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ERIC ED616808: Pre-Examination Study Preparation and Its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College PDF

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Preview ERIC ED616808: Pre-Examination Study Preparation and Its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY: APPLIED BUSINESS AND EDUCATION RESEARCH 2021, Vol. 2, No. 9, 805 – 817 http://dx.doi.org/10.11594/ijmaber.02.09.10 Research Article Pre-Examination Study Preparation and Its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College Ardian D. Malangen1* 1Department of Teacher Education, Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College, Quezon City, Philippines Article history: ABSTRACT Submission September 2021 Revised September 2021 Examination weeks are the peaks of an academic year. The paper- Accepted September 2021 and-pen test determines whether the learners are able to attain the specific educational standards set by the pedagogical curriculum they *Corresponding author: follow. The study wants to determine the pre-examination study E-mail: preparation and its effect on the summative test score in general [email protected] mathematics of grade 11 senior high school students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College. This study centers on two factors, the frequency and strategy of the student used on their pre-examination preparation. The descriptive and quantitative method of research is used in this study. As a results and conclusions in terms of pre- examination fre- quency, majority of the grade 11 senior high school students allotted one day (69.30%) before the examination 30 minutes to one hour (52.60%) as review time. The most preferred pre-examination study strategy of the respondents is rereading their textbooks and/or lec- ture notes (3.37 frequently). There is no significant positive correla- tion between the pre-examination study frequency and the summa- tive test results, there is a significant positive correlation between Tracks and the summative test results and between the study strat- egy (rereading textbooks/lecture notes, and seeking assistance to parents) and the summative test results of the Grade 11 senior high school students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College. Lastly, avoid cram- ming, students spend at least three days of review before the exami- nation for a better learning in a well managed time and engage their selves to the most significant favored review strategies that will give an impressive test results. Keywords: Pre-examination Study Frequency, Strategy, Preparation, Summative results, Senior High School. How to cite: Malangen, A. D. (2021). Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics of Grade 11 Senior High School Students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College. International Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Research. 2 (9), 805 – 817. doi: 10.11594/ijmaber.02.09.10 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Background the correlation of pre-examination study fre- Examination weeks are the peaks of an aca- quency to the summative test scores of the demic year. The paper-and-pen test determines grade 11 senior high school students. Moreo- whether the learners are able to attain the spe- ver, this research is designed to know what cific educational standards set by the pedagog- percentage of the grade 11 senior high school ical curriculum they follow. Moreover, the sum- students that having a cram review time and mative test scores of the students are used as what percentage that allots as a sufficient re- an assessment tool for the evaluation of the ef- view time. Pre- examination study strategies fectiveness of teaching approaches, strategies also need to answer the question what is the and methodologies utilized by teacher in deliv- best method to review and prepare for an up- ering the lesson to the class. coming examination? This study includes the In the Philippines education system, the different the following review styles. First is re- summative tests embody a twenty five percent- reading textbooks and/or lecture notes. Per- age of the quarterly marks of the students thus; haps, the most common go-to reviews style of it is treated as one of the main indicators of the students. The resources needed are already what and how much they have learned. The available and accessible to the learners. The natural positive response of students to up- coverage of the exams within the contents of coming major examinations is to prepare for it. these reading materials as the teacher and the The approaches of each student to their pre-ex- school prescribed it. amination study preparation vary in on the as- Next is making a summary review. Rewrit- pects such as the frequency allotted and strat- ing a material is another way used by the stu- egy used. The common denominator of all the dents. They usually read and rewrite the im- possible forms of pre –examination study prep- portant definitions, application of the concepts, aration is all aim to revisit, review and relearn examples, and other points to remember from the topics that are covered by the approaching their textbooks and/or lecture notes into a summative test. piece of paper that they called as a reviewer. The researcher of this study wants to deter- The third is self-testing. This strategy involves mine the pre-examination study preparation looking for practice exercises, problems and and its effect on the summative test score in mock-tests that the students will answer to de- general mathematics of grade 11 senior high termine what they have learned and what top- school students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College. ics need a further reinforcement. Using the in- This study centers on two factors, the fre- ternet for supplemental learning is the fourth quency and strategy of the student used on review style. This may include reading articles, their pre-examination preparation. Two differ- watching videos or any learning activities and ent things yet, the students plan, decide and ex- materials found in the World Wide Web that ecute these simultaneously and in considera- will help the students prepare for the examina- tion of each other. Hence, the researcher finds tion. it logical and practical to conduct an investiga- Another is joining a study groups. The stu- tion that will uncover each respective effect to dents choose to learn from and with each other. the summative test scores of the respondents They organize the venue, time, the topics to be in their general mathematics class. studied, assessment activity and other things Pre-examination study frequency shows that will contribute for them to have a better that most of the students asked these kinds of outcome for their summative test. Lastly, is hir- questions like when do they start to review? ing a tutor. The students like to pay someone How many minutes or hours do they give over that is expert in the specific subject to help him to their examination preparation? Does the get high score to the upcoming summative test. number of days matter? One problem that This study also aims to determine if there is a arises on this matter is cramming the review significant positive correlation between the time. The students are often to cram studying. strands/track and the summative test result in Is it helpful? Or does it bring more negative out- General Mathematics of the grade 11 senior comes? However this study aims to determine IJMABER 806 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics high school students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting Methods College. This study utilized the descriptive method. It aims to answer of the stated problems by Research Problem means of gathering necessary data. There is no The purpose of this study is to determine variable that has been manipulated nor con- The Pre- Examination Study Preparation and trolled. Descriptive research cannot make pre- Its Effect on the Summative Test Score in Gen- dictions or determine casually. It is simply de- eral Mathematics of Grade 11 Senior High scribed existing phenomenon. According to School Students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College. Calderon and Gonzales (2008), a descriptive Specifically, this study attempts to answer survey in fast finding studies with sufficient the following questions: and accurate interpretations. The correlational 1. What is the demographic profile of the re- design is also structured in this study. The re- spondents? searchers gathered information which from the 1.1 Age respondents and converted into numerical 1.2 Gender equivalents. These data will undergo several 1.3 Grade/Section statistical analyses to determine the relation- 2. How often do the respondents study before ship or difference between among the variables their exam in General Mathematics(pre-ex- of the study. These mathematical treatments amination study frequency) in terms of: will help the researcher draw a conclusion and 2.1 Hours in a day/ week recommendations that will answer the stated 2.2 Days in a week problems of this study 3. What pre-examination study strategy that The respondents of this study are only the the respondents prefer the most? The fol- Grade 11 Senior High School students of Dr. lowing are the pre-examination study style Carlos S. Lanting College for the school year included in this study: 2017-2018. There are 991 Grade 11 students 3.1 Reading textbooks or lecture notes that are categorizing by strands/tracks. The re- 3.2 Making a summary reviewer searcher randomly selected 329 students using 3.3 Self-testing the slovin’s formula using 95% level of confi- 3.4 Using internet for supplemental arti- dence and 0.05 level of significance of this cles and videos study. Two sets of data will be taken from each 3.5 Joining study groups respondent. First the information about their 3.6 Hiring a tutor pre-examination study frequency and strategy 3.7 Parents assistance using the questionnaire made by the re- 4. Is there a significant positive correlation ef- searcher that the study adviser and experts fect between the pre-examination study verified its validity and reliability in gathering frequency and the summative test result in the necessary data. The other set of data is the General Mathematics of the grade 11 senior respondents’ examination results in General high school students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting Mathematics examination. The said sets of data College? will be utilized in different statistical treat- 5. Is there a significant positive correlation ef- ments and analysis in order to arrive to sensi- fect between the strands/Tracks and the ble conclusions in relation with the stated summative test result in General Mathe- problems. matics of the grade 11 senior high school The teaching approaches, strategies and students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College? methodologies implemented by the teacher in 6. Is there a significant positive correlation ef- delivering the lesson to the class are not part of fect between the study strategy and the this study. Other kinds of pre-examination summative test result in General Mathe- study strategies not named are not part of this matics of the grade 11 senior high school research. The effect of the age and gender to the students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College? pre-examination study preparation and sum- mative test scores is not part of this study. IJMABER 807 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Moreover, intelligence quality (IQ), personal- qualitative – quantitative equivalence. A re- ity, traits or attitudes of the students, and other search adviser, three experts and the director cognitive and psychological factors are not con- of center for research and development as- sidered in this study. sessed and validated the questionnaire form In order to save time, money and such other used in this study. It was determined then that resources, the researcher chooses to get neces- the instrument can able to gather accurate and sary data from a portion of the pre-determined reliable data from the respondents that will be population called as the sample. Sample, if has useful in answering the specific problems appropriate size, could represent the whole of aimed to answer by this study. Moreover, the the population. The researcher used the grammar, clarity, visual appearance and such Slovin’s formula to determine the appropriate other aspects has been also scrutinized. sample size from a total population of students of the Grade 11 Senior High School. Result and Discussion n= 𝑁 This section deals with the discussion of the 1+𝑁𝑒2 data that has been gathered from the respond- From a population of, this study has a sam- ents of this research by means of textual, tabu- ple size of 329. It has 0.05 level of significance lar and graphical form of presentation. The and confidence level of 95%. The researcher data will undergo through different statistical used the stratified random sampling method to analysis that yields mathematical results will determine who among the population will be be as basis in answering the stated problems of the respondents of this study. The strata will be this study. the section and strand or track of the respond- ents; namely, Grade 11 Science, Engineering, The demographic profile Technology and Mathematics (STEM), Account- The following are the quantitative of demo- ancy, Business and Management (ABM), Hu- graphic profile of the respondents of this study. manities and Social Science (HUMSS), Techno- logical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL), Gen- Age eral Academic Strand (GAS). Table 1. Demographic Profile The following are the tools used by the re- searcher as means or source of the data used in Number of Age Percentage this study. The validity and reliability of the fol- Respodents lowing instrument have been also taken into 15 2 0.60% consideration. The study used a survey ques- 16 101 30.70% tionnaire as its tool in gathering necessary in- 17 191 58.10% formation from the respondents. This instru- 18 27 8.20% ment is designed to collect information regard- 19 8 2.40% ing the pre-examination study frequency and Total 329 100% strategy of the respondents. Table 1 shows that the respondents of this The questionnaire has three parts: research are stratified randomly selected from The first part of the questionnaire is the pre-determined population. There has no re- background profile of the respondents. Second striction in choosing the sample based on age. is the two multiple - choice items described the The age bracket of the respondents is from 15 numerically the pre-examination study fre- to 19 years old. Majority of the respondents are quency of the respondents. Each choice for 17 years old comprise of 191 (58.10%). There each item has corresponding quantitative are 101 (30.70%) respondents that have an age equivalents that will be utilized in the statisti- of 16 years old, followed by 27 (8.20%) re- cal treatments. The last part is the Likert Scale spondents that have an age of 18 years old. that is designed to describe the preference of Then lastly 8 (2.40) respondents are 19 years the respondents about their pre-examination old. study strategy. It is a five –point scale with IJMABER 808 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Gender ences), STEM (Science, Technology, Engineer- Table 2. Demographic Profile ing and Mathematics), and GAS (General Aca- demic Strand) are the same total number of re- Number of Gender Percentage spondents comprised of 65 (19.80%) each re- respondents spectively. Male 170 51.70% Female 159 48.30% General mathematics score Total 329 100% Table 4. Demographic Profile Table 2 shows that the respondents of this Interval Frequency Percentage research are stratified randomly selected from 6 – 14 93 28.30% pre-determined population. There has no re- 15 – 23 133 40.40% striction in choosing a sample based on the gen- 24 – 32 74 22.50% der. The sample of the study comprised of 170 33 – 41 24 7.30% male respondents (51.70%) and 159 female re- 42 – 50 5 1.5% spondents (48.30%). Total 329 100% Strand/Track Table 4 shows that majority of 133 Table 3. Demographic Profile (40.40%) respondents got a score of 15 to 23 in General Mathematics. Followed by 93 respond- Number of Strand Percentage ents got a score of 6 to 14 and 74 (22.50%) re- respondents spondents got a score of 24 to 32. While 24 Stem 65 19.8% (7.30%) respondents are in the in range of 33 Humss 65 19.8% to 41 score and lastly 5 (1.5%) students got a Tvl 67 20.4% score of 42 to 50. Gas 65 19.8% Abm 67 20.4% Pre – Examination Study Frequency Total 329 100% The respondents were asked about the number of days they allot in a week for them to Table 3 shows that the respondents of this review and prepare for their examination in research are stratified randomly selected from General mathematics. The following data were pre-determined population. Majority of the re- gathered based on their answers. spondents are from strands of TVL (Technolog- ical, Vocational and Livelihood) and ABM (Ac- How often do the respondents study before countancy, Business, and Management) consist their exam in General Mathematics (pre-ex- of 67 (20.40%) respondents each respectively. amination study frequency). While HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sci- Hours in a Day/Week Table 5. Hours in a Day/Week Hours in a day/week Frequency Percentage Thirty minutes – one hour 173 52.60% One hour – two hours 134 40.70% Two hours – three hours 22 6.70% Total 329 100% Table 5 shows that the majority of 173 stu- are said that they spend two hours to three dents (52.60%) allot thirty - minutes to one hours to their review time in general mathe- hour to their review time. They are followed by matics. 134 respondents (40.70%) who spend just one hour to two hours and 22 respondents (6.70%) IJMABER 809 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Days in a Week Table 6. Days in a Week Days in a week Frequency Percentage One day before the exam 228 69.30% Two to three days 83 25.20% Four to five days 8 2.40% Six to seven days 3 0.90% One week before the exam 7 2.10% Total 329 100% Table 6 shows that majority 228 respond- exams compared to exams from earlier in the ents (69.30%) who said that they only review semester. Student responses were grouped their lessons one day before the examination. into 5 categories: 1 to 6 hours, 1 to 2 days, 3 to Moreover 83 respondents (25.20%) spend two 6 days, 1 week, and more than 1 week in ad- to three days and 8 respondents (2.40%) allot vance. Students reported earlier initiation of four to five days. While 3 respondents (0.90%) exam preparation in later exams compared to spend six to seven days. Lastly 7 out of the 329 exams from earlier in the semester. Student re- respondents (2.10%) have a one week long of sponses were grouped into 5 categories: 1 to 6 pre – examination preparation for their sum- hours, 1 to 2 days, 3 to 6 days, 1 week, and more mative test in General Mathematics. According than 1 week in advance. to Gezer-Templeton, P. G., Mayhew, E. J., Korte, D. S., & Schmidt, S. J. (2017), Students reported What is the pre-examination study strategy earlier initiation of exam preparation in later that the respondents prefer the most? Table 7. Likert Scale Summary for Statement 1 (Rereading Textbook/Lecture Notes) Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 97 29.5% Frequently 79 24.0% I reread my textbook Sometimes 130 39.5% 3.74 and or lecture notes. Rarely 18 5.5% (Frequently) Never 5 1.5% Total 329 100% Table 7 shows that majority of 130 re- strategy as they prepare for their examination spondents (39.5%) have said that they some- in General Mathematics.The weighted mean for times reread their textbook /lecture notes as statement 1 is 3.37. Thus, the respondents in their review strategy. Another point of that general frequently reread their textbook/lec- needs emphasis is that 5 respondents (1.50%) ture notes as review strategy for their summa- have said that they never do this review tive test in General Mathematics. Table 8. Likert scale for statement 2 (Making a Summary Reviewer) Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 44 13.4% I made summary reviewer in Frequently 70 21.3% general mathematics as test Sometimes 130 39.5% 3.14 preparation. Rarely 58 17.6% (Sometimes) Never 27 8.2% Total 329 100% IJMABER 810 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Table 8 shows that according to the130 re- weighted mean for statement 2 is 3.14. Thus, spondents’ majority of them sometimes make a the respondents as a whole sometimes make a summary reviewer while 27 respondents summary reviewer as their review strategy in (8.2%) never used this review strategy. The General Mathematics. Table 9. Likert Scale for statement 3 Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 29 8.8% Frequently 48 14.6% I answered exercises, prob- Sometimes 129 39.3% 2.84 lems and mock tests Rarely 87 26.4% (Sometimes) Never 36 10.9% Total 329 100% Table 9 shows that 129 out 329 respond- their selves in self-testing as their preparation ents (39.3%) have said that they sometimes for their summative test in General Mathemat- used self- testing as their review strategy. ics. Recall and quiz yourself so you can remem- There are 29 respondents (8.8%) always an- ber the information. We forget much of what swer practice exercises, problems and mock- we read within minutes unless we do some- tests in their pre-examination review but 36 re- thing to actively recall it immediately. Ask spondents (10.9%) stated that they never used yourself questions as you read and answer the self-testing as review strategy. The them with the information from the problem weighted mean of the statement 3 is 2.84. Thus, this is good practice for exams (Oregon State the respondents in general sometimes engaged University). Table 10. Likert scale for statement 4 Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 37 11.2% I read books, watch vid- Frequently 52 15.8% 2.81 eos or use any learning Sometimes 105 31.9% (Sometimes) materials in the internet. Rarely 80 24.3% Never 55 16.7% Total 329 100% Table 10 shows that majority of the 105 (2017), report that students’ knowledge on in- (31.9%) respondents said that they sometimes formation retrieval was explored to gauge their read books, watch videos or use any learning techniques on the ways used to search learning materials in the internet as their review aids. materials on the internet. This was done to find 37 out of 329 respondents (11.20%) have said out the knowledge of students in using the in- that they always use internet as an aid in their ternet. It was assumed that students with good pre-examination review. Furthermore 55 re- searching skills or proper knowledge of search- spondents (16.7%) have said that they never ing will spend a short time getting what they used the internet as review strategy. The want. Searching learning materials and other weighted mean of statement 4 is 2.81. Thus, the information on the internet could be boring respondents in general sometimes used the and frustrating when one does not know how learning materials found in the internet as their to do it. review strategy in preparation for their exami- nation in General Mathematics. Almasi and Zhu IJMABER 811 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Table 11. Likert scale for statement 5 Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 22 6.7% I joined organized study Frequently 48 14.6% groups with my class- Sometimes 97 29.5% 2.54 mates/peers. Rarely 82 24.9% (Sometimes) Never 80 24.3% Total 329 100% Table 11 shows that there are only 22 re- Mathematics is peer factor or influence. Out of spondents (6.70%) who have said that they al- the 12 indicators, the indicator “My peer ways choose to join organize study group. Then friends and classmates support me when I am 97 out of 329 (29.50%) respondents said that down or hard up in understanding the subject” they sometimes join study groups to prepare got the highest indicator with a weighted mean for their General Mathematics examination. In of 2.99 described as “often” and interpreted as addition to that 80 respondents (24.30%) said “high influence”. This implies that peer friends that they never considered joining study significantly influence the performance of the groups. The weighted mean for statement 5 is students in general mathematics. Also, accord- 2.54.Thus; the respondents in general some- ing to Tenny (2021), meet regularly with a times join organized study groups with their Study Group: Group study can be extremely classmates or peers as their way of preparing helpful in terms of maintaining motivation to their summative test in General Mathematics. review. Also, you can learn by the example of On the study conducted by Herrera (2019), the others. Perhaps others in your group will teach 5th factor perceived as affecting the academic you new ways to study that will benefit you. performance of Grade 11 students in General Table 12. Likert scale for statement 6 Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 8 2.4% I hired a tutor to help me Frequently 10 3.0% prepare in my examination Sometimes 29 8.8% 1.48 in General Mathematics Rarely 37 11.2% (Never) Never 245 74.5% Total 329 100% Table 12 shows that 8 respondents (2.40%) Table 13 shows that 165 respondents choose always hired a tutor to help them pre- (50.20%) they never sought assistance from pare for their examination in General Mathe- their parents in preparation of their examina- matics. Another 37 respondents (11.2%) rarely tion in General Mathematics. Also 65 respond- considered it and 29 respondents (8.8%) some- ents (19.80%) rarely considered it and as well times considered it. However majority of 245 as 70 respondents (21.30%) sometimes did it. respondents (74.50%) said that they have But 21 respondents (6.4%) frequently consid- never considered hiring a tutor. ered and least 8 respondents (2.4%) always The computed weighted mean is 1.48. Thus, considered it.The computed weighted mean is the respondents in general never considered 1.91. It implies in general that rarely of the re- hiring a tutor as a preparation strategy for their spondents sought assistance from their parents examination in General Mathematics. Based on in preparation for their examination in General the study. Mathematics. IJMABER 812 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Table 13. Likert Scale for Statement 7 Statement Frequency Percentage Weighted Mean Always 8 2.4% I sought assistance from my Frequently 21 6.4% parents in preparation for Sometimes 70 21.3% 1.91 my examination in General Rarely 65 19.8% (Rarely) Mathematics Never 165 50.2% Total 329 100% Is there a significant positive correlation ef- General Mathematics of the grade 11 senior fect between the pre-examination study fre- high school students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting quency and the summative test result in College? Table 14. Hours in a Day/Week vs. General Mathematics Score N 𝑥2 df p-value α Hours in a day/week 329 7.574 16 0.961 0.05 General mathematics test score Note: N = total number of respondents 𝑥2 = computed chi square df = degrees of freedom p – Value = probability value α = alpha The Table 14 shows the relationship be- since the p- value (0.961) is greater than 0.05 tween hours in a day/ week for preparation in level of significance. It implies that there is no their summative examination and Genera significant relationship between hours in a Mathematics test score. Also using chi-square day/ week for preparation in their summative test ( 𝑋2 = 7.574) shows that there is not examination and General Mathematics test enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis, score. Table 15. Week in a Day Vs. General Mathematics Test Score N 𝑥2 df p-value α Week in a day 329 13.856 8 0.086 0.05 General mathematics test score Note: N = total number of observations 𝑥2 = computed chi square df = degrees of freedom p – Value = probability value α = alpha The Table 15 shows the relationship be- preparation in their summative examination tween week in a day for preparation in their and General Mathematics test score. summative examination and General Mathe- matics test score. Also using chi-square test Is there a significant positive correlation ef- (𝑋2 =13.856) shows that there is not enough fect between the strands/Tracks and the evidence to reject the null hypothesis, since the summative test result in General Mathemat- p- value (0.086) is greater than 0.05 level of sig- ics of the grade 11 senior high school stu- nificance. It implies that there is no significant dents of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College? relationship between week in a day for IJMABER 813 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021 AD Malangen, 2021/ Pre-Examination Study Preparation and its Effect on the Summative Test Score in General Mathematics Table 16. Strands/Track Vs. General Mathematics Score N 𝑥2 df p-value α General mathematics test score 329 13.856 16 0.000 0.05 Strands / tracks Note: N = total number of observations 𝑥2 = computed chi square df = degrees of freedom p – Value = probability value α = alpha The Table 16 shows the relationship be- in their summative examination and General tween strands/tracks and General Mathemat- Mathematics test score. ics test score of the Grade 11 senior high school students. Also using chi-square test Is there a significant positive correlation ef- (𝑋2 =13.856) shows that there is enough evi- fect between the study strategy and the sum- dence to reject the null hypothesis, since the p- mative test result in General Mathematics of value (0.000) is less than 0.05 level of signifi- the grade 11 senior high school students of cance. It implies that there is significant rela- Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College? tionship between week in a day for preparation Table 17. Study Strategy Vs. General Mathematics Score Study strategy Vs. General Alpha R – value P – value Decision Interpretation Mathematics score Level Strategy 1 Vs. General 0.190 0.001 0.05 Reject 𝐻 Significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Strategy 2 Vs. General -0.023 0.674 0.05 Accept 𝐻 No significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Strategy 3 Vs. General -0.017 0.755 0.05 Accept 𝐻 No significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Strategy 4 Vs. General -0.009 0871 0.05 Accept 𝐻 No significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Strategy 5 Vs. General -0.29 0.600 0.05 Accept 𝐻 No significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Strategy 6 Vs. General -0.097 0.079 0.05 Accept 𝐻 No significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Strategy 7 Vs. General -0.149 0.007 0.05 Reject 𝐻 Significant Mathematics test score 𝑂 Table 17 shows the relationship between than 0.05 level of significance. It implies that the study strategies and General Mathematics there is significant relationship between strat- test score of the grade 11 senior high school egy #1 and General Mathematics test score, students. Also using Pearson Product – Mo- also Strategy #2 and General Mathematics Test ment Correlation Coefficient (𝑟) shows that Score. The remaining strategies have greater p there is two strategies that have enough evi- – value compare to 0.05 as level of significance. dence to reject the null hypothesis, since the p- It means that most of the remaining strategies value of strategy #1 (I reread my textbook and are accept the null hypothesis. Thus the strat- or lecture notes) is (0.001) and the p – value of egy used by the students especially strategy 1 strategy #2 (I sought assistance from my par- and 7 make their score increasing or improv- ents in preparation for my examination in ing. General Mathematics) is (0.007) which is less IJMABER 814 Volume 2 | Number 9 | September | 2021

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