DOCUMENT RESUME ED 462 799 EC 308 871 AUTHOR Danner, Greg, Ed.; Fresen, Sue, Ed. TITLE Physical Science. Teacher's Guide [and Student Guide]. Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students (PASS). INSTITUTION Leon County Schools, Tallahassee, FL. Exceptional Student Education. SPONS AGENCY Florida State Dept. of Education, Tallahassee. Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services. PUB DATE 1999-00-00 NOTE 576p.; Course No. 2003310. Part of the Curriculum Improvement Project funded under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B. AVAILABLE FROM Florida State Dept. of Education, Div. of Public Schools and Community Education, Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Turlington Bldg., Room 628, 325 West Gaines St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400. Tel: 800-487-0186 (Toll Free); Tel: 850-487-0186; Fax: 850 487-2679; e-mail: [email protected]; Web site: PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Teacher (052) EDRS PRICE MF02/PC24 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Academic Accommodations (Disabilities); Academic Standards; *Atomic Structure; Biochemistry; Biophysics; *Chemical Bonding; Curriculum; *Disabilities; Inclusive Schools; Instructional Materials; *Laboratory Experiments; Molecular Structure; Nuclear Technology; *Physical Sciences; Science Experiments; *Science Instruction; Scientific Methodology; Secondary Education; State Curriculum Guides; Textbooks; Units of Study; Workbooks IDENTIFIERS *Florida ABSTRACT This-teacher's guide and student guide unit contains supplemental readings, activities, and methods adapted for secondary students who have disabilities and other students with diverse learning needs. The materials are designed to help these students succeed in regular education content courses and include simplified text and smaller units of study. The curriculum correlates to Florida's Sunshine State Standards and is divided into the following 21 units of study: (1) scientific method; (2) scientific measurements; (4) changes in matter; (3) matter; (5) introduction to the (6) atomic theory; atom; (7) structure of matter; (8) chemical equations; (9) solutions and suspensions; (10) acids, bases, and salts; (11) chemical reactions; (12) energy, work, force, and power; (13) forms of energy; (14) forces and motions; (15) machines; (16) magnetism; (17) electricity; (18) nuclear energy; (20) waves; and (21) science, society, and the (19) heat; world. The teacher's guide includes a general description of each unit's content focus, provides suggestions for enrichment, and contains an assessment to measure student performance. Appendices describe instructional strategies, list enrichment suggestions, contain suggestions for specific strategies to facilitate inclusion, and contain a chart describing standards and benchmarks. The student guide includes practices and lab activities. (Contains 32 references.) (CR) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Physical Science. Teacher's Guide [and Student Guide]. Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students (PASS). Greg Danner, Editor Sue Fresen, Editor U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE AND Office of Educational Research and Improvement DISSEMINATE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES GRANTED BY INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) O This document has been reproduced as A. M. Duncan received from the person or organization originating it. 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. TO TIIE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) document do not necessarily represent official OERI position or policy. 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Teacher's Guide Parallel Alternative C,Strategles for Students Physical Science Course No. 2003310 SCOPE OF INTEREST NOTICE The ERIC Facility has assigned this document for processing to: In our judgment, this document is also of interest to the Clear- inghouses noted to the right. Indexing should reflect their special points of view. 1999 gRaiFlorida Department of Education v-4 00 00 BEST COPY AVAILABLE 3 This is one of many publications available through the Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Florida Department of Education, designed to assist school districts, state agencies which support educational programs, and parents in the provision of special programs. For additional information on this publication, or for a list of available publications, contact the Clearinghouse Information Center, Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Florida Department of Education, Room 628 Turlington Bldg., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400. telephone: (850) 488-1879 FAX: (850) 487-2679 Suncom: 278-1879 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: 4 AVAILABLE COPY BEST Parallel PASS Book Evaluation Form Alternative forStrategies for Students Date. PASS Volume Title: Your Position. Your Name: School: School Address: Directions: We are asking for your assistance in clarinling the benefits of using the PASS book as a supplementaiy text. After using the PASS book with your students, please respond to all the statements in the space provided,. use additional sheets if needed. Check the appropriate response using the scale below. Then, remove this page, fold so the address is facing out, attach postage, and mail. Thank you for your assistance in this evaluation. I Content The content provides appropriate modifications, accommodations, and/or 1. alternate learning strategies for students with special needs. The content is at an appropriate readability level. 2. The content is up-to-date, 3. The content is accurate. 4. The content avoids ethnic and gender bias. 5. Presentation U ZIUULI LIQUUU The writing style enhances learning. 6. DIDUU The text format and graphic design enhance learning. 7. U LIU_UU The practice/application activities are worded to encourage expected response. 8. Key words are defined. 9. U Information is clearly displayed on charts/graphs. 10. Student Benefits CIL:1(111U U UUUU 11. The content increases comprehension of course content. U ULIUU 12. The content improves daily grades and/or tests scores. 13. The content increases mastery of the standards in the course. Usage the ways you The simplified texts of PASS are designed to be used as an additional resource to the state-adopted text(s). Please check have used the PASS books. Feel free to add to the list: [] outside assignment [:I additional resource for the basic text Li individual contract U pre-teaching tool (advance organizer) U self-help modules CI post-teaching tool (review) U independent activity for drill and practice U alternative homework assignment ageneral resource material for small or large groups aalternative to a book report assessment of student learning extra credit U other uses: LI make-up work 5 Overall Strengths: Limitations: Other comments: !Directions: Check each box that is applicable.] A computer Ca A printer I have daily access at school to: tj The Internet rji A CD-ROM drive A computer All of my students have daily access at school to: Li The Internet L:1 A printer I:11 A CD-ROM drive Li The Internet 1.3 CD-ROM I would find it useful to have PASS on: ZI Mac Li PC/IBM Fold Here -Fold Here Place Stamp Here Post Office Will Not Deliver Without Postage Arlene Duncan, Program Director BISCS Clearinghouse Turlington Building, Room 628 325 West Gaines Street Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400 Please Tape hereDo Not Staple Physical Science Teacher's Guide Course No. 2003310 Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services Division of Public Schools and Community Education Florida Department of Education 1999 This product was developed by Leon County Schools, Exceptional Student Education Department, through the Curriculum Improvement Project, a special project, funded by the State of Florida, Department of Education, Division of Public Schools and Community Education, Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services, through federal assistance under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part B. Copyright State of Florida Department of State 1999 Authorization for reproduction is hereby granted to the State System of Public Education as defined in Section 228.041(1), Florida Statutes. No authorization is granted for distribution or reproduction outside the State System of Public Education without prior approval in writing. Physical Science Teacher's Guide Course No. 2003310 revised by Greg Danner edited by Greg Danner Sue Fresen graphics by Rachel McAllister page layout by Blanche Blank Curriculum Improvement Project IDEA, Part B, Special Project 11..5 [Eon own SII10015 Exceptional Student Education 9 Curriculum Improvement Project Sue Fresen, Project Manager Leon County Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Ward Spisso, Director of Exceptional Education and Student Services Diane Johnson, Director of the Florida Diagnostic and Learning Resources System (FDLRS)/Miccosukee Associate Center School Board of Leon County Tom Young, Chair Joy Bowen J. Scott Dailey Maggie Lewis Fred Varn Superintendent of Leon County Schools William J. Montford 1 0