Globus An International JournalofManagement & IT ARefereedResearchJournal Vol12/ No 2/Jan-Jun2021 ISSN:0975-721X SCHOOL ANDROID BASED E-SERVICES * Archolito V. Pahuriray PaperReceived:28.03.2021/PaperAccepted:14.04.2021/PaperPublished:17.04.2021 CorrespondingAuthor:ArcholitoV.Pahuriray;Email:[email protected];doi:10.46360/globus.mgt.120211006 Abstract Introduction Every educational institution aims to use a The quality of services offered in an institution is variety of digital platforms to help add mobility vital in meeting the expectations andsatisfactionof and automation to the educational system and its clientele. In the modern world of digital institutional operations so that they can deliver technology, educational institutions aim to utilize services faster, more efficiently, and more various digital platforms which helps in adding consistently. Higher education institutions, on mobility and automation in educational system and the other hand, are confronted with unfavorable institutional activities to provide faster, efficient constraints and problems. When it comes to and systematic approach in delivering services. processing, requests took time and effort, However, higher educational institutions are particularly for students who lived far away experiencing inauspicious limitations and from school and had to travel to school to complications[1].Students face challengeswhen it request and review their grades and subjects. comes to obtaining knowledge about their records The School Android Based e-Services is a and learning about school activities. It takes time mobile and a cloud based electronic platform and effort to process their requests, especially for which can perform the core operational services students who lived far from school and had to needed by the college students as well as the travel to school to request and review their grades other individuals that require such services. This and subjects. Also, information is disseminated to project created an Android mobile application students in the form of notices, handwritten which had increased the performance in the manuals,andverbalmessages.Alldetailshadtobe dailytransactionsoftheGraduateSchoolOffice. viewed in a hard file or on a database. At the same Thisstudyreliedondevelopmentalresearch. time, looking for information is very difficult to do andrequiresasignificantamountoftime. Keywords: Android, e-Services, Event Notification, Mobile Application, Push In these adverse hindrances, institutions need to Notification. take initiatives by utilizing accelerated and practical schemes in delivering quality services to students so as to increase customer satisfaction. In order to address the gap, an Android-based smart phone application was developed to make school records processing simpler, safer, and less error- prone [4]. Android is a mobile operating system that runs on smartphones and tablets [7]. The mobile device becomes a game-changer and a trend-setter in terms of how business transactions with clients can be conducted in a more creative and productive manner [5]. Furthermore, it is critical to use newer forms of statement, such as mobile phone technology, to facilitate faster and easier communication among students [4]. School Android Based e-Services is a mobile and a cloud based electronic platform which can perform the core operational services needed by the college studentsaswellastheotherindividualsthatrequire such services. It is an intuitive, secure and user- friendlyapplicationwiththecapabilitiesofhanding multi-transactions of the school. Moreover, eServices are defined by various researchers as the servicesprovidedoverthroughtheInternet[2].The School android based e-services can provide qualityservicestothe studentthrough theirmobile, eliminateexcesseffortsingoingtoschool,reduce *CollegeofInformationandCommunicationsTechnologyandEngineering,Northern NegrosStateCollegeof ScienceandTechnology,Philippines. 40 hoursspentinrequestingandapplyingtransactions, school to connect with its clients over the internet keep the students up to date of school events and and become more efficient. This application aided maintain a systematic approach of the services studentsbyusingitsintegrationmodules,makingit offered by the school. Users can access mediated simpleforthemtoaskaboutgrades,servicerequest and self-service tools, as well as databases, status,events,andthelike.Astechnologyadvances, announcements, registration, events, book this application will continue to investigate the appointments, and schedules, among other items, functionalitiesthatmayberequired.Thiswillassist throughthisapp[3]. them in further developing the system and identifying functionality that will enable the The long-term survival of higher education application to offer additional services to its users. institutions lies in the provision of quality services This will also assist them in further improving the [6]. Therefore, improving the delivery of services system and discovering functionality that will constitutes a high performing institution. In today's enabletheapplicationtoofferadditionalservicesto highly competitive climate, service-oriented itsusers. educational,institutionsmustdemonstratethat their offerings are customer-focused and that they are In the efforts of educational institutions to address committed to continuous performance the students’ difficulty in transacting businesses, improvement. Thus, the ability to connect with this study aimed to design and develop an Android customers, which is one of the main factors in based mobile application which allows push achieving a competitive advantage over other notifications and generate reports on student’s organizations, is the level of providing quality grades, requested services and subjects offered services. anywhereusingtheirAndroidphoneortablet.Also, the researcher was able to envision a device that Using mobile devices to help business processes would be easier to use, interesting, and interactive. would improve school administrations' and Furthermore, the Northern Negros State College of students' deliberation of transactions. The ability to Science and Technologystudents greatly benefitted connect with external bodies, which are important fromtheapplication. factors in business growth, is a key component of providing high-quality services. It enabled the Figure 1: Conceptual Framework Methodology Research Instrument Developmentalmethodofresearchwasusedinthis This research used a survey instrument in study. The respondents were chosen using a evaluating the School Android Based e-Services. method known as purposive sampling. This study This software evaluation instrument is a criteria- included52participants,50ofwhomwerestudents based assessment questionnaire that quantifies pursuing a Master’s Degree in Information software's operability, sustainability, and Technology (MIT) during the First Semester, A.Y. maintainability in a variety of areas based on 2018 - 2019 and two of whom were Graduate International Organizations for Standardization/ Schoolstaff. International Electro-technical Commission 41 (ISO/IEC 25010, 2011). The survey uses a five- point scale, with 5 being the highest and 1 being thelowest. Table 1: Five-point Likert Scale MeanScore VerbalInterpretation 4.21–5.00 VeryGood 3.41–4.20 Good 2.61–3.40 Average 1.81–2.60 Poor 1.00–1.80 VeryPoor The research instrument was subjected to appropriatevalidityandreliabilitytestbeforeitwas administeredtotheactualrespondents. System Architecture Validity and Reliability of the Instrument Inthereliabilitytest,theresearcherusedTest-retest Figure 2: Proposed System Architecture of reliability. Whether repeating the questionnaire under the same conditions and same respondents School Android Based e-Services produce the same results. The reliability coefficient resulted0.90.Interpretedasreliable. Content validation was performed by the instructors on related field. Suggestions were being incorporatedinthefinaldraftofthequestionnaire. Data Gathering Procedures To allow the researcher to perform the analysis, a request letter was sent to the Graduate School Office.Clientswereinterviewedabouttheircurrent situation and the issues they were having with the current protocol.The results,current programs,and papersfromotherschoolsandappsareallincluded Figure 3: Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) intherelevantliterature. System Architecture The researcher directly distributed and Results and Discussion administered questionnaires to the respondents in the second part of the data collection process. The Based on the data gathered, the overall result was respondents were given adequate time to answer 4.51 which was interpreted as very good. This means that the app was stable, effective, the questionnaire. After that, the researcher compatible,accessible,accurate,safe,maintainable, personally retrieved the accomplished and portable to use. This is further shown in Table questionnairesandweretabulatedandanalyzed. 2.0. Data Analysis Procedure Table 2: Evaluation of the Respondents of The researcher used the mean to assess and evaluate School Android Based e-Services in terms the School Android Based e-Services of functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, portability. To encode the Areas Mean VerbalInterpretation assessment rating and compute the mean, the researcherusedaspreadsheetsoftware. Functionality 4.32 VeryGood Performance 4.50 VeryGood Efficiency Compatibility 4.49 VeryGood Usability 4.54 VeryGood Reliability 4.45 VeryGood 42 Security 4.74 VeryGood The app was rated very good. This is because Android apps are bundled as APKs (android Maintainability 4.47 VeryGood packages), and with the introduction of file sharing apps, files can be moved from one computer to Portability 4.44 VeryGood anotherwithouttheneedforaninternetconnection. Overall 4.51 VeryGood Expert Testing Expert testing was also carried out to ensure that Table 2.0 shows the results of the respondents' theapplicationmetSoftwareQualityRequirements. assessmentsusingISO/IEC9126-1:25010Software Three IT experts gave the software a perfect score. QualityModelCharacteristics. The experts' assessment of the School Android Based e-Services using the McCall's Software On the Functional Stability QualityModelwassummarizedinTable4. Theappearnedahighrating.Thisisduetothefact that the app works well on mobile phones, Table 3.0: The McCall's Software Evaluation especially on Android devices, and it automatically Criteria for Software Quality Model was used adjuststotheuser'sdevicecompatibility. to evaluate the School Android Based e- On the Performance Efficiency Services by IT Experts. The outcome showed that the app is effective in terms of time management and resource efficiency Criteria Mean Verbal when conducting its tasks, resulting in a very Interpretation positiveoutcome. Auditability 4.66 VeryGood On the Compatibility Accuracy 4.33 VeryGood The app works on any Android device, regardless Completeness 4.66 VeryGood of version, as long as the operating system is Android.Theappwasratedverygood. Communication 5.0 VeryGood Commonality On the Usability Conciseness 4.33 VeryGood The software is easy to use and install with a Consistency 4.66 VeryGood simple user interface and straightforward approach. Operability 4.66 VeryGood The app was rated very good as a result of the Security 3.66 Good survey. Documentation 4.66 VeryGood On the Reliability Simplicity 5.0 VeryGood Theappwasratedverygood.Thisisduetothefact Software System 4.33 VeryGood that the project makes use of the most recent Independence versions of Android Studio and Kotlin to create Androidapplications. Traceability 4.66 VeryGood Training 5.0 VeryGood On the Security Controllability 4.66 VeryGood Sinceitwill besubmittedtotheGooglePlayStore, the app can be considered stable. It is a safe place DataCommonality 4.33 VeryGood to get Android apps and install them on your android phone. You can only change the contents ErrorTolerance 4.33 VeryGood of the app if you have a copy of the source code; otherwise, the app cannot be updated. The app Execution 4.66 VeryGood performed admirably in terms of protection, Efficiency accordingtothefindings. Expandability 5.0 VeryGood On the Maintainability Hardware 5.0 VeryGood The appcanbeupdated,revised,and deployed ina Independence short period of time because of its straightforward Instrumentation 4.33 VeryGood approach. The app can be rebuilt in a matter of minutes, and an update for Android devices can be Modularity 4.0 VeryGood installed.Forthat,theappwasratedverygood. TOTALMEAN 4.62 VeryGood On the Portability 43 Table 3.0 shows that the developed application When it came to error tolerance, or the amount of garnered a 4.66 rating from experts, indicating that harm that occurs when a program experiences an it is very good in terms of auditability, which error, the experts rated the established software a measures the ease with which standards can be score of 4.33, which interpreted to "very good." reviewed. The experts rated a score of 4.33, which The developed software received a rating of 4.66, means very good, for accuracy, which referred to which is interpreted as very good, for its run-time theprecisionofcalculationsandpower. outputorexecutionefficiency. The system's completeness, or the extent to which The developed software received a 5.0 rating for all necessary functions have been implemented, the degree to which architectural, data, or rated a mean score of 4.66, which is interpreted as procedural design can be expanded, as well as the verygood. system'sexpandability. In line with communication commonality or the The average scoreforthe system's generalityorthe degree to which standards interfaces and protocols scope of possible implementation of the software are understood, the system was rated as 5.0 which components was 4.66, which is interpreted as very is interpreted as very good. It earned a mean score good. The app received a 5.0 or very good rating of 4.33 for the system's conciseness or program's for the degree to which the program is decoupled compactness in terms of lines of code, which is fromthe hardwareonwhich itruns, orthe system's consideredverygood. hardwareindependence. The system's consistency, or the use of Experts gave a rating of 4.33 as a mean, translated standardized design and documentation techniques as very good, for device instrumentation, or the in the software development project, rated a very degree to which the software tracks its own goodscoreof4.66. operation and detects errors that do occur. Finally, the software received a mean score of 4.0, which The established system received a mean of 3.66, indicates that it is very good in terms of device which is interpreted as good, in terms of the modularity or functional independence of program system's security or the availability of the system's components. mechanisms that monitor or protect the programs and data. A mean of 4.66 was achieved in the The School Android Based e-Services earned a system's self-documentation, which was interpreted total mean of 4.62, which is very good, based on asverygood. theresultsoftheexperts’systemevaluation. The derived mean for the degree to which the Conclusion and Recommendation programcanbeunderstoodwithoutdifficultyorthe Asaresult,thedeviceappearstobeveryusefulfor software's simplicity was 5.0, which was perceived managing multiple transactions in the office. As a asverygood. result, communication will be more effective, and students will be more aware of school events and The experts rated it a mean of 4.33, or very good, activities. for software system independence, or the degree to which the program is independent of nonstandard The researcher emphasizes that School Android programming language features, operating system Based e-Services serves a significant portion in characteristics,andotherenvironmentalconstraints. improving school administrations' and students' deliberation of transactions. Hence, address the The ability to trace a design representation or students’difficultyintransactingbusinesses. actual software component back to specifications, orthe system's traceability, was ratedvery good by The device works well. The Graduate School theexpertsat4.66. Office's Android-based e-Services is a huge aid to students in obtaining knowledge about their Theappreceivedaratingof5.0,whichmeansvery records and learning about school activities. Also, good, in terms of training, or the degree to which through this app the school can provide quality the program assists in allowing new users to apply servicestoitsclientelethroughtheirmobilephones, the method. The experts gave a score of 4.66, or eliminate excess efforts in going to school, reduce very good, for controllability, or the ability to hoursspentinrequestingandapplyingtransactions, easily manage and manipulate the system in terms keep the students up to date of school events and of execution, program structure, and design. The maintain a systematic approach of the services system's data commonality, or the use of standard offered. Therefore, it is recommended that data structures and forms in the program, received Northern Negros State College of Science and ascoreof4.33,whichisverygood. 44 Technology introduce School Android Based e- Application to Improve Educational Outcomes Services. using Android Technology”, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies In order to process requests electronically, both the (IJIM), 8(2), 4-9. Graduate School Office and the students must have ijim.v8i2.3509. access to the internet. The researcher recommends 4. 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