Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults Chris Pawson, Mark R. Gardner, Sarah Doherty, Laura Martin, Rute Soares & Caroline J. Edmonds While dehydration has negative effects on memory and attention, few studies have investigated whether drinking water can enhance cognitive performance, and none have addressed this in a real-world setting. In this study we explored the potential benefits of the availability of water for undergraduates. The exam performance of students who brought drinks in to exams was compared with those that did not for three cohorts of undergraduates (N=447). We employed earlier coursework marks as a measure of underlying ability. Students who brought water to the exam achieved better grades than students who did not. When coursework marks were covaried, this effect remained statistically significant, suggesting that this finding was not simply due to more able students being more likely to bring in water. This implies that water consumption may facilitate performance in real-world settings, and, therefore, have specific implications for the assessment of undergraduate learners under examination conditions, but further research is required to evaluate this hypothesis. Keywords: Hydration; cognitive performance; drinking water; education; examination performance. E DUCATIONAL RESEARCH has exam- relationship between hydration status and ined a variety of academic, societal, and cognitive performance with even mild dehy- health risk factors that contribute to dration of one pe cent loss in body weight underachievement – where there is a being associated with poorer cognitive discrepancy between a student’s ability and performance (Gopinathan et al., 1988). their attainment in examinations (e.g. Hydration status is also linked to subjective Smith, 2003). Folk wisdom holds that feelings of alertness, concentration, and performance in examinations is affected by tiredness, and dehydration has been associ- one’s hydration status, and that it is impor- ated with increased reporting of physical tant to have water available when sitting an symptoms such as headaches (Shirrefs et al., exam. The purpose of the present study was 2004). to evaluate this assumption by assessing Complementary to research demon- whether the laboratory based finding that strating negative effects of dehydration on drink consumption enhances memory and cognition, recent research has shown that attention translates to the real-world domain having a drink of water is associated with of examination performance. improved cognitive performance. Research examining the effects of dehy- Researchers in this field debate whether dration on cognition in adults under water supplementation affects cognitive controlled laboratory conditions has found performance because it corrects subclinical that it is negatively associated with perform- or clinical dehydration, or whether it ance on tasks that assess attention (Suhr et improves cognitive performance in individ- al., 2004) and short-term memory (Cian et uals who are already well hydrated. At al., 2000; Gopinathan, Pichan & Sharma, present, there is no evidence to discriminate 1988; Sharma et al., 1986; Suhr et al., 2004). between these two possibilities, but whatever Lieberman (2007) suggests a dose-response the explanation there is evidence of an Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 57 © The British Psychological Society Chris Pawson et al. effect. Five recent papers have reported that comparing performance in the exam, we children performed better after consuming also recorded marks from coursework supplementary water on tasks assessing visual submitted during the semester as an indi- attention (Booth, Taylor & Edmonds, 2012; cator of general ability. This was done in Edmonds & Burford, 2009; Edmonds & order to enable us to covary coursework Jeffes, 2009), visual search (Edmonds & marks so that we could test the potential Jeffes, 2009) and visual memory (Benton & explanation that any observed effects were Burgess, 2009; Edmonds & Burford, 2009; simply explained by the more academically Fadda et al., 2012). One study in adults has able students being more likely to bring shown that water supplementation results in drinks into the exam, while less able students improved performance on a rapid visual were not. Given the literature on the effects information processing task in adults who of hydration status on cognition and the previously reported themselves as thirsty results of a pilot study, we predicted that (Rogers, Kainth & Smit, 2001), and a recent students who bring drinks into exams would study has shown that adults supplemented perform better than students who did not with water performed better on a visual bring drinks in. Furthermore, we predicted attention task (Edmonds et al., 2013). These that this will not simply be a function of findings would have important practical more academically able students being more applications if found to extend to real-world likely to bring in drinks; we expected that settings. adding a covariate of coursework perform- If these laboratory findings are appli- ance may weaken, but not eliminate, the cable to real-world settings, one would effect. predict positive effects of water consumption in domains of real-world performance where Method there is a demand on cognition. Perform- Participants ance in exams involves, amongst other Data were collected from three cohorts of processes, memory and attention, which students attending a London-based univer- have been shown to be positively affected by sity with an ethnically diverse student popu- water consumption. Folk wisdom that lation, who were completing assessments at drinking in exams aids performance is either Level 0 (N=71; 15 male), Level 1 reflected in a plethora of websites that offer (N=225; 39 male) or Level 2 (N=151; 28 advice along these lines (eHow, 2010; male). Ages of the students at each level of Student Based Services Lancaster University, study were as follows. Level 0: M=25.0, 2010; Student Support Services, Canterbury SD=7.2, Range=18–49 years; Level 1: M=25.6, Christ Church University, 2010). Bringing SD=8.3, Range=18–61 years; Level 2: M=26.4, drinks into university exams is commonplace SD=7.9, Range=19–54 years. in the UK and the US. However, anecdotal claims that drink consumption affects exam Format of assessment at each level of study performance have not been formally tested. The study focused on the coursework and The present study sought first to describe the exam performance of three different hydration behaviour of a group of university cohorts of students, each of which were at students in terms of their tendency to bring different levels of undergraduate study in drinks, and the types of drinks they (Levels 0, 1 and 2). The Level 0 introductory brought, to the exam hall. The second aim Psychology course is taken by students in a was to examine whether undergraduate foundation year prior to beginning formal students who bring drinks into exams undergraduate study. The Level 0 assessment outperform students who do not bring in took the form of an 60-minute, 50-item, drinks. We observed students in three multiple-choice exam and a group presenta- courses in different years of study. As well as tion was completed during the semester as 58 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults coursework. The Level 1 research methods The exams took place in London, in course was taken by first-year undergradu- January. The average outside temperature in ates and comprised a 45-minute, 50-item that period was between –3.2 degrees Celsius multiple-choice exam. There were two and 9.5 degrees Celsius (London- coursework elements: a laboratory report Weather.eu, 2010). and a portfolio of compulsory short quizzes. The Level 2 Cognitive Psychology assessment Statistical analysis was taken by second year undergraduates Exam performance for each cohort was and took the form of a 30-minute, 30-item analysed separately. The initial analyses used multiple-choice exam and a 30-minute independent t-tests to compare exam unseen essay (in which candidates must performance in students who brought drinks answer one essay question from a choice of into the exams (the drinks group) and those five). This course did not have a coursework who did not (the no drinks group). The component so a coursework mark from a majority of students who brought a drink difference course at the same level of the into the exams brought in water, therefore, degree was used as a coursework covariate; subsequent analyses compared the no drinks we used the mean laboratory report mark group with those who brought water in to from a second year compulsory psychology the exams, and excluded the small numbers research methods course. of students who brought in other drinks. These analyses used Analysis of Covariance Ethics (ANCOVA) to consider exam performance This study was approved by the School of by group whilst covarying for general ability Psychology ethics board. As this was an using coursework marks. This tests the observational study of normal educational potential explanation that any effect of practices conducted in an educational bringing in water on exam performance is a setting, in line with guidelines from the result of only the more able students British Psychological Society and the Amer- bringing drinks into the exams. For all ican Psychological Association, formal analyses, the alpha level was .05 and tests consent was not obtained. were non-directional. Procedure Results Students participated in their end of Frequency and type of drinks taken in to the semester exams as usual. Candidates taking exams the exams within each level of study were The behaviour of bringing in a drink into distributed across multiple rooms. The the exam was less prevalent at foundation researchers walked around the exam rooms Level 0 (27 per cent) and first-year under- and noted whether the student had brought graduate level (24 per cent), than at Level 2 a drink into the exam, and if so, what that (46 per cent), Chi Square, df=2,=21.82, drink was. The students were unlikely to p<.001. A large variety of drinks were have thought that this was different from any brought in that were categorised as follows: other exam because it is usual for invigilators water (still or sparkling, including varieties to walk around the exam room in order to that were flavored or supplemented with complete a student attendance register. vitamins), proprietary ‘energy drinks’ (e.g. Exam performance was collated from the Gatorade), drinks containing, or presumed student records system; scripts were graded to contain, caffeine (coffee, tea, colas and in accordance with normal academic prac- ‘Red Bull’), and a miscellaneous ‘other’ cate- tice by assessors who were blind to whether gory (including milk shakes, fruit juices, the student had brought a drink into the cordials, and non-caffeinated carbonates). exam. Table 1 shows the frequency and type of Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 59 Chris Pawson et al. drinks taken in to each exam. Across the coursework assessments (laboratory report three exams, water was by far the most preva- and a portfolio of quizzes) in addition to an lent drink (65 per cent). MCQ exam. Analysis of the full sample of exam grades (N=225), revealed that Level 0 analysis performance on the MCQ test was better in The assessment for the foundation Level 0 the drinks group (N=54) compared to the no cohort comprised an MCQ exam and presen- drinks group (N=171) by approximately tation coursework. Mean marks for all seven per cent, t(223)=3.31, p<.001, d=0.51. modules can been seen in Table 2. Analysis of Again, this effect was maintained when those the exam performance of the 71 students candidates bringing in a drink other than sitting the exam revealed that those bringing water were excluded from the drink group, in drinks (N=19), outperformed those that t(204)=3.47, p<.001, d=0.65. did not (N=52) by approximately 12 per cent Analysis of the subsamples of students on the MCQ test, t(23.05)=2.74, p=.012 that submitted the report (N=194) or port- (equal variances not assumed, Levene’s test folio (N=214) in addition to the exam F=9.76, p=.003), Cohen’s d=0.82. This differ- revealed that although the mean coursework ence remained when those candidates grade for the drink group was slightly higher bringing in a drink other than water were than that for the non drink group (Mean excluded from the drink group, t(15.9)=2.75, difference: report=2.1 per cent; portfolio=2.7 p=.014 (equal variances not assumed, per cent) neither difference achieved statis- Levene’s test F=4.47, p=.038), d=0.93. tical significance (report, t(192)=0.942, We evaluated whether bringing a drink p=.348; portfolio, t(212)=1.21, p=.226). into the exam was associated with better Follow-up analyses compared the no coursework performance using the data for drinks group with those who brought in the 64 students who in addition to the exam water, using ANCOVA and the grades for had also taken part in the group presenta- both courseworks as covariates. This tion assessment. This revealed that although confirmed that exam performance covaried the mean group presentation score for the with the grades for both the report, drinks group was approximately five per cent F(1,172)=47.7, p<.001, and the portfolio, higher than that for the no drinks group, F(1,172)=10.4, p=.002. Importantly, the water this difference was not statistically signifi- only group was still found to perform better cant, t(62)=1.49, p=.142 than the no drinks group, F(1,172)=4.98, ANCOVA was employed to assess the p=.027 (Adjusted Mean difference=4.8 per difference between the water group and no cent), ηp2=0.028. drink group, while statistically controlling for general ability as measured by course- Level 2 analysis work grade. This revealed that although the The assessment for the second-year under- coursework grade covaried with the exam graduate course comprised an exam with grade, F(1,57)=8.26, p=.006, the water group two components: an unseen essay in addi- effect remained significant when this inde- tion to an MCQ section. There was no pendent measure of academic ability was coursework element. Therefore, the mean taken into account, with the water group lab report coursework mark from a different performing better than the no drinks group, second year course taken during the same F(1,57)=8.93, p=.004 (Adjusted Mean differ- academic year was used as a covariate for ence=10.6 per cent), ηp2=0.135. ability. For the MCQ component, there was a Level 1 analysis tendency for the drinks group to outperform A similar picture emerged for the first-year the no drinks group (Mean difference=4.3 undergraduate course which employed two per cent) that approached significance, 60 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults %) %) %) ot n 00 00 00 ay otal (1 (1 (1 es m horts. T 71 225 151 percentag duate co hers (3%) (4%) (6%) Drink’, but ra Ot ny erg 2 8 9 or ‘A y of candidates bringing various drinks, or no drink, to the exam for three und Type of Drink No drinkAny DrinkWaterEnergyCaffeine 52(73%)19(27%)14(20%)0(0%)3(4%) 171(76%)54(24%)35(16%)4(2%)7(3%) 81(54%)70(46%)47(31%)7(5%)7(5%) al number of candidates sitting the exam. Frequencies for the four Type of Drink categories sum to those f Table 2: Mean grade (per cent) for the exam elements of threeundergraduate cohorts by candidates electing to bring in either: no drink, any drink, or water only. Standard deviations are in parentheses. Level of StudyNo drinkAny DrinkWater only 0. IntroductoryMCQ48.0(10.8)60.0 (17.7)61.3(17.1) 1. Research MethodsMCQ58.1(14.1)65.5 (14.8)67.3(14.3) 2. Cognitive PsychologyMCQ50.4(13.2)54.7(14.2)55.4(14.0)Essay35.4(9.5)38.3(8.7)38.5(9.0) Note: MCQ=Multiple Choice Question element. enc e tot u h Table 1: Freq Level of Study 0. Introductory 1. Research Methods 2. Cognitive Psychology ote: All percentages relate to tue to rounding error. Nd Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 61 Chris Pawson et al. t(149)=1.93, p=.056, d=0.31. This difference Our results show a positive relationship achieved statistical significance when those between bringing water into the exams and bringing in drinks other than water were exam performance. By restricting the excluded, t(126)=2.03, p=.045, d=0.36. This analyses to those candidates who consumed effect was examined further using ANCOVA, water, we have ruled out that the effect could where the covariate was the lab report be due to caffeine or glucose consumption. coursework performance. This revealed that Furthermore, the majority of our covariance attainment across the two courses covaried analyses suggest that this advantage did not in the subsample that attempted both assess- occur simply as a result of the more academ- ments (N=100; F(1,97)=18.0, p<.001). ically able students being more likely to Including the covariate reduced the effect of bring in drinks. These findings are consis- drinks group (Adjusted Mean difference=2.2 tent with the literature on hydration and per cent), rendering it non-significant, F<1, cognition that shows that dehydration nega- ηp2=0.007. Attainment in the lab report tively affects cognitive performance (Cian et covariate was found to be greater among al., 2000; Gopinathan et al., 1988; those that brought in water (M=56.1 per Lieberman, 2007; Sharma et al., 1986; Suhr cent) than those that did not (M=49.7 per et al., 2004) and that having a drink results cent), t(98)=2.47, p=.015. in improvement in cognitive performance Similarly, for the essay component, a (Benton & Burgess, 2009; Edmonds & tendency for the drinks group to outperform Burford, 2009; Edmonds & Jeffes, 2009; the no drinks group was apparent (Mean Rogers et al., 2001). difference=2.9 per cent) that approached There are at least two types of explana- significance, t(147)=1.95, p=.053, d=0.32, tion for these findings, given the observa- when all varieties of drinks were included, tional design of this study. Either: (a) and reached significance when the analysis bringing water into the exam, and presum- was restricted just to water, t(126)=2.44, ably drinking it (although we did not p=.016, d=.034. ANCOVA on the subsample formally measure this), played a causal role attempting both the essay and the lab report in improving performance; or (b) the behav- coursework (N=100) confirmed that attain- iour of bringing in a drink such as water ment covaried across these assessments, served as a proxy for some other factor influ- F(1,97)=17.13, p<.001, but that controlling encing academic performance (e.g. general for academic ability in this way removed the academic ability, organisation skills, socio- effect, F<1, (Adjusted Mean difference=1.9 economic status, diet, etc.). For two courses per cent), ηp2=0.009. (Levels 0 and 1) we found no statistically significant evidence that group membership Discussion was confounded with general ability, and The results presented here provide evidence robust evidence that water availability was that bringing drinks into exams, particularly associated with enhanced exam perform- water, is associated with enhanced exam ance even when we covaried ability opera- performance in university students. Our tionalised by coursework performance. For study also showed that across the sample one course (Level 2) we had the converse approximately one third of students brought pattern of results: there was evidence that drinks into the exams. Our data revealed a factors linked to ability influenced the more mature rehydration behaviour at a students’ decision to bring in water to the higher level of study, with twice as many exam, and there was no evidence that water students at level two bringing drinks into the had significantly affected exam perform- exams as those at Levels 0 and 1. The ance. This pattern of results suggests that predominant drink taken into exams at all both types of explanation may be viable: in levels of study was water. certain circumstances more academically 62 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults able students may be more likely to choose Practical applications to bring in water, and in others consuming The current paper is the first to provide water may result in better exam attainment. evidence that drink availability is associated Future research should tease apart these with enhanced performance in an authentic explanations and attempt to specify their educational setting. Additional research is condition of occurrence. Numerous ques- required to establish the role played by drink tions in this regard warrant further atten- consumption, and to identify the real-world tion, such as whether drink consumption determinants of this phenomenon, before affects all types of assessment equally, strong practical recommendations can be including whether they affect longer exams made. Due to ethical considerations that more than short exams. arise when intervening with educational Measurement of participants’ pre-exami- practice, this research effort will probably nation consumption and subjective thirst- involve the combination of controlled exper- would provide additional salient data but iments that manipulate water availability in were beyond the scope of this non-invasive formative or simulated assessments and natu- observational study. Self-reported hydration ralistic investigations with statistical control status, and indeed a more detailed observa- of confounding variables (see McDaniel, tion of the actual water consumed in the Wildman & Anderson, 2012). The primary exam, represent important future directions contribution of the present results is that by for this research. However, based upon the adopting the latter strategy they demonstrate reasonable assumption that the effects of the potential importance of drinking liquid drink availability we report were caused by for summative exams undertaken by water consumption, we propose several students in an authentic college context. potential explanatory accounts for these The present findings have clear implica- findings. Water consumption may have a tions for psychology education, and specifi- physiological effect that directly enhances cally assessment design, particularly if they cognitive performance that results in were to be corroborated by the results of improved exam performance. However, intervention studies. At Levels 0 and 1, there is little known about the physiological students that brought water into the exams mechanism by which water consumption outperformed their peers who did not bring might affect cognition (Popkin, D’Anci & in a drink by between five to 10 percentage Rosenberg, 2010). Alternatively, the effects points, when between group differences in of drink availability on exam performance academic ability were statistically controlled may be mediated by a reduction in exam- for. This difference is large, and comparable related anxiety that can negatively impinge to those reported for relatively resource- on exam performance (Cassady & Johnson, intensive pedagogic enhancements, such as 2002; Pekrun, Elliot & Maier, 2009). We providing additional peer mentoring (Fox & found a stronger effect in the earlier years of Stevenson, 2006), online quizzes (Kibble et study at a time at which we contend that al., 2011), or training with assessment students may be more anxious about exam criteria (Payne & Brown, 2011). Numerous performance. This account assumes that applied questions would warrant further drink availability serves to reduce anxiety, attention, such as whether drink consump- perhaps via either a physiological response tion affects all types of assessment equally, to water consumption, or by beliefs about whether they may impact on learning of the benefits of water consumption. Further material as well as assessment, and whether research is necessary to elucidate the mecha- certain demographics are differentially nism by which consuming water may affect affected. Without dismissing the academic cognition and exam performance. integrity and pedagogical arguments that drive examination as a chosen mode of Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 63 Chris Pawson et al. assessment, similar future findings may also psychological well-being, particularly in first inevitably catalyse discussions of the relative years (Douglas et al., 1997; Bewick et al., merits of examination as a form of assess- 2010). These possibilities warrant further ment. Nonetheless, where exams are an investigation and would imply that student assessment mode of choice, then the present welfare professionals designing health findings raise the possibility that water promotion campaigns might focus their supplementation may offer students and efforts on new students’ healthy hydration. educators a simple cost-effective means of If these observational findings were enhancing academic performance in exams. supported by intervention studies, the So, how might knowledge that drink present evidence that drink availability is consumption enhances exam performance associated with improved performance in eventually be used by higher education insti- adults taking exams raises the possibility that tutions? We suggest that sub-optimal hydra- drink consumption similarly may have posi- tion contributes to underachievement in tive effects in other real-world domains. The assessments, in the sense that there is a present results imply that design and refur- discrepancy between a student’s ability and bishment of campuses, schools and work- their performance on an assessment (Smith, places may thus benefit from consideration 2003). As such, hydration status may ulti- of the need to provide adequate opportuni- mately become categorised by educational ties for students, pupils or workers to gain researchers alongside factors known to free access to drinks. prevent students realising their potential such as anxiety (e.g. Sloboda, 1990), life Conclusion difficulties (Wilding et al., 2007), and poor The present study provides evidence that sleep quality (Gilbert & Weaver, 2010). In drink availability is associated with enhanced our study, it was noteworthy that the differ- performance in an authentic educational ence in exam attainment between the water setting. This, to our knowledge, is the first and no drink groups was most robust for study to assess whether the benefits of water students at the start of their academic consumption, demonstrated under careers (foundation level and first year). As controlled experimental conditions (Benton previously mentioned, this might be because & Burgess, 2009; Edmonds & Burford, 2009; water consumption serves to ameliorate the Edmonds & Jeffes, 2009; Rogers et al., 2001), effects of exam anxiety, which may be extend to the real-world domain of educa- supposed to be more acutely felt for the first tion. These results imply that drink supple- examinations taken at college. Alternatively, mentation may be a simple, but hitherto these stronger effects for students toward the poorly recognised, means of enhancing start of their academic careers could be academic performance. However, further accounted for by voluntary dehydration research is required to specify the causal being more prevalent among young adults mechanism for this effect, and its conditions adapting to greater independence afforded of occurrence in real-world settings, before by living/studying away from their parental strong practical recommendations can be home. There would be greater scope for made on how best to exploit water supple- rehydration to benefit academic perform- mentation. We hope that the present results ance in cohorts with a higher prevalence of stimulate controlled experiments and natu- dehydration. Both accounts are consistent ralistic studies to provide the convergent with evidence that going to university is asso- evidence needed to inform academic policy ciated with poorer health behaviours, and and practice. 64 Psychology Teaching Review Vol. 19 No. 1, Spring 2013 Drink availability is associated with enhanced examination performance in adults The Authors Correspondence Chris Pawson Chris Pawson School of Psychology, Principal Lecturer and Leader in Learning University of East London. and Teaching, School of Psychology, Mark R. Gardner University of East London. School of Psychology, Email: [email protected] University of Westminster. Sarah Doherty School of Psychology, University of East London. Laura Martin School of Psychology, University of East London. Rute Soares Student Health and Wellbeing, University of East London. Caroline J. Edmonds School of Psychology, University of East London. References Benton, D. & Burgess, N. (2009). 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