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Preview ERIC EJ1069272: Using Learning Strategies to Improve the Academic Performance of University Students on Academic Probation

Using Learning Strategies to Improve the Academic Performance of University Students on Academic Probation Sara J. Renzulli, University of Connecticut One half of all students who begin college fail to who either struggle academically or are placed on completetheirdegrees,resultinginwastedtalents, academic probation. A recent literature search time, and resources. Through use of mixed revealed none that focused on the use of these methods, but primarily qualitative, comparative strategies to increase academic achievement in case studies, this research reveals ways a 3-week students at risk for dropping out of college. course in study strategies improved the perfor- However, according to a recent study, 56% of mance of students placed on academic probation. students who begin a bachelor’s degree finish The participating students, from a large, public within6years,and29%ofthosewhoworktoward university, reported benefits from the study skills an associate’s degree earn it within 3 years course and studied for twice as many hours after (Harvard University, 2011). participatingintheintervention.Acasestudyof1 Furthermore, theUnited Stateswas deemedthe participantillustratesthewaysstudentslearnedto worst among the 18 Organisation for Economic use varied and effective study strategies. The Co-operationandDevelopmentcountriesinretain- findings provide empirical support for the use of ing students through graduation (Harvard Univer- diverse advising strategies, including direct, spe- sity, 2011). The Pew Research Center Census cificstudy-skillsinstructionforstudentsstruggling analysisindicatedthatonethirdofthenation’s25- academically upon matriculation. to 29-year olds have earned at least a bachelor’s degree,avaluethathasbeenincreasingduringthe [doi:10.12930/NACADA-13-043] last three decades, up from one fifth of young KEY WORDS: academic probation, learning adults in the early 1970s who have attained the skills, learning skills courses, self-regulation, baccalaureate (Fry & Parker, 2012). time management Current research demonstrates that a higher percentage of college dropouts come from low- According to a recent national report, students income families. The Advisory Committee on drop out of college due to lack of preparation for Student Financial Assistance (2010) found that the rigors of academic work (Harvard University, 41%oflow-incomestudentswhohadenrolledina 2011). Few researchers have examined the rela- 4-yearinstitutiongraduatedwithin5years,amuch tionship between college students’ self-regulation lower percentage than students from all other andlearningstrategiesandtheiracademicachieve- groups who complete degrees within this period. ment. Not many have investigated the ways that This research also showed that 79% of students collegestudentsacquirelearningstrategiesandthe born into the top-income quartile in the United reasons they choose to use them (or not) to States obtain bachelor’s degrees, and 11% of improve their academic work. Because almost one students from bottom-income quartile families half of all students who enter college fail to graduate from 4-year universities. Research also complete a degree in 4 years (Barefoot, 2007; demonstratesthat55%ofearnedbachelor’sdegrees Harvard University, 2011), additional research can wereawardedtostudentsfromtop-incomequartile addtotheexistentknowledgeaboutwaysstudents familieswith2010annualincomesabove$98,000, at risk for dropping out of college can benefit and 9% of those degrees were earned by students through learning study strategies. I used a with family income below $33,000. Enrollment qualitative study to investigate the direct teaching rates for academically high-potential, but low- of study skills, including self-testing, self-regula- income,highschoolgraduatesin4-yearinstitutions tion, and effective note taking, in a 3-week fellfrom54to40%between1992and2004,while intervention for students at risk for attrition. the enrollment of moderate-income students de- clined less precipitously from 59 to 53%. Review of Related Research In America each year, $400 billion is spent on Little existing research illustrates the study postsecondaryeducation(HarvardUniversity,2011) strategies that work best with university students and as much as one half of those expenditures is NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 29 Sara J. Renzulli invested on students who fail to complete college. College or University Learning Strategies According to Complete College America (2012), Courses 64.7%oflow-incomestudentsenrolledina2-year Some research has been conducted on offering college and 31.9% enrolled in a 4-year institution instruction on learning strategies to college require remediation, undoubtedly contributing to students. For example, Tuckman and Kennedy increased rates of college attrition in this popula- (2011) compared the performance of first-semester tion. Weissmann (2012) eloquently articulated the freshmen in an online learning strategies course problem: to a similar group of students who did not take the course (N = 351). Specific learning strategies The system is incredibly wasteful. The presented in the class focused on taking reason- students who show up but never graduate able risks, assuming responsibility, selecting the requireadministrativeandacademicresourc- right environment, and the use of feedback. es. They take up precious classroom space, Tuckman and Kennedy found that the students shutting other students out of the courses in the online study-skills course reported higher they need to graduate on time. They incur GPAs entering their sophomore year than students student debt, but don’t get a credential, who had not enrolled in the course, and more which weighs on their own finances. (p. 1) study-skill class students graduated than those in the control group. Participation in learning strategies courses does not, of course, guarantee academic success. Attrition and Retention of College Students Dembo (2004) investigated common reasons that The American College Testing Program college students fail to benefit from learning (2006) reported that average student retention skills courses (LSCs), such as their perceptions ratesfromfreshmantosophomoreyearforpublic that they cannot make the necessary changes, 4-year colleges between 1983 and 2006 ranged their unwillingness to change, or their failure to from 66 to 70%, and private 4-year institution learn how and what to change. retention rates were between 70 and 75%. U.S. News & World Report (2011) data-based briefs Learning Strategies Used by College Students from hundreds of postsecondary schools docu- To recommend appropriate strategies, advisors mented trends related to college retention and must understand those that have worked well for demonstrated that as many as one in three the majority of students. The most common study students fail to return to college after their method utilized by college students appears to be freshman year. In his well-known classic book rereading content (Callender & McDaniel, 2009; Leaving College, Tinto (1993) summarized the Carrier, 2003; Goetz & Palmer, 1991; Karpicke, problem: ‘‘There is in fact, an increasing arrayof Butler, & Roediger, 2009; Stine-Morrow, Gagne, students, young and old, from a diversity of Morrow, & DeWall, 2004). For example, Carrier backgrounds who enter higher education unpre- (2003) surveyed students in college classes about pared to meet the academic demands of college their use of test preparation techniques and found life’’(p.49).OthercontemporariesofTintoadded that 65% of upper-level students reported re- to the dialogue (see, e.g., Malloch & Michael, reading as the most commonly used study 1981; Mathiasen, 1984; Russell & Petrie, 1992) strategy. Other researchers have also found that continues today. For example, Weitzman success in using rereading as a study method (1982) found that many students who enrolled in (Amlund, Kardash, & Kulhavy, 1986; Barnett & collegewere unprepared for academic challenges Seefeldt, 1989; Howe & Singer, 1975; Krug, because they failed to use study strategies. In Davis, & Glover, 1990; Mayer, 1983). addition, successful, persisting students have However, some support a different tactic to generally gained stronger academic preparation studying. Consistent with a finding from Dunlos- in high school (Russell & Petrie, 1992) and ky and Rawson (2005), Callender and McDaniel earned higher grade-point averages (GPAs) and (2009) found that rereading proved an ineffective standardized test scores (Malloch & Michael, preparation method for answering multiple-choice 1981;Mathiasen,1984)thanthosewhodropout. questions. They, along with Carrier (2003) and Other factors associated with academic success Karpicke et al. (2009), suggested that students include students’ study skills and their attitudes benefit from studying when they actively process about academics (Russell & Petrie, 1992). the content they are trying to remember. 30 NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 Learning Skills Course Research has also been conducted on self- undergraduates), public research university. Mer- testing and self-regulation learning strategies. riam (2009), Miles and Huberman (1994), and Self-testing, or the act of repeatedly recalling Yin (2009) considered the comparative case study information, has been shown an effective way to approach an appropriate methodology to make study and recall information for assessments analytical generalizations about an area of inquiry. (Gates, 1917; Jones, 1923-1924; Spitzer, 1939; These case studies explore complex social phe- Tulving, 1967). Carrier and Prashler (1992) nomena: In this research, they describe the conductedaseriesofexperimentsonself-testing, reasons capable high school students fail to finding that practice in retrieval results in better achieve at a large public university at levels retention of information. Hartwig and Dunlosky commensurate with their abilities. Interviews and (2012) surveyed 324 undergraduates and demon- discussions before, during, and after LSC sessions strated that students’ use of self-testing was provided the context to explore attrition. Case positively associated with GPA. Despite the study research can be generalized to theoretical proven effectiveness of self-testing and retrieval propositions (Yin, 2009), and in this study it was strategies, Karpicke et al. (2009) found that the used to offer the explanation for student under- majority of college students do not use this achievement in a university setting. method, preferring to simply reread their notes. They concluded that many students remain Instrument unaware that more active retrieval practices The Acquisition and Use of Study Skills and enhance the learning process and suggested that Learning Strategies (AUSSLS) (Figure 1) was instructors inform students about the benefits of adapted from an instrument entitled the Learning retrieval and self-testing. Strategies and Study Skills Survey (LSSS) Many college students have also learned to (Ruban, 1999; Ruban & Reis, 2006). The original exert control over their time and schoolwork LSSS included 58 items that were used ‘‘to schedules (Pintrich & Garcia, 1993). Students describe whether patterns of use of self-regulated whomanagetheirstudytimeandlearninggainan learning strategies vary among the different advantage in higher education over students who populations of university students’’ (Ruban, have not developed these self-regulated learning 1999, p. 15). To create the LSSS, Ruban (1999) strategies (Zimmerman, 1989). Self-regulation is drew from the 47-item Study Skills Self Efficacy considered critical for academic success. For Scale (SSSE) of Ramirez and Owen (1991) and example, Zimmerman and Martinez-Pons (1988) from Zimmerman’s (1989) publications on self- foundthattheuseofself-regulatedstrategieswas regulated learning. Alpha reliabilities for each of highly correlated with students’ academic perfor- the 5 factors on the SSSE, which were incorpo- mance. Zimmerman (1989) identified several ratedinthe LSSS andsubsequently inthe specific self-regulated learning strategies includ- AUSSLS, ranged from .78 to .91 (Ruban, ing McCoach, McGuire, & Reis, 2003; Silver, Smith, & Greene, 2001). (cid:2) self-evaluating: Students assess the qual- According to previous research, α reliabili- ity of their work. ties on the 6 factors of the LSSS ranged from .70 (cid:2) organizing and transforming: Students to .92 (Ruban & Reis, 2006), and the 10 items manipulate content to improve learning. adapted from the LSSS used in this study had α (cid:2) goal setting: Students set large and small reliabilities of .80. On 5 of the items, participants related objectives and map out a process were asked to check one or more options that to achieve them. applied to them. They attended to the other 5 open- (cid:2) seeking information: Students find response questions by provid-ing feedback about school-relatedinformationfromacademic the featured statement. Each student completed the sources rather than social resources. AUSSLS during the first 20 minutes of the first and the last class. Before or after a class period or Methods during a mutually convenient time, I interviewed Qualitative comparative case study methodol- each participant about study strategies to further ogy (Yin, 2009) was used to investigate the probe responses to the survey and better academic performance of students who had been understand the students’ use of the study placed on academic probation and were asked to strategies learned in class. voluntarilyenrollinaLSCatalarge(over22,000 NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 31 Sara J. Renzulli Figure 1. The acquisition and use of study skills and learning strategies survey 1. Have you developed any specialway of studying in your current academic work (such as figuring out how to study difficult material more efficiently, finding a good way to memorize important information, etc.)? * I do it rarely * I do it sometimes * I do it most of the time * Can’t think of any 1a. Please list or describe the ways you study most often: 2. Why doyou choose to use study strategies for your academic work? (You can check more than one): * To learn for meaning, not just to * To organize material to help me better prepare pass exams for tests * To learn material more efficiently * To learn difficult content in some courses * To compensate for my learning * Other (Please specify) _________ difficulties * To get better grades 3. If you do not use study skills and learning strategies in your academic work, why doyou choose not to use them? (You can check more than one): * I can succeed academically without them * I don’t have time to use them * It takes too much work to learn * Using them will not make a difference them * I never learned them * Other (Please specify) _________ 4. Will you continue to use the strategies you learned in the study strategies course as part of your routine? If yes, describe why and if no, describe why not. 5. How many hours per week, on average, did you spend on your academic assignments (e.g., homework, projects, etc.) BEFORE attending the study skills class? * 1-4 * 5-9 * 10-15 * 16-19 * 20-24 * 25-29 * 30 or more 6. How many hours per week, on average, did you spend on your academic assignments (e.g., homework, projects, etc.) AFTER attending the study skills class? * 1-4 * 5-9 * 10-15 * 16-19 * 20-24 * 25-29 * 30 or more 7. In your opinion, what study strategies have been the most useful toyou during the study skills course? 8. Please describe how the use of study skills helps you to succeed in your academic work. 9. Describe the most useful study strategies you use to prepare for a challenging test. Note. Figure adjusted for print; survey participants were given adequate space to respond. Participants academicprobationandencouragedtomeetwithan The sample in this study was randomly academic advisor. If a student’s term GPA falls selected from 116 undergraduates on academic below2.0forthreeconsecutivesemesters,heorshe probation at a large public, competitive, research receivesaletterexplainingtheimminentdismissal universityduringtheSpring2012semester.Allof fromtheuniversityforpooracademicperformance. them had earned a 1290 or higher on their SAT Students on the dismissal list can appeal, under exam. Those selected received an e-mail from certain guidelines, in writing. The students in this their advisors inviting them to participate in the studywereintheirsecondsemesterofprobation. study. Of the 19 volunteers, 9 were randomly chosen to participate in the intervention group Learning Skills Course Intervention and thus enrolled in the LSC. Enrollments were purposely limited so I could interact with the TheLSCinterventionmethourlytwiceaweek students and effectively interview them. for 3 weeks and was specifically structured to At this university, students who receive a term integrate explicit learning strategies with the GPA of 2.0 or below are routinely placed on students’ academic work. The class could be 32 NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 Learning Skills Course Table 1. Content from the learning skills course Week & Class Meeting Content Week 1: Class 1 (cid:2) Introduction to self-regulation * Self-regulation theory * Self-regulation strategies * Positive implications of self-regulation Week 1: Class 2 (cid:2) Applying self-regulation strategies * Goal setting * Organization * Time management Week 2: Class 1 (cid:2) Alternativeways to study for tests / assessments & effective note taking * Self-testing * Information retrieval schedule * Notes as an effective study tool Week 2: Class 2 (cid:2) Applying new study and note-taking strategies * Self-testing strategy use invarious forms including outlines and note cards * Class note-taking strategies * Reading note-taking strategies Week 3: Class 1 (cid:2) Developing a personal study plan * How to incorporate the strategies into studying for different classes * Reviewof support services at the university to aid with studying Week 3: Class 2 (cid:2) Creating a specific study plan that will be submitted to Academic Support Services taughtorofferedonlinebyacademicadvisors,but analysis (as per Strauss & Corbin, 1990) at three all 9 participants enrolled in a classroom version levels of coding: open, axial, and selective. attended by only those students on academic Through open coding, I was able to formulate probation. The class content was developed from conceptuallabelsforthedatacollected.Usingaxial recommendations reported in the empirical liter- coding,Ifocusedonlinkingsubcategoriesofaset ature by Hattie, Biggs, and Purdie (1996) and of relationships and their situational contexts for focused on four strategies. The instructor ex- data validation. Selective coding informed my plained the rationale for using a specific learning decisionsaboutcorecategoriesthatrelatedtoeach strategy during the first class in each of the 3 other. The core categories that emerged related to weeks, and facilitated the implementation and students’ lack of (a) preparation for the academic practical procedures during the second class of challengesofacompetitiveuniversityenvironment the same week. The course content included in and (b) study skills and understanding of ways to the LSC is summarized in Table 1. learncomplexcontent. The limitations of qualitative research were Qualitative Coding addressed using an approach suggested by I developed comparative case studies of the 9 Lincoln and Guba (1985), who proposed that student participants to describe the findings four constructs solidify the trustworthiness of a (Miles & Huberman, 1994; Yin, 2009). I wrote study: credibility, transferability, dependability, an in-depth case for each student using thick and confirmability. To ensure that data reflectthe descriptionsasperMarshallandRossman(1989). situations of participants, I used persistent The subsequentanalysis revealsacomprehensive observation and triangulation (as per Lincoln & view of the common characteristics of study Guba, 1985). Persistent observation enabled me patterns and learning strategies used by the LSC to establish credibility under a variety of students participating in the study. conditionsoversixLSCmeetings.Thecomplete, The qualitative coding paradigm enabled anal- comprehensive descriptions of the students and yses of my observations of the class and interac- theirexperiencesinthecasestudiesimprovedthe tions during personal interviews as well as generalizability and transferability of the results. participantanswerstoopen-endedsurveyquestions Lincoln and Guba (1985) defined dependabil- andtheotherquestionnaireitems.Icompleteddata ity as a means to consider factors of instability NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 33 Sara J. Renzulli and change. The examination of data collected parents called her at the university to insist she fromparticipantsoversixsessionsallowedforthe return home immediately. internal triangulation that helps determine the Jamie talked frequently in each of the LSC dependability of participant accounts and related sessionsandseemedverycomfortablesharingher events. academic experiences with classmates. She often I also followed the suggestion of Lincoln and volunteeredtoanswerquestionswhennooneelse Guba (1985), who recommended an inquiry audit wanted to talk, and she candidly revealed the by a second researcher to examine both the reasons for her academic difficulties. Her classes research process and product. This second re- were significantly harder than she had expected searcheralsocoded the datasowe could compare them to be, and she admitted to not studying theopenandaxialcodesforagreement.Across10 sufficientlytoachievegoodgradesinanyofthem. checks,wereachedagreementin80%ofthecodes Jamie explained that as the content grew increas- assigned, suggesting strong interrater reliability. ingly difficult, she ‘‘withdrew,’’ studied less, To address researcher bias, I continually disengagedinclass,andextendedlittletonoeffort reflectedonthedailyclassincidencesandrecords intoassignments.Inretrospect,Jamiebelievedshe using field notes and responses to interview had been protecting herself because once she questions. A search for unusual responses and became confused in class she believed she had alternative hypotheses as well as value-free note verylittlechanceforacademicsuccessandshould taking to record appropriate impressions during thereforenotbegintomakefriendsattheuniversity. data collection also reduce bias and were used to She also decided that she could cope with a enhance the trustworthiness of the study. pooroutcomeifshedidnottryatallandreceived a bad grade instead of trying and subsequently Findings failing. Jamie explained that she withdrew Thequalitativefindingsofthisstudysuggestthat because she did not know how to study the thestudyparticipantswereunpreparedfortherigors complex information she encountered. She ex- of postsecondary study. Those who struggled plainedthatherhighschoolclasseshadbeenvery academicallyinthislarge,publicuniversityshowed easy to master and she never had to read the a distinct pattern of individual similarities and textbooks or study for more than 45 minutes for differences. Qualitative findings demonstrate that an exam. The ease of those classes led Jamie to students were unready for completing basic tasks develop habits that negatively affected her that predict success in their postsecondary lives, studying,suchasreadinginfrontofthetelevision such as attending class regularly, communicating andwaitinguntilthelastminutetobeginstudying with their professors, completing required reading, or complete an assignment. In her interviews, and employing minimal study, self-regulation, and Jamieexpressedeagernesstolearnnewstrategies time management skills. The case study of Jamie thatwouldassistherinacademics:Shewantedto illustrates some of the salient characteristics of a add ‘‘more tools to her learning toolbox.’’ study participant who benefited from the LSC. Jamie indicated a strong interest in using three strategiesdiscussedintheclass:self-regulation,re- Case Study: Three New Strategies writing notes, and making note cards. Although Jamie, a White female, is finishing her third manyintheLSCdidnotunderstandtheimportance yearattheuniversity,majoringinliberalartswith or relevance of affective self-regulation to their aconcentrationinhumandevelopmentandfamily academic experience, Jamie carefully considered studies. With long, dark brown hair and brown the concepts along with self-regulation theory, in eyes, she presents avibrant, outgoing personality general, and began integrating some simple and smiles all the time. strategies into her daily academic routine. Specif- Jamiecomesfromasmalltownandcommutes ically, she applied the strategy to her defeatist from her parents’ home each day to reduce the attitude toward challenging or difficult content in cost of college. She also works many weekend her classes and started praising herself for small hours at her part-time job in her hometown. successes.Forexample,inhersignlanguageclass, Very close to her parents, Jamie frequently she would commend herself for learning two new keeps in contact with them throughout the day signs rather than mentally degrade herself for not using e-mails or text messages. She thinks that memorizingtheentireparagraphofsigns. herparentsoverprotecther;forexample,duringa Jamie said this cognitive shift proved difficult recent incident of inclement weather, Jamie’s and remainedawork in progressduringtheentire 34 NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 Learning Skills Course 3 weeks of the course, but she ceased comparing For the final strategy, Jamie reported imple- herself with other students most of the time. She menting note cards in her study. Jamie described beganfocusingonfeelingconfidentaboutworking her primary mode of preparing for tests in high tothebestofherabilityandremainingencouraged school, which had been regular rereading of the about her work and effort. Jamie explained that class material, and she had received Bs on this new approach and attitude toward academics important exams. Once in college, Jamie never helpedhertacklemoredifficultcontentratherthan considered adding or changing the strategies that withdraw when she encountered it. She told the had contributed to her desired high school grades. class that she wanted to maintain ‘‘the positive Instead of seeking new strategies when confront- vibes’’thatshehaddevelopedusingself-regulation ed with difficult college-level material, she re- of affect because she had become more confident read for longer periods than she had done in high in her ability to succeed with a more positive school believing she could improve her college outlook and attitude. exam grades by simply spending more time with Jamiealsostartedrewritinghernotes,astrategy the old tactic. In the LSC, Jamie learned ways to she learned in class to better organize and review break up or chunk content to put important information. She usually carries her laptop com- material on a note card. After practicing this puter with her to class and takes notes in a technique multiple times in class, she created 10 software document. Jamie likes using the laptop to 20 note cards as homework. because she types faster than she can write her When asked to report on the success of the notes. She also downloads the professors’ presen- exercise, Jamie explained to the class that making note cards produced a similar positive effect as tations and takes notes while following along the rewriting strategy. When she created note duringclass.However,althoughnotetakingworks cards, Jamie could make herself reconceptualize wellforher,sheadmittedtogettingofftaskeasily content, which deepened her understanding of it. because she frequently accesses the Internet and In addition, reviewing the note cards multiple checks her e-mail and Facebook during class. times each day aloud aided with memorization of Allstudentswereaskedtotryrewritingnotesfor the material. Jamie believed that note cards one of their classes and report back on the offered the most useful test preparation tool she effectiveness of the strategy. Jamie explained that had learned, and she intended to use it to prepare rewriting helped her remember more details from for all of her exams. her class than she had in the past. She found this Jamie ended the fall semester, after completing outcome interesting: Although she always kept the LSC, with a term GPA of 2.44, an increase detailed recorded notes in class, she realized that from the 1.42 she had earned the previous she rarely examined them unless an exam was semester. Jamie’s fall-term GPA placed her in scheduled. She also explained that rewriting her good academic standing, and she was no longer notesallowedhertoorganizetheminamannerthat subject to probation or dismissal for academic made sense toher, whichhelpedher toremember reasons from the university. Seven of the 9 thecontent moreeasily. The LSC instructorasked participants, including Jamie, increased their Jamie if she believed that this strategy was GPAs from Spring 2012 to Fall 2012 as sustainableforher,andshethoughtfullyresponded: summarized in Table 2. Ithadhelpedher,butinvolvedagreatdealoftime everynightafterclass,sosheexpresseduncertainty Survey and Interview Results about continuing the rewrites. The instructor On 5 of the 10 AUSSLS items, participants challenged Jamie to make modifications to make checked one or more options that applied to them itmorepracticableforheracademicfuture.Atthe and provided responses to the remaining 5 open- next class, Jamie approached the instructor and response questions. The interviews were conduct- explainedthatshehadfiguredouta‘‘reallygreat’’ ed to probe responses to all items on the system that involved making outlines of the most questionnaire, but particular attention was direct- important information for each class every week. ed to the open-response questions. Jamie believed that this personalized strategy Study Strategies Used. In response to the first incorporated the rewriting aspect she had learned question on the instrument, the 9 participating inclass,whichshefoundveryhelpful,yetrelieved students identified the specific ways that they her of the overwhelming commitment she had studied before they participated in the LSC initiallymadetorewriting. intervention and checked a box indicating the NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 35 Sara J. Renzulli Table 2. Participant GPAs after taking the questionsaboutstudentstrategiesshowedpositive learning skills course (4.00 point scale) trends over the disparate findings from the pre- intervention results. When asked during inter- Student Spring Fall views whether students had developed any Pseudonym 2012 GPA 2012 GPA specificwaysofstudying,8ofthe9participating Tamara .43 1.16 students indicated that theypracticed using study Nate .60 1.49 methods most of the time, with one student John .87 .21 saying that he only used study strategies some- Savannah 1.15 1.23 times.ThisfindingsuggeststhattheLSCinspired Jamie 1.42 2.44 more regular use of study strategies than the Edward 1.69 2.46 participants had utilized before taking the class. Paul 1.89 2.79 Studentsalsoexplainedonthesurveythatthey Jimmy 2.14 1.55 used a broader variety of strategies after taking Jay 2.20 2.83 the LSC, including active engagement with the content they were studying. Three students indicated that they used note cards or some form frequency with which they had used the identified ofself-testing,while4studentsreportedrewriting studyskills.Twostudentsindicatedtheycouldnot their notes as a preferred study method. Five think of any study skills used, two other students students said that they used two or more reported rarely using study skills, another used strategies. Edward, for example, reported that he themsometimes,andtheremainingfourresponded used rereading and rewriting strategies; Jimmy that they used study skills most of the time. undertook outlining and repetition most often; On the first administration of the survey, 4 of Paul employed the use of self-testing and re- the 9 respondents listed some form of rereading typing notes; Savannah relied on using online plan as their primary mode of studying; their re- note cards, rewriting, and concept mapping. reading strategies were applied either to their The post-intervention responses for question notes or their textbooks. Two students listed No. 1 on the survey suggest two outcomes. active engagement strategies, such as retyping Students usedmore and differing study strategies their notes and creating note cards; for example, aftertheinterventionthantheyhadutilizedbefore Paulwrote on the survey, ‘‘I havediscoveredthat taking the class, and more of the students retypingmynotesforoneofmyclasseshasbeen incorporated study strategies that involve active very helpful.’’ Another student, Savannah, noted engagement with the content after they had that self-regulation and time management tech- participated in the intervention. niques proveduseful to her when studying: ‘‘It is TimeStudying.InresponsetoItems5and6on easier for me to break large projects/homework thequestionnaire,studentsindicatedthenumberof assignments into smaller pieces and space them hours each week they spent studying before and outoveralongerperiodoftime.Thispreventsme after the intervention (respectively). Table 3 from becoming overwhelmed and stressed out.’’ summarizestheseself-reporteddata.Priortotaking At the beginning of the LSC, two students the class, 4 students reported studying the fewest indicated in interviews that they simply did not possiblehours,butaftertheclassnoneselectedthis know how to study or gave a cursory or vague category. description of their study strategies for class; for Nostudentsstudied between20to24or25to example, Jamie explained that she did a ‘‘last 29 hours per week prior to the intervention, but minute overview,’’ but did not elaborate on the after participating in the LSC more than one half specificsofthosefewminutes.Johnseemedquite (5 of 9) reported studying between 20 and 29 honest in his response on the survey: ‘‘I don’t hours. The mean number of hours of study was really knowhow toeffectively study since I never determined using interval data. Before the had to before college. I used to look at/do things intervention, the mean number of hours studied and automatically know them.’’ In summary, was8.0,andaftertheintervention,itwas19.4.In diverseresponsesreflectarangeofstudystrategies summary, all 9 participants reported that the fromactiveengagementactivities,suchasretyping hourseachweektheystudiedincreasedafterthey notes, to no discernible study strategy. participated in the intervention. After3weeksofparticipatingintheLSCfor2 Useful Study Strategies. Survey Item 7 asked hours each week, the survey responses for the respondents to identify study strategies most useful 36 NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 Learning Skills Course Table 3. Hours spent studying as reported by the hours they studied after the intervention, a students pre- and post-intervention result that comports with the findings of Tuck- man and Kennedy (2011). According to the Hours Studying completed AUSSLS survey, two participants Student Pre- Post- reported little change in their study habits after Pseudonym intervention intervention taking the LSC. Dembo (2004) investigated Edward 1 to 4 5 to 9 common reasons that college students fail to John 1 to 4 10 to 15 benefit from LSCs, including students’ percep- Tamara 1 to 4 10 to 15 tions that they cannot make the necessary Nate 5 to 9 16 to 19 behavior modifications or their unwillingness Jamie 1 to 4 20 to 24 to change. In this study, some participants Jay 10 to 15 20 to 24 believed that they could not make the necessary Jimmy 10 to 15 25 to 29 changes because the strategies were too difficult Paul 10 to 15 25 to 29 ortooktoomuchtime.Theyoftendismissedthe Savannah 16 to 19 25 to 29 use of learning strategies, ignoring the possibil- ity that the LSC offered information on new ways to study or learn. to them. After taking the LSC, 5 students thought the use of note cards and self-testing most Traditional Study Skills beneficial,informationquitedifferentfromthedata According to the survey responses, the most gathered at the beginning of the intervention when commonly used study method used by partici- one student reported using note cards for studying. pants on academic probation at this university The reported increase in the use of this skill may involved simply rereading content. This strategy reflectthewaytheinstructorpresentedtheinforma- was also identified in previous research (Call- tion or the improvements students documented ender&McDaniel,2009;Carrier,2003;Goetz& following employment of this strategy. Advisors Palmer, 1991; Karpicke et al., 2009; Stine- may want to suggest note cards or self-testing to Morrow et al., 2004). After completing the students encountering academic difficulties. LSC, all participants in this study reported the Other Study-Related Behaviors. According useofrereadingasoneofthestudymethodsused to the interviews and open-ended survey ques- most often to prepare for exams, with 5 of 9 tions, students who encounter challenges are indicateditmadeuptheirprimarymethodfortest unprepared for academic rigor and either do not preparation. Of these 5 students, 2 reported that know or have chosen not to employ basic study rereadinghadbeenasuccessfulformofstudying strategies regularly used by students in good for them. academic standing. Most of the participants lacked a sense of accountability for their own Strategies Offered in the Learning Skills studyingandacademicprogress.Severalreported Course that without parentalmonitoring, theysimply did Twentieth-century researchers investigated not study enough, spend adequate time on their self-testing and most concluded it makes up an workforclass,orcompleteminimaltasksneeded effective way to study and recall information for to persist in college. They admitted to not assessments (Gates, 1917; Jones, 1923-1924; regularly reading official university e-mails, Spitzer, 1939; Tulving, 1967). The LSC in this attending class, and keeping appointments; that study emphasized self-testing and setting an is, they failed to complete academic obligations. information retrieval schedule. Participants were Several of the participants said that they had initially receptive to self-testing, and in general, regularly missed appointments with academic acknowledged that this tactic helped them when advisors. These findings, taken with the survey correctly appliedtostudy,butmany didnotwant results, lead to several implications and opportu- to commit to using self-testing after the interven- nities for academic advisors. tion was completed. Only four students in the LSCindicatedtheywouldcontinuetouseitinthe Discussion future. The Effectiveness of Learning Skills Courses Many college students exert control over their In this study, students on academic probation owntimemanagementandcourseworkschedules who enrolled in the LSC reported an increase in as well as the methods by which they study and NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015 37 Sara J. Renzulli learn (Pintrich & deGroot, 1990). Students who students who may benefit from these types of manage their time and learning achieve higher instructional activities. grades than students with underdeveloped self- Educating students on learning skills only regulatedlearningstrategies(Zimmerman,1989). solves part of the problem for students at risk for Time management proved one of the most dropping out of college. According to this study, successful strategies introduced in this study. students need time to learn and effectively practice Participants reported that they liked the structure the strategies in their classes. Advisors can and and limits of the time management strategies should be the persons who discuss the application suggested, and most reported comfort applying and utility of these study skills as well as them because the self-imposed schedules resem- encourage students to persist in employing the bledthoseinprimaryandsecondaryschool.This newly learned tactics. They often are better point raises several questions about whether the positioned than others on campus to identify a use of study skill classes in high school or problem and follow up over a period of weeks or introduced the summerbefore collegeenrollment even months. could help prepare or teach incoming students to Perhaps the most important finding in this study develop proficient time-management skills. showed the hours of weekly studying reported before and after the intervention. Before taking the Implications LSC, students reported studying for 8.0 hours per Several implications emerged from this study week and after the class their time spent studying for academic advisors. The participants benefited more than doubled to 19.4 hours per week. In from the study strategies learned in the interven- addition to asking about study time, advisors can tion, and therefore, academic advisors could provide regular monitoring and questioning about initiate conversations about the types of study other aspects of time management. Specifically, strategies students are using, the number of hours they could suggest students keep track of their per week they devote to studying, and the ways study habits and time dedicated to studying as a theyuseself-regulationstrategiessuchaschoosing way to work with advisors on planning and improving their time management. study locations and addressing distractions they The importance of LSCs for students who face. To initiate this conversation, academic continue to encounter academic difficulty after advisors could consider using items included in some initial contact and preliminary help emerged Figure 1 from the AUSSLS. as another implication of this study. For students In this study, 8 of the 9 participating students who need intensive assistance to achieve academic practicedusingstudymethodsaftertakingtheLSC persistence, a face-to-face class scheduled over a andmorethanonehalfofthestudentsbeganusing semester coupled with individual periodic meetings activeengagementstrategies,suchasretypingtheir with advisors may prove most beneficial. notes and creating note cards. This finding suggeststhatstudentsbenefitedfromthestrategies Limitations discussed in the LSC and the topics could be This research presents several limitations, integrated into individual or small group advising including those related to data collection proce- sessions. The direct teaching of some of these dures. According to Isaac and Michael (1997), study skills by academic advisors could also surveys depend on the direct communication with potentiallyincreasetheuseofthemacrossabroad persons selected for a study, which limits the population of students, not solely those deemed at applicability and generalizability of the results. risk of attrition or those with probationary status. After numerous information sessions and a proac- Also, enterprising advisors could create an online tive recruitment process (N = 116), 19 students course for use with on- and off-campus students agreed to participate in the study, which may not who struggle academically. reflect a representative sample of persons on Regardless of their own work environments and academic probation. However, qualitative research practice (e.g., professional in face-to-face confer- provides rich descriptions of phenomena or ences,groupfacilitator, facultymember with major individuals, and generalizablity is typically not an caseload, or online advisor for distance learners), intended outcome. advisorscancreatecoursesorteachstudystrategies Although empirical support exists to justify a 3- to individuals or small groups of students. Items week intervention (Bishop & Brenneman, 1986; featured in the AUSSLS can be used to identify Hattie et al., 1996), the time period may not be 38 NACADA Journal Volume 35(1) 2015

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