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Preview ERIC ED615541: Effects of Algorithmic Transparency in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing on Trust and Perceived Accuracy

Effects of Algorithmic Transparency in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing on Trust and Perceived Accuracy Kimberly Williamson René F. Kizilcec CornellUniversity CornellUniversity Ithaca,NY,USA Ithaca,NY,USA [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT BKT,includinghundredsofarticlesdevotedtoincremental Knowledge tracing algorithms such as Bayesian Knowledge enhancementsoftheoriginalmodel[20],therearenotmany Tracing(BKT)canprovidestudentsandteacherswithhelp- real-world applications that use BKT in practice. Some of ful information about their progress towards learning ob- the most widely used K-12 learning platforms like ASSIST- jectives. Despite the popularity of BKT in the research ments and Khan Academy decided against using BKT in community, the algorithm is not widely adopted in educa- favor of simpler models such as N-Consecutive Correct Re- tional practice. This may be due to skepticism from users sponses (N-CCR) [13]. This raises questions about barri- anduncertaintyoverhowtoexplainBKTtothemtofoster erstoadoptingknowledgetracingalgorithmsineducational trust. Weconductedapre-registered2x2surveyexperiment practice. Inparticular,howmuchistherelativecomplexity (n=170)toinvestigateattitudestowardsBKTandhowthey andopacityofBKTresponsibleforitsslowadoption? Plat- are affected by verbal and visual explanations of the algo- form providers may be concernedthat educators and learn- rithm. We find that ostensible learners prefer BKT over a erswillnottrustamodelthatcannoteasilybeexplainedto simpler algorithm, rating BKT as more trustworthy, accu- them [13, 12, 24, 25, 1]. rate, and sophisticated. Providing verbal and visual expla- nations of BKT improved confidence in the learning appli- The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) posits that a cation, trust in BKT and its perceived accuracy. Findings user’s acceptance and adoption of new technology is based suggestthatpeople’sacceptanceofBKTmaybehigherthan on its perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use anticipated, especially when explanations are provided. (PEOU) [9]. PU and PEOU are beliefs that can be influ- enced by external factors, such as providing additional in- formation about a technology. According to TAM, learn- Keywords ers’ and educators’ PU and PEOU are essential factors in Bayesian Knowledge Tracing, Data Visualization, Explain- the adoption of BKT in practice. Improving their percep- able AI tionscouldthereforeincreasetheacceptanceandadoptionof BKT in real-world applications. Moreover, a better under- 1. INTRODUCTION standing of the mechanisms behind the acceptance of BKT Knowledge tracing can offer students and teachers a real- is expected to inform the presentation of other knowledge time understanding of what students have already learned tracing algorithms as well. and what they are still struggling with [7]. It provides ac- tionable insights that can lead to better educational out- A large number of knowledge tracing algorithms have been comes [16]. Among many types of knowledge tracing algo- developed over the years that could benefit from empiri- rithms, Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) has been es- cal evidence on how to explain them to users. Recent ad- tablished and researched most extensively, as evidenced by vances in artificial intelligence have inspired research into the 114,000 Google Scholar results for ”Bayesian Knowl- more complex algorithms such as deep knowledge tracing edge Tracing,”17,500 of which published since 2020. BKT (DKT), which uses neural networks [17, 11]. With more has been tested to help students self-monitor their learning complexalgorithmsthatprovidelessinsightintotheirinner progress [4, 23], to help teachers understand what students workings, it becomes more important to understand how have not learned yet [22], and to enable adaptive learning people’s trust in the algorithm and its perceived accuracy technologiesthatletstudentsskipoverthecontenttheyhave might influence perceptions of usefulness and usability of mastered [18]. In contrast to the abundance of research on a learning application [1]. Besides BKT and DKT, which are suitable for modeling understanding and sense-making, therearealsologisticlearningmodels,suchasAdditiveFac- tor Models and Performance Factor Analysis [5, 19, 20], which model memory and fluency [20]. These two types Kimberly Williamson and Rene Kizilcec “Effects of Algorithmic Trans- of models can also be integrated into one [15]. While there parencyinBayesianKnowledgeTracingonTrustandPerceivedAccuracy”. are many types of models that can be examined, we choose 2021.In:ProceedingsofThe14thInternationalConferenceonEducational BKT as an example knowledge tracing algorithms that is Data Mining (EDM21). International Educational Data Mining Society, relatively simple and popular among researchers. 338-344.https://educationaldatamining.org/edm2021/ EDM’21June29-July022021,Paris,France 338 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) This research contributes causal evidence to address three plainables.”Theythendesignedanexperimenttodetermine important research questions. First, do people prefer to the effectiveness between a static and interactive visualiza- learn with BKT or N-CCR (N-Consecutive Correct Re- tion and found that the static explainable led to a better sponses) in an ostensible high-stakes test scenario? Second, understanding of the BKT algorithm. More generally, re- how is their preference related to specific attitudes, includ- search on Open Learning Models (OLMs) has advanced an ing their confidence in the learning system to do well on a understandingofhowtovisualizeandexplainlearningmod- test, their trust in the algorithm, and the perceived accu- els[3,2]. OLMsprovideuserswithinteractivevisualizations racy of the algorithm? And third, how do verbal and/or thatgranttheminsightsintolearningalgorithms,alongwith visualexplanationsaffectpeople’sattitudesandpreferences the ability to adjust the algorithm. This study will add to over knowledge tracing algorithms? We answer these re- OLM research by expanding knowledge on how to explain search questions with data collected from a pre-registered and visualize information to foster positive attitudes. 2x2 factorial survey experiment. Thecurrentstudyprovidesafoundationalunderstandingof 2. BACKGROUND how individuals perceive BKT compared to N-CCR along several attitudinal dimensions, and how much verbal and OneofthesimplestknowledgetracingalgorithmsisN-CCR. visual explanations of BKT can improve those perceptions. Itassessesstudentmasterybyevaluatingthenumberofcon- Our review of prior work informed the following two hy- secutivecorrectresponsesforaparticularskill. Forexample, potheses: the model determines that a student has learned fractions after correctly answering three fraction questions in a row. H1. VerbalandvisualexplanationsofBKTleadparticipants Although N-CCR is easy to understand, its simplicity can to prefer it over N-CCR. sometimes make it less accurate than BKT. Still, N-CCR hasbeenusedinpopularplatforms,includingASSISTments H2. Verbal and visual explanations of BKT will positively and Khan Academy [13], and there is mixed evidence as increase participants attitudes about the BKT algorithm. to whether BKT outperforms N-CCR at modeling student learning [8, 10, 13, 21]. Nevertheless, the scientific com- 3. METHODS munity shows a clear preference for BKT (and other more The study design, materials, measures and analysis ap- complexknowledgetracingalgorithms)basedonthealloca- proacharepre-registeredwiththeOpenScienceFoundation: tion of research attention. https://osf.io/7c5zt/. Torefinethestudydesign,measures, andanalysisplan,weranapilotstudywith26participants BKT is a two-state Hidden Markov Model where the unob- andusedbothdescriptiveandinferentialstatisticalanalyses served hidden state being modeled is student learning, and tobuildouranalysisplan. Wefirstuseddescriptiveanalysis for a given knowledge component, a student has a state of to estimate survey completion time, ensure we had enough either learned or not learned [6, 17, 11]. Although BKT is variance in responses, and check that the information pro- already more sophisticated than N-CCR, critics have sug- vided to participants was enough information for them to gestedthatBKTistoosimpleofanalgorithmformodeling evaluatethealgorithms. Weusedrespondents’answersand humanlearning. Theypointtodeep(neuralnetwork)learn- an open-ended question at the end of the survey in which ingmodelstobetterrepresentallfactorsthatgointostudent we asked participants for any feedback to improve the sur- learning [17, 11]. Mao and colleagues [17] found that deep vey. We took the results from this pilot study to alter the learningmodelsoutperformedBKTonsomelearningtasks. visualizationsandinformationprovidedtoparticipantsand However, they also acknowledge that these gains in perfor- rephrase some questions to improve clarity. We removed mancemightnotbeworththelossinmodelinterpretability. theopen-endedfeedbackquestionfromthesurveyafterthe While researchers tend to consider BKT as one of the sim- pilot. plerandmoreexplainablealgorithmsforknowledgetracing, practitioners and learners who are the end-users may not 3.1 Participants share this view. Participants were recruited from Amazon Mechanical Turk The explainability of an algorithm, which is partly deter- and received $1.70 for completing a 10-minute survey. The mined by how transparent, understandable, interpretable it study was advertised as seeking input on test preparation is, can play an essential role in its adoption into applica- applications. To determine our target sample size of 170, tions. Barredo Arrieta and colleagues [1] identified these weusedG*Powertoconductapoweranalysis. Ouranalysis and other reasons for making algorithms more explainable: goals were to obtain 95% power to detect a medium effect mostrelevanttotheworkonBKTaretrustworthiness,con- size of 0.25 at the standard 0.05 alpha error rate with six fidence, causality, and accessibility. Prior research on algo- repeated measures and four groups. While we had 170 par- rithms in education has echoed this finding. Kizilcec [14] ticipants who took the survey, 34 participants either failed found that increasing transparency by providing users with to answer all of the comprehension questions correctly (29) additionalinformationaboutanalgorithmmadeuserstrust orhadpriorexperiencewithBKT(4)orboth(1). Analyses thealgorithmmore(thoughtoomuchinformationcanerode were conducted on the remaining 136 respondents. Table 1 trust). Otherstudieshavemorespecificallyexaminedthein- describes the sample demographics for the sample. terpretability of BKT in learning applications. Yeung [24] explored the use of Item Response Theory to make BKT 3.2 Procedure and deep learning models more explainable, but they have To contextualize the study, participants were provided the notexaminedhowusersreacttoit. Zhouandcolleagues[25] following narrative with pictures of two sample questions examined BKT explainability by creating visualization ”ex- taken from the ASSISTments platform: Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 339 (a)Simplevisualization (b)Detailedvisualization Figure 1: Two versions of a visualization of student performance on questions shown to participants depending on their condition assignment. Table 1: Sociodemographics of Participants included in the to ensure that an attentive reader would have no problems study. answering them correctly. n % Next, participants saw a short description of the N-CCR algorithm, which we labeled as 3 Right in a Row (3RR): Gender Woman 79 58.1 ”Atopicwillbeconsideredlearnedonceastudentcorrectly Man 54 39.7 answers three questions in a row.”A simple table depicting Transgender Man 1 .7 a sample student’s progression for four topics (table rows) Gender Variant/Non-Conforming 2 1.5 and questions for each topic (table columns) accompanied Ethnicity Hispanic 10 7.4 the description. The table looked like Figure 1a. Each Not Hispanic 126 92.6 cell contained an X or a (cid:88)depending on if the student an- Race White 100 73.5 swered the question correctly. True to the 3RR algorithm, Black or African American 10 7.3 each topic was considered learned once three consecutive American Indian or Alaska Native 2 1.5 questions were answered correctly. At the bottom of the Asian 16 11.8 page, participants answered several questions about their Not Listed 5 3.7 attitudes towards the 3RR algorithm (see Measures). Multiracial 3 2.2 Age 18-24 27 19.9 At this point, participants were randomly assigned to con- 25-34 52 38.2 ditions based on a 2x2 factorial design. There were 33 par- 35-44 37 27.2 ticipants in the No BKT Explanation/BKT Simple Visu- 45-54 8 5.9 alization condition in the final sample, 34 in the No BKT 55-64 11 8.1 Explanation/BKT Detailed Visualization condition, 38 in Above 65 1 .7 theBKTExplanation/BKTSimpleVisualizationcondition, and31intheBKTExplanation/BKTDetailedVisualization condition. As an admissions requirement for a university program that you are applying for, you are preparing to take a general The following page mirrored the structure of the previous knowledge exam. The test is important to you and you need onebutforBKT,providingadescriptionandsamplelearn- to do as well as possible to get accepted. ingprogressvisualizationbasedontheexperimentalassign- You have decided to use a test preparation app to help you ment,followedbythesamesetofattitudinalquestionsabout study for the test. thealgorithm. Next,onthefinalpageofthesurvey,partic- Akeyfeatureofthetestprepappisthatitpersonalizesthe ipants were asked to compare the two algorithms. learning experience to help you study efficiently. The app shows you only questions about topics that you have not already learned. 3.3 ExperimentalManipulations Thesystemkeepstrackofyouranswerstoeachquestionand In the no BKT explanationcondition, participants received automatically moves to the next topic once it deter- this one-sentence description of the BKT algorithm: ”A mines that you have learned the previous topic. To topicwillbeconsideredlearnedoncethealgorithmestimates determine if you have learned a topic, the app uses an al- withahighprobabilitythatastudenthaslearnedthetopic gorithm. Once the algorithm determines you learned a based on their responses up to that point.”In the BKT ex- topic,itwillstopgivingyoustudyquestionsaboutit. Thus, planation condition, participants additionally received the it also determines the speed at which you progress in your following information about the BKT algorithm: test prep. We would like to get your opinions about the two different After every question you answer, the Bayesian Knowledge algorithmstounderstandwhichoneyoufindmoreaccurate Tracing algorithm estimates the probability that you have and trustworthy. nowlearnedatopicusingaprobabilisticmodelthataccounts for the following data: On the next page, participants answered three multiple- – an initial probability that you have learned the topic based choicecomprehensionquestions: (1)Howdoesthetestprep on your first answer: it is higher if you answered correctly app determine what questions to give you? (2) What de- – a correct guess probability: e.g., 50% for a true/false termines how quickly you are going to be done with test question prep? (3) What happens when the system determines that – a slip probability for answering incorrectly even though you have learned a topic? We pre-tested these questions you already learned the topic 340 Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) –thedifficultyofquestionsyouhaveansweredbasedonhow BKT Explanation/ many people have answered them incorrectly BKT Detailed Visualization – performance data such as the number of hints that you BKT Explanation/ BKT Simple Visualization asked for and the time it took you to answer the question No BKT Explanation/ BKT Detailed Visualization No BKT Explanation/ Using all of this information, the algorithm estimates BKT Simple Visualization the probability that you have learned a topic. If the proba- 4 5 6 7 bility is above 95%, the algorithm moves you on to the next Avg. Algorithm Preference topic. (1=Strongly prefer 3RR, 7=Strongly prefer BKT) In the BKT simple visualization condition, participants re- Figure 2: Average algorithm preference by condition. ceived a simple table depicting a sample student’s learning progressmirroringtheoneshowninthe3RRalgorithm(Fig- ure 1a). In the BKT detailed visualization condition, the last planned analysis evaluated H2 by running a linear re- sametablewasenhancedtoshowtheestimatedprobability gression on each attitudinal construct with the conditions of having learned the topic using a color scale (Figure 1b). as the predictor variables and the attitudinal construct as To make the visualizations realistic, we ran a BKT algo- the dependent variable. While the interpretation of linear rithm over a sample of ASSISTments data and used a 95% regressionoutputisclearandfamiliar,weacknowledgethat probability to determine mastery. our measures are ordinal and not strictly continuous. We confirmed that analysis by ordinal logistic regression yields 3.4 Measures equivalent results. Wemeasuredparticipants’attitudestowardseachalgorithm For the open-ended question asking participants why they using six items rated on 5-point unipolar response scales choose their preferred algorithm, we planned to use simple (’Notatall’,’Somewhat’,’Moderately’,’Very’,’Extremely’): thematiccoding. Whileweusedthepilotdatatocreateour analysis plan, we did remove all pilot data from the final Confidence: ”How confident are you that the test prep app dataset. with this algorithm will prepare you to do very well on the test?” 4. FINDINGS Understanding: ”How well do you understand how this al- gorithm determines if you have learned a topic?” First, we examine which algorithm participants preferred Sophistication: ”Howcomplexisthisalgorithmfordetermin- overall. Figure 2 shows their average preference in each ing if you have learned a topic?” condition, which varied between 5 (i.e. Slightly prefer Accuracy: ”Howaccurateisthisalgorithmatdeterminingif BKT) and 6 (i.e. Moderately prefer BKT). While there you have learned a topic?” is a suggestive pattern that providing more explanation Trust: ”Howmuchdoyoutrustthisalgorithmtodetermine for BKT strengthens the preference for BKT, this pattern what you have learned?” was not statistically significant (linear regression: F3,132 = Speed: ”Howquicklydoyoulearnthematerialsforthetest 0.7455,p = 0.5268). This means the data do not support using this algorithm?” H1. At the end of the survey, participants rated their general confidence soph trust preferenceoverthetwoalgorithmsinresponsetothefollow- ingquestion: ”Nowthatyouhavelearnedaboutthe3Right understand acc fast in a Row (3RR) and Bayesian Knowledge Tracing (BKT) algorithms, which one would you prefer to use for your test T(+)) prep?” Response options were on a 7-point bipolar scale: K 2 B ’Strongly prefer 3RR’, ’Moderately prefer 3RR’, ’Slightly o prefer 3RR’, ’Neither prefer 3RR nor BKT’, ’Slightly pre- −) t 1 R( ferBKT’,’ModeratelypreferBKT’,’StronglypreferBKT’. R 3 Participants were invited to provide a rationale for their e ( 0 preferenceusinganopen-endedquestion: ”Pleasetelluswhy ns o you prefer the algorithm that you choose above.” p s−1 e R 3.5 AnalyticalApproach g. v−2 A We used the pilot study data to finalize our analysis plan Prefer 3RR/ Slightly/ Strongly Prefer BKT Neither Moderately Prefer BKT [7] (n=54) by developing our inferential analysis. For H1, we decided [1,4] (n=31) [5,6] (n=51) to use linear regression to understand if the conditions had Algorithm Preference Bin (1=Strongly prefer 3RR, 7=Strongly prefer BKT) an association effect on the participants’ overall preference. We used the conditions as the predictor variables and the Figure 3: Average response on each measure at three levels preferenceastheoutcomevariable. Wenextdecidedtouse of preference: Prefer 3RR to Neither, Slightly and Mod- multiple linear regression to understand the association be- erately Prefer BKT, and Strongly Prefer BKT. We choose tween the attitudinal constructs and algorithm preferences. these groupings because each group represents approxi- This analysis used the attitudinal constructs as the predic- mately 1/3 of the sample. tor variables with preference as the outcome variable. The Proceedings of The 14th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2021) 341 BKT Simple Visualization BKT Detailed Visualization +)) T( K B Confidence Accuracy Trust Sophistication o −) t R( R2 3 e ( or c1 S e s n o p s0 e No BKT No BKT No BKT No BKT R BKT Explanation BKT Explanation BKT Explanation BKT Explanation g. Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation v A Figure 4: Average differences (BKT score - 3RR score) in significant attitudinal constructs as a function of the randomly assigned conditions. Positive scores indicate a higher score for BKT. Next, we examine how algorithm preference is related to 5. DISCUSSIONS the six attitudinal measures: confidence in the learning Thisstudyinvestigatedpeople’sattitudestowardsBKTrel- system, the sophistication of the algorithm, trust, under- ativetoamorestraightforwardknowledgetracingalgorithm standing, accuracy, and speed. We use the repeated mea- and tested the effect of additional information via explana- sures design of our study by computing the difference score tions and visualizations on their attitudes. Understanding for each question: subtracting the participant’s 3RR re- how students might perceive the algorithms used in their sponse from the BKT response. Figure 3 shows the av- learning applications is a crucial issue for the adoption and erage response on each measure at three levels of prefer- usabilityofthesetools[9]. Theresultsprovideevidencesup- ence: Prefer 3RR to Neither, Slightly and Moderately Pre- porting our second hypothesis that additional explanations ferBKT,andStronglyPreferBKT.Wechoosethesegroup- improve key attitudinal measures of confidence, perceived ingbecauseeachgrouprepresentsapproximately1/3ofthe accuracy, trust, and sophistication. Qualitative data from sample. All measures are positively correlated with pref- participants echo this result: erence as evidenced by their positive slopes (all Pearson’s r > 0.325,p < 0.0001), but accuracy, confidence, and trust For something high stake, I’d only trust the arecorrelatedmorestrongly(r>0.739). Thishighlightsthe methods that employs a variety of learning importanceofthesethreeconstructsindeterminingpeople’s modalities. The analytics for such should match preferenceoverthealgorithms. Infact,thesixmeasuresex- the complexities of my learning process as well plain 66.7% of the variance in preferences (multiple linear as the nature of the material I’m learning. The regression: F =43.07,p<0.0001). 6,129 BKT would put me more at ease than the quick route of the 3RR approach. (Participant as- Lastly,weexaminehowtheprovisionofverbaland/orvisual signed to BKT Explanation and BKT Detailed explanations influenced participant attitudes about BKT. Visualization who had high confidence, sophisti- Figure 4 shows the average response in each condition for cation, accuracy, and trust in BKT relative to thefourmeasuresthatweresignificantlyaffectedbythein- 3RR) tervention (i.e., relative understanding and speed did not change significantly at p < 0.1). We find that confidence in the learning application with BKT (relative to 3RR) im- Surprisingly,wedidnotfindasignificantincreaseinpeople’s proved when both a detailed explanation and visualization preference for BKT (H1), even though we found that algo- were provided (F = 2.88,p = 0.03844). Likewise, the rithmpreferenceisexplainedlargelybypeople’sperceptions 3,132 perceivedaccuracyofBKTimprovedwithbothtypesofex- ofaccuracy,trust,andconfidence. ThispreferenceforBKT planation provided (F = 3.28,p = 0.02305). Trust in regardless of experimental condition is furthered explained 3,132 BKT improved by providing a detailed explanation, espe- by the qualitative responses from participants: cially when complemented with the detailed visualization (F3,132 =2.346,p=0.07575). Finally, and not surprisingly, Idon’tbelievethe3RRalgorithmisatallbenefi- the more detail was provided, the more sophisticated BKT cialtothestudentattemptingtolearnthetopic. was perceived to be (F3,132 = 11.17,p < 0.001). This pro- If the student just happens to get 3 exception- vides evidence in support of H2. ally easy questions in a row, the algorithm will assume that the student has learned the topic In all of our analyses, we tested for the presence of demo- whichislikelynotentirelytrue. (Participantas- graphicheterogeneityinresults. However,nosignificantde- signedtoNoBKTExplanationandBKTSimple mographic sources of variation were found in our sample. 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