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ERIC ED498471: Parent Involvement in Early Intervening and Responsiveness to Invention (RTI). A Primer for Parents PDF

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Preview ERIC ED498471: Parent Involvement in Early Intervening and Responsiveness to Invention (RTI). A Primer for Parents

PPaarreenntt IInnvvoollvveemmeenntt iinn EEaarrllyy IInntteerrvveenniinngg aanndd RReessppoonnssiivveenneessss ttoo IInntteerrvveennttiioonn ((RRttII)) AA PPrriimmeerr ffoorr PPaarreennttss 22000077 8 1 CCoonncclluussiioonn IInnttrroodduuccttiioonn This primer has been a brief introduction to the IInn 22000044,, tthhee IInnddiivviidduuaallss wwiitthh DDiissaabbiilliittiieess new process of early intervention and response EEdduuccaattiioonn AAcctt ((IIDDEEAA)) wwaass rreevviisseedd aanndd to intervention. Don’t be overwhelmed; this is uuppddaatteedd.. IIDDEEAA iiss tthhee ffeeddeerraall llaaww tthhaatt ddeeffiinneess new for educators as well. If you have further aanndd eexxppllaaiinnss ssppeecciiaall eedduuccaattiioonn iinn tthhiiss ccoouunnttrryy.. questions, ask your school principal for additional information or call/e-mail the TThheerree aarree ttwwoo eemmeerrggiinngg iissssuueess iinn tthhee llaaww tthhaatt Parent Training and Information Center in yyoouu mmiigghhtt hheeaarr aatt IIEEPP mmeeeettiinnggss aanndd iinn yyoouurr your State. ccoonnvveerrssaattiioonnss wwiitthh sscchhooooll ssttaaffff:: EEaarrllyy IInntteerrvveenniinngg aanndd RReessppoonnssiivveenneessss ttoo Remember, early intervention and RtI are good IInntteerrvveennttiioonn.. for your child. Every child receives assistance at one or more levels. It encourages a proactive TThhee ffooccuuss ffoorr tthhiiss pprriimmeerr iiss ttoo eexxppllaaiinn rather than reactive approach to solving RReessppoonnssiivveenneessss ttoo IInntteerrvveennttiioonn ((RRttII)) aanndd EEaarrllyy academic and behavioral problems. IInntteerrvveenniinngg SSeerrvviicceess aass tthheeyy ppeerrttaaiinn ttoo ppaarreennttss aanndd cchhiillddrreenn wwhhoo aarree ““aatt rriisskk”” ffoorr aaccaaddeemmiicc aanndd bbeehhaavviioorraall pprroobblleemmss.. TThhiiss bbrroocchhuurree eexxppllaaiinnss tthheessee iimmppoorrttaanntt cchhaannggeess ttoo ssppeecciiaall eedduuccaattiioonn llaaww aanndd hhooww ppaarreennttss sshhoouulldd bbee iinnvvoollvveedd iinn eeaacchh pprroocceessss.. CCeerrttaaiinn aassppeeccttss ooff eeaacchh iissssuuee aarree ddeeffiinneedd aanndd eexxppllaaiinneedd iinn ccuurrrreenntt llaaww aanndd rreegguullaattiioonnss wwhhiillee ootthheerr ppaarrttss aarree ssttiillll vvaagguuee.. G:\TA Files\Regional\R-17 RTI\R-17 Documentation\Parent Involvement in Early Intervening JC ls 07.doc 2 7 WWhhaatt aarree EEaarrllyy WWhhaatt iiss mmyy iinnvvoollvveemmeenntt iinn IInntteerrvveenniinngg SSeerrvviicceess?? TTiieerr 33?? OOnnee mmaajjoorr cchhaannggee iinn tthhee llaaww iiss tthhee eemmpphhaassiiss If attempts are unsuccessful in Tiers 1 or 2, it is oonn eeaarrllyy iinntteerrvveenniinngg sseerrvviicceess ffoorr cchhiillddrreenn wwhhoo sometimes necessary to make a aarree ““aatt rriisskk”” ffoorr aaccaaddeemmiicc aanndd//oorr bbeehhaavviioorraall referral for an assessment. This pprroobblleemmss.. TThhee iiddeeaa iiss ttoo iinntteerrvveennee eeaarrllyy wwiitthh assessment will determine if your eevviiddeennccee--bbaasseedd ssttrraatteeggiieess bbeeffoorree aa cchhiilldd ffaaiillss child has a disability and needs aanndd bbeeccoommeess ssoo ffaarr bbeehhiinndd tthhaatt special education—specially tthheeyy rreeqquuiirree ssppeecciiaall eedduuccaattiioonn.. designed instruction for an eligible student. This is a very HHooww aarree eeaarrllyy formal process, and parent iinntteerrvveennttiioonn aanndd RRttII involvement issues have been well defined. Parent involvement includes, but is not limited rreellaatteedd?? to, these activities: TThhee iiddeeaa iiss ttoo iinntteerrvveennee eeaarrllyy wwhheenn aa ssttuuddeenntt • Your consent is required for the school sshhoowwss ssiiggnnss ooff aaccaaddeemmiicc aanndd//oorr bbeehhaavviioorraall to evaluate or implement special pprroobblleemmss.. RRttII iiss aa ffrraammeewwoorrkk oorr pprroocceessss services. sscchhoooollss uussee ttoo ddeelliivveerr tthheessee sseerrvviicceess.. • The school must notify you if they propose to change or not change your WWhhaatt iiss RReessppoonnssiivveenneessss ttoo child’s eligibility, services, or placement. IInntteerrvveennttiioonn ((RRttII))?? • Actively participate in all Individualized Education Program (IEP) RReessppoonnssiivveenneessss ttoo IInntteerrvveennttiioonn iiss bbaasseedd oonn tthhee meetings. ccoonncceepptt ooff pprroovviiddiinngg eevviiddeennccee--bbaasseedd •• The special education Parent Rights iinnssttrruuccttiioonnaall aanndd bbeehhaavviioorraall ssttrraatteeggiieess bbyy brochure will explain your involvement hhiigghhllyy qquuaalliiffiieedd ssttaaffff tthhaatt iiss mmaattcchheedd ttoo ssttuuddeenntt and rights in special education. nneeeeddss aanndd mmoonniittoorreedd oonn aa ffrreeqquueenntt bbaassiiss.. TThhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ggaatthheerreedd bbyy tthhiiss aapppprrooaacchh iiss uusseedd ttoo mmaakkee ddeecciissiioonnss rreeggaarrddiinngg tthhee ssttuuddeenntt’’ss eedduuccaattiioonnaall pprrooggrraamm.. 6 3 WWhhaatt iiss tthhee RRttII pprroocceessss?? • Work with your child at home. Most RtI systems are divided into a three-tier • Praise your child for good work and intervention model as illustrated below: discuss issues that are problems. Most Restrictive Special Education WWhhaatt iiss mmyy iinnvvoollvveemmeenntt iinn Intense individual TTiieerr 22?? instruction Tier 3 If your child is struggling academically or Target interventions for behaviorally, it might be necessary for the students school to implement targeted academic and/or Genera l Education experiencing behavioral interventions. In many cases, this academic and/or Tier 2 behavioral will be enough to get your child “back on problems track.” Your involvement could include the following: • Make a referral for your child to the Tier 1 Child Study Team (this process might be called something different in your All students receive quality school). Ask your child’s teacher about instruction from highly qualified staff. (General Education) the referral process. • Ask the school to notify you of team meetings and progress on the intervention. • If necessary, attend team meetings. Least Restrictive The three-tier process is analogous to the • Suggest interventions and strategies. medical model. We might start with practicing • If necessary, implement and reinforce good health with rest, exercise, and a proper strategies at home. diet (Tier 1). At times, we might need a • Reinforce your child as he/she physical exam and special medical improves. interventions (Tier 2). Finally, some of us might need individualized treatment, therapy, or surgery (Tier 3). 4 5 WWhhaatt aarree tthhee ggooaallss ooff eeaarrllyy WWhhaatt aarree ssoommee ooff tthhee nnaammeess iinntteerrvveennttiioonn aanndd RRttII?? ffoorr TTiieerr 22?? • Prevent unnecessary academic failure. • Child Study Team • Implement evidence-based interventions • Teacher Assistance Team for all students. • Schoolwide Support Team • Prevent unnecessary referral for evaluation • Early Intervening Team to special education. • Step 1 • Use prevention rather than • School Assistance Team reaction to student difficulties. • Schoolwide Assistance Team • Increase parent involvement at all three tiers. WWhhaatt iiss mmyy iinnvvoollvveemmeenntt iinn • Encourage teachers to use TTiieerr 11?? evidence-based strategies. Remember, Tier 1 is the general education IIss RRttII tthhee ssaammee iinn aallll sscchhoooollss?? classroom with good instruction and qualified staff. Parents are involved in the following No; RtI might be implemented in different ways: ways depending on the school. Tier 1 is usually • Frequently communicate with the the same—good instruction by qualified staff. teacher. Tier 3 is defined by most schools as special • Attend school functions, such as back- education, so there will be similarities from to-school night and parent- one school to another. Tier 2 can be different teacher conferences. depending on the school. Tier 2 usually • Ask your child about their involves a team of school staff who work school day. together using a problem-solving method. The • Monitor and assist with team helps define in measurable homework assignments. terms the student’s problems, • Support and reinforce the classroom suggests evidence-based teacher. interventions, and monitors the progress of these interventions. • Meet with the teacher if you child starts to experience difficulties.

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