Zooming in on children's thinking How a number line app revealed, concealed, and developed children’s number understanding Steven Tucker Jessica F. Shumway Virginia Commonwealth University, USA Utah State University, USA), <[email protected]> <[email protected]> Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham Kerry E. Jordan Utah State University, USA Utah State University, USA <[email protected]> <[email protected]> An investigation of how an app can influence children’s mathematical learning in different ways. Suggestions are made on several aspects teachers may consider when selecting apps for students. Teachers increasingly use virtual manipulatives cards or drill games, do not include VMs. These and other apps on touch-screen devices (e.g., iPads) types of apps lack the interactive visual representa- in an effort to help students understand mathemat- tions of dynamic objects. Apps that contain VMs ics concepts. However, students experience these may provide a variety of affordances, including apps and their affordances in different ways. The those linked to positive effects on student perfor- purpose of this article is to inform teachers’ deci- mance: simultaneous linking, efficient precision, sions about app implementation in the classroom focused constraint, creative variation, and motiva- through discussion of four case studies illustrating tion (Moyer-Packenham & Westenskow, 2013). ways children interacted with the app Motion Research suggests that mathematics VM iPad Math: Zoom, and how these interactions revealed, apps use influences student performance (Moyer- concealed, and developed children’s mathematical Packenham et al., 2015; Riconscente, 2013) and understanding. These results suggest that mathe- strategy use (Baccaglini-Frank & Maracci, 2015) matics virtual manipulative apps on touch-screen while certain ways of accessing specific affordances devices can be useful tools when thoughtfully may directly link to performance and efficiency implemented. outcomes (Moyer-Packenham et al., in press). However, research also indicates that children Mathematics apps and virtual access the same affordance in different ways, with manipulatives some access changing over time (e.g., Paek, 2012; Tucker & Moyer-Packenham, 2014; Tucker, An abundance of mathematics apps are available Moyer-Packenham, Westenskow, & Jordan, 2015). for the iPad and other touch-screen devices (e.g., Highfield & Goodwin, 2013; Larkin, 2014; Choosing the right app Tucker et al., 2014). Apps are generally defined as Educators evaluate apps to match children’s applications used on any computing device, often understandings of a concept and intended learning specifically touch-screen devices such as tablet trajectories, while also considering the apps’ PCs (Gröger, Silcher, Westkämper, & Mitschang, technological appropriateness. For example, during 2013). Many mathematics apps contain virtual app piloting, some children focused on overcom- manipulatives (VMs), defined as “an interactive… ing technological difficulties rather than learning visual representation of a dynamic object that mathematical content (Rick, 2012). Ginsburg, presents opportunities for constructing mathemati- Jamalian, and Creighan (2013) proposed cognitive cal knowledge” (Moyer, Bolyard, & Spikell, 2002, principles for app design that are applicable to app p. 373). Other mathematics apps, such as flash selection, including mathematically appropriate APMC 21 (1) 2016 23 Tucker, Moyer-Packenham, Shumway & Jordan content, use of appropriate models, and appropri- In the app, students use touch-based interactions ate physical interactions. Sedig and Liang (2006) to navigate the number line and pop bubbles to call the appropriateness 'distance', referring to place target numbers in the correct empty spaces the gap between how children understand how (see Figure 1). This interactive representation is a to act upon the app and how the app requires type of “idealised number line” (Kirby, 2013) that students to interact with it in order to demonstrate was not possible before digital tools (Carpenter, understanding. Children may have difficulty 2013); in this case featuring changeable scales demonstrating their understanding of the math- and fluid movement to navigate the number ematics if distance is too great, but children may line (Zhang, Trussell, Gallegos, & Asam, 2015). find tasks too easy if distance is too small. This Initial app levels include mathematical and is akin to applying Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal technological content appropriate for second- Development (1978) to interactions with grade (Year 2) students, and mathematical content technology (e.g., Murray & Arroyo, 2002). becomes progressively more advanced. Within Thus, maintaining appropriate distance is a key each level, animals of varying sizes separate inter- component for learning while interacting with vals between numbers and can be simultaneously technology (Sedig, Klawe, & Westrom, 2001). visible as a reference point. This analysis was part of a larger study that For positive numbers, the animals face right- included 100 children, 33 of whom were in ward, for negative numbers, the animals face second grade (ages 7–8 years old) (see also Moyer- leftward, indicating directionality on the number Packenham et al., 2016). Each child participated line, rather than quantity. Users swipe or drag the in an individual video-recorded clinical interview number line left or right to view numbers along that involved interacting with mathematics VM the line. Zooming in or out requires bringing two iPad apps chosen for their age group. Researchers fingers apart or together ('pinching') horizontally, focused this analysis on children’s five minutes of which decreases or increases the intervals between interactions with the app Motion Math: Zoom due visible numbers accordingly (e.g., ones, tens, to the emergence of distinctive patterns in chil- hundreds, etc.). This study focused on learning dren’s interactions with this app. During this part rather than timed practice and thus did not use the of the interview, the interviewer offered support optional needle feature that would pop the bubble for interacting with the app as needed but avoided if the user completed a task slowly. intervening to guide understanding of mathemati- cal content. Developing number sense with the number line Motion Math: Zoom The visual representation used in the Motion Math: Zoom app is the number line. The number line Motion Math: Zoom is a VM iPad app designed to is a useful model for helping children develop allow students to demonstrate and develop their their understandings of number relationships and understanding of number comparisons, estimation, the number system (Geary, Hoard, Nugent, & place value, and magnitude on the number line. Bailey, 2013). By second grade or Year 2, students Figure 1. Screen-shot of Motion Math: Zoom. F igure 2a. Finding 444 from Figure 2b. Zooming in to tens intervals intervals of 100. at 400. 24 APMC 21 (1) 2016 Zooming in on children's thinking; How a number line app revealed, concealed, and developed children’s number understanding. are expected to represent whole numbers and Case studies whole-number sums and differences within 100 The following four case studies exemplify trends on a number line diagram (Australian Curriculum, in how interactions with the app Motion Math: Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2012; Zoom revealed, concealed, and developed students’ National Governors Association Center for Best mathematical understanding. Dave, Nick, Ed and Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, Jacob each received a brief demonstration of basic 2010). To meet this expectation, students need to app interactions and then began Motion Math: have an understanding of relative magnitude of Zoom on a level involving navigation of one- and numerals, comparison and ordering of numerals, two-digit numbers with intervals of one visible on and the composition of numbers (Holloway & the number line. Although each child used touch- Ansari, 2009). In Motion Math: Zoom, children screen devices at home, Nick had the most expe- use these understandings to navigate the number rience with iPads and mathematics apps. During line and determine the target number’s position these interactions, Dave and Nick encountered on the number line. To accomplish this, children technological distance appropriate for revealing must consider the target number’s relationship to and developing their mathematical understanding. the numbers and/or number ranges on the number Ed struggled to decrease the technological distance line. Children must also use their understandings to reveal and develop aspects of his mathematical of magnitude and place value to estimate where understanding, but Jacob encountered too much to zoom in or out to more efficiently position the technological distance to effectively reveal and target number on the number line. develop much of his mathematical understanding. In Motion Math: Zoom, children are given target numbers to place on the number line. Children can Dave and Nick: revealing and developing zoom out to increase the intervals between visible understanding with appropriate distance numbers to efficiently cover greater gaps between Dave and Nick began Motion Math: Zoom at a starting and target numbers. When zooming out, level with appropriate mathematical and techno- children estimate the placement of a given number logical distance. Both children quickly mastered by moving along the number line to find the the swiping motion to navigate the number line, range wherein the target number is located before at times tapping the screen to stop the number zooming in. For example, in figures 2a–2e the line’s motion near the correct space or using fine child first found 444 from intervals of 100 (Figure adjustments for efficient, precise placement of 2a), zoomed to tens intervals at 400 (Figure 2b), numbers. As gaps between numbers grew, Dave swiped to increase the numbers along the number and Nick accessed the app’s zoom function. This line (Figure 2c), zoomed in to intervals of ones enabled them to reveal their understanding of the at 440–450 (Figure 2d), and popped the bubble number line by zooming to find specific numbers to correctly place 444 (Figure 2e). This sequence or ranges. Dave demonstrated proficiency working demonstrates understanding of systematic relation- with intervals of 10 with two-digit numbers, such ships among numbers. as when he zoomed in at a range of 70–80 to locate 76 (ACMNA013). Figure 2c. Swiping to increase along Figure 2d. Zooming in to intervals of Figure 2e. Popping the bubble to the number line. one in the range of 440–450. correctly place 444. APMC 21 (1) 2016 25 Tucker, Moyer-Packenham, Shumway & Jordan However, Dave was less proficient at working This revealed his understanding that the numbers’ with intervals of 10 for three-digit numbers magnitude increased rightward and decreased (ACMNA027), often zooming in at an interval leftward. After the zoom technique demonstration, that did not include the target number. For Ed attempted to zoom by twisting or pinching example, to locate 402 from 450, Dave zoomed vertically or diagonally, instead of pinching hori- in at 440–450 and travelled by intervals of 1 until zontally (see Figures 4a–d). For example, when reaching 402. Nick’s interactions revealed a more finding 74 starting from 60 with the ranges of advanced understanding of ranges. For example, ten visible (i.e., 60, 70, 80, 90), Ed tried to zoom Nick zoomed in between 470–480 to find 475, in between 70 and 80. However, his ineffective but he zoomed in directly at 480 to find 479. He zooming led him to zoom in and out repeatedly often zoomed in so the gaps between consecutive before placing the number. His inaccurate motions numbers were wide enough for precise zooming, also caused him to zoom in at ranges other than accessing the app’s affordance of efficient precision. those he intended. After several similar experiences, These actions revealed the children’s understand- Ed avoided zooming altogether. For example, he ings of magnitude and location of numbers on the swiped by ones all the way from 63 to 94 instead number line and numbers within a given range. of changing intervals. His decision to avoid the Throughout the interview, Dave and Nick zoom input meant that he revealed and developed refined their interactions with the app. Dave his understanding of number comparison by ones gradually improved his zooming efficiency as but he may not have revealed the full extent of he oriented the motion to be more horizontal, his understanding of ranges and he did little to allowing him to focus more on the mathematical develop this understanding. content. As Nick progressed to larger numbers, Therefore, Ed’s difficulty zooming limited he increased his efficiency by planning his moves the extent to which his understanding of ranges in advance. He often zoomed out to the greatest and place value were revealed and developed. place value the level permitted (e.g., 10,000: Although Ed appeared to understand much of the ACMNA052) after placing the previous number mathematics content he encountered, his ineffi- but before the next number prompt appeared, cient zooming limited his demonstration of these accessing the affordance of focused constraint understandings and kept him from progressing to that restricted infinite navigation. This allowed levels with more advanced mathematics content. him to quickly cover greater distances between However, Ed accessed the affordance of motiva- numbers (Figure 3). These planning actions tion, as he reacted positively to scoring points for revealed Nick’s developing understanding of his correct responses. The technological distance number magnitude. For Dave and Nick, the for Ed was much greater than the distance for Nick technological distance and mathematical distance or Dave, and this greater technological distance were different but appropriate, revealing their might have concealed some of his mathematical developing mathematical understandings as understanding while hindering its development. they accessed the app’s affordances. Ed: developing mathematical understanding limited by great technological distance Ed appeared to enjoy Motion Math: Zoom but the technological distance may have limited the development of his mathematical understandings. Ed often popped the bubbles while the number line was in motion, sometimes antic- ipating the target number’s space Figure 3. Planning by zooming out Figure 4. Example of Ed’s attempt to before it appeared. after placing a number but before zoom by twisting. the next prompt appears. 26 APMC 21 (1) 2016 Zooming in on children's thinking; How a number line app revealed, concealed, and developed children’s number understanding. Jacob: extent of mathematical Conclusion understanding concealed by great technological distance The results indicate that an app can influence Jacob lacked the technological fluency required children’s mathematics learning in various ways, by Motion Math: Zoom therefore much of his including revealing, concealing, and developing mathematical knowledge may have been concealed mathematical understanding. Therefore, when and there was little evident development of his implementing apps, teachers should consider math- mathematical understanding. Jacob was fluent in ematical and technological distance, which vary due swiping to navigate the number line, but he did to characteristics of both apps and students (e.g., not attempt to zoom until his final task. Much Tucker, 2015). Prior research implies that teachers like Ed he swiped to find 60 from 15 by ones or already attempt to balance mathematical distance find 200 from 80 by tens. Although Jacob revealed by selecting apps and levels within apps that include some understanding of magnitude and comparison mathematical content appropriate for a given student of numbers by ones and tens on the number line, (e.g., Highfield & Goodwin, 2013; Larkin, 2014). his lack of zooming concealed any knowledge of However, these cases suggest that teachers should larger numbers and number ranges. In an earlier also be aware that technological aspects of an app part of the interview, Jacob hinted at an advanced influence students’ mathematical learning experienc- understanding of place value and base ten, stating es, aligning with implications of prior research (e.g., that tens were tenths of one hundred and ones Rick, 2012). Teachers can balance technological were tenths of ten (ACMNA079). Yet his interac- distance by assisting students who need help as they tions with the app did not reveal or develop learn the technology required to interact with the this understanding. app. This may include explicitly using scaffolding Due to the great technological distance, provided by the app, leading a guided introduction, Jacob's experience with the app’s affordances and or reminding students about appropriate interactions mathematical content was very different from after an initial exploration phase (e.g., Aronin & the other students. Dave’s interactions showed Floyd, 2013). Both the interactions with apps (e.g., access to the affordance of simultaneously linking Tucker, 2015) and the discourse involved in these representations and actions while revealing nuances experiences (e.g., Anderson-Pence, 2014) can serve in mathematical understandings. However, Jacob as formative assessments, revealing development of did not explore representations that would have mathematical understanding. Facilitating students’ accessed the full extent of his mathematical discussions of how they experienced the mathematics understanding, such as his knowledge of decimals. in these tools may influence technological distance in Whereas Nick used the app’s affordances to iterate related situations. Students’ experiences with math- multiple solution strategies, Jacob repeatedly used ematics virtual manipulative apps and their affor- the same strategy. 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