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Preview ERIC EJ1102886: GIS Enabled PBl Pedagogy: The Effects on Students' Learning in the Classroom

RESEARCH PAPERS GIS ENABLED PBL PEDAGOGY: THE EFFECTS ON STUDENTS' LEARNING IN THE CLASSROOM By YAN LIU * KUMAR LAXMAN ** * National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. ** Centre for Educational Development, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. ABSTRACT In efforts aimed at acquainting learners with 'how to learn' skills rather than static content knowledge, more student- centric instructional approaches are being increasingly adopted in informing curriculum design and delivery. Technology-rich problem solving environments offer great promise in scaffolding and facilitating student-centred learning. Geographic information system is one powerful technology that enables learners to become proficient spatial problem solvers, analytical users of geographic information and expert decision makers. This paper investigates the pedagogical benefits of GIS in influencing students' problem solving performances in Singapore. Data was collected by administering a likert-scale based questionnaire constructed specifically for this study and analysed using statistical method. Students participated in this research highlighted many of the instructional strengths of GIS that enabled them to become competent problem solvers and self-directed learners. They also pointed out some of the challenges which educators need to bear in mind in the development and enactment of GIS enabled pedagogy. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Educational Technology, Problem-Based Learning. INTRODUCTION systems (GIS) are being commonly exploited by With the increasing emphasis on life-long learning and educators for their instructional effectiveness in training globalised knowledge economies, there is a need for learners to become proficient spatial thinkers, educators to experiment with and adopt new knowledgeable users of the specifications of geographic instructional methods as well as adapt old teaching information infrastructures and tactical decision makers. practices to make them more current. In the context of Student-centered Learning in Geography Education such an educational climate, learners need to be self- Student-centred pedagogy engenders a learning directed in their readiness to want to learn, draw upon culture that is based upon narrative conversations their life experiences as valuable sources of knowledge between teachers and students (Caulfield 1991). codification and engage in collaborative discourses with Student-centred learning models create pedagogical their peers and tutors in pursuit of intellectual inquiry. structures that are useful and relevant by empowering Problem solving is a pedagogical approach associated students to be actively involved in the learning process. with effective learning. It encourages students to be Students are encouraged to explore meaningful content independent in their learning and actively seek subject knowledge processing and application of learnt matter content from a various information sources to expertise in real-world applied contexts. Hands-on deconstruct problems that are ambiguous in character collaborative activities are used to scaffold instructional and possess multiple solution states. The immense modalities and knowledge sharing (Estes 2004). Problem- potential of educational information technologies in based or inquiry-based learning is a frequently relied facilitating the development and implementation of upon methodology of student-centred learning in innovative, student-centred curricular approaches has geographic education since it promotes spatial been well documented. Geographic information awareness and comparative thinking more naturally. By i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November 2009 15 RESEARCH PAPERS using this method to study a world region, for example, Use of GIS in Inquiry based Geography Education students are stimulated to personalise their learning by Geographic inquiry skills provide the necessary tools and identifying their prior knowledge competencies, techniques to enable one to think geographically. These investigating new data sets, evaluating and applying the skills promote spatial awareness and comparative new data to make sense of a geographic location that is thinking. The inquiry process when applied to geography being analysed. In this way, a deeper conceptual requires students to be able to visualise data, propose understanding of relevant disciplinary content is hypotheses, analyse and interpret spatial phenomenon. obtained to build up schemas of associative Geographic information system (GIS) is a technology that understandings rather than the learning of disembodied is able to support the cognitive development of essential facts. For example, Hardwick (2001) designed a geographic inquiry skills in the context of problem solving problem-based learning activity for middle and high and case analysis. GIS is capable of capturing, storing, school students where they used historic city directories to analysing, and displaying geographically referenced map and analyse ethnic patterns in Sacramento, information identified according to location. The power California. Fournier (2002) implemented problem-based of a GIS comes from its ability to relate different learning at university-wide level by developing information in a spatial context and to help learners to collaborative activities for a world geography class and reach cogent conclusions predicated on these preparing students for their role as problem solvers in the relationships. Hence analysis with GIS can provide vital working world. Halvorson and Wescoat (2002) posed ill- information leading to better strategic decision-making. structured and complex problems in a problem-based Without GIS, geographic inquiry can be cumbersome for setting in large enrolment undergraduate class to teach a teacher. For example, if a teacher wants students to issues surrounding world water resources by modelling understand population trends in Asia and its impact on real world experiences. Students in the study found that economic development, without reliance upon an going beyond merely acquiring decontextualised integrated system such as GIS researching on past and subject matter they developed authentic learning current population sizes, energy data sets and creating experiences by negotiating and reaching consensus information rich maps for further student-led analysis within diverse groups of students and solving multi- becomes onerous tasks. On the other hand, with access faceted problems. They came to the conclusion that to GIS tools and an understanding of resources, teachers problem-based learning is a successful pedagogy that can create or co-create with students accurate and can enhance the quality of instructional transactions in standardised representations of data. Students are large-enrolment classes. Collaboration, an essential immersed in a learning environment that takes them component of student-centred pedagogical through global, regional and advanced investigations orientations has been consistently shown from studies to using the geographic inquiry process scaffolded by be an effective learning enhancer. Synergistic affordances of the GIS system (Peterson 2007). partnerships in classrooms foster interactive educational Benefits of teaching with GIS environments where exchange of ideas and opinions are There is little contention in research literature on the freely and actively encouraged to foster greater pedagogical effectiveness of GIS in the classroom. It has opportunities for socially-mediated learning to occur. been shown comprehensively that adaptive Rutherford and Lloyd (2001) compared two instructional implementation of GIS enhances geographic learning. approaches to teach introductory world geography. Keiper (1999) posits four main reasons buttressing the Improvements in student achievements were noted due argument for incorporating GIS within curricular design: to the positive impact of small-group collaboration when GIS is becoming more common locally; GIS is a valuable combined with computer-aided instructional strategies. 16 i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November ‘09 RESEARCH PAPERS tool for environmental analysis; GIS enhances students' Kerski (2003) conducted research on the efficacy of GIS interests in the subject area being taught; and GIS on learning for high school students and concluded that exposure develops in careers in science and GIS improved geography content and analytical skills for engineering. Baker and White (2003) tested the effect of both average and below-average students. Summerby- GIS on student learning in middle school science classes Murray (2001) used GIS to teach undergraduate students and found that GIS can foster contextually rich student how to analyse historic landscapes as a way to tackle learning and aid in-depth analysis. The researchers real-world problem solving and reported that the use of documented that GIS-enabled geography learning GIS has shaped students' ways of thinking of historical facilitates students' mastery of spatial reasoning, geography and educates students in thematically driven inquiring ability, location awareness and problem solving and theoretically sound research practices. Keiper (1999) skills. Going beyond rote memorisation of discrete facts, designed GIS-oriented lessons for a fifth-grade class to teaching with GIS improves students' integrated science search for and query data to solve problems through a process skills, especially with data analysis activities treasure hunt. Keiper reported that students felt (Baker & White 2003). Using GIS has also been noted to motivated by their learning experiences and were more have an impact on the affective domains of learning: confident about the problem solving abilities. Students' attitudes toward learning the subject were Barriers to teaching with GIS found to have been improved, naturally increasing their Besides considering the numerous pedagogical learning achievements. This has been attributed to the strengths of integrating GIS within curricular design, immediate feedback students receive by working with educators also need to be aware of the barriers to GIS. GIS enables teachers to create lessons focusing on implementing GIS supported lessons. One impediment geographic issues at local, national and global levels to successful GIS implementation is the availability of that are of interest to students. In this way, GIS has the appropriate hardware and software for running the GIS ability to enhance intrinsic motivation in students program (Patterson, Reeve & Page 2003). Another because of the high levels of engagement with the pedagogical concern centers on the appropriate learning process and the ability to study geographic academic levels for teaching with GIS and which phenomena of a more personal significance (West content-related concepts are best taught using GIS. A 2003). key difficulty lies in the lack of time for the teacher to Numerous studies have been done to evaluate the master fluency in new technologies such as GIS and overall effectiveness of incorporating GIS in curricular exploring avenues for their implementation in classrooms design. Wanner and Kerski (1998) found that students with to promote learning ecologies emphasizing critical low to average geographic achievement prior to GIS thinking and knowledge generation activities. The lessons can raise their achievement to the same level as majority of teachers utilizing GIS are probably the only higher achieving students when GIS is implemented in ones in schools using the technology and spend geography curriculum. This was due to the positive enormous amounts of time in learning GIS and preparing influence of GIS in strengthening student learning in GIS-driven lessons. Due to a lack of external incentives inquiry-based and standards-based skills. Drennon and recognition in rewarding teachers who actively (2005) developed a problem-based learning explore the educational possibilities with GIS, a GIS environment using GIS to teach geographic skills to an teacher is often referred to as the 'solitary GIS missionary' undergraduate class of non-geographers. She reported (Audet & Paris 1997). Finally, there is the need to train that students taking the course assimilated strong teachers and provide on-going professional connectional and technical skills and were able to apply development support in guiding teachers after formal GIS technology to address real world issues. Similarly, training in the proficient usage of GIS with educational i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November 2009 17 RESEARCH PAPERS intent. Bednarz and Audet (1999) observed that if pre- secondary school geography education. The service teachers are taught with and about GIS within the overarching PBL-GIS project adopted a quasi- educational technology component of their teacher experimental approach to test the PBL-GIS pedagogy preparation program there is a higher likelihood of them with an experimental group of students and compare embedding this technology in their teaching. Bednarz their learning outcomes with a control group who were (2007) suggested that experienced teacher need exposed to PBL but not GIS technology. Though an continual support to encourage leveraging upon the experimental research strategy involving random affordances of GIS technology in the classrooms. This sampling would have been ideal, due to pragmatic support takes on two different forms: (i) internal support in constraints a quasi-experimental approach was establishing networks or communities of practice within adopted. Attempts were made to minimise threats to individual schools or a cluster of schools in engaging in internal validity and approximate an approach that joint collaborations with experienced GIS teachers to tap comes close to the rigours of a true experiment. In the PBL- their expertise (ii) external support come from external GIS project, three PBL activities were developed and training vendors or agencies in disseminating information given to students in the control and experimental groups on technical updates to the GIS software or in raising GIS- to investigate the mediating effects of the intervention oriented pedagogical proficiencies. Secondary training on GIS in influencing PBL outcomes. The research teachers who have gained experience from site was the National University of Singapore High School implementing GIS have recommended that more of Mathematics and Science (NUS High School in short). initiatives to situate GIS as a learning tool need to be This school is a specialised independent high school mounted through the offering of more workshops to emphasising critical thinking, independent learning, teachers and handholding in the development of GIS- problem solving, writing, research and excellence in related modules that are well-integrated within existing science and technology within a broad-based curriculum (Palladino 1994). curriculum using innovative teaching methods and In a previous study (Liu et al. 2010) which evaluates the technologically rich classrooms. The participant students efficacy effects of geographic information systems (GIS) were Secondary 3 students of 14 years of age from a in enhancing and augmenting the problem solving geography course called 'The Human Population performance of secondary school students in Singapore, Dynamics'. The control and experimental groups it was amply demonstrated with evidence that GIS respectively consisted of 25 and 24 students. technology indeed offers rich learning opportunities for The data collection for the study presented in this paper improving students' geographic problem solving and was carried out with the use of a survey instrument which analytic thinking abilities. This paper is an extension of the was carefully constructed to explore the different previous one and is particularly aimed at investigating the meaningful ways in which GIS could potentially impact context-dependent pedagogic usefulness of GIS and problem solving pedagogy. The survey consisted of a the specific ways in which it can define and impact combination of 5-point Likert-scale items and open- problem solving outcomes. ended questions (a copy of the survey is found in the Research Methodology appendix). Likert-scale items were chosen since they provide a structured framework to gathering and The strand of research examining the affordances of GIS assessing students' feedback on the situated usefulness in promoting higher-order learning as covered in this of GIS as a problem solving enhancer. Likert scale also is paper was carried out within the broader context of the easier to construct and carries a higher degree of research agenda of the problem-based learning using reliability than other scales (Tittle & Hill 1967). However, a GIS technologies (PBL-GIS) research project that Likert scale is constrained in that they fail to unearth the attempted to study the effectiveness of PBL-GIS in 18 i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November ‘09 RESEARCH PAPERS underlying reasoning and explanations to support the STD Items Mean perceptions triggered in the target audience in Deviation responding to the items listed in the Likert scale. They I was comfortable using GIS 3.3 0.7 reveal little about the causes for answers and thus might Using GIS is an effective method to improving learning 3.4 0.9 have limited usefulness (Gall, Borg & Gall 1996). I prefer using GIS in my learning as compared to the 3.4 1.1 Traditional method With a view to mitigating the effect of this limitation, open- Investigating different topics of concern 3.3 0.8 ended questions were included in the survey to probe Analyzing data patterns, linkages and trends 3.7 1.0 deeper students' perceptions of their experiences in Engaging in problem solving 3.4 1.0 using GIS technology and how it shaped their conceptual Enhancing my ability to ask my own questions and 3.0 0.9 seek answers to them learning of geographic phenomena. In addition, open- Enabling inter-disciplinary learning 3.0 0.8 ended descriptive questions provide richer contexts for Using maps to process and report geographic 3.6 1.1 information respondents to post detailed reflections on their feelings, Examining spatial organization of different places 3.6 0.9 attitudes and understandings on the issues being Creating my own computerized maps 3.3 1.1 examined. Exploring issues from different angles of analysis 3.2 0.9 The survey was administered to the 24 students in the Facilitating collaboration with my fellow students 3.5 1.0 experimental group in a printed format through the Developing in me a thinking mindset 3.2 0.9 teacher-in-charge at the end of the PBL-GIS project. 22 Supporting me in pursuing scientific inquiry 3.0 1.0 out of the 24 students participated in the survey thus Examining data evidences and making right 3.2 1.0 interpretations contributing to a high response rate of 92 per cent. Accessing the most recent information to make 3.5 0.9 Students' responses to the quantitative and qualitative decisions Increasing my motivation for learning 3.1 0.8 items in the survey were analysed to draw out salient Challenging me to be a better learner 3.1 0.9 findings that are discussed in the following sections. Results and Discussion Table 1. Mean Score and Standard Deviation Computed for the Different Items listed in the Survey Administered The mean score and standard deviation computed for to Participant Students. the different items listed in the survey administered to problem space; and the levels of cognitive interactivities participant students are presented in the following fa cilitated by task demands between the features of GIS Table 1. software and learners and technology fluency of The power of GIS in promoting student-centred learning learners. Hence, in evaluating the pedagogical cultures and knowledge transforming discourses in significance of the results of this study on GIS integration in geography classrooms was analysed in this study. geography education, readers need to consider the Readers need to take note that though the primary effects of these variables on problem solving outcomes objective of this study was to examine the pedagogical since they were not totally accounted for or controlled affordances of GIS in modelling and shaping problem due to unavoidable limitations of time, manpower and solving processes, the technology alone is not the sole access. determinant of students' success in accomplishing GIS- Positive impact of GIS in advancing problem solving directed problem solving goals. There is a matrix of other pedagogy interacting factors that influence engagement with GIS- Student respondents who participated in this research driven problem solving environments: the effectiveness reported that GIS is a useful and promising technology of the design of problem solving task; the richness of mediator that offered educational potential in simulation of task domain by task requirements; the types enhancing the learning process of problem solving of scaffolding structures and tools embedded in the through multifarious ways. Students were generally i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November 2009 19 RESEARCH PAPERS comfortable enough with the interface and associated the key requirements described in the given task tools of GIS (mean score of 3.3) despite the inherent scenario. For instance, Student M aptly underscored this complicatedness of GIS and the short duration of training learning gain from using GIS with a cryptic comment in provided to them during the intervention phases in her feedback: “GIS encourages us to ask many familiarising them with the features of GIS. Students questions”. viewed GIS as an effective technology that could be Analytical Reasoning & Information Processing leveraged upon by educators in improving and Not unexpectedly, the item on the usefulness of GIS in innovating students' learning of core competency- analysing data patterns, linkages and trends registered based geographic skills (mean of 3.4). Overall, students the highest mean rate of 3.7 in students' responses as expressed a favourable stance towards embedding GIS GIS's analytical capability is one of the chief attribute in curricular practices to foster a paradigmatic shift from strengths of GIS. The different map layers representing didactic geography classrooms to student-centred different geographic themes could be independently active learning ecologies. accessed or combined to reference many different Inquiry-based Learning properties associated with a specific geographical The majority of students (82 per cent of students) reported location to facilitate study of functional relationships that using GIS to investigate a range of relevant between data sets and points. Student Q specifically geographic topics was helpful. Since the computerised remarked that “GIS has allowed me to learn how to GIS system has enormous digital information capacity observe and analyse spatial differences and how to that allows users to rapidly access, analyse and process make use of this program to facilitate my learning”. He vast amounts of spatially referenced data, students further added that “GIS has helped me to develop spatial could analytically explore a myriad of issues and engage reasoning, spatial problem solving, spatial thinking and in decision making. computing skills”. Students felt somewhat neutral about the impact of Students reported high scores (mean of 3.6) in their engagement with GIS in enhancing their abilities to pose feedback on the effectiveness of using GIS maps to their own scaffolding questions and solicit answers to process and present geographic information. This was them in formulating solutions for the problem tasks. This due to the 'intellectual' affordances of GIS by adding conclusion was drawn based upon the high percentage layers of sophistication to ordinary paper-based of students (55 per cent of students) who returned a mapmaking by giving the user the ability to interactively neutral response for this item and the computed mean call out and query maps and their embedded data (Van for this item of 3.0. Though GIS itself as an educational Demark 1992). Frequent use of GIS-enabled maps and technology platform influences the development of making sense of the data contained in these maps independent inquiry skills in students, it is the combined improved students' locational knowledge effect of the structuredness of task design and competencies. The integration of database effectiveness of facilitation skills of GIS teachers that management functions with the visualisation and actually influences students' mastery of the skills. The statistical analysis benefits offered by GIS situates it as a focus of the training interventions being on coaching powerful instructional technology system. Graphic students to be conversant with the technical features of display techniques of GIS turn abstract models of the real GIS and providing opportunities for exploring the learning world otherwise static on printed paper into dynamic potential of GIS, little time could be devoted towards representations allowing students to manipulate the improving students' inchoate skills on self-directed elements of the digital maps and visualise the authoring of a repertoire of subsidiary questions that relationships between these elements to explain guide students towards constructing cogent answers to phenomena, predict outcomes and plan strategies. 20 i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November ‘09 RESEARCH PAPERS A large proportion (about 60 per cent) of students valued problem solving. Students are able to cognitively explore the power of GIS in scaffolding students' efforts in a problem situation from multiple dialectical examining the spatial organisation of different places. perspectives and develop solution artefacts that are Linking physical locations to information in a database theoretically well-grounded to unified frameworks of and then extracting and analysing needed information understanding. Supporting this finding, Student C from multiple spatial perspectives helped students mentioned in his feedback that using GIS to “study become better decision makers. Scrutinising maps, different perspectives of geography was educational”. images and data associated with different places in a Multidisciplinary Problem Solving and Decision Making highly interactive manner supported the systematic The effectiveness of GIS in accomplishing problem development of spatial thinking, reasoning and problem solving was highly rated (mean of 3.4) by participant solving proficiencies in students. The process of searching students in the survey. Nearly 59 per cent of these students for, processing, interpreting and synthesising spatial indicated that they found GIS to be of great utility in information enhanced learners' engagement and augmenting their problem solving skills. The uniqueness of motivation. GIS lies in its ability to integrate geography's spatial Students found the feature of creating their own perspectives with the data organisation and analysis computerised maps in GIS to be particularly useful in capabilities of modern information technologies. Hence catalysing their learning experiences. This observation is GIS served as a powerful problem solving tool in creating evident from analysing the relatively high mean score of learning environments that stimulate students' active 3.3 registered for this survey item, with 55 per cent of the exploration and solving of problems in an interactive and students finding GIS to be either helpful or very helpful in integrated manner. GIS was especially valuable in producing maps. This is due to the flexibility provided by fostering open-ended problem solving skills such as GIS in generating customisable maps of varying degrees conceptualising problem space, drawing linkages of complexity that easily meet the specific needs of users. between the elements of the problem structure, Performing spatial analysis, creating data models and acquiring needed information, drawing inferences from presenting results in visually rich map representations data pattern observations and formulating solution enables students to better simulate the task domain and schemas. Since GIS is widely utilised in workplace settings formulate viable problem resolution plans. Student E outside of academic learning environments such as highlighted this strength of GIS by noting that “using maps governments, businesses, environment management to obtain data from different places to look at similarities organisations as a productive problem solving aid, and differences was helpful”. promoting GIS-enabled classrooms is a positive step Yet another pedagogical strength of GIS as highlighted towards preparing students to meet the challenges of by students was the affordance of GIS in facilitating knowledge-based economies of the future. As indicated investigation of issues from different angles of analytical by Student D in his response, “using GIS to find out more reasoning and argumentation. This item in the survey about Singapore's ageing population and thinking of received a mean score of 3.2. Rather than seeking plausible solutions to combat the problems of an ageing singular solution pathways or fixed, correct answers, GIS society was a positive learning experience”. supported ill-structured problem solving by allowing Another item in the survey which solicited from students students to examine a wide gamut of alternatives and an overall mean score of 3.0 was the utility of GIS in possibilities in deconstructing a problem task. GIS-led enabling inter-disciplinary learning. This finding was rather curriculum creates open-ended learning environments surprising since GIS is inherently interdisciplinary in outlook where opportunities are provided for students to move and facilitates the integration of content matter and away from prescriptive to heuristic approaches of expertise from varied core subjects such as i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November 2009 21 RESEARCH PAPERS mathematics, geography, environmental science, learning discourses in classrooms between students sociology and so on. GIS promotes both short-term and registered high scores (mean of 3.5). Half of the long-term transference of skills spanning across a range participant students found GIS to be either highly helpful of multidisciplinary themes and yet reinforces learning in or adequately helpful in facilitating technology- each individual disciplinary field through data analysis mediated communications and discussions. Positive and application. GIS thus has the capability to support feedback was anticipated since group synergy was cross-disciplinary curricular emphasis. However, the encouraged by assigning students to paired teams in moderate response feedback from students on the item tackling the GIS-enabled problem solving tasks. Team- of interdisciplinarity of GIS can be attributed to the fact based engagement with GIS promoted an iterative cycle that the GIS interventionist training held was conducted in of collaborative learning activities involving peer the context of a Geography classroom and by a brainstorming, tutoring and interactions in Geography GIS-trained teacher. Naturally, the focus of conceptualising the elements of the problem space, the practice tasks administered to students in practicing identifying possible problem solving strategies and their GIS skills was on Geography subject matter. Hence, reaching the intended goal state through students might have entertained the misconception that implementation of the most effective action plans. In GIS is a geography-specific learning tool with limited exploring the efficacy of different GIS mapping versatility to foster multidisciplinary learning. techniques and applications, students had to engage in Nearly half of the participant students were of the opinion discursive dialogues and constructive argumentation to that GIS reliably provides access to comprehensive data tap the expertise and knowledge of their fellow students sources with the most updated information allowing to model consensual problem solving approaches. The them to draw the right interpretations and conclusions in collaborative space created by working with GIS through making correct task-based decisions. Students teamwork helped students to verbalise aloud their highlighted the effectiveness of GIS software in its ability to individual thinking, support the defensibility of their ideas extract a vast array of data and overlay or combine it so through evidence-based reasoning, clarify that the data can be manipulated and analysed with misconceptions and strengthen their conceptual enhanced visual acuity. The data output can be understanding of geographic principles. GIS-centric achieved in multiple representational modalities such as peer learning made tacit knowledge concrete through detailed maps, images or movies to communicate applied practice in real-world contexts and built new conceptual ideas in relation to a geographic area of knowledge bases seen as the common, collective interest. The statistical tool in GIS enabling students to use property of team members. In the process of sharing standard database queries to retrieve and examine data ideas and learning from one another, students became to accomplish problem solving was an added feature of tolerant of perspectives that might be opposed to their GIS that students reported to be of valuable utility. The own and appreciate the eclectic diversity of different relative ease with which a rich body of current information worldviews on issues of mutual concern. Affirming the can be located in the GIS databases and contextually power of GIS in fostering the development of applied to make strategic problem solving decisions collaborative synergy amongst students, Student B honed students' skills of divergent and analogical expressed that working together as a group to tackle the thinking. Corroborating this piece of analysis, Student P given problems was a positive learning experience for thus reflected: “GIS provided good access to lots of data her. and plotting the data in graphs was made much easier”. Critical Thinking Skills Collaborative Learning Students reported that GIS favourably influences the The item on the ability of GIS to foster collaborative cultivation of critical thinking mindsets in them (mean of 22 i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November ‘09 RESEARCH PAPERS 3.2). a Mean of 3.2 indicates neutrality!! Incorporating GIS questioning the validity of and reasoning behind in curricular design in schools and training students to be scientific assumptions, phenomena and axioms will proficient in using the tools found in GIS software aids in constantly think about possible areas of scientific the development of spatial thinking and analysis skills in investigation that could be undertaken. This is important students in a process-oriented manner. This is significant since scientific research is an emergent process where in light of the report from the National Research Council 'truths' are accepted based upon the legitimacy of (National Research Council 2006), Learning to Think empiric proofs currently available but amenable to Spatially: GIS as a Support System in the K-12 Curriculum, further modifications when fresh evidences arise. Hence, that points to the importance of imbibing spatial thinking it is perplexing that though the mean score obtained for skills in learners of all ages and the educational potential the item on development of thinking mindset was rather of GIS in accomplishing this objective. Our study high (3.2), the mean score for the item on pursuit of determined that GIS technology promotes higher order scientific inquiry was the lowest (2.95) amongst all the thinking by helping students to understand the items listed in the survey. Since the relationship was complexities of spatial relationships observed in the expected to be correlated, we suspect this reversal to be working world and model spatial analysis activities such an aberration rather than a validated finding since errors as location selection, tracking changes over time and or biases have been known to be associated with surveys manipulation of variables to study environmental impact. as data collection and analysis instruments in research Other key cognitive competencies learnt included studies. This irregularity could be attributed to students not working on scales and units, comparing and evaluating correctly grasping the actual meanings conveyed by the sizes and shapes, identifying associative patterns and words 'scientific inquiry'. Students might have integrating new knowledge architectures within mental misinterpreted this term to denote the pursuit of the models. These thinking skills learnt in a GIS-driven learning formal agenda of scientific investigations and environment may be transferred and applied in non-GIS experimentations by scientists towards achieving contexts of everyday problem solving to holistically academic excellence. Thus, students possibly could examine and solve problems from varied spatial have wrongly deduced this item to be of little relevance perspectives. Spatial thinking is critical since it entails to them and scored poorly in it since they are only school analytical inquiry that encourages learners to probe learners and not trained scientists. phenomena beyond cursory understandings dictated Affective Learning by the 'where' construct in terms of names and locations The last two items in the survey solicited students' views on of places in maps to deeper levels of scrutiny driven by how well GIS served to increase their motivation for questions such as 'why' and 'how'. The favourable learning and challenge them to be more productive comment by Student N affirmed the positive impact of learners. Surprisingly, contrary to expectations, students' GIS in informing critical thinking: “It enabled me to think responses to these two items had low mean ratings (3.1 deeper and to do research more easily, using the variety each for both items). This is inconsistent with previous of resources”. research findings on the use of GIS in educational The item in the survey on pursuing scientific inquiry settings. For example, Bodzin and Anastasio (2006) and examines affordances of GIS in furthering students' pursuit Drennon (2005) reported that students were enthusiastic of scientific inquiry and is closely linked to the previous about learning GIS and educators found integrating GIS item on scaffolding the development of cognitive skills in in their teaching practices contributed towards students. A thinking mindset is naturally underpinned by a achieving enhanced educational outcomes. West profound desire to want to engage in scientific inquiry (2003) also found that GIS-based curriculum increases and contemplation. One who is inclined to rigorously students' motivation and interest in wanting to learn i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November 2009 23 RESEARCH PAPERS geographic concepts. The low scores on motivational had to be learnt on how to use them.” (Student M) levels obtained in our study may not directly per say be Two students suggested that a clearly delineated reflective of the lack of ability on the part of GIS instructional manual be provided to students in technology to stimulate and incentivise learning. Rather scaffolding their efforts at becoming conversant with the the lukewarm response could be attributed to the rushed technology in a more structured manner. This is indeed a manner in which the GIS training sessions were worthwhile suggestion since a step-by-step manual helps conducted due to time and scheduling constraints. This to train students to become familiar with GIS mechanisms might have caused the learning curve to be steep and in a systematic and methodical manner. However, the made students feel less at ease in learning the features of authors feel that though a written instructional manual GIS at a comfortable pace. This finding further reinforces would be helpful, it might have the unintentional effect of the need for educators to systematically plan for and fostering didactic modes of instruction rather than the implement the instructional design and sequencing of heuristic approach to learning that we hope to promote GIS training programs. There should be adequate time in using GIS within an educational context. In addition, an factored in for the training sessions and spaced task- instructional manual might not necessarily alleviate the oriented practice interspersed in for better applied problem of students having to deal with the complexity of understanding of the working mechanisms of GIS. the system since GIS as it currently is available is The following cogitations of students on the quality of their sophisticated and targeted largely at professional users experiences in interacting with GIS underline the positive in the scientific, business and corporate communities. influence of GIS in motivating students' learning The complicatedness of GIS and its higher-order behaviours: cognitive processing demands impeded students' “It was fun to learn something new but my learning was motivation to want to keenly explore and try out its various slow due to the software not being easy to use.” a pp l ic at ions with a learning intent. A few students noted (Student S) that they found it confusing navigating their way through the cluttered environment of GIS, especially during the “It was wonderful and stimulating……….” (Student P) initial phase of introduction. The authors recommend that “Working on the Singapore Project, the learning process a simpler and customised version of GIS inclusive of a was enjoyable, especially the research, presentation limited number of features and analysis tools specifically and report.” (Student Q) catering to the educational needs of students be Challenges encountered and recommendations prototyped and evaluated in schools for later production. A predominant majority of 85 per cent of students Another important observation the authors as researchers remarked that the interface of GIS system was not user- noted in carrying out this study was the need to convince friendly and they faced difficulties in becoming familiar teachers themselves on the utility of GIS as an with the numerous GIS tools. They assessed the GIS instructional enabler and ensure that they take active environment to be complex and industry-oriented with ownership of the GIS project from its onset. Teachers need many of its multitude of features not being applicable or to be involved in all the different phases of any GIS- relevant within a high-school learning context. The directed educational initiative including needs analysis, following sample comments extracted from students' goal setting, task design, project implementation and feedback highlight this problem: evaluation so that they feel themselves to be key “GIS was un-user friendly and had a hard-to-use stakeholders in this endeavour of empowering students to interface.” (Student A) be independent learners and critical thinkers. “It had a complicated user interface.” (Student X) Some students reflected that they were not given “Learning how to use it was difficult as many functions adequate time in training to learn and become 24 i-manager’s Journal on School Educational Technology, Vol. 5 l No. 2 l September - November ‘09

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