NOITANIMRETED- F YLFREOASM M:UTSE ETHCSAF TAWHDESELTF-ERMINATION IS AND TAWH TI ISTNO aaelbaliav af oune mdenimreted er pahti wmargor par ol es dNinOo T omaitanimreteD-fleS .meh tgnirevile df oya wte sadn asecivres aahc atea h owgtnidroc cnaosr e opntosr empo rsfr eff itda hsts ecnoIS o raiptanimreteD-fleS .efi llufgninae myllanosre pdn agniyfsita saetaer co telbarise ddn ayrassece ns isenimrete dlaudividni .ledo mlanoitidar teh ty bdenimrete ds asecivre seviece ro teva hregno lo nseitilibasi dhti wsnosreP sya wn idedivor pe bo terise dyeh tsecivre sesoh tgnidulcn i”,une meh tff oredro “o teer fer ayehT .sdee nrieh ttee mtaht aaf osthgi reh tsegdelwonkc at I.detcerid-nosre pdn aderetnec- no sre phto bs inoitanimreteD-fleS eh t,noitanimreteD-fl e . SnseIv irlie hrt oyftilibisnops edr n faeogra heck a otsteitilibas ihdt iewlpoep f oepy ttah w;moh whti wdn a,evi llli weh sr oe hereh wsedice d,metsy secivre seh tto n,laudividni ,emi tre hr osi hdnep slli weh sr oe hwo h;meh tedivor plli woh wdn a,seriuqe reh sr oe hsecivres T ,n iegagn eo tsehsi weh sr oe hseitinutropp olanoitacud er olanoitaco vf oepy teh tedulcn iya mhcihw E,stnev eytinummo cn igninio jedulcn iya mhcih w,ytinummo ceh to tetale rlli weh sr oe hwo hdna eh tn isreht ohti wspihsnoitale rgniniatnia mdn agnipoleve ddn a,spuor gcivi cn itra pgnikat E .ytinummoc THE PRINCIPLES OF DESELTF-ERMINATION H PP anal po tsdneir fdn aylima fnesoh cyleer fht i wrehtego tlaudividn in aro fytilib aeh m odeerFT– S .marg o eraspahcr unpa hrteht atrropp uysrassec ehnt iewfil PP feilcr i rckor ow t etnropp ulsaic ohasti wy(tilibas ihadt inwosr erap oyftili beay tir ohtuhA–T .secivr eessahcr u oprted r nosirall o fdmo unsiatr elacortn o oc)tdedeen T PPll itwaht-lamrof n di nla amr ohftob–lennosr edp nsaecruos e frgonignarAu rtoneoamy h–T C .snoitailiff aytinummo cn ihci rytinummo ceh tn iefi laevi lo tytilibasi dahti wlaudividn in atsissa PPevititepmo chguorh tytinummo cs’ nosre pan ielo rdeula vaf oecnatpecc aeh y tilibiTs–nopseR A eh tn isreht of ognira clarene gdn a,tnempoleve dlautirip s,snoitailiff alanoitazinagr o,tnemyolpme r ogfnicnahne-ef iel rtaa hsty a nwsirall ocdilb ugpnidne prs oyftilibatnuoc c salal e sw,aytinummoc F .seitilibas ihdt iswnosrep :morF( samohT yenreN dna dlanoD ,yawmuhS dnnoo iydteeaBgnai n mra:roMeef rtsaenCDo-sfrleePhStiw s,eitilibasiD ,rebmetpeS.)6991 C VALUES SUPPORTED BY DESELTF-ERMINATION R 44,elbaul aev rsaeitilibas ihdt iswnosr etpa hstezingoc e,rerut asn t yi,bnoitanimreteD-flt cee–pSseR gniy adp nsasenetil onpa hetr o smticeps e.Rtceps ehrt idwetae r et obetvres eod hswnosr eeplbapac N dn ashtgnert sre hr osi hgniee s,nosre pas aeula vs’laudividn ieh tgnigdelwonkc as it I.ecivre spil n ire hdn ami hgnidlo hdn a,erise dhca ee wnoitaredisno cema seh tre hr omi hgnitnar g,seitiliba .meetse 44yre veva hseitilibasi dhti welpoe psemi tyna M.noitanimreteD-fle So tlartne cs iecioh e ciohCC– yeh tereh ws ahcu s,sevi lrieh tf ostceps atnatropm iyre vesooh ctonna cnetf oyeh T.secioh cdetimil .ta eyeh ttah wnev esemitemo sdn a,yeno mrieh tdn aemi trieh tdnep slli wyeh two h,moh whti w,evil rieh toh wesooh co telb ae bya mslaudividn i,ecnatsn iro F.detimi ler asnoitcele s,semi treht otA mor fkci po telb agnie bs iecioh ceur T.en oeva hlli wyeh tto nr orehteh wto ntu b,e blli wetammoor .yojn eelpoe ptso msecnerefer plaudividn idn a,slao g,selytsefi lf oyteira vedi wema seht National Resource Center on Supported Living and Choice, Center on Human Policy Syracuse University, 805 South Crouse Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2280 1-800-894-0826 • 315-443-3851 (voice) • 315-443-4355 (tty) • 315-443-4338 (fax) • [email protected] 44rieh tn isecioh cero meva ho tseitilibasi dhti wsnosre pstroppu syln oto nnoitanimreteD-flp ihsre– enwOS eh ttah tsnae mt I.gnikam-noisice dtsu jnah tero mseilpm ipihsrenw O.sevi lrieh tf opihsrenw otu b,sevil gnikam-noisice deh tn idetroppu ser aelpoe ptso melih W.sso beht–ytirohtu alato tdn alani feh ts ilaudividni r e rhmo ishwol lpaihsren w.Oy alsan ief hntosr eep hstev ingoitanimreteD-fl e,Stropp u fseolcr i yacsbsecorp edivor poh wesoh teri f,yrassece nf idn a,egana m,eri hya meh sr oe H.secivre sdn aefi lre hr osi hrev olortnoc os lpaihsren w.Osriaf flaaicnan irf e rhso i fhtonemegan aem hrte vloortn orc e rhmo ishev iogs l ta.Isecivres gnidnep sgnidulcn i,snoisice ddn asnoitc are hr osi hro fytilibisnopse reh tstpecc alaudividn ieh ttah tsnaem .ylevitavresno cseino mcilbup 44f oepy temo seva helpoe ptso M.kro wnoitanimreteD-fle Sgnika mo tenotsye kas itroppSupport u– S pe teask a rtnooisic etdnatrop m nieak atms uyme hnte h owntr uyte htta hstev irlie h ntkirowt etnroppus eso h,tnoitanimreteD-fl eeSrof e,brevew o.Htnereff i oden rsaeitilibas ihdt iswnosr e.Psev irlie h ntdirawrof ere wsecnatsn iyna mn ioh wsrekro wdia pyltso mere wsnal pesive ddn aslao ghsilbats edeple hoh wsnosrep re hr osi hf orebme mhca esetivn idn astcele slaudividn ieh tnoitanimreteD-fle Sn I.nesoh cnah trehta rdengissa nosre peh ttah tenoyna–ytinummo ceh tmor felpo e,spdnei r,fsrebm eymlim a efnb ayce h.Ttropp u fseolcric gnitsu rdatli u obstehs i rwso alhaudivid nei hmto hhwt iewlpo eep ryae h,tyltnatrop mtis o.Mserised .pihsnoitaler 44yna mecneirepx eo tseitinutropp odetimi lyln oda heva hseitilibasi dhti wsnosre pyn ytinutroppOa– M erolpx eo tslaudividn ignigaruocn edn agniwoll aseitinutropp oesoh tsdnapx enoitanimreteD-fle S.efi lf ostcepsa ye htta hsty a nwsidn urfie hdtne p osetl bea ryae hetcn i.Sseitinumm orcie h nttinese rep rtaa hsteitilibiss oepht enoemo sneh W.elbaliavan uere wylsuoiver ptah tseitivitc adn astnev en itra peka to telb aer ayeh t,esooh cwon ytinutropp o,revewo H.sksi reka to tre hr omi hwoll ao tsreht oro ftluciffi de bya mt i,ecneirepx edetimi lda hsah .me hmto rwfo r ogdt n,asekats iemk a om,tsks ierk a otyttili bea hstedulc noisla DESELTF-ERMINATION CALLS FOR A SYSTEMS SHIFT eka mmeh tdnu fdn asecivre sylppu soh wesoh ttah tseriuqe rt i,lufsseccu se bo tgnio gs inoitanirmeteD-fl efSI atuohti W.meh tevre syeh tya weh tdn aseitilibasi dhti wsnosre ptuob aknih tyeh tya weh thto bn isegnah cniatrec gninimreted-fle semoce bo tseitilibasi dhti wsnosre ptroppu sylur tna cyhposolih po n,metsy secivre seh tn itfihs :tfi htss ummets yes h,tnepp a ohntoitanimreteD-f l r eroSefd r no.Islaudividni nyill ugfnitapicitr ampo rmfe httneve rtpa hstnoitatim iglniv a shsaeitilibas ihdt iswnosr egpnie emso r•F rie h otettubirtn o ocsteitili bda n,ashtgner t,sstnel aytn aemv aoh hswnezit ieclbaul a svmae hgtnie e osetfil .seitinummoc dn asthgi rhti wslaudividn is ameh tgniee so tstneipice recivre ss aseitilibasi dhti wsnosre pgniee smo r•F .stnemeltitne .secivre sdetcerid-nosre pgnitroppu so tsecivre sdellortnoc-ycneg agnidivor pmo r•F .lortn olcaudivid n oistecruos elraicnan i ffloortn oyccne gda ncaimets ymso r•F .tnemrewopm eo tlortno cmor •F A LANFITHOUGHT uoy–gnivi le bt’ndluo wuo ytu b,evil ae bthgi muo y,t ituohti W.tuob all saeif itla h swnioitanimreteD-fleS“ s&dn a nS”I,sthguo hdT nsaecneirep x yE:Mtsu rdT nnaoitanimreteD-fle S,“ydenn e.K M”(gnitsi x eetbs udjluow n, a199 p6, eSpf. i48eL). hstsor cnAoitanimreteD-f l,eSreyemheW setaico sfsf Aa,tnSi wyi edr&LeonL nleeKa h dcyeibrMaperP eht htiw tcartnocbus a hguorht ,ytisrevinU esucaryS ,noitacudE fo loohcS ,yciloP namuH no retneC eht yb trap ni detroppus saw teehs tcaf siht fo noitaraperp ehT dna noitacudE laicepS fo eciffO ,noitacudE fo tnemtrapeD .S.U eht yb detroppus ,atosenniM fo ytisrevinU ,gniviL ytinummoC no retneC gniniarT dna hcraeseR lanoitaN eht yb trap ni dna ,740089B331H .oN tcartnoC hguorht ,)RRDIN( hcraeseR noitatilibaheR dna ytilibasiD no etutitsnI lanoitaN ,secivreS evitatilibaheR fo tnemtrapeD .S.U eht hguorht ,ytisrevinU esucaryS ,noitacudE fo loohcS ,yciloP namuH no retneC ,eciohC dna gniviL detroppuS no retneC ecruoseR .oN tcartnoC hguorht ,)RRDIN( hcraeseR noitatilibaheR dna ytilibasiD no etutitsnI lanoitaN ,secivreS evitatilibaheR dna noitacudE laicepS fo eciffO ,noitacudE dna RRDIN fo noitisop laiciffo eht tneserper ylirassecen ton od eseht ,revewoh ;snoinipo rieht sserpxe ot degaruocne era retneC eht fo H1s3r3eA9b9m0e00M1. .derrefni eb dluohs tnemesrodne on