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Preview ERIC EJ1127646: Adding Rigor to Classroom Assessment Techniques for Non-Traditional Adult Programs: A Lifecycle Improvement Approach

Thomas & Hornsey 27 Adding Rigor to Classroom Assessment Techniques for Non-Traditional Adult Programs: A Lifecycle Improvement Approach Jason E. Thomas | Philip E. Hornsey Formative Classroom Assessment Techniques (CAT) have been well-established instructional tools in higher education since their exposition in the late 1980s (Angelo & Cross, 1993). A large body of literature exists surrounding the strengths and weaknesses of formative CATs. Simpson-Beck (2011) suggested insufficient quantitative evidence exists on the utility of CATs for increasing the quality of student learning. Two quantitative studies by Simpson-Beck (2011) and Cottell and Harwood (1998) indicated no such correlation. We suggest that these deficiencies as applied to adult non-traditional programs may be due to a lack of rigor in the construction of many formative CATs, as well as a failure to properly match assessments to real learning objectives. In this article, we propose a nine-step framework to facilitate proper selection of formative CATs with ap- propriate rigor and implementation in the classroom. Instructors need to provide meaningful feed- of undergraduate enrollments. The National Center back to promote effective learning and monitor the for Education Statistics (2009) indicated that in 2007 effectiveness of instructional techniques. However, 38% of the more than 18 million college students students in higher education often find instructor were over the age of 25. The agency also predicted feedback to be missing or of low quality (Ferguson, enrollment would grow or remain stable during the 2011). Additionally, in classes where knowledge period of 2007-2018 (Hussar & Bailey, 2009). builds upon itself, such as in the teaching of finance Whereas a college semester can range from 14- or accounting, failure to learn a core principle could 20 weeks with two to three classes per week in tra- hinder a student’s progress in the rest of the course. ditional programs with instructor contact ranging A primary challenge in higher education is as- from 28-60 instances of student-instructor contact, sessment of the progress of students. Assessment non-traditional adult programs are trending toward is the practice of determining definitive and mea- compressed time frames with three hour classes surable goals, compiling and interpreting evidence being delivered in as little as five weeks with only that reveals the extent to which the goals have been five instances of student-instructor contact (Wlod- achieved, and determining and effecting changes kowski, 2003). The combination of less frequent to enhance attainment of the desired goals (Suskie, and extended classroom sessions makes it impera- 2004). This challenge is exacerbated when periods tive for an instructor to quickly ascertain if his or of time are compressed and instructor contact is her students are struggling; otherwise, a large part limited as often happens in accelerated non-tradi- of the class may elapse before a change in instruc- tional adult learning programs. tional tactics is implemented. Therefore, it is critical This situation is further complicated by the that instructors be able to accurately assess student growing number of non-traditional adult learning learning quickly and make adjustments as needed. programs. According to Ross-Gordon (2011), adult Limited instructor contact in non-traditional non-traditional students account for a large portion adult programs provides fewer opportunities for in- GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 3 (2014) 28 structor-student feedback and interaction. Accord- is ambiguous. Indeed, the nearly endless debate in ingly, feedback must be timely and meaningful. primary and secondary education with regard to The most important tool in an instructor’s arsenal student testing often includes the term “CATs” and is the provision of timely, detailed, and individu- virtually always refers to some form of summative alized feedback (Jarzebowski, Palermo, & van de testing (Adams, 2004). The authors of this article Berg, 2012). Since the late 1980s, one of the most are interested in exploring formative assessment. influential feedback tools has been Classroom As- Our goal in doing so is to suggest a framework for sessment Techniques (CATs) (Carduner, 2002; the analysis and construction of formative assess- Choinski & Emanuel, 2006; Eisenbach, Golich, ments, which might better deliver on the promise of & Curry, 1998; Goldstein, 2007; Simpson-Beck, these techniques. Further, we suggest that for non- 2011; Suskie, 2004; Walker, 2012). It is our belief traditional adult programs CATs should provide that the lack of correlation–focused research stud- immediate feedback in the class session due to the ies may be due to a failure to select the correct for- limited number of classroom interactions. mative CAT to support the required learning objec- tives and lack of sufficient rigor embedded in such PROMISE OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT exercises for compressed classroom and student- Formative assessments are used to demonstrate instructor interactions. how successfully knowledge has been transferred to a student and to provide an opportunity to ad- CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES DEFINED just and correct the instructional process prior to Classroom Assessment Techniques include a summative assessments (Adams, 2004). This is a broad array of tactics that can be grouped into two mutual opportunity for the student to request as- categories: summative and formative (Simpson- sistance or the instructor to provide assistance that Beck, 2011). Summative CATs, such as testing or the student might not know is required. Based on student-based ratings of instruction (e.g. surveys), this, one might reasonably suggest that, assuming are often used at the end of an instructional peri- they work, implementing CATs in the classroom od to determine the effectiveness of the learning would consist of using a series of progressive for- experience and how much information has been mative assessments to maximize learning. This retained (Simpson-Beck, 2011). Formative assess- would then be measured by student performance ment can be defined as quick exercises integrated on summative assessments, which are generally into instructional contact time, which allow for an recognized as the principal indicator of success in on-the-spot assessment of a student’s understand- the coursework. ing of a learning objective (Simpson-Beck, 2011). Cross (1987), Angelo and Cross (1993), and Theoretically, such a tool allows an instructor to Mosteller (1989) are responsible for the early pro- determine which topic students have failed to prop- motion of formative assessment CATs in the United erly assimilate, as well as offer immediate feed- States. In particular, Angelo and Cross (1993) cre- back to those students who might not have realized ated a movement around formative assessments in that they grasped a concept inadequately (Angelo the late 1980s, which has been embraced by both & Cross, 1993; Simpson-Beck, 2011). researchers and instructors. As such, even those The division between formative and summa- who might question the efficacy of formative as- tive CATs is an important one. A formative CAT is sessment consider these works canonical. a tool to guide and manage instruction (Simpson- Beck, 2011). A summative CAT is a final evalua- BACKGROUND tion of the student’s understanding of the topic The utility of formative CATs has been an im- when instruction is complete (Adams, 2004). Sum- portant topic since Angelo and Cross’s work in the mative CATs may be indicators of instructional late 1980s. The publication of Classroom Assess- aptitude, student industry, student preparation (or ment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teach- lack thereof), basic student intellectual ability, or a ers in 1993 cemented the concept within academia. combination of all four (Adams, 2004). When the The discussion in the literature rapidly moved from term “CAT” is used generically and without the the importance of these techniques to an examina- modifier “summative” or “formative,” the meaning tion of those with the greatest utility. While Gold- GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Thomas & Hornsey 29 stein (2007) might have asserted that formative clear from the beginning that CATs are ineffective evaluations are less common in higher education, if they are not matched to the course goals; how- he proceeded to outline several and then demon- ever, Simpson-Beck’s (2011) study was designed to strated statistically that formative evaluations are control for this, and still raises questions at to Class- of the highest utility in the teaching of statistics it- room Assessment Techniques’ utility. self. Nine years before, Cottell and Harwood (1998) With the literature thus divided between the expounded in the same manner, selecting specific firmly convinced, who write principally to aid in formative CATs and demonstrating their useful- the selection of the proper formative CAT, and ness for those studying accounting. In the same those who are concerned that only anecdotal evi- year, Melland and Volden (1998) provided simi- dence exists as to their utility, academics are left lar advice for the instruction of nursing students. with questions. The first is, “Are formative CATs In fact, the literature is replete with examples of effective?” It seems intuitive that using techniques this type of paper, wherein an academic of a given to glean student comprehension is better than not discipline contends that formative assessments are doing so at all. Perhaps the fact that the formative used in their discipline too infrequently, seeks to CATs often seem more like a simple formalization prove their utility for their area of study, and then of the phrase “do you understand what I just said?” suggests the techniques best suited to promote that has facilitated their quick adoption. erudition. Penetration is so complete that Choinski Perhaps the question better put is, “Is there a and Emanuel (2006) examined Angelo and Cross’s reason that an intuitively useful formative CAT (1993) work for its utility in the assessment of the such as the Muddiest Point would fail?” One might effectiveness of one-hour library classes. therefore look at a means to reduce a formative In recent publications, Carduner (2002) ex- CAT to its constituent parts to find such flaws. If amined the efficacy of formative assessments in this provides an answer as to why Simpson-Beck’s Spanish language instruction. Steward, Mickelson, (2011) test failed to find utility in the Muddiest and Brumm (2004) evaluated both summative and Point, then perhaps this reductionist framework formative assessments and concluded that both might be used to provide a methodology to both had reinforcing effects, helping to provide insights evaluate and construct useful assessments. into the instruction-learning process. In each case, Supporting both the need for and potential techniques were selected from the growing list of of such a framework, Eisenbach et al. (1998) au- recommended formative assessments, and, in most thored a paper on the cross-disciplinary effective- cases, some demonstration was made of their over- ness of CATs. As a result of this study and such all utility. It is far rarer to see any treatment as to venerable works as Dewey (1933), who suggested how the assessments may be successfully devel- that all learning is predicated on cross-disciplinary oped or what cross-disciplinary traits distinguish principles, it is reasonable to suggest that all useful a useful formative assessment from one of limit- formative CATs must conform to certain principles ed utility. To that end, it is important to consider and be subject to consistent methods of analysis. what might happen if an instructor used a CAT that Tying this together is the perceived need to provide seemed effective at the time, but it did not produce frequent and meaningful feedback to all students the desired results. Might he or she end up giving regardless of discipline (Jarzebowski et al., 2012). up on CATs altogether, labeling them a mere fad? Few quantitative studies exist to validate the Doubts about formative classroom assessment effectiveness of formative CATs (Simpson-Beck, techniques do exist. Simpson-Beck (2011) decried 2011). Variability in the quality of instruction, the the anecdotal nature of qualitative studies of CATs capacity of students to learn, the duration of classes, that have been published since Angelo and Cross and frequency of contact make quantitative studies (1993) brought them to the fore. Mosteller (1989) on the effectiveness of CATs challenging. With this suggests that the qualitative assessment, the “Mud- said, perhaps the greatest ally that the mass adop- diest Point,” one of the first and most commonly cit- tion of formative CATs has had is the desire among ed techniques, may not contribute to learning. This instructors that they should work. Non-traditional then begs the question if the technique is being used learning environments increasingly feature small- properly. In fact, Angelo and Cross (1993) have been er numbers of class meetings with more limited GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 3 (2014) 30 contact between students and instructors (Ross- or final evaluation. If course credit is offered, it is Gordon, 2011; Wlodkowski, 2003). Consequently, generally for participation credit rather than a large a clear need exists to assess quickly if students are number of points. The assessment is typically com- properly assimilating information. It is for this rea- pleted immediately, then collected and analyzed son that so many colleges and universities focused within the class period (Angelo & Cross, 1993). on adult learners distribute Angelo and Cross’s The third step recommended by Angelo and (1993) text and will undoubtedly continue to do so. Cross (1993), which is responding, relates to pro- viding students with feedback on the assessment. ROLE OF CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES Feedback should illuminate what the instructor has As previously stated, the goal of formative as- learned from administering the CAT and what they sessment is to evaluate a student’s understanding of intend to do with that information. For example, if course objectives at a particular stage of the learning an assessment indicates a high level of learning on process. This can help to determine if the instructor a task, the instructor might express approval and needs to adjust or elaborate and can help to inform continue down the established path at an enhanced the student of their actual level of accomplishment pace. If the assessment indicates a lack of under- in the class to that point as opposed to their percep- standing of course concepts, the instructor might tion of this. Ideally, a formative assessment would reteach those concepts from a different perspec- test both knowledge and, in the author’s opinions, an tive. Finally, if the assessment indicates a failure ability to analyze and synthesize information con- in prerequisite preparation, the instructor might veyed in the coursework. Angelo and Cross (1993) suggest a student seek aid, such as supplementary stated that formative assessment must be imple- instruction in basic mathematics. mented early and often, providing students with un- Angelo and Cross (1993) offered a list of sample graded feedback so that both student and instructor CATs that range in complexity, time to implement, are able to assess the quality of learning. This then preparation, and time needed to analyze results. allows the student to provide feedback for improv- Examples include: ing instruction. Angelo and Cross (1993) provided • The Muddiest Point: a writing assignment three specific guidelines for implementing CATs: (a) where students are asked to note the point or planning, (b) implementing, and (c) responding. part of the lesson they are the least clear on or The planning step requires the instructor to are having significant trouble understanding. reflect on what might be gained by implementing • The Minute Paper: a 60-second writing as- formative CATs in the classroom (Angelo & Cross, signment where students are asked to write 1993). How such activities will improve class inter- about the most important topic discussed in action and student learning is an important ques- class that day. tion to consider. Selected CATs must align with These CATs are among the most common in the the goals of the course or the learning objectives. literature; however, the first, the Muddiest Point, Moreover, the selected CATs should provide suffi- has been identified as problematic in some studies cient feedback to facilitate improvements in learn- (Simpson-Beck, 2011). Therefore, it is the authors’ ing and be easily implemented in class. Finally, we intent to suggest a framework for the analysis suggest the CAT must work well with the instruc- and construction of formative assessments, which tor’s individual teaching style. might more effectively deliver on the promise of The implementing step involves explaining to these techniques. the students the tasks that are used in the assess- ment with a clear explanation of the activity as well CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUES EXAMINED as its purpose. This ensures proper execution of We believe that traditional formative CATs the assessment and makes it more likely that the may suffer from a lack of emphasis on analysis students will engage in the tasks. Generally, for- and synthesis. This may take the form of not test- mative CATs ought not to be viewed in an adver- ing for the synthesis of information or testing for it sarial light, as a summative assessment might be. in an inappropriate manner. For example, Angelo It is important that the assessment be presented as and Cross-’s (1993) Muddiest Point exercise does a means of communication rather than a punitive not evaluate students’ understanding of the data but GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Thomas & Hornsey 31 merely their perception of their own understanding a primary school teacher believes the day has been of the course material. The one major quantitative spent teaching the concept of addition but wishes study on the effectiveness of using the Muddiest to test this. The teacher discusses the process of ad- Point indicated no significant difference between dition and uses the examples of 1+1=2 and 2+2=4. groups who were taught using this CAT and the The teacher then conducts a quick verbal CAT ask- control groups who were not exposed to it (Simp- ing students what they have learned so far. The son-Beck, 2011). students reply, “We have learned addition!” Then The study conducted by Simpson-Beck (2011) when asked to elaborate, they reply, “We learned is persuasive in its assertion that there were no ac- that 1+1=2 and 2+2=4.” Have the students learned crued benefits for the learners; however, there are this concept or have they simply parroted back the some concerns with the study. The description of two data points given in class? the methodology used in this study does not de- While this is an exceptionally simple example, scribe the subject matter under investigation and it illustrates two separate concepts, one very intui- this precludes any analysis of issues surrounding tive and one perhaps more obscure. From the ex- the selection of the Muddiest Point as a formative ample, it is certain that the students have learned CAT appropriate to the learning objectives. Addi- something. At the very least, they have memorized tionally, we suspect that much of the weakness of the data that 1+1=2 and that 2+2=4. This is useful the Muddiest Point is in its reliance on student per- data, but it is far more useful if they have also ab- ception of learning. For example, it is possible for a sorbed the concept of addition and are able to suc- student to feel as though they understood a concept cessfully apply it. and later be surprised when they fail a final exam. In order to assess students’ understanding of the In this case, the Muddiest Point may not have been concepts of addition rather than simply memoriza- the most useful CAT to select. We propose that if tion, the instructor might utilize a simple CAT and the formative CAT is not properly aligned with the ask another question such as, “If you have learned learning objectives, then there will be no demon- addition, what does 3+3 equal?” This question fol- strable benefit from their application. lows the same simple progression that students A student may not be in a position to know have been exposed to, and the instructor might be what they do not yet know. Angelo and Cross (1993) heartened to hear the answer “six”; however, this suggest that the Muddiest Point be used for initial may still not be the best assessment. It is important evaluation of new material. However, this is still a to be mindful that sometimes students are able to perception issue. For instance, a student whose at- provide the correct answers for the wrong reasons. tention has slipped in a history course may not un- In this case, it is possible that we have inadver- derstand that they do not recall a critical event that tently taught the concept of doubling, which is in is necessary for the understanding of later events. fact multiplication by two. In all of our examples, a An example might be the fact that the invention whole number is added to itself. It is not too much of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney substantially in- of a stretch to imagine a precocious first grader in- creased the monetary value of slave labor on cot- ternalizing this concept rather than the principles ton plantations. The student might dwell on other of addition that we are attempting to teach. Thus, facts when asked after a lecture about the Muddiest a CAT related to the addition of 3+3 may not be Point, but when required to write an essay exam on robust enough to provide sufficient assessment. why slavery might have become more important to To assess with more certainty whether the CAT cotton-producing states after 1794, they would un- has achieved our learning objectives, we might vary doubtedly fail the summative assessment. It simply the question by asking, “If you learned addition, never occurred to them that they had missed some- then what does 1+2 equal?” We might also increase thing important. the complexity by asking, “What does 7+5 equal?” In summary, the authors of this article propose This new CAT requires students to apply the learn- that effective formative CATs must include meth- ing rather than remember an answer already given ods to test if learning objectives have been syn- in class, thus testing application of the proper con- thesized, applied, and ultimately absorbed by stu- cept. This will provide an immediate and accurate dents. The following example illustrates this point assessment as to whether or not the principle of addi- GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 3 (2014) 32 tion has been properly communicated. Additionally, ing and student confidence. While this may seem the three questions, 3+3, 1+2, and 7+5, may be scaf- rudimentary, the process carries through to higher folded into a more rigorous CAT exercise. Used to- learning where the same principles apply. As an gether, these steps will assess not only if the correct example, the automated finance lab assessments of principle has been taught but may also uncover if one major university tests knowledge of the concept another undesired concept has been taught instead. of weighted average cost of capital (WACC). In es- Finally, by creating a ladder of increased complex- sence, this is an equation that says if a company’s ity, it is possible to gauge the level of understanding cost of money raised by stocks is 20% per dollar, of the students and ascertain at what point they be- and the cost to raise the same amount with bonds gin to feel intimidated by the assessment. is 10% per dollar, if the company raises 50% of the When adding rigor to the assessment, two key money by stock and 50% by bonds, the weighted guidelines should be observed: average cost of capital is 15% overall. The concept 1. The instructor must attempt to use the ap- is simple and easily accessible to any student who propriate amount of rigor based on topic can imagine going to the store to buy ten pairs of progression but not so much as to intimi- socks and being forced to buy five pairs of bargain date the student or prevent them from prop- socks and five pairs of premium socks because erly performing the assessment. there is not enough of one or the other on the shelf. 2. Instructors should be mindful of incorpo- Unfortunately, this formative CAT assessment, rating rigor that may require yet to be ob- in an attempt to compel the student to demonstrate tained or outside knowledge. information from a prerequisite class, requires the When asking students to demonstrate applied students to first calculate the rate of the bond, ap- knowledge, it is important to consider the appropri- plying discounts and taking into consideration ate level of rigor and ramp up complexity accord- the tax deductibility of interest. This is a far more ingly. For example, we might hesitate to give our complex mathematical calculation than the basic imagined first graders the problem 574+2. While WACC formula and is far more intimidating. It quite simple for most, requiring the students to also assumes that students know how to calculate simply take 574 and count off two more numbers, bond value for a discounted or premium bond on they might look at the problem and shut down due the primary market. As a formative assessment, to the emotional impact of seeing this kind of ques- this question would fail our test unless preceded by tion, which on the surface looks like a far more dif- at least two other questions on the same topic with ficult problem. This is made more problematic if building complexity. An example of this might be the assessment includes work that requires prereq- one in which the cost of bonds is simply given, fol- uisite knowledge that may not have been learned lowed by one in which the cost of bonds is offered, properly or which is perceived as an inherently dif- along with a question about the tax deductibility of ficult concept by students. bonds and given tax rate. In this way, the assess- A simple example of this would be a test of an ment would deliver more complete data on student early primary school student’s ability to perform learning and it would indicate whether remedial subtraction after the student learned the concept of education is necessary. addition the week before. In this case, we assume that the student has learned to add three two-digit COMPONENTS OF AN EFFECTIVE FORMATIVE numbers together. Given these prerequisite skills, CLASSROOM ASSESSMENT TECHNIQUE we give them the problem 52+27-2. This is prob- Angelo and Cross (1993) recommended three ably not a good assessment of their capacity to sub- simple steps to implementing CATs; we would re- tract. It adds a great deal of complexity and if the spectfully suggest additional guidelines to help ap- child did not properly learn addition, they may fail propriately apply CATS: the assessment for that reason before ever getting Diagrammatically, the proposed cycle created to the subtraction portion of the assessment. is as follows: Our example here is basic, but it demonstrates the concept of using simple CATs in the form of questions of increasing complexity to gauge learn- GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Thomas & Hornsey 33 Figure 1: Cycle of CATs. STEP 2: SELECT ASSESSMENT (OR CONSTRUCT A NEW CAT) Determines the appropriate method of interaction. SELECTION Assessments may be of many different types, delivered in many ways such as PHASE verbal, written, role-play, and so forth. Determining the appropriate method that both performs the assessment and fits the instructor’s style, and the student’s disposition is essential for an effective formative CAT. COURSE IMPLEMENTATION STEP 3: EMBED SYNTHESIS IMPROVEMENT PHASE PHASE Ensure an accurate formative assessment of the true learning objectives. Exercises should be rigorous enough to determine the degree of synthesis of the information. Have the rudimentary elements of the data been absorbed? Is the student merely parroting back what they have been told? Can the information be applied dynamically to multiple scenarios? Complex topics must be assessed in layers to determine what has been learned and what must be re-communicated. This is the heart of the design process. STEP 4: VALIDATE ASSESSMENT FOR TIME AND EASE OF USE ADJUSTMENT ANALYSIS Prevents a poorly planned CAT from overrunning class time and impacting PHASE PHASE instructor credibility. Activities must be smoothly integrated into the classroom experience; they should be a smooth part of class and most importantly should be concise and not over- run the rest of the day’s learning activities. The instructor might mark time, give the students instructions on how to perform FEEDBACK the assessment to a mirror, perform the assessment themselves, considering if PHASE the students will have necessary supplies with them or if they would need to be provided. This will yield the time necessary to deliver the assessment. The cycle created may proceed quickly, If the assessment is to be scored immediately in class, this should be done and the particularly in a non-traditional setting. If in results multiplied by the expected number of students, with thought being given as a traditional university there are effectively to how scores will be recorded and interpreted. This is particularly critical as it is possible to “lose the class” if one spends too much time in such evaluation. two classroom generations per year or three if including summer school, then an instructor IMPLEMENTATION PHASE teaching a given course once a semester will teach it perhaps one to three times a year. In an adult STEP 5: IMPLEMENT ASSESSMENT learning or non-traditional university, one might Applies the technique in the classroom. teach a popular or required course six times a Techniques must be executed appropriately in the classroom to be effective and provide the appropriate experience for students to meet goals. year or more (Ross-Gordon, 2011). This reduced generation time allows for the improvement of ANALYSIS PHASE a course offering either formally through the revision of curriculum or informally through STEP 6: ANALYZE RESULTS Provides the data to assess performance of both students and instructor. independent modification by an individual Responses must be analyzed to understand the degree of absorption of the mate- instructor. It is our belief that attempts to rial and the student’s ability to use and apply the material. This is used to provide formalize this selective revision process may be student feedback. worthy of further study. Responses must also be analyzed to understand any deficiencies in classroom Table 1 (below) provides more detail on each presentation which may be present. Often this will involve comparing these assess- ments to ones previously performed by the instructor in class with other students. phase and its sub-components. FEEDBACK PHASE Table 1: Components, key features, and importance of CATs. STEP 7: PROVIDE FEEDBACK Provides information to the student and instructor on performance. SELECTION PHASE This is crucial for the students to understand how they have absorbed the mate- rial. If the students have done well, this provides affirmation and the confidence in STEP 1: EVALUATE LEARNING OBJECTIVES applying the material or skills presented. If not, it provides data about how much Allows us to ensure that a CAT will be aligned with learning objectives. progress they have obtained. This is vital as it is possible for students to believe they understand a concept when they do not or fear they do not understand a This provides focus for the activity and ensures that it aligns goals of the course. concept when they do. Often activities may be exciting and there is a temptation to do too much or cre- ate a classroom “effect” outside of the goal of assessment. Noting what is being While formative CATs will generally be performed by the instructor themselves, if assessed first will help an instructor keep focus. they are being performed by a third party for the instructors benefit, the feedback would be presented along with analysis. GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 3 (2014) 34 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ADJUSTMENT PHASE There is no question the use of CATs, particu- STEP 8: ADJUST PRESENTATION / PROVIDE REMEDIATION larly of the formative variety, is embraced by many Based on the analysis and feedback the instructor can transition to a remedia- in academia (Carduner, 2002; Choinski & Eman- tion stage if necessary, elaborating on the topic, providing additional informa- uel, 2006; Cottell & Harwood, 1998; Eisenbach et tion, or corrective action. This is a tactical adjustment meant to improve the al., 1998; Goldstein, 2007; Simpson-Beck, 2011; learning and experience Suskie, 2004; Walker, 2012). It is our belief that the lack of correlation-demonstrated research studies COURSEWORK IMPROVEMENT PHASE may be due to a basic failure to select the correct STEP 9: RECONSIDER COURSEWORK/CURRICULUM formative CAT to support the learning objectives, Improves the overall quality of the education product for the next class of students. along with lack of rigor embedded in exercises for When a formative assessment surfaces issues across several populations of stu- compressed classrooms and student-instructor in- dents, particularly when the issues affect the proper communication of the course learning objectives, it calls into question the strength of the curriculum. It is there- teractions. In an attempt to mitigate this, we have fore important for the instructor to use the assessment to identify weak-points proposed a framework to assist in the evaluation of in their course curriculum and/or their own presentation style and correct these formative assessments. This framework works in where possible. This is a strategic adjustment to curriculum and or instructor skills meant to benefit future students conjunction with a lifecycle approach to improve- The final step of the above framework is one that ment, which might be used to drive the improve- is not always considered. As previously noted, the ment of either curriculum (formally) or the presen- current trajectory of non-traditional adult educa- tation of curriculum (informally) by instructors tion necessitates compressed class timelines with who adopt our concepts. course delivery over a few weeks and perhaps as It is our hope that the framework presented may few as five instances of classroom contact (Ross- act as a schematic tool or checklist to increase the Gordon, 2011). This makes it even more critical quality of formative CATs in classrooms. Simply to know when one is failing to effectively impart evaluate student learning is not sufficient; one must learning objectives, generating the need, in our turn the assessment inward to examine instruction- opinion, for robust CATs. Consequently, the sug- al style, presentation, and curriculum (Angelo & gested framework not only allows for the proper Cross, 1993). Our hope is that adding rigor to CATs construction and evaluation of formative CATs but will increase confidence in the utility of formative also creates a process improvement cycle. CATs, which could be used to improve students’ Steps one through four of the framework com- experiences and reduce concerns in the classroom prise the selection cycle of a formative assessment. for both the teacher and the learner. This concept These steps are used to evaluate a new or estab- must be examined through further research. We lished assessment technique. Please refer to Appen- invite researchers to test these assertions and the dix A for an example of how the framework may be framework presented. used to evaluate the technique the “Muddiest Point or to revise the One Minute Paper assessment. GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Thomas & Hornsey 35 References Adams, P. (2004). Classroom assessment and social welfare Melland, H. I, & Volden, C. M. (1998). Classroom assessment: policy: Addressing challenges to teaching and learning. Jour- Linking teaching and learning. Journal of Nursing Education, nal of Social Work Education, 40(1), 121-142. Retrieved from 37(6), 275-277. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23043983 Mosteller, F. (1989). The ‘muddiest point in the lecture’ as a Angelo, T. A., & Cross, K. P. (1993). Classroom assessment feedback device. Journal of the Harvard Danforth Center on techniques: A handbook for college teachers. San Francisco, Teaching and Learning, 3, 10-21. CA: Jossey-Bass. National Center for Education Statistics. (2009). 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Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2009/2009062.pdf Jarzebowski, A., Palermo, J., & van de Berg, R. (2012). When feedback is not enough: The impact of regulatory fit on motivation after positive feedback. International Coaching Psychology Review, 7(1), 14-32. GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 3 (2014) 36 too little time to write a paper sufficient for an ef- Appendix A fective evaluation. Thus stymied in our attempt to use the One Minute Paper as originally described, Included in this appendix are examples that de- we revise our assessment to become our own “Five tail the use of the CAT Cycle Framework to evalu- Minute Topical Summary List.” In this new assess- ate and modify proposed CATs prior to adoption. ment, the students are asked to write for five min- utes summarizing the day’s most important topic, ONE MINUTE PAPER – REVISION OF AN ESTABLISHED which they are explicitly told is the economic im- FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT plication of the introduction of the cotton gin. They In this example, students write for one minute are invited to list the most important factors that about the most important thing they learned that they remember regarding this topic but are told to day. We then take an assessment, which is not well write only one descriptive sentence for each point. suited to our purpose, and revise it to fit our learn- This increases the time necessary for the assess- ing objectives. ment to 10-15 minutes. As this is acceptable, we Step 1: Evaluate Learning Objectives – As- move on to Step 4. sume that this is a third year history class with 15 Step 4: Validate Assessment for Time and history majors studying the evolution of chattel Ease of Use – At the end of class, each student is slavery in the United States from approximately asked to write for five minutes on the selected top- 1619 to the end of the American Civil War in 1865. ic, namely the economics of the cotton gin’s intro- The goal is to assess if the students comprehend duction. We estimate that this will take 10-15 min- the economic factors associated with the introduc- utes. We then assess if we believe the students are tion of the cotton gin from its patenting in 1794 likely to have writing instruments and paper and and to determine if they can apply that knowledge obtain extra of each to assist those who take notes to an essay question given in the summative as- exclusively electronically. We then practice the in- sessment. This assessment includes a five question structions and attempt to anticipate their questions final exam wherein one question will be, “What until we are satisfied that this will not surpass the technology introduced in the late 18th century had available time. an important economic impact in the development Given the time factors, we score the assessment of chattel slavery in the Southern United States? between classes and provisionally accept The Five Please discuss this technology and how it affected Minute Topical Summary List as an appropriate the economics of the South leading up to the Civil formative assessment, pending its successful use. War.” As we are able to define the objective, we Assuming that actionable data emerges, we add move to Step 2. this assessment to our arsenal of formative CATs. Step 2: Select Assessment (or Construct a It should be noted that establishing a new for- New CAT) – We select the One Minute Paper as mative CAT is essentially the same as the revision described by Angelo and Cross (1993) and move that we completed above. The instructor conceptu- on to Step 3. alizes a classroom assessment technique and then Step 3: Embed Synthesis – We note that there implements the CAT. are weaknesses in our selected assessment tech- nique. The first issue is that students select what THE MUDDIEST POINT – EVALUATION OF A “FAULTY” they consider to be the most important topic of the FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT day for their paper. We might reason that other top- The Muddiest Point is a formative assessment ics are presented on that day. As such, a student in which students are asked to write the point or may not select the chosen topic of the cotton gin, part of the lesson that is most unclear to them. To effectively reducing the value of our assessment evaluate if this assessment is valid, one simply to an acknowledgement that he or she did not un- walks through the framework and performs an derstand the importance of this subject. Addition- analysis at each level. ally, the topic is a rich one in which the instruc- Step 1: Evaluate Learning Objectives – In tor hopes to impart nuance and to connect to other this example, we assume that the learning objec- topics already discussed; therefore, one minute is tive is to test the comprehension of historical data GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY

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