- of each element in a set of attributes, teachers, and 67 % of its teachers were tying” after each use, so the data were which included “ensure active partici- novices (i.e., had fewer than four years transferred to a spreadsheet where they pation by all,” “encourage students to of experience). Only about two thirds of were collected and maintained through- generate ideas,” and “make real-world school 2’s teachers were fully licensed. out the course of the logging. Teachers connections.” The turnover rate for school 2 was 50 %, could choose to complete the logs in a Low teacher turnover, years of expe- while turnover rates for schools 1 and 2 paper and pencil format. They received rience, and shared professional devel- were 7% and 14%, respectively. In com- printed copies, which they could mail or opment experiences seem to infl uence parison, state-level data show that 20% fax. Teachers almost always chose the consistency of beliefs across STEM of all North Carolina teachers were nov- web-based version. teachers within a school. Table 2 shows ices, 93% were fully licensed, and the each teacher’s responses to questions Results teacher turnover rate was 16% (North about priorities in lesson planning, along A review of the log data collected Carolina Department of Public Instruc- with years of experience and subject from the 12 teachers who participated in tion, 2014). taught. Overall, school 1 had a low turn- the year 2 data collection revealed sev- over rate and a relatively low percentage Technical Implementation eral interesting fi ndings. For ease of re- of novice teachers. School 1 was in its RTI provided teachers with a training porting, the 12 participating teachers are eighth year of operation, and all four manual, a link to the online survey site, designated as Teachers A-D (school 1), STEM teachers joined the faculty when and a unique login identifi er. We sent Teachers E-H (school 2), and Teachers the school opened. Table 1 shows that 25 weekly emails throughout the study to I-L (school 3).2 percent of teachers at school 1 are novice remind teachers to log and record the teachers, so the STEM teachers are a lit- activities for a specifi c lesson. Teach- 2 Teacher E logged once. Because all teach- tle more experienced than the school av- ers could contact a designated RTI staff ers completed the fi rst section only once, erage. Three had more than 10 years of member if they had questions about the her responses to questions in this section teaching experience. Teachers in school log. They were asked to avoid report- are included in analyses, but other portions 1 showed more consistency in rating ing on a class that experienced atypical of the single log she completed are not. the importance of lesson elements than teachers in other schools in the study. All teachers had participated in the specifi c Table 1: Characteristics of Schools in Academic Year 2012-13 professional development3 provided to the school, and collectively, they indicat- Percent ed that one of the greatest infl uences on Percent under- eligible for Percent Percent Total represented free or reduced- fully-licensed novice Turnover their pedagogical approaches and teach- School Urbanicity students minority price lunch teachers teachers rate ing practice was the shared professional 1 Town 128 55.5 61.7 100 25 7 development they received from NTN 2 Rural 217 76.0 57.1 67 67 50 or NCNS. Perhaps these years of shared 3 Rural 148 61.5 63.5 100 50 14 Sources: National Center for Education Statistics (2014). Common Core of Data Public School Universe, 3 Results about teacher professional de- 2012-2013. Washington, D:C: U.S. Department of Education. velopment are available from the au- North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (2014). North Carolina School Report Cards: 2012-13 thors. 90 SCIENCE EDUCATOR teaching experiences infl uenced the con- or 5 (high importance) by all of the and a key question asked teachers what sistency of their pedagogical beliefs. teachers in this school. students did during the day’s lesson. In contrast, in school 2, which had In school 3, two of the teachers had Pedagogical options included items involv- the highest turnover rate and highest fewer than six years of teaching experi- ing various levels of student engagement. percentage of novice teachers overall, ence, while the other two were veterans Less-challenging activities included: lis- three STEM teachers had fewer than with more than 10 years of experience. ten to a presentation by the teacher, per- three years of experience. One teacher This school did not continue to receive form tasks requiring ideas or methods had 32 years of experience. According direct NCNS services in 2013-14, and already introduced to the student, and to NCNS, “since the founding principal only teacher I attended the NCNS Sum- assess a problem and choose a method to retired in at the end of the 2010-2011 mer Institute in June 2013. Teacher J re- use from those already introduced to the school year, the school has experienced ported that support in previous years had student. Choices involving more critical tremendous and constant turnover” (per- guided the development of her instruc- thinking and problem solving included: sonal communication, NCNS staff, April tional practice. The current principal (in perform tasks requiring ideas or methods 1, 2014). Three of the STEM staff had her second year) was a former science not already introduced to the student, not received the same level of profes- teacher at the school and had been there assess a problem and devise a creative sional development. Teacher E was the since its inception. In school 3, teachers solution, explain an answer or a solu- only STEM teacher who attended the ranked about half of the elements as im- tion method for a particular problem, NCNS Summer Institute in June 2013, portant (with a score of 4 or 5). and prove that a solution is/isn’t valid so the current STEM faculty had not Interestingly, the three math teachers or that a method works/doesn’t work shared a professional development ex- with the least teaching experience (E, G, for all similar cases. perience. Teacher E completed only one and J) gave most of the middle-level and Logs indicated that teachers log, so we cannot determine her class- low-importance ratings. They gave 20 of employed a variety of cognitive and room practices, but Table 2 shows that the 25 “3s” as well as the only “2s.” In pedagogical options for student engage- the three-day institute did not prompt neither school 2 nor school 3 did all of ment over time. Table 3 illustrates the her to see importance in a number of the teachers have a shared professional range of cognitive processes—the means the desired lesson attributes. Teacher H development experience with the NCNS by which one acquires knowledge and rated all 13 elements a 5, while the three or the NTN. develops understanding—recorded by newer teachers rated the elements with Student activities during the lesson. the 11 teachers who completed multiple 2s, 3s, and 4s, giving only seven 5s Teachers responded to questions in the logs. Many teachers used all of the cog- collectively. Of the 13 attributes, only remaining sections of the logs each time nitive approaches listed over the course “respect students’ contributions” and they completed a log. The next section of the logging period. However, students “embed problem solving” were rated 4 focused on describing that day’s lesson, in teacher B’s class engaged in very Table 2: Importance Ratings (1-5) of Lesson Attributes by Teachers (5 = Very Important) School 1 School 2 School 3 Teacher (cid:198) A B C D E F G H I J K L Years teaching (cid:198) 8 18 22 15 1 0 2 32 16 5 1 17 Subject*(cid:198) S S M M M E M S M M E S Lesson attributes Ensure active participation by all 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 Respect students’ contributions/opinions 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Embed opportunities for discourse 5 5 4 4 2 3 3 5 4 5 4 4 Encourage students to generate ideas. 5 5 5 5 3 5 3 5 4 4 5 4 Include challenging concepts 5 5 5 5 3 5 2 5 4 4 5 3 Encourage collaboration 5 5 5 5 4 4 3 5 5 5 5 5 Make real-world connections 5 5 4 5 3 4 3 5 4 3 4 4 Develop scaffolded questions 5 5 4 5 2 5 3 5 5 4 5 3 Allow for revisions 5 4 4 5 3 4 3 5 4 3 5 3 Focus on “big” ideas 5 5 4 5 3 5 2 5 3 3 4 4 Develop students’ confi dence 4 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 Excite my students 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 4 3 4 4 Embed problem solving 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 *Note: S=science, M=mathematics, E=engineering WINTER 2017 VOL. 25, NO. 2 91 few of these activities over 12 class pe- Table 4 illustrates how they went about Technology remains an under- riods. Having conducted site visits, we the assigned tasks (variety of pedagogical utilized tool in supporting lesson de- know from teacher B that, during this options). Although teachers’ responses velopment, even in these redesigned period, students were working on a spe- varied widely, the fi rst two approaches, STEM schools. Teachers in each school cifi c project, and these listed activities “answer recall questions orally” and reported that students used technology for may not have fi t the project work. Spe- “work on textbook, worksheet, or board calculation purposes more than twice as cifi cally, her students were constructing work exercises,” together garnered a high often as they used it to manipulate vari- and decorating a booth for a health fair, number of responses although Teacher B ables in models. The fi rst three items, where they would display what they had did not report doing them at all. “Work “to develop conceptual understanding,” learned about nutritional benefi ts of vari- on problems that have multiple answers “to learn or practice a skill,” and “for cal- ous diets. Much of the work during the or solution methods” and “engage in culation purposes,” require only lower- logging period was focused on building meaningful discourse of ideas, problems, level thinking skills with fairly passive the booth and preparing the information solutions, or methods in pairs or small student participation , while items such packets for visitors, so opportunities for groups” also showed high response rates. as “manipulate variables” and “collect cognitive engagement were low. Note that few teachers reported the “use data,” are more student-led and require The activities in the table are listed of manipulatives”—visual and tactile critical thinking and active decision- in ascending level of rigor. It is strik- tools—or “write extended explanations making. Table 5 shows a signifi cant ing that some teachers rarely reported about science activities.” Only two teach- drop in the use of technology for more that students were expected to “listen ers ever chose the “none of the above” op- student-led activities. to a presentation by a teacher.” Per- tion, indicating that this list of activities is Few teachers reported using mod- haps teachers believed that their own comprehensive. Teacher B, who selected els and simulations as problem-solving presentations were a less socially desir- this response in 25 percent of the lessons, tools. Models are animations of phenom- able response to this item and chose to seemed to be using different practices ena that can be manipulated repeatedly log about days that did not focus on from other teachers. by varying the input variables. The re- their presentations. Or, perhaps the term sult of the manipulation simulates what “presentation” seemed more formal than Use of Technology would happen in real life and contributes leading a discussion about the course The next section of the logs focused to conceptual learning. The math and sci- concepts or delivering a short lecture. on instruction and contained a question ence concepts that can be studied using In any case, we will use caution in inter- about the use of technology in the logged models and simulations extend the use of preting these results. None of these pat- lessons. The question was intended to go technology in the classroom far beyond terns would have been detected with beyond a “yes-no” inquiry about whether that of a high-end calculator or online only a single observation or one-time technology was used at all in a lesson worksheet. Few teachers reported using survey. and sought to determine the purposes technology to collect data - even though A second key question asked how the for which the technology was used in laptops, calculators, and cell phones can students would go about the assigned task; each class. Choices included low-level now collect data ranging from heart rate in other words, what pedagogical strategies activities such as “used for calculation” to humidity, which students could have were being employed. So, while Table 3 to higher forms of student engagement analyzed. shows what students were expected such as “manipulating variables in mod- As with the use of the word “presen- to do (types of cognitive engagement), els and simulations.” tation” discussed earlier, there is some Table 3: Percent of Logged Lessons (n=122) in Which Teachers Reported Use of Various Cognitive Engagement Activities School 1 School 2 School 3 Teacher (cid:198) A B C D F G H I J K L Cognitive Engagement Activities Listen to a presentation by the teacher 58 0 42 58 33 100 8 25 33 58 40 Perform tasks requiring ideas or methods already introduced 92 0 58 67 83 75 92 92 75 50 100 Assess a problem and choose a method to use from those 67 0 42 42 67 75 33 58 75 0 0 already introduced Perform tasks requiring ideas or methods not already introduced 33 25 50 50 33 50 67 16 42 50 20 Assess a problem and devise a creative solution 42 8 8 33 67 63 25 16 33 16 0 Explain an answer or a solution method for a particular problem 83 25 42 50 50 88 58 67 92 50 20 Prove that a solution is/isn’t valid or that a method works/ 58 0 0 16 16 38 25 0 44 0 20 doesn’t work for similar cases Note: Teacher G logged 8 lessons and Teacher L logged 5 lessons. Responses from Teacher E, who logged only 1 lesson, are not included in this analysis. 92 SCIENCE EDUCATOR Table 4: Percent of Logged Lessons (n=122) in Which Teachers Reported Use of Various Pedagogical Strategies School 1 School 2 School 3 Teacher (cid:198) A B C D F G H I J K L Pedagogical Strategies Answer recall questions orally 58 0 33 8 92 63 75 75 50 8 0 Work on textbook, worksheet, or board work exercises 58 0 67 75 33 63 92 50 92 16 20 for practice or review Work on problem(s) that have multiple answers or solution methods, 67 0 50 33 67 100 42 75 92 25 40 or involve multiple steps Engage in meaningful discourse of ideas, problems, solutions, 67 16 58 67 92 75 100 75 67 83 100 or methods in pairs or small groups Use manipulatives, games, or technology activities to 67 8 0 0 25 25 58 0 33 8 20 improve recall or skill Use manipulatives, games, or computer activities to explore concepts 50 25 0 0 16 0 58 25 16 16 0 via models and simulations Write extended explanations about science activities—such as 50 25 0 25 33 38 16 16 0 0 0 experimental design, data collection, and fi ndings—or about mathematical ideas, solutions, and methods Work on an investigation, problem, or project over an 42 50 33 42 50 25 0 8 33 58 20 extended period of time None of the above 0 25 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Note: Teacher G logged 8 lessons and Teacher L logged 5 lessons. Responses from Teacher E, who logged only 1 lesson, are not included in this analysis. concern about the teachers’ interpreta- the intended curriculum and the enacted attribute was perceived by the teachers tion of the term “develop conceptual curriculum. to be evident in the 12 logged lessons, understanding.” This was intended as a Teachers’ assessments of their we get a sense of which ones the stu- higher-level use of technology, which was taught lessons indicate that they did dents experienced more often. Whereas not witnessed in the classroom observa- not simply give a desired response – Table 6 shows the number of 5s teach- tions conducted in this study. Perhaps they acknowledged the difference be- ers awarded themselves in each lesson, teachers thought that using technology tween the ideal (beliefs in Table 2) and Table 7 shows the number of lessons in to learn or practice a skill was how one the real (occurrence in Table 6). With which each attribute was rated a 5. Look- develops conceptual understanding. repeated logs, we found differences in ing at the data this way supports the ear- Teachers’ assessments of lessons. the way teachers responded to the inclu- lier suggestion that teachers G and H are The fi nal section of the log asked teach- sion of these attributes in their lessons. outliers whose data do not reveal much ers to refl ect upon the progress made in While many desirable lesson attributes about their classroom practice. that day’s lesson. As noted above, the earned 4s and 5s in Table 2, teachers Table 7 presents the same lesson at- fi rst time teachers completed a log, they were more selective in their responses tributes as Table 2, but depicts them ar- responded to a question about the im- and ratings when refl ecting on their les- ranged by frequency of occurrence. This portance of various lesson attributes. In sons (Table 6). As logging continued, allows an analyst to look for a variety of every subsequent log, teachers indicated teachers seemed to respond thoughtfully trends. For example, Table 7 shows that the extent to which each attribute was a to this question, and 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s be- some of the attributes rated as occur- part of that day’s lesson on a scale of 1 to gan to appear in the data, while the num- ring most often in all logged lessons are 5. At no time did RTI expect that all attri- ber of 5s seemed to drop. However, we those with greater behavioral relevance, butes would be evident in all lessons, but note that teacher H reported including al- but less academic relevance. Those les- rather that over time different attributes most every attribute in every lesson, and son attributes rated highest and most would play varying roles in the lessons that teacher G did not incorporate any often included respect for student ideas, as a whole. A look back at Table 2 shows of them in most of her logged lessons. collaboration, and opportunity for dis- that in the fi rst log, most teachers rated Results from teachers listing almost all course. Academic attributes that were most of the attributes as highly impor- 5s or 0s suggest that these teachers may rated lower and occurred less frequently tant. By repeating the question in each have rushed through the log. included making real-world connections subsequent log, RTI hoped to compare Another way to study the data is to and embedding problem-solving activi- the pedagogical beliefs expressed in the look at the occurrence, across a teacher’s ties. On their fi rst logs, teachers did not initial log to the actual classroom prac- 12 lessons, of each lesson attribute listed rank either behavioral or academic attri- tice (Table 6), noting the match between in Table 2. By looking at how often each butes as more important. Repeated logs WINTER 2017 VOL. 25, NO. 2 93 Table 5: Percent of Logged Lessons (n=122) in Which Technology Was Used to Achieve a Specifi c Purpose School 1 School 2 School 3 Teacher (cid:198) A B C D F G H I J K L Purpose of Using Technology To develop conceptual understanding 92 25 42 25 50 63 83 33 25 58 40 To learn or practice a skill 92 8 58 33 16 83 75 25 33 42 0 For calculation purposes 67 16 50 58 8 100 33 83 0 58 0 To conduct research (e.g. Internet) 67 42 33 8 75 0 16 0 0 8 0 To manipulate variables in models and simulations 67 0 0 16 0 13 42 25 8 8 0 to study outcomes As a presentation tool 16 8 8 8 16 0 0 0 58 16 40 For word processing or as a communications tool 33 58 16 0 8 13 8 0 0 0 20 (e.g., e-mail, Internet, Web) As an analytic tool (e.g., spreadsheets or data analysis) 33 16 0 8 0 0 0 0 8 8 0 To collect data (e.g., probeware, applications, sensors) 16 0 0 8 8 0 16 8 0 0 0 Note: Teacher G logged 8 lessons and Teacher L logged 5 lessons. Responses from Teacher E, who logged only 1 lesson, are not included in this analysis. show that in practice, they focused more development. Most teachers were able teacher turnover, years of experience, on behavioral attributes. to link their many classroom activities to and shared professional development ex- the program’s goals. periences may infl uence consistency of Discussion We are encouraged by the useful role beliefs across teachers within a school. RTI used teacher logs to examine that logs played in gathering data on The variety of data gathered via the whether instructional practices in STEM classroom instructional practices and stu- logs suggests that they provide a fuller classes were aligned with the goals the dent engagement. In this study, the logs picture of instructional activity than one professional development teachers re- revealed, through self-reported data, that gets from infrequent observations and ceived through the NCNS or NTN mod- the professional development provided end-of-year surveys. Unlike end-of-the- els. We found that teachers did employ by NCNS was not always implement- year surveys, that capture recollections a variety of cognitive and pedagogical ed consistently across the classrooms. of general practices over the course of a options for student engagement over These differences seem to be related to year, logs target specifi c practices on a time, but that technology remains an teacher turnover and lack of institution- specifi c days in a specifi c class. This data under-utilized tool in supporting lesson alized professional development. Low collection tool gave us the ability to de- termine the importance of specifi c lesson attributes, the frequency and variety of Table 6: Number of Attributes (n=13) Rated “5” by Teacher by Lesson (5=Attribute Achieved) different student engagement strategies used by teachers, the purposes of tech- School 1 School 2 School 3 nology integration in lessons, and the Teacher (cid:198) A B C D E F G H I J K L match between what attributes teachers Lesson Number value in lessons and what they are actu- Lesson 1 13 8 9 9 0 7 3 13 0 2 7 9 ally able to embed in their lessons. Lesson 2 13 9 10 6 6 0 13 8 7 5 3 By repeatedly collecting this data over Lesson 3 12 3 6 8 5 0 13 5 0 11 4 the term, we saw variation in teacher Lesson 4 7 10 8 13 7 0 13 10 8 6 4 practices and observed that one teacher’s reported activities differed from most of Lesson 5 4 5 10 9 8 0 12 4 0 13 6 her colleagues. We were able to see the Lesson 6 2 11 4 2 11 0 13 8 0 7 variety of ways in which students used Lesson 7 6 12 4 5 12 0 13 3 4 5 technology in their classes. A one-time Lesson 8 7 8 5 4 11 0 12 3 5 3 survey could have had teachers rank Lesson 9 7 10 1 7 11 13 12 1 1 classroom activities or the use of tech- Lesson 10 4 4 0 5 4 13 6 9 6 nology with options like “never,” “rare- Lesson 11 10 3 0 6 0 13 7 9 9 ly,” “sometimes,” “often,” and “always.” Lesson 12 5 4 1 4 9 11 2 5 7 This approach would not have yielded as Note: Teacher G logged 8 lessons and Teacher L logged 5 lessons. Responses from Teacher E, who much specifi c information about instruc- logged only 1 lesson, are not included in this analysis. tional practices. 94 SCIENCE EDUCATOR Table 7: Number of Lessons in Which Teachers Indicated that They Included Specifi c Attributes (maximum =12) Teacher (cid:198) A B C D F G* H I J K L* Total School (cid:198) School 1 School 2 School 3 Attributes Respect students’ contributions/opinions 7 10 8 10 11 0 12 10 8 10 1 87 Embed opportunities for discourse 7 10 6 10 5 0 12 10 7 10 2 79 Encourage collaboration 5 8 7 10 10 1 12 7 5 6 5 76 Encourage students to generate ideas 10 11 3 4 11 0 10 8 5 8 1 71 Include challenging concepts 5 8 3 2 7 0 12 8 6 10 3 64 Make real-world connections 7 11 4 3 5 1 12 4 2 8 2 59 Ensure active participation by all 7 2 6 7 7 0 12 2 8 6 1 58 Develop scaffolded questions 9 6 3 3 6 2 12 3 3 3 2 52 Allow for revisions 6 3 7 11 6 0 9 4 4 1 1 52 Focus on “big” ideas 9 10 2 5 5 0 12 5 0 3 1 52 Embed problem solving 7 3 5 4 8 0 11 3 1 7 3 52 Excite my students 5 6 3 2 4 0 11 2 1 7 2 43 Develop students’ confi dence 6 2 0 6 5 0 12 2 0 2 2 37 Note: Teacher G logged 8 lessons and Teacher L logged 5 lessons. Responses from Teacher E, who logged only 1 lesson, are not included in this analysis. The logs capture a variety of practices Because the STEM schools in RTI’s shared with the school, and analytic re- within STEM classrooms and can, per- study were designed to be small, the ports listing individual teacher responses haps, speak to implementation of desired mathematics and sciences departments are de-identifi ed and do not include the practices and/or the infl uence (or lack comprised only three or four teachers, school name. If teachers had completed thereof) of specifi c professional develop- and we obtained logs from most of them. logs as part of a self-assessment, they ment efforts in these classes. Perhaps the The teachers using the logs and other might have felt less comfortable report- greatest caveat associated with teacher teachers in the school had similar lev- ing challenges, as they would have had logs is that, like surveys, they represent els of experience. In the school with the an incentive to give the most desirable self-reported data. Teachers may or may highest turnover and highest percentage answer. Because they knew that the logs not take them seriously, they may “see” of novice teachers, most of the teachers were going to be used to capture instruc- their lessons differently than an outsider completing the logs were novices. Even tional practices at the school, they may might; and, regardless of the developer’s though the characteristics of teachers re- have felt more comfortable completing attention to ease-of-use, teachers may sponding to the logs resemble those of them. still view logs as an inconvenience and all teachers in the school, we would not To facilitate teachers’ participation, we interruption in an already full day. generalize these results to the school as tried to make the logs easy for teachers Examining teaching practices under the practices of these teachers may not to complete. Almost all of the questions reforms targeted toward disadvantaged represent those of teachers in other sub- were multiple choice, relying on teach- students is crucial. The schools employing jects. Rowan and Correnti (2009) cau- ers’ recollections of a given class period. the logs were not particularly advan- tion against generalizing results from a Teachers were not burdened by hav- taged schools serving students with dem- few teachers to the entire school because ing to look up additional information. onstrated interested and profi ciency in a few teachers may not represent school- Thus, logs should only have taken about STEM. About half of the students were wide practices. They suggest that data 10 minutes to complete. Having teach- in demographic groups underrepresent- from 15-20 teachers are needed to yield ers complete logs over a specifi ed time ed in STEM and in college. Addition- school-level reliabilities. period and setting target dates for doing ally, we found that the least experienced Responses to logs also gave us insights logs seemed to help teachers maintain a teachers responded to questions about into the quality of responses, which we focus on this activity. Schools, districts, the importance of lesson attributes some- would not have had with a one-time sur- or researchers using logs might want to what differently from more experienced vey. Relatively high response rates and set specifi c goals for this activity, rather teachers. Using this kind of teacher log the variation in teacher responses give us than having open-ended reporting. Face- can show whether new teachers are still confi dence that almost all teachers did to-face training and identifying a contact learning about why certain attributes are take the logs seriously and did not simply person who could help teachers with important, and whether they need ad- give the most desirable answer. Teachers questions or challenges helped teachers ditional communication or professional understood that their responses would be become more comfortable with the logs. development about these topics. confi dential. Only aggregate results were Schools, districts, or researchers using WINTER 2017 VOL. 25, NO. 2 95 logs might consider adopting these strat- Clark, A. C., & Ernst, J. V. (2007). North Carolina Department of Public In- egies. They could also offer teachers A model for the integration of science, struction. (2014). NC School Report the option of completing a paper sur- technology, engineering, and math- Cards: 2012-13. Retrieved from http:// vey instead of an on-line survey if that ematics. Technology Teacher, 66(4), www.ncreportcards.org/src/ 24–26. method seems better suited to them. In Rowan, B., Jacob, R., & Correnti, R. (2009, this study, teachers could complete paper Committee on STEM Education Nation- Spring). Using instructional logs to surveys, but almost no one chose to do al Science and Technology Council. identify quality in educational settings. (2013). Federal science, technology, New Directions for Youth Development, it that way. engineering, and mathematics (STEM) 2009(121), 13-31. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Teachers and administrators in the education 5-Year strategic plan. Wash- Periodicals, Inc. study suggested that the logs were a ington, DC: Executive Offi ce of the promising professional development tool Rowan, B. & Correnti, R. (2009). Studying President. Retrieved from http://www. reading instruction with teacher logs: that teachers could use on a regular basis whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/ Lessons from the Study of Instructional to check the variability of instructional microsites/ostp/stem_stratplan_2013.pdf Improvement. Educational Researcher, strategies they employed. They also com- Community for Advancing Discovery Re- 38(2), 120-131. Retrieved from http://edr. mented on the potential for logs to be search in Education. (2012). Specialized sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/ used within a school department as a STEM secondary schools (STEM Smart 38/2/120 collaborative tool within professional Brief). Waltham, MA: Author. learning communities. The logs provid- Durik, A. M., & Harackiewicz, J. M. Elizabeth J. Glennie, PhD, Senior Educa- ed teachers a common language around (2007). Different strokes for different tion Research Analyst, RTI International. which to discuss improving classroom folks: How individual interest moder- Correspondence concerning this article practices. Teachers can use log data ates the effects of situational factors on should be addressed to Elizabeth Glennie, to refl ect on practice, determine areas task interest. Journal of Educational RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road, of strength and challenge, and set goals Psychology, 99(3), 597–610. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina for personal improvement. Administra- National Council of Teachers of Math- 27709. Email: [email protected] tors can use logs for many of the same ematics. (2014). Principles to actions: Karen J. Charles, PhD, Research Educa- purposes—to support teachers in exam- Ensuring mathematical success for all. tion Analyst, RTI International, Research ining practice and setting goals. Reston, VA: NCTM Press. Triangle Park, NC. National Research Council. (2012). A Olivia N. Rice, BA, Research Education framework for K-12 science education: Analyst, RTI International, Research Tri- References Practices, crosscutting concepts, and angle Park, NC. Ball, D. L., Camburn, E., Correnti, R., core ideas. Committee on a Concep- Phelps, G., & Wallace, R. (1999, De- tual Framework for New K-12 Science Acknowledgements: This study was cember). New tools for research on in- Education Standards. Board on Science funded by National Science Foundation struction and instructional policy: A Education, Division of Behavioral and grant 1135051. The authors would like to web-based teacher log. Seattle, WA: Social Sciences and Education. Wash- thank Marianne Daye, Terri Dempsey, and Center for the Study of Teaching and ington, DC: The National Academies Elizabeth Parish for their work on the Learning, University of Washington. Press. teacher logs. 96 SCIENCE EDUCATOR