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ERIC ED490682: An Individual's Experience: A Socio-Cultural Critique of Communication Apprehension Research PDF

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Preview ERIC ED490682: An Individual's Experience: A Socio-Cultural Critique of Communication Apprehension Research

56 Tom eth eam em Wl MR Same, PE a An Individual’s Experience: Soclo-Cultural itlque of Communivation Apprehension Research Gordon Aley-Young Commaniction Apprehention (CA) tecture large focares on quantifying und msaciing CA Id Peni phanamena, Lee tention is pod osteine the envied od bahar socst vad fala experince: of srmnaovcstion bara, Vs factors con copie meg aibutons GFA avons sere Popatons or ever lead 20 ection dat ma frac” marsnaice wry tuivadwols, Tis eral ee coneptools what eiwld mean ta experience Cad “Export rol id Soca ests curls pking attra of C aoa euler a Soetal grows This poner cones With suggestion fr jie C4 ispare and edad rote baking et he Cd phenomenon fog re ovided by vial pogo: ey words: crmmmueization apprehension eel podngogy, comsnniceien barn, wert oo8] Communication Apprenion (CA) sarin eiches my ova tang prasive, this Tera pays les eats othe Sagi catch abject, requendy sgt, wd ister fovin und ella expeinee of CA. Mee often rene cust on quem st messing the Ca puomenen, Salying CA thi way cv werk sore ml culate fctrs tht wight Teed to attri f CA, Soci] ond eau factors complicate ening of einuions of C& even diverse popuition orci lead fo exttlins Bat om pales prea cual ed wos) sroope Ths casoy segues bat clara roi erertaons can comma making teihions uf CA pd fers uppetions for frre gin a acing parce by ooking the (2d phonomenoe hr use provided hy erical pease. Clarifying Communication Apprchension ecCuoshey's (1977) delnican teat cel it CA researc LJ ett dh CA dence au individ’ level feta anxely associaed ih ether rel o1 pied eommoniexion ‘pith ancien paren persoas (MC tose, LTT, p78) Ths dofinton is sign Fist Weenie i Fro Requony ed ia eecntally dete CA and boca i defines th C8 pbewsmenen 3 20 inaividia's experience, The Yost amguee of research Joke CA ast @ the oomsem of C4 Tam Fs Neos mi refi of Spt nm tng Coma Cig te Grae pm fh tet seach rer tc epee aed masta eacca See hn ede fpr fe mh at ae nem Cont Rakr wna hart Ses Se Onn ura of SCRESSETIE Woes and sar Ene oman ue Snare acs 8 Cam ‘Teen Coma fo researebers 0 Relp those mevvuale wha experience apprehension 4s a fatto eeerive enon, | eccgire Iie beowaedesple my ctqae oF asprts of and pespeives or. CA esearch | not qunstion the moter if CA scbelas. an med Eying iv eerie hal oul! to a cla sorghisew in conn C4 resea, ‘Selene menses Ike the Personal Repreof Comsuunicaes Apprchensioa PRCA} tr Se iomuniestion Appreiension Measucs (SCAM? eneasute CA Teves, Mikey (1887 bp aces tale PRCA-24 fhe oR pave wesion for mourners appecesin ta = inset scrtse commun:cation valent. The PRC-74 Ins ben domed highly vale sod fcllahe The PREADA bay seis fr cach of four cetsuts (Le. puble speting ad spel jn clusescmwtnes, small gous, and dyads) SCAM, o 20-tem [shure el-ceport menses {C4 in qmvtiular atoations, Rib satned to bave oul velibilicy and good ave vay AMeCrosey. 97 etn nits so sek to wscnon forthe analy, sedance fer, and esto susounditg soununicnooa. Spec asity (yer, 2988: Scary and erate, (985; Behnke {nd Sener, 998) eniin die eorany necmpanying public speeches and canbe defined 283 Sinte dimension ofthe Inrger mivlike phenerseren cf CA. Unwllingness to cam nicate (Boegeou. 1970) cignls an unil.agoes fq! could be compared co tne-ke CA, Reticence Utaten aed Kelly, 2000: Pbalipn, 1997) focuses ax behav: thal appear in response to onmoniorice aor. language xing is mscertet Wid) ESL indivi” ice and al Coranur sits (Ching, Herre, amt Selle, 1990) Shyness (Zimurda, 1977) islades Dee Sho opt for sable sv we’! ne loking the confidence ox sels tor eoxsruiating. tn Aiginon, CA nes lea hn adepod othe sual of IncreltunDinwzehoiewrphension (CA) ltcetep and MCioskey 1999), e-fnan elaarcuapyreveson (inci Pelias acl Mes, TRA: Polis, 1997), ant vlagsom commun appchnsion (CCA) ox ariel CBuwers = a. 1986; fa ane Roach, 1994; Roweh and Olas. 2001). Kully {1982 compared CA To feicane, unviingns to connate, and sbyoes ol i siolees in reife and for rigger: across thse enacts. ‘Kelly (1982) shouldbe ull for asgng revarccs lo eastew academis politic ww insegrte research eer anal ster understin!conmunicasion barers. Vet chete cam be ‘ama (oloeking st sommicai haters fom Beer petpoctves. Ts the ble at the beat of cis eony dat quostina har CA revere eondactt on peounns presumed t be bomogenenns Bane paepertive ingore by eal stadies of pelagegy and difereare |e tat €2 fescuch ols tens tase fr te colt and sail dfrences among CA saber. as tbis can peesibly lad to probleme ataibuer ef CA. ell oe a tar co esprit of he ‘ginal tednition of CA by revs ie conoept of CA ax ae capri of the lias ater ‘Communication Appeehension nd Cattare “Ms citiqu eon one ht desta tthe qian oscar rao. Te gouty sn acccoibity a akeweayp poms He te PRCA 2 have va dob asi hte widespread poovlinvatun ef CA ts 8 constr “Thiy type of quantinlve research inca CA cam lead fereusbors fo over clu! and eal aflenenee, When we rseareh i Bs way thre is endeocy os tlie sobjet popula singareulual unis wn Di ave natu of Sry else is much more varied, the igus Unis eullewgesfocd by margin ea Sand social groups we Ins) wher CA roseuch eile USeammsicen sublet popustions 25 & Iromogeaous alr. Yet he USeAmercun expricne i heaty ial hy ne's cane ard shen crewtance, Could tee fac ala eon ane t increase ution oF apprecaion ‘shes apprehenion cay mayo bee coming fate? eCrosker, Payer ud Risenond (L945) shed the effect tet eolcre and Enya Janquuge prfisiensy a have on CA whet fhey ceased Puerto Rin ane ancinlond- pin “Ameren waives poplin. This tty is esestng su me for enue of reasons Ft, te “Arpt anow now meng ESL speakers canuouviat in Logls with ie lib epeskers SROGATE spmecnsion, Secon, the saly implies that the mninkind-US oolione 5 oF Far cacaous br Pueniy Rico, Previous nudes of CA speak oF US onpalans text wi peter CA chametrisics, tuwever aot ofieooting « US-Ameriews populticn ro ts aanre pet co-alees om ebscate the highs? Gndinge of CA made umingst ng OUP ‘itn Ne DBA. Thenlp and MeCreioy (1997) we US-Amecicass to een reuluma id netic commurinatio oppechnaion reeset andy a spel the culm] groups eesti et Shay ts The tsrotoeat paves qietios to subjects That eve he neabing ef tenn euliare seahnca ows cutee nude te varity of eller! Rackpyomds wched inthe snipe of LS ‘Rineican callege cudoat wl i ture hee weerecing any core tat exists ove the REED oulge 20d ym (1998) in sfgng itercatial comomtienian zpprebersion OCA) Counplusty define the warble culate By spectVing sepae subject groups of US- American seevcig’ladeurs apd enernatooal ershange sidens- Dads coopstd of one US Aeperions pcan, and one cechange een! conmiuted wy SvvcuRicabenchugo fx i vesara This each devin petoieges the neing pol sunccpion othe Acero ela Perna both ‘Roget eine mening for outside and piilegee US-Aerian ntcnaiy cafe « Eighioc cue upon te evens. ‘ork cca theony eblleoge ti wador bait rch etinptionsNekayatna nd Rreek (1975) arp Ost sazetng 2 homogenous eultie re ets “Thue potge Reese hs vctoriel ve cides non-white co-srsl oups were abel of Us-anricn Tan ancunpron ofthe US 23 « herwogstoo calc epeine! which extol hers ae cmpaued esenched and tudor: hav ip ehencerzed inerclral cormowiesin researc Mortin amt frevia ODL} mute Ua eince Oe malo est ivestigenns So xlercukats Nanmmoiieeion weve white, middleclass US-Amricans the convention of sidying extore Decorated lovking gutwerd Tho remit sie eros-cutral comparisons of eommumiation here het chen comparing US popecns mt Asin pogetons ‘Such eronecufral compat oi ace reflcta io the alerted wk af we ws i ho fons of Ein. Soni, tetons aod Metanaggh € 1982) who contox Korean wal S-Anerisin peteepions a rctiones, Soar? Kopf unk Camber (1979) concragt CA ‘eves in Auta Tana and Kara wid levee found ip Avrse, teresting Kopf aul Cambs (3979) question the Ameicnanaye oftheir US-Aameican staple Rocanco 62% of los eb ad »Jurase [cei Arrabsined implication of Bis conser oould he Tt a US-Arverian to! po? woud Sot be ao bghly epesentative of # nme eocataral group. Would the reseachors expres: iy came aenceen if ele sect group wax dipeoportonately computed eoiely uf ite Iastieaas ef Euepean dcvoent” Macln,and Devir Q00)) eumedeof sila Seereull fevcirer at American i sypomsris sith kde but acknowledging hi evens Whe pevoge toclted wih ote eiciy ino US Antsnn coe. [wach Ww examige how CA Teach, upon nich imeserined egamations peat US-Amentant. could be making contetae futon FCA amngs! up th ess ose ofthe whe. Carupean US-Amercan bors fteaguage und eine "Fe cov MsCroskey and Richmond {2965}, Rey found ina! Puerto Rican'sudsss erparcd trio U8 Ansecenn snes tad Bull the hgbest and lest eels of CA. Porat crm gave tnemelees low sr}eevaations of lish lege poticienry and ropere higher {CA en spoting ia Engh il peng she Lewes! CA loves em cares when ans sao epeangin tt native Spook Th uly since bore queens than aioe, Wegthe Tow (sone epued hy Poste Rian stent bir ovr guage wnasually ow wees They wore fonayoring ip the Sxriener ef eeoamuncating i xis? Do these speakers mr ee ea ee eee. Dedich Syrevih maldog icles speakihink =v Eoglis? ‘heCroskey aod Richor! (19BS) suggest a situational appreheraion experience by ucciy ican MUGEN conmunizating ip lsh ath naive spenbers. However swheoquce TRoeach sverlools she peteodi of eulze and langoag> ve fasion in apprehension instead Touring on he wonsincoey of fil pprekinsion. Foe fosanee, Jog and Met roskey 2004} Saly Fit cummin expecttod by 1S speakers ting eseneh Tt sugges cee House Consintency of sir like C4, The suse hat eithony od fist ri ceed Lage re Seared he CA agcovited. with. them host Hbely 1 not. This resparch evrploys = Conmunibioges: peedign fp whith cnciremrvect or uation is negated os iflsnce en ‘ntespersona) bchever, Con we expoc: this vela of cowsronibioogical and tat states of Ivers CA. to uly adbeast scope of commmuniaton Yariers that individuals. foe FRtsrourlly? MeCroakey and Richmond (19K) ae come and there a otal ference in Ga feels for nmive ard o-uaivespesters of English whe does tis say enean e those rail in Spenish speaking commie hu eutetn English pena howls Hispanis are the rget US op-elerl g7oup a 38.8 son, rms all of wher Ss Soren ba Ramos a ef Cra, 2002) Yet US gubli edveatin pevides fox mins for ‘Spas ad gn Spanish-English dons wh wid o be ssc! other too WAST he Pouish lnguage, Valnoucl (1999 neater eeaool PSL progrms chanacl stages ito the Tagish maimnean oh Bile soncew fOr preserving wave mpage or elton, This oreotes tracipg sic of lower uleverent wd fewer opporanitic for non-alte Eagshrpeabers [Wwatcrtugl, 199}. liguel edt i conversa. 10 Calforeia, ia 199K vaois passed ‘reposition 227 o lion! Ring Iering and to designate publi echol s Foplih- uy ines congener ce large suaiber of wie vote who aypperied he bil eee tyr 8 HEE fhe cuttt ub ote oon of oscned Wigan asngralva tothe sate. ‘Cauently only 37% of US-Hispndss over 25 2380 aradurel from high schol wale 27% ave 8 ninth prado lower etaton amined and de Ia Cw, 2002). SF MeCremkey aad FRichment’s (1985) findings te agplonble Geo Amerea's prference for Pnelsh lauren: (iovltnn could tems talon of sewing high apprehensive Hispase siden sj. anos <gpene atc of aprehensin when lnggs poficiney tan ase By (Americas do 6 hatter nandurds of Bugis Img poieney tht nat al ia met? Lo adtion ws eodving 2a at chante of ie subest group Lewd be uf 0 xamine how Gu Hague wd tal eon cold hes arc fo comapiiaion, For Aisiesh-Amencan sivdent speaking, marpiclized dialects in standard dole cootexs cn ing incase ria and ato sence then. Delp (1998) res tat tear Comer of blac sales” ona euding nd comennicaion ia avery focused ov perecived Sriblcing with dolect wae. Teucber cn vetion of diaact overtime sence sents Sora Teate wi Krashen {1982 cae an aectie GHr ia te student's mind, The anaen! is 12 {Rink oat secorectbefne enmnmanicrng. The time needed arc: Fcrvection seu este te Supremion of eppeclotsicn oe jwnenet when the eadeot may actually be wing sinlet ‘alone be neces in shi orl ‘pic (1996) arguce at wile whe teashene nay portive Hck des spar et competent te eves cacao, Deli (8) oss cr obs ations of w lek hid re-dng {Cruindrd:Feptiab lac est weiton ia» Black dialect only tae repeteiyconecied hy bin ‘uate taser Dep (1985) hihlighn the Cd's compatooce eons ean textely susie ‘het ino bis rn nlc aad cull epoech pares Se cesnens hat acre © 30 this He Thaer ist have a sooog compreheion of the tandard-Enlish text he isteach: acre! Peele at her loo sods who speck anou-stndnlclalet are apprehensive it a fsicad Foun afcive ster developed bythe student «cope with conta: slant coeston. Ye: tae Uecker queen does ot hive ls undoraand alect Rueny because nce USA shite lest oo ACME tment a aed ds ing he the allt to ast her wr Tague stad df Smee tate tebcber wil rovogvire tha Bt 2th amy reat ws! apecrs 0 We aati fur her sadcts. The LS Depart of Edson (2005) ce Dt ely rtd one of publ seen! achrs ore hank (i, Aliors- Antica, Aa, Riepnic, (ies ice stctlcen) even though over tty percont of stants are nom wo, Unless si 2a ne ce educved mini salen! nie wi coatine to he problematiaed in schools co the ‘atrent of meson stent. ‘Sten Wwe aly eb aon be Tongass tones provided 9 white, Americ ater spate Wwe alg ra he communinton ference that Seo-on nd SeaVian (8981) carte ier ersct aod oliy” Tae dsinetn beets ho rw hat persons #20 7 car ae unite tit eneauingsDrcugPetince on the spcen word sn text while Sahncay eh ilps ray commits By say af the elaienshin WeteenspeuRog mats set emda the weat overompbass ef te “erry sido ods equadon bus speed the ase ite aicot, mute, oe neneemrvahicnive Valve American in Be whit iagmetion ‘oaign ad Seatlony 15821. Jm semua the ADbascun ppultons Hat the Scotian sade! (renee ecvctzdonsucocmnestain ad hagvage Tre ifahascan cline Sow pot Tebuee ee eds Reng, aed int fr Tooper ruse ol cnoes beewsn peer tums. The Cree Shur the Atubmcrn more atone cones! abd offen te impress uf the while ‘Sot Avstona tes hove tv negative obe tht poceted an serly tot india who cles wey ut exchdes oles foro conversations, Dept (1995) silat fo tht axe Aleut Ceara, ten epee to exert tanks fra 1blred them to Tak wheat chembelves of ter Steomphstoeiar were slvced or seadee sacinc hy a Alco arlene sist arsTing fro ‘waite aching public speaking atv anbwesteno rivets 1 encountered a sinslor oawal mimanderseng, The fest clay aevgneat wax a ocokatngy spench reste SKhdoas Wr aure Eber pretest aecomptbreci, The space nuance provide 10 2 By ts Trcic Sabange sine dered thos of De rs oF the class. AI el atthe tutines fled ect foe requiem of ie assignment becanse,xthousk well preyed, the ‘Milentrope abou themselees indretly. The olin were aur fay, enoomsiy, ma o:ly Tangennuliy shout cuselves unged the stents to be move diet wile they were tying 19 (Sven tne Best scumfor m speaking eo conden al so 2erooaly 1 & gro nf wee Doople. subsequent dseusenm wit near roa te save ce soup I ws none ti Ti Pontus ou famsy al comme ight no Pave boey evicive box perhaps were Ut sci gubwee: The souor"s wy mudeots ited about speaking petanaly sso peebyps ‘FEnactet thet Suara! belief that personal fermion showkl be express over “awe as @ Siroosip x esuished. Ala, edad plc apeaing i unenun Sn Japanese education {ira 188; Pity, Kesteo, Sakamoto, sl Kes, L098). Mad the silent ape Front he outlines they ial prepared f might hove idcuiGeH then a8 poor spoaker, possibly fvprebeosive, aud thas weeny sate of my attention at an siucon, Uninrhnanly bey ‘whew fom de clas beFee the speech was de. “tr ewbte wks ny cae raluen posse, drt id vebuly ace coma.) swoule thaws Reon as scssal my tier Canadin av adopt LS contexts nn! 204 Tromed ts coussnmiene individuiaicaly, were, orl confidently it spite of any wtcing (dopraen, a apes tnchers we soureaes forge! Int ota] tue are burn int ove wil boy acc aoeese in xe defined hy Wate, ween modus of comuneion, Kap (2002) ‘es ha Asan cole, co vorying degres, oad members fo espeing te the of the other Ihe ila, the poner iferatn, ou He group. venibectip oer octiog Fvdualy Ve Downs comutaiceion heiviors rp snatepree [the wens imagination ts sobre, ‘Blew, anos pve Hos making Ine soem less ccmpeen. Kam (2002) ote than Agnem Collures nt privilege the prom having High CA und syeakang ks out be imcrpreted ot ving ie sens eres sin th! all iets ee cua Te ey a we Seying oe SSlepel overnite ales ta ane equnty again era tune e Ca averse wi expen oF hse samt pon of cine in ney donated by While, Further. wave, thee eugene = epphense 2 ne pony ta sity of ic: spectra foece tht ee le wl Be on etn al wo al fr this wt a abetive Ger Deda 195: Kener, TE re yee m apehenson could aso be sup vo dite! Asney esate rae onan Suhueqpendy, Taf aggsavons tr pric toe egerente of he mv! mau cA sew, New Dirt scvorat uw inescasd focus er ie det experince at tbe coker a the er gina) gtenion Ca, Hoi equines ping seater tani ode oa) ul ea eens of red se ial leg ow of te dos curses snp: wikia mach prvi a ear sarally sora fis ee» ia wuts that ensonpasiet BS pdt ecoico tj, cues, wl aiden spec Cit x ly ong al cg tne lua aur cura ancumpions wre rected ia co! rosereh. For the CA roa ees bout syeuhl cocommce = scene desire ipruve the pecpls's ISA et cay wile as oroprciog Mo our perceptions of cern campeon ‘havin a orprcherive canbe cally conte ae eee) fo Dis dual pevpectve tae ihuceonk posed Wy Vletzuch> Lusaay opcete wwe ion The frm recsblen edo exces imps peéaang f© ee eee should be ithe world. The coreeplfocues on te roca, oil ae pean) Ae a oe ivadal by way of fay, shel, a te society. Valeneel (199%; p SERRE at educa ian hob on edad 9 mane hosts to Be “Hien eed” veonze, Bees et Taf reeigag rnd conveact One wt 3k edacadeo™ ik poor eee on ee ee tgm provides a pew for learsing in be speech clasnwon 1 len Bear aoe ae Tad ther made en ensso tea ber i ston sSigomet 3, eee dain genta, olennuck 1490) eal ew isptenton, Wht eppesr tebe sree! SAAS rainy’ be eat abit here Tey ou bow crv. When tach a me are shat tehcoliog shed at demons cate ndermice Amst weEsaneD! ear enoat, ac, on san be 1 ipl a0 Teo. cating seep se teoter eases bat ean pride mundo Rr ein. Tne, luoroum rey ees nets lo cae without ecipostng ie ofimy emtidat nei loweartny speed lo L wed ry tent or he clas Mee hanmg thai petal eiompes. Tn return ) alld w see how the aésgmeent wit Eee ec ndivnome atulens: corminieton sgl. Caves jon ould ms Ott ake Fae yo oeubsh 8 eelaoashp with my students tial won llow me © Ten andi eee fatninve cis grone a const im which Uta: an aoe are mesa of & racer etoodve wrnmunicee, eed, (C] oot rue spit of edven oo 1 seid bine SEIS SESS Scent ane tlt osexotp nally aetean uf ehyng 00a Seeger speech taigemer co rrate 9 Gneed seat of comely and shina witha the Fee creates bat mp students ee =ylag ote mec sohero w eeepc aad relasivcctserecm SERS, epoch eden enone ces conmnnicin bus any wi th stents a gt 88 oman from aia, ORjiy.ng sina” ptrpao i hs way wre Teint fate nlkng arritions, He ig apprehension wither wdostning we ees Tete cos Ch fad of the expenence of yeing a indi stoen: walk ber mn st were cece, The stmt srque ood Be rs ef he cevaceer Tho dr to bee be cieuasce at aommontstin ‘the spoensesive inividol has meant tre Besbe v2comes understanding of the CA phcmuwcuoe. However. doo: -ovessoent shculd not create a myopit view OPH petal fe lived experience ofthe india Veal veya ipl by the ea ‘uoe_ja cao provide a basis fa fostering a aoe open academic community cbt provides 3 “goee To seeesehesrepesemiog diverse reench erations to eayaye aml ealsherate wih ome tots the teu, le at ln les Ue vale of epeuin Lot otal nd diseipaary boundaries to rvitalie ew we study cemumincation, Overooking mangled research mies he newt for oieed mad ths bller reach This wlan tala hon] Shoe ede ae of duane CA reacare eh the awareness hat ude afe oot ‘adem bo seo cataal and scl begs, 1 won ky sce ole apo ur ‘eofosted in way spuec elucnon acces preentd ia helenae "Bxplatng eal shoogtaphies af educeon highlighted tho oy own underoncing of the CA phenomenon as pica. Laatste CA Thue he fa of ths lero a a pater okcng top hs lscrune and socig sbension, eaten, 23d apathy. Dept (1853) ind Valeszuels's (18995 etwograpbiee of mice edcaton shouted back a ee fom the tack Tew ina voice fatiguad fons hog labeled, coveted. and admonished for no cling and not bekg compte Ti tacts ey ova moprexpions nd ines We Eg whe Teta to offer since suggerions tor clnsmaer practice intend :o privilege the experience ul hed and to tpelly ramen is callonges ha of teating CA act tnd within lcrasigly diverse populous of studeam, Fit 1 abot motto weat say aradens tevally bt fesis, Testing sent equally 1 the fallacy that Chesebro (1992) pepette ‘ton they age Icichort to tell hei lace that eo all speak inary dalets 28 away to inerase the velcesteen of minority sede. Tis is esgvided and fas to prepare salen Yo rst the challenges of x sie that will peviege “he difrctly, aed Sul tudes! inteigence, 1 ope lowed for fires by acknowledging the Soeguty io soeity cd ving cy Taflusoe tnd prewsns he clas mek toad telaneing hove force, Treat alk ‘tudes equal when hey athe oduct ofan unequal socey nly mass the rs ue ‘hae wy tat ahi by slny mystics cmplete heer signet Re bay clas ia sory of mode. Issogsine tha the writaa erat paper of Hounal spec semen ‘en be 9 fom et pivinase the studeoc wo wees x sondurd aert ad. mar ef Inglis and sho Tas aequiral the ruil ally uf exis logis sd reasoning, Taba recogh2n hat at OS fommouitycolloge whoce cucerd oach thet ay of ay students a earl literacy sls Utrowuh remedial Engsh courses hie hey we sonllanevsly inking ry course. Vor writen ssaigrmtnts Valo abn ur, arti, il, an miles frat 4 allow atadetts “0 emenstat thie suengt. This aac “ecegnizs tat epcoch sndents coms Hem 9 erity oF isepines "The ample ofthe term savigumen! pref ry sev pratce which ix encouraging modo to bo fll in cir acgoritious of conumaiesdon, Legit (LS) nese teching eee To be sefarnble in br tbe eoge language! tion bn alg fring Cx langues file that wll evr they ta sea lager sodily. Za nsec cage T fuovided the opportunities for an student, ab acpting singer, tobe able ts presenta infection sped Hinder clersbeul the vocal agpamts, For aa accor Speech serge be delivered ifaie achieve xan she Grommie ig her Bees RAT arti sig argage and dae that eeected hee aYation Wb, respect foc, aed Vahos of her chosen clue ard wie cenumorite. The speec was 4 mocoss und by giving Her this epporunty she as gole wo Dott scceed ele sting ve fo The natu af the orcavimal peek high iy rt and frome unulerslaruling of the CA pienomenun. Howe vcr, Eat jvestment abonld no} eroace. 4 Tavopic view {FCA or polade the Tivo eapsienss OF te sedi, The mut nga ped ey Hh oa ‘uci ion cm prove # asi fr cterng x ro open acoder coms that proves 3 face fa essuchoseopesetiag dive reatreh Ovnons tn engages cllahrate wit oe tncter onthe opi of CA. Llza watt ses the valu cf egeuieg both eure] and iscipLary hums 1 revi how oe tly cummrniaton. Oveteaigg wimgulsted sear rise fh potocal for maligastod and dis beter rear, x mulled i eed whe se speeh educa oor of quanti CA rence wih the awazcnea thot sudcas er net jus ‘Seale ata eau od sal Isings. Food Uke oe hs hoe wpproeh CA, a ierefectee so many peer edna’ retin representa inthe Heats Taphiring erica sthongrplnce of cdoeaien bighighted tht my o¥m ventunding oF ts €A pishounanoo ae put Tuncestood CA from Ie fot uf the chxeronn a a peer Iooking ot spom hi elseveem ond seving appreheain, feaation, abd apathy: Delpt (1195) soul anaes (1999) chngrhies of ennorityodaton shoved bak one Gm the Race row in 9 vote fig trom being beled, cored, abd admoolsbed Hor not caring sd ot being cnt Ti iran exposed ey O9m misperceptions ond anette ging me the ‘more incase ar eeher and a0 seas Thos lo aller thnce agit for clasroem practice Satna :0 privilege the cxporeae of the ndvidual and o pet eiromven the challenges ha of Loating CA 36065 ta wilhin Increasingly deere populations of vladers, FSI, 1 sboce wat teat ay stndene fully Tat fair. Tratng snsdens equally feo tlloey the Cheer el (1992) pete ‘Phen they urge teobers to tll their sees that we all spk iiaavgy dialects ata way t0 Frosome Uc selctcon of micoclydkots, Thi i wieguied and fils to poepore oven (S tocot the otullengcs of 9 soeiety chat will prilege shan cilfretly, ae Seals een! Inieligenc, | eps inseal or Teens hy ackmolade:ng the Tocquty ty socity aod aving ny intlance end presncr ine elmo te sock tnvardsYelacing hove foes. THcaling lk lense cen hey arth oc i 40 weal ocey ny muse te ea ue ‘Ge say that {do i by aliowing my snidets to spate hee hr siren for any ches aw sre of mes, Uecoynive ha the writen to paper o oval spec ston ‘abe fro ht yivges tha oder bo uace asada caic te gram ef ngs ad ‘va bas aoquzed the required sila of mete loge and meawring 1 alse recogiae that te Community cllege where: corenlly wach Una way of ey students are arias lseraey sis thagh remota) English cours while thoy ae snsitaaeoolyevking my come, For writen fcigoments 1 also aloo oral, artistic vsva. ox mvs trnedia furts Lo allow stadons 1 demonstrate thir strength, Ini vlao reuyniney that speoch eden come fom a vaiey of ‘Fesina “The same ot she tr assigomene prefaces my eave pmtce which i enoorasing talents id ee eget irmmuntaton, Dela (F092) argo eeting roses ‘be eomfauble :n bots thir hetage lnguagsdlet mations bo is fonering Te anguaee ‘ils that sill allow heat co snceeed 1m Langer soeiely. Tn wy peace ele I providod the ‘oppertmitin Ti ome sae, an apieny singer, ab able eo presot an arena speech i ‘andacddtec about che vocal appara, Fa: an occasional speech uiigoer he leiversd @ IWetme aerercot ard st xe Gramaies to er Evorte WA sri ung laygage ad dilet vot reiected her afflinicn vih, eespest fy aed Sahceof hoe heaea eufural end mile “antic, Te specs as sucest mid hy vig Et this opporniy abe was able tn bot sicoted whe Maying tran the nore of te ecensional speech whic iy Fy ad forermct, rented on an expression af sized vali, My ob a2 pres was to secognzo how Fer Myproheseion mig any and erent wade ow woe signet aether dt provide eprint set ad eelbuc, The sradine rvctis cak contribute to aprehensin. Like HinehlitPtis (1992) T provide ungnded sportier for sinfent eomnanicaoa. Tenebers abo need to 1etoous ens" ideas vbor rubte siwaking acest, Receoly | hal saleatcelPideo as highly rrreheneive diaouing fort ot ber Yeshiva high cebool sees wore ween and net beard. Ws ‘Eyotvced te sper resins ad ae a ple to speak by rial reed cosa ilk Ser and demote hr viva id, She eld ll ot ML all of he requiem ae speech Zisipoont and she expres he usvation w moe dome om A speech eas nos ia mesessng ie sborcomog: af her erftmunce bot I vis relacu he atetion op the emus Ut eae fom ter weereoning & peoiovely fnwnabtrable commmicaion hurdle. She conquered er Spprencoscs shy at At ell asthe nd boped, wo Cia war Yeaton enough Sor mesons tition, A teucbere aod dels communication we ll shure inthe mf ising sight ‘Teuton for eannmanicaot' sake“ jf he suken wot Ts is goution "ew Dizections” ether than "Censusions” cane baie ht ts ctgns represents 9 begining el tae. 1-d0 got Boe all ofthe anwar Ds questions duis by tanta. Taese questions reflect my helio ‘at C4 can and shoal expand to bts teow forthe niverwe socal, colar), nod quaiiise malts ofthe individval sul, 1 ‘sagiiae tnt reeraminiog CA thenush erieal 1oeoe borrow from whe disipliner Tnetiovolngs, and pomposivea is ou one Azvation tut Ose etique sa ake, Other eres "howd gest eo roialie perspectives on clasvauet commanication fr bik weathers abd Inauers ees to vee the pone fe edehe sompowersen tha can sl oo unde enim Euibaous of CA, Asknomlesgensent ‘he nutaor wnehey Ub thank Macy Binchalit:Pelas, Warren Ailey, abd the to anocprmmn, _oviee fate Redback ou revive dria is ay Refereoses Ayr. 1.(8982). Cops sith psc saxty he pote postive inking Camonination Pavcaion 37, 28-29. Ayres, D.M and Apes, (1995), Redacing communica apatehcsion my at-risk eden, Commanicargn Reports 41761 Beaty. M. and dit, 8 (1985), Communicton appchenson and pene anesthe ‘redicon of pubic spenlingansety. Cemmanicnicn rer, 38. (2) [LA Beta. RW nl Sanger, CR (1998) Consopriching speech ase aa ea Wl ‘Sathorn Commaisation Jouran (2) £60158 omens IW, et nL 886). Clann eamtinietonsppreenin: A aewey. Communication Eclat, 35, 372398 Burgin, | 19761 The unellmgretocoumaniae se: evel inet and aiaton, ‘Comanication Monegraphs. 43, 60-89, ‘Bah, (LW. (DIU). Te nriona ean ule reper ese nations'governas Watsngon, 9: The White Hesse Cheng, YS, Hossa, EX. and Sable, 101 (1999). Largoage unity iM speaking aod wating cimponea. Caupuage Leong. $8, 7-426, 3 heat He ly, 1.0 Ante, DE. Lesnefes, RM, Cvele, ., Gai. 1 ‘nd Hoss, H. (1992), Communica“ ageccesion and sat perce tan ieation sounctane of ccs eanlente Communication Edam. 2, S360 ae en nd). Now Brunswick, CA: Transou'on Beaks. HnwholfeP cia Mond Pee, , (1968). 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