No. 2356 January 12, 2010 How Online Learning Is Revolutionizing K–12 Education and Benefiting Students Dan Lips Abstract: Virtual or online learning is revolutionizing American education. It has the potential to dramatically Talking Points expand the educational opportunities of American stu- dents, largely overcoming the geographic and demographic • Online or virtual learning has the potential to restrictions. Virtual learning also has the potential to revolutionize K–12 education by expanding improve the quality of instruction, while increasing pro- access to high quality teachers and providing ductivity and lowering costs, ultimately reducing the bur- instruction that is tailored to meet students’ den on taxpayers. Local, state, and federal policymakers specific needs. should reform education policies and funding to facilitate (cid:127) As many as 1 million children (roughly 2 per- online learning, particularly by allowing funding to follow cent of the K–12 student population) are par- the students to their learning institutions of choice. ticipating in some form of online learning. (cid:127) Emerging evidence suggests that online learning programs are effective. A meta- Historically, American students’ learning opportu- analysis of empirical studies published by the nities have been limited and shaped by factors beyond U.S. Department of Education found that stu- dents who took all or part of their class their control. Geography has been an important factor. online performed better than those taking Does the child live near a good school? If not, do the same course through traditional face-to- her parents have the financial means to place her in face instruction. a quality learning environment? Access to quality (cid:127) State and federal policymakers should instruction has been another factor. Was the child reform current education policies to facilitate placed in a class with the best teacher? Are the the online education revolution to improve teacher’s lessons—designed to instruct a classroom of learning opportunities for students. 16 or more students—tailored to her level, learning style, and interests? The development and proliferation of online learning and virtual learning options is beginning to break down these barriers. In the future, students will be able to receive customized instruction from teach- This paper, in its entirety, can be found at: ers anywhere in the United States or even in the Produced by the Domestic Policy Studies Department world. The best teachers will use technology to reach Published by The Heritage Foundation many more students. Virtual and blended-learning 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002–4999 (202) 546-4400 (cid:127) Nothing written here is to be construed as necessarily reflect- ing the views of The Heritage Foundation or as an attempt to aid or hinder the passage of any bill before Congress. No. 2356 January 12, 2010 programs will enable mass customization in educa- ment of Education published a meta-analysis of evi- tion, allowing students to learn at their own pace dence-based studies of K–12 and postsecondary 3 in ways that are tailored to their learning styles online learning programs. The study reported that and interests. “students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking The online learning revolution is already under- the same course through traditional face-to-face way in the United States. As many as 1 million 4 instruction.” In addition, online learning has the children (roughly 2 percent of the K–12 student potential to improve productivity and lower the cost population) are participating in some form of online 5 of education, reducing the burden on taxpayers. _________________________________________ The available empirical evidence on the effective- Online learning has the potential to improve ness of online learning programs suggests that fed- productivity and lower the cost of education, eral and state policymakers should enact policies to reducing the burden on taxpayers. expand online learning opportunities. State policy- ____________________________________________ makers could enact policies that expand, replace, or learning. Today, 27 states offer statewide virtual supplement the learning opportunities available in schools that allow students to take a class online, traditional schools. Federal policymakers could and 24 states and the District of Columbia offer stu- reform policies to allow states to develop innovative dents the opportunity to attend a virtual school full- online learning programs and expand students’ time. Growing numbers of school districts are offer- learning options. Moreover, specific federal agen- ing virtual learning options that include supple- cies—including the Department of Defense, State mental instruction or blended-learning programs, Department, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs which use online learning in combination with face- (BIA)—could use online learning to better accom- 1 to-face instruction. Enrollment in online learning plish their educational missions. programs is expected to grow over the next decade. What Is Online or Virtual Learning? One analysis has predicted that half of high school classes will be online within a decade.2 Online learning is quite different from the tradi- tional concept of education, which involves a Students appear to be benefiting from online school building, a classroom with rows of desks, learning programs. While evidence about the effec- and a teacher standing next to a chalkboard. What tiveness of K–12 online learning programs is lim- does it mean to say that a child is being taught ited, there is reason to believe that students can through an online or virtual education program? learn effectively online. In 2009, the U.S. Depart- 1. John Watson, Butch Gemin, Jennifer Ryan, and Matthew Weeks, Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning: An Annual Review of State-Level Policy and Practice, Evergreen Education Group, November 2009, at KeepingPace09-fullreport.pdf (November 16, 2009). 2. Clayton M. Christensen and Michael B. Horn, “How Do We Transform Our Schools?” Education Next, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Summer 2008), at (November 16, 2009). 3. Barbara Means, Yukie Toyama, Robert Murphy, Marianne Bakia, and Karla Jones, “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies,” U.S. Department of Education, May 2009, at (November 16, 2009). 4. Ibid., p. xiv. 5. For example, Florida Tax Watch analyzed the fiscal impact of the Florida Virtual School, a model statewide virtual school, and reported that an enrolled student received $1,048 less in government funding than a student attending a traditional public school. This savings estimate does not include the costs for school facilities and maintenance if the student had enrolled in public school. Florida Tax Watch, Center for Educational Performance and Accountability, “Final Report: A Comprehensive Assessment of Florida Virtual School,” November 5, 2007, p. 77, at resources/pdf/110507FinalReportFLVS.pdf (November 23, 2009). page 2 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 How would a child interact with a teacher online, (cid:127) Jurisdiction. Online learning programs can be and how would such an online program be funded funded publicly or privately. Among the public or governed? programs, online learning programs can be funded and governed by the state or school dis- Existing online or virtual learning programs dif- trict. Many states now offer statewide online fer from traditional education in a number of sig- learning programs or virtual schools, which nificant ways: allow students to enroll in individual classes. • Scope. Online programs can be either compre- Some states have “cyber schools” or virtual char- hensive or supplementary to a child’s education. ter schools that students can “attend” full-time. Some online learning programs are full-time. In addition, many school districts and schools The students enrolled in a full-time online learn- offer their own online learning options within ing program do not attend a traditional brick- the traditional school setting. In these respects, and-mortar school, but learn almost entirely online learning programs can be funded or gov- online. Supplemental programs offer students erned by the levels of government that tradition- the opportunity to take individual courses in an ally oversee American public education: states, online setting to complement their instruction in school districts, and chartering authorities. a traditional school. For example, a student who However, these jurisdictions, which are largely wishes to take a class that is not offered by his or based on geography, are beginning to change her school, such as an advanced placement because online learning allows students to course, could enroll in an online learning pro- receive instruction across district, state, and even gram in that subject. national boundaries. (cid:127) Teacher interaction. Online learning can be (cid:127) Range of students served. Online learning pro- delivered in multiple ways. Students can par- grams can serve students of all ages and learning ticipate in online learning through either syn- backgrounds. Most online learning programs chronous or asynchronous instruction. In focus on serving older or high school students. A synchronous instruction, students and instruc- survey of school district administrators about tors interact in real time. In asynchronous online learning reported that an estimated 64 instruction, students learn at their own pace and percent of students participating in fully online on their own time schedules. Teachers evaluate programs are in grades 9–12. Elementary stu- their performance and provide feedback, such as dents (grades K–5) comprise 21 percent and grading performance on assignments and middle school and junior high school students answering questions. In both settings, online (grades 6–8) account for the remaining 15 per- learning programs generally require regular 6 cent. The survey also revealed that online learn- communication between teachers and students ing programs are serving a diverse range of by phone, e-mail, instant messaging, and video student needs from advanced coursework to conferencing. remedial education. For example, a majority of (cid:127) Physical location. Some online learning pro- respondents agreed that each of the following grams allow students to learn exclusively from were important reasons for online learning: home, essentially on their own. Other online “Offering courses not otherwise available at the learning programs are housed in a physical loca- school”; “Meeting the needs of specific groups of tion like a school. In addition, some schools offer students”; “Offering Advanced Placement or col- “blended learning,” which combines online lege-level courses”; and “Permitting students learning with face-to-face instruction. who failed a course to take it again.”7 6. Anthony G. Piccianno and Jeff Seaman, “K–12 Online Learning: A 2008 Follow-Up of the Survey of U.S. School District Administrators,” Sloan Consortium, Hunter College, and Babson Survey Research Group, January 2009, at (December 28, 2009). page 3 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 The Potential Benefits of Online Learning offer students instruction in certain subjects. Given the many ways that the information revo- However, through online learning, a student lution and the Internet have already changed and attending a school without a physics teacher, for improved the lives of Americans, the potential edu- example, could learn physics from a teacher in cational benefits of online learning are very signifi- another school district or even in another state. cant. A number of scholars and analysts have (cid:127) Mass customization and optimization. Public examined the potential benefits of online learning. education in the United States generally treats Terry M. Moe and John E. Chubb predicted that vir- students in a standardized manner. For example, tual education will fundamentally transform K–12 students are typically grouped by age, rather public education in the United States for the better than by achievement level or learning style. in their 2009 book Liberating Learning: Technology, Online learning has the potential to provide all 8 Politics, and the Future of American Education. Clay- children with customized education. Students ton Christianson, a professor of business at Harvard can receive instruction at their own pace and in University, and his coauthors Curtis Johnson and ways tailored to their unique learning styles and Michael Horn discussed how online learning will interests. Increased customization can make the revolutionize learning in Disrupting Class: How Dis- learning process more enjoyable and productive. ruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Moreover, it will also allow for more accurate 9 Learns. Education experts Elizabeth Kanna, Lisa feedback on students’ progress, enabling parents Gillis, and Christina Culver examined the potential to monitor their children’s progress more closely benefits of virtual learning from a parent’s perspec- and to hone accountability. tive in Virtual Schooling: A Guide to Optimizing Your (cid:127) Increased flexibility. Online learning can pro- 10 Child’s Education. vide students with greater flexibility in when and Therefore, it is reasonable to expect virtual edu- how they learn. Most instruction in American cation to improve learning opportunities for Amer- schools occurs each year between fall and spring ican students in a number of ways: and on weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm. Vir- (cid:127) Increased access to high-quality teachers. tual learning allows students to learn anytime at Online learning could address main discrep- their own pace. This allows students and families ancies in American education—the disparate to use their time more efficiently to pursue other access to high-quality teachers and instruction interests and activities. In addition, the flexibility caused by socioeconomic and geographic differ- of online learning can particularly benefit stu- ences. A child’s chances of attending a school dents who have specific challenges in their edu- with high-quality teachers largely depend on cation, such as those who must change schools where she lives, which is shaped by her parents’ frequently and those who have fallen behind in financial means. Online learning could give all their studies. students, regardless of where they live, access to (cid:127) Improved flexibility for teachers. Online the best instructors. It could also address teacher learning will also provide teachers with new shortages. In some subjects, such as science and career options and increasingly give teachers mathematics, some schools have difficulty more freedom to instruct students in more pro- employing skilled teachers and therefore cannot ductive ways. This has the potential to expand 7. Ibid., p. 12. 8. Terry M. Moe and John E. Chubb, Liberating Learning: Technology, Politics, and the Future of American Education (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2009). 9. Clayton M. Christianson, Curtis W. Johnson, and Michael B. Horn, Disrupting Class: How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008). 10. Elizabeth Kanna and Lisa Gillis, Virtual Schooling: A Guide to Optimizing Your Child’s Education (New York: Palgrave MacMillen, 2009). page 4 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 _________________________________________ the talent pool of the teacher workforce and improve teacher quality overall. For example, “[S]tudents who took all or part of their class teachers who are parents could value the flexibil- online performed better, on average, than those ity of teaching from home, which allows them to taking the same course through traditional face- balance their career more easily with their paren- to-face instruction.” ____________________________________________ tal responsibilities. (cid:127) Improved productivity and efficiency. Online taking the same course through traditional face-to- learning has the potential to improve productiv- 14 face instruction.” ity and lower the cost of education, thereby reducing the burden on taxpayers. Moe and The report included other findings that may help Chubb made this point in Liberating Learning: policymakers understand how online learning “Schools can be operated at lower cost, relying affects students’ learning. For example, the report more on technology (which is relatively cheap) stated that instruction combining online learning and less on labor (which is relatively expen- with face-to-face elements produced better results 11 sive).” They estimate that a school could reduce than purely online instruction. Moreover, the its teaching staff by approximately one-sixth if researchers reported that students who participated elementary school students spent one hour per in online learning and who spent more time on task day learning electronically. The cost savings benefited the most. could be used in a number of ways, such as Many of these studies involved older students, investing more in teacher training or teacher pay and the researchers suggest caution when interpret- 12 to improve teacher quality and effectiveness. ing their findings, but the preliminary evidence sug- (cid:127) Innovation. The increasing use of online learning gests that online learning can provide a quality will provide instructors and online learning opera- educational experience. This should give policy- tors with incentives to innovate and develop new makers the confidence to expand the opportunities learning tools that could improve students’ for online learning. learning options in ways unimaginable today. Virtual Learning in the United States The Empirical Evidence A recent estimate found that more than 1 million While there is good reason to anticipate these K–12 students participated in online courses in theoretical or potential benefits, some evidence is 2007–2008, an increase of 47 percent over 2005– 15 already clear. Initial empirical evidence suggests 2006. This amounts to approximately 2 percent of that students can benefit from online learning the K–12 student population. The Evergreen Educa- options. A 2009 report from the U.S. Department tion Group reported in November 2009 that 27 states of Education presented the findings of a meta-anal- have state virtual schools and 24 states have full-time, ysis of the evidence-based studies of online-learn- statewide online schools. In all, 45 states and the ing programs, including 44 studies involving District of Columbia have a state virtual school or postsecondary students and seven studies involv- online initiative, full-time online schools, or both. 13 ing K–12 students. The meta-analysis reported Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, that, “students who took all or part of their class and Vermont are the only states without a statewide 16 online performed better, on average, than those virtual school or full-time online schools. 11. Moe and Chubb, Liberating Learning, p. 7. 12. Ibid., p. 80. 13. Means et al., “Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practice in Online Learning.” 14. Ibid., p. xiv. 15. Picciano and Seamon, “K–12 Online Learning.” 16. Watson et al., Keeping Pace with K–12 Online Learning. page 5 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 Online Learning Opportunities, by State WA VT NH MT ND ME OR MN ID SD WI NY MA WY MI RI NE IA PA CT NV UT IL OH NJ IN CA CO KS WV VA DE MO MD KY DC NC TN AZ OK NM AR SC MS AL GA TX LA AK FL HI Source: John Watson, Butch Gemin, Jennifer Ryan, and Matthew Weeks, States with a state virtual States with States States Keeping Pace with K-12 Online Learning: An Annual Review of State-Level school and/or state-led full-time with with Policy and Practice, Evergreen Education Group, November 2009, p. 8, online intiative existing statewide both neither Figure 3, at or in development online schools (November 16, 2009). Map 1 • B 2356 In addition to these statewide or full-time virtual Florida has more opportunities to learn online than schools, many school districts offer blended or full- a student in Maryland. The Florida Virtual School time online learning courses. The 2009 Sloan Con- is the largest statewide, supplemental virtual learn- sortium survey found that 75 percent of districts ing program in the country with an enrollment of had one or more students participating in some 154,000 in 2008–2009, compared to only 710 stu- 18 form of online learning. Moreover, 66 percent of dents in the Maryland Virtual School program. school districts with students participating in online These different participation levels are primarily 17 learning expected participation to increase. the result of differences in access and funding. The Florida Virtual School is a statewide supplemental Parents and policymakers should note that the program offered to all Florida students and sup- availability of online learning programs varies ported by state government funding. In Maryland, widely from state to state. For example, a student in students must obtain permission from their school 17. Ibid. 18. Ibid. page 6 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 districts before participating in the Maryland Vir- virtual school program to allow students across tual Program. the state to participate in a supplementary or full-time online learning program. Today, the In addition to these publicly supported virtual Florida Virtual School is a model of a thriving learning programs, parents and students also have statewide virtual school program. Policymakers access to independent online learning programs also need to reform funding formulas to enable offered by providers that range from companies, students to choose to enroll in statewide virtual such as K12, and universities, such as Johns Hop- 19 programs without requiring the permission of kins University. The for-profit education industry their schools or school districts. accounts for approximately 10 percent of the edu- 20 cation sector. As virtual learning becomes more (cid:127) Reform charter school laws to allow virtual popular, parents should expect to have increased charter schools. Today, 40 states and the District opportunity to purchase online learning services of Columbia have charter school laws that allow from a diverse range of independent providers. the creation of independently managed public schools. However, not all states allow online or How to Expand Learning Options virtual charter schools. To expand access to Through Online Learning online learning, policymakers should pass char- State and federal policymakers could enact a ter school laws that allow the creation of online number of educational reforms that would improve or virtual charter schools. learning options for students. (cid:127) Enact or expand hybrid online learning pro- What State and Local Policymakers Should grams. In addition to creating new vehicles for Do. State and local policymakers are best posi- online or virtual learning, school districts and tioned to reform K–12 education and expand online public schools can implement online learning learning options. If policymakers wish to provide programs on their own. By creating hybrid learn- online learning options to students in their state, ing programs or enacting online learning pro- they will need to transform the current system of grams at the school or district level, they can education finance and governance, which funds complement traditional instruction offered in the and regulates a system that was largely designed in schools. School districts could partner with the 19th and 20th centuries. In general, policymak- existing online learning programs and share best ers need to reform education policies to create a practices with other schools on how best to venue for online learning (such as a state virtual incorporate online learning into their curricula. school or cyber charter schools), incorporate online (cid:127) Explore opportunities to partner with other learning into the traditional school system, and per- states, schools, and online learning providers. haps most importantly reform funding systems to While policymakers and legislators traditionally facilitate greater parental choice, including access to design education policies within states and dis- online learning programs. trict boundaries, states and school districts will To expand learning opportunities for students in have increasing opportunities to partner with their communities by reforming education policies other communities and organizations. For exam- that strengthen online education, state and local ple, states could form partnerships or coopera- policymakers should: tives to provide regional virtual schools. States could also work with public and private uni- (cid:127) Enact or expand statewide virtual schools. versities to develop online learning programs. Every state could create (or expand) a statewide 19. For more information on K12 and the Center for Talented Youth, see K12, “Enroll or Buy,” Web site, at enroll-or-buy (December 28, 2009), and Johns Hopkins University, Center for Talented Youth, Web site, at ctyonline (December 28, 2009). 20. Carrie Lips, “Edupreneurs: A Survey of For-Profit Education,” Cato Institute Policy Analysis No. 386, November 20, 2000, at (December 28, 2009). page 7 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 Policymakers interested in expanding online tion Act of 1965 established the Department of learning opportunities for students in their state Education’s basic approach to funding K–12 or community could develop creative policies to education. The current version of that law, provide the best online learning programs. No Child Left Behind, will soon be considered for reauthorization. When Congress reauthorizes (cid:127) Allow funds to follow the student. Whether federal education funding, policymakers should students have access to online learning options allow states greater flexibility in how they use will largely be determined by policymakers’ will- federal education funding, including funding ingness to reform education funding to facilitate virtual education programs. In addition, states greater parental choice. This factor largely should have the option to allow Title 1 federal explains why the Florida Virtual School enrolls 154,000 students while the Maryland Virtual funds to follow disadvantaged students to School enrolls only 710 students. If policymak- schools of their choice, including online or vir- ers want to open the possibilities of online learn- tual learning programs. ing to all students, they must reform school (cid:127) Reform federal K–12 education programs out- funding mechanisms to allow the money to fol- side the Department of Education to use low the students to their providers of choice. online learning. Beyond the Department of This could include reforming a state’s share of Education, dozens of federal departments and per-pupil funding to allow payment of a per- agencies fund K–12 education programs. Federal credit amount to a statewide virtual school if the policymakers should consider using online or student takes a course online. In other words, if a virtual learning to improve effectiveness and effi- student takes one-fifth of her courses online, ciency of these programs. For example, the one-fifth of her share of the school’s per-student Department of Defense Education Activity enrollment funding should be redirected to the (DODEA) currently educates approximately virtual school. States could also provide scholar- 22 85,000 children of military personnel and is ships or vouchers directly to parents to purchase developing plans to create an online virtual high online learning services for their children. 23 school for the 2010–2011 school year. A vir- What Federal Policymakers Should Do. The tual school for the children of military personnel federal government’s role in public education has would likely expand their educational opportu- traditionally been limited. However, since the nities and minimize disruptions caused by trans- 1960s, the federal government has become increas- ferring to new schools when their parents are ingly involved in funding and regulating public transferred to new assignments. education. As of the 2004–2005 school year, the The mission of the Bureau of Indian Education federal government provided 9.2 percent of the (BIE) is to “to provide quality education oppor- funding for public elementary and secondary tunities from early childhood through life in 21 schools in the United States. accordance with a tribe’s needs for cultural and To improve learning opportunities for students, economic well-being, in keeping with the wide Congress and the Administration should: diversity of Indian tribes and Alaska Native vil- (cid:127) Reform U.S. Department of Education programs lages as distinct cultural and governmental enti- 24 to allow state flexibility and student-centered ties.” The BIE serves 42,000 Indian students funding. The Elementary and Secondary Educa- in 184 schools on 64 reservations and in 23 21. U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics: 2008, Table 173, at (November 23, 2009). 22. Department of Defense Education Activity, “DoDEA Facts,” at (November 23, 2009). 23. Zach Miners, “Military to Debut Virtual School,” U.S. News & World Report, November 5, 2009, at education/articles/2009/11/05/military-to-debut-virtual-school.html (December 28, 2009). page 8 No. 2356 January 12, 2010 states. Many of these schools are in remote loca- Conclusion tions and face some of the same challenges of Online learning has the potential to revolution- rural schools, including small teacher pools and ize American education. Today, as many as 1 million limited course offerings. A virtual school for BIE children are participating in some form of online students could expand learning opportunities learning. Twenty-seven states offer statewide virtual for Native American students and strengthen schools that allow students to take classes online, their ties with students from other communities. and 24 states and the District of Columbia offer stu- Such a virtual school could be voluntary and dents the opportunity to attend a full-time virtual structured in a culturally sensitive manner con- school. School districts are increasingly offering vir- sistent with BIE’s mission. tual learning options, such as supplemental instruc- The State Department assists the families of tion or blended-learning programs that combine 27 personnel serving overseas by providing an online learning with face-to-face instruction. allowance to purchase education for their chil- Enrollment in online learning programs is expected dren.25 According to the State Department, to grow over the next decade. One analysis esti- access to quality schooling for their children is mates that half of high school classes will be online 28 an important consideration for Foreign Service within a decade. officers and others when choosing overseas Students appear to be benefiting from online posts. Like the DODEA, the State Department learning programs. A meta-analysis of empirical evi- could create a K–12 virtual school for its person- dence on online learning programs found that stu- nel or it could expand its “home study” reim- dents learn as well or better online as in a traditional bursement program by creating partnerships school setting. Other potential benefits included with virtual schools in the United States. expanded access to talented teachers, customized Through the Chafee Foster Care Indepen- learning, more flexibility for families, and improved dence Program (CFCIP), the federal govern- school productivity. ment currently provides funding to states to Local, state, and federal policymakers would be assist with the education of children in foster wise to reform education policies to expand stu- care. Since instability is a common problem for dents’ learning options by increasing their access to 26 foster children, virtual school programs could online learning. be particularly beneficial. Congress could reform —Dan Lips is Senior Policy Analyst in Education in the CFCIP to allow foster children to use the the Domestic Policy Studies Department at The Heritage federally funded education and job training Foundation. vouchers for virtual learning programs. 24. U.S. Department of the Interior, “The Bureau of Indian Education (BIE),” updated October 19, 2009, at WhatWeDo/ServiceOverview/IndianEducation/index.htm (November 23, 2009). 25. U.S. Department of State, Education Options for Foreign Service Family Members, chap. 5, at c23960.htm (November 23, 2009). 26. Dan Lips, “Foster Care Children Need Better Educational Opportunities,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder No. 2039, June 5, 2007, at 27. Watson et al., Keeping Pace with K–12 Online Learning. 28. Christensen and Horn, “How Do We Transform Our Schools?” page 9