Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency (STAMP): An Assessment to Measure Proticiency of Interpretive and Presentatic eee onal Communication Ed for Ape Soap Langa Sota [CANS Te atin atonal Homign ‘aru tesrurcs Cant, river of Oregon, gan, 8 fsgrhibuoregon at Mario Sener 3 "We we ike so Inplie NEEL VEEL Pat \rohing oan be evorwbeming. What co ‘pack? Howto tack #7 What bout emeat- ont? Hon tt frsign lagna iat dota fi ecient nd sont talghelatay Sepiletnviicne tel ools.. Ws S08 ies (CASLS) hea deliveradcal're ssscrraamts celled sirdaieas, Siig ‘ntto nase od en the North Star studeore ao-foaally. As ol.eiousy-Leacd nieeauic around which all oesrydootpecarriance, STAMP ean sorve a ect afithere aspecis | asssgztent for KG prngsans a5 well at asset in GF EAAGHIRE HEE sricnlaiow bewcea stowentery end id schoo) Sheil Sine lads at opanrah GR MARES SENSE Paster Language 2emning, Slut ors (118), ise hae we should fe pn S Nei esr what we tench ‘and then reflect ur practice based snes aa language." 20 eat developing an ESL bey amtsny shoo ctu, and ie vegeta te oa lise 1 oF dexclpiag tine extssmcets fe clematis nnd Freie aguage sedis, We woud ke invite SWELL mnabers toi ue in de planing, ‘anciats with the develope? sd cefinncut of uranaesiat ee CASES is a Katonal Forian Language Re- sours Canker faded by the US, Depetment of Feelin prove upper or fone mings ‘rower, A cent heme of CASLS ovens ‘usermen,cuicolum, and pets: oud develop sea, Ivough aioe! siubar staderds, Wo 2: ‘Snudende the Non Star anuné which al of ‘eae spots of easing noed'aLealgnedTtoaly makes ovate hat wo sbauld toe whet wo tes and ‘heurefocronut pacticeGened an ow aucoss8l dems aequlelengusgs Rutt in cai sith dors. CASLS hos dane extongiveresetch i ost log asin. aoe in rissa clay atid Fvcinn lara sete to help eahecs ote al espe’ af a teaching toward clas ys ay al. Satay CASL Shae faoure en guadss 16,90 Iho ols decribed iscsi bemost uct farciddeschoel teachers, Wehope to deveep ‘tony of ese ool ia the sear >and 001 f LaARNG LARA tn, Bravery, CO sore Beale sat ok awerdte nn fem ‘nota dese ght nok rns lol ashore locks! easton ed stcarimens a8 fale that “ein solr oom survey th they em nee eo Bexslmiarts At the sore ofa these peoduss, CASES hes reste oriourks The Beehmaniaarebeasde ‘ACT. Prolite) Goldlies for K-12 Lsaeere (Gee tule nscil og), but we uch moe saific (repeals uaogon cde and ick ‘x "Comin and Associ” tes on "Bera raat’). This szeifiiy i the Key wo che whole syst. By “dighzng” protenaey, wake du ste: concepts of proiciecy cenerte and a Tee tzenenenn tan and caching entries ‘feted ina daabons. At Boneinal 3 Ganon to Navies High} for example, tober ew tht ‘radents mast perisan to Fanton of deeribing ‘lf tthe af fay (My ad nll ad weeks downeaya”) "Toesya.ns ne hive veloped ce all exoe sad seqeize 20 rectal softwere. You can view St shot nal expen donee ransnl> or Sowiaalinells ena Stondatds-based Measuremen of Vraseieney rer ssacemaratis of cone ob madeade- bet sytern, Unless we lLute ne see rear ich, br eao ne ever gage ou ant fly nt in to atinae ot poginae? Langia nou cua, ‘yp enter high stool sad aay, "Tedd Sanh ta yea.” One muceo ed atasher who ne Dighy Walved in antacco bused aul ent. Darndlzoguage nstustoral araogien ngs itstmesioval pation bated sta be equation tends Tas ole stall came fora 4 foogrein fat foeused an stseonypial sulle, “Theylne fons, na pata, ved Mecca stu. Chviusly, ase wu dani do nat sloug in‘ seme ss. Buc Dis ea pp ow Becante we do Wot ave a cmon mene ig ick. STAMD is duce wy be hat cannon rng ik 2zNNEL.anenachin Tether ee In Now Joey aad Louisiana, Za exanple, STAMP bea been ueedw fv wUecetion em tipbth gad ogi ints schon, sing so tive dak, istot xx geaul Ligh seal cua, gle ‘soo! tecie oan plase cents athe apuop eval and inde whoa eetnaveseisdea a8 fade ‘sk owenden: pss alld Ean ails servo a ach ‘hace are algo a runer of sehosl troughs fae US. sing STARE to fas riceation stom. ade eign ts grade nino, Besage of te ansands- ‘bused and coi sey based fous oF TAME, c= su sgoappropsiats asosrcent toms, STAMP con ‘fap e etn for peng gadora with a FLAS Tackaceunt ping ints rovonh coats ido tetas age mits best for commun progeesin argusee Doicaney. KS rogram mndele (eg. Towson an FRA Sect lie ete rains ‘CFLES progean odes canbe beser occouctd ‘soi gy ple tng ese oo se STAM? Bre thu aBrak-§ vasiqn nf STAMP ‘aye be developed fr. ose angoage tae, create erence nial ens ke ‘ACTH, Mecideacy Geitlions ene siden reign Iangeage standards th inthe fuune vl be evalated Inanogk comenun tearing sce SAM. ‘wae Activity Tanplaten (DAT) Assesting eudente dees net mike them mere prose tat alle yet: how fir they ave pro [gested DATS aroun rocbing cts developed specially hep stuectrech ighe beach. However tbeae ere act aration teas, Rather th bring hed a» pareulr aver. Hee extbook, ‘ey are aecneeed by searching a dulabave, Ques you deny a DAI yor lke, yeu ean eller peat Sut er dowzlond i onto your oumputr ns Wend dlovament.Caoe riz dowatonte, sx yours! You ‘sun dalle voeubrlary your seuderis donot he, add pov) things you +t wording of, or poanize Ine ott wb studeae? ames o¢ Teal vefeeanoes, Dr tok red, yo sal canada seathe pope, butwth DA, ery ae power sustomize sites ore he ras ident, Theze teil crab ute! spect 1 rising tettoek or combined fe crete ols sv couscrindcpendcatofetxibock To stern snp. DAT, go toimpuhewor calles com SAME anna det eras ws Uailde'w bron a SUGUF tw ot ieme and selec the anes et me spmupsie Ba cops teramors hee sets kee gece SSE US pcm te rrdese anet ORE icy ne verse oat PEPE ‘Sinus tater di repos MO” pied rags onane cb ie, ofthe nae estied above fous eats gd 2 ard olen CASLS hae 0 aveue Sx ingts-écetep sini tealeetanc apsopeies er langage eainotin isdoe isk-G. Taeshalengce of vip fara ent erating content hae 6 mpravits a sgnifeent Rovcvs, with ie Shwolagy fe pce aad te help oF NNELE cee Dees who are exports i snly childhood lengusge Ikauing vobaicveyhawecanmakacoutrbutn Tip desing tna ea. Cue ie technnlegy to dsliver veh mulimodia leaming eatin epicog otek cl in many lesa sokcol Wenner acd petoeing wis NEU Lands rambers ts ela ae tran vel ormore information se Ei ICASLS vara NINELE would lke to shank che Write GroupiMecra Hil for con Unuing te support the PLES Swep Shop Breakiast at ACTEL. Wiehout yeu we could nor continue ro do our importane work for Poex-sth grade language learning. Gractas... etch. ANGAi2.. Speciba. ‘Danke... Obrigada... Xie Xie. Mahalo... Khawp blu... FALL 2005, OL. 30, 80.4