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Preview ERIC EJ1058712: Building Passion and Potential for Creative Learning in Higher Education

1  1 Building Passion and Potential for   Creative Learning in Higher Education Susan Keller-Mathers Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY Building passion and potential for creative learning in higher education involves deliberately seeking to understand, appreciate, and teach for creativity. Recognizing the urgent need for creativity and problem solving skills, and understanding that instructors must embrace creative learning for them- selves first, is central. Creativity cannot be left to chance. Developments in the field of creativity, both with regard to defining aspects of creativity and providing frameworks for integrating creative learning into higher education practices are discussed. Introduction Ex perts in any field of study must keep pace with beyond and display a passionate love of what they are change. This requires the ability to scan large bod� doing, a rich future image, high energy, and a love of ies of information, synthesize knowledge, continually a challenge (Millar, 2010; Torrance, 1983). acquire new skills, and capture the essence of what is ThTh ee aaccttiivviittiieess,, sskkiillll,, aanndd kknnoowwlleeddggee ddeevveelloopp�� most important. Leading a field requires expertise in ment in higher education that mirror exceptional combination with a strong sense of curiousity and professional practices also engage students in creative original insights to generate new concepts, theories, learning. The accomplishment of the mastery of a skills, processes, and products. These thought leaders body of knowledge, the wonder and excitement of and creative problem solvers exemplify the creative discovery, and the satisfaction of the generation of learner. Mere mastery of a discipline does not sat� new thought, reflect best practices in teaching and isfy their thirst for understanding. They continually learning that demand learners be fully engaged, question. They have a drive to uncover mysteries. mindful, and creative. They delve into areas of ambiguity, allow contradic� The first step toward a more deliberate tory perspectives to emerge, and invite seemingly development of creative learning and teaching unsolvable problems to percolate. They are never practices in higher education is to make explicit three satisfied with what is known. These individuals go aspects of creative growth. First, the recognition of 1 Collected Essays on Teaching and Learning Vol. IV the urgent need for creativity and problem solving is defining aspects of creativity, both historically and necessary. To grasp this fully, a basic understanding of currently, are discussed next. They are presented the dimensions of creativity is essential. Second, the not as a comprehensive view but as a representative importance of creative learning for self first and then sample of the rich history and current theory in the for nurturing others is important to recognize. To fully field of creativity toward an understanding of the bring creative teaching and learning to the classroom, multifaceted nature of creativity. one must first value and model creative learning. J.P. Guilford’s 1950 speech as President of Third, a basic understanding of the diverse ways to the American Psychological Association is most deliberately develop creativity in higher education is often credited as the beginning of the modern necessary. Each is discussed in this article. study of creativity. He urged psychologists to study the neglected area of creativity. The developer of the Structure of Intellect Model, Guilford (1977) An Urgent Need for More Creativity described a theory of intelligence that included up and Problem Solving to 150 different aspects of intelligence, including creative abilities. At the same time, at the Institute of Personality Assessment and Research, researchers The desire to harness future possibilities creates (MacKinnon, 1962, 1978) were studying highly an urgent need for creativity in the world. It has creative individuals and E. Paul Torrance (1966, been said many times that change is inevitable and 1972) was developing classic creativity tests and growth is optional. Leading change, through creative thought and action, rather than reacting to change, examining children’s creativity. Alex Osborn provides the means to shape a productive future. (1953) was utilizing his brainstorming technique, Placing a creativity lens over teaching and learning articulating a deliberate creative problem solving practices provides a way to step back from content, process and planting the seeds for university�level from disciplinary expertise and current perspectives studies in creativity (Parnes & Noller, 1972). Mel on pedagogy and ask specifically “What is creativity?” Rhodes (1961) described a productive framework so to better understand the dimensions that make it for describing the dimensions of creativity as the urgently needed. “four P’s” or person, process, product, and press. Twenty�first century skill advocates such During the same time period, other researchers and as the Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2008) practitioners were contributing to the foundation for articulate skills necessary for the future as student the study and practice of creativity in education and outcome areas, including creativity and innovation business (i.e., Barron, 1969; de Bono, 1969; Gordon, skills, critical thinking and problem solving skills, 1961; Taylor, 1973). communication and collaboration skills, life and Current work in the field builds directly from career skills, and flexibility and adaptability skills. these foundations and includes expanding studies of Revisions of Bloom’s taxonomy articulated creativity creativity at the university level (Murdock & Keller� as a central aspect of the taxonomy (Anderson Mathers, in press; Parnes, 1999). Simonton (1988, & Krathwolh, 2001). In the updated taxonomy, 2010) examined eminence, genius, and creativity creating replaced synthesis and is defined as “Putting and described eminence, genius, and a fifth “P” of elements together to form a novel, coherent whole creativity as “persuasion,” while Csikszentmihalyi or make an original product” involving generating, (1990, 2003) described the concept of flow and planning, and producing (Krathwolh, 2002, optimal experiences. Amabile (1998; Amabile & p. 215). Embedding creativity into education Kramer, 2010) described an intrinsic motivation requires knowing the scholarly work toward theory, aspects of the environment conducive to defining dimensions of creativity and research�based creativity, and the components leading to creative practices to embed 21st century skills in educational productivity including task motivation, domain practices. To that end, several key developments in relevant skills, and creativity relevant skills. Sternberg 2 Building Passion and Potential for Creative Learning in Higher Education (1985) articulated the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence creativity included tolerance for ambiguity, tolerance that expands intelligence to include analytical, for complexity, and openness to novelty. Without these creative, or synthetic and practical intelligence and skills, fully engaging in the messiness and multifaceted re�conceptualized admissions to Tufts University to nature of newness where forward thinking flourishes is reflect wisdom and the expanded view of intelligence blocked by self�imposed constraints. Attitude counts (Sternberg, Jarvin, & Grigorenko, 2009). when it comes to creativity. Creativity Starts With Self Don’t Leave Creativity to Chance Fully nurturing the creative potential of others If we want to do a better job at teaching skills such as requires personally modeling the behaviours, those suggested by the Partnership for 21st Century attitudes, and actions consistent with a creative Skills (2008), we must “engage in solving complex learner. Development of one’s creative expression is multidisciplinary open ended problems; developing therefore first. This can look very different in varied creativity and entrepreneurial thinking, which is talent areas, cultures, and preferred ways of operating. a skill set highly associated with job creation; and Further, creative characteristics displayed as strengths making innovative use of knowledge, information by one person may be very different than that of and opportunities to create new services processes and another. Some classic characteristics of creativity products” (p. 1). Educators must ask themselves, “To articulated by early researchers such as Guilford and what degree do I deliberately promote creativity?” MacKinnon include fluency, flexibility, originality, Mel Rhodes’ (1961) classic framework for elaboration, risk�taking, curiosity, complexity, creativity provides a productive view to examine imagination, independence, openness, tolerance of the aspects of creativity for teaching and learning. ambiguity, and capacity to make order from chaos. Bringing these elements to a more conscious level and The excitable, original, outgoing way of someone who articulating their dimensions enables educators to be typically might be called an ‘idea person’ and another more deliberate. Both the physical and psychological person’s calm, thoughtful, deliberate persistence to conditions necessary for creative thought must be craft an elegant solution may each represent aspects of considered. The appreciation and understanding of creativity and the potential to contribute to unique, the diverse characteristics and ways people engage useful, and well�crafted outcomes and products. creative processes, both naturally and deliberately, can Illuminating the creative strengths and capitalizing on be improved. The specific dimensions of products the talents of the individual is central to understanding and outcomes that lead to more novel, useful, and one’s creative self, realizing that “I am creative.” well�crafted products can be articulated and described Many factors impact one’s ability to develop both generally and within specific professions. creativity. Some constraints such as availability Articulating a model for integrating creativity of resources and expertise can be outside of one’s into content and recent work utilizing Torrance’s immediate influence. Others, such as attitude, are (1979) framework provides one of the few deliberate clearly within a healthy individual’s control. Noller creative teaching and learning models to incorporate (Parnes, Noller, & Biondi, 1977) articulated the central creativity deliberately (Murdock & Keller�Mathers, nature of attitude in her classic definition of creativity 2008). Structurally, the Torrance Incubation Model as C=fa(K,I,E). She explains that creativity is focused of Creative Teaching and Learning (TIM) contains on the use of knowledge, imagination, and evaluation a specific content and an aspect of creativity with a subscript “a” for attitude. Murdock described articulated through goals, and deliberately integrated three affective thinking skills that are central to the at each stage of (1) Heightening Anticipation; (2) development of creative problem solving skills (Puccio, Deepening Expectations; and (3) Extending the Murdock, & Mance, 2007). These attitudes toward Learning (Murdock & Keller�Mathers, 2008). 3 Collected Essays on Teaching and Learning Vol. IV The engagement process begins with heightening example, the research�based creativity skills described anticipation before and/or at the beginning of a by Torrance for use with the incubation model learning episode. Using incompleteness, arousal, (Torrance & Safter, 1999). Those skills include: The and creative tension provides a means to ‘warm up’ Problem, Produce & Consider Many Alternatives, to the learning. Strategies such as getting attention Be Flexible, Be Original, Highlight the Essence, and creating desire to know assist the teacher in more Elaborate But Not Excessively, Keep Open, Be Aware explicitly engaging the learner fully before and at the of Emotion, Put Your Ideas Into Context, Combine beginning of a learning episode. & Synthesize, Visualize It Rich & Colourfully, Enjoy To deepen expectations, additional strategies, & Use Fantasy, Make It Swing Make It Ring, Look At described as metaphors include for example “digging It Another Way, Visualize the Inside, Breakthrough deeper” to go beyond the surface and see what Extend the Boundaries, Let Humour Flow & Use It, is initially hidden or searching for unanswered and Get Glimpses of the Future. questions by “getting into deep water” (Torrance & Alternatively, to target thinking skills that Safter, 1990, 1999). It involves considering what is are specifically aligned with a creative problem done during a learning episode to deepen student solving process, a set of cognitive and affective expectations for learning regarding the main content skills can be used to select skills essential to creative of the lesson and the creativity component integrated problem solving to integrate into a learning episode. into this stage. Described as part of the Thinking Skills Model of In Extending the Learning, strategies in the Creative Problem Solving (Puccio et al., 2007; form of metaphors also assist with using the model Puccio, Mance, & Murdock, 2011) and built from and include, for example, giving the information the seminal work of Osborn (1953) and Parnes personal meaning by “singing in one’s own key” and (1966), the skills align with seven steps of the process. enlarge one’s view of the future by “shaking hands The steps (as well as the cognitive and affective skills with tomorrow.” It involves deliberate consideration for each) include: Assessing the Situation (Diagnostic of what instructors do at the end and after the learning Thinking & Mindfulness), Exploring the Vision episode to extend the learning regarding the main (Visionary Thinking & Dreaming), Formulating content of the lesson and the creativity component Challenges (Strategic Thinking & Sensing Gaps), integrated into this stage. Exploring Ideas (Ideational Thinking & Playfulness), Implemented effectively, TIM provides Formulating Solutions (Evaluative Thinking & the conditions for incubated thoughts beyond the Avoiding Premature Closure), Exploring Acceptance timeframe of the learning episode. MacKinnon (Contextual Thinking & Sensitivity to Environment), (1978) stated “The moment of insight and inspiration and Formulating a Plan (Tactical Thinking & may be sudden and brief, but it comes usually only Tolerance for Risk). Further three affective skills after prolonged searching” (p. 189). Deep thinking that are described as essential in all steps of the involves thinking well beyond when a concept is process include: Openness to Novelty, Tolerance for introduced, and occurs after one engages in some Ambiguity, and Tolerance for Complexity. understanding of a concept that has complexities, These two research�based skills sets (or any involves ambiguity and novelty, and has unanswered other sound theoretical framework for creativity skills questions that intrigue and perplex the learner. TIM or concepts) can form the basis of strategically selected is designed to provide the conditions for incubation skills related to creativity to integrate as part of TIM. to occur at the back end of the model. When examining what aspect of creativity Conclusion should be incorporated, it is important to deliberately select key aspects of creativity while continuing to keep the framework of the four P’s in mind. A productive Building passion and potential for creative teaching framework from which to select skills includes, for and learning involves an awareness and understanding 4 Building Passion and Potential for Creative Learning in Higher Education of the urgent need for creativity. It also involves one’s American Psychologist, 5, 444�454. own creative growth first, as well as an eye toward improving practice to more deliberately nurture Guilford, J.P. (1977). Way beyond the IQ. Buffalo, creative learning in others. One must be a creative NY: Bearly Limited. teacher and a creative learner while understanding that teaching for creativity involves more than a new Keller�Mathers, S. (2009). Creative teaching. In twist on an old way of presenting material (Keller� B. Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopaedia of giftedness, Mathers, 2009). To engage in creative teaching and creativity, and talent (pp. 197�200). 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(1969). Creative person and creative Murdock, M. & Keller�Mathers, S. (2008). Teaching process. New York, NY: Holt, Rinehart & and learning creatively with the Torrance Winston. Incubation Model: A research and practice update. International Journal of Creativity Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology and Problem Solving, 18(2), 11�33. of optimal experience. New York, NY: Harper and Row. Murdock, M. & Keller�Mathers, S. (in press). Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2003). Good business: Programs and courses in creativity. In M. Leadership, flow, and the making of meaning. Runco & S. Pritzker (Eds.), Encyclopedia of New York, NY: Penguin Books. creativity (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Academic Press. de Bono, E. (1969). The mechanism of the mind. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster. Osborn, A. (1953). Applied imagination. New York, NY: Charles Scribner’s Sons. Gordon, W.J.J. (1961). Synectics: The development of creative capacity. New York, NY: Harper & Row. Parnes, S.J. (1966). 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(2008). 21st Torrance, E.P. (1979). An instructional model for century skills, education and competitiveness: enhancing incubation. Journal of Creative A resource and policy guide. Tuscon, AR: Behavior, 13(1), 23�35. Author. Torrance, E.P. (1983). The beyonders in a thirty year Puccio, G., Murdock, M., & Mance, M. (2007). longitudinal study. Roeper Review, 15(3), Creative leadership: Skills that drive change. 131�151. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Torrance, E.P. & Safter, H.T. (1990). The incubation Puccio, G., Mance, M., & Murdock, M. (2011). model of learning and teaching: Getting beyond Creative leadership: Skills that drive change. the aha. Buffalo, NY: Bearly Limited. (2nd Ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Torrance, E.P. & Safter, H.T. (1999). Making the Rhodes, M. (1961). An analysis of creativity. Phi creative leap beyond. Buffalo, NY: Creative Delta Kappan, 24(7), 305�310. Education Foundation. Simonton, D.K. (1988). Creativity, leadership, and Biography chance. In R.J. Sternberg (Ed.), The nature of creativity (pp. 386�426). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Susan Keller�Mathers (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor of Creative Studies at the International Center for Simonton, D.K. (2010). Creativity in highly Studies in Creativity at Buffalo State. She chairs the eminent individuals. In J.C. Kaufman & R.J. School of Profession’s Curriculum Committee and Sternberg (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook focuses on the scholarship of creative teaching and of creativity (pp.174�188). New York, NY: learning in the schools, in higher education, and in Cambridge University Press. training applications. Sternberg, R.J. (1985). Beyond IQ: A triarchic theory of human intelligence. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Sternberg, R.J., Jarvin, L., & Grigorenko, E.L. (2009). Teaching for wisdom, intelligence, creativity, and success. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin. 6

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