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ERIC EJ1096910: Higher Education-Community Partnerships: The Politics of Engagement PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1096910: Higher Education-Community Partnerships: The Politics of Engagement

Higher Education—Community Partnerships: The Politles of Engagement Frank Fear, Nancy Creamer, Rich Plrog Danie! Block, and LaDorna Redmond with Mike Dickersoa Shesill Bukdwin, Galt Imig Abssrucl Higher education com monty parnertise cam tet ail sends hale dill ctonlae exy ete ino ffs le ene wana, and tsa oolitorive ‘voting arte tate now ois. hs "piss ‘ergagensuy,” Latest laced bot the police 0m rere mewtaes ww hi pet. The ksote ae da Aislogne fat excel fm e saiex of irtnasmreted dis Keynes ucts Ke loge Funan Iagher ean ‘nmeaniy afalees yuk abit a Cele Se eal Thea yt veel ah, ao gages ese the ctle of conven to insu cole ellis tnciona Sood syserin eowohes. Fekbaiod exzeiens Inewaledtts iupurkrew oF ynfestandingparmersip a+ Crise bebveea sale ly ist aatcn Three ier feror oan ingove or cksny parunhip dowsiopzen eeless Toy atc enone cnet nl suzene a sen Neeapandlagevecesfelly the pate of crgsgerral mes frinlfl skobreaziny le cloxng cone=senelive a Ineponei sue Hy enaged corcmely ule rene nts } i i i ‘i re [LSet pos oben onetime ol soon emgagemteswi-eautinehndig the eux: of par rembips Sugapoment, whiel we delice asthe mammal deepening fof captoty uo expel nd eollshors, i uhout paris. the hiner civcaren parlnee :t atcaps bocursing, "more ean Teviathy and rodnetvcly ingaiyst ith eormurity cower and nes? hye Commins 2102). To: te ccm pare aveans ecnsigg evitenp santas enpucily by <0sing exlental kuowedge rare aa celle expec. ‘hie sity expenencs undessond the shulleug’s assisted ‘with eolablihing and rouiacalaiag watkahlspartnenthips. Amey. Brown. aud Sandimara 2022) eugyest sceaing + aneunngt a fnmuion largnige; devaloping the ality ta “Teas” the her's vies nv alg lesa tyes us align ke a puters cceving says These te ings hd Be quota: hat asker 4 partnership sucvessal? Tso Cites Fr lth Potosi the Jonivonily Cs. faea, Sar Faansinss 2007 ha alma pi ies of goud commainy-eampys pactcesips, hie insiads outst sy poe resnurea, nd ert arin se arn ad reste casanunication Rassaky's (02s intcrprention ue ignt trusormatve ements sete pling fle vlan “on hue of widens” Far tie ware tterachig the purmers in move mass; at eaetming isles ‘cvcsoury fia pnusing sw ane qveuive nuleomen, Suse und vallegues <200% resonate wih uns thus fanative theme, Tae nutiona shace «vision of Seam duvan a wll" ers aie feducarioa wd ennrniy. FOr ight dette this lit ble “hommes penerss ssh thd theories and mols tag sn the ules dhs coal we umd thoi vue dels ser "eleyanos tn ":231 Hor comsaanis this wuld enable lig Poe-ane fiom the wislem of vomrmuuiy meisbert av ne Prausforming ean from ieuipiente ly pat ip” Achivsing a hevihy, moneanmacive partncship invelies hing blew eootively “range the Spoilies ul engage acmt las meviebte keane. uisudersindinga, and spmauhs arena ‘mun uniging ia: shared puns, hd: ronan os sevcareh eapetieres, Nyden end golleapucs 799% couclule that “agoue wha chisus «(ks work] . itt plea ust lui wrong. ntact wd vil min pemmont oak, Reson 4g Orwontentnns-astiins Choter en aces 1094, Malan ‘aul ea sete eoaltinas a "alive an gereamirg palin! ere that bos. 2 en's wsh af jadivival ani gronp iene” They assist hut “tas question ‘rol whiter there I. be pl bos bul rather shal ind of polities te ll ho. ill puliseal somless be enensring a: ashing, huss ar oolznuetive, desasating on exsrive?” 174, -mahis spew gronp of schalays am prelitomers ith exp ‘cher emusation eonicauniey sulner hips wera ote Dretsson of De poles of emuugenuct. Te tenner hu saree hove caeayed thom a secs uf imerranevted fialogioe. ton ‘erstons “ua stared snug oars engage ina Wk -Ralloge “unc aia songared larg cama inky aoweoticed wh? loc Fox sysns developmen: aud expend tinue pie i 4 24 national food nystests epnforome, In taleng his approae, the youu aflrms Bashura Ue and's advice about pstmership Aewslapiments [fom Hime m9 eiew ened HE on head up hom she cally, inense, Local wu, and remember 1 shine ear expotiences with car callagnes so that we van. Team fren ene nth” 2008.53 Backyround TH 26GL the WK. Kellogg Fouustou (KKH) lane Ie Pood Syeteus Highsr Keuostinn-Commanity Parhesship SILCP), + chsrr cantar oviled wilh is Foc! ar Society initiotive, By cteaiag FSHICP, the toondaton sees ww ete fpunmatity-baset fred enten hae aca enor sovial ft ae vale es camer as health promalir, ope tein euvigneaily responsible way: ata The somes oF higher seneariou vorumanity erllzhortien, thal erwageniet This psogram eabsyiess ths eapacity of uriversilis al culleges to oak eolluboracvaly wile soapent, fgovstemes|, coum bared, an private 4 CGitwal Loud evens insues site cel geevance. The Font inn ands iucratire models af engagement sgmeoaches Hae d-menalrac in esr an ycacics haw Tigher elooaLen cehBLiskes, doveaps, aa sustaise mauilly onetieial and wansfarat ve gatnerships veh eonstiluencs, (4, €, Ket Sanat: 20055 “soe Conmmunily Seana itive, lu is commned tn help ‘vid Foal a sabe coastal eomsmuritiss in Ihe Packt Now swes i ah exanaio ofa eusaubily-basod pros fimdad by the fbn. Ih pratet suppers Fmevalve rctces Dy ot nile 0: prodmetessrvies lo local Baa ems enirapreneu, ine nting produc develop “Det, rossare, meting informatie, te vaplll, Projet partes euseute qnigly to tha vontue Theve fa murproll paver, Ntevebank bntemsise Pui, hich fsa Coauaurity Hevelonment Fue Liyton (CD tht pe vides Tinacial, beiness. and cevslapement apsblance (@ east comes i Oregn ad the slate of Washington. The higher ‘duction pavine i Quegon Ste Universing sohich pacuipas Drinnrily “rover ils Seale Lisuclory. « mooiieciplinry Feseare-culnaich unit spocialiing in seulocd product dorky ‘cal chology now. i the seabod industry misnding he Poin oftngagemeur Inve ine eo yl eponns saming fr: tam ang svg ues ah ater the eat the letinghe onlay eacoune gees Chote u leaning nen siecle topping, roe. tel vate cls ru eer whe acter Utonendereainpreer ith assoc fee exon con {ulgnt gin colghtcn ly FRED pega dee he eng versa ae ley Uae, an gh Srteseine, eroded In the Cofvemaitiny abut the Su gree inde. I he Utne, “see ppt of da Het swig al TSIECP res se uate in dlasing the cages fences shh higher cdvorcm corse asters Grantee exchange "suny ees th Hart” 2 io ow parertipe a salva wa lw ley coe lem aie staging ae tht a= trains tg fe fe the Teay Mafimite: "Show we the "Locatl fous! systems pectomip” Ching gents ctvelrponent Hs anaie incl oxp enon emoned thar everest tuishys Waal ne te uotsrivng— gapstonce af tee Gooner ofentie whighe cay, Seale af bee Cattery pareesipee evens pantelpa ‘What age ute poeizlcrtical ites” i batluescdiven, Wout Toons have we Teamad? Saclay cmseons form Welk is homing, potljuls frat development baked x dren tr he? desi vo have Socto ingly exeoving tuners se evdnua nga tito wh hal ey sel pal nsetnpagemect™ - Wes parmerships hvatvealtomative to stadt cam responses ‘Whew the geasicesseansenle few mamas ler, roy Regan Iheie aialoges by wckrneledging, 9 ica! comeatal Lavi Wheres the uabe-based system fueuoe un the clricientjwo- ftustian and alstviution 1 fecel tit wch Tosa Lad eyes eyelopawnl seeks Iv sant cites thom markot-sonetiee ~anmimers ho wok "god fo ara poud pre” letclive cmc ‘munily-constivas ageuts uf wallhy Living. Local Zand systame slevelopeca san sts Beal ocentuates te inpu. tue oF placa” sctizensparlcipate ina value-driven, silly vonscios fora I local development desired bv have soviveuluta impact, bor txample, eslolishing a enopertive giocony stone ene ely evn camevmiy-histl aise lh We pouetial af fern, high-qnalgy sn auvitions toed Ho thermars, throug ines Joel spill and ewe oxi” ausbers coco the ‘oven ta the exten of ming, poreharing decison. ONlea this ears vslilishing tlaliansaps ith lox, precise, tray Tacit cixamuaily aoo0%% to Togally ges foe. Aa Di ‘har Lughat, when andevlakesefectivdy Lael Lose ayeems {evelopment sreug Laas intrpersenal and ineinsiltens ik: ages: boss commnnity icenlily ond vanity: cates atronzer Senee of eerrmuniy ed cuanees possnal wel ecal culy ok ‘Fron: expevient, The ysuntees vadkeasland thor paroenpaling tan ternative eaporsionrecnivex mathe “butndaiy essing,” ttt ia, being able lv work will voavelaioual incinirens ex, bank, whieh soul mcr inelndes a paripaes ea sittin For expe, atious many colle’ au uaiversics andere local toed systaae pojost work, higher education irsthatiu.s do putas expres ua fd systens eth lon mane inst ‘tional decivons abou What food ro Ry aul om shou, I they il. ey weld make (amos ter things) aToag-term eran iment ta tho sxousinie valigy of Ine’ prehusers oy puechslg locally own ton in the das serves That ciramataneepremptod an imprcal uestiva: How A you isapend when your ine ilucous practices 6 ne soppart Ie ‘vr im which you ste engaged? Do yeu accep il at insti tional mater f fet? Le youu wuuk toward insinational chonze? ‘And, APufmawe is seugh, ene mah pele! capital we wo wl ing ks vse in viking action? As The Kellogg grisea these questi. raricpants fakes shoul fw ils, De lunivihrls, change al cela Ties fae not er tres} an se cio likely 10 respond tavumishy ts vhaaye 1 certain rpprouchos ate use ete and Cohay 2602) "Ting is rica panly a famctivn of the ability tv eongnie shen the system i reas to “unfoere," and ko a zaller ob as scope afthe aban. how the chinge is prssimed, and Foor chon ugeuts ue pot ceived. WEen allemative work is maginalied instiomenally, “hat sche th yo i le porty and dts people involves ate 201 valed oy peers und recouize xs ilDucatis: hy those in ‘ahovity panier. tewe ineorses ore rel Tikely Wy -aflveuce imsing ona ehange, However, allomative sas i Pequentty undetlakun ate institu “margins” avony Fenn the plies sul rowints assnsated ll the instintinal veatr {Para kieowams, sud Ginge 2000) Kolighteked central advices sncrlad that aimase week. althongh elles yi luo. 0 ann’ ever ueceseuy,sldrnses ices Mat ano Peqaonly (oe eo teoversial, novel, or racical o be mnderiahea ia connlinnal igarizalisal Luckione. Hesever rk undemakst a The hase sae” give inscintons en epperuniy 19 expiuont ill: onal Fish ma Mreut the tema gus (Sous 19881. "This happy Bo peaapie, seen “tal ond organic Foous ar teem fot sul at “ eamgus zestaunat ur in ome ofthe ‘Recoguteiny anit dumnitares, Poapls anv able uy Widerstendiny the: vou fxperionce an alleruaive rainy sgucnces af diversity nd evaluae Foor if Sols chem. femedammamtal This i a “eujel” bu often powers Ju. way th inendnce slleaaly ‘a i nang coun envirsmments Power oud the polities of engagemunte The ascvup's alan on then s:-fled we ratte of latanal-tothe-parme’ship teasion navel withthe pelts uf ongape eu, The iano of pow vas pace lL vonter nf his. opr exabigs Phi? Lowi ik cexerenert? How lil ale iraditnod gy De paetnersin rea tree tad ovules Furdarcentl pl esios ss bea essed in any patmesship, cae Uecicine whe wil be Grill seo ‘od vit: the permersip, inci sho nigh he excl de: rnnaapes injec! gpetlions and Hnanses, how acininstat we dec.sions are as: sphere The patgershin ix ese anc lune jtercd—on camps. aa comumiaiy sie, nt ia meal lovee. ‘ho speaks pulisly on Rebar ihe purinersip and with respect le what gone an’ hw aera for sae ae defined. Stories shared somone the arauluus samen: thet & lealty higher dneuian-eom muy parinershi conus lhl ellen acknowledge tke purines’ livers ively Gmlexre Highir ed. ation and ernnmnity pastas ulten here stbstaailly ie are pts eur i giant diferent nations: seas Ise Hidinrscomaly Siren puxiion sespansi ies, work sos les, id reward ystems; und nen fanue nue obey, Slats diferonces arse higher ecueation asd coat ally partners sav olen exposed in il, sry, ml positio stinition. Higher Ioluctinu pacasts somecmes cary tho ttl “Ueto or nokesun”| oquonty ec rove unas (uzun sigh icanty meee) than curwmunity peters, ad often oseuny recune elo pos fone, Srery ef expert sus Wo highs? seeation rm, sesh oct eanslce ino prvilogs und er Rocoyriziay dl undertandizg.ths cqnvoqucaess of lively fs fundamen the spay vomclidod, Ala Skat ia nding syne ta male difeences 4 ses of stengt: rater hun w burst Br pugs, This rogues cl the pariven aus #3 4 team 19 Solaris tha seaward nuit (athe tsansng'e realits vl examglo, h enpigerent cst i ht Ripley eign pa ves Foe i to engage In comearnig pasmorstipe. In realty sugges engapemon aye ire" 1 ouming”Ulidonal mines oF sexomie bebavia, Engaged seater panes emove tho rane ff experese hy Hsoning Ws ane ceria Leta cornnamity par Sore Igy als ker hon vs take cavevship and seco ome se volluboraive ap expont—kanders Gramee stuiiss sggess char parmership diTerences ay at acess aekrunwledged ain) swevumustitl, spe ye pa rerahres ane lmtag, Why? Strstires the ys os sutestuc newer lanl resent, ut neve ake dedged and canard Frater instep aos andr les ists mibreced Sookeliaes ote purse sles aawoe tem fiFor yw aueans us 6 pears roa patra policy eli or their par, cou.» povissis quickly “earn shut che vampus ey sement ie nota lev plying (ele or cage They sort saough Laculkg. salt, Suulenk, ahninistazers, and, nile tod peaple and prngrarms tha ars qanesship.ijendy ft veaponhle, Grants gove munezoz¢ czars of Daas ha wenn wih fighor eduoatn pares hg dd Tet de ieot un proites vveeshvated shat hey banal an ind ‘hee: ad Teh 3arnerships prema or ere pulled eae part he-shipe Py other olligalions‘e gq another grset). They Foul th’ aoine acadsini admaninteluns a onsite te eee ater, The sa rei és thal ceamequnty pur of have mach mone mvt ack than higher shceivn partner. including, {eit Jvainonds ane reputations, Corunnunity panes a6 partie lular valnerable tS Shifs in tespensinitrg > lack of felis Suough the projec fils, he big elueation partner is likely lo ronve ls the abet project, while the commuriey partner amy , Jose histher fo, Fung, ur buvingss eater. “P1986 vik dit faces can put udainene’ste38 on che oartership ana eal in’ squson the value of engaging im paviuercips with higher edu tc. his is espa aif community partaeds porcetvs thet thew higher seicaion parlners view he comecuniy inevamene tally. thi is. aly as a Toeation to de thoi rues thar an arena iv whie1 m gronad lier ongepecnent in an ethic cai, het wil Lake fer purtnershig risky to be fistibuls equi ably? ‘The wajnngy of comoumty partaers ssc with limited Ingots cus st support. On che a Fur Fil, higher education aliens iypraliy work in more sophisivaled eegenizational sneonments. These ufone mea hie partis do uel says i 10 the thle a6 neganzs ~ tual prs To Level te eying fold, higher education unt : ‘Succanyfd multiidise! ——ececre more partuer-iccom linary projects requis reodative in hiss ie operas, ‘ypeniiess to tearing, ay Raber‘ dowel Sal come wall ca ar cesire to create MY paces GL righor educa beomering importing SRM ger shears " syncs unl change ta anesaue innovation, are eleva eee eee te pases that cauts across the reais, ‘hie wil reqviee te contribiasors’ domains. feng einer aa proucols im higher education goth It auur> plishls ad eupable of crossing beundariss Inty the commits. Fur exumsie, weeny aw unvotily alaset rece 9 aura service gtua bocatse it idl aot have ammechaisen Ca tisferrug grant funds to aeigaborhoed asevtialiaes. st 5 nance intovert on by a tap unestsly ulficil eomepeled the tnversty's budget afi to exe allocation system, the chy suuking “ael-necded “Lads zvailable (o the commas. Fev thar pa. Ligher causation purrone ean Taye dilfculy ‘working wun the resTiy coutesls oF cosa He. They an vot alays zept ut roamondang 2> tho dymzmiss ul eommunity polities and the rind ebodlees the eaegge whensver Tova Dinjows take place, vspeviuly when diverse wom.sunity purines actor grast funda ate bivalved, Vocvlty sal ard deus ea feel disoiculed ser: qunjest phi Gncag tinesensvs esearch agendas! ave tccuseled—evsn compere oF iti : iho br political anor rset reno. In afScum, tighor sanearon pastasis May not feel “at ercr earumunily parla Pally reeagnine nr anprecat hr dle Inge jae feammntnty work amore many acaeni rospancihiie, espe Sally hey are old thu thoy ure not uel oe a avalos ag fnmenity pares sould "ky. Allo thisean ble cul, te and sha enthusiusm for enying in paulucehips ‘vet, calumaning partnerships rpresan an enor putt to aserstaing if higet elacatign. pastors reals th set aide “Hose conceal Tes, nalead onthe pars ies aeourded by ‘yoring colishoraively Ws cuuanity seving.e-raming higher ‘ucacion vouuraoniry partnerships 48a fora of mulilisiplinary selilarship may help i his aegied. Sucoessiol muraizciplineny Tenfact require pemessce leaming, 2 sll abu desi to create Surulling moran, sali, al eae Mat eae across ths ‘sinhulins' dustin, Mkiseplinary prospects are Bute it ‘ue partner ornate tine Ub wil La is ul ahnved sense of Femenaibilily and commer, Partne’s must be et lusinsic tibout bring aethe ible; ve tive datouing se: dw wea iors muiple perspectives; and hs carafe. .o creating Sone ‘hig tage. Higher education-commmutite emgagement ac border crossings Ligh edneacion-acammunity patneisps can cvelye in nike lrestions: abu desineian, mapped ne rome: Neo wt palsy fl diswvory, nderaken i # joumaey of Alsoeore Star ota 2003), Parineships pacetaken With a predstoncined deslizatit tenet fn on mallers ob executiva, The i ciserete aged, ‘x partnens decide a1 mesa ant onda, nd then Work oEetber we gel lic job dnre ina cisktivnted mine. Gia Fasled wor fn done this ay, At sae aro dhs nagstor-utiz> orospecls of ‘urlixaships apne aru out, which our geanlzes see 6 Weta, Stren leur I.ating, tha takes one er Bon partners “lu a Ines place” in how they think bul wala eaggs: in them svork br anor Likely 1 feu shen pratensis ae anderen as pa {Whe partie ship aro ecrsidered a x jouraey. Uke hearing is nel abenye peesphiued uy eveu taicipated. Tho parmershin hs ve besouf what i uscomplished in proj work, Diss F somes fina hing al se table by intern, wath people ith ‘eto they so splealy eas in cuntuut; hy c0-abors ing sa. Jelut projecin cha ey ait ust uuciatah ether; and by Facing siues, soon, and bee wt nal reuibe jit sualysis and resolution, Ia ver weil, partners nd shonselso# in new bith. acy simmtions, ard romstins in roe rele Ost steteh thom. This nate soy thaca peta af Alcor Fx autarati= cally tuner mative, or sxanule,partmetshio werk say wpe ert am eiretiow Ws elaborates fam a ingley For eer ihe eduertan parma. Whey uty rexel eut te coum ‘ramon leretufo.e viewstanly ac reeareh gajcers— inviting Ihet to Hoenine enluhuralor in desugnng a cnunnanity 44 Wha anpacl mile Ihis have on mvs endeavor? For some, i wll have linlo er no elle, Vor ollsms, the sapeuieus. ‘prop quvstions shou. uke Fandamental tame af research amd Ihotr i sho! pnseed, sls emaving enpnes ety Wane med acholuy puawtins fang wy af thing abou! eugigeea asa pay 0°. sary i to aoasider irae feumdatyernssing ito io drain oP “the nther—inks the kigher eéacauon culate fol Comnnnity raugrs al fate Ihe eramanity cults for higher ecuen.iot patios, Being volved saa buick wussing is 9 paane fr inate if forthe redness com Fe matintional leurs seule uf ats peng, aliering i pusiely. When thir hagpess, the chrechold of asrarenses i ‘bisa inetmenally a the spllight shines en eggs, ie seneeily leafs) ns # means re alloviereackustments fe prt sas who tesor ago in ther hae fustvations a8 “ue pone Ising bees Uausiaed hy their permership experionces. Fe sample, “ighercnctian peers ty sta king dl “aoa eime deadeuale mares ane contoa iste wth eon all inlined sllengues. Conrsunity partes ee trades in azeney work tla Pas besh wind snecceetilly in pasmersis work, stay tr realises eve ostiy uuu siTeagrs nd adnate, sions toe Ade sarciag enim dialagne desesihed ad ime sing ns Paitin af Enggnert acum coemuuity parnceshyss at 9 ational tasdan leame af FSICT gros hips eduvaiva ant ca munity partes xu sah texm—organired “Pawar and “The ‘Table camer ul Un.venily-Cunurnaits Paruashiga #33 Nim kd a exeting ch Ihe 103 WIC. Kelling Malin Ferd aid Saviciy Netwsekiay Coufeeence in Toustoa, xcs." ‘Our tines huavked potions mended the conrne—sehom

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