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ERIC EJ1096786: Engagement: It's about Them PDF

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by  ERIC
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Preview ERIC EJ1096786: Engagement: It's about Them

ree eee a erecta esas has a Engagement: It's about Then Nancy H, Balt Sharon Anderson ‘ack Payne David F, Foster Aheenel “ary abot Then” nina by Thai: Rete te sot allaion tobe conics efatine suiesgAes= nl Hheneverpie te eal set Fa Dts Kee Iie Char mitiog is oeamimel Fin accnnlxe of FS £00 flies om apsant Tee epee he her ga tw Slaps Aine see ivy Be gy apody cane eenlty ae Sousntsal Canora extples 0 enon Sox ig to nel the suru sate prea Tal te plats ealiston sf he aeveaepet (oe the fir fase 498/40 brvvafelankon ie vostnleed Pewatione rez ho anglayo exter gen micas end tna eal ating het 4 HES role rowear nd tess, Lins foun tons faming 281 Chunesl sitzens ts he esos of Hato viel be Tie tims for eveeoa, Does tion have ke 2 13 Som fe adopter! expr mse! Uo a Saerespeade ob onvagal besiet eure reread Tteodesian poring the 200% National Hxtersion Diroters ead Adiuiststors necting, David Thudets, pcsdent of| West Wiginin Univenily, delice enpagertont ay IC about harm.” Presideul Haetectyryifies universe prusides arose Tre nation, whe values Je wecusisstions ethe Hezurniag a2 ‘ine Roots report ieee Comoe 200 Foe Ue geal streogliwning Ihe isiuciais. Does extopon hare the euurage fcener. foc Ihe inpanden oxen wus bo aa ineadepees gaged exenls-Sns enduy e-ganization? Tsang en "tan" defines what anes th Hand grt anie senile a stom 3 publi igo" exusation exrmectod lw the nad uf the see, “he basis phTosapy of exltosion i the 82 oF publi dotlans fur the public goud ‘Tie sision af extension is fh enharoe the aublie Zend Ry pulling hupwledge te xevk Te economic ave eemmumity deveoganeus thal xesulls a a fined quality of Lis for all citizans oF # sexe. Resensiir vubysinns ate enrcenly exarniviag the neuainy of engage ‘eont irate Hein cole and insiuinnal pris Engageinet meine genuine lining ly people either secant carers seruss The 30, forthe parpose cf solving ecmplen Susival pesblen, -sans building plas wii fhe nti Tutiom cist the Liaolins o*toiching, ressareh, ane autench amoug an army? of aculeric wits to cout wk te exseveay Fer if peuple, Engageme t's manaformaxiraalIsamin that Rectisss aendcinie rerources un compe issues of the sate such, fa amspostaion, Lied ne amd peep ax refer The Fume tor Hstersim Tnlension engages ciizens fn 2 paces uf Rfolemg loarsing applied nna wie anay of couleut aes, Mesrll Bie’ onde 200%, 172) challegadl exteusion to thin ef progam as als ‘oF pioeese wens vmlunl ;PfeDeweit 2001), Enleusivn education Fucuses on four coiapnnenis; serves, conteal namie cy, fei iloiou, end ranaformatisaal leaning, Sevies low proces a Tess vauea, uc sll fing wh no educational compar =n Corrant trmeaissin fs low process but igh cout vt ole is ccommmamly cefesed lo ag tashnalogy rans, where & yearn uel ay fe [a comes & Tune problem rea an suaswer Husson is high "Bnyiageuens mesons prec as Iewe enone: 1 gene stoning 10 people, Aeaen ved publ polisy taining, where vol erther across rimiais or Palsy talhing, were vole rrevnss the suarte, for tke Grcotive eens. of puopose of salving comple oocds and. comission, swclecal problems.” “Tranetorrational leering, = high vente und tigt process that ageus wren reonle alr with solving their prohlea sth a hoo vel Maclean Sle" fn kom yours ame wha wuts my be takan tn airel dhe Lace coutee oF devslopment, Hg sind tue resulting acholaahip 07 oucoach weeur hex proves ne contre are bath high ei thacsermationg laraing, How wll this orovement ovvand expand tufa national lasing be seca by eitizene involve: ih extension? ‘Whar ll ealeasion bee 2182 Will thee be greuke= eagagement wees: Ie hr Si wih clzene ane, i my, “Yo effectively iavalve all how voll thal cov? Wil ipteresie® gt, fil ssuctiow explosees partici, megs nd onooutae Fe Caen hae Pee with ceived sx compelilus, develo fhinking oussiete the felsliected Towing, mauen~ — praveriad ber will wore bs, or ervey & COMRIMNICE early define extension fntalys(? Will cxzensivn pe fouly provider uf veche'cal Information oF onguzed im == =~ hiarstormational Ieataipg In many’ ats. soastly ovelsing Tlow steve 6 | enhance the anteach ivission of lal pontine iho ns ia Heion af ensugerten sou the rreaulling <oholsenp ef uetsach, a6 defired hy Rayer’ ove ohotanthi Reconsird, Bayer Favod the schuluesip of dis eurers, inegraton, enplvationy aul teeing tour e=terin These writer For bet ker edge were thal ibe vals by peer review, enermanicaled ly & greater ealionoe recagnizac fd wed hy ullurs, In sytanainn, co hey ourieal and big pruvess uf anstovmational Ieuraig resus i ekolrship| progrinas in the foes," ‘seting Taken fa Move into tho Ieonly-Tina Century 11.2005, toate the salleuge uTeagagerencand ta dele ‘op the wcholuskip 9f cxteay-an, the noua extension sysieut ppoited a ninctesn-rnber ik fosce, of iy caine ragere tsore umnveasity leader slid wilt extnsion. ‘le ask Turce sy femelle visit far extesion thar conse the input of changing demogaaghiss, akunces im tohma.vey. ad Sovielal changan. The rolling oeamaent, 4 Piso! for he 2030 Canny (Eneasion Comminge en Dregne ad Potey 20025 fexaulace.shollongos fein extension i tne tat, the sepia tion ofthe Kellagy Cam-viesion's seven guiding ohaucleritcs of feugeuuat “or cxonsion, and reccuumenisints Th sates and ‘he nail syste, [Curent challenges. wt dln in 2 sion Je the 248 Cs funy, tha dave Uae lligna techeieal expert extoneion mevil inslate + the hanging face of America + lbalizaion + cara camity capoty and tality, + eomacuiles of interes! and plas, + infermaron taemolgs sd ‘Whar might he the impact of eco Mase “or moving te soa ta mone exgagot srs nse oa ranean Fearne? The te of devia igchenging fom agirg, meal oF amb ‘bu, sitive-bo'n, hilo and blak to anew tive of young, uk renin, and caikiculcsl. Exon ina Abstee atom of Saious types <n, all uf hon oe wis the pile al, sons, ad eet clause ache sor i steer the over hay geaoratinnal seca, sel ethnic sbognsly of the sale While not new comcepl tke caleage of Inewasing divsrsity Tas eves beck. gator Gabatiction aupaes that elated decisions ane. evests vovar wilh apis and sword itapacls. inerhurered res oF Irises avs beet altered with Ineal imp isanons ane sonso- tqueaces lor an intentopenden sunk, The caulsuge Lar estes, sana the eocuraplishmetns of partners, ard think slabal- Ivey aaing eal the maintenance aad dtvslgpmeny of espansy capacées ent sityiye ae een! as cormaies expecience Ue ss of exeno1 fe vilay, iaczusuuel re, polteal pox eae, aa seemed apts if bor urban and ruc aves. Spl ia suburban areas ‘eames lal se ven ting ma ne carrmuclty eon Exlemion prograns thrive when hulilie thing is used 1 sare ail and vance ins that ranks renin, lea Somemnity Gonos uf aerst anal piece are shure peuple live, ‘vk, and pny wll shete people whe have camnna iter is gutuer The ehillenge farextossnon is. sags tly coe mane of place wails eopialzing 9h ortomuntie af tse Inforortin ssotogy allows exleriem peugaecs Ia 3 une are of hugh sec ad igh touch, Programs oul ranks : E vat ast guiin’ . tan is secive leulrg, viioa “Tnk.ng, and prohles song, Ta oe lively aol all intors ed purset, Cin resouevs aul enee:raze ery adopters tile “inking onside the provern al hex ll tsi clearly deine esens.on projraas ine Zune (Crors its, and uncertain ceuakst with pia means and msscurily save bovoue comnionplice, The ullerye fur Sateqsion feta think ental ly, com ustotse erly ana net la sivoly while pvcauling public uaestadiug. Au conowalere of gpa aut haves dslherate we fnst oneal ar fae comm Texel Tr these in te tvem-few vunluny, eniveriies as wh ng ‘wags engage elzens in ste s naan as 1 evervome ewer Any salen. Ioyeguinemt vecant hun La Paes ute sate dra nellocled ia pgtanns and isan, when fhe a ganas ‘aipois sharod faazershia, an empluyoceare tod in he con feahta uP cugageent? and han sacking nontiaditiral re wusane ie rewrded, The vemplox orablems feund in mast agoets of Tile ace bool fovlved in loca’ cammunitie aso ‘steusion has 3 preasnee, TEatousion is ving, combing, warest-criven rsemzation, Hows extension Tilly alles the unique capavities of the itl Fou fo eagage Pie pit, raangrizes the ncenmyplishrsens a partner, and sues fou a sevive wl tubes expel oriet Ua Intonation learn ing will ubsirtely define its Tulane he woven guiding clinae Istaties oF engapernen: rs. Trewsedl hy Je Keaggy Cour tigen (240) ae nme Tl 1 “Kngegencen mes being the mechanisra ta Listen 9 real needs thd nove estension ‘o the fatwe, fen 10 reach avwss the ‘These sharastrwtios acho inatitution to Bring the eatunt uf full eugavesteut —resonnees do proslemts.”” lar ealengon.seross the mi ty aad vith coupes, The geting charerrianes ae reeponsivenens, resper. for pacts, academic aourair, Eecoasbil te, itopration, enor tren, am rasurce pinletstip, Cac of the seven chareerates Tc th stocesstn! anpagemert et erizena in eompg len al Teva he etined fey 20) + Regpensivesos Ketensivn, lueoupl i neework Af coma finbnsed corres and nfiess, conzecls poople with ideas fan eonoopts thn resi in ae! age + Respect for vortices Sova, new pAIHeIR TAro4 shusiay Pedr for uecouplishmanse as well ye egullan tee of Sal and nine resouctes acureone weaartiyy, The riasion 9f excemsivn. tn eae [people ieap:0¥s oi ven a eauumaniies trough sam fag pietinps that ate Rnowocss Lb ail, ea ‘ina n'y in an aimespcere of academic nora. hi reutrtig allows poole ty mi ified cciees Dt 09 tor thes lel sitaston + Accrsitiiys Txhusin’s presenes ji Jocal eomimanitoe rivides cateenient accessibility x the ‘ewoweleds awed "apertiae thal resis with he landogrt usiestyy esto, The tence bat esanged avevsaility ad howe poole sec. and acess inferamation “Quiliy, Peach bas on Toscereh is aed ny wake e1Raaied changes come + integration, The neds ad challsnges ved by indvihals And eommmunilcs wither segregate sou disp" lines mee fon ctu 16 the Ferachisel stetos ef cnivoriliss. Eugage nest moans beiug ths mecha: to liste tater" nseds and Ther. fo 1eae i esti Webring esac ack Goer: Usteanion has a hestary wLeounliaig a yr iad af progrurs and stiles, Thoerging complox local FBsues require aid a etensve tanking, & wun Coroner edueaky’ might bring “eyeihcr anivoriy-baned prograbis in landsvape ateitcohie, ser mae. eo manent, abd aquatic patholugy wh + foe waters seociation, hvnaraues, ana iven iia to lies the ipl af ie 8% il eseutvo parterchien. Pall sogagemet implies an expectte fiom tht al parnsrs hive Heal, fmm, or intellectual Tessorees s eontibule rant possible alli & eraney- sed exteasina ecuenter eight bring an fdox azul isl reowees ten sampur-haacd cally member ta support che vile aa yuaiats-tudenl cong ucting applied rca, 4 Bess ten a praginr is erainard agai the seven ebueseterie. ties, he poraplity uf soln ol sven step of eapagonient i Deller ualastood, Rar any given pin.caa,Lecusing oa the wok ‘of engugeman: provides the nruclure sr evetung ths oom Tithing uvoded To solve eeagunto"s axoblea.. Pel of the suse tore ie hase the voucos uf people sre teard and value ir Ibe eLgageuscul prouss, ‘mow hares va ee everything stat ok ke a [ea 329 tea, the harmmer orcs perfectly [wee this, but i omy adoato fos outs. The eases af eyengement shad bol be appt am fll peng. There are pegs wont Ube feanceats cu bu applied wth grout suuso%s. bgayement ie akon ‘cueeting sith poapla,evsting esa a eal, bea wen ble, icentfyng end ling cemmutrey-based sso Age Jag us Use university resent, sea vuln posers ‘The Nout Dukes Rural Lewkashin Mode ‘Te beer tndersand the sovon guiding chassestsies. an arulysis ofa peagraie maou sgaingl the seven hanes ig nasa, While the-e steamer esate ane national evteae sion leadesship progrunss. Kuril Leacoes up, New Dakers ABEND) ie ansiversity wide roe year protic Zoe Rue Dak Lu tian eo sal He euuke u diferonee in thoirentamniy avdioe wegasivarion, RUDY mission is Tu prepare aul dovelep ‘fetive leaders lo stungther. nual vavimunities."T12 goal of the pangs are leare a noheonk o: people lee Hen pari Spun skill, improve the que.iy of hf participants aud thet ryan oF comma ana juspir's pteipans la work w- seilicmple'von.u projet The perfumes oF KLND is meas against “Zo seven chavactsuies t@ doleaine the exten ut erwagemen Responsigenesss The sezence af Ee HIND pvt eau Lu ‘eanmuntien-expresing Us eomcesns tothe SDSL. tension Rarvies, Sie Road nf sprientnve Reseas? aud Educator raembers (SAKE), NUSU, ane stale cglluons, ‘Ihe cene eousee of mo lack of peepla willing, ass: Wadcaaip rele. sre tho resling leadeship. ose in euariumitas. Nocde expcessed sets tor sen lsaders vou with exis Teer, saeturae responebillys al ly conte epporitioe fae NAP Digentnas in their tent and arias en held Tewdesbip pie Hone and ty socaivw xclesship ining. Surtmg 2m 201, 1 Joseph Chapman, pres cane of NST at Sbatou Auten, deste, NDSU Eatonsnon SHARK ta respond Resnect for Pariners: Vhe REND progtam has» feoteey wee D ee nena uf ditto, sith each board meatber rguniznion thas perverig with REND ‘Teese include eu Association oF Counties, Asiuialion ef Rural Fectrie Coon tivoe, Department eFenranetee, Lille Assembly | ousue of Chive and Jus Dovelogment Authorees, A termenmber design {enim eatking om Ue som vrivulum, as timelivasd ana FReeaing toma making derives Gt expect Cae neva aud intr ois af all Adciional paras Faelude the NISL Collages a Finincea, Kaueatien, Soerolvgy, ahd Coulimirg 1:ducation (Ompaennagasa netsh eden, Aeerdenie nentoaiyeUaberoal is the KLND eu ‘emis novelty, PRtive lpaers neck emt yvvounation onto Sides ofan tauoe le inutens ther vaderstonding_ Various pects been foe aro pessrted iy satefperis lo heaton ah chaleag heir king and devisinn-mada, processes, RLND paren ipsnts ane asl search sa piesa inoieatian on yatous Troi (bm present opperaumies Ta tex levgring ane aeepe: sandsrataning Accessiity: RIND. paci- sii aa ‘Do eificens percehe the forsal extension aafiioe as @ pace fa have punts ace individuals who wart fa yaeskion ausiere (remote 4 lam about tem- a place ta effees Ses, ensr organizes, Cas ano ip nga?” esti. hve, nal, ard i cin Sued, howe ate fnividuals {eho inv tins ane ener in he progr, ia ave ue (0 Uronoring. hem pexpctiros, and wlio wet by ofits Be venir nr Sond aka te zene int prosper Fasuky Comm sto fe sito ate ae ed in lunsiag and teaching. AB eb posits uke poreention oF RIND gun, ne Lats meer to euring ivvled Inteerdons Farge maui pokcspve 2 vals ina Share thls expertise wa Cio RUNS) patie pants ad He fottas dialer umvong ths participants. Thin rey cou inn hei tees ad approiatins. salty and ala SAK en peeciponis um rir eorammnily v7 anganiztena Mojees by make “ral-ime” cwuetions tha inka Fac ‘ith ama wrt. Over Lene, ew eneuich pes ral ane ree ing scholuship wil evolve, Coondination: Tue RLND progteun works wis zumeruus enti ties aoc0g9 2 arFvereey andthe tat tn ring a aad spect nf espertiv to eocapls lot paablens Resonice Parwashipa he SDSL presadent eure fang the RIA prow-am dcecor pasion an she Bxteasion Services liv ng te ais mag ol hal tm edinnive seer ‘Other porns coubibte tel vey sera ut eluer Ue boa of sto or the design toa. These parr have iristed “i {wT ign apes Ue REND prognan y spensering n sc fu mal, providimp the smninar mosting Worn, or waMitirg Financially te th pga The Poteusial for Other htersion Programs Althongh the REND rogram appeu:s Un meet the seven aauiday chixselesisiog, the leug-euns pao? ul ze puograa a ‘ranstormorional leery te yet wo he used ‘Winuld exseneioa pograms in ther ceatent areas, wen aratyzed auainat the oaga yemert anode, alse: Loud to wanstor aeasioaal leataingy Engagement iz aban shanging pereeplin oth imernally and estemully. Tis ukoul vomverting the exer ‘un anise leone the eonespu of Waasmitiry coatent sea the ‘mnt apant te the client, inte a model of enengomect as ecual preimers iu De solving of ceseplcs prublaus, Ezysguueut is ‘sending tho exlensivt precoss vend the trailimal havo of ‘eugsus to effective'yinteiare the greorer instiwution and the ‘To eozalut an analyis, several cuiraneporeeptians ness bo addressed. Ftonsion will ned la risuncusy gxunino waster eupie regard es oxgaaivatia 38 4 pate of a8 oly su ile Dernlent sapere vider nf teuhmiee! snformative. Lis etirene Perceive le load valstsion alice as pig wo lave i geste swered or plage ui eff errranuny chase! he tational Technical expect foous 2cay have eansed estenson to LiN ror the: arty tomato nator. larg xtensisa Ja tasttineally sors in tor pga ave rgvlnfnure und natal ronsazec, family ond eusturne ian, A commonity esaess and wooHOMc dfevolopetene ‘hs four base peagrums might he th orgaization’s Achilles vel uf the Lglurs +f those sopra. acca exea Ihe 9 bunt erie doce sco a rrewepliva af hited oontene willuul a high doqrse of pruvias Jlereens to happen, ss.ersion mips! exaraly uous on only the sce eampnaent as epansed aa blapor wit come easels on aed Fvilation lout ty the ultrcte eoal of tasatovma- toms Iechig hosed 3a enguggmenl, Can eee estemion pr (fatten integete che eoauept a srgazemea, aud inn, seven «a0 yal alles Cvangy oul comics Guo lesnstivmatonel seaming? The current Earn heween the celuy eal experl mode] and recaezeuaeltindel i examined far each af Be Zour tion Progr ates. Fy aggicalute anal mara sssourees prugeaus, te expe rmedel is deeply iigained snd) works well, the comple Fesnes of kane tse offer au O¢pavtaniy fre prugesens 10 Fe aided the seven ehavastonlice of engage em Inthe foaily ard eousuuaer sefonees prog. tte ae example of lh the expt model ering well, wy i be Familyant Coremumits Education Peogram, a: the engage tment of curmmunity agencies in pivelding, suppl Tor a coraque target ancien 4-11 youth development prograans, volun: Lees i developed wid contents assent. Che euyagem is being developed in techaology based progras 98 resources aut shared ad parmerthipe of aduts aad youtas eval, I wumatmnity revousces anal economic eyepment alan, rere is # me 9° ball Ie expert andthe exyngsment ride Comimarity resuutces and eeur une deveionrment pst offer mnique cpjertuncies Zor reaniryfil public engage snt Felling i tae focused earn ‘One expe of a abuug engagement ude at ith Ce proms thatthe tl of rs Lal ea cesnonofiee era sil in s38 Aevlepet of the euaauuly, “he coualy exkasion edavaloe funsiders the srength of the lcal Ieatersip hase. Levers ate eqaninled with The uapaeity of thet: het ytaus anivsrity 28 a pute, © sherad wii is e-eusd For Whats happen. ease Fina road anap For progress Tar Poke Le seve ating cha Tha die teal norke uf efctive ermmrauily change acter begins

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