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ERIC EJ1101719: Dynamic Educational Collaboration between University and High School Faculty Promoting Partnership in Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1101719: Dynamic Educational Collaboration between University and High School Faculty Promoting Partnership in Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century

RESEARCH PAPERS DYNAMIC EDUCATIONAL COLLABORATION BETWEEN UNIVERSITY AND HIGH SCHOOL FACULTY PROMOTING PARTNERSHIP IN TEACHING AND LEARNING IN THE 21ST CENTURY JAMES EDWARD OSLER II* PRINCE HYCY BULL ** DEBORAH EATON **# ‘vera purpose o he cotaboratve partnership between NCCU nd Hilde New Tech Highs fo have apostive impact ‘on 9-12 students performance in science, mathematics. engineering. and technology the STEM arbas) by using current andemerghg technologtesnstucttonatDesign, he TACK hfegratian model. ndacontentfaculy mentoring "astern. The partnership focuses on an ifensve program of professional develooment and content mentoring of 12 feachers at Hise New Tech. Tis project vided nto two phases based onthe fs calendar This research paper [provides on oveniew of the project as a bes! practice model of technology Integration and unwersy-schoo! ‘Porinershi, It cusses the components ofthe project and provides a demontration of profesional develooment ‘2otntlesandteacher products as aresut of he rating provdedby NCCU faout/for HllideNNT each epwords: Emerging Technologies. Instructional Design TPACK. INTRODUCTION The ever changing foce of technology education, the seep leaning cures of some technologies, the completes of teaching wih technology, engaging studensin he learning process, ondlechnology standards requre hat teacher education progiars and educational sysems prepare teaches to undettand the relatonsip between technology knowledge (M, content knowecge (CK, ana pedagogical tnowedge (PK) In the Jecmnological pedagogical content knowedge (PACK) ‘ode! Hoter& Hors, 2010; Mtea, Koehler & Herein, 2011), Stucet show that teacher education program do ot adequately prepae preservice teachers win te knowledge and experiences nesded to effectively Inlegite technologyin ne clostoors Bul, 2009; Makan Exchange on Ecucation Technoiogy, 1998). The need for Irstuctonaltectnology couses s important in repaing Pre-senice ond in-service teaches rom dverte cut settings o undessand, pln fo, ond integrate fecnology In tet feasting Figg & Jcipa, 2009; Koster & Miro, 2008). However teaching fechnogy knowledge, content knowedge and pedagogical inowedge as separate fenttiee do not guaraniee adequate preparation of Jeacher 1o develop fich and h-depth emperences that would enich heiinowedge of integrating technology in thetteaching The Batic near Meda ofnetuctonal Deign alto called the ADDIEMode!” Irstuctonal Design (280 Caled Instuctonal Systems Design (SD) according othe 02 Research Group is he Proctce of creating hituctonal expences which make the acqustion of inowledge ond slal mere efficent, fetfectve, and appecing” (Ment, M.D, Dick, L, Lacy, ML 41, Prat J, & D2 Research Group, 1996), Te ADDE mod IsegjstemotcInstuctional design model conssing of he hates: () Anais () Design, (—) Development, (v) Implementation, ond (¥]Eveuaton. Valous faves ond vesions of the ADE made ext (leaning Teotes Koowledgebose, 2012). The acronym ADE" isa ganedc = Tanaga7 Tarra a? SEDO EAST RGROGG WALT © No MTOR MBE RESEARCH PAPERS fm for the twe-phose Indtuctonal dosgn mode! Cconsising of the systemic use Analysis, Dosion, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (which I comptad of Formative ana Surmative Evaluation (Ot, 2010). Each step has an outcome that feeds nt the next stop In the sequence. Ther ore probably over 100+ {ferent voto ofthe gone ADDIE adel (tearing Treaties Krowedgebose, 2012}. The ofghator of ths particular ID model is unknown it has been tethed by educatona researcher ond rstuctonss Dedgnos Water Dick ond lou Carey (1996) and other models of Instuctonal Design have developed thet foundation in ‘ond from it [Figure 1]. Deploys an Musaton ofthe Base LUneor Mode! tuctional Design ftom the book “Vsuols ‘Veioneetng Volumeticay: Te Mathematcs of the Innovative Problem-Solving Model of nventve nsructonal Design (ser 2010 ADescipon of he Five Phates ofthe Basic near Model ‘ofinsructonal Design “Analysts Phase: Dung onatys, he designer isentifies the learning problem, the ois and jective, the audience's needs, exsing Inowledge, and ary other relevant Cchatoctotstes. Anais ato considers the leaning ‘envionment, any constraints, he delvary options, andthe maine forthe project, Dexign Phase: A systematic process of spectYinglearing ‘objectives. Detaled storyboards and protohpesare often made, and the look ond feel, graphic detign, setifertace and contentisdetemnedhore. DDevelaoment Phase: Te actual creation (production) of ‘he content and learing raters based on the Design phase, Implementation Phase: Ding mnplementaton the pian Putin octon and aprocedure for toring leaner and feacherls developed. Motes oe delveredo dittbutod tothe student group. After devon th etloctveness ofthe ‘rang motels evcttod, ate 1. he Bae near Model ot renvotona ‘Dagn (he ADE Mose Evaluation Phase wo Types Formative and Summative}: TMs phase consis of) Formative and () Summative Evatt, Formative Evaluation spresontin each stage of the ADDE process. Summative evaluation cons of fst. osgned for cilxton-elted referenced tems ond roving opportunites for feedback trom the usar. Revsions ate made as necessay. Raplt prootyning (continua feedback has somatimes been cod as 0 woy to improve the genede ADDIE mode (leaning Thectes Koowtedge base, 2012). Technological Pedagogical Content krowledge (TPACK) The inteplay of content knowedge, pedagogical nomedge, ond technology knowedgoinatectnoiogy or ‘methods couse oF sft! development raring minimizes the stuggle of n-tevice teachers (Hechter and Phe, 2010). According to Hechter ond Pryfe (2010), Ii Important or feachors to understand and be aware of he TPACK model fr etfectve technology integration inthe Closstooms. Hofer and Honis (2010) stato that when “conton-teyed leaning actives pated wih supgestod Yechnotogicattoo ond esources he approach alors fcafld the process In ways that wil help teacher: become more dsceming about and contident wth their technologically integrated planning.*(p. 301). Technological Pedagoyical Content Knowdgo PACK) (05 a model hos focused on helping teacher: dofne Technology Hlegeaton model aigned wih content leaming octets, (Hofer ond Harts, 2010; Albion, Jomison-Procox Finger, 2010; Ho and Albion 2010) Fgu@ 1) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge ‘Trager Ra SP FASCIA RTO NOL T+ RA Mercy 2 = RESEARCH PAPERS (ACI, For effective integration the TPACK model shoud be clgned win the inemattondl Society fr Technology in Educatton Notlonal Educational Technology Standords fot fachoes (STE:NETS-, 2008) |As wo propare teachers to undestond how fo integrate twontyist cents technologies In thelr clastooms, fecmnology shoud not bo tought In Kolaton, but bo flgned wih cortent ond pedagogcal knowedge. Teacher education pogramshave the onus to ensue that TPACK infogrtion fakes place in a methods couse orn ectnology-bosed courses. he TACK modells supported byseve1atheotes. womal heatesalgned wih PACKA {his partnestip ae the rultbleIligences theory os ‘espoused by Gardner (1983) ond the constuctvt feacting approach, The tad iemay of mule Intetigences, conshuctht Yeaching and TPACK in thi atnenhp wil scatoid on the loaning and Yesching Process, odes ferent leaning ses of studonts uteo or expotionces of teachers and students, and foster ighor love thinking sls of portcfpants fo create ich Yectnology-bosed octhies.Figue 2) on lusation of the Technologies! Pedagogical Content Knowedge (PACK) Mode TPACKUte In Notonal Organizations [At national, state and local levels, stondards for [pedogogica, technology and content inowedge 0 "ow commonplace, especialy for content creas, rode levels, and fr Iria ond renewal Kconsure of teachers. Noth Caroina, lke most states in the union ond ppofessonal organtations such os ISTE (2008), NCATE (2000), the National Science Teacher sociation (NSTA, 2012) NSTA, 2003), he Notional Counc! for Sct tacos Teachers (2012) the Natonal Councl of Teachers of “Motheretics (2012), ond he National Counctof Teachers ‘of Engl (NCTE) (2012) has eetablebed basc competency ‘uidelnes for teacher education programs 10 support TPACK ftomewodk. In tis porhentip, the STE NETS for Yoaches (2008) wil be used os the student tearing ‘outcomes fool shuctonal Yechnology cours. Blow {x0 excopts of PACK sonata te fornt contont Poestonal organtatons that are adcressod In this artnetip: Mathematics: The National Councii of Teachers of ‘Mathematics NCTM, 2012) Tecnology Krowedge: “Pincinle 6: “Technology is ‘estonia in feacting ond learning mathematics, it Intuences he mathernatic hats taught nd enhances student fearing” ‘Pectogogicat knowledge: Pincple 8: Teaching. Etech ‘mathematics feacting requtes understanding what students know and need fe lea ond then challenging londsupporing them toleamn wel” Content kowtedge: “ince 4: Leaning. Siders must eam matnerates wth undertanding, actively bung ew imowledgettom expadence and porknowiedge” _Englshitanguoge At: The Nationa! Councl of Teachers ‘ofEnglah (NOTE, 2012) Tecnology Knowledge: “Stondard 8: Students uso a Vatlty of technological ond inforation resources (2... lprates, databases, computer natwors, ideo} gather fond synthesize information ond 10 create ond communicatenowiedge” ‘Pedogogica'Khowledge:“Slandars 3: Students app a wide range of stategies to comprehend, nterret, ‘evduate, and apprecite fxs. ay crow on thot xr ‘@potence therintractons wih other readers and wr, thal knowedge of word meaning and of ofr txt, thir wor identication stategies, ond ther undessncing of Yextual features (0.9. sound-etior corespondence, sentence stucture, context grophics. Content owedge: “Standard 1: Students read a wide range opin and non-text fo buon undetancing offs, of thomsoWes, and ofthe cures ofthe United Soles ond the wodd; 10 acqule new information; 10 respond to the needs and dermancs of society and the wotiplace; and for persona fufment. Among these tex ‘ro felon andnonfcten, cess andconternpotary WoHs Science: The National Sclance Teacher Association (sta, 2003) Tecnology Knowledge: "Standard 6: General Sil of Teaching. Teachers of science successtuly use Yectnotogca took inclucng but not ited to computer echoing, to access resources, colect and process = Tanaga7 Tarra a? SEDO EAST RGROGG WALT © No MTOR MBE RESEARCH PAPERS , ondtocitotetheloamingot science.” edagogica knowledge: "Stancord 3: Ingut. Teachers of sclonce engage students both in studles of vious ‘methods of sloniic nquy andin actve leaming tough scenic nquly. They encourage students Induaty ond Coloboratel, o observe, ok questions, design inauies, fond colect ond intepret data in order 10 develop concepts and rlatlonttips fiom empitcal experiences” selence Content Knowledge: Standord 4: Content. Yoachers of selonce undestand ond con arioukte the knowedge ‘ond practices of contemporary science. They con Infotel and Interpret Important concepts Kdeas, ond opplcations thei felds of conse; ond conduct sclentic nvestgatons.” Implementation ofthe TPACK Modlin the LI Parner Tho student Jeoming outcomes for the Insructonal fectnology stat development or cousos wi be atgned wih the Interctional Soca for Technology n Education National Educational Technology Standard for teaches, (STENETS, 2008), How the LU Parineship addressed TPACKTechnological Krowedge. The fechnology inowedge In this parinrsip wasodcressoatne olowng aches: Pariipation in technology stot! development actos (summer 2011) aligned with needs assessments ‘ceinteredinfot 2010. The technology inowledge cbjectves In this patnrsip focuredon he folowng + inlegatng tofwae for teaching and leaning: Microsoft Word, Micoxot! cal, Microsoft Access, Microsoft PowerPont, Hypextudo, Camtasia, snag H Adobe C34 Sut, Audocty Move, ond Windows Move Mek + Kdontving giode level technology competencios ‘lgned with paricloanty’ selected content areas for tho ‘courte oF stat development ftom the states standard courte of study [0.g, Noth Corina Standard Couse of study, + Accessing social, legal ond ethical concepts of ecology inlogration In education: Copyight and fait ue, acceptable use policy, cgfal equity, ond sso Yechnotgies ‘+ Understanding the pros ond cors of emeging Yechnotoges in education: wi, blogs titers fick, You Tbe, ond socio netvosing tos. + Domonstating how o conduct functional itenet searches algned wth confentinowedge. + Domonstating how io evauate sofware ond webstos ferettectieiniogaton. How the L Porienhip addressed TPACK—Pedagogical Keowedge The pedagogical inowedge in this panerhip was ‘oderessedthihe following acs: + Paricpationintechnology stat development actues (summer 2011} aligned with needs assessments ‘ocminteredto!2010, + Paticipation in technology courses of staff dovelopment actos, The pedagogical knowledge objectives of his pani focused on how technology I nlegatedin each content ‘creaby addressing ne folowing: + Undostancng theoretical tomewotscxsocitod wth Ccogntve, socio, and developmental theotes of leaning fond how Mey relate to technology integration ond Impicatons for teaching ond learring aligned win <orent conten! oreos: Project based learing. dtected ‘ond.constuctvst models, concept ofinsructlonat design, learning hentes, PACK tarnewox, mull intligences, ‘ond forentintograion modes + Understanding how to create functional Content-based technology lesson pian and inuctonal ‘matedas olgned win he basic pinciples of insructlonal esgn modes. How the LUI Partnerhip addressed TPACK-Content Keowedge Content inowedge objecthes in this parinorhip wore ‘oderessectnthe following acs: + Mentotng telctionship wh content focuty at NCCU londieachorsalHisiso NewTek + Paricipationintechnology stat development actives (Yonuary-June 2012} algned wth coon! cbjectves. ‘Trager Ra SP FASCIA RTO NOL T+ RA Mercy 2 Ea RESEARCH PAPERS The content Inowedge focused on how patcpnts ‘toate ch technology-based content leaning actos ‘aligned wih pedagogical inowledge. The folowing axe some ospects thatwilbe addhostod: + dontving ond aligning a actos wih @ content ‘rea curtcuum {soci studies education, mathematics, language as, ond science education) for @ defies ‘00love, ond the technology curicuum forthe same ‘gF0do level as detined Inthe state's tandord couse of study curiculm, Portpants wil align al fechnology Cossgrments, projects, presontoions, and reflections wih ‘hol contont ond pedagogicalinowledge. The TPACK integration model In this parinaship Is aso suppoted by Garchers(1983) mute intligances ory condthne conetucive teaching oneroach, DDescrbing Ll! ParnerhipProtesionalDevelopment Reiman and Peace (2002) have developed « research-based model or profesional development for ‘rorstorring teachers In laring Inovatve methods ond changing thelr behavior 10 mest the needs of Implementation, According to the researchers, ‘rorstormaton in feaches occus over trne within on Integtoted Teaching-Learing Framewort. This amework (oF model Is @ blending of two impotant componerts: Instuctonal Repertote {Joyoe ond Shower, 1996) ond Conon for Gowh and Development, Spinal ond TWes-Sotrthal, 1983). he entre mod! tthe center of the coacting and suppor prodded, of wel asthefocus of the odninators inst. infact the Frameworks on Intogel part of the projects professional development model. Teacher poricfponts wil receive. rentotng, ‘coaching, ond classoom suppor, including feedback (ond guided reflection. Accottng fo Joyce and Showers, learning new models of istucton requ: ntoducing ‘he theortatonaie | dernonstatinglmodeling the now tearing. i) proving opportunites for practice wih feedback, ond M adapting and generating the new learning trough coaching wit feedback. Joyce ond showers (1996) found 0 sgeiicant effect model wth respect fo student gs in knowedge and sil when ald components were employed in stat development ‘ronng. However, even more gniicant was het facing that coaching and feedback wor cical Yo a ronforin traning he ctssioom practices of he teacher. Reiman ‘ond Peace [2002] have ato substanitated thee thdingsin ‘mot rosoaren The Conations for Gowh and Development, mentioned Prevouty 0s 0 pat of he ilogioted Teaching-Learring Framework (pinihal ond Thies-Spnal, 1983) nud i) faking on 0 complax now role, I) guided reflection, fi) bbolance between the new fle ond tection, I uppod ‘ond challenge, and v cont, Therefore, he Pcjct 21s MM protessonal growihpan, bosedon iis Framework, Incorporates these elements into its threo chief ‘components: 9 inlensve professional development, #) ‘ongoing professional development; and ii) clossoom suppor (modeing, co-planning, observation, ond feecboct), The hal nine hing and the ongoing professional development through coursework, ‘mentofngicoacting, ond other components of thi ect provide parcpans wth he oppor o fate on complex new roles in loaringileaching new woys ond wotng In colegial feoms, ond engage in guided ratlecton ‘Adationaly, In this project paricipants wil examine ‘hocrytattonae, cbseve and experience derronsratons, ‘ond proctice newlearing wih feedback. Backinthel own ‘lostooms,parcnts wi hove the opportunity fo apply fond generale the new learring. Accoring to Dewey (0910), when foachoss ore fuly engaged in refactvo Proctce hey wil impove thek perfornance. As teachers retlect on perrmance, they wil develop on essential Lndesstonding that wil help them increase ture prfornances{Schon,1987). hey wil be supported and challenged by monty reviews of vidoos and scheduled Vit tom a cirical supervisor as hey implement the ideas they re leaning, adaping, and generating othe ovn ‘lstooms. Then, hey withave oppartnitiesto engage in Planning and focus group decussonsin which hey futher reflect and explore thel: own growth and that of their students rough ongoing att development The integrated Teaching-Leoring Framework provides 0 ound bats for this projects modet of profesional ovelopment, though wich It i hypothedzed that = Tanaga7 Tarra a? SEDO EAST RGROGG WALT © No MTOR MBE RESEARCH PAPERS foachos wil gain sense of hk oan competence ond ‘efficacy andfee cored fori he support of het rstctor: ‘ond coleagves, Teachers need to feel competent and cared fot in oreo craate clossooms and clastoomn cules In vhich students In tun feet cated fr os wel os competent. The commitment 1o proving profesional dovelopment, couse wor croc, the belets thot theso foachos wil succeed gen the appropriate level of suppot ond challenge, and that they do have « large .doqrae of contol over hor student bilo exporence succes wth mathematics demonshotes aux conidence In them as competent professionals, desening of Inletectua, social, and ernaional suppor fom Us (08 pastes as Wels tom thot poos. Regards: of content tis ansomation in teachers requres, inal i months nc tpicaly 1-2 year th ‘ongolng suppor (penal pxthal, and Of, 1998), And the ranstornaton almost cays Involves a change Ih Jeaches inkng about Met own copobities and power omoko hingshappen. heyrustboteve that her actions con and wil hove an Impact on the ecodemic performance of thelr students. Furthermore, since Ngh-etfoacy teachers re found fo work wll wh tho students in @ cooperate, ther han in an cuihotxion way. onde vole the students decison maldng about {hol ownoorring Ashton, 1984) Ifolowsthatcnncreoso In got-ettcocy of he teachers nti project wl lead to.a change in het student locus of conte perceptions, ‘nincreaie nintamatyeeings of more contolover what happens to them) The note of his projects akgned wih ‘he tanslornation adcrostadIissacton Detning Multiple nletigences ‘Accoring to Gasca 1983}, eligonce should not be recsued of 0 singular entry, but by mutple ents ‘ndkessng intellgences postesied by af humans Garena (1988) ieitied eight bac mutiplo enties or ‘mustole iteligences which allhumors posteshiterant dogtoos. hese eight base: ents ore conta Yo ory how students lean wih technology, (Bul, 2009), Mule Intligonces concepts wil be algned wih technological ond contentinowedge inthetoloving manner: ‘+ _Unguisios:Porctpants wl design nowt, crcles, leon pions ondioaring cts, + Logicat-mathematical reasoning: Facts il create Excel spreadinests wih for foros ond a ‘grodabook whe What function, + Spatial: Patiefponis wil use digo! cameras ond camcorder Yo create Froges ond videos, ond uted spatalreptexeniaronsinthatmutmedo prsantatons ‘+ Interpersonat: Poricipants wil shore technology bated content moteds ond aches wth paricipon's ftom the some discipine and the general focuty os a whole + InrapersanatPacipants wil be encouraged to uso vdeo croudio barodratectons.Faricioontwilengagein four dscusson vo Boctboars + Body Knesthatc: Parcfponis wil uso rio ploy, Perfomance and oer delivery options to support this Intetigence. Porctpans wi archive inormaton for zo presentations. ‘+ Musical: Patcipants wil bo trained on how to op musica! infoligence 10 suppat instucton. Natl Paricipants wil be trained on global perpectves in doaing wiconcopts TPACK and the LL! Ptinetship Foundations: The Constuctivs! heocoioal Framework The construc! teaching approach ako supports TPACK Integration at all loves The constucivst feacting fopproach Is widaly used to tegrate technology in ‘educatonatsotings. Al alevlsot education, eepecialyin Yeacher education progam, there is @ paradigm shit in the loaning for the Hadttonal sve of ashuction and learning to students consnuctng Inowedge through Project bazed leaning. The goat in usng the constuctvst Yeacting approach fo integrating technciogy i oft ho leamer deterrine how fo ntegiote technology rather than Yechnotogy deterring the ute the leamer teks. Tho ‘conducts teaching approach mates etfectve uso of student por inowledge and cognive stuctyes bated ‘ontmose expadences ond pedagogicalinowedge. These Preconcelved stuctues [por nowedge]re vale wok fF Incomplete ond students refornuicto thot axising stuchues only new Formation of expences a8 ‘Trager Ra SP FASCIA RTO NOL T+ RA Mercy 2 ¥ RESEARCH PAPERS ‘connected to nowedge ateadyn memory. integrate ow kdeas in leaning, students must claw inferences, ‘eloboratons and relationships between cid perceptions ‘ond new ideas Technology Integration & a mojor ‘component of he corstuctvst teaching approach In teacting and leaning in 21st Century education. For technology ntegraton fo be meaningtlinsructrs shoud have thot students const content fen actos lated to thek felts of study oF expert, rather than creating ‘generc acts. ‘he foout fom the consiUcivst teaching pempective sng the TPACK model fore LU Panenhip adcrestet the folowing: ‘+ Related nstucton tothe technological pedagogical ‘mowledge, andcontertinowedge creat each teaches. + Confextuatzed Instruction in authentic acthvios ‘otgned wih content ores ond grade vel. ‘+ Proved teachers win opportunities fo colaborcte ‘win cher orn he same dscipne aswell oswinteachers ftomotherdscipines. ‘+ Promoted personal autonomy ond contol of eaming bycreatinginowedgettom pforexpeences, ‘+ Promoted penton grown of teaches through detgning ond creating technology-based ctv ‘gned wih hot conton exons one grado eves ‘+ Evaluated technology-based products ftom a perpecive and understanding of the etfectvenes of fe0ch products It felates 10 content and grade level objectives ‘An Active Model of PACK implementation and Integration: The earring Labora ntatve Patent Designing neructon fr Blended Learning, Onine Delvory ‘ond a Focutly Mentoship Modelo Promote 21st Certry Teaching ond Learring. insstonal Poricponis in the Leaning Laboratory Intlatve Grant: he Facuty of Noth ‘Carotna Cental Univesty and the Focuty of Hsia New Tech High Schoo}. The goats ofthe Learring Laboratory Itotve Grant were nay implemented In 2011 and ore Ccurenty maintcined ttrough on ongoing and active ‘patnerthip. The goatofthe panerhip ae astotows: ‘+ Develop menfor-teacher teams to promote y Yechnotogy (blended Jeaming ond onthe instuction) Intused curlcuum and instucton in the folowng content ‘100s: Bloiogy, Chemistry, Mathematics, Engl, Bunoss londeducaton-rlatadconcepts + Design an cnine feshman somina as a shatogy for Incteasng orine technology ss for bot teaches ond students using content hot wil suppor student ranstions to high schooland te onine rtucton. + Tron tooches: ot Hilide NT Yo onatye, design, dovelop, mploment and evaluate counos designed for blandedieaing andonine detveryrodes. The Grant implementation Stategy ‘Phase One: Incded a week long summer inonsvo femasion In colaboatve meniotng and technology traning that nctuded al gon paricants. The mentotng ‘ond technology raing took place form 8:00am. 10 6:00, pm. each day during the week of June 13th June 17%, 201 ‘Phase Two: Inchides an ongolg mentoahip between [NCCU focuty and Halide NT faculty to meet he needs of the Hikide NT focuty In thelr various discipines ond respective cissooms The Two NCCU Mentoring & Technology Trang Teams The Mentoring Tilning Team corsied of Dx. Sharon Spencer NCCU Schoo of Educoton, Assistant Dean, and Decter of the Teacher Education Progam), and Ms Exciee Patker (NCCU School of Education, Induction Coorcnaton, The Technology rang eam consstedof NCCU School ot Educotton focuty that Included! Or. Pince Bu Asocicto Professor (Educational Technology inofn Chat ond LL Gront PincipalInesigatoy - Educational Technology: x domes Ose, (Associate rotetsor Educational Technology fond Lead Professor of nine lnstuctional Design); Me DDaboroh Eaton (Soo! of Education Technology Director ‘ond Assessment Coorcnatoy} and Ray Dragon (Schoo of Educofon Technology Sonics ond Web Designer North Carolina Centrl Universty Participants: Universy fecuty fom the School of Educaton - Educational Technology and selected STEM Areas in the Cologe of Science ond Technology - Biology, Chemisty, ond ma Tanaga7 Tarra a? SEDO EAST RGROGG WALT © No MTOR MBE RESEARCH PAPERS Momematics Hide New Tech High Portobants: Dx. Wilam Logan, Hiide New Tech High Pincipat Hikide New Toch (Curieuuen Coordinator and 23 Hise New Tech Facully Member. Phase One: A Weok Long SurnmerIterive Eaton and Titring wth Technology Schedle Conducted os a Face oFace and Oninehetuctonal Delivery Tang Module Comprehensive Mentotng and Technology Talning took ‘Place on ne 13-17, 2017 frohing was conductedonste ‘tke New Tech High Schoo), Thein-cepih tring had both Untverly and High School focuty os parcfpants. Toning opened wih on intense MentoyMentotng ‘Process that vived the Unters focut, NT Hgh Schoo! facut, and the Technology Trahing foctttos. The Process alowed fora sociess Integration of colegily ‘ht pomectod the remainder of he wook Tis excolent toad of was alowed by four days of technology emerson. Technology toning stated wit theoretical tlrmewors ich included Vital Ting, the TPACK Model, and the Bosc neat Modelo Insructtoncl Design Tis ritocuction Proved particpants win methods that adctestod how they coud Infuse technology Info cuniculi. Tho Inocuction to technology in tls manner was greaty ‘pprecicted ond fueled the remainder of the week of fecmnology traning. The paticlants eamed « total of 35 hous wrich were equitent to 8.6 Contung Education Unis in Onn Teaching. Comments by parcoants (as Phase One Outcomes) folow the ahing checkie thats Proved. The n-dpth week ong schedule ofthe tring Constodot tne folowng schedule depioyedin gue 8 |An Onine Blackboard Patol was created doveioped, ‘maintained, by NCCU (Odor soning os moderator. This ‘onlin foot was fonds curt proved by he Uniorty CCousse Managornent Sto to upload partcports work, cornmunicote, ond hat Irfornaton. The purpote of he NCCU & Hisido NT High LU Pane Cri Fort 10 rove a compxehonsve online reEource 10 Suppo the ‘gant parr, diseminate relevant fechnologyHolated outcomes (and related ete) ond share outcornas ‘ond pojecs A sreenthot of he one potas played iniFique 4, sPornership Resuls Th folowing oe comments by Hilide NT Partcponts hat Yok ploce in the week of ILI Pamnentip Technology Training. The comments ore ftom administrators, resontes, ond paricparts is lsployedin Figure UsParioship Reach Questions (orovded to ge ckatly regarding the over goals ond objectives of the LL! Parmasto} Thopatnectip was guided he folowing questons: + nats impact of designing he Frostman Seminar ‘court for onine detver or blended leaning on stucons portonance? + How etfoctve was the content tacutyneacher mento ‘elaiontio on teachers productiy in developing blendinglearring ondonineinstucton? + Vnat ar the porcopions of teachers owas blended learning, ondonineinsucton? + Wat cx the impacis of focuty mento on closstoomn Instuctonand stents pertorance? Results ‘Pornershp Evaluation nd Feedback vation othe patorthip wos mul-foceted. includes the offectienest of the professona! development Cctilos/cousos, Instuctow/rainer, the Impact on Ccominsrotos, mentovmentee relatonship ond. mest signiicany, the impact on participant Yeachers feacher ‘mentees ond students, For each taning component, Pricipants wil evaluate the proteséonal development ‘ctivtestnctucing wotshops, couses, coaching sessions, (ond feedback sessions for perceived benef, oaks mt, Cond insructovanereffeclveness, Evaluation wilbogh at tho ond of sping 2011, summer 2017, fll 2011, sping 2012, ond end in summer 2012, The fable that fotos ‘gs tho goat wth evauaton took for deterring tho Impact ofthe School of Education parorhip wth Hikido [Now Tech High on teachers students and acminsratos ot Hide New Tech High Schoo! Figue 7, Provides atabe of ‘ho Parnertip Goat: \Usng both face-to-face and feleconerence options, regdor mesings were scheckied 10 ensue that oll stckeholdes ain agreement tha actos ao planned ‘Trager Ra SP FASCIA RTO NOL T+ RA Mercy 2 a RESEARCH PAPERS — Ce = = as 22 Se ESE Se 2 =r Sat Sy Eee. Eee Bae” SSS 2a See — Se a. a” See Sees Se = cae Gee mses Eee = Baer Ee, pod ve ‘Boeegriaarress, a emt = Seeon hoy Bessy Tike Tien Siig Sie 9 Sim Bp ero TE” cevecime racine, eegogeannnen meget SP Geeta, Stee oe, Bae see Ez. Ee Ese a Ee == ceiowes.. Sere se See Sar. Sooo? Eagar TACK Medal vero, = od Boas fe Fee Fes Eee nae feat tects pete ETRE epee a2. Sho” Sx. Seo. See. Se Beene Seton, geeempemcem Ben Se ETE” com Saoeen Samoan” Goceear Sy arees “rem aicee* " " (Mes ond Neos et & HILLSIDE NEW TECH HIGH Initiarive PanrNensitie. [Fre 4 Tel NCCU A He NT Preeti Poel | Taga a or ST FART RAGE VOLT RESEARCH PAPERS roscoe sent Tyo ea yout ang te owe wh in Now ch ot Maye eater wats \icteatson worungener tows ahaa hence rca haa way noe ‘fe am cn regs own ames ena anecped pant ere arg Slo Roarormosce a oorargragaonpalbremn namin hontesbryornosn orgie Novioc ant hecumeens nears cre eno mos une so peut at na been a 9 oo So mea bs Bag ‘Sznceoets ues ra uate eb Nadya t x searrartaten oa eyareaure sae Wee ‘Getcricue momen birhace Pouce ouccrmnatace Weymeohon sc Scag mat concr eth ach ton cnr trey en we NEC ey Re Fedegor aurerace a ton ote onto te tanya oh aon eon oe ‘Rene betes pean fav pro hye gaat prac cep cen Fee stargio eno cnt omy Sra erst wt Pt Corn aver Set Wet ow ace oo (Se cu cnactrireruwy tots angel omont ltwniae pupario tram facet ear Scienrgaihew eh loa nwantn Sls camer Buchan aches arg on wooNe a ‘Mocoa geet ojoat haute gorau be cunrayowe wh Noricy aco Sone eet comm. An co eve us conta neat ecmmarh hear osas eo te Soin tel com toy Seon conan ote escomuahtowen hom tintcouom fon, tear amas he hee opel pal wcarocrongy area ache! Paar hatte tow SoSoremneders soaicoahars ae net Insomnia wo epeonry ox ne ogra sot tio Now. hoo Pat Pe ‘Remertosermisnunaorg mesouon ida toesrtooate cong oom oune ses aster ‘Sowrgun cy twist wr gh you ace fry perm cares fim PG wean oO {ure csogne ou moe eo Beam ao (Gonder ade i on crm hh Hagen concen om tm ect ie te Siler tonrg ate weed aos anf cn orp wecteay te aang hwo ors cepa union Se sages wert coe awa gts Ponte cec era tara ‘crm caste fl ws wang wh org aarge an sso eter Sted ea ‘Serta me tors ry aoc Pots onan Gna fas SParMeu ae NaeY Seomens schoo ue he anes warn poarh Ce Figo 5. Tae oP One: Quite Ooms Tievsog an too jo toibood Casbocatra US) worbetese aan onneosam stung ccs me amor ‘Seirg tice ony masa et crea von aoe Pat SShmmartorra o nese et sone ou wacrng eho ‘ra made amr oak ayn Fe onc Tia 6. Tobe a Phe: Ouoones ‘according tothe cclendor ofthe schoo! stern ond wth ‘consideration of other state, regional, and toca! acts. Twoughout the project reguar corweriaors wll be necessary o assure okgrment of coures and professional development octhties win curleuum pacing guides ond ‘he needsot he teachers Ino planning meetings wood ‘trough the inlegrated design of the ente progam (nctucng content pedagogy and technology modes of {dover ond fo confim logistics ond ens contr for the courses, summer intivle, ond suppor though clostoom coaching, os woos he acronis Tis co-planing focused on the contnuout colection of usttatve dota that is now used Inthe supplemental funcing ofthe net round of the grant The L Princip ‘between the NCCU School of Education an Hise New Tech provises onew model fer tecrnclogy lnegration hat bing: out he bestin facuy of each respective intuston, Tis is the type of namic colaboration that is the framework that wil guide 21st Century teaching ond learning. he adational uncingis evidence that he mode! ‘Trager Ra SP FASCIA RTO NOL T+ RA Mercy 2 =

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