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Secondary Science Teachers’ Use of Technology in the Classroom during Their First 5 Years EunJin Bang Julie A. Luft Iowa State University University of Georgia Abstract This study examined the technology Valley and found that they either used support technology use, these teach- use of beginning secondary science technology to maintain their traditional ers can flourish. But what happens to teachers and explored factors facili- teacher-centered practices or to enable science teachers when they leave their tating or inhibiting their use of tech- their traditional instructional tasks, such teacher preparation programs has not nology. The researchers collected and as recording grades and creating data- been well documented, nor is it known analyzed interviews and observation- bases. He concluded that technological how new teachers’ technology use al data from 95 teachers over a 5-year wealth in and of itself did not alone in- develops over several years. This time period. The results show that teachers duce reform-based educational practices is a critical period of transition, when used PowerPoint the most and other and that “computers have been oversold new science teachers are well positioned software the least over time. This pat- and underused” (p. 179). to effectively initiate technological tern was consistent over the 5 years of However, using technology to create advances. In attempting to understand observation, increasing in frequency student-centered learning environments the integration of technology in science of usage only slightly each year. The in the science classroom is possible. teaching in such situations, we pose the use of PowerPoint was statistically Windschitl and Sahl (2002) found that following questions to study: significant when compared to the use technology could facilitate teachers’ • How do new secondary science of lecture and procedural laborato- use of collaborative and project-based teachers use technology in their class- ries. One-way ANOVAs yielded sev- pedagogies. This use often depended rooms during their first 5 years in the eral statistically significant results, in on the teachers’ beliefs about learn- classroom? that induction treatments, teacher’s ers, their understanding of the roles of • What seems to facilitate or inhibit the gender, and SES populations were technology, and their knowledge about use of technology in the instruction significantly correlated to the use of how technology could enhance science of a new science teacher? technology. This study urges that the teaching. They concluded that when value of technology used in science they used technology effectively, both classrooms should be redefined to en- the teachers’ preparation programs Related Literature hance inquiry-based science teaching and their schools’ cultural milieus were Integrating technology and science and learning. (Keywords: beginning important. Similarly, Sorensen, Twindle, pedagogy for reform-based practices secondary science teachers, technol- Childs, and Godwin (2007) found that has become inevitable for the era of ogy usage, teaching practices) science teachers who learned about information communication technology technology in their teacher preparation (ICT). Schools throughout the nation program were prepared to use technol- have committed to secure laptop com- T he 21st century science classroom ogy in more substantive and meaningful puters in an effort to increase student now contains nontraditional ways. These studies and others suggest achievements (Windschitl & Sahl, 2002). teaching tools, including laptops, that teachers can learn to use technol- Along the same lines, researchers have personal digital assistants, and digital ogy effectively and that their preparation recently explored innovative ways of measuring devices. With the inclu- programs—and the schools in which teaching and learning science with tech- sion of this technology, there is often they work—can play important roles in nology in order to prepare high-quality an assumption that these devices will the ways technology is implemented in teachers and create learning environ- automatically bring about revolution- their instruction. ments aligned with this new technology- ary changes in teaching and learning Using technology effectively in the intensive era (Colombo & Colombo, processes. Specifically, it is assumed classroom may be best accomplished 2007; Hickey, Ingram-Goble, & Jameson, that the presence of technology will by new science teachers, who tend to 2009; Hotchkiss & Dickerson, 2008; transform teacher-centered instruction be digital natives and who are more Isman, Yaratan, & Caner, 2007; Songer, to student-centered instruction. In ex- likely to work toward adopting new Lee, & Kam, 2002; Varma, Husic, & ploring this assumption, Cuban (2001) technologies in their daily instruction. Linn, 2008; Williams, Linn, Ammon, & followed teachers in California’s Silicon In the presence of school cultures that Gearhart, 2004). 118 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 29 Number 4 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Science Teachers’ Use of Technology ELLs with audio-visual tools such as and PowerPoint the most and handheld Hickey et al. (2009) demonstrated vodcasting and PowerPoint visuals, computers, Web page design, online how a multiuser virtual game environ- along with narration on the class blog, discussion groups, and virtual excur- ment, Quest Atlantis (QA), could help which supported their acquisition of sci- sions the least. Moreover, the technol- a teacher make connections to the ence and language. ogy that the new teachers used the most learning of scientific inquiry and student Songer et al. (2002) indicated that were aligned with types of technology achievements. Teachers taught scientific science teachers and students in high- they experienced during their teacher concepts such as erosion and hypothesis poverty urban schools benefited from education programs (Dawson, 2008). testing through text-based chats and a technology-rich inquiry weather This finding is in accordance with that of structured dialogues within a three- program. The teachers enacted more Cuban (2001) and Isman et al. (2007), in dimensional space. The students, the inquiry lessons, and the students signifi- that the use of technology was limited, players, were at the center of the learn- cantly improved their understanding of regardless of the availability of comput- ing, where they completed various open- the concepts that the program targeted. ers and software in schools. ended quests through discourses, such This study showed the practical impor- as investigating why fish populations tance of integrating technology with Facilitating or Inhibiting the in the Taiga River had declined. The science pedagogy in the urban environ- Use of Technology in the Classroom players were involved in collecting and ment, as urban teachers tend to enact It is evident that technology can help analyzing water samples and hypothesis more direct and controlling pedagogy science teachers teach science through testing, and the scientific concepts in- (Haberman, 1991). inquiry and reform-based inquiry, and volved were introduced within relevant that it can help a variety of students have contexts. Interestingly, when comparing Beginning Teachers’ Use of Technology meaningful learning experiences. These the same content area instruction of a Williams et al. (2004) advocated tech- results stem, in no small part, from the teacher in QA and a conventional for- nology-based environments for inquiry fact that the use of technology can help mat, the teacher in the QA environment teaching and learning. They indicated students visualize abstract scientific performed as a facilitator, whereas the that the Web-Based Inquiry Science Envi- phenomena (Verma et al., 2008). The use teacher in the conventional environment ronment (WISE) program helped new of technology also can address students’ tended to lecture and include textbook teachers shift their instruction toward an diverse needs, from both low- and high- assignments (Hickey et al., 2009). inquiry-based orientation, which helped level learners, because it provides mean- Hotchkiss and Dickerson (2008) students make significant progress in ingful contexts (Verma et al., 2008). And discussed how classroom teachers and their understanding of plant growth. This technology can provide novel and highly students could capitalize on cutting- happened as students were asked to pro- effective methods of rendering external edge technologies available at the NASA vide evidence and to critique each other’s representations, such as “modeling” Earth Science Remote Sensing module evidence, which is an essential compo- (American Association for Advance- and the NASA Earth Observatory. They nent of the Next Generation of Science ment of Science, 1993). shared how students, as a team, gener- Standards (National Research Council, In addition, teachers tend to use ated questions about wetlands and used National Science Teachers Association, technology more when they have easy satellite imagery or aerial photography American Association for the Advance- access to the Internet and to computers; from space to make sense about changes ment of Science & American Association when they have positive expectations, on Earth. Again, the role of teachers in for the Advancement of Science). More confidence, and skills; and when they this context was that of facilitators, as important, teachers using WISE provided value ICT use in teaching (Dawson, 2008; their students interacted with scientists more student-centered experiences in Sorensen, Twindle, Childs, & Godwin, and scientific data. Year 2 than in Year 1 and asked more 2007). Finally, science teachers use Colombo and Colombo (2007) conceptual questions (e.g., “What do you technology more when there is adequate showed how science teachers improved think would happen if...”) as opposed to support from the curriculum, when they the learning of English language learn- logistical questions (e.g., “Did you take are given sufficient time to reflect on their ers (ELL) and gifted students through a notes?”). They concluded that the WISE practices of student learning, and when class blog, which is essentially a multi- program advocated sustained interactions they have good role models (Sorensen et text website. Science teaching through and reflections and provided open-ended al., 2007; Williams et al., 2004). the class blog consisted of journal projects and questions (e.g., “What makes Conversely, there was also clear writing, discussions, and conferences, plants grow?”) for students. evidence regarding the limited use of as well as cooperative and individual When it comes to ICT use in the technology for science teaching and group work. In this setting, teachers support of the instruction of new sci- learning among teachers. This stems were able to differentiate the content ence teachers, Dawson (2008) found from the facts that science teachers and assignments to support student that new science teachers used word have to deal with laboratories and that learning. For instance, they provided processing, Internet research, e-mail, integrating technology can be difficult Volume 29 Number 4 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 119 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Bang & Luft Table 1. Demographics of Beginning Science Teachers (N = 95) (Dawson, 2008; Verma et al., 2008). year. Approximately once per month, Induction Program Other factors are related to a lack of con- we called and asked each teacher to fidence and skills in resolving technical narratively describe his or her instruc- eMP 23 problems (Sorensen et al., 2007; Verma tional practices during one week. As the SSUP 26 et al., 2008), a lack of experience in the teacher discussed the enacted lessons, GP 28 implementation of technology with their the interviewers recorded data about Intern 18 instruction, and a lack of experience the methods of instruction and the Gender aligning technology with their school types of technology the teacher used Female 60 curricula (Verma et al., 2008). And, of on a check sheet. In addition, we took Male 35 course, science teachers tend not to use extensive notes following the guidelines technology for their lessons when the of Bogdan and Biklen (2006) as the In-field/Out-field* tools are excessively difficult to learn teacher described his/her instructional All in-field 32 (Valanides & Angeli, 2008). practices and the reasons for the use of Mostly in-field 19 certain methods. Interviews occurred Equal parts in/out-field 0 Methods in this way each month over a 5-year Mostly out-field 15 span, for a total of 40 interviews per All out-field 18 Participants teacher. We digitally recorded all of the Size This study uses data from 60 female and interviews. 35 male beginning secondary science We conducted the observations of School size 1,350 teachers, who came from five states in teachers four times each year, for a total Class size 23 the United States and were part of a of 20 classroom observations per teach- SES* 5-year study. The teachers in the study er. During an observation, we coded 0–29% free/reduced lunch 54 participated in one of four types of the classroom instruction in 5-minute 30–59% free/reduced lunch 21 induction programs: (a) an electronic increments, following the Collabora- 60–100% free/reduced lunch 0 mentoring program (eMP), (b) a sci- tives for Excellence in Teacher Prepara- ELL* ence-content specific university mentor- tion core evaluation classroom obser- ing program (SSUP), (c) a school-pro- vation protocol (CETP-COP), which 0–29% ELL 82 vided general mentoring program (GP), Lawrenz, Huffman, Appeldoorn and 30–59% ELL 7 and (d) various mentoring support pro- Sun (2002) and by Lawrenz, Huffman, 60–100% ELL 0 grams for alternatively certified teachers. and Gravely (2007) piloted, field- * Missing cases were evidenced in these categories. These induction programs are described tested, and refined to document the in Luft et al. (2011). During their early instruction of science and mathematics Data Analyses years of teaching, they taught an average teachers. Appeldoorn (2004) provided For the analyses, we summed informa- class size of 23 students and an aver- detailed information on the develop- tion contained in the weekly updates age school size of 1,350 students. Most ment and characteristics of the CETP- across 8 weeks to estimate how many of the teachers taught at schools where COP. She concluded that the protocol times teachers engaged in various ELL were enrolled at levels of 0–29%. had high internal consistency with an activities. From the sum, we computed Only 32 teachers taught the discipline alpha coefficient of 0.9. Mean ratings a mean across the 5 years of the study. of science in which they were trained, for a sample of observers indicated that We chose this method because it was whereas 33 teachers taught disciplines of all sections were clear and understand- based on information that was available science outside their areas of expertise. able. Prior to using this protocol for and, due to occasional missing weekly In general, most of the teachers entered observations, we established intra- and updates, because it allowed for a better teaching with a bachelor’s degree and inter-rater consistency. estimate of the use of teaching strate- worked at the high school level. Table 1 We noted a second set of instruc- gies and technology use. We used the presents a summary of the teachers who tional codes, when possible, to capture method of group mean substitution to participated in this study. unique aspects of science instruction. fill in missing data (Tabachnick & Fidell, In addition, we took field notes on each 2007). This method is not as conserva- Data Collection lesson that depicted the instructional en- tive as other means of missing data We used two forms of data in this vironment (Bogdan & Biklen, 2006) and imputation, but it is not as liberal as the study, which included interviews about wroe a brief summary of the lesson for use of prior knowledge to input miss- practice and observations of practice. future reference. We also collected docu- ing data (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). We used interviews, which we digitally ments associated with the lesson, such Nevertheless, this method can minimize taped, to capture the lessons that the as PowerPoint presentations, laboratory within-group variation, thus making teachers planned and their experiences guidelines, worksheets, or quizzes, dur- between-group differences spuriously in the classroom throughout the school ing the observation. large (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2007). 120 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 29 Number 4 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Beginning Science Teachers’ Technology Use We investigated four different types multiple times during one lesson, we Findings of technology in this study: PowerPoint counted all uses as one. However, if a cer- The main purpose of this study involves (PPT), video (VID), Internet (INTER), tain type of technology was used multiple the technology use of beginning second- and software (SOFT). We considered times during different lessons, we then ary science teachers and factors facilitat- several independent variables, includ- counted them separately. Furthermore, if ing or inhibiting the use of technology. ing type of induction program, gender, multiple technologies were used within We investigated types of technology: socio-economic status (SES), the extent a certain type of lesson, we coded them PowerPoint, video, Internet, and soft- of in-field and out-field teaching, types both. For example, if a teacher used video ware. To measure the comprehensive of instruction, and types of inquiry. The clips embedded within PowerPoint slides pattern for using these technologies (re- three types of content presentation meth- during a lesson, we coded both the use of search question 1), we present the results ods were bell work (BW), lecture (LEC), video clips and the use of PowerPoint. Fi- by comparing the means of participants’ and discussion (DISC). The various types nally, after the coding was completed, the technology use during their first and of inquiry consisted of open inquiry total number of the technology uses of second years. To measure the in-depth (OINQ), directed inquiry (DINQ), guid- each of the four types investigated in the pattern of how three of the technologies ed inquiry (GINQ), verification (VERIF), study was entered in the Excel Spread- were used by the new teachers (research and procedural labs (PROC). sheet data file. question 1) and to explore the factors Specifically, we investigated five Four types of statistical tests were uti- related to the usage of these three tech- types of inquiry in the study. First of lized in the quantitative analysis with al- nologies (research question 2), we pres- all, open, guided, and directed inqui- pha values set at .05. First, we conducted ent the results by computing correlations ries were defined depending on the Pearson product-moment correlations between the four types of technology degree of a student’s freedom and a to calculate the correlation coefficients and seven independent variables. teacher’s control in asking questions (r) between observed variables. Also, we Table 3 (p. 123) describes how new and the ways made available to answer conducted one-way ANOVAs to test for secondary science teachers used the four these questions. If students were at significant differences in technology use types of technology during their first 5 the center of formulating and asking between induction groups, the extent a years. We observed similar patterns over questions and built an experiment on teacher taught in-field/out-field, the SES the 5 years in beginning science teachers’ their own to answer the questions, this of schools in which the teacher taught, technology use of employing PowerPoint process was defined as open inquiry. By and gender. the most in their science teaching, with contrast, guided inquiry was defined as In cases where the homogeneity a mean of 4.83 (SD = 2.66), and software a teacher initiating questions and guid- variance assumption in a one-way the least, with a mean of 0.82 (SD = 0.54) ing students to build an experiment to ANOVA was violated, we employed for the 5-year total. Video and Internet answer the questions. Finally, directed the Welch statistic because it does not use were ranked as second and third most inquiry was defined as a teacher asking require the variances to be equal (Max- used, with a mean of 3.36 (SD = 1.57) questions and also directing students well & Delaney, 2004). In the event and 2.59 (SD = 1.67), respectively. This to build an experiment to answer the of significant findings, we conducted pattern was consistent during the first questions. A verification lab took place post hoc tests using the Tukey method 5 years, with only gradually increasing when a teacher lectured on scientific for equal variances and the Dunnet’s frequency of use of the technologies for concepts first and then involved stu- C method in the event variances were their science teaching practices. dents in appropriate labs to verify the not equal. Additionally, we conducted Along with these findings, the par- concepts learned. A procedural lab oc- one-way repeated-measures ANOVAs ticipants chose bell work the most, with curred when students simply followed to determine if technology use changed a mean of 14.82 (SD = 6.65); lecture the teachers’ preset procedures to obtain significantly over time. Overall, we second most, with a mean of 7.94 (SD answers that were posed. used the Boneferroni method to control = 3.18); and discussion the least, with We conducted coding of the weekly for Type I error for all ANOVAs. Due a mean of 5.36 (SD = 2.18) for their science lesson interviews immediately to the two-part nature of study, we did method of instructional strategies. This after each interview on a weekly update not include Year 4 data in any statistical pattern changed in their fifth year, when coding sheet (WU). This coding sheet test. Finally, we used bivariate multiple they started to use slightly more discus- consisted of 47 items related to science regression to analyze interval-scale sion strategies in their instruction (M = teaching (e.g., classroom organization, variables and their impact on technol- 7.55, SD = 4.88) than lecture style teach- materials/technology used, assessments ogy use. In these tests, technology use ing (M = 6.57, SD = 3.80). used). This study used the same tech- was the dependent variable, and the in- Finally, beginning secondary science nology-use section that was designed to dependent variables are listed in Table teachers adopted directed inquiry the capture the technology uses of the science 2 (p. 122). The findings in this table most (M = 4.80, SD = 2.28), followed by teachers’ Monday through Friday work. should be viewed within the context of verification lab (M = 4.20, SD = 1.50) If a certain type of technology was used the Year 1, 2, 3, and 5 data. and procedural lab (M = 2.35, SD = Volume 29 Number 4 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 121 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Bang & Luft Table 2. Statistically Significant Bivariate Regression Models (N = 95) 1.03). The participating teachers prac- Dependent Variable Independent Variable b (95% CI) b t(93) R2a ticed guided inquiry and open inquiry constant the least in their science classrooms, PPT PROC -.60 (-1.11,-.83) 6.25 -2.30* .05 with means of M = 2.02 (SD = 1.12) and PPT LEC .18 (.02, .35) 3.38 2.20* .05 M = 0.43 (SD = 0.43), respectively. This VID DINQ .16 (.02, .30) 2.58 2.35* .06 pattern changed during the first, third, VID GINQ .45 (.18, .73) 2.45 3.26** .10 and fifth years, in that guided inquiry VID DISC .15 (.00, .29) 2.58 2.99* .04 was practiced more than procedural lab INTER DINQ .21 (.06, .35) 1.60 2.84** .08 during the beginning teachers’ first year. INTER GINQ .57 (.28. .51) 1.45 3.96** .14 Yet the appearance of verification lab be- came more prominent in their third and INTER BW -.06 (-.11, -.01) .03 -2.40* .06 fifth years, as it was ranked as the most INTER DISC .27 (.13, .42) 1.14 3.66** .13 practiced method at the end of their fifth SOFT DINQ .08 (.03, .13) .43 3.4* .11 year (M = 5.35, SD = 3.18). SOFT GINQ .26 (.17, .34) .30 5.95** .28 A multiple regression analysis shows SOFT BW -.03 (-.04, -.01) 1.21 -3.29* .10 that lecture and procedural lab were SOFT DISC .09 (.04, .14) .34 3.71** .13 significantly related to PowerPoint use, Note. The general model depicted by the table is: Dependent Variable = b (Independent Variable) + b . a. R2 indicates the amount of the b = .18, b = 3.38, t(93) = 2.20, p < variance in the dependent variable accounted for by its linear relationship with the independent variabcolens.t ant constant .01 and b = -.60, b = 6.25, t(93) * p < .01, ** p < .001 constant = -2.30, p < .01, respectively. We also found significant correlations between new secondary science teachers would when we explored correlations between the use of video to the classroom discus- use video, Internet, and software, and contextual factors and technology use, sion, directed and guided inquiry, b = when they did, it was for directed and only socio-economic status (SES) was .15, b = 2.58, t(93) = 2.99, p < .01, guided inquiry-based teaching and negatively correlated with PowerPoint constant b = .21, b = 1.60, t(93) = 2.84, p < learning. They also used Internet and use. Finally, there were a couple of constant .001, and b = .57, b = 1.45, t(93) = software during bell work and classroom trends in the findings where the slope constant 3.96, p < .001, respectively. discussions. associated with the intern group was sig- The use of the Internet has a statisti- As for the factors facilitating or nificantly lower than the referent general cally significant relationship with the inhibiting the use of technology, the group, and the interaction between bell classroom discussion and bell work as one-way ANOVAs and repeated-mea- work and the e-mentoring group yielded a choice of instructional strategies, b = sures ANOVAs yielded several statisti- a significantly more positive slope than .27, b = 1.14, t(93) = 3.66, p < .001 cally significant results. The induction the referent general group. constant and b = -.06, b = .03, t(93) = -2.40, group had a significant impact on the In summary, gender and SES were constant p < .01, respectively. Again, the directed dependent variable of software use, significant factors that either facilitated and guided inquiry methods were with F(3,91) = 7.78, p < .001. Post-hoc or inhibited the use of technology—spe- shown to have a statistically significant testing showed that the intern group cifically PowerPoint and software use. relationship with the use of Internet, used software over the 5 years of the Moreover, types of induction programs b = .21, b = 1.60, t(93) = 2.84, p < study significantly less than the other either positively or negatively affected constant .001 and b = .57, b = 1.45, t(93) = three induction groups. Induction the use of technology. constant 3.96, p < .001, respectively, as well as groups also had a significant impact on the use of software, b = .08, b = .43, the dependent variable of Internet use, Conclusions constant t(93) = 3.4, p < .01 and b = .26, b = with F(3,91) = 2.80, p < .05. Post-hoc This study explored how beginning sec- constant 30, t(93) = 5.95, p < .001, respectively. tests indicated that the intern group ondary science teachers use technology Finally, the use of software had a statisti- used the Internet significantly less over and attempted to identify the most im- cally significant relationship with the the 5 years of the study compared to the portant factors that facilitated or inhib- bell work, b = -.03, b = 1.21, t(93) other three induction groups. ited their use of technology in teaching constant = -3.29, p < .01. The results of all of the We found a significant difference science. Results indicate that beginning individual correlation coefficients were between male and female beginning secondary science teachers used Pow- weak. science teachers in their uses of technol- erPoint the most and software the least. In summary, new secondary science ogy. Specifically, means’ comparisons Induction treatments, teachers’ genders, teachers use PowerPoint and video the showed that male science teachers used and SES populations were revealed to be most, and they incorporate them either PowerPoint and software significantly additional significant factors influencing within their lectures, classroom discus- more than female science teachers, F(1, teachers’ usage of technology. sions, or procedural inquiry labs. Also, 51.475) = 5.40, p < .05, and F(1, 94) = Less than optimally, the uses of technol- there was a high likelihood that these 4.57, p < .05, respectively. Interestingly, ogy by beginning science teachers in this 122 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 29 Number 4 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Beginning Science Teachers’ Technology Use Table 3. Means and Standard Deviations of Observed Variables Averaged over 5-Year Total and Year by Year   Variable Total Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5   M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD M SD Use of Technology PowerPoint 4.83 2.66 4.73 4.14 5.69 4.21 5.64 3.92 2.38 4.01 5.72 3.93 (PPT) Video 3.36 1.57 3.59 2.25 4.04 2.36 3.95 2.68 1.33 2.08 3.91 3.04 (VID) Internet 2.59 1.67 2.81 2.90 2.34 1.87 3.88 3.46 0.85 1.51 3.09 2.29 (INTER) Software 0.82 0.54 1.09 1.36 0.75 1.09 1.21 1.37 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.97 (SOFT) Types of Instruction Bell Work 14.82 6.65 18.66 10.26 17.27 10.00 17.28 14.04 3.90 6.23 16.20 10.12 (BW) Lecture 7.94 3.18 10.75 5.84 10.82 6.06 9.64 5.90 1.91 3.23 6.57 3.80 (LEC) Discussion 5.36 2.18 6.57 3.95 5.79 3.94 4.40 2.75 2.47 3.35 7.55 4.88 (DISC) Types of Inquiry Open Inquiry 0.43 0.43 1.13 1.38 0.29 0.53 0.52 1.16 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.78 (OINQ) Directed Inquiry 4.80 2.28 5.20 3.51 5.20 3.51 4.39 3.17 4.87 3.48 3.94 2.49 (DINQ) Guided Inquiry 2.02 1.12 3.08 2.21 2.32 1.78 2.75 2.70 0.10 0.34 1.87 1.73 (GINQ) Verification 4.20 1.50 4.64 2.88 4.40 2.98 4.91 3.11 1.72 2.35 5.35 3.18 (VERIF) Procedural 2.35 1.03 2.49 1.61 2.74 1.80 3.37 2.14 0.38 0.90 2.77 2.39 (PROC) study were relatively limited, in that the sequentially adept levels of technology natural insertion points where they were teachers used technology for assisting integration: Entry, Adoption, Adapta- already comfortable using various types traditional teaching and learning, not tion, Appropriation, and Invention. These of technology. necessarily for implementing reformed- levels range from those exhibited by PowerPoint was the tool most based teaching practices. For instance, teachers who are novice users of comput- commonly favored by the new science they used PowerPoint for teacher-cen- ers to those exhibited by teachers who teachers; yet they typically used it only tered lecture-style classes, whole-class have been integrating technology into for assisting teacher-centered lectures. setting arrangements, or reviewing facts their daily curricula in advanced—even This fact would seem to beg the ques- for exams. Furthermore, they used web- cutting-edge ways—for some time, to tion: What precisely are the missing sites mostly for one-way communication enhance and contemporize their student- pieces that connect this preference for during their science teaching by either centered inquiry-based instructional PowerPoint with possibilities for suc- showing video clips or pictures found on processes as much as possible. cessfully introducing other forms of relevant sites to help students under- technology that could be put to good stand the scientific facts they learned. Initiating Changes for Student-Centered use in classrooms? More specifically, They did not use websites nearly as often Inquiry Teaching Practices how can we deepen and dissect our for generating class discussions, promot- According to the science teaching stan- understanding of this seemingly natural ing collaborative learning, or creating dards in the National Science Education affinity for PowerPoint so that we can knowledge. Standards (NSES; NRC, 1996, 2000), begin to knowledgably modify, adapt, The beginning teachers participating science teachers are encouraged to seek incorporate, and thus maximize other in this study were generally located at the sources outside the school and to regard analogous computer- and Internet-based adaptation level, where they had not yet students within the community of sci- technologies to “fit” teachers’ capabilities integrated technologies integrated into ence learners as reformed-based science for incorporation into existent inquiry- their inquiry-based learning processes teachers. Based on the findings of this based science learning and teaching? but rather married them to traditional study, we suggest that it would be most Palloff and Pratt (2005) envisioned teaching styles, according to Sandholtz, effective for secondary science teachers that technology must ideally be connect- Ringstaff, and Dwyer (1997). These re- to initiate or increase technological en- ed with the philosophy of constructivism, searchers grouped teachers based on five hancements in their teaching practices at where social aspects of education and Volume 29 Number 4 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | 123 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Bang & Luft context-related activities are sufficiently as familiar, useful, labor-saving devices (2008) found that there were statisti- respected. The foundations of construc- that will ultimately enhance learning cally significant positive relationships tivism also incorporate the concept of science teachers’ inquiry-based method- between the ways math and English learning communities—associations of ologies later, when they finally enter the teachers used technology and their cor- teachers based on trust, integrity, and workforce as real teachers? responding student achievement levels concern for the wellbeing of others. To begin with, the results of our study when the teachers were trained by in- Within this philosophical framework, indicate that the group of beginning tegrating technology into their curricula. it is important to establish workable teachers in the e-mentoring program and truly helpful types of technology in used the Internet most for their science Digital Equity science classrooms. Teachers are advised teaching practices, whereas the teachers This study also found that gender and to have systematic plans that (a) help set in the Intern group used the Internet the SES were factors that significantly influ- the stage for collaboration, least. This finding alone indicates that ence beginning science teachers’ use of (b) help students facilitate the cre- the online mentoring treatment helped technology. Male teachers used more ation of learning communities, and beginning science teachers get familiar technology than female teachers. Teach- (c) provide adequate and appropriate with core concepts that computers and ers working at high-SES-population guidelines for the final evaluation stages. the Internet are indispensible sources for schools used technology less than those They suggested 13 collaborative activi- science teaching and student learning. who worked at low-SES-population ties that could bridge learning in the real As for the teachers in the Intern group, schools. These results were consistent classroom and learning within online the data showed that they were not with the literature (e.g., ISTE, 2006; contexts (e.g., role playing, simulations, sufficiently adept at expertly gleaning Morales, Bang, & Andre, 2012; Van Dijk, case studies, virtual teams) (Palloff & resources from the Internet in the first 2006; Warschauer, 2004). Furthermore, Pratt, 2005). place and that, rather than maximizing the findings encourage all concerned to educational resources already avail- cultivate a grassroots dialogue about the ICT-Integrated Induction Programs able on the Web, teachers still tend to digital inclusion of technology in the era for New Science Teachers teach material based predominantly on of 21st century science education, where Some researchers advocate recognizing textbooks, including teacher’s versions most jobs will be ICT intensive. the importance of teacher learning dur- provided for them. The International Society for Tech- ing their early teaching years (Britton, Based on these findings, we encour- nology in Education (ISTE, 2006) Paine, Pimm, & Raizen, 2003; Luft et age teacher educators, school districts, provides a toolkit for digital equity al., 2011). During these formative years, and policy makers to provide induction to achieve “the social-justice goal of beginning teachers are striving to make programs that are ICT integrated. With ensuring that everyone in our society sense of their own roles as teachers these kinds of technology-combined- has equal access to technology tools, within the contexts of their schools, as induction models, teachers are not only computers, and the Internet” (p. 1). This well as expanding the knowledge and welcomed into the teacher community, group conceptualizes digital equity as skills that would allow them to be ac- but are also offered ways to meaningfully a process built on and integrated with cepted by their communities of practice interact with others through technol- five elements, including infrastructure, (Lave & Wenger, 1991). Therefore, it is ogy before they begin seriously thinking leadership and support, professional critical to have induction programs that about what they can do with other types development, teaching and learning, will guide these new teachers in learning of relevant technologies. This argument and, finally, family and community. This how to weave science with technology also integrates elements of the natural toolkit can be used as a starting point for for meaningful student learning. processes of the learning cycle which unpacking the factors that provide the One question that would seem to indicate that applying knowledge comes underpinnings for this digital divide and be of natural interest in this regard is: only after first exploring knowledge otherwise seeking workable solutions for Is this developmental point in their (Bass, Contant, & Carin, 2009). effective educational and social change. careers, where fledgling teachers are According to Bang (2013), begin- learning about useful programs like ning science teachers who participated Implications PowerPoint and becoming familiar with in technology-embedded mentoring This study emphasizes that the value of them, significant? If so, is this a logical programs, using such technologies as vir- technology, as it is used in within sci- and potentially viable insertion point tual environments and handheld digital ence classrooms, needs to be constantly where other computerized programs and devices, learned to collaboratively explore updated and redefined. We are, as yet, Web-based platforms can be success- available technological tools, how to only scraping the surface. Many deeper fully introduced? Furthermore, can such share resources, and finally how to begin uses will inevitably be developed both computer- and Internet-based techno- combining technologies they modeled at the hardware and software levels, and logical tools be made more user friendly with their science lesson plans and during we need to anticipate and be ahead of and palatable, such that they will persist science teaching. Furthermore, Huang the curve so as to remain competitive 124 | Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education | Volume 29 Number 4 Copyright © 2013, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], iste.org. All rights reserved. Beginning Science Teachers’ Technology Use at a worldwide level. Technology can be sions about technology. It should also Bass, J., Contant, T., & Carin, A. (2009). Teaching practiced not only by using computers be noted that the Wenger et al. (2009)’s science as inquiry (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. and programs or by learning how to use digital habitat consists of four elements: Bogdan, R., & Biklen, R. C. (1992). Qualitative technology tools, but also by begin- tools, platforms, features, and configura- research for education: An introduction to theory ning to proactively integrate otherwise tion. It is the interweaving of these four and methods. Boston: Allyn-Bacon. previously inaccessible educational elements with the findings of the study Britton, E., Paine, L., Pimm, D., & Raizen, S. (2003). elements into science curricula now. that provide the next step: to have the Comprehensive teacher induction: System for early career learning. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: We can also use technology to find new science teacher community establish Kluwer Academic Publishers. ways to connect students through social a digital habitat that consists of digital Colombo, M. W., & Colombo, P. D. (2007). Using media tools, and we can configure these tools that promote critical thinking and blogs to improve differentiated instruction. connections such that they can optimize inquiry-based activities. Wenger et al. Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for student learning and enthusiasm, espe- (2009) also emphasize the importance Quick Review, 73(4), 10–14. Cuban, L. (2001). Oversold and underused: Reforming cially within the sciences. of the adaptation and transitional stages schools through technology, 1980–2000. Cambridge, This sea change from textbooks to where members of the community are MA: Harvard University Press. cyberspace will inexorably occur via given time to learn new ways of integrat- Dawson, V. (2008). Use of information increasingly powerful handheld devices, ing technology into their everyday prac- communication technology by early career science which, although sometimes now less tices. The results of this study inform the teachers in Western Australia. International Journal of Science Education, 30(2), 203–219. than familiar to adults, will be ubiqui- science-teacher community of the needs Haberman, M. (1991). The pedagogy of poverty tously available to almost all students of and increasing awareness of the involved versus good teaching. Phi Delta Kappan, the next generation. These devices, and technology elements. 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The relationship between computer We have no choice but to remain teaching practices and the development of their new use and academic achievements. (Unpublished ahead of the curve and help shape the professional identities. Recently, she completed the doctoral dissertation). Available from UNT study of two hybrid mentoring programs set up for character and content of the educational Digital Library. (OCLC: 326878169). Retrieved science teachers working in Iowa classrooms. Please aspects that must be intelligently incor- from http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/ address correspondence regarding this article to Eu- porated into this swiftly arriving tech- nJin Bang, N156D Lagomarcino Hall, Ames, Iowa metadc9084/m2/1/high_res_d/ International Society for Technology in Education nology. Furthermore, teacher educators 50011-3192. E-mail: [email protected] (ISTE). (2006). Digital equity toolkit. Eugene, and school districts need to explicitly   OR: ISTE Headquarters. 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