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ERIC EJ1017586: Perceptions of a Statewide Mentor Program for New Itinerant Vision Professionals PDF

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Preview ERIC EJ1017586: Perceptions of a Statewide Mentor Program for New Itinerant Vision Professionals

Perceptions of a Statewide Mentor Program for New Itinerant Vision Professionals Rona L. Pogrund and Chrissy Cowan Structuredabstract:Introduction:Mentoringisvaluablefortheretentionofnew teachers. This article describes a model statewide mentor program for new itinerant vision professionals who work with students from birth to age 22. The resultsofarecentsurveyofsatisfactionarereported,alongwithimplicationsfor the field. Methods: The prote´ge´s who participated in the statewide mentor program completed an electronic satisfaction survey. Of the 76 participants who had been assigned a mentor during the 2011–12 academic year, 56 responded (74%). Both quantitative and qualitative questions were included in the survey. The quantitative questions were analyzed using percentages, and the qualitative data was analyzed and put into themes using the data analysis process of triangulation. Results: Seventy-one percent of the participants reported having had more than 10 interactions with their mentors over the previous year. The topicsmostfrequentlyaddressedwiththeirmentorswereperformingevaluations (89%), locating resources (84%), and writing goals and objectives (79%). The most helpful mentoring techniques that were used included guided problem- solving techniques (70%), effective listening (68%), and the provision of teach- ing materials (57%). The majority of the prote´ge´s (82%) thought that their mentors had definitely contributed to the quality of their teaching. The top stressors for new vision professionals were related to organization and time management,evaluations,andcollaborationwithothers. Discussion:Theresults of the survey demonstrate that the mentor program had a positive outcome for the participants as new educators. It also provided information on the stressors faced by these new vision professionals. Implications for practitioners: This article can serve as a model for other states that are interested in developing a mentor program for new itinerant vision professionals, and can serve as a guide for personnel preparation programs to address further the areas that the prote´ge´s identified as those in which they felt the least competent. M entoringnewteachershasbeenshown in keeping new teachers from leaving the tobeoneofthebestwaystosupportthem field (Boe, Cook, & Sunderland, 2008; during their first year on the job (Billing- Smith & Ingersoll, 2004). New special sley, 2004) and a significant component education teachers are more likely to stay 351 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 in the field if they feel supported and part the characteristics of high-quality men- of the educational community in which tors and the kinds of mentors who are they work (Billingsley, Griffin, Smith, needed for a specific type of teacher. Kamman, & Israel, 2009; Johnson & Mentoring is an important part of the in- Birkeland, 2003). The retention of new duction of new teachers, but it is not the teachers is critical, and school districts onlysupportthatisneeded.Otherpartsof have been shown to reduce the costs of induction should include professional de- replacing new teachers by retaining the velopment,orientation,andreducedcase- ones they hire (McLeskey & Billingsley, loads (Hirsch et al., 2009). 2008). Recruiting and retaining qualified With the shortage of special education teachers is one of the biggest challenges teachers, understanding how a successful that the field of education faces. mentoring program works will assist in Mentoring is typically defined as a rela- the recruitment and retention of new tionshipbetweenanexperiencedandaless teachers (Billingsley, Carlson, & Klein, experienced person in which the mentor 2004). The current and anticipated future provides guidance, advice, support, and shortages of new professionals in the feedbacktotheprote´ge´ (Kerka,1998).Itis field of visual impairment with the in- a separate process from university supervi- crease in retirements by baby boomers sion, internship, and practicum teaching, supports the need for an effective men- andmentorsarenotexpectedtotakeonan toringprogramasneweducatorsenterthe evaluativerole.Mentoringcanincludeboth profession (Ambrose-Zaken & Bozeman, coaching to improve prote´ge´s’ instruction 2010; McLeskey, Tyler, & Flippin, andsupportinbecomingintegratedintothe 2004). “Providing mentors to teachers of educationalsystembyincreasingtheprote´- students with low-incidence disabilities ge´s’ understanding of policies and proce- (e.g., visual impairments) is particularly dures, and it is often the emotional support challenging given that one teacher may providedbymentorsthatisthemostmean- serve an entire region or state” (Billings- ingfultonewteachers(Hirschetal.,2009). ley et al., 2009, p. 5). New teachers in both general and special The state of Texas has addressed the education have reported feeling over- need to support new teachers of students whelmed during their first year of teaching withvisualimpairmentsthroughaunique (MacDonald & Speece, 2001). However, statewide mentor program that is coordi- they often feel hesitant to seek help from nated by the Texas School for the Blind their administrators or others who may andVisuallyImpaired(TSBVI)Outreach evaluate them (Billingsley, 2005). Program. This program was initially rec- Having mentors who teach students ommendedbyateamofstakeholderswho with characteristics similar to their own were determining statewide needs for the students helps new teachers the most education of students with visual impair- (Whitaker, 2003). For example, Whitaker ments requested by the Texas Education (2003) recommended that mentors be Agency (TEA) in 1994 and 1995. In chosen on the basis of a rigorous high- 1996,astateadvisorycommittee,thePer- quality selection process conducted by sonnel Preparation Advisory Group, was veteran instructional leaders who know established to develop a collaborative 352 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved framework for personnel preparation in ters,trackstherelationshipbetweenmen- visual impairment for the state. In 1998, tors and prote´ge´s and adjusts these teams the Education Service Center—Region if needed, collects contact logs of the XI received a three-year contract from mentors and prote´ge´s, and determines the TEAtotrain,support,andemploy50new prote´ge´s’ continuing eligibility for men- orientation and mobility (O&M) special- tors. The coordinator collaborates with istsand100newteachersofstudentswith Texas Tech University (TTU) and Ste- visual impairments to address the short- phenF.AustinStateUniversity(SFASU) age of personnel in schools. A mentor in matching newly certified teachers of program for all new teachers of students students with visual impairments and O&Mspecialistswithmentorsastheyare with visual impairments and O&M spe- hiredinschooldistrictsthroughoutTexas. cialists was part of this initiative, and the The coordinator also collaborates closely TSBVI Outreach Program was charged with vision consultants from the state’s with the creation and coordination of this 20 regional education service centers to program. In 2002, the Texas legislature locate newly hired individuals in their designateddiscretionaryfundingfromthe respective regions. See Figure 1 for the Individuals with Disabilities Education structure of the mentor program. Act (IDEA) to the TSBVI to support pro- The mentor coordinator tracks the fessional preparation for teachers of stu- progress of entrants in vision programs dents with visual impairments and O&M and matches them with mentors when specialists. Funding for the mentor pro- they begin teaching students with visual gram and partial funding for the two uni- impairments. The typical scenarios in- versitypersonnelpreparationprogramsin clude individuals who are hired with a visual impairment in Texas have been probationary certificate while continuing provided through this allocation since their course work or individuals who are 2002, with state general revenue funds doing their internships or practicums at added in 2009 as a result of rising tuition the end of their programs. Mentors are costs. This state support has significantly also provided for teachers of students increased the number and quality of new with visual impairments and O&M spe- vision professionals throughout the state cialistswhoarereenteringthefieldaftera over the past 10 years, thereby more ef- lengthy absence and for individuals who fectively meeting the needs of students are new to the Texas school system. If a with visual impairments in Texas (Dig- match is made between a mentor and a nan, 2012). newly certified teacher, the match lasts approximately two to three years. Many Statewide mentor program new teachers of students with visual im- model pairments are working under a probation- STRUCTURE ary certificate (renewable for up to three The mentor program employs a full-time years) as they complete their vision (nine-month)coordinatorofmentorswho course work. State law in Texas requires selects and trains mentors, matches men- the provision of a mentor during this pro- tors with prote´ge´s, organizes mentor cen- bationary period. 353 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 Assignment of experienced Establishment of the mentor- Recruitment and selection vision professional as the protégé database of mentors mentor coordinator Training of mentors Submission of names of new Match of new vision students by universities professionals with mentors Distribution of contact logs and Midyear satisfaction Midyear adjustment of mentor- invitations to mentor centers to questionnaire protégé teams by mentors mentor-protégé teams if needed Return of mentor contact logs Payment to mentors Determination of protégés' to the mentor coordinator eligibility for mentors for the at the end of the school year next year Figure1.Structureofthementorprogram.Thischartrepresentstheresponsibilitiesofthemen- torcoordinatorandtheflowofthementorassignmentprocessfromAugustthroughJuneofany given school year. SELECTIONANDPREPARATION these mentors, 232 are teachers of stu- OFMENTORS dents with visual impairments and 120 Three distinct types of mentors partici- are certified O&M specialists (62 are du- pate in the mentor program: district men- ally certified). tors, statewide mentors, and mentors who Individuals who are considered for are employed by education service cen- mentoring are typically nominated by vi- ters. District mentors are employed by sionconsultantswhoareemployedbythe school districts and special education co- educationservicecenters.Somearenom- operatives. Statewide mentors are self- inated by partner teachers or are self- employed contractors who travel greater nominated. All must have a minimum of distances to support their prote´ge´s. State- four to five years of experience in teach- wide mentors are used in situations in ing students with visual impairments and which a district mentor is not geographi- mustsubmitrecommendationsfromthree cally close enough to the prote´ge´ to pro- sources: their immediate supervisors, vi- vide high-quality support. The mentors sion consultants from education service receive either a stipend or credit toward centers, and coworkers. O&M specialist registration fees for TSBVI-sponsored applicants for mentoring also submit re´- professional development. Currently, sume´s documenting a minimum of four thereare255districtmentors,7statewide years of instruction in the school system. mentors, and 28 mentors who are em- All applicants for mentoring must collab- ployed by education service centers. Of orate well with their peers and have a 354 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved history of attending conferences and pro- already been matched. Once matched, fessional development programs to en- both the mentor and prote´ge´ are sent sure that their knowledge is current. e-mailmessageswithdocumentsattached Once they are selected, the applicants that will be used to monitor contacts be- for mentoring participate in a 1.5-day tween the two. These matches are made trainingsessionthatisheldinAustinonce as soon as the new teachers are hired, but a year. Prior to the face-to-face training, typically occur during August and Sep- theyarerequiredtocompleteaweb-based tember. In December, the mentors and training course specifically designed for prote´ge´sreceivee-mailmessagesthatask vision mentors. The web course and the for information related to the number of first half day of training are based on contactstheyhavehadandiftheywantto materialsdevelopedbyHuling(1998),an continue to be matched. This mid-year expert in the fields of mentoring and surveyiscrucial,sincetheremaybesome teacher induction. Training begins with situations in which the mentors and pro- common problems for first-year teachers, te´ge´shavenotbeenabletomeetregularly issues that affect the mentor-prote´ge´ or are simply incompatible. Follow-up in teams, the Concerns-Based Adoption theseinstancesisdonebythementorcoor- Model(Hord,Rutherford,Huling-Austin, dinator through telephone conversations, & Hall, 1987), active listening tech- and adjustments are made if needed. niques, identifying stages that the prote´- ge´s may be moving through, and tech- DOCUMENTATIONANDACCOUNTABILITY niques to support them through these OFMENTORS stages. The second, full day of training Once they are matched with prote´ge´s, the covers standards of practice for conduct- mentors sign a 10-month contract that ing and writing vision-specific evalua- outlines their responsibilities. The men- tions, legal guidelines for vision services torsarerequiredtohaveaminimumof12 in Texas, curricula for teaching the ex- contacts with their prote´ge´s during the panded core curriculum, and vision- academic year, document these contacts, related resources to share with prote´ge´s. and return their documentation to the mentor coordinator at the end of the MATCHINGPROTE´GE´SWITHMENTORS spring semester. Teachers of students Thementorcoordinatorusesadatabaseto withvisualimpairmentsorO&Mspecial- organize information about both mentors ists receive their own unique contact log and prote´ge´s throughout Texas. As new when the match is made, and contacts are vision professionals are hired, the univer- noted on this log. The O&M specialist sitiesoreducationservicecentersprovide contact log also tracks the amount of contactinformationforthem,andtheyare time spent, so that individuals can submit sent e-mail messages with information these logs for recertification credits from about the mentor program. Some new the Academy for Certification of Vision teachers are already familiar with the Rehabilitation and Education Profession- mentors in their area and may request als (ACVREP). Contacts may be in the specific mentors. These requests are typ- form of e-mail messages, telephone con- ically honored unless the mentors have versations, video conferences, face-to-face 355 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 meetings, or shadowing. If the midyear visualimpairmentsorO&Mspecialistsat survey or contact log reveals inadequate a designated school and observe them contact,thementorcoordinatorcallsboth there. During the lunch hour on both the mentor and prote´ge´ to determine the Monday and Tuesday, the experienced cause.Ifthementorisnotabletoperform teachers (called “mentor center staff”) the role for any reason, a change in men- and the observers eat lunch together in a tors is made. Mentors who consistently largeconferenceareatodiscussquestions neglect their role are not matched in the that may have arisen during the observa- future. tionperiod.Mentorcentersareavaluable opportunity for new teachers and univer- MENTORCENTERS sitystudentstolearnaboutavastarrayof StudentsenrolledintheTTUandSFASU abilities of students with visual impair- vision personnel preparation programs ments, as well as the teaching methods andallmentor-prote´ge´ teamsqualifyfora and materials that are designed to work trip to Austin to observe experienced well with students. vision professionals at the TSBVI and in the Austin Independent School District Results of the survey (AISD) itinerant vision program. Mentor PARTICIPANTS centersareeventsthatarescheduledthree In May 2012, an electronic satisfaction times every academic year. Expenses for survey, including both quantitative and prote´ge´sandtheirmentorstoattendthem, qualitative questions, was sent to the 76 including travel, hotel rooms, and per prote´ge´s who were currently matched diemandsubstitutepay,whenapplicable, through the mentor program. Of the 76, are covered by the mentor program. Dur- 56 (74%) responded, 93% of whom had ing a mentor center, the participants been teaching students with visual im- spend two days observing experienced pairments for fewer than three years. Of teachers of students with visual impair- the participants, 52% were already certi- mentsandO&Mspecialistsworkingwith fied as teachers of students with visual their students. At the end of the first day, impairments,34%wereworkingasteach- short presentations on children’s pro- ers of students with visual impairments grams are made by representatives of the withaprobationarycertification,and20% rehabilitation state agency. The attendees are also given the option to tour the state were ACVREP-certified O&M special- rehabilitationcenterforadultswithvisual ists. The survey was designed to deter- impairments, which is located near the minethenumberandtypesofinteractions TSBVI campus. Each mentor center be- between the prote´ge´s and mentors, the gins at 5:00 p.m. on a Sunday for orien- predominant topics that were covered tationtothecampusandtocreateasched- during their meetings, effective methods ule of observations for Monday and that the mentors used with the prote´ge´s, Tuesday. Observers have the opportunity theperceivedimpactthatthementorshad to visit approximately seven TSBVI on the quality of services the prote´ge´s classrooms each day, or they may choose were able to offer their students, and job to meet AISD teachers of students with issues that were the most stressful for 356 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved Figure2.Frequencyoftopicscoveredwithmentor.Thebarsrepresentthepercentageofprotégé responses to the survey question referring to the topics covered with their mentors. Multiple responses were allowed. (n (cid:1) 56). the new teachers. The participants were The topics were presented in a list in informed that participation in this survey which multiple responses could be se- was voluntary and anonymous and that lected,withanopportunitytoprovidead- they could choose whether to complete ditional entries. The topics mentioned the survey. The study was approved by most frequently, including the percentage the TSBVI research committee. of responses, are presented in Figure 2. Efforts are made to match a prote´ge´ to Additional topics mentioned included a mentor closest to the prote´ge´ geograph- braille instruction, community resources, ically to facilitate meetings, preferably and orientation to equipment. within the same school district. During Since the training of mentors is largely the 2011–12 academic year, 71% of the devoted to issues related to first-year prote´ge´s reported having more than 10 teachers and the techniques that mentors interactions with their mentors, 52% of can use to facilitate open communication which were face-to-face meetings, 16% and trust, the survey was designed to col- of which were e-mail messages, and 30% lect data on which mentoring techniques of which were telephone conversations. were the most helpful for the prote´ge´s, Whenaskedhowmanyface-to-faceinter- andmultipleresponseswereallowed.See actions they had with their mentors, 59% Figure 3 for the frequency of effective of the prote´ge´s reported that they had mentoring techniques. more than 5 interactions, and 38% re- Additional effective characteristics men- ported that they had 1 to 5 face-to-face tioned by the prote´ge´s were largely related meetings. tothepersonalitystylesofthementors.The examples included being patient, support- INTERACTIONSWITHMENTORS ive, motivating, and energetic. The prote´ge´s were asked to select the The prote´ge´s were asked if they topics they covered with their mentors. thought that their mentors had an impact 357 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 Figure 3.Frequency of effective mentoring techniques. This chart represents the percentage ofprotégéresponsesreferringtoeffectivementoringtechniquesusedbytheirmentors.Multiple responses were allowed. (n (cid:1) 56). on the quality of services they were able There were 84 comments to the ques- to offer their students. An overwhelming tion, “What aspect(s) of your job created majority answered this question affirma- the most stress this year?” These com- tively,with82%believingthattheirmen- ments were grouped into nine predomi- torshaddefinitelycontributedtothequal- nant themes, using the qualitative data ity of their teaching and 16% believing analysis process of triangulation (Krip- that their mentors contributed to some pendorff, 2004). The researchers worked extent to their teaching quality. individually to develop categories from the participants’ responses and then met PROTÉGÉS’JOBSTRESSORS as a group to evaluate the categories for Even though many new teachers of stu- emerging themes. They then compared dents with visual impairments are teach- these themes to reach a consensus to en- ing with probationary certifications as sure more reliable results (see Figure 4). they complete their course work, they are The three top stressors were related to expected to perform the same job duties, time management and organization, con- andoftenatthesamelevelofproficiency, ducting evaluations, and collaborating as experienced teachers. Since the O&M with other adults. The most prevalent specialists have passed the ACVREP cer- stressor, time management and organiza- tifying examination and are considered tion, included such items as completing fully certified to teach, they are also ex- paperwork, scheduling, and providing pected to function with certainty in all enough time to work with students. The O&M roles and competencies. In an ef- paperwork issues included knowing the forttodeterminethechallengesthatthese correct procedures and having enough new teachers of students with visual im- time for completion. The next stressor pairments and O&M specialists were ex- mentioned most frequently was perform- periencing, the survey sought qualitative ing evaluations and assessments. Func- dataonstressorsthattheprote´ge´sfacedas tional vision evaluations and learning itinerant vision personnel. media assessments were at the top of this 358 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved Figure 4.Stressors for new TVIs and O&M specialists. The bars represent the number of re- sponses per stressor expressed by the survey participants. This question was open-ended, and multiple responses were allowed. (n (cid:1) 56). list, followed by statewide testing, evalu- gramsthatfocusonsupportingclassroom ations of students for early childhood teachers. Most mentor programs are based intervention services, evaluations of stu- on school campuses or districts, whereas dents for O&M services, and “using the the Texas mentor program is centrally co- CVIrange,”afunctionalvisionevaluation ordinatedbyoneindividualwhocommuni- forchildrenwithcorticalvisualimpairment catesstatewidewithdistrictsandprograms. developed by Roman-Lantzy (2007). The Thiscentralizedcoordinationcontributesto third most predominant theme, collabora- a cohesive model in regard to the training tion with other adults, included communi- andaccountabilityofmentors.Thismentor cating with parents, school personnel, and model is based on research—it uses mate- paraeducators. Cooperation with other rials developed by Huling (1998)—and is teachers and acceptance of students in supported by state and federal funding classes were also mentioned. sources. The program is also enriched by activities at TSBVI and AISD that include Discussion observations of experienced teachers who The Texas statewide mentor program for work with a wide variety of students with new education vision professionals has visual impairments during mentor centers. beeninexistencefor15years.Itisunique The Texas mentor program for new vision in many ways and employs an ongoing professionalsreflectsmanyofthenecessary process of improvement, such as with the componentsrelatedtotheinductionofnew streamlining of clerical processes, mov- teachers, such as the matching of new ing to totally electronic transmission of teachers with mentors in the same area of documents, and adding a midyear adjust- specialization,thecarefulselectionandrel- ment for floundering mentor-prote´ge´ evanttrainingofmentors,andthementors’ matches. The Texas mentor program dif- proximity and frequency of support to the fers from the majority of mentor pro- prote´ge´s (Billingsley et al., 2009), and 359 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 meets the needs of new educators in the not typically part of a school campus unique itinerant instructional model. community of support, factors related to Theprote´ge´s’responsestothesatisfac- isolation and information that are unique tionsurveylentsupportfortheefficacyof to serving students with visual impair- thementorprogramasleadingtopositive ments contribute to increased stress for a outcomes for them as new educators and newteacher.Theassignedmentormaybe for their students. The overwhelming themostappropriateindividualtosupport feelings of support that these new teach- the new vision professional through the ers of students with visual impairments provision of specialized information and and O&M specialists received from their techniques for improved collaboration, mentorswasevidencedbytheirresponses thus helping to reduce the anxiety of be- regarding the impact of the mentors on ing a new itinerant teacher. their ability to provide high-quality ser- Because of the limitations of any per- vices to their students. The mentor- sonnel preparation program, with its pre- prote´ge´ relationship in this program is scribed course curriculum and time con- apparently working effectively on the ba- straints, preparing a new professional for sisofthetypeandamountofcontactthey the realities of being on the new job is a have with one another. Having account- challenge. For teachers of students with ability measures in place ensures that visualimpairmentswhoareteachingwith the needed support is being provided. probationary or emergency certificates to There are areas in which the new teach- meet local or state needs and who have ersclearlyneededmoresupport,includ- notcompletedtheircoursework,thelevel ing performing evaluations, writing of confidence is even lower. Some of the goals and objectives, finding resources, primary stressors noted by the prote´ge´s providing appropriate interventions, who were new to their positions (such as and completing paperwork. The infor- time management, caseload manage- mation gathered from this survey may ment, organization, and collaboration) also be used by personnel preparation are difficult for personnel preparation programs to prioritize areas in which programs to address realistically until new teachers feel the least competent. teacher candidates have an actual case- The collaboration between the Texas load of students. statewide mentor program and the two Mentorsandthementorcentersthatare visual impairment personnel prepara- providedtonewvisionprofessionalshelp tion programs in Texas serves as a bridge the gap between the content of model of a joint effort to improve and coursesandreal-lifesituations.Thesetwo support new vision professionals. aspects of this mentor program combine The data gathered on the most signifi- to enable the new professionals to seek cantstressorsfornewteachersofstudents specific information that is relevant to with visual impairments and O&M spe- their caseloads. It is difficult to anticipate cialists in their first years of teaching are what questions to ask in relation to the reflectiveofthecomplexityoftheseroles. needs of individual students and the lo- Because of the nature of the itinerant ser- gistics of the itinerant role while one is vicedeliverymodel,inwhichteachersare just taking courses. It is when a new 360 JournalofVisualImpairment&Blindness,September-October2013 ©2013AFB,AllRightsReserved

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