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ERIC ED573131: Statistics Report on TEQSA Registered Higher Education Providers, 2016 PDF

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Preview ERIC ED573131: Statistics Report on TEQSA Registered Higher Education Providers, 2016

STATISTICS REPORT ON TEQSA REGISTERED HIGHER EDUCATION PROVIDERS 2016 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 HIGHER EDUCATION AT A GLANCE 3 PROVIDERS 5 STUDENTS 9 ACADEMIC STAFF 17 FINANCIAL PROFILE 18 EXPLANATORY NOTES 21 GLOSSARY 25 CONTENTS i LiST OF FiGURES FIGURE 1: PROViDERS BY SiZE OF STUDENT LOAD (EFTSL), 2014 6 FIGURE 2: STUDENTS (HEADCOUNT), 2014 9 FIGURE 3: STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY BFOE AND AGGREGATED COURSE LEVEL, 2014 11 FIGURE 4: DOMESTiC AND OVERSEAS STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY BFOE, 2014 14 FIGURE 5: REVENUE BY SOURCE (% SHARE), PUBLiC UNiVERSiTiES 18 FIGURE 6: REVENUE BY SOURCE (% SHARE), OTHER UNiVERSiTiES AND NUHEPS (FEE-HELP) 18 FIGURE 7: REVENUE BY SOURCE (% SHARE), NUHEPS (OTHER) 19 ii STATISTICS REPORT ON TEQSA REGISTERED HIGHER EDUCATION PROVIDERS LiST OF TABLES TABLE 1: PROViDERS BY STATE, 2014 5 TABLE 2: PROViDERS BY SELF-ACCREDiTiNG AUTHORiTY (SAA) AND TEQSA REGiSTRATiON CATEGORY, 2014 5 TABLE 3: PROViDERS BY SiZE OF STUDENT LOAD (EFTSL), 2014 6 TABLE 4: PROViDERS BY DUAL SECTOR STATUS, 2014 7 TABLE 5: NEW COURSES (TEQSA-ACCREDiTED) BY AQF LEVEL, 2014 7 TABLE 6: NEW COURSES (TEQSA-ACCREDiTED) BY BFOE, 2014 8 TABLE 7: TOTAL STUDENTS BY PROViDER CATEGORY, 2014 9 TABLE 8: ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE STUDENTS (EFTSL), 2014 10 TABLE 9: DOMESTiC AND OVERSEAS STUDENTS, 2014 10 TABLE 10: STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY AGGREGATED COURSE LEVEL, 2014 11 TABLE 11: STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY AQF LEVEL, 2014 12 TABLE 12: STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY BFOE, 2014 13 TABLE 13: COMMENCiNG AND COMPLETiNG STUDENTS, 2014 14 TABLE 14: UNDERGRADUATE COMMENCiNG STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY BASiS FOR ADMiSSiON, 2014 15 TABLE 15: STUDENTS (EFTSL) BY MODE OF ATTENDANCE, 2014 15 TABLE 16: STUDENTS (HEADCOUNT) BY TYPE OF ATTENDANCE, 2014 16 TABLE 17: ACADEMiC STAFF (FTE) BY WORK CONTRACT, 2014 17 TABLE 18: ACADEMiC STAFF (FTE) BY FUNCTiON, 2014 17 TABLE 19: REVENUE BY SOURCE, PUBLiC UNiVERSiTiES ($MiLLiON) 19 TABLE 20: REVENUE BY SOURCE, OTHER UNiVERSiTiES AND NUHEPS ($MiLLiON) 20 TABLE 21: REVENUE BY ACTiViTY ($MiLLiON) 20 LIST OF TABLES iii iNTRODUCTiON Background The Statistics Report on TEQSA Registered Higher Education Providers (‘the Statistics Report’) is the third release of selected higher education sector data held by TEQSA for its quality assurance activities. it provides a snapshot of national statistics on all parts of the sector by bringing together data collected directly by TEQSA with data sourced from the main higher education statistics collections managed by the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. This includes data from TEQSA’s National Register of Higher Education Providers and annual Provider information Request (PiR). The PiR gathers a limited set of key data from some providers that are not required to report, or only partially report, data in the Department of Education and Training’s Higher Education information Management System (HEiMS). information outlined in the Statistics Report highlights the diversity of the Australian higher education sector. For descriptive observations about the range and type of registered providers in the sector readers may also be interested in the TEQSA paper, A risk and standards based approach to quality assurance in Australia’s diverse higher education sector, available at http:// www.teqsa.gov.au/sites/default/files/publication- documents/RiskStandardsSectorPaperFeb2015. pdf. 1 STATISTICS REPORT ON TEQSA REGISTERED HIGHER EDUCATION PROVIDERS About the report view of data not previously released without relying on the presentation of data according to different This update of the Statistics Report focuses on collection processes, which may be difficult to data relating to 2014. readily interpret given variations across reporting dimensions and providers. Care should be used The Statistics Report provides high level when interpreting changes in data between years information across four key areas: providers, as providers may transition provider categories over students, academic staff and finance. While the time. Statistics Report is focused on higher education data, financial data include all sources of revenue Enquiries within a provider’s operations, including revenue from VET and other activities, reflecting the breadth For enquiries relating to this report and PiR data and diversity of operations within some higher please contact TEQSA’s information Management education providers. The Explanatory Notes and team at [email protected]. For enquiries Glossary at the back of the Statistics Report relating to HEiMS data please contact the provide further contextual information on the data Department of Education and Training’s University and presentation. Statistics Team at [email protected]. Provider categories The National Register There are a number of ways that higher education (www.teqsa.gov.au/national-register) is an data can be presented to reflect different groupings important source of information, providing updated of providers in the sector. This includes categorising information about the status of registered providers providers according to different funding and and TEQSA-accredited courses. legislative arrangements, or according to different data reporting requirements and collection mechanisms, or to reflect clusters of providers with similar characteristics or selected attributes. For the purposes of this report, TEQSA has utilised the broad categories ‘Universities’, ‘Non- University Higher Education Providers (FEE-HELP)’ [NUHEPs (FEE-HELP)] and ‘Non-University Higher Education Providers (Other)’ [(NUHEPs (Other)]. These categories were chosen giving consideration to TEQSA-regulated provider categories (as defined under the Higher Education Standards Framework), and take into account that data on providers within the university sector are already widely reported. This approach also provides a INTRODUCTION 2 STUDENTS (EFTSL) HIGHER EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION BY FIELD OF STUDY5 Students enrolled at Australian higher education AT A GLANCE1,2 AND % CHANGE FROM 2013 providers in 2014 AT A GLANCE1,2 increased by 5% from 2013. See endnotes on page 27 for data sources and notes 1 to 6. MANAGEMENT INCREASE 4% AND COMMERCE IN STUDENTS 239,874 2 2 16 15 1,393,373 SOCIETY 117783 PPRROOVVIIDDEERRSS RREEGGIISSTTEERREEDD 2% AND CULTURE 17 WITH TEQSA IN 20133 20 186,386 5 WITH TEQSA FOR ALL % OR PART OF 2014 18 18 1,332,687 67 69 HEALTH 6% 158,470 4 3 STUDENTS 2013: STUDENTS 2014: EDUCATION 46 5% 48 87,624 946,428 EFTSL 986,084 EFTSL Number of 2276 NATURAL AND undergraduate %% 33 4% PHYSICAL SCIENCES students (EFTSL) in 2014: OVERSEAS 80,624 OSVTEURDSEENATSS 741,2466 STUDENTS ENGINEERING AND 4% RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Number of TOTAL REVENUE: 77,076 72% TOTAL REVENUE: 7775%% postgraduate 72% students (EFTSL) in 2014: $32.3 BILLION5 $34.3 BILLION4 74 3% CREATIVE ARTS 222,347 73 66,596 % % DOMESTIC DOMESTIC STUDENTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS 10% 37,992 2213%% 23% ACADEMIC STAFF 2013: ACADEMIC STAFF 2014: ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING 5% 22,378 5587,,614793 FFTTEE34 $ 2% AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL 21% AND RELATED STUDIES 6677 2% 13,144 %% FFUULLLL-T-ITMIEME NON-AWARD COURSES 22 7% 26% 8,979 22 % $ % CCAASSUUAALL MIXED FIELD PROGRAMS $ 1111 15% 6,662 % % HIGHER OTHER VET FFRRAACCTITONIOALN FAULLL -FTIUMLEL-TIME EHIDGHUECRA ETDUIOCANTION OTHER VET FOOD, HOSPITALITY 34% AND PERSONAL SERVICES 280 3 STATISTICS REPORT ON TEQSA REGISTERED HIGHER EDUCATION PROVIDERS STUDENTS (EFTSL) HIGHER EDUCATION HIGHER EDUCATION BY FIELD OF STUDY5 Students enrolled at Australian higher education AT A GLANCE1,2 AND % CHANGE FROM 2013 providers in 2014 AT A GLANCE1,2 increased by 5% from 2013. See endnotes on page 27 for data sources and notes 1 to 6. MANAGEMENT INCREASE 4% AND COMMERCE IN STUDENTS 239,874 2 2 16 15 1,393,373 SOCIETY 117783 PPRROOVVIIDDEERRSS RREEGGIISSTTEERREEDD 2% AND CULTURE 17 WITH TEQSA IN 20133 20 186,386 5 WITH TEQSA FOR ALL % OR PART OF 2014 18 18 1,332,687 67 69 HEALTH 6% 158,470 4 3 STUDENTS 2013: STUDENTS 2014: EDUCATION 46 5% 48 87,624 946,428 EFTSL 986,084 EFTSL Number of 2276 NATURAL AND undergraduate %% 33 4% PHYSICAL SCIENCES students (EFTSL) in 2014: OVERSEAS 80,624 OSVTEURDSEENATSS 741,2466 STUDENTS ENGINEERING AND 4% RELATED TECHNOLOGIES Number of TOTAL REVENUE: 77,076 72% TOTAL REVENUE: 7775%% postgraduate 72% students (EFTSL) in 2014: $32.3 BILLION5 $34.3 BILLION4 74 3% CREATIVE ARTS 222,347 73 66,596 % % DOMESTIC DOMESTIC STUDENTS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY STUDENTS 10% 37,992 2213%% 23% ACADEMIC STAFF 2013: ACADEMIC STAFF 2014: ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING 5% 22,378 5587,,614793 FFTTEE34 $ 2% AGRICULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL 21% AND RELATED STUDIES 6677 2% 13,144 %% FFUULLLL-T-ITMIEME NON-AWARD COURSES 22 7% 26% 8,979 22 % $ % CCAASSUUAALL MIXED FIELD PROGRAMS $ 1111 15% 6,662 % % HIGHER OTHER VET FFRRAACCTITONIOALN FAULLL -FTIUMLEL-TIME EHIDGHUECRA ETDUIOCANTION OTHER VET FOOD, HOSPITALITY 34% AND PERSONAL SERVICES 280 HIGHER EDUCATION AT A GLANCE 4 PROViDERS7 PROViDER DATA iN THiS SECTiON RELATES TO PROViDERS REGiSTERED WiTH TEQSA FOR ALL OR PART OF 2014. Table 1: Providers by State, 2014 State Universities NUHEPs Total % In 2014, 92% of students NSW 11 58 69 39% (headcount) were enrolled ViC 9 39 48 27% with universities, despite QLD 8 7 15 8% non-university providers SA 6 12 18 10% making up 76% of all higher WA 5 15 20 11% education providers in TAS 1 2 3 2% Australia. NT 1 1 2 1% ACT 2 1 3 2% Total 43 135 178 100% Table 2: Providers by Self-Accrediting Authority (SAA) and TEQSA Registration Category, 20148 Provider Category SAA (full or partial) Non-SAA Total Higher Education Provider 6 129 135 Australian University 40 0 40 Australian University of Specialisation 1 0 1 Overseas University 2 0 2 Total 49 129 178 In addition to universities, six non-university providers had partial or full self-accrediting authority in 2014 (including two non-university providers who were granted full or partial self-accrediting authority during 2014). 7 Source: TEQSA National Register; 2015 PIR; Higher Education Statistics Collection, Department of Education and Training. See Explanatory Notes for information on data sources. 8 See Glossary for definition of ‘self-accrediting authority’. 5 STATISTICS REPORT ON TEQSA REGISTERED HIGHER EDUCATION PROVIDERS Table 3: Providers by Size of Student Load (EFTSL), 20149,10 Scale (EFTSL) Universities NUHEPs Total % < 100 2 45 47 26% 100 - 499 1 34 35 20% 500 - 999 1 20 21 12% 1,000 - 4,999 0 21 21 12% 5,000 - 19,999 16 0 16 9% 20,000 - 40,000 19 0 19 11% > 40,000 4 0 4 2% Providers not required to report student data11 0 15 15 8% Total 43 135 178 100% Figure 1: Providers by Size of Student Load (EFTSL), 2014 Australian higher education providers are very diverse in size – 46% providers had fewer than 500 EFTSL in 2014, and nearly a quarter had greater than or equal to 5,000 EFTSL. 9 These figures relate to separately registered higher education providers. Figures are not aggregated where two or more registered providers are under one corporate structure. 10 A small number of providers were not required to submit student data to the TEQSA PIR due to context such as being recently registered as a higher education provider. See Explanatory Notes for more information on provider exclusions and inclusions. 11 Fifteen providers were not required to submit student data to the TEQSA PIR due to context such as: the provider was recently registered as a higher education provider; in the process of merging with another entity; in the final stages of teaching out courses (and withdrawing registration); or had its registration cancelled by TEQSA at the time of collecting 2014 data (i.e. in 2015). PROVIDERS 6

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