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Preview ERIC ED557205: Open and Editable: Exploring Library Engagement in Open Educational Resource Adoption, Adaptation and Authoring

VOL 61, 2015 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES PAGE 23 Open and Editable: Exploring Library Engagement in Open Educational Resource Adoption, Adaptation and Authoring by Anita R. Walz Introduction practice problem sets, recorded lectures/events, assess­ Open Educational Resources (OER) have saved ment tools, multimedia/interactive tutorials are popu­ students millions of dollars in textbook costs lar types of OER. and greatly expanded access to a wide va­ The OER movement borrows aspects of three other riety of educational materials for countless movements: The Open Access movement, which pro­ numbers of students and life-long learners. OER hvaivdee s digital, online and no-cost access to literature and also saved teachers time and effort by allowing them increasingly to repositories, data and other resources; to reuse, modify, and build on materials developed the Distance Education movement, which adopts com­ by other teachers. After a brief discussion of OER and munications technology and instructional design for foundations of open licensing, this article presents a learning; and the Open Source movement in which number of opportunities for libraries, particularly those computer code developers share, modify, and redistrib­ situated at research universities. ute software code under an open license.^ While OER may be disseminated in print or digital formats, the OER movement may be better understood as a response Origins & Definition of Open Educational Resources to U.S. Copyright law and the desire for legal options to Open Educational Resources (OER) are built on two enable remix and reuse of original works. convictions: that "knowledge is a public good" and that "the internet is a good way of sharing knowledge."^ Options for use of existing third-party materials Since 2001, the James & Flora Hewlett Foundation has granted tens of millions of dollars in support of these In its most simplified form, U.S. Copyright Law protects convictions. While there is no standard accepted defi­ a creator's "original works of authorship" exclusive right nition, OER are generally freely available and openly to reproduce, adapt, distribute, perform, and display licensed educational resources which may be modified the work for the creator's lifetime plus 70 years.® Copy­ and redistributed with attribution, without permission, right is automatic when an original work of authorship and which may in some cases be commercialized. The is fixed in a form of expression and does not require Hewlett Foundation definition reads: "OER are teach­ registration or addition of a © symbol. Copyrightable ing, learning, and research resources that reside in the items include literary works, musical or dramatic works public domain or have been released under an intel­ (words and music), pantomimes, choreographical, pic- lectual property license that permits their free use and toral, graphic and sculptural works, motion pictures re-purposing by others."^ OER also include materials and other audiovisual works, sound recordings, and found in the public domain. Types of OER include "...full courses, course ma­ terials, modules, textbooks, streaming videos, tests, Anita Walz is the Assessment, Open Education and Online software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques Learning Environments Librarian at the University Libraries, used to support access to knowledge."^ OER are typi­ Virginia Tech. She holds a Master's in Library Sc Information cally thought of as digital resources although non­ Science from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana digital items may also be openly licensed. Within and an undergraduate degree in Economics from Wheaton Col­ higher education, syllabi, lab notebooks, study guides, lege (Illinois). She has worked in a range of special, school, and images, illustrations, case studies, lessons formatted for government libraries over the past 13 years, including the ERIC a learning management system, interactive exercises. Digital Library and the World Bank Libraries. PAGE 24 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES VOL 61, 2015 architectural works. Case law documents decades of resources to which their creators have applied an open efforts to balance author and user rights, and a longer license. Thus, one cannot fully explore possibilities of historical view shows varying sways between natural OER Initiatives without first discussing the concept of law and utilitarian philosophies of copyright®. Al­ open licensing. though U.S. Copyright laws are in force, compliance Released in 2002, the Creative Commons license is (especially in the digital sharing culture) by individu­ "by far the best-known and most-used [open] license als and groups who are not legal experts is complex, for content."® CC licenses allow reuse and in best cases, requires effort, and is often overlooked.^ Currently, modification, redistribution, and/or commercializa­ four legal options allow further display, reproduction, tion. The most permissive or "open" of the six licenses, performance, adaptation etc. of third-party materials, "CC BY" (pronounced see see bye), sets basic terms by including: 1) using public domain materials; 2) obtain­ requiring author attribution, a link to the license, and ing permission/license rights for use of copyrighted indication of any changes. Less open licenses build materials, 3) identifying an exempt/fair use under U.S. on the basic CC BY license by requiring derivatives to Copyright law, or 4) using openly licensed materials. use the same license terms "share alike" (SA), and or Hence, using openly licensed works may be a solution restrict commercial use (NC).^° A Public Domain iden­ tifier (PD) and CCO indicator showing that an item is given Attribution Others may copy, redistribute, remix, to the public domain are also transform, and buiid on the work for any purpose, even available. Items with an "ND" commerciaiiy. Users must give credit, provide a iink to the (no derivative works) are not iicense, and indicate if changes were made. considered to be OER because Share Aiike Others may remix, tweak, and build on your they cannot be modified and work even for commercial purposes as long as they credit redistributed. you and licence their new creations under the identical Affixing open licenses and terms. using openly licensed materi­ (5^ o o © Non-Commercial Others may remix, tweak, and build als can save time, effort, and "" NC”'"SA^”" upon your works non-commercially. Their new works must money for users.^^ A user may © o © acknowledge you and be non-commercial, but they are not easily reuse, modify, and re­ required to license their derivative works on the same terms distribute CC licensed works within their own works. In No Derivatives Others may redistribute, commercially or non-commercially, as long as the work is passed along economic terms, using openly unchanged and in whole, with credit to you. licensed materials reduce Copyright clearance transac­ tion costs to zero or near zero. for enabling non-infringing remix, reuse, and redistri­ The user must only follow the requirements of the bution. [Note: While the purpose of this paper is not to CC license applied to the item, or select an item that examine U.S. Copyright Law exemptions (and should matches the particular type of use they seek. For CC not be construed as legal advice), how to obtain permis­ licensed items, copyright exemptions do not need to be sion, or where to find public domain materials, each of found; permission or distribution licenses do not need these options for reuse are valid, and should be further to be secured; no fees are required. Users also save a reviewed. U.S. Copyright law exemptions and permis- great deal of time by reusing or revising exist materials sions/licensing are the only routes to explore when the rather than reinventing the wheel. proposed display/reproduction/performance etc. is of a OER lifecycles could be described as both author non-openly licensed work. U.S Copyright law exemp­ and user/re-purposer cycles as seen in the illustrations tions to potential display/distribution/reproduction/ below: performance/derivation of others' works include Fair Use (17 US Code 106), Reproduction by libraries & Ar­ Author Cycle User/Re-Purposer Cycle chives (17 US Code 108), or on the basis of 17 US Code Design Review, 110 also known as the TEACH Act. Case law provides & Redesign/ additional information regarding court decisions.] Develop Redevelop, & Adopt The concept of open licensing was first popular­ Analyze ized by Richard Stallman via the GNU General Public Analyze Implement Implement 6t Find License (GNU PL).® GNU PL freely allows using, study, modification and sharing of computer software code as a licerised public good. OER are essentially educational Share Evaluate Share Evaluate VOL 61, 2015 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES PAGE 25 While users benefit, authors appear to invest a great sharing resources compels others to do so. Perhaps the deal in creating usable resources. An author who ex­ author or sponsor's philosophy or approach strongly pended effort creating and applies an open license is weighs in favor of open licensing. choosing to forgo possible future royalties. Why? The Many faculty are involved in course design, which following examples illustrate rationale applicable to includes creation of original educational resources or open licensing of content; the selection, adoption, and use of third-party (com­ • A faculty member or teacher employed in an educa­ mercial or open) educational resources. Some faculty tional institution may choose to openly license and already share syllabi, assignments, visualizations, disseminate works for original created works via vari­ simulations or instructional modules, or materials for ous repositories or websites. Students and teachers entire courses on university sites, third party sites such benefit by increased access and ease of making deriv­ as iTunes University, with colleagues in their depart­ atives. ment or academic discipline. Others submit these to • Tesla Motors indicated that they would not enforce the University's institutional repository or to an OER their patents for electric car technology in order to repository such as MERLOT, OER Commons, Jorum, or spur dissemination and development of electric car through discipline-specific channels.^® technology and production.^^ Aside from a zero initial cost, an ability to modify • The Hewlett Foundation funded the 2001 startup of resources, and free universal access, the review and the MIT OpenCourseWare project, a courseware shar­ adoption processes for OER from K-12 and Higher Edu­ ing initiative in line with MIT's cation are assumed to mirror many mission "to advance knowledge of the same criteria used to mea­ and educate students." sure potential adoption of equiva­ • Harvard cancer researchers, led Tesla Motors lent formats of commercial educa­ by Jay Brandner, discovered a tional resources, if OER are indeed indicated that they small-molecule inhibitor, which considered. Regarding textbook appears able to interrupt aggres­ would not enforce adoptions, a 2012 Florida study sive growth of cancer cells. They higher education faculty reviewers shared molecule samples with 70 their patents.... judged open textbooks on the basis labs, and encouraged the labs to of how well they addressed course use it, build upon it, and share objectives, accuracy, currency and their findings.^^ By spreading consistency.^® Quality indicators tasks among many groups, work was accomplished from the same study were identical, with the addition more quickly and may result in faster creation of of "peer review and recommendation" and "reputation (possibly cheaper) cancer fighting drugs. of author(s)" ranked slightly lower in importance as • Four U.S. universities and a software organization col­ indicators of quality. “ Detailed data regarding com­ laborated in creating a collection of integrated, open mercial (print or electronic) textbook adoption was not source learning tools now known as Sakai.^^ The Sakai readily available for this study.A 2012 Babson Survey learning management system became freely available Research Group report indicated that adoption of com­ in March 2005. mercial digital resources on the college level is tied to • Rice University created a non-profit textbook pub­ "cost," "ease of use," "ability to quickly search [find] lishing entity OpenStaxCollege to create high qual­ and review the material." These factors may be gener- ity, openly licensed, free online, and low-cost in print alizable to potential adoption of digital OER. textbooks for 10 million students.^® Faculty usage of OER is also an interesting topic. • Colombian vocal artist SylviaO donated an a cappella The Florida study that highlighted the value of faculty track to ccMixter, a music site run by Creative Com­ and administrators also reported use of portions of mons. The resulting remix of her track changed how textbooks or other types of OER, including videos, im­ and for whom she creates. ages, quizzes, lesson plans, rather than complete open textbooks or an entire sequence of an open course.^^ Author rationale for open licensing varies from al­ Non-profit OER producers such as OpenStaxCollege truism to competitive advantage by being first to shape have partnered with producers of commercial educa­ the future market, to potential rewards for promotion tion software providers including WebAssign, Sapling- and tenure, to expediting a project and more quickly Learning, and WileyPlus to enable students to purchase benefiting society. Others are motivated by a desire to textbook-customized access to these often required promote student access and achievement by reducing homework systems.^^ student costs. Perhaps a project is too large for one en­ Assuming similarities in the adoption review process tity and open licensing sparks collaboration. Perhaps for commercial and open textbooks and similarities in PACE 26 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES VOL. 61, 2015 quality one might expect high adoption levels for open which replaces textbooks with OER, resulting in a zero resources. The following are identified as issues with textbook cost degree.^^ While project organizers did OER adoption: not initially partner with the library in development • Disbelief and skepticism that freely available resources of the Z Degree, this author is pleased to see that the li­ could be of excellent quality. brary is now involved, per their detailed OER Research • Differing levels of faculty awareness regarding costs Guide. of assigned commercial textbooks and their openly Given their focus on research, OER textbook author- licensed equivalents.^^ ing/publishing initiatives tend to reside at four-year • Low levels of faculty awareness of OER options and colleges and universities. Several non-library entities lack of first hand examinations of OER quality and in the U.S. and Canada are involved in open textbook in the Florida survey, 26.9% had never heard of open authoring and production including: textbooks, and 40.2% of respondents had heard of • British Columbia Campus' Open Textbook Project open textbooks but never looked for any. Only 22.3% focuses on creation, review, and adaptation of college of respondents had looked at some open textbooks, intro-level open textbooks.^^ and 6.0% used part or whole of an open textbook in • OpenStax College at Rice University focuses on cre­ their course.^® ation of commissioned and peer-reviewed intro-level • Faculty uncertainty regarding OER peer review pro­ open textbooks, collaboration with mainstream com­ cesses, leading to questions about quality. mercial educational technology providers (i.e. Wiley- • Different expectations between those who want a Plus, SaplingLearning, etc.), and development and completed product requiring little to no modification, free access to a Cognitive Science informed personal­ and those expecting to modify, adapt and remix. ized learning e-tutor referred to as OpenStaxTutor.^® • Difficulty locating OER. While many excellent OER repositories exist, some skill is required to locate Library initiatives often go beyond open textbook appropriate open materials.^® A 2013 report by publishing to also include open textbook adoption, the Software & Information Industry Association and textbook replacement or OER course redesign describes the problem of OER discovery as "discon­ initiatives: nected silos and without the necessary mechanisms • Open SUNY Textbooks is a State University of New for making it easy to adopt and use" versus an alter­ York wide-open textbook publishing initiative.^^ native future of OER content being "as easy to dis­ • Temple University Library's Alternative Textbook cover and use as commercial learning content."^® Project assists faculty in developing and adopting • Lack of availability and difficulty finding educational alternatives to textbooks.^® resources in disciplines where content goes out of • Kansas State Libraries allocates funds from the Kansas date quickly or in highly specialized subjects.^® State Student Governing Association for development • Faculty concerns regarding potentially negative of Open/Alternative Textbooks.®^ responses from colleagues regarding OER adoption, • Emory University's Emory Open Education Initiative and impact on faculty promotion and tenure.^^ trains faculty to create and use OER and library mate­ • Course redesign, especially replacement of textbooks rials in lieu textbooks in support of student learn­ with non-textbook OER, takes a lot of faculty time. ing.^® • The UCLA Library Affordable Course Materials Initia­ tive incentivizes "instructors to use low-cost or free Opportunities for Libraries alternatives to expensive course materials." Many opportunities exist for libraries to lead OER use and production initiatives. Since anyone can access Other library-oriented OER initiatives work to ease and use openly licensed materials, unique opportuni­ barriers to finding open or lower cost educational ma­ ties likely exist especially for public facing and pub­ terials, such as San Jose State University's Affordable licly funded institutions, including public libraries Learning Solutions guide by college, or in the case of and state funded public educational institutions which the University of Minnesota's Open Textbook Library seem to be asked to do more with less. Furthermore, to create infrastructure to more easily find peer reviews teachers, students, and library patrons of these institu­ and open textbooks.^® Still other libraries are involved tions are perhaps the most obvious initial beneficiaries in large University-wide initiatives, such as Open.Mich- and end-users of open educational resources. Locally, igan.^® Many libraries wishing to reduce barriers and the Virginia Community College System has been very student costs have implemented textbooks-on-reserve active incentivizing development of free and openly programs or programs purchasing multi-user licenses licensed materials for nearly 70 courses.^^ A notable ex­ for e-textbooks as a way to increase student access to ample is Tidewater Community College's "Z Degree," textbooks.^^ VOL 61,2015 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES PACE 27 In their 2010 Open Education conference presenta­ does not equate open licensing nor release one from tion entitled "Reaching the Heart of the University: Copyright compliance. Building awareness of open Libraries and the Future of OER," Kleymeer, Kleinman, licensing into copyright instruction, emphasiz­ and Hans make multiple compelling arguments for ing understanding of various Creative Commons university library involvement in OER production and licenses, and training teachers and students to find publication operations. These include philosophical and cite openly licensed works can be a major victory convergence: "Academic OER initiatives and university in encouraging OER use, adoption, and open licens­ libraries share a determination to improve access to all ing. Raise awareness regarding potential contribu­ kinds of scholarly and educational materials, both on tions of open licensing.^^ their campuses and throughout the world"; infrastruc­ • Share the work. Build communities of practice among ture: libraries already have search and discovery sys­ OER authors, OER adopters, and those exploring OER tems, copyright expertise, data storage, metadata and options. Encourage critical discussion regarding pos­ indexing, institutional repositories and preservation sibilities, drawbacks, and potential opportunities for expertise; and relationships: libraries have trusted rela­ participation in the OER ecosystem by faculty from a tionships enabling outreach and education, curriculum wide range of disciplines. development expertise, instructional support.^^ • Innovate: Engage others in envisioning new uses for Existing library values, relationships, capacities, and openly licensed works. infrastructure are extremely complementary to OER initiatives within libraries. Many existing library com­ 2. Analyze & Find: petencies may be leveraged in support of OER adoption • Understand your audience's needs. Your audience and/or authoring initiatives. may include both users and authors. Some may Applying these library strengths and competencies already be authoring or using OER. to the OER lifecycle stages in the User/Repurposer OER • Educate, assist, and enable potential re-users with lifecycle reveal the following opportunities libraries strategies for finding OER. Of particular interest are: have to lead, support and collaborate in OER initiatives, • Providing reference and research services for users making it easier for OER adopters and potential OER seeking OER authors: • Creating OER finding, instructional design, and pedagogy guides ! 1. Assess your potential audiences and build awareness • Curating, providing access and stable hosting for, • Every institution's (and probably every department's) and leveraging library-selected OER collections faculty, student body, and policies are different. Build • The Open Professionals Education Network^® your and your library's understanding of your poten­ which provides a finding guide listing many major tial audiences, particularly educational resources they repositories and referratories of open educational already use, author, or assign. Identify their decision­ resources, including: images, video, music, course­ making processes, what they value, what they say ware (syllabi, lectures & transcripts, readings, prob­ they need, what you can learn from them, and how lem sets, textbooks), and online simulations and you could engage. For example: tutorials. • An audience of faculty experimenting with flip­ • John Shank's Interactive Open Educational Resources: ping their courses may be very interested in types A Guide to Finding, Choosing, and Using What's Out of resources to consider, using library reserves, There to Transform College Teaching Oossey-Bass/ relevant library-subscribed resources, and finding ACRE 2014) items in the public domain or licensed with Cre­ • Several library-produced OER finding Guides from ative Commons. the University of Oklahoma, University of Mas­ • Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and text­ sachusetts - Amherst, and UMN Open Textbook book selection committees may not have seriously Library.49 considered looking at openly licensed textbooks. • Instructional designers may know much more 3. Review, Redesign/Redevelop & Adopt about what faculty need. • Provide authoritative assistance and OER develop­ • Identify problems and treat them as opportunities. ment and review resources with rubrics such as those These could be institutional policies that prohibit from Achieve, Inc., temoa, BCOER or from OER repos­ sharing, awareness issues, a lack of relationship with itories.^® the university Bookstore, needs for further profes­ • Consider incentivizing faculty development/rede- sional development, etc. velopment of courses and resources for teaching and • Assess and further develop your audience's under­ learning.Most of the OER initiatives listed on ear­ standing of open vs. free online.^® Free online access lier pages incentivize faculty reviews and authoring. PACE 28 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES VOL. 61, 2015 • Assist faculty with copyright, intellectual policy and, sharing agreement; the faculty member retains 100% University Policy concerns. of contractually agreed upon royalties.^^ According to • Promote quality in content, instructional/pedagogi- David Harris, a veteran of the publishing industry and cal design, technological standards, and accessibil­ Editor in Chief of OpenStaxCollege at Rice University, ity.^^ commercial textbook authors typically receive be­ • Provide or liaise with others who provide course tween 10-15% of a textbook's net price. Thus, authors design assistance, funding, or course-release. of bestselling textbooks, the top five to ten textbooks • Seek to understand faculty/teacher choice in formally per discipline do very well financially; other authors' adopting (or abandoning) open resources as a way to revenues are not nearly as significant.^® OpenStaxCol­ better understand your users' needs and OER uses lege, funded through a variety of grants and through and limitations. partnerships with commercial software vendors, has developed a professional content development process, 4. Implement (and share) and pays authors and peer reviewers for their work. • Assist faculty in providing long-term stable access via Other groups and associations are exploring OER information repository services; leverage metadata and other publishing initiatives through libraries, and classification skills to enhance future access including: • Make on-demand printing services or other methods • The Library Publishing Coalition (LPC). This group, of access easy for authors and users which began in 2012, is now a collaboration of over 50 libraries. An independent and a community-led 5. Evaluate (and share) membership association, "the purpose of the LPC is • Encourage, incentivize, or automate sharing authors' to support an evolving, distributed range of library works in trusted networks, local, subject, and/or publishing practices and to further the interests of national repositories libraries involved in publishing activities on their • Encourage (or incentivize) faculty participation in campuses."®^ critical reviews. Especially metadata includes how • SPARC Libraries & OER Forum. The forum, an email they OER was used, what worked, and what didn't discussion list with occasional teleconferences, was work. UMN Open Textbook Library, MERLOT11, and started in March 2014 and is a "forum for librarians... OERCommons all promote open peer review.^^ to share ideas, resources, and best practices pertain­ ing to OER; a channel of communication...; and a Many faculty members author original works for source of important updates about policy, research, commercial, non-profit, association, or other publish­ projects and other news from the broader OER move­ ers. Publication of teaching-related materials is not ment."®® always weighed the same as research publications in the eyes of tenure and promotion committees. While Many course redesign programs offer faculty incen­ all faculty would benefit from departmental support, tives for completion, assessment, and launch of rede­ course-release time, and OER creation stipends, tenure signed OER courses. This is an area where a number of track faculty may benefit more than tenured faculty libraries are involved in identifying OER or subscribed in receiving these types of support. Tenure track may library materials, consulting regarding application of face and perceive a higher level of peer scrutiny based instructional design principles, pedagogies, and provid­ on their tenure track status and related expectations. ing stipends or incentives for faculty. While departmental support for authoring openly Libraries may also wish to survey faculty regarding licensed works for teaching varies from one depart­ gaps in content for their courses. Faculty from various ment to another, some departments reportedly hold disciplines report a deficiency of high quality, com­ an explicitly negative view toward adoption of openly mercially available materials.®^ As existing Open Edu­ licensed works. This results in dis-incentivizing not- cational Resources (OER) are available only in subject yet-tenured faculty from adopting or authoring open areas where authors have chosen to apply open licenses, works. perhaps these areas are potential places for authoring Textbook authoring is labor intensive. While fac­ of new open educational resources, including resources ulty typically don't author textbooks for the financial that go beyond flat PDF textbooks and incorporate in­ gains involved, financial incentives are generally not teractive and multimedia elements. Libraries may want turned away.^^ For a small number of authors these to also assist faculty who are creating materials in un­ gains can be significant; for most they are relatively derstanding their options as copyright holders. For fac­ modest. In the case of Virginia Tech, revenues gener­ ulty who wish to share their resources, understanding ated from "traditional works of scholarship" (i.e., books the intent of the various Creative Commons licenses is and articles) are not subject to the University's profit important, as is applying them, and sharing materials VOL. 61,2015 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES PAGE 29 in the most appropriate local, national, international, "Our History," MITOPENCOURSEWARE, accessed March or subject-specific repository. 3, 2015, http://ocw.mit.edu/about/our-history. Finding high quality, current, and relevant re­ 14. Lori Mehen, "Open Source Cancer Research," Opensource. com, last modified December 1, 2011, http://opensource. sources, ensuring their stability, and educating for com/health/ll/ll/open-source-cancer-research. copyright compliance are difficult tasks. Each of these 15. Sakai History, Sakai, accessed March 3, 2015, http:// areas is a potential teaching and service opportunity sakaiproject.org/sakai-history. for academic libraries. 16. OpenStax College, accessed March 3, 2015, http://open- One final note: while this paper has mostly dis­ staxcollege.org. cussed faculty as the main audience for information, 17. Lawrence Lessig, Remix (New York: Penguin Press), 16. 18. "OpenDSA," accessed March 3, 2015 http://algoviz.org/ awareness and support from OER initiatives, many OpenDSA; "Instructural Models," College of Agriculture opportunities exist to engage students' interests in the and Life Sciences Virginia Tech, accessed March 3, 2015 open licensing, remix culture. Creative Commons, http:/M.cals.vt.edu/ProjectPortfolio/InstructionalMod- their choices as authors, responsibilities as users of li­ ules/index.html; John Boyer, "GEOG 1014: World Re­ censed materials, and their experiences as buyers and gions" iTunesPreview, accessed March 3, 2015 https:// users of learning resources. itunes.apple.com/us/itunes-u/geog-1014-world-regions/ id481684171?mt=10; Anita Walz, "VT Faculty Awareness, Perceptions, and Practices Regarding OER" (pilot sur­ Notes vey, Virginia Tech, 2014); "Merlot II," accessed March 3, 2015, http://www.merlot.org; "OER Commons," accessed 1. "Open Educational Resources," The William and Flora Hewlett March 3, 2015, http://www.oercommons.org; "Jorum," Foundation, accessed March 3, 2015, http://www.hewlett. accessed March 3, 2015, http://www.jorum.ac.uk. org/programs/education/open-educational-resources. 19. "2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Re­ 2. "Open Educational Resources," The William and Flora Hewlett sources Survey," (Tallahassee: Florida Virtual Campus, 2012), Foundation, accessed March 3, 2015, http://www.hewlett. http://www.openaccesstextbooks.org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_ org/programs/education/open-educational-resourcesbid. Faculty-Admin_OER_Survey_Report.pdf. 3. "Open Educational Resources," The William and Flora Hewlett 20. "2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Re­ Foundation, accessed March 3, 2015, http://www.hewlett. sources Survey," (Tallahassee: Florida Virtual Campus, 2012), org/programs/education/open-educational-resources. http://www.openaccesstextbooks.org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_ 4. Peter Suber, "Open Access Overview," last modified De­ Faculty-Admin_OER_Survey_Report.pdf. cember 16, 2013, http://bit.ly/oa-overview; Eric Von 21. "BookStats," retrieved March 3, 2015, https://www.bisg. Hippel, "Open Source Projects as Horizontal Innovation org/publications/bookstats. Networks - By and For Users," Working Paper 4366-02 22. I. Elaine Allen, Jeff Seaman, "Growing the Curriculum: (2002), accessed March 3, 2015, http://dspace.mit.edu/ Open Education Resources in U.S. Higher Education," bitstream/handle/1721.1/1827/4366-02.pdf?sequence=2. 2012, retrieved March 3, 2015 http://www.onlinelearn- 5. "U.S. Copyright Office Definitions" U.S. Copyright Office, ingsurvey.com/reports/growingthecurriculum.pdf. accessed March 3, 2015 http://www.copyright.gov/help/ 23. "2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Re­ faq/definitions.html. sources Survey," (Tallahassee: Florida Virtual Campus, 2012), 6. John Tehranian, Infringement Nation (New York: Oxford http://www.openaccesstextbooks.org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_ University Press, 2011), 18. Faculty-Admin_OER_Survey_Report.pdf. 7. Lawrence Lessig, Remix (New York: Penguin Press), 1-5; 24. "2014 Connexions Conference," OpenStaxCoilege, last John Tehranian. Infringement Nation (New York: Oxford modified March 31, 2014, http://openstaxcollege.org/ University Press, 2011), 5-14. news/the-2014-connexions-conference. 8. Brett Smith, "A Quick Guide to GPLv3," GNU Operating 25. "2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Re­ System, last modified November 8, 2014, http://www.gnu. sources Survey," (Tallahassee: Florida Virtual Campus, 2012), org/licenses/quick-guide-gplv3.html. http://www.openaccesstextbooks.org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_ 9. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Develop­ Faculty-Admin_OER_Survey_Report.pdf; Anita Walz, "VT ment, Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Faculty Awareness, Perceptions, and Practices Regarding Educational Resources (Paris: OECD Publishing, 2007), 76, OER" (pilot survey, Virginia Tech, 2014). http://www.oecd.org/edu/ceri/38654317.pdf. 26. "2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Re­ 10. See appendix for further details. sources Survey," (Tallahassee: Florida Virtual Campus, 2012), 11. Molly Kleinman, "The Beauty of 'Some Rights Reserved': http://www.openaccesstextbooks.org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_ . Introducing Creative Commons to Librarians, Faculty, Faculty-Admin_OER_Survey_Report.pdf; Paul Stacey, and Students," College ScResearch Libraries News 69, no. 10 "Open Educational Resources in a Global Context," First (2008): 594, accessed March 3, 2015. http://crln.acrl.org/ Monday, 12, no. 4 (2007) http://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index. content/69/10/594.full.pdf+html. php/fm/article/view/1769/1649; "2012 Faculty and Admin­ 12. Elon Musk, "All Our Patent Are Belong to You," TESLA istrator Open Educational Resources Survey," (Tallahassee: (blog), last modified June 12, 2014, http://www.teslamo- Florida Virtual Campus, 2012), http://www.openaccesstext- tors.com/blog/all-our-patent-are-belong-you. books.org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_Faculty-Admin_OER_Sur- 13. "Mellon, Hewlett Foundations grant $11M to launch free vey_Report.pdf. MIT course materials on web," MIT News, last modified 27. 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Anita Walz, "VT Faculty Awareness, Perceptions, and borrow/oats; "2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Practices Regarding OER" (pilot survey, Virginia Tech, Educational Resources Survey," (Tallahassee: Florida Vir­ 2014). tual Campus, 2012), http://www.openaccesstextbooks. org/%5Cpdf%5C2012_Faculty-Admin_OER_Sur vey_Re- port.pdf. .HV This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Last updated June 9, 2014. ED VOL. 61,2015 VIRGINIA LIBRARIES PAGE 31 Licensing your original work with a Creative Commons License http://www.creativecommons.org You can apply a CC license to your original work to change its copyright status from "All Rights Reserved" to "Some Rights Reserved." The following chart illustrates the permissions, requirements, and restrictions of the six CC licenses, from the least restrictive, to the most restrictive. 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