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Preview ERIC EJ1089146: Evaluating a Pre-Session Homework Exercise in a Standalone Information Literacy Class

Volume 9, Issue 2, 2015 [ARTICLE] E P - H VALUATING A RE SESSION OMEWORK E S XERCISE IN A TANDALONE I L C NFORMATION ITERACY LASS Joseph E. Goetz In this study, researchers evaluate a homework Rice University exercise assigned before a standalone information literacy session. Students in a Catherine R. Barber Master of Education program completed a University of St. Thomas, Houston worksheet using the ERIC database thesaurus. The researchers conducted pre- and posttests within a single library session to assess student learning, using a control group for comparison. The treatment group did not demonstrate better thesaurus skills than students who had regular library instruction alone, but results pointed the way to targeted improvements of pre-session learning materials. This approach could inform other information literacy homework applications such as flipping the classroom. 176 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 INTRODUCTION evaluate the impact on student learning of completing a pre-session exercise, assigned Librarians teaching standalone “one-shot” as independent homework, in addition to in- instruction sessions may feel forced to session instruction on database search skills choose among full content coverage, student and strategy. Given the approach and practice, and assessment. Extending student institutional context, the researchers saw the learning time by assigning activities outside following constraints as imperative: of class can lessen the constraints of that dilemma. But demonstrating the value of  The librarian would retain those learning activities can present control over the administration instructional librarians with an additional and collection of assessment challenge. In the traditional one-shot format, materials, including an in-class course instructors expect students to pretest and posttest. develop their skills independently after a  The assessment would compare the effects of pre-session self-contained library session. How should librarians make the case for assigning an homework on the treatment activity before the session? group versus the control group.  Treatment and control groups The argument to expand single-session would be established based on information literacy instruction should rely pre-existing course sections on evidence of student learning. This article rather than individual random describes the evaluation of a pre-session assignment. homework activity’s impact on student  A posttest performance task learning compared with in-class instruction would assess students’ skill alone using pretest and posttest assessments application in an authentic administered within the standalone class. In database search scenario. keeping with its traditional one-shot context, this article does not assume that librarian As with the authors of previous studies instructors can reliably appropriate time (Bryan & Karshmer, 2013; Hufford, 2010), outside the session to conduct assessments. the researchers had trouble finding cases in The researchers—the information literacy the information literacy instruction literature librarian and the educational research that fully applied to their own situation. In program director—sought to answer this response, the researchers analyzed the and other constraints with a site-specific literature for the ways librarians and their approach to assessment. They found that collaborators responded to methodological despite limiting conditions, valid assessment constraints: namely, the timing of pre- and data can point the way to iterative posttests, the ethics and composition of improvement of instructional practices and control groups, and the use of performance student learning. assessments in information literacy. Overall, methodological strategy provided a useful framework for applying the arguments and LITERATURE REVIEW lessons of previous researchers to a specially adapted assessment project. In this study, assessments were used to [ARTICLE] 177 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 Pretest and Posttest Timing efforts by the librarians were required to Pretests and posttests are commonly prevent drop-offs in the teaching faculty’s employed tools for assessing student administration of tests and surveys (p. 466). learning from library instruction (Hufford, Bryan and Karshmer (2013) also 2010, p. 140), but librarians face choices in experienced low participation by when to assign these tests, and challenges in instructional faculty; in response, the ensuring their completion. Assigning authors visited each class in person to pretests and posttests outside the library administer pretests and posttests (p. 580). session can both save time for instruction The need for this recourse points to the use and affect the focus of the assessment. For of instructors’ class time as a challenge in example, Choinski and Emmanuel (2006), terms of both logistics and scalability. not wanting to lose “even a minute” of instructional time, had instructors assign one Control Groups: Whether and How -minute paper assessments as extra-credit Librarians have not always seen control homework rather than an in-class activity groups as necessary or desirable for (p. 151). In addition to making more time assessment. Barclay (1993) pointed out the available, assigning pretests and posttests practical and ethical difficulties of creating before and after the session may help assess control groups in library research, and students’ longer-term development, as argued that it is better to dispense with them discussed by Pierce and Fox (2012, p. 4). than not to do research at all. On a practical Carter (2002), despite having two sessions level, different library instruction sessions of a freshman seminar class available to are frequently too dissimilar to each other to teach research skills, arranged for a pretest serve as valid control and experimental to be administered during academic elements in a single research project; Carter orientation and a posttest at the end of the (2002), responding to practical difficulties, semester (p. 38). Similarly, Swoger (2011) used pretests and posttests without control described pretests and posttests as part of a groups to measure student learning and semester-length assessment cycle. improve the efficiency of class time. Ethically, control groups may seem to call Conversely, conducting assessments outside for one group of students to be taught less the library session can lead to difficulties well than another. Bryan and Karshmer controlling the process. Brooks (2013) (2013) addressed this dilemma by teaching blamed low student motivation for poor both groups the same content with only response rates on voluntary posttests differing methods of instruction; using a emailed to students. Portmann and Roush control group allowed them to compare (2004) named “student apathy” as a “fatal outcomes. When the superiority of either flaw” to their research design (p. 464), and instructional method is still unclear, the pointed to the need for grades to increase potential of long-term benefit can outweigh student motivation. Still, tests administered the risk of using multiple approaches. during instructors’ class time can also face Nevertheless, librarians might hesitate to interference from course priorities and other use techniques to benefit future students at factors. Hsieh and Holden (2010) noted that the possible expense of those present. “consistent and persistent” communication [ARTICLE] 178 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 Whatever the benefits of using a control across different departments, and either group, educational researchers have long assigned within the session or as homework. recognized the frequent impracticality for In the worksheet, students were asked to their field of individual random group find a source, write a citation for it and write assignment. Campbell and Stanley (1963) several sentences evaluating its evaluated a range of models for performing appropriateness. This task directly quasi-experimental research, in which connected the instruction session’s learning individual random assignment or some other objectives with students’ research work, requirement for true experimental research calling for open-ended responses that does not take place. Among those models, allowed students to demonstrate applied the nonequivalent control group design understanding. Teaching a semester-long allows for division of treatment and control science information literacy course, Johnson subjects by pre-existing groups, such as et al. (2011) assessed students’ growth with course sections. However, the model calls a variety of performance-based homework for a pretest to strengthen the evidence that assignments and exam questions together these groups are not significantly different with surveys and citation analysis. Such from each other in the area being measured approaches may seem best suited to (p. 47-48). Campbell and Stanley argued extended course formats, but as Bluemle et that the nonequivalent control group design, al. (2013) pointed out, “carefully designed” while not truly experimental, is “well worth assessments can elicit performances of using in many instances” and more secure higher-order tasks within short time frames (all else being equal) from threats to internal (p. 300), meaningfully adding to the and external validity than pretest-posttest assessment picture for an instruction arrangements that forgo using a control program based on standalone sessions. group (p. 47). METHOD Performance Assessment Performance assessment, as advocated by Participants Wiggins and McTighe (2005), gives Study participants (N = 138) were graduate students a chance to demonstrate a students in a Master of Education (M.Ed.) transferable understanding of skills that program that provided additional training in goes beyond recall-based knowledge (p. 153 counseling, curriculum and instruction, dual -155). In the context of library instruction, language/bilingual education, educational Oakleaf (2008) contrasted performance diagnostics, educational leadership, assessments with fixed-choice tests, exceptionality/special education, or reading. pointing out the advantages of assessments Regardless of their area of specialty, that “reinforce the concept that what students completed two action research students learn in class should be usable seminars that prepared them to analyze, outside the classroom” (p. 239). As one plan, and conduct educational research. The example of performance assessment in a study took place in the context of the first standalone library session, Bluemle et al. action research seminar, which involved a (2013) described a “Source Evaluation single, librarian-led, in-person group session Worksheet” that could be used in classes on information literacy for educational [ARTICLE] 179 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 research. Students were informed on all to assess key learning outcomes in a brief written materials that their responses (if timespan. For the performance activity, handed in) would be analyzed confidentially participants read a research question to improve library instruction; additionally, scenario and a sample thesaurus entry; they students in the experimental group were were then asked to advise an imaginary peer asked to give explicit consent for their work on developing a search strategy with to be analyzed. selected thesaurus terms. For the searching exercise multiple choice items, a total score Measures was calculated, with possible scores ranging All participants completed three measures: from 0 to 6. Cronbach’s alpha was pretest, posttest, and post-session survey calculated as a measure of internal (see Appendix A). The pretest was a two- consistency; for this six-item posttest part measure that rated students’ self- measure, reliability was again lower than assessed familiarity with library research desired (α = .37). Therefore, in addition to processes (six items, using a 4-point rating looking at the six-item total score, student scale with 1 = Not at all familiar; 4 = Very performance on individual items was also familiar) and their knowledge of specific evaluated. For the performance-based resources (six items, using a multiple-choice searching exercise activity, the authors format). This provided both subjective and independently coded participants’ open- objective information about students’ ended responses according to a four-point information literacy baseline skills. A total rubric, with 4 indicating the highest level of score for familiarity was calculated for each proficiency with the thesaurus and 1 participant, with possible scores ranging indicating the lowest level of proficiency from 6 to 24, and for knowledge with (see Appendix B). Inter-rater agreement was possible scores ranging from 0 to 6. lower than expected (Kappa = .42), though Reliability for each measure was calculated better than chance (60% agreement across using Cronbach’s alpha; the familiarity four categories). Discrepancies among measure had acceptable internal consistency codes were discussed and resolved, resulting (Cronbach’s α = .77), while the knowledge in a final set of codes used in the data measure’s internal consistency was much analysis. lower than expected (Cronbach’s α = .38), suggesting that knowledge of these The final measure that all participants resources was not a unitary construct. Thus, completed was a seven-item post-session for pretest knowledge, both the total score survey that assessed participants’ opinions and the individual item scores were about the relevance, value, and convenience examined. of the library session. The post-session survey included three open-ended items After receiving instruction about search about the aspects of the session that strategies and the use of the ERIC thesaurus, participants found most valuable, the topics students completed a posttest on those that participants still had questions about, topics. This assessment included six and any suggestions participants had for the multiple-choice items and a performance librarian. Each item was examined activity, both developed by the researchers independently. [ARTICLE] 180 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 In addition, treatment group participants scheduled class times. Treatment group completed a pre-class homework exercise participants turned in their completed (see Design and Procedure section below). homework activity handout to their The librarian scored successful completion instructor, who submitted all handouts to the of this pre-class homework exercise on a librarian conducting the session. Students in simple three-point scale with 3=successful the session received a handout containing completion, 2=partially successful the pretest, posttest and post-session survey. completion and 1=unsuccessful completion. Then the librarian administered the pretest. The fact that students in the treatment group Design and Procedure had already completed the pre-session A quasi-experimental (non-equivalent homework exercise before taking the pretest control group) design was used to determine may seem a threat to the pretest’s validity; whether exposure to a pre-session however, the homework exercise was homework activity on the ERIC thesaurus carefully designed so that students would would be associated with better learn to use the ERIC thesaurus nearly performance on an in-session research exclusively of other library skills. The activity. Participants were non-randomly researchers intended to thereby leave assigned to one of two groups: the treatment unaffected the general library familiarity group (which received the pre-session and knowledge that the pretest measured in homework activity) and the control group order to assess the groups’ similarity. (which did not receive the pre-session homework activity). Research instructors Instruction focused on how to access, search were invited to incorporate the pre-session and manage library resources in education. homework activity into the lesson plan After hearing about the library’s resources during the class prior to the library session. in education and how to find them, students Those instructors who volunteered provided viewed a demonstration of keyword the pre-session homework activity handout, searching. Then the librarian lectured on the including instructions (see Appendix C), to purposes and structure of the ERIC their students, who constituted the treatment thesaurus, including the elements of a group; students whose instructors did not thesaurus entry and the differences between volunteer constituted the control group. All searching with subject terms and with other aspects of the two groups’ library general keywords. Participants then instruction were identical, with the two completed both the searching exercise library instructors having carefully multiple choice items and the searching coordinated lesson plans and presentations; exercise activity in 10 minutes. In the last however, differences between groups due to section of instruction, the librarian gave differences in instructors, location, etc., students methods for managing research cannot be ruled out. information, including note-taking strategies and a demonstration of bibliographic Participants attended one of five 90-minute management software. Participants then library sessions as part of their class offered feedback through a post-session requirements; for most students, these survey. As they handed in their written sessions fell outside their regularly- work, students received a handout with [ARTICLE] 181 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 descriptions and locations of key resources members of the treatment group only). discussed during the session. Second, independent groups t tests compared the treatment and control group RESULTS means on the main outcomes of interest (posttest searching exercise multiple choice Data analysis involved three steps. First, and posttest searching exercise activity). means and standard deviations were Given the low reliability of the posttest calculated for each group (treatment and multiple choice score, chi-square analyses control) and the entire sample for these were also performed on the correct vs. variables: pretest familiarity, pretest incorrect response frequencies for each knowledge, posttest searching exercise item. Finally, participants’ responses to the multiple choice, and posttest searching post-session survey were summarized. exercise activity. In addition, frequencies were calculated for correct vs. incorrect A scoring of the pre-session homework responses to each pretest knowledge exercise on a 3-point scale showed high question, each posttest multiple choice rates of successful or partially successful question, each level of proficiency completion among members of the demonstrated in participants’ responses to treatment group, with 61% achieving full the posttest searching exercise activity, and success and 20% achieving partial success. degree of successful completion of the pre- session homework exercise (among Independent t tests revealed no difference between groups in terms of their pre-session TABLE 1—ASSESSMENT MEANS AND STANDARD DEVIATIONS Item Treatment (N) Control (N) All (N) Pretest Familiarity Mean 12.92 (42) 12.75 (93) 12.80 (135) Stand. Dev. 3.89 3.65 3.56 Pretest Knowledge Mean 3.33 (43) 3.09 (92) 3.16 (135) Stand. Dev. 1.08 1.48 1.37 Posttest Searching Exercise Multiple Choice Mean 3.83 (42) 2.93 (92) 3.22 (134) Stand. Dev. 1.41 1.45 1.49 Posttest Searching Exercise Activity Mean 2.29 (31) 2.30 (77) 2.30 (108) Stand. Dev. 1.10 0.78 0.88 [ARTICLE] 182 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 familiarity, t (133) = 0.26, p = .79, or group (86% correct) and the control group knowledge, t (133) = 0.94, p = .34 (see (54% correct): χ2(1) = 13.04, p < .001. Table 1). However, given the low reliability of the knowledge measure (α = .38), correct Posttest searching exercise activity vs. incorrect responses to individual responses showed no difference, t (106) = - knowledge items were examined with chi- 0.04, p = .96 (see Table 1). Thus, the square analyses. The only significant pretest hypothesis that the treatment group would difference observed between the two groups demonstrate better performance on a was on the first knowledge question: “the searching exercise was partially supported. list of subject terms is called…,” with more treatment group participants (93%) than The results of the post-session survey control group participants (61%) responding indicated that participants generally correctly: χ2(1) = 11.72, p < .001. (Note that perceived the session to be very relevant, Yates’ correction for low cell size was used that they felt moderately prepared to for this analysis.) Since the first knowledge perform research, and that attending the question was the only one to deal directly session was moderately to very worthwhile. with the content of the pre-session Database search skills and citation homework exercise and questions on other management software usage were frequently aspects of library use showed no significant mentioned as valuable elements of the difference, these findings were helpful for session. Common suggestions included demonstrating that the treatment and control handing out an outline during the session groups did not differ in their general and being able to follow along on a familiarity with library and research computer. procedures in ways that could influence their performance on the searching exercise CONCLUSIONS measures. Assessment results demonstrated that while Independent t tests revealed a significant students in the treatment group had a high difference between treatment and control rate of success completing the pre-session groups in terms of their posttest searching homework activity, that advantage did not exercise multiple choice scores, t (132) = translate to overall better performance on 3.35, p = .001 (see Table 1). However, as the in-class searching activity compared noted above, the low internal consistency of with students in the control group. The this measure made it an unstable estimate of researchers can make reasoned guesses as to student performance. An analysis of why this occurred. Perhaps the homework individual posttest questions revealed the exercise’s mainly procedural activities did main source of this difference to be question not lead to transferable understanding of 1, regarding keyword selection. thesaurus structure as called for in the in- Specifically, of six chi-square analyses class searching activity. Thus, students comparing the percentages of correct completing the pre-session homework responses, only the analysis of question 1 exercise might have located a narrower or (about keyword selection) showed a related term in a thesaurus entry, for significant difference between the treatment example, without understanding what those [ARTICLE] 183 Goetz & Barber, Evaluating a Pre-Session Exercise Communications in Information Literacy 9(2), 2015 structural elements meant in context. Acting such a limited assessment time frame point on this hypothesis, the researchers could to the potential of quasi-experimental develop more robust explanations of approaches in evaluating pre-session library thesaurus structure for the pre-session instruction tools. The use of a control group homework exercise, perhaps including made it possible for the researchers to taxonomic diagrams or sample thesaurus evaluate the pre-session homework exercise entries with readily-understood terms from independently of the impact of classroom everyday life, to better build on students’ instruction, which was identical for both previous learning and lead to greater gains groups. One application of this study’s in understanding. approach would be to help develop the assessment of “flipped” information literacy It is difficult to make a case for improved classrooms, which assign homework before student skills in keyword selection based on a session in order to focus class time on responses to a single multiple choice active learning experiences. Researchers question in the posttest. Nevertheless, the assessing student learning in flipped researchers could consider what features of classrooms have compared the outcomes of the keyword selection part of the homework students in classes that flip with students in exercise might have allowed students to classes that do not (Arnold-Garza, 2014, build on their prior knowledge to develop a p.19). While these results may point to the transferable skill, and how such features benefit of active learning in the classroom, could be used in other parts of the exercise. they cannot indicate which elements of the flipped learning experience (including pre- Students’ low performance in the posttest session instructional videos, for example) assessment across both treatment and had the most benefit. By iteratively building control groups might indicate that this on the use of quasi-experimental methods to assessment should be revised to better evaluate pre-session exercises, a flipped measure and reinforce student learning. The classroom project could better its position to researchers could develop more multiple increase student learning and impact choice questions and gather feedback on the academic culture. questions’ clarity and perceived difficulty. 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