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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 469 747 TM 034 538 Barton, Paul AUTHOR A Deeper Look at NAEP Science Results. TITLE Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ. Policy INSTITUTION Information Center. PUB DATE 2002-00-00 10p.; Theme issue. NOTE AVAILABLE FROM ETS Policy Information Center, Educational Testing Center, Rosedale Road, 04-R, Princeton, NJ 08541-0001. Tel: 609-734- 5694; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: http://www.ets.org/research/ pic. Collected Works PUB TYPE Serials (022) ETS Policy Notes; 11 nl Fall 2002 JOURNAL CIT EDRS Price MF01/PC01 Plus Postage. EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS *Educational Trends; Elementary Education; Grade 4; Grade 8; Longitudinal Studies; *Low Achievement; National Surveys; *Science Achievement; Science Tests; Standards; Trend Analysis *National Assessment of Educational Progress IDENTIFIERS ABSTRACT This issue presents the results of a special analysis of NAEP state-by-state science data from 1996 to 2000 carried out by the Educational Testing Service under contract with the National Center for Education Statistics. The focus is on changes in the gap in scores between different groups of students. There were a few bright spots, but overall the results over this 4-year period of national concentration on standards-based reform were disappointing. There were no improvements on three indicators: the gap between the top and bottom quartile, the gap between white and minority students, and the gap between poor and nonpoor students. The gap actually grew in 11 states between the top and bottom quartiles and in 7 states between poor and nonpoor students. Only one state showed an improvement for the bottom quartile of students, but 17 states registered an improvement for the top quartile of the student population, and 7 states increased the percentage of students reaching the "proficient" level. Only three states, however, raised the statewide average scores. One state improved on four of seven indicators, and just two states improved on three indicators. Results underscore the importance of examining multiple indicators of state performance when analyzing NAEP data. (SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. ETS POLICY NOTES News from the ETS Policy Information Center VOLUME 11, Number 1 Fall 2002 A Deeper Look at NAEP Science Results U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS CENTER (ERIC) BEEN GRANTED BY his document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization R. J. Coley originating it. Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) official OERI position or policy. Policy Information Center Educational Testing Service (ETS) co HAM l; 181Es" iDo Errs POLICY NOTES News from the ETS Policy Information Center Volume 11, Number 1 Educational Testing Service Fall 2002 A Deeper Look at NAEP Science This IssueA Deeper Look Results at NAEP Science Results Introduction This issue of ETS Policy Notes presents the results of a special Persistent and disturbing differences in academic analysis of NAEP state-by-state achievement among U.S. students, usually apparent science data from 1996 and 2000 when students are grouped by race/ethnicity and/or carried out by ETS under con- some measure of socioeconomic status, have received tract with the National Center renewed attention from education policymakers. This for Education Statistics. The focus on the achievement gap in the U.S. education focus is on changes in the gap system carries forward Goal 3 of the national education in scores between different goals that students should demonstrate knowledge in groups of students. "challenging subject matter," with the objective that "the academic performance of all students... will Readers interested in more gen- increase significantly in every quartile, and the distri- eral results from the 2000 NAEP bution of minority students in every quartile will more science assessment should see closely reflect the student population as a whole." This Science Highlights 2000, available goal is renewed in the No Child Left Behind Act of from the National Center for 2001, which focuses on raising the academic achieve- Education Statistics (http:// ment of all students, setting a minimum threshold of nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/ performance toward which the lowest achieving sub- science/results/index.asp). groups of students must show progress on assessments in use in each state. Editor's note: This issue of ETS Policy Notes was written by Paul The major tool available to measure the overall Barton, with data analysis pro- achievement of U.S. students is the National Assess- vided by David Freund and ment of Educational Progress (NAEP), which regularly Mei-jung Lin. reports average scale scores and the percentage of stu- dents reaching specific "achievement levels" set by the National Assessment Governing Board.' National 1 For more information on NAEP, go to http:/ /nces.ed.gov /nationsreportcard. 3 and state results in science were reported in Changes in the gap between White and November 2001.2 minority students' This issue of ETS Policy Notes provides a more Changes in the gap between poor and in-depth examination of the gaps in science nonpoor students' achievement than is provided in regular NAEP reports. It is based on a special analysis of state- A Deeper Look at the Data by-state NAEP public school data from the 1996 and 2000 science assessments for Grade 8 While there were a few bright spots, the conducted by ETS under contract with the results over this four-year period of national National Center for Education Statistics. concentration on standards-based reform Thirty-three states participated in both assess- were disappointing. ments. Examining these state data can reveal patterns of performance that can be masked in Figure 1 shows the change in performance for national analyses. In addition to looking at each state, on each of the seven indicators. changes in overall average scores and in the Table 1 summarizes these results.6 percentage of students reaching the "proficient lever' this issue of ETS Policy Notes describes: Table 1 reveals that: Changes in achievement among top scorers There were no improvements on three indi- (fourth quartile) between 1996 and 2000 the gap between the top and bot- cators tom quartile, the gap between White and Changes in achievement among low scorers minority students, and the gap between (first quartile) poor and nonpoor students. Changes in the gap between the top and The gap grew in 11 states between the top bottom quartiles and bottom quartile and in seven states between poor and nonpoor students. 2 http://nces.ed.govinationsreportcard/pdf/main2000/2002452.pdf. 3 NAEP defines this level as representing solid academic performance for each grade assessed. Students reaching this level have demonstrated competency over challenging subject matter, including subject-matter knowledge, application of such knowledge to real-world situations, and analytical skills appropriate to the subject matter. 4 Minority students in this analysis are Black and Hispanic. 5 While NAEP does not include a poverty measure, it does report the percentage of students who are eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch. This measure is used as a proxy for "poor" students. 6 All differences noted are statistically significant based on r-tests. 4 2 Figure 1: Changes in NAEP Eighth-Grade Science Scores, 1996 to 2000 t Improved Change in: M Unchanged 4 White/ Worse Poor/ Percent Top Bottom Quartile Minority Nonpoor t Means Proficient Quartile Quartile Gap Gap Gap 4 Nation 401 ir 1 44 4mk Alabama 11 44 i w 4* 44 40 Arizona 44 j 44 40 44 4 44 44 Arkansas 44 40 1 4 44 44 California 44 44 44 40 Connecticut 40. 401 401 4wo 44 44 Georgia 44 40 40 401 401 I 1 44 4 44 Hawaii 44 4 t t t 44 Indiana 41 40 44 4=1 401 t Kentucky 44 44 4w1 44 1 4 Louisiana 44 11 1 4 4 44 Maine 40 44 44 44 I t 01 Maryland 4=1 44 401 4 401 t 44 44 Massachusetts 44 40 H 44 4 Michigan 40 44 4110 44 40 Minnesota 44 401 I 10. 4m1 t 4 t t 40 Mississippi 401 44 401 4 lr Missouri 01 44 4 44 lr 44 Montana 44 110 4=1 1 44 44 Nebraska 40 44 0 4=1 4=1 44 00 4.. 40 New Mexico 401 4=1 01 l 01 New York 40 01 4=1 01 410 5 4 44 40 North Carolina 44 -1. 4 4 40 4 01 40 North Dakota 4. 44 01 4 Oregon 40 44 I 4=1 44 44 im Rhode Island 44 40 H t 44 00 South Carolina 44 401 44 4=1 4 01 44 Tennessee 44 40 4=1 4 4 1 44 t 4* 44 Texas 4=1 I I I 4 1 01 4 Utah 44 4=1 I 1° Vermont 44 44 44 t I Virgina 44 401 44 400 401 4. 4 5 44 t West Virginia 44 4 Wyoming 44 401 44 5 3 Table 1: Change Between 1996 and 2000 in NAEP Eighth-Grade Science Achievement on Seven Indicators Change, States States States 1996 to 2000 in: Improving Unchanged Worse Average Score 3 28 2 Percent "Proficient" 7 26 0 Top Quartile 17 14 2 Bottom Quartile 25 7 1 Gap - Top and Bottom Quartile 0 22 11 Gap - White and Minority 0 33 0 Gap - Poor and Nonpoor 0 26 7 Only one state showed an improvement for no state did worse on four or more of the six the bottom quartile of students. indicators, six states did worse on one indicator, four states did worse on two indicators, and five However, 17 states registered an improve- states did worse on three indicators. ment for the top quartile of the student population, and These results underscore the importance of examining multiple indicators of state perfor- Seven states increased the percentage of mance when analyzing NAEP data. A look just students reaching the "proficient" level, at the percentage reaching the "proficient" level although only three states raised the state- of performance would fail to disclose that no wide average scones. progress was made among those students in the bottom quartile of the score distribution. Table 2 provides another summary of how the Without looking at the quartiles separately, we states fared on the seven indicators of change would not know the significant improvements that were used in this analysis. in average scores for the top quartile of the students. And as we can see from Figure 1, As shown, none of the states improved on all the gap between the top and bottom quartiles seven or six or five of the indicators. Just one increased in 11 states. In two of these states, state improved on four of the seven indicators, scores dropped for the bottom quartile and rose and just two states improved on three indica- for the top quartile, and in three states, scores tors. Four states improved on two of the declined in the bottom quartile without chang- indicators and 10 on a single indicator. While ing in the top quartile. 6 4 Table 2: State Performance on Seven Indicators of NAEP Science Achievement, 1996 - 2000 Number of States States States Indicators Improving Unchanged Worse 10 0 1 6 2 4 0 4 3 2 4 5 4 8 0 1 5 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 7 0 9 0 The overriding concern is that there was little the score gap between the top and the bottom improvement in science achievement; there was quartiles. In an earlier report on fourth grade no change in the nation as a whole in average reading (1992-1998), there was a similar result; scores or the percent reaching proficient scores declined in the bottom quartile in 18 although a few states managed to pull average states, while they rose in the top quartile in scores up.' There was an increase in scores in 12 states, with the gap between the top and the top quartile for the country as a whole and bottom enlarging in 16 states. This was not the in the top quartile in 17 states. case for mathematics, where there were gener- ally gains at both the top and bottom.' What is also noteworthy is that something in the dynamics of our educational system during There is no basis for speculation from these this period was resulting in improvement in the data as to what caused these growing gaps. scores of the best students, and deterioration However, the tracking of state-by-state progress or no changein the scores of the lowest scor- points out the need to delve more deeply into ing students, resulting in an enlargement of the gaps than just examining statewide averages 7 When nonpublic schools are included, there was a small but statistically significant increase in the percentage of eighth-graders reaching the "proficient" level or higher between 1996 and 2000. 8 Paul E. Barton, Raising Achievement and Reducing Gaps: Reporting Progress Toward Goals for Academic Achievement, A Report to the National Education Goals Panel, March 2001. Available from http:// www. ets .org/research/pic/raising.pdf 7 5 or the percentage reaching a particular score NAEP provides a rich source of information cut-point. about elementary and secondary education for the nation and for the participating states. Measuring what school students know and Persistent and Large Gaps are able to do is a little like wanting, from outside, to know what is inside The previous section has summarized the a very large situa- house. You look in tion in regard to whether the one window and see a gaps are narrow- little, and you look in another window and ing or widening over this four-year period. see a little more. But to know what is inside Figure 2 shows the size of these gaps for the house, you have to look in all the win- the participating states, for three indicators, dows. This report looks in several windows, in 2000. Typically, the gap between poor and but by no means all of them. nonpoor students is the smallest, and the gap between White and minority students is a little Another important dimension larger. However, the is the measure- gap between the bottom ment of growth in achievement from the and top quartile of all students is much larger, fourth to the eighth grade; in about 2 1/2 times the size of the other words; gap between how much students raised their White and minority students. For the scores over 2000 the four-year period. This is national results, these possible in math gaps were 32, 37, and 88 and reading where NAEP has been points, respectively. These operating are large gaps, and longer at the state level. This approach they have proven to be unyielding. is used in Growth in School: Achievement Gains from the Fourth to the Eighth Grade, by Paul These gaps vary, state-by-state, as can be seen Barton and Richard Coley, in Figure 2. However, a publication no significance should of the ETS Policy Information be given to relatively small differences Center among (ftp://ftp.ets.org/pub/res/growsch.pdf). In states, given the errors due to the sampling terms of state accountability testing, only approach in the NAEP assessment. Tennessee measures growth in knowledge during a year of schooling; the other states compare students at the end of a school year with their counterparts in previous years. 6 s a a t t n a n e d t a i o t i s u l n l o o i i c o u a p c n e a a a s r k a y i d n a r i t h p i n e x k a l t n a i g a a o s m k a g i a n c n k a i c r e s r a o C a t a s s r I s C D c o n n 0 u e i i s r n n a n a s M a i g g i a n e n s i o e u V e i a Y a i 5 a n o s o o e l o s m h i t i r b i a n y a h h s n t f n d h w t s n r i s o a g m n s n z i w t u n w r a t i i a h b k l t t n i o o c s s u d a o e s a a a n a e i g r r e o N o x l r r a e e r e i i i i o o y h o n C M e A G C e H M M r M M M M A A r K e e L M t N N N W O i N N R I S W T U V V T 8 3 0 4 4 4 2 e 3 3 2 3 3 g 1 0 r 0 3 9 9 3 a o 3 9 2 9 : 9 2 7 2 0 2 r o 2 2 2 2 7 7 0 e 2 2 3 P 4 4 3 v 2 2 2 3 2 2 A 2 2 n 1 2 2 0 1 0 e 2 2 2 r e o 7 0 6 1 w 2 1 o 4 3 4 1 p t e 1 n 1 B o 1 0 N p ) 1 1 4 a 4 d G - - n - - a - - 0 0 5 1 1 0 4 4 9 4 9 9 3 7 3 3 7 6 3 0 6 e 6 3 3 4 5 e 1 4 g 4 i 3 3 3 a 3 3 2 t s a 2 2 3 3 i 3 t 1 3 3 h 0 n 3 r 9 9 8 9 9 e i W 2 0 o 2 7 2 7 2 2 0 v 2 2 P 0 3 A n 4 2 e 4 2 3 2 e l 2 2 a y 2 , e c 0 t s 9 S 1 i w 1 r e 0 o P 2 t r e n E o B i A c M N S p 0 d a 1 e n G c a n e i 0 c S P 0 0 E 1 A 0 9 N 8 9 8 8 8 7 8 8 0 6 5 1 e 9 5 4 4 8 4 4 4 0 4 3 9 3 9 d e 8 9 9 8 8 2 1 1 l 8 a 8 1 8 i p 8 t 9 r 8 r 7 7 7 o 6 G 7 6 a 6 6 0 7 7 6 7 7 T 7 7 8 7 u - 3 h Q n 7 0 1 e t 0 7 h 7 7 m e 1 6 g 0 6 w 6 7 6 o i - t E t e t - o B n - B i p 0 e 6 s a d p G n n a a i G a 0 a s a a n t a a d 5 a i a s n a y i i u a o a a i d n a a n p m a t r k e i a s h i n g : n t a M n t k a o n n g n u c k c n t n t o n s o r o p i a e w 2 a o a c n e a i a n g a o a o r i s i r o i n i n a g i s t z i x x s l t o u k o i i l s t i l s a i i Y a c b t o m s U d m o i s y a e h l e g e i e s a n a g t e f s u s r H e r a s r n n i r r i e c T k n r r M A e r o b u D w l I a r i G o h a a N n i O i l a s e I e i r i M n V A n e M o M V C e y c M C e A n r s C V K i w n h N L W a d M N i o u M t e h t s h o e s C r T t s o g h t N e r u a o N R W o i M N F S Recently Published by the ETS Policy Information Center... www.ets.orglresearchlpic The Closing of the Education Frontier? Meeting the Need for Scientists, Engineers, and an Educated Citizenry in a 11 Technological Society An Uneven Start: Indicators of Inequality in School Readiness Staying on Course in Education Reform Facing the Hard Facts in Education Reform The Twin Challenges of Mediocrity and Inequality: an Literacy in the U.S. from International Perspective ETS Policy Notes is published by the NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION ETS Policy Information Center US POSTAGE Educational Testing Service PAID Rosedale Road, 04-R EDUCATIONAL Princeton, NJ 08541-0001 TESTING SERVICE (609) 734-5694 e-mail: [email protected] www.ets.org/research/pic Editor: Richard J. Coley Copyright © 2002 by Educational Testing Service. All rights reserved. Educational Testing Service is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE, ETS, and the ETS logo are registered trademarks of Educational Testing Service. The modernized ETS logo is a trademark of Educational Testing Service. 88503-02536 Y102E6 Printed in the U.SA I.N. 995824

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