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ERIC EJ1096806: Robust Research and Rapid Response: The Plum Pox Virus Story PDF

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by  ERIC
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Preview ERIC EJ1096806: Robust Research and Rapid Response: The Plum Pox Virus Story

Rodust Research and Rapid Response: The Plum Pox Virus Story Theodore B, After Felice €. Bridger Tames W, Teavis stent Unverisa eyiet steal sig emespcusion rabof ter sakeukies a syns hi pein Thay li othe sri Fo ba zp eon ave price eiggrd ik te pel gator counties they snr, etbiem ls neil tia pen Shyacsren ly Tosa on acen| tal os ereoreEe! Teapot lpi ate at wen re una eae fn! std pel» ne ten o- = Nok Shneecun Slow Fit anes Woke, he penebis sat ones kal aniviraly marr, cnsion Z4SEhy mt Socvvi rasta ies oer pid and tik fad eevee socty he ve we sageste 10 Cegageren ers hep dem nolvo nant este peepee for eo waces ois bai. Those wei Frisby cri een 9° ps 2 open al Eotalkyandpigg ant acre nodteeior Bac siren fing monde sry snl alist, actly are led For pnnsmng eesecn al the expense uf caching, for conducting researc Ih is d= Fomevtel jon Fabsickt oroblems, dal er weeryeMe one thoul canvor salvameemest Than sevdso Uv he oumnsniy Admirals ate alse uraer fice iy pistes, ucts, an parvatsecrplan abut sing eae, lage Laws sees, and Igo of foconmabiby. Other eles eoaypaia Wal ineitanrs ol high Feseting ave losing Une eense of efis pucpese al heen, ccommerefal eoterrine taal fer vay ks nae Fem tbe: wie temps in he rts pan titel Sasing 9 Ow Boots The bags Dt sion the Kathe Commnseion an he Vet ef San | Ci Tinwetsizes (1085 ange thet thse ang aber erica a'> etl i tie poreepan thal univrsow ave tof kal. abu te Na tte eae tn ‘Whether fe oF rol, Mee it aideprea percept the ar sors re not mecting impor sical aed. As the Kelas Conibsies 1709 2 pl i, lhe endl tat Ue arn Unto ea persion tha, despite nears and xpi all bleu esau, ous unk score wel bn ‘het tba om len prohicer it Coenen These critiosrns have yeuezaked a fry ol stiily su eam ne the cab. BONS are underway tel anny ps ivi Als necwsary vomits deciuuste moviety toy Nov 2998) nivarnoes ae susan culty sles aa) ress ta enotnmge scuclusti that recs bet pofessivnal und public nes fsa ox of 200, sual (ae in arowing erst ia ‘resting resenvch agcns au models the w4diess cuical soe ‘veuunl. political, unl enim imentl sues (evar a Cent aot of these aelivitics 1s part of » Brondes maven 10 ddvsion new and radnscive cunuetions herwecn the waiver ind ite publi. Lu place 0” wadidona’ ta. uf extension and oate reuuh, exis new approach is erickere Ty hat Uke Relig Cocuuissiva cals engagement, hilt It Uefigen ap ecm on 2 taching, reseash, eae, amd aarviee lives #1 swoys Mad cable ives Ges theo “more eprplhctiealy and preduervoly invelved veh thar eammanitss, Howeser ontmnlty mie be detined” (ey Cina Fon of Bate nd Feelront Cave GR, 3, The ecgagnone dea ie profoundly dierent eon Mie wo. ‘way tusk of knowledge ad '—vechnolugy ther has clonal sens is a ssidespretal — gharsetticed univeriy-hosed cut Whether flr or nes perceyrion thet om sad andextonsien Engsgersent Fs universities ure nat hated. on. ie explicit rasogrition imewting impuriant nt the pwobler3 and ise cme wocletal neods.” framing Society are se sommes and invose vo ming AiNeseal groups a thar we mosh ap beyond aera rielices to renter inlenetve Telanonstipy with our stkchald, Th duo, the voncopt af eugrgedtent vas host mone clea argulaid in Urge ie prac. lu Wis ani, we hope 10 lake a sop uowart idging hi wap To do 80,2 bgin Dy telling A aoiy that af “is vlince score unrerratkable, but hich as Jmporton. lees3 t0 tack svt howe universities can b rene rachetvely engavea wilt the pose and. cereuumilios they serve “Vhe Pa Pox Story ike sore oo all emis on “Penn State imple hua poss denesorrg discus of aime Tach tons fits am geaches, las, neceines, ane mows mented a pan 1 com te with grenwers The pluan pu vue vas “ust ci and pride thems Coveted i Bulgsiny pura in Witt consinally TS. AU dist, the disase spread padeded dafoomation lusty, mikiug is way nothwrd sont detection send ugh eastern Earope Plan pow began tn apred mere sickly afer 1980, reathine Germany ID 1B, oe Poland and asi 1961, une iy 1970, an Sproa aw LE 1992, ne vine ind gas fll in the Ween Tels, Sphere ae dotted ia a ara fn Cie ‘Lin he a 19905, pln pon, asf lo Seuth Amica. In Gakcber 19, seve a farmer in Aghuas Com, Pease fia, nevibac soni ua yuo on an Exsore peach, Slmnse fenaediney ¥ leat oF sogntiay end exkunivn educators Gan ean Ste Uuisersity (PSL te Pearayania Depart Sgr flue (MDA, sed the Vnied Say Depansnt ut prcubae (USDA boys developing a sltstegy for elem} ing the vim rch eteaing Ingrown and hexanal enalcliag isda: TBeems: letiug fer the phe: pos viavs requires eo Jess the ree avaiable wo exauuite poor ally fected cent ts Tall 1909 wus very limits, Normtheles. Te rosea We a fine wo collect simals (Gem 218 qrchords. OL these, 1X were found rhe positive fr the visa, Over Me Few hree yeus, su vey tees Jtom the EDA and the TSDA stunsled 4820 Tht ‘reluds throughout Pennsylvania cect “amd thut vver L000 sorce were ineted with phim qx vue, Usortunately, the only tray Fe gomio e vies shy bumiry sed removing tae intact CCoeu thus Lt, ver «30D axes have hewn dsebged, and by $3n63 onty seo cava teal pesitive for pum pes, ad the umber of iuleted ees duped tna leaf just pore eradication offars.”” While tie research tenn were wsareng for feud noes, scloti au ealeasia edwetrs tia Perm Sate fiend Ee effers om edtoating Fit yrywers, homensesers, td relied indnstrie about Les practices Yor mains the vas, Fey in De tsi ther> weno saesorea aus Lott the ete Peamsslvan Peach indusiiy was vuiry un he dostaved sth no compe rau Tr tnt er alu Ta eg hese comms an folate sonporeion with researc esas, Pena Site mplemsried Dla tu csnunients with peowersaciut the ty aad provide thon sith erating ups information eh etastion nd cecuistive eff. 1-2 Callege ul Arion! Seientsy suche 2 compichensive plus fox sins We site thd prev east Updates suc the plum pew sueves progrese it Ihe aumbor nF mbeted acres Pecas Stale md HDA ineiied Eiewands anedalits lw purtsipats ina yrapasiv-e ue plan pe ani recount sone tol avatagics, Th es. lting fact shoot dese ho th oF plum pox virus novldide, wl disuse: th eaten shit of L vitamin PeusssDeauia AU ut eis éaeration se amp duenlea al ube eectings colduvted hy exteision educons ihrontont dae sate caving the wine af LIM 2000. Those See Sonat pmivude wcltons” apgcelaites ter eget te lal swith extension secs abu.t the vim, let abou, Lie fist sheets td te We aus. gal” is "oxuaianant the lated eval revas iothe fight sal plan an, Luval exle:sion agents alpy Fite one © coopetativn vei dereoron a4 eraditoneffor4 TFs wae key sine Bn cas weve rstwally eluctat Is desigy the Hveltined Prieaaion guns “olper PDA sutvey wackers lacate tetas, ama tro stacecheut ndivual zpos, This pera tne allevistead uch or e'> resins she PLA nurvey wevkets anion heres ave ancvanlesed. 5 fact, only oe urewer rofsed 19 llow = PLA survey worker an Li penser. An sem ia Ui smanee, ‘2 local ealensim sem patted o wallet Ie spl, To help suse pies tensa the ie also the plum om virus, Peru Sale Rul, eesion eats, md usm Een spew ts enemerated 19 ano’ ven Fit deve.ibea the lam pox vir eradicat un propsam, The vdeo al ihsstated Te eutineal url sesneunie apuets othe disses thicugh inc ‘views wiM gorsers ng cary own, The We wi thew Is growcersaradropressnmmese fer the eal sere ull lasts fad gaveramer! ayes, ne phar era poured, compen heen an ieqgeranl sGe. alfoted gives wote nar eempensled, they thked temedieLnancal nin A ft ths ed poser Seas slut t oumicer ay ir a eqmpensoion yroEra. ‘Weeline opel, Pon Stas fas, lea serio. agen ane ors cove on ina USDA to atop it Thin pussy, is fs af kit it Uno Sk. ~piyking tagethen Greate fer fe sladd pene peti osoje she ene eoms frome [Ort economic peut Penn Seite faculty oral extension Dy Tho U.S Curgress appzupriee owen. and greens $12.4 aullion “or indetuilfesvior develned am tutes pesrenaco comet Cincer einen fflenfion pugean Dram, le Leder gosvemaueal py 100 end rovineedd sie 85 poroest uf the yahoo af rernvaal sneen Tov totnining IS pesecal is pid“ hy the sls government ~ UMD wo slope it” Lessons Leena “The vrotlnated oti iv aval Ee yl pos wis shows fet ualorstis can addiess the pvretica!pohlers Ean aut staked ia rape serie se" They van oo 80, hoe ‘eve, oaly Wt tha fs at uepanizavianal specie und vullg® O> eich ezyagement, On 2 3ete 0. our expen sith ‘lina pox virisy #9 hve idea foot actors thal ae essential Tratigelive exguge-ronr hese iulude: (294, mission raeminaty (2) de eaisrenee uf pustuestips: ¢5) onganizalical Cealilit fd agility: an (2) aero. Aso mentetiys Whe. Susi. Moni and Abra Linen steel th vnvvorsiy yet, Ley eavickned a sytem af rsli3 Hat vould be aye thy Sener nf higher eosin “These instetivas nonld ake orabrocs ny wouutuent 1 the oul ant orig be alse rp anc! ise, bath eran vali ar insu level, all of Cause Hnvalvoi the pln pox salient efx, ec dav Wythe lasu-wra is ‘en ot ie service ae were using the hes acai 3 fades eiFeal ceil. ites, eae. Site Hculy asd exlecsiea gis re vouuited rn using umee-hase kare sree the ase fu indessy aad valve the ply poe eviin. oe Dil Nos salad tates ome aaacncat Ds the Pina and USDA were commize to wesing lage with Pera Ste [perl m0 seopersive exteasou agent to ein the ‘mast ond coopera uf rovers, Psthape he mose import a ealor of ths mitslon menvatcy was vllingness, wn the prof al frganratinns, Us share ero forthe eff soos, (ven the secaublue sakes inealved, t suuld have been tempting For any fone of the parmers shicthaedisiy ene were mins espa ‘le So: exaicting the vis, Thal tas de wot hanger sho tal fa semune commie the hind-srant anion ean he cali both itn sn yond the uaivesily anna io mony wana eine mee “tp tn fat ou atved oes Layee news Inu tee dw avin ltd gover Tae th igs well ute tor alec Sinloy be Fun nl ne SMA Wane ute wea bye sinuutp bern het tana gpoee es ee NUL tve ten fntoc Tey e seres Prevlead yon uot ayer ed css Guesiunt te motion oat oboe developing multiple ‘ter many years, PDA, USDA, Peas poinis of erary thal Ca Sie Cespuratve Ertawion, and be aly negted yar Baty dep he Ivseaicbotders ith Yucrgueainad hiker diferent fevels of et -nections pmivided the infrascmenare. a fadecpemetshepion fede ge er “ps cn bor wag ans avur oe {azo Be laa ps ate uae foo a wel ga ‘ation and sesouroas.” owoh and uel mote conflictual, Hsenue Ley vaganzarional Islatineipe ers asd ipl, nay’ af Me stnt-up se Cal mally seeumnpny ris emagsment wore uvuldd Organizational fecittny and pity: Pautacshes, while ipo tank ate ert thou of 4 zee ulm sulci eon Tor cfootive engagement, Universiios mu leo hw Bo insti tional capacity respond inzss una tlenib.e al 9¢fe man. ‘Amst imoed ataly efer the List poitye coals tr plu pus, “rere aunonnoed, the Jisseor oF Pann Stats Cooperative Rxaein dnd he Director athe Penmsaia SgroulmalRepriment Shee fon net ieh he depansmcn Roa, Tponlly. aad ealcnen agents Gust ano College ef Agrcullsl Ret soe and rnace am “om the spat” Uosision to make Wm por x enti "CPeating a emgenget ‘al priority of the highest ond station requires ‘And, pore raporkal. thes derided change at virtual (o ke an ened and subsian- ever level of the tial aeaTooation of eames 10 mbar the vias and dbvelop e€u- Cons! simegiae far gawors gn —- feymaers, al the publu. These deci rsallocates Faowsy and Sra me to Da phi ar sort, nl curate fur lo support ‘Muu pox wba cai extonsion qrogrammiag and urchan> Topsite sisi tesings-uigunct, BY deinton, snug tmniyetenes me responsive te chang tet ae THs intr Feguies Un cageniratonal capasiy quiring pus Cos ‘nul shit resources according Anwossinites Univensiten. especialy eee wssarch un-veriis, fav confinsirjplaes, Degpif he ve mous of jak maton and tapers sve parses, much of it remaiag insccendhle io vu. Slubebolders. ‘The ixfotmsrionsl ne educational. ceripaign "round ly combat the plum pox sieuseononstrates thal unived- ‘les can owale weshinisme aid provesves kt make. OOF fesourcey ove readily avilable Iw the mblic. he key 10 Increasing awoesibiily Tee in cleveloping cutkis.e pines of chny tat vau bs easly negatiass by suiksholders wilt Cent levels of sdacation aul rezomecx. nthe pli pom ontaach chit, fr nstanes, sakshelders were lle four ciativel. jel cevnplesseacac, ays useess intermaio about plum pox and the slits of tertng and cladicatim efter, Fis, extension agents nde dec! consol with geomet trvgh inva and sfoup ratings. Scecnd, the Nuun pos Wea sie pred re fs wit corstvuly updated infouvaton shout ase sts aT the dinense. "Turd, Petn Stare Teel ane extension ays devel pes eaeilyweadabe Ht sheet ane elec pablcacons io eds te pustic abnat +e pm por virus ari exphrn te Relig a ssdicetiny wept. Flashy 1 veo was pasluced tha, sri rized eae at te inirmeman gallate gk ater medi Camelasion Desplle the charg that ome h'gher education snshmtity ee cout af tench ith he pues Be pre" le plata cleuyulrates Ut -niversies su cave qsicky tm efoliely Lo dees emerging ies, The vnuninate mili ele plum pox Inilinve saved Penrayleamies skate sit vias ard ale the sprcad af the vim fo ater ste. the sucess ol Thi peje sas eu gs. Wea Faiament eagasstced earmieat ke ngagemer® ana sovi,reened ot 9% wl Pout Sia vers'y harcchod w ecrrshongive elf ur reagtvon cues ani coaporaiwe esieuson. Tsis iste ses om just vse oC nny ivory Hac ws ania ta: eenipied af tho uriersiy’s rise Oulroich is neve Sl a8 gta each, researc or vise The pla la eas aventealy ep ce uxi“ira al eile aesoutsen thin and exes eulrench nits sual dzadem'c vullyes, and due wo ia vay hase tes univers to adtossiugpestak tes nd eugge Db phe ie ina more coheren. aay ar wae privy postate. Tle use af he plan: pe vii Us cuaility rari Nal int iow ruil of foul and selenieu agen the existe 2 tungterm, effoetve porlursbips; etpaai.onal Dsebilyy ad ely i desis: raking and 2%9.40e allan: nd the tai ited accerssiity to expertise sn ff Eraton sealable fe ‘hal is mserent in stengthening univers comment re le ad wrangtha ings aniversity phrtorss and suppurls fix ongagemnonl Creating ge institu ou reqaies Shange al silly every ees! of he ungtsization. Mose in peraal, caange rst hs wrouled the welrstadiag sed Sekai of individuals fre 1809-200, pee in ‘Without Uelunsioml shang an ths pai of 1rany tidal fs fully ecibave eusovenert. The ingutane oP in this prncese caving by syevemsirsinn, at insiviewal oern ie bevanes eneatbaive, wegaicalionalleuaing hregi 1 ace. When thie happens. people devslap re way a srlting lo sacs uLeer ane lo orguizations ia tbe ager see CGrgauizonal learning leads to ste in he way a4 oases 6 ratrod el wade, ia eas obama alta al breceviotl worms a the values of the erganipanen. [lamataly, i thi cullual lvsLocugaou Dl wil sein lony-enus eR Relirerves Alle. rien a Oe Ui see Sestce. fied ple Br BS Inds Digg she Cah te Crp ocr Ly fee Wet he Mba Coops. Sigs anal Be Ale Tt "985 Teal pa tin fo punta ae ok og Be ‘ruil ed ensue! rnc Bape psc Sach bi scsep Fea Cin rene Dag Cec foley Fas end nim Crear. IN Gsnhing Be derweany ord wna ing ae ange, bea ied Boys, Hong fad Nw Kah HP To ds sie: Tepe Cates Pes year, ihe ASt8 Elaine H. Car, Dana EL TAL Seth Gacpcleh, owed 0, Heer, Pert Da Fhe Sus 8. Sire Ming ca tk. vo, Este Sait molten od of hose acy Leste atk oh ISCO! ella mins ot e Tale wf Seal Gia Cis Bho Rewari tera There eta eg, all sit sf St Use and LeneGoar abe About the Authors ‘thous Ale iether son 2 sessn shaw areata, fueatar af Conpeeatve eatin, nee do. Colle ‘eulanal Sienna, 4 Pear Blac Uinioaed ge Hi fretach al ech cr pose ro foal se nal Canebnty naan elie gu este sic ender peli ‘of hsgar bets ain er Conpsline Tgerstia al ou Ste Uris ty. Mis cl ands Fhcasee ou sees, suai earring, "ubhe ssp and anes sp Janes 6 fonen 2 peianer of paar parton i the gored Plane Paolo at Pou Sle ives. His Freench sie ueurea pgome ie thrid rn #opled Pot pthc tame rb ee ml we, ces rt fo itegrate post rmanugorird, uo eet Se

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