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ERIC EJ1107897: Applying Metacognitive Strategies to Skimming Research Articles in an ESP Context PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1107897: Applying Metacognitive Strategies to Skimming Research Articles in an ESP Context

06-0001 ETF_02_07 12/14/05 4:03 PM Page 2 Nebila Dhieb-Henia T U N I S I A Applying Metacognitive Strategies to Skimming Research Articles in an ESP Context I n recent years, English language These strategies can be valuable in- teachers have benefited from a structional tools, especially for the read- growing body of research that ing skill, because many English as a describes how learning strategies can Foreign Language (EFL) teachers find help students improve their acquisi- that there is insufficient practice time tion of the language. Teachers and stu- for students who are required to cope dents alike can easily find useful refer- with studying a new language and to ences that list the numerous learning read for content. The need is height- strategies and explain how to apply ened because at the post-secondary them to each of the four skills (Ox- level, and particularly at the graduate ford 1990). According to O’Malley and post-graduate levels, English sud- and Chamot (1990), learning strate- denly becomes increasingly impor- gies are organized into three main cat- tant for students who must take Eng- egories: social-affective, cognitive, and lish for Special Purposes (ESP) courses metacognitive. Social-affective strate- and read technical subject matter in gies include interacting and cooperat- English. In some subjects English is ing with others to assist learning; cog- the medium of instruction and a nitive strategies involve manipulating vehicle of content information. the language to be learned; and meta- Although there are clear prescriptions cognitive strategies encourage learners from syllabus designers and curricu- to reflect on thought processes and to lum developers to encourage activities plan, monitor, and evaluate aspects of that require the use of strategies such their learning. as scanning (reading a text quickly for 2 2006 NUMBER 1 | E N G L I S H T E A C H I N G F O R U M 06-0001 ETF_02_07 12/14/05 4:03 PM Page 3 specific details), and skimming(reading or pre- and regulate consciously the use of appropriate viewing a text to find the main idea), in many learning strategies for different situations. EFL classrooms these terms are no more than They involve an awareness of one’s mental clichés, and very little training is provided on processes and an ability to reflect on how one how to actually use these strategies. As a result, learns, in other words, knowing about one’s students experience difficulties when reading knowing.” According to O’Malley and research articles in subjects related to science Chamot (1990), metacognitive strategies and technology. include selective attention to the task, plan- In this context, where being able to read ning, self-monitoring, and self-evaluating. As efficiently and effectively is essential for acade- applied to reading, these metacognitive strate- mic success, training students to use learning gies entail specifying a purpose for reading, strategies can have a significant effect. Since planning how the text will be read, self-moni- the goal of metacognitive learning strategies is toring for errors in reading comprehension, to strengthen students’ awareness of what and self-evaluating how well the overall objec- makes their language learning successful, it is tives are being fulfilled, which allows for tak- especially important for the reading teacher to ing corrective measures if comprehension is understand how to use such strategies. This not being achieved. article will review some research on metacog- nitive strategies and will present a lesson on Metacognitive strategy training how to use them to teach skimming for read- in reading ing specialized texts in an ESP class. Even though students’ reading ability can be improved when they discover and use spe- Metacognition and reading cific learning strategies, research indicates that Grabe and Stoller (2002) indicate that read- it is not sufficient to present discrete lists of ing long selections of text quickly for general strategies and suggests that setting up contexts comprehension, which most fluent readers can where the reasons for strategy use are made ex- do in their native language, is difficult to achieve plicit may help readers better appreciate strate- and may not be a skill that is readily transfer- gies and use them more effectively (Anderson able to their second language. In the EFL class- 1991). In other words, even if students receive room, many readers tend to rely on the slow and lectures on strategies and are provided with lists careful reading of texts from start to finish, and and descriptions, this does not mean that they they have difficulties with reading activities re- will incorporate them into the task of learning quiring the use of strategies for reading quick- a foreign language. As Nunan (1999, 11) says, ly and efficiently, such as skimming a lengthy it is “a mistake to assume that learners come research article for main ideas (Urquhart and into the language classroom with a sophisti- Weir 1998; Weir 1983). As many practitioners cated knowledge of pedagogy, or with a natur- have found, metacognitive strategies are one al ability to make informed choices about their way to overcome these problems. own learning processes.” However, with strat- Metacognition is variously defined as “cog- egy training, readers can make concrete gains nition of cognition” (Carrell, Pharis, and Lib- in their reading (Block 1992). According to erto 1989, 647), “the conscious awareness of Carrell (1998), this training must be clearly se- cognitive processes” (Bernhardt 1991, 52), quenced. In addition, there must be a clear ra- and “knowledge about learning” (Wenden tionale for using specific strategies (Oxford 1998, 516). In relation to reading comprehen- 1990). For example, strategy training should sion, metacognition is the “knowledge that include explicit instructions on when and how takes as its object or regulates any aspect of any to use a particular strategy, and should incor- cognitive endeavor” (Flavell 1979, 8). This porate metacognitive elements of planning, definition suggests that metacognition not self-monitoring, and self-evaluation into the only relates to the individual thought process- task. When this is accomplished, metacogni- es one uses to learn but also to the self-regula- tive strategy improves ESP students’ efficiency tion of cognition. Williams and Burden in reading research articles, particularly with (1997, 148), for instance, say that metacogni- tasks requiring fast, selective reading such as tive strategies “include an ability to manage skimming (Dhieb-Henia 2003). E N G L I S H T E A C H I N G F O R U M | NUMBER 1 2006 3 06-0001 ETF_02_07 12/14/05 4:03 PM Page 4 Students who identify and solve problems at selectively or straight through, and to separate the vocabulary, clause, and text levels are uti- relevant from irrelevant information, one first lizing the metacognitive strategy for reading, needs to have a clear sense of the purpose of and they are typically “characterized as pur- reading (Anderson 1991). poseful, strategic, and persistent in their learn- The research on teaching ESP indicates ing. They possess the ability to evaluate their that the different strategies adopted by scien- own progress in relation to the goals they have tists reading in their fields are closely connect- set and to adjust subsequent behavior in light ed to the scientists’ own agendas; that is their of those self-evaluations” (Purdie, Hattie, and purpose for reading (Bazerman 1985). For Douglas 1996, 87). Several studies establish example, different purposes may require dif- that the best readers are those who engage in ferent approaches to reading, such as scanning such active, conscious reading. the table of contents, reading quickly to get an Information processing is a theory that hy- overall impression of a document, skipping pothesizes how metacognition makes learning whole parts if the information is familiar, and strategies an automatic part of one’s cognitive reading more carefully when something impor- makeup. According to this theory, metacogni- tant is spotted. tion is divided into declarativeand procedural A metacognitive strategy lesson knowledge (Anderson 1983). Declarative for skimming knowledge refers to knowing what something is but not necessarily knowing how to use the This is a lesson for an ESP classroom with knowledge, while procedural knowledge refers graduate level students who read scientific to knowing how to do something or putting the texts. The objective of this lesson is to instruct knowledge into action. The transfer of declar- students in how to use skimming when read- ative knowledge into procedural knowledge is ing technical material. The presentation and accomplished by first ensuring that students discussion of the framework takes one ninety- have a solid knowledge about pertinent learn- minute session, and the guided practice takes ing strategies and then applying metacognition another ninety minutes. so students reflect on what they know and use Presentation and discussion planning, self-monitoring, and self-evaluating To begin, the teacher brings several to make the strategies a part of their long-term research articles of approximately ten pages to learning processes. This idea suggests that it is the classroom and asks students to select and possible to develop declarative knowledge of read an article and to report on the main ideas. the type {I know what X is},and then to devel- After students have been reading for two or op procedural knowledge by applying strategy three minutes the teacher stops the students training to guide students’ behavior when and asks for possible answers. Students are like- reading {I know how to do Y}. As declarative ly to show surprise and shock: How could they knowledge becomes procedural, students will possibly generate correct answers after having find that first language reading strategies will read just the first three paragraphs from the transfer to the second language more easily. ten-page article? Because the students were us- ing their traditional reading technique, which Establishing a purpose for reading was a slow, linear reading of the text, they had Second language reading research also sug- barely begun the article. gests that the successful use of reading strategies The teacher uses this moment of confusion is less dependent on their availability and more to start a discussion on why people read, wheth- dependent on students’ awareness of strategies er it is for the main idea, for specific details, or and their ability to be flexible when using them to find supporting ideas. The teacher then ex- according to the purpose of the task or the tends the discussion to show that how people problem to be solved (Carrell, 1998; Carrell, read is closely connected to why they read. Con- Pharis, and Liberto 1989; Jiménez, Garcia, and trasting the reading of a train schedule with Pearson 1996). This indicates that establishing reading the local newspaper reinforces this a purpose for any reading activity is crucial to point, and the discussion creates an awareness the choice of the reading strategy to be adopt- of the different purposes for reading. The stu- ed. Indeed, to decide whether to read a text dents are then asked to speculate on the pur- 4 2006 NUMBER 1 | E N G L I S H T E A C H I N G F O R U M 06-0001 ETF_02_07 12/14/05 4:03 PM Page 5 poses of reading texts in science and how these reading a similar article in their native lan- purposes may influence the way they approach guage, so they can consider the transferability the technical reading material. of strategies to the ESP context. At this point, the teacher explains that skim- In Step 1, readers ask themselves these pre- ming is reading quickly to discover the main liminary questions: idea of a text. The class looks at how skim- • What is the topic? ming would be productive for reading in gen- • Am I the intended reader of the article? eral, such as when working online and needing • What is the source and date of publica- to decide quickly whether it is worthwhile to tion of the article? download a document. Next, the class discuss- es how skimming can be used in the research • What is the research problem and what is context, such as reading the headings, intro- the purpose of the study? duction, and conclusion and gleaning infor- • Does the research article contain head- mation from any non-textual cues, such as ings familiar to me? pictures and diagrams. • Do these indicators help me activate any Guided practice relevant background/content knowledge? Figure 1 presents a three-step framework that The teacher next discusses how a particular can help ESP teachers guide students to use genre might affect the manner of reading. For skimming with a research article. example, reading the headings and subheadings Step 1 of the process sets up the general may not always be useful as a reading strategy macrostructure of the research article by focus- for research articles because the same general ing on its content schemata and discourse fea- headings are often used—Introduction, Back- tures. This helps the students determine the ground, Methods, Results, Discussion,and Con- genre, the textual organization, and the clusion. Therefore, focusing on headings may rhetorical strategies of the article, and serves to not provide useful information about the arti- activate any background knowledge and cle’s content. All these questions are teacher- expectations associated with the text. It also initiated at the early stages of the course and helps students recognize any similarities with then, with practice, become a self-initiated FIGURE 1: A METACOGNITIVE STRATEGY TRAINING FRAMEWORK FOR SKIMMING E N G L I S H T E A C H I N G F O R U M | NUMBER 1 2006 5 06-0001 ETF_02_07 12/14/05 4:03 PM Page 6 competency that students may draw on when clusion, reading the title and subtitles, reading engaging in independent reading. the first and last lines of a paragraph, and Step 2 asks the student to evaluate the re- looking at nonverbal information, such as fig- quirement of the task. Here, readers establish ures and tables, and reading their captions. As goals for their readings, as they realize that students become acquainted with these pro- skimming is a purposeful activity to determine posed lists of strategies for handling this task, meaning. The teacher demonstrates to students they may later combine different pairs of how they can determine the general idea of a IF…THEN statements as they monitor and research article by first reading the abstract and adjust their skimming strategy. then by reading selectively through the whole Step 3 provides students with a repertoire article. Here three worksheets are used to intro- of strategic behaviors requiring certain deci- duce students to the various skimming choices sions to be taken concerning the reading speed they can make, which will be contingent on the and level of processing to be adopted, which purpose of the reading. (See Worksheets 1-3.) interfaces with the skimming strategies chosen The different goals and sub-goals on the work- from Step 2. Finally, students engage in the sheets are represented by pairs of IF…THEN evaluation of the reading outcome and deter- statements, which allow for student involve- mine if the strategies improved their skim- ment in the choice of the skimming strategies. ming ability. If their success is not satisfactory, The use of the worksheets demonstrates a they can begin again at Step 3, the choice of step-by-step process for the different strategies strategy; at Step 2, the assessment of task one can use when skimming a research article requirements; or at Step 1, the very beginning for main ideas, namely, reading different sec- of the process of setting up a macrostructure tions like the abstract, introduction, and con- for the text. WORKSHEET 1 Pair 1 If The goal is to adopt an appropriate strategy and I know that the research article is a special genre Then The sub-goal is to read selectively from the different sections Pair 2 If The goal is to read selectively from the different sections Then The sub-goal is either: • To skim the text quickly,read more carefully once an interesting piece of information is spotted • To read the first few lines of every paragraph • To pay careful attention to both text and non-text • To follow a personalized combination of some of the previous procedures WORKSHEET 2 Pair 1 If The goal is to adopt an appropriate strategy and I know that the research article is a special genre Then The sub-goal is to read the abstract Pair 2 If The goal is to read the abstract carefully and I know that the informative abstract gives me an idea about the different sections in the research articles Then The sub-goal is to read every sentence in the abstract carefully and glean the information from it WORKSHEET 3 Pair 1 If The goal is to adopt an appropriate strategy and I know that the research article is a special genre Then The sub-goal is to read the introduction and the conclusion and have a quick look at figures, tables,and their captions Pair 2 If The goal is to read the introduction and I know that introductions in research articles follow certain generic patterns Then The sub-goal is to read and identify the purpose of each sentence Pair 3 If The goal is to read the conclusion Then The sub-goal is to collect information on the results found and to check whether the objec- tives of the study were fulfilled or not 6 2006 NUMBER 1 | E N G L I S H T E A C H I N G F O R U M 06-0001 ETF_02_07 12/14/05 4:03 PM Page 7 This lesson was initially used with post- Block, E. 1992. See how they read: Comprehen- graduate level ESP students in the biology sion monitoring of L1 and L2 readers. TESOL Quarterly26 (2): 319–43. specialty area, and the results of this strategy Carrell, P. L., B. G. Pharis, and J. C. Liberto. 1989. training lesson for reading generated a num- Metacognitive strategy training for ESL read- ber of reactions. The comments from students ing. TESOL Quarterly23 (4): 647–78. who underwent this metacognitive strategy Carrell, P. L. 1998. Can reading strategies be suc- training revealed that it had a major impact cessfully taught? The Language Teacher 22 (3), http://jalt-publications.org/tlt/files/98/mar/ on their reading behavior. Some students stat- index.html. ed that the skimming strategy was very effi- Dhieb-Henia, N. 2003. Evaluating the effective- cient and allowed them to find the required ness of metacognitive strategy training for read- information without having to read the whole ing research articles in an ESP context. English scientific article. They also stated that learning for Specific Purposes22 (4): 387–417. to skim was more effective than traditional Flavell, J. H. 1979. Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-develop- methods of reading instruction. mental inquiry. American Psychologist 34 (10): 906–11. Conclusion Grabe, W., and F. L. Stoller. 2002. Teaching and Language learning strategies are a valuable researching reading. Harlow, England: Pearson addition to the challenging task of learning and Education. Jiménez, R.T., G. E. Garcia, and P. D. Pearson. teaching a second language. Students can ben- 1996. The reading strategies of bilingual Lati- efit from these strategies, but it cannot be na/o students who are successful English read- assumed that merely presenting them as lists ers: Opportunities and obstacles. Reading will make them a permanent part of successful Research Quarterly31 (1): 90–112. learning. Teachers need to help students see Johnson, K. 1996. Language Teaching and Skill Learning.Oxford: Blackwell. how they can develop and transfer such knowl- Nunan, D. 1999. Second language teaching and edge into “rules for action” (Johnson 1996), learning.Boston: Heinle and Heinle. that is, into successful procedures for undertak- O’Malley, J. M., and A. U. Chamot. 1990. Learn- ing a specific task. Metacognitive strategy train- ing strategies in second language acquisition. ing fulfills this objective by helping learners Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Oxford, R. L. 1990. Language learning strategies: incorporate the strategies in a meaningful way What every teacher should know.Boston: Heinle that transforms students’ declarative knowl- and Heinle. edge of reading strategies into procedural Purdie, N., J. Hattie, and G. Douglas. 1996. Stu- knowledge. This is especially important for dent conceptions of learning and their use of ESP courses because reading efficiently is a crit- self-regulated learning strategies: A cross-cul- tural comparison. Journal of Educational Psy- ical skill that is directly related to many stu- chology88 (1): 87–100. dents’ career paths. Although this example of Urquhart, A., and C. Weir. 1998. Reading in a sec- strategy training was for skimming, practition- ond language: Process, product and practice. ers will find the framework and worksheets London: Longman. applicable to other reading strategies, such as Weir, C. J. 1983. Identifying the language prob- scanning and vocabulary enrichment, and to lems of overseas students in tertiary education in the United Kingdom. PhD diss., University other activities associated with speaking, listen- of London. ing, and writing skills. Wenden, A. 1998. Metacognitive knowledge and language learning. Applied Linguistics 19 (4): References 515–37. Anderson J. R. 1983. The architecture of cognition. Williams, M., and R. L. Burden. 1997. Psychology Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge Anderson, N. J. 1991. Individual differences in University Press. strategy use in second language reading and testing. Modern Language Journal 75 (4): 460–72. Bazerman, C. 1985. Physicist reading physics: Schema-laden purposes and purpose-laden NEBILADHIEB-HENIAis Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics at the Institut schema. Written Communication2 (1): 3–23. Bernhardt, E. B. 1991. Reading development in sec- Superieur des Langues de Tunis, Tunisia. ond language: Theoretical, empirical, and classroom Her research interests are ESP and reading perspectives.Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing. in ESL/EFL contexts. E N G L I S H T E A C H I N G F O R U M | NUMBER 1 2006 7

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