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ERIC ED594525: Literacy Educators and Researchers: Making a Difference in Our Diverse Communities. The Thirty-Eighth Yearbook: A Double Peer-Reviewed Publication of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers PDF

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Preview ERIC ED594525: Literacy Educators and Researchers: Making a Difference in Our Diverse Communities. The Thirty-Eighth Yearbook: A Double Peer-Reviewed Publication of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers

Literacy Educators and Researchers: Making a Difference in our Diverse Communities The Thirty-Eighth Yearbook: A Double Peer-Reviewed Publication of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Co-Editors Robin D. Johnson Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Sheri Vasinda Susan Szabo Oklahoma State University Texas A&M University-Commerce ALER_20000733.indd 1 10/31/16 4:51 PM Copyright 2016 Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers Photocopy/reprint Permission Statement: Permission is hereby granted to professors and teachers to reprint or photocopy any article in the Yearbook for use in their classes, provided each copy of the ar- ticle made shows the author and yearbook information sited in APA style. Such copies may not be sold, and further distribution is expressly prohibited. Except as authorized above, prior written permission must be obtained from the Associa- tion of Literacy Educators and Researchers to reproduce or transmit this work or portions thereof in any other form or by another electronic or mechanical means, including any information storage or retrieval system, unless expressly permitted by federal copyright laws. Address inquiries to the Association of Literacy Educa- tors and Researchers (ALER) April Blakely. ISBN: 978-1-883604-04-2 ALER_20000733.indd 2 10/31/16 4:51 PM ALER Board of Directors 2015-16 Executive Officers President: Julie Kidd, George Mason University President-Elect: David Paige, Bellarmine University Vice President: Rona Flippo, University of Massachusetts Boston Past President: J. Helen Perkins, University of Memphis Past-Past President: Parker Fawson, Utah Valley University Executive Secretary: Ashlee Horton, University of South Carolina Aiken Treasurer: April Blakely, Eastern Kentucky University WebMaster ex officio member: Melanie Landon-Hays, Western Oregon University Directors Tami Craft Al-Hazza, Old Dominion University Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Marquette University Mary Robbins, Sam Houston State University Nina Nilsson, Saint Joseph’s University Jeanne Cobb, Coastal Carolina University Linda Martin, Ball State University Sylvia Read, Utah State University Division Chairs Adult Learning Division – Tammy Francis Donaldson, Del Mar College Clinical Research and Practice Division – Vicki Collet, University of Arkansas College Literacy Division – Tim Morrison, Brigham Young University Teacher Education Division – Donna Cox, Sam Houston State University iii ALER_20000733.indd 3 10/31/16 4:51 PM iv LITERACY EDUCATORS AND RESEARCHERS Committee and Commission Chairpersons Conference Coordinator – MaryBeth Allen, East Stroudsburg Program Chair - David Paige, Bellarmine University Awards - J. Helen Perkins, University of Memphis Reading Room/Exhibits - Robin D. Johnson, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi & Micheal Kessner, Mesquite ISD Membership – Corinne Valadez, Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi & Tiana M. Pearce, Texas A&M University- Corpus Christi Public Information – Leslie La Croix, George Mason University Publications – Sheri Vasinda, Oklahoma State University Legislative & Social Issues – Mary C. McGriff, New Jersey City University Research – Catherine McGeehan, Kutztown University & Michael Manderino, Northern Illinois University Resolutions & Rules – Carolyn Walker Hitchens, Ball State University Historian – Ellen Jampole, State University of New York-Cortland, Barbara McClanahan, Southeastern Oklahoma State & Wayne Linek Elections – Parker Fawson, Utah Valley University Photographer – Ellen Jampole, State University of New York-Cortland Editors and Editorial Teams Literacy Research and Instruction Co-Editors Vicky Zygouris-Coe, University of Central Florida Michelle Kelley, University of Central Florida Sherron Killingsworth Roberts, University of Central Florida Literacy News Blog Valerie Robnolt & Joan Rhodes, Virginia Commonwealth University ALER Yearbook Robin D. Johnson, Texas A&M University–Corpus Christi Sheri Vasinda, Oklahoma State University Susan Szabo, Texas A&M University-Commerce ALER Yearbook Editorial Review Board Juan Araujo, Texas A&M University - Commerce Allison Baer, The University of Findlay Estanislado S. Barrera, Louisiana State University Nedra Cossa, Armstrong State University Peggy Daisey, Eastern Michigan University ALER_20000733.indd 4 10/31/16 4:51 PM ALER Board of Directors 2015-16 v Patricia Durham, Sam Houston State University Carol Fetters, Innovations with Solutions, LLC Sherrye Garrett, Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Lois Haid, Barry University James Hoffman, University of Texas at Austin Pam Hollander, Worcester State University Jackie Ingram, Sam Houston State University Riamliw Jakraphan, University of Pittsburgh Julie Kidd, George Mason University Kent Layton, University of Arkansas at Little Rock Linda Lilienthal, University of Nebraska-Kearney Roberta Linder, Wittenberg University Teddi Martin, University of North Texas in Denton Barbara McClanahan, Southeastern Oklahoma State Ginger Modla, LaSalle University Kelli Paquette, Indiana University of Pennsylvania Seth Parsons, George Mason University Monica Pershey, Cleveland State University Bethanie Pletcher, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Debra Price, Sam Houston State University Diana Quatroche, Indiana State University Roberta Raymond, University of Houston – Clear Lake Carolyn Stufft, Berry College Chase Young, Sam Houston State University ALER_20000733.indd 5 10/31/16 4:51 PM ALER_20000733.indd 6 10/31/16 4:51 PM Table of Contents Acknowledgements ix Introduction xi Presidential Address 3 Examining the Work of the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers through the Lens of Social Justice J. Helen Perkins General Assembly Speaker 11 Preparing Educators Who Make a Difference in Our Diverse Communities Patricia A. Edwards Awards Breakfast Keynote Speaker 23 Transnational Religious Practices: Funds of Knowledge for Literacy Learning Catherine Compton-Lily Laureate Award Winner 37 Literacy: Reading Redux or Reading Gone? Mary F. Roe Research Award 49 High School Teachers’ Disciplinary Literacy Knowledge Dissertation Winner Paula Di Domenico Making a Difference in Our Diverse Communities: Impacting Children, Adolescents, and Families Research to Practice: Web Literacy Strategies for Teachers and Students 71 Jodi Pilgrim and Elda Martinez vii ALER_20000733.indd 7 10/31/16 4:51 PM viii LITERACY EDUCATORS AND RESEARCHERS Teachers Bridge Disciplinary Literacy through a Culture of Assessment and Technology 85 Diana J. Quatroche, Kathryn L. Bauserman, and Eric M. Hampton Narrowing The Discourse Possibilities: An Examination of Second Grade Curriculum Materials for Teaching Writing 103 Alayne Jorgensen and Sylvia Read More Than a Decade Later is RTI Working? 117 Joyce V. W. Warner, Priva Fischweicher, Lois K. Haid, and Agnes Shine An Investigation of Adults Who Struggled With Reading as Children and How They Were Impacted by Theatre and Drama Activities 135 James Nageldinger Making a Difference in Our Diverse Communities: Impacting Adult Learners Preparing Literacy Coaches: Designing a Coaching Practicum 149 Susan L. Massey Leadership Functions of Nationally Board Certified Teachers and Teacher Certification Candidates 161 Allison Swan Dagen, Aimee Morewood, and David Loomis Investigating Korean University Students’ Beliefs about Language Learning: Moving from an EFL Context to an ESL Context 179 Kay Hong-Nam and Susan Szabo Making a Difference in Our Diverse Communities: Impacting Teacher Education Content-Area Reading and Writing: A Brief Historical Perspective to Inform Research, Policy, and Teacher Preparation 199 Chyllis E. Scott and Diane M. Miller A Study of Pre-Service Teachers and Their Self-Efficacy: Using Adapted Books for Literacy Instruction for Learners with Disabilities in Inclusion Classrooms 219 Robin D. Johnson and L. Kathleen Sheriff Teacher Candidates: Teaching and Learning With Technology to Improve Literacy Skills and Practices 233 Nance S. Wilson, Linda Smetana, Dana Grisham, and Christine Widdall ALER_20000733.indd 8 10/31/16 4:51 PM Acknowledgments The Yearbook provides a snapshot of the highlights of our Annual Meeting and sampling of some of the proceedings. It would not be possible without the diligent work of many of our colleagues. As always, we have many people to acknowledge for the completion of Volume 38. First, we wish to thank all the authors whose insightful thinking brought forth inquiries that add to and extend the body of knowledge on a wide variety of literacy topics. Next, we would like to thank our editorial board members, as they thoughtfully evaluated submissions and offered additional perspectives to strengthen each piece. This collaboration resulted in the creation of high quality articles and continues to add rigor to this Yearbook’s publication. Additionally, we are grateful to the members of the Board of Directors who have continually supported the editorial team and the publica- tion of the Yearbook, as well as Dr. Sheri Vasinda, the Publication Committee Chairperson. This year will bring about the end of an era for the ALER Yearbook as we say goodbye to a longstanding member of the ALER Yearbook editorial team. Susan Szabo is celebrating her 10th and final year as a co-editor for ALER. Susan became an assistant professor at Texas A&M University-Commerce in August 2004. She was introduced to then CRA by active members Wayne Linek and Mary Beth Sampson and joined in 2005. She became an active member imme- diately, as her ten-year journey as a co-editor of the CRA/ALER YEARBOOK began that same year. Over the 10 years, Susan has worked with three different co-editor teams, celebrated the 50th anniversary with the organization, and expe- rienced the writing process from adjudicating to printing. The start of her amazing journey began with the end of the 2005 confer- ence and the publication of Volume 28 in 2006 with the co-editor team of Mary Beth Sampson (now Sampson-Perry), Francine Falk-Ross, Martha Foote, and Pat Linder. Volume 31 was the big year CRA became ALER, and we celebrated the organization’s 50th year anniversary. Starting in 2010 with Volume 32 a sec- ond group of co-editors was approved, consisting of Timothy Morrison, Linda ix ALER_20000733.indd 9 10/31/16 4:51 PM

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