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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND GLOBALIZATION: NEW PERSPECTIVES OF TEACHING LEARNING PROCESS by IRSHAD HUSSAIN ABSTRACT Ms article oscustes how information Technologies and glabatration have opened new avenues andi horizons for ‘educator and learner. I cecustesciferent experiences of uking Information and Communication Technologies (Ck) In teaching learning process world oven the age of globalization. I focuses an the ways these new frends hve ‘promoted opportunites of exe learning: posse at anytime and at ay place In any discipine and a shit trom feacher centeredteaching o student canteredlearning, Present, accumulated knowledge and experiance occupies Ccanttalplace and suds have direct accesso. They can develop collaboration foworkin groups. Teaches have 0 workin groups for preparing and evaluating instuctional materia and spend most ofthe time in coaching students ‘how forerieve andprocessinormation. epneres: Information ond Communication Technologies Giobaltion, Teaching Leaning Process. Teacher ‘education, earning. Cyber courses. INTRODUCTON ‘Quaty education paves path fornationa development Itenailesinavduaoadlustinthe soctetyas wells work for ne sociey. Keeping in View the present stuaton of -nowedge ctetion and procestes os serination in ‘he wosd, the ci of education seems Isl fo train students understand andcornprehend, andive and Work In globaly dynamic cornpettve envronenents and pay ‘het tolosin wotdwide Inowledge society. t may requre Intiaves to promote seis and capabities in leaner 50 (05 to realize and adopt the opportunities In global Perspective. Thereor, Insitutons Impating education fond trang con nk such prograrnmes with information Yechnologies ond giobalzation for innovative ond efectve teaching leaning processin21*centuy, Globatztion Uniting he Woridotknowiedge ‘Age of formation technologies and globatzaton the 21" contury soems fo atlect ll aspects of hurnan ite, pariculaty education and taining. The concept of ‘Globalization is kay fo be emerged wih global (morte ‘economy ands (Fld & Fegan, 2006) oten linked wth the rapid development of naw nferation technologies Cond thet supporting nftastucture, I education. might have been wed project andexpiotrecentacties ct Insthstonsofhigher education roughout he wor. isa Process, which assicies dttrent systoms ond allows {geographical boundateso disappear aici, 2002) in knowledge creation ands dssorination. lis ma concer Is katy to promote knowledge society, "where the ernphals ison the acquistion of mowiedge, vues ond stl. Is Ray to prepare Jeanoss in Compottive envionmentsstuations fo expand thet ‘nowledge, understanding, sil ond viion, so astormake ‘nemcapablect tokingbetter decisions about future Me ond equp tmemseves wih sks necessary for Productive life, Therefore, it encompastes and ‘accompanies the ropid expansion of information and ‘communication technologies. Camoy, (2000) stated nat lobalzation has become avaliable becouse of the dovelopment and Intastucture of Information ond ‘communication technologies. ICT may be regarded as the resut of knowedge explosion ond used or is (knowledge) dissemination and venice fr gobataton In this context globataation con be viewed os ts by Productandvce versa Therefore, globalzaton soomsto bo bosed on information (mnowledge expicson) and Innowation-Cis fr ropid expansion and dssomination of knowledge), i go erro SENSI FESO TOGO VOLT NO A MPS May PO Globalization promotes wovldwide Interaction ond ‘competion of higher education Instone through coloration and exchange of study programmes ‘twoughout he wodld. encompasses and supports he ‘wotiwide mobity in academiain the areas of contacts fond research as intemational reciprocal interchange [Fronrep, 8, 2005) expands exchange of tocuty and students that lead to new opporuntis for advanced soctalintractons. Ihextends opportunities of Infemational mobity of faculty ‘ond students. The overalnteational mobilyo students It Wiole tom the increased siden! enrolment ouside their native counties. According to DAAD (2003) he student enrolment wos Increased to 1.62 millon In the ‘year 2000. Comparing win tofal numbers of students \otdwide, 100 millon, cn average of 1.6% otal students study abroad for shorter or longer duration of thelr higher educationcaree. Information and Communication Technologies- Providing Right Information at he Right Te tothe Right People Information Yecnnology Is used interchangeably wth Infernaton end communication technetodes. is “any ‘computer-based foo that people [sents and facut] {se fo work wih Information ond suppor the information fond infomation processing needs of an organization [Unverstyr [Hoog. 1998; pp. 517-518). Toretore, Includes computers and is related technologies such as ‘worldwide web, itemet viseoconterencing etc. Information technology hels in promoting opportunities (of knowledge sharing throughout the wordt can help Yeochers and students having up-to-date information fond Inowedge. Accutcte and ight Information Is necessary for professional development of focademiciane 0 work for etfectve teaching and leaming: ond information techaology (Haag, 1998: p.10} "isa 801 of fools that con help provide the right people [students ond foculy| wiht ight information athe ght ‘ime [immediately] Ushg Information technology, students can moke best decksons about ther learning (ond progiornmes of study It would prove students wth pportuniis fo work in groups To support each other ‘trough effective communication and cooperation by shang Information and exchanging ideas to soWve Problem ortake advantage of opportuni. Rationale The present society competitive where each indiduol can avoll te opportunity of work ond placement ‘troughout the wot. Knowedge is generated ond sserinoted by the unverstes through research ond Intetectual enlightement (Marga, 2008). Simiaty (Nang, A 2005] emphased the fol of unverstos and stated ot present, unvestieshave both on obligation {ond on opportunity to ploy a sgniicont role, becouse ‘hey are the ort of an increasing inlreependon! wosls Ccharactetzed by the global economy ond the rapid development ot communications technology. (One of he basic requremens of nowedge society isto Prepare students for paric\paton and interaction non Infornaion fich society for social adjustment ond economic development. They shoud be obie to Ptcipate In challenging environment, work with Information ard communcation tecnnoioges ploveng fn important fol in restuctung ond transorring the nowedge society. Information technology extends opportunites of global Interactions. Sudenis con interact withthe information Inferoce, teachers ond co-eamers ond leam. They con Wot in now settngs gotng Hd of ther outne werk wth ICs. hey may explore, review benef tne qualiatve os wel 0s quontatve dota relate io ther programmes of studios; ccossbe through meso ICs. Mey can work on {GoUp projects patcipating in pesrleaming actes ‘ondigaininowedge. Inaninformation ch society. there sa new paradigrn for ‘edveation whete teacher may not be ot the center of feducaton, The teacher would play c new roe ln new settings Accumulatedinowledge and exparence would ‘occupy the central place, fo which students coud have ect access. The teacher would not contol students! ‘acces o information of nthe conventional classoor system, Students recy would recelve and interact wth [iranaper Jerre Shel €afont RGA VOLS Ne A MTS May 708 3 Information of al kins. They would ranstorn information ftom one medium to another medum ond create new nowedge 0s a esut of el interactons wih teachers ondotner students Bronson RX. (1991 stated that students lec not ony ftom the teacher, but also they lean olong with the ‘teacher, and by inferacting wih one another. Indeed. students can Jean more thon thelr teaches using Information and Communication Technologies in the ‘ge fglobatzation, ICTIn Teaching Leeming Process - Making Knowledge Accesibietoal ‘The avalcbily of infomation and communication Technologies renforces Individual lecrring through online courses creating interactive learning cenitionments. Education focuses on individual a well at {0up (collaborative) acquistion of knowledge. ‘competencies ond skis. Students con develop thei dotios competences ancl ough nucus os wel af group-learning strategies (collaborative) Collaborative Jeaming seems to have effects on the Performance of he students, tutors, acaderricions ond supporting sa (lechrical stat working together. Such Coloration suppors the use of effective leaning ‘echniques and methods for cauistion of nowedge of the subjoctondsociatsts. Goto, M.A &1Neno. RB. (1985) ewectand explained he Felotionship between indlvdualed Instuction ond Progammed instuction. They related It wih Sinners ‘neory ond sialed thot “optimal learning totes ploce ‘trough indivuolzed istuctton’, in which lessons oro \dosigned forthe leaner ond each leaner is under he {uicnce end tutelage o utr In the present suction Of student feacher rt, incvuatzed instuction may s00m tobe unreakitic. According fo them, programmed Instucton developed ftom the thectes of skinner roves Incviduatzed leaning. Programmed instruction bbasodonthe three promisosare givonboiow, ‘+ Students leon more ropidy it smal pleces of Information ae prosontodto them atanyenetime. ‘+ Studens shoud be given the opportunity inorder to ‘cctvlyrespondtohematetc ‘+ Studans should be provided wih immediate resus Indleating whether response wascorect ‘Ads 10 Bly 10 prefer to be Independent and sot lected In thet learning, Therefore, the indhualzed learning trough computers seems appropsae for them. ‘the concept of self directed leaning may Imply ‘empowerment of eames or loosening of dependency onteachen ection. Computer technology can provide opportunities of so ected learning, Students actively con particbate in ‘heirleoming andinterat wih faculy rough Local ven ond Wide Area Networs [il 2,190.63] suppored ‘he etfeocy of such instuction for sol drectednoss Incicating hot “ests cre sper ors features of we motvated and welLaccess to necessary equnment “Those students alto toke advantage of he opportunites Proved for Increased interaction wih ther professor fond other students ond for active poricioaton in a couse’. This inleraction between studen-stusent and student‘utors occus through Wide Area Networks ond LocaiveaNewwors ICIsare playing acrucialolenrestuctuinge teaching leaning process. Hussain, (2005) state that the use of Infornaton and communication technotoges promote ‘colaborction betwen the peesofleamers learners ond faculy, sulated leaning environments, electronic books <Sgtal bras ond vitual nvettes wih a global fearing ervronment, The new leaming erivronmente have introduced excling potent! for distance {education win new approaches of inowlodge creation fond new ways of ses for leaning. Such syos help the leamersinochievingtnecbjectives ot stuces. Computer supported collaboration can be one of the ‘mos promising innovations to Improve the teaching ond Tearing wit the help of other reicied technologies. Coloboratve or group leaning refers to (htphwwwcice- Indiana eduICSC98) Instuctional methods whereby leamers are encouraged or requted to work together on learning toss. ts @ dstingusned form of eaning rom ‘nat of atonal "ect onset” of inowladge, In which a go erro SENSI FESO TOGO VOLT NO A MPS May PO the insuctor fe oituned fo be the ditibutor of nowedge ond sis, ‘The use ofnformation and communication technologies \uodates tne instuctional pedagogies and makes the Inforttonginowadge bark avaible fo me learners ct their own command (Moore, 1994). These create global Inferoctve lecming ervronment, for effective looming where students con lean through cyber courses. Instructors can electionicaly detver al types of material ‘rough asynchronous delve, Cyer courses create an electronic dstanceeaming envronment, Due fo the ‘OW of election dance leaning envteneent he dstonce and Inttuional banter oe cleappecring, The ‘Westom Governors Universty WU) sa. good example of Istectapplcaton. WG (ntpwww.euR wsu.edu) I on alance of over 30 Lnwerstios and coteges that have agreed 10 contribute Ccouses. To ean thelt degree, WGU studenis ving ‘orywhereinthe woelcan choose and complete courses from ony of the parang insthutons, The Ti state ‘Agrcutuial stance Delvery Allance fs another sion xorple, ‘The development of Cyber courses by professional ‘education companissisat compstivesiage. The Fxida ‘Community Cotege System announced he purchase of ‘commercially produced inoductory chemistry Cyber ‘Courses Yo be used by ail the studonts In the stote (rttoziwmw.istanceleaming comniy (oyber couses con Incorporate advanced media ond present materal i a manne that allows students 10 explore the materia in a more Investigative and oss linear manner. This encouoges students 1o be less passive ond more cctv in the learing process. CYoor ‘coutes volvo the students in he learning actos onc thetractive paricpatonresulsn fective loaring, Kennedy, & Agnew, (1998) stated Int Cyber couses ore otonlyasynchronous, but aso they alow he ulation of dl curently cvatoble mecia and provide on etfectve ‘means of communication. Tso couses can iso be Cftered fo students tloncing nsttutons that tack expertise in a paticular crea. Ondine students can ‘2ccess exper fom other instutons and even rom the Pivot enters os wo Inforsctvy, perhaps con be the edvortoge of ene leaming. Many universes ofthe word might be fing ‘ne ways fo bring the benef of claszoom thiough on line couses. Web-based teaching ond learning would Coal for @ serous reconsideration of the etfectveness, especialy nthelight ofinreased demand foreducation Cond opportuni fr increased loames' mottaton by ow technologies, If itograted with inowledge based sign ses. Weltmoughtinstuctonadesgn forany web: bbosed teaching can contibute fo moving leonere ‘expectation from promises fo performance while toting ‘the couse onthoweb. “Through on ne courses over the web, loamers may have ‘reoter contol ver het learning, There maybe greater retention of he material on a wolkdesigned system ans Information woud come alve ot eames pul the ‘mateolsfo themselves. The Word Wide We operas in close relation wth human bain In processing the Inforaton. Gonzaer(1998,p.110}stted: The hurnan mind operates by association wih an tern in Is giasp, snaps instantly to the neat stage that is suggested by ine association of thoughisin accordance wih some inticate web of tals carted by he cols of he brain. thos other choracetsies, of couse ra that ore ot equentyfolowed are proven tobe fade, ters ore "ot fly permanent memory anstony, Ye. the speed of action, the inicacy of trl, the deta oF mental Pictures, sawe-nscking beyondalleseinnatue. Retearenes onthe woysin which peopleleam, cecording 40 Goracte, (1998) reveal that, while leaning, people ‘often svtch quick trom one question oF request to ‘nother Intemet-based perfomance support enabies leamerstoswich qulck tom ane piece ofinfornation to ‘nofhet unt heinquly sated The overall advantage of an Internet-based performance suppott Is that leoming can be systematicaly integrated wih the work. Aleamet faced wih c problematic stuation, can fd the resources eededin order to overcome the stuctonto improve ne [iranaper Jerre Shel €afont RGA VOLS Ne A MTS May 708 m perfomance. This promotes experience-based leaning Invoking learners not os passive recipients ot iformation. but rather as active leaner: whose process of Inqury foctualy helps fo constuct the foundation for the next stages of eaming. The length of he learning cyctes can 'be longer ot shoret, depencing upon ie sation ond conten Use of web technologies can create on opportunity fr change ftom tradtional, format, structural andctassoor based: toning fo continuous nowledge shating, Electronic learning envionment though Internet can have and maintain variety of aang materia nat ore ‘opproprate for atferent learning sives. t con focitote people fo communicate, constuet meaning. a iear ew thing to explore and dscover opportunites to apy ‘what ney know. Wh is us, the students of developing counties nave good Inkage wth the developed Counties. They would getoccesstovatoustoples thet choice. Bothun, (1998, p28) ascussedis etfectwenossin learing trough dstonce education. wos experienced ‘tthe Univers of Oregon, which had offered fou ton- ‘week Detance Education closet for wo - and - @ halt ‘yeas, Inclucing Physics 161: EnergyancineErvronment; Physics 162: Allematve and Renewable Enexges: [Astonomy 121: Solar system Geology; and Astonorny 123: Cosmology and the Crighh of Ute, About 160 sfudentshadtoton tose courses word mio. Is achlevernent wos given as omong the 150-dstance ‘education students ervoted in the four courses, 125 Completed the requremens in eight fo fon weeks. The Proves its possbe fo daver courses inthis monner that reflects the infornation-oentednatwe of suey courses. Such cousesrequie ite student monitoring which would mote easly alow studeristoworkat nek ownpoce, Edolion, P, and Ptmon. V, (2001) have gwen the ‘achievements oftemet at incre Ganchi National Open LUniversy (GNU which launched Hs CIC, BCAaNd MCA, programmes onine in uy 1998. Since thon, tomet has been acting os « medium to prove diferent suppor services to the leamers Including counseling ond ‘ossignments,and te lecmer were assured tohave easy ‘2ccessontomet. The Univestty created intomet Access Poin (APs) or those who oid not have easy access to Intomet ‘Ate he Impiication of onine course program It was found that learners do not go through the information ‘material proved by he Lniery and depend on other Ive resources fo get infomation. Another important ‘spect that Is cbwous flor the evidence Is that even ‘hough tne leaness wore not computer erate, thoy wore casiybeneftectrom theintemet ‘A large number of univerties of the wore generay dstonce education Insutons and vitual universes in Particular oF using Intomat in thet teaching leaning ‘pproach. iy success hat been actnowledged by ‘vaous Unverstios ofthe word ospoitedoutbySnery.L, (0996, ‘The Univerty of South Flofcsa has set up @ mentofng system ond on on-ine ascusson forthe parictpants of felecommurications course, Athatboseo Universiy Cossigns ton students for one mentor in the Master of Distance Education Programme. The Unvesty of ‘Wisconsin uses austo-contorence seminars to. Bhk Instructors togotner. The Unversty fits Columbia uses ‘ele- conferences wih other students and tuo os wel os {telephone tulosng system, Georgta Colege hos on electronic 88S with online resources, electionic Conferencing, ond @ Teacher Clearinghouse for Contacting other teachers interested In tele. ‘communications Pakistan Is 0 developing county, yet all public sector Lnierstos aro using ICTs for studons suppor sovcos. ‘Veal Univerly of Pakelan is Imporing knowiedge ot ‘raduote and postgroduate level using Information ond ‘communication tectnologies (ICs). Uniersty offer Coutes on the Intemet and mentors tearing leaning process throughs Leaning Management Sater (UMS) ‘0 telecasts laciues on is itua televiion charnos. Students trom all over the county take admission and Continue thelr studies Simlorly, Alama Igbo! Open Universi offemng French onine programme for hose ‘who wanttoleainFenen anguage. = go erro SENSI FESO TOGO VOLT NO A MPS May PO ‘Teacher-Leaderotthe Team In the oge of Information technology, effective ond Ceffciont learning is potently possbie at any tme and ‘ony place, on any fopc, In any sequence, at ony age. Binging large croUDs of students together for content Conlored presentation by feachers can no longer be |usilodos he dominant methodotinshuction Teaches wouldhave fo work wth leamer hn helping ond ‘osising hem in managing and processing iforaton Tey would work In Groups preparing and evoluatng Instuctional materials and organizing dota into ‘occessble for. They wil spend ther mein coaching students helping thom fo loam through reviewing the huge information. They wil offer group presentation Presentation wil not be used fo provide new information Instead, presentation wil be coretuly constucted to ‘model now the dlscptne uses information to answer feting questions and solve curent problems. They wil ‘ls0 demorstale the potential for using information to fornuiate new questions and to constuct problems for the ftw of the discipline. information technology would helpto develop students abit of udging the vay ond Precision of infomation, and he students woud be able Yo analyze and explore information to actieve certain objectives. Challenges or Teachers: Demand ofthe Doy The teochersin he 21* century have to foce challenges of updating and upgrading thelr Inowedge ond Pedagogical skin ne age of Cs & Gioballation. They have to leam the oppropriote use of Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) either in tho classcom irstucton, ort adistance asaneeacheror ‘e-moderator of open and distance education system. ‘According to Ham V.& Davey, R,2006]is@ chalenge thathos cowed teachers to reflect ek perception and ‘the ways they adapt new educational changes without ‘compromising he quay of education. speci ihe ‘ole of feachoss in the ogo of ICT and globatzation os i {tole of teaches) changes ftom sole transmits of knowledge to teachers to play the role os mentor oF ‘coaches (volran, M, 2008) and focttatos (hat ore the s0-calod'e- moderator (Scion, G., 2008). LUkowiso Murpty, Mahoney Chen, Mendoza Diez Yang, (2005) have explained the nature of ther now roo. ‘According to them, mentoring & a one-to-one teltionshiobetween an expert andalecmerin wich ne ‘expert guides tne leaner by Behavioural and cognitive ‘modeling, ecaderic ond career counseling, erotonal ond scholastc support ccice, profesional networtng. fond ossessment. Coaching is observing loaner performance and providing encouragement, Bognoss, rections, feedback motivation, monitoring and regulating leaner perfomance, provoking retlection, fond perturbing leaner’ modes. Focillaing is providng ‘echnical, pedagogical, manageticl, ond social ‘ctivties that maintain sustalned and outhentic Communication Between anc omong instructors and student ‘The eteachess appy the pedagogical sls 10 nelp leamersto achieve the educational objectvesin socio, Interactive and networked teaching learning fonvionment and process Information Info knowledge (sonora, 2005; Cabere, 200). Teachers'rle shits rom ‘content exer to Tacator of leaming: According to Lente, (2003), teachers should fcitiate and guide thei students in leaning process to develop knowledge and Lnderstoncing Kromedge bulcing and leaning Inthe age of Is and Globalization Is bosed on the conshuctWst theory. ‘According to which inowedge s developed by means ot the active involvement of the student, where Collaboration and negotiation of meaning are fundamental; ond where (Blzquez & Alonso, 2008) Inctvduot create o: conshuct nowedge by tempting ‘obiingmeaning fo new information ond to (Reval 2003} Integrate nis nowedge win net por experience. ‘he eeacher at @ mentor, coach of fasta. plays Imutiple roles, According Sigma, (2005) and Cabero, (2006) neso oles canbe outinedastotows: ‘+ Managerial Role: The teacher plans the teaching programme, which Incudes objectives, metabo, ‘es and procedures, content development ond [iranaper Jerre Shel €afont RGA VOLS Ne A MTS May 708 cy detvery methods and estobishenent ofthe practical \workondinteactive cctivtos, 1+ nfelectust Role! Ths the tadtional teaching function. The teacher should know the syiabus ond the particu subject, which wl inform the leaning ‘content, + Social Role: Tht Is considered oF the fundamental function n @ eaming: the teacher should create a ‘comfortabe learning cimosphere, Interact wih the ‘students ond folow het actives. Te teach shoul ‘cnimate, mottia'e ond facile feedback. i oot {o full this damier, the teacher should design ‘oct spectically foreach objective ond content ‘cs wolasmotvatingand encouraging he students In o1Ger 10 perform these teaching functions, teacher should nave to develop a sores of abies and statogios (onso, 2005; Wong, Quek Daharan, Uu, Poor & toms 2006 thotcantbe divided nto: 1) Profesionat: owing the material. the contents. ‘actos, ldociomethods ondteaching pion, ot 1). Technica thoughts not necessary forthem tobe ‘as erper os ne suppor personnel, hey should have ‘basic sit, which allow nem tocasryoutthet function eppropioteh etc Ii) Porsonctt interacting, giving feedback, receptive Ccopacty eave, cecthy,empathyete In eHeaming stuctons the teacher dost not oct Independenty but rater toms part ofa system in which shoine tocttotesleanes in inoroctve teaching lean selings. Sheme convenes the process through rregotiation and creating relationship between content ‘ond methodology ots delivery bya sors of intervening floments. Thus, one con disingush betwoen human elements ue, teacher and supp personnel) and "Pon-hurman elements (content and technology) of the Process. Inti conte, cxgued natn every earing Process here essa nogotation of nawledge (conten between feacher ond student, focttoted by the ecessory support personnel wihin o stuctue of 0 maxedtechnological characte (netfeigeting hat euch technological means are no more than mere Instruments, given tha he principal object wa aways be learing). Conclusion ‘The 21* contuy Is he age of information technologies fond globallation. These have enhonced and created ew opportuni for leaner 0s wel 0s for teachers to compete throughout the world in challenging fenionments. They may have new aspkations. and expectations avaiing equal ccademic opportunities ct dl leves Giobatzation nas promoted nemational Cconnectity and competion of academia, whereas, Infornaion technology has opened new otzons of ‘lobo! introctions. The usefuness of (CTs los nis Copabiies and appropiate use In teaching learing process. These are belng used alloverthe werd ightrom (functional) Iteracy level to higher education level Students can lean at ther own pace fom ther homes fond work place interacting end participating in etwotkedlecning environments, ICTs nave helped the teachers in presenting contents. ond foctated students In reviewing and exploring the Inforaon. Students can wo on Group projects, Participate In peeriearning acthiies to equip wih knowledge and sis necessary for profesiona Ife. They can Jeo quicky and workin teams in comfortabe, rolobie ond creative wore Retoronces [11 Aonso, DL (2008). nnovackén en la foracién de ‘totes: Pantoamiontos desde el seaming, Disoraion Oblained ftom the Department of Education of the Univoiy of &xtermacua Badloz Spain IR}. Blézquer, F, (2004, November. Crgorizacién de Espocls Viuoles deenseronza, Paper presented athe Vl Congreso Interuntarsterio de Organizaoién oe |nemucionesEaucotivcs, Sova, Spain. IS}, Bléxquer, Fy Alonso, L, (2005). 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