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ERIC ED498508: ERCMExpress. Volume 3, Issue 5 PDF

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Preview ERIC ED498508: ERCMExpress. Volume 3, Issue 5

U.S. Department of Education Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance Center ERCME xpress EEmmeerrggeennccyy RReessppoonnssee aanndd CCrriissiiss MMaannaaggeemmeenntt TTAA CCeenntteerr Volume 3, Issue 5, 2007 EmErgEncy managEmEnt in nontraditional School SEttingS Many nontraditional schools across the United States, such as storefront schools, rural schools, and alternative education facilities, face challenges in creating and implementing comprehensive emergency management plans. Some of these challenges are limited resources, geographic location of the school, a local belief that emergencies will not happen, and a perception of being overlooked by the community because they reside within the juvenile justice system. the schools are not viewed as a traditional school Equally important, the potential for emergencies setting. For most people, the label “traditional to impact nontraditional schools is as great as it school” conjures images of a brick and mortar is in conventional education settings. In some building, a conventional daily school schedule, cases, due to geographic locations resulting in mainstream students, public funding and oversight, longer response time by emergency services, and an urban or midsize town setting. the unique medical and communication needs of some students with disabilities, and the The face of education has changed significantly independent nature of many nontraditional in recent years. Virtual classrooms, schools schools, the impact of an emergency in these within correctional facilities, classrooms and schools may be far greater. independent schools located within business buildings, home schools, districts with Nontraditional schools often benefit from significant populations of non-English speaking having highly engaged parents, a strong sense students, schools for students with special of connection between the school and the needs, alternative schools, charter schools, and community, and a history of independence that magnet education programs all challenge the can be effectively channeled toward safety notion of what “school” means. initiatives. In many nontraditional school settings, parents have higher expectations All students have a right to a safe and supportive regarding the safety of their children. In some learning environment. School safety and cases, their children live 24 hours a day on the emergency management are issues that must school campus, or the school represents a safe be prioritized regardless of whether a school haven from the dangers of crime- and gang- is viewed as traditional or not. Similarly, infested neighborhoods. For many others, the all students have the right to equal access to decision to place their child in a nontraditional learning facilities, regardless of their ability, setting is heavily driven by the perception their geographic location, the education choices that such schools are safer than conventional their parents have made for them, or whether education settings. Similarities Between traditional and nontraditional School Settings Regardless of the differences in locations or student populations, all schools need to take an “all-hazards” approach to emergency management planning by: ƒ Conducting regular drills and exercises; ƒ Overcoming the challenges of engaging and communicating with parents regarding emergency procedures; and ƒ Reaching out to local emergency achievement or school climate to reach within a service providers. three-to-five year period. Many charter school In many regards, there are more similarities administrators use the safety mandates required than differences in school safety and of traditional schools for guiding, and sometimes emergency management issues between exceeding, expectations for emergency planning, traditional and nontraditional schools: limited conducting required drills, and carrying out funding, logistical challenges of parent- vulnerability assessments. Todd Ziebarth, senior student reunification, the need to develop policy analyst of the National Alliance for Public effective partnerships, and having the ultimate Charter Schools, points out that such schools responsibility for providing student care. typically receive between 75 and 85 percent of the funding conventional schools receive. Unique considerations for Similarly, they receive no direct support for different types of nontraditional facilities maintenance, nor do they have bonding School Settings capabilities. As a result, charter schools must use a greater percentage of their operational budget Charter Schools and innovative funding strategies to address hazard mitigation efforts. Charter schools should: Most charter schools are held to the same safety expectations by their governing boards as by ƒ Put particular emphasis on communicating those in traditional schools.1 Charter schools about and celebrating any school safety and often benefit from higher staff-to-student ratios emergency management issues with parents and affiliations with foundations and private because perceptions of enhanced safety are donors who value early intervention and often one of the primary reasons parents prevention programs. These schools typically enroll their children in charter schools. have specific benchmarks for academic ƒ Develop resource-sharing Mutual Aid 1 Amy Stuart, et al, Beyond the Rhetoric of Charter School Agreements with public school districts. Reform: A Study of Ten California School Districts (Los Angeles: UCLA Charter School Study, 1998). 2 ƒ Recognize that typically there is no central Moreover, many rural areas are also coordinating office, such as a public school experiencing a net migration loss to urban areas, district office, and thus they must operate further constraining already tight education more independently and may have a difficult budgets largely dependent on the local tax base time engaging emergency response agencies and daily enrollment figures. in preparedness exercises. Many rural communities are resistant to ƒ Ensure infectious disease surveillance adopting national- or state-level safety protocols procedures are coordinated with the city or mandates viewed as originally created with and/or county public health department, as urban concerns in mind. Putting a local twist well as with neighboring schools. on such initiatives and thinking not in terms of homeland security, but rather hometown Rural Schools safety, may create a subtle but important shift in perception. For those schools that do have Rural schools often represent the single most emergency plans in place, many can best be important community resource. Almost described as “15-minute” plans because they are all segments of the local population have a adopted from larger, more established districts personal connection to the school whether by that benefit from much shorter emergency employment, enrollment of family members, response times. Chris Utzinger of the Montana or attendance of events held on campus. In Safe Schools Center believes that “at the most essence, the school is the community, and any basic level, emergency management teams in emergency in the facility has broad and, in rural schools must plan around the question: In many cases, profound long-term impacts on the what amount of time can we receive what level emotional well-being of all its members. of assistance?” Denying the potential for school emergencies is Engaging rural emergency service agencies often the most significant hurdle to overcome to participate in exercises and drills, and to in rural communities. While not often help design and customize school emergency acknowledged as such, denial is often more of management plans can be challenging because: an issue than is a lack of resources. In rural areas, a common core belief is that communities ƒ Volunteers staff many emergency services in are safe and immune to acts of violence and rural areas and often cannot leave their paying large-scale disasters. School boards typically jobs to engage in planning with schools; and reflect local values and reinforce this core belief, making it difficult for school officials to ƒ Many rural police and fire departments have politically and financially prioritize emergency only a handful of staff, who are obligated to management initiatives. Compounding this cover vast geographic areas. fact is that in many cases, federal and state Another concern for rural schools is that it funding for such initiatives is being increasingly is common for significant percentages of the prioritized toward urban jurisdictions that are responding agency personnel to have children perceived to have higher levels of vulnerability. enrolled in the very schools to which they 3 are responding, and many of them may feel and while rates of gang activity in such constrained by their emotional proximity to the communities have been declining in the school population. past 10 years, rates in some small towns are increasing.2 This is particularly true Strategies rural schools may consider in on almost 25 percent of American Indian designing, implementing, and sustaining Reservations, most of them very rural.3 emergency management efforts include: The rise is also seen in communities with increased methamphetamine usage and ƒ Designating an individual to champion production, and in rural areas surrounding the cause. Responsibility for emergency urban cities where gang migration is management planning often is delegated to occurring due, in part, to urban law one person at the district level, typically the enforcement initiatives.4 In the prevention- director of student services or the assistant mitigation phase, schools with emerging superintendent, who may have difficulty concerns should initiate anti-gang and implementing policies at the building level. graffiti removal programs. Similarly, they It is critical to find individuals who will should work with law enforcement agencies champion the cause at the building level to determine the level of school vulnerability because a mere assignment from the district due to such activity and then develop superintendent may not be enough to cause response and reporting procedures in the momentum. This building designee should preparedness phase. Finally, as with any oversee implementing and practicing the plan, school, it is important to consider whether as well as training building staff on the plan. off-site evacuation locations and routes cross ƒ Considering the needs of parents with gang-controlled territory, particularly if limited English proficiency. Some there are active members of opposing gangs communities in rural areas tend to have within the school. large portions of migrant workers with ƒ Creating mechanisms to channel community limited or no English proficiency. School support. Rural communities may have safety officials need to ensure key an inherent sense of interdependence in materials are translated and should develop responding to emergencies, and mobilizing this communication procedures to reach parents commitment in the prevention-mitigation and through employers and/or ensure pre- approval of students being released to other 2 Arlen Egley and Christina Ritz, “Highlights of the authorized, supervising adults. 2004 National Youth Gang Survey,” OJJDP Fact Sheet. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice ƒ Taking gang activity into account. Some Programs (April 2006). rural communities may have significant 3 Aline K. Major, Arlen Egley, James C. Howell, Barbara gang activity because the isolated Mendenhall, and Troy Armstrong, “Youth Gangs in Indian Country,” Juvenile Justice Bulletin. U.S. geographic location may be on major drug Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs trafficking and production routes. While (March 2004). not commonly thought of as a rural issue, 4 Ralph Weisheit and L. Edward Wells, “Youth Gangs in Rural America,” NIJ Journal 251(2004). 4 preparedness phases is critical to preventing and recovery. Many community members may disorganization in community assistance view students in alternative schools as threats during the response and recovery phases. to the integrity and safety of the community, particularly when such schools have significant ƒ Developing multi-district Memorandums of percentages of adjudicated youths. For Understanding. Resources may be limited example, a critical step in school emergency in the event of a crisis; rural schools should management planning involves developing create multi-district mutual aid agreements Mutual Aid Agreements with community or Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) to partners such as community centers, businesses, share resources, including support staff, in and faith-based institutions for off-site the event of a localized emergency. evacuation locations and the provision of food and supplies. Many partners may be reluctant Alternative Schools to work with alternative schools that enroll For many students, enrollment in an alternative students who may be perceived as dangerous. school is an alternative to expulsion or Transportation, evacuation, and release incarceration, and, if not successful, they may procedures may be particularly challenging face a series of consequences. In an alternative for those students who may attend schools in education setting, students’ activities must be gang territories, may not have adults at home, structured, monitored, purposeful, and safe. have child care issues, or who are highly Many urban alternative schools for students independent based on their life circumstances. with behavior disorders are spread across Whenever possible, these procedures should multiple neighborhoods, gang territories, and be addressed in collaboration with parents jurisdictional boundaries. They often operate and legal guardians. As in traditional school with only a handful of staff, sometimes no more settings, some parents of students in alternative than one or two teachers. In this sense, the level schools are highly engaged in their child’s of independence that may be required in an emergency setting is not unlike that in many rural schools. A critical distinction, however, is that while such urban schools may have significantly higher numbers of at-risk students for which close monitoring is mandated, and while such schools may operate similarly in particularly dangerous neighborhoods, the response time of emergency services is typically only a fraction of what would be encountered in rural schools. Dissolving misconceptions in the community is an important step during each of the four phases of emergency management for schools: prevention-mitigation, preparedness, response, 5 academic achievement and in the school’s safety be very proactively engaged with students in procedures. Others will rarely participate. The alternative schools. intake procedure provides a key opportunity for Additional strategies alternative schools may schools to communicate with parents regarding use for designing, implementing, and sustaining release procedures and the school’s emergency emergency management plans include the management plan. following: Developing and sustaining meaningful, ƒ Create a community outreach plan trusting connections between students and that includes activities such as park teachers is one of the hallmarks of an effective beautification projects, public murals, music education institution. This is particularly festivals, and service learning projects with true in alternative schools when teachers may community groups and prominent public represent one of the few positive role models figures to counter the negative impressions for the students. One key to establishing such some may have of the students. relationships, according to Joseph Powers of the Orange County Department of Education in ƒ Channel students’ risk-taking behavior California, is: “Meeting the students where they into leadership roles that may be seen as are at [in terms of their life circumstances], then supportive during the response phase. taking them where you need them to be.” Ensure that such positions are clearly visible (e.g., wearing hats, vests.) to other students, Close working relationships with law businesses, and the public. enforcement agencies that serve to enhance ƒ Establish realistic protocols, reviewed by emergency management planning in alternative legal counsel, for relinquishing control schools is possible because many students’ of students in emergency situations when attendance and academic progress are closely parents do not reunite with their children in monitored by parole officers or other legally the designated time frame. appointed case managers. Similarly, alternative schools for students with behavior problems can Storefront Schools provide a critical window into the community from the perspective of law enforcement. According to JoAnn Allen, coordinator of student support services at the Santa Cruz Teachers in alternative schools continually (California) County Office of Education, monitor the behavior of students who live storefront schools—typically one- to two-room in dangerous neighborhoods or who may be schools that meet in storefront space in area current or former gang members. This constant business centers—because of their proximity monitoring, combined with a close, trusting to public spaces, may be impacted by many student-teacher relationship, may help provide more variables beyond their control than a critical information to first responders and other traditional, stand-alone school would be. For professionals to proactively address impending example, Allen asked, “If a neighboring bank community violence. Additionally, many or liquor store is robbed, will the adjacent law enforcement agencies, particularly those school be immediately notified to engage involved in community policing, are willing to 6 lockdown procedures?” If the school has a clothing, additional first aid supplies and medical emergency or a violent incident occurs, communication devices to augment what the is there a protocol for building- or district-level school may have. staff to immediately notify surrounding stores? ƒ Create student projects that benefit While traditional schools face similar issues, the neighboring businesses and raise public frequency, magnitude, and immediate impact of awareness of the school, and ensure staff are such events are likely to be greater in storefront active members of the business community schools. Many storefront schools operate with to enhance program visibility. only one or two staff members, who must be ready ƒ Develop prominent signage to clearly identify to perform multiple emergency response activities the school for emergency responders. and operate independently for an extended period of time in the event of a large scale disaster. ƒ Develop emergency procedures in collaboration with neighboring businesses Strategies storefront schools may use for and mall security personnel and utilize these designing, implementing, and sustaining personnel as a resource if possible. emergency management procedures include ƒ Ensure backup communication the following: systems with the district office that ƒ Conduct emergency drills and exercises with do not rely on the leasing businesses’ neighboring businesses, first responders, telecommunications infrastructure. and the students. These events should be State- and Regionally Supported Schools for conducted during periods that minimize Special Needs Students down time so as to reduce potential lost revenues for the businesses. Another nontraditional educational environment ƒ Ensure that school entrances and exits that may present unique safety and emergency take into account the needs of neighboring management concerns are schools for deaf and businesses and that the school’s response blind students. Teachers and administrators plans include off-site evacuations. of these schools view their facilities as simply ƒ Recognize that during a large-scale another placement option for students with disaster, storefront schools may not receive sensory impairments, and indeed, many assistance from emergency responders in of these students complete a great deal of a timely fashion. The creation of district their coursework in conventional, and often mobile emergency response units should neighboring, schools. be considered. These units should be Often parents of students in these facilities are pre-supplied and quickly deployed by highly engaged with the school and, as partners, district administrators. These units can be can support the school in developing emergency quickly deployed using a school district procedures, fundraising for additional vehicle and, in addition to the involvement emergency management supplies and/or of staff trained in first aid and/or mental mitigation activities, and serving as information health recovery, may include 72-hour kits, liaisons to the surrounding community. food, water, warm and/or storm resistant 7 Many schools for deaf and blind students also ƒ Work with public safety to place sidewalks serve as residential facilities; therefore, the with curb cuts and tactile warning strips, and emergency management plans must develop Braille signage at critical junctions, and to response procedures for incidents during late establish accessible shelters. hours, when staffing levels are lower. Diane ƒ Ensure adequate resources such as backup Moog, principal of the Montana School for Deaf supplies of medicines, hearing aids and and Blind, reminds that if off-site evacuations batteries, and food for guide dogs. or extended closings of the school occur, the ƒ Maintain ongoing hazard assessments, given school must have contingency plans for parent that many facilities for deaf and blind students reunification and/or student release when families are outdated or are being used for purposes for may live across state or several hours away. which they were not originally designed. Administrators and staff of these schools should ƒ Utilize students in conducting assessments. work with partners to develop strategies such as ƒ Plan for securing confidential student the following: records during extended emergencies. ƒ Provide training to emergency responders Virtual Classrooms and other agencies about communicating with students who have visual, hearing, and Most of the school safety concerns associated mobility impairments. with emergency management in traditional ƒ Ensure that emergency notification systems schools are not relevant with regard to virtual and alarms are designed for both visual and classrooms. However, it is important that auditory signals. administrators of such programs ensure ƒ Involve service providers such as off-site backups of critical student records, occupational, physical and speech therapists, communicate any district-wide emergency audiologists, and interpreters in drills and tabletop exercises so they may share their expertise and knowledge. ƒ Utilize electronic variable messaging boards, short message systems (SMS) and/or TTY/ TTD technologies to communicate with students and staff during evacuations. ƒ Identify both primary and alternative evacuation routes with full accessibility. ƒ Post signs to alert motorists in the environment around the school of students’ hearing and vision impairments. 8 response policies or response actions to Emergency management students of virtual classroom programs and their considerations that apply to all parents, and ensure that they have continuity nontraditional Schools of operations plans in the event of extended Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment network or other infrastructure disruptions. As is the case in any school emergency Home Schools management planning, conducting hazard and vulnerability assessments is a critical component Home school parents and teachers are required of the prevention and mitigation phase. This by law to learn fire safety and other emergency process serves as the occasion for many preparedness skills. While it is unrealistic schools to make their first connections with to expect significant levels of collaboration city and county disaster and emergency service with emergency response agencies in the officials. In the case of rural schools, the development of site-specific safety and likelihood of severe weather events that damage emergency response plans, it is incumbent on school infrastructure, complicate parent- home schoolers to stay informed of the latest student reunification, and create exceptionally recommendations for keeping students safe. hazardous transportation and communication Suggestions include: issues for school bus services is high, and thus ƒ Contacting county disaster and emergency the needs will be significant as well. service offices to learn of vulnerability Similarly, in the case of many alternative assessments that have been completed or schools in urban settings and storefront unique hazards relevant to the home school; schools, assessments must take into ƒ Conducting hazard assessments with age- account hazards these schools face given appropriate students; their immediate proximity to high-crime ƒ Developing family emergency preparedness neighborhoods and adjacent businesses such plans and emergency kits; as banks, liquor stores, industrial sites, and vacant warehouses. Ongoing communication ƒ Educating students about Internet safety, and frank, regularly scheduled discussions securing network access, and installing with business owners and county officials are filter software; critical if school emergency management plans ƒ Giving students critical emergency are to realistically reflect unique risks. This contact information; latter point is particularly important because ƒ Ensuring communication plans with many business owners are often reluctant to neighbors and out-of-county friends and share such sensitive information. family members; and Finally, the value of having students themselves ƒ Staying informed of public health trained to conduct limited vulnerability and information and alerts on infectious disease. hazard assessments cannot be overstated. 9 Students typically feel empowered and valued in reaching out to neighboring businesses, when involved in such projects, particularly engaging parents in drills and exercises, and when they are allowed to present their findings ensuring their place at the table with business to school administration and school boards. advisory groups, chambers of commerce, and Such presentations can garner positive media local emergency planning councils. attention and public support, and often motivate Aligning emergency plans with the National the freeing of resources for hazard mitigation Incident Management System (NIMS) and initiatives that otherwise may not have been Incident Command System (ICS) approved. When allowed, students can often be the greatest advocates for school safety. Among its many other benefits, implementation of the NIMS’ ICS can help rural schools Collaborating with community partners maintain critical emergency management Building and maintaining relationships with functions for an extended period of time as they key stakeholders represents one of the most wait for emergency services to arrive. As one vital steps in the emergency management high school principal in a rural Montana school cycle. Like the cycle itself, this process has observed, ICS allowed him to manage what is ongoing and requires constant attention. would otherwise have been an overwhelming This is particularly true in the case of number of responsibilities and decisions while nontraditional schools, which must be adept at police, fire, and EMS were en route. Once such leveraging any additional community support services arrive, they are often short-handed they can. Such schools, which be overlooked to deal with the number of students and staff in community planning efforts, and their small impacted by the emergency and thus are more populations may mean they are less likely than willing to operate in a unified command to receive immediate services in the event structure with school officials. of a large-scale disaster. It is particularly As is the case in any school, students can be incumbent on safety teams and school very effectively utilized in ICS-supportive roles, administrators to take a very proactive stance such as scribes who, under the direction of the incident commander, complete incident action plans; spotters who direct emergency services; runners who relay messages and serve as parent and student escorts during the reunification process; those who advise in planning and logistics considerations, assist with student accountability, and perform limited first-aid roles—provided that they have received formal training and that the implications of performing such roles have been considered by the school’s legal counsel. 10

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